Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 7

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#7 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader! We're going to jump ahead a few years here. I love writing sex but I'd like to think you're here and invested in so much more than the smut at this point, right? I hope so anyway? Wait- Do you think there won't be any sex this episode?! Ha!

The wheels of fate are beginning to turn, you no doubt see some of the past stories starting to take shape within the shadows of this tale, yes? Let us continue on then, as our lovely fox is about to meet someone that will forever change his life, and by proxy, many others, some you might be surprised by actually... but I digress, let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader! We're going to jump ahead a few years here. I love writing sex but I'd like to think you're here and invested in so much more than the smut at this point, right? I hope so anyway? Wait- Do you think there won't be any sex this episode?! Ha!

The wheels of fate are beginning to turn, you no doubt see some of the past stories starting to take shape within the shadows of this tale, yes? Let us continue on then, as our lovely fox is about to meet someone that will forever change his life, and by proxy, many others, some you might be surprised by actually... but I digress, let's jump right in!


Episode 7:

Can you care about me?

The seasons whisked by and time moved forward. I grew accustomed to Rachel not having her wings though she was occasionally mistaken as a cadet from time to time by newer members of the knighthood.

I met with Lorelai at a minimum once per season, but I never overstayed my welcome. We also shared letters and began meeting outside of her home, as to not cause drama or political problems within her court. Val and the servants kept their word, but she didn't wish to concern her family at large over what we had going on.

Years passed and things just became normal despite me having three lovers. Rachel and Toroah were understanding of the situation with one another as well as Lorelai, I knew in my heart I didn't deserve such consideration from any of the three of them. I thanked the gods for each of them daily and tried to relish my time with them.

It had been nearly a decade since I became Toroah's first and my power had grown exponentially in those years of rigorous training. However, it wasn't just my physical strength. Toroah had set me to educating my mind as well, not to mention I had become friends with Lorelai's brother Val. The incubus had given me new insight into demons and showed my prejudices were undeserved, that even their kind could show kindness.

Being Toroah's first, I was frequently present during important meetings of the archangels, as was Rachel. She may have been wingless, but she was for all intents and purpose, Hagen's first, so she was afforded the treatment that came with it.

I had frequently met all of the archangels in one capacity or another. Of course, Toroah whom I loved dearly, and Hagen who never forgave my outbursts or attitude towards him. There was Samantha who was the most imposing of them, though Toroah was easily her better in combat, and then Ichiro, the eldest and arguably most powerful of them.

When I say powerful, I do not mean physically. Ichiro appeared ancient even by our standards, a large st bernard with deep laugh lines on his face and the shows of age all over him. It seemed even just standing and moving was an effort for him at times. No, his power was spiritual and sheer will. The dog may have lacked physical prowess, but there was no denying the sheer arcane and divine wrath he no doubt could call down if the need arose.

There was a fifth archangel whom I had not met, I had seen her in passing when I had been a cadet, but she was very much a hands-on type and stayed closer to the action as it were, rarely coming to the citadel except when extremely important events were transpiring. However, the meeting I would soon share with her would forever shift the course of my life, hers, and many others around me.

Toroah had told me it would be poor form not to introduce myself properly to her when she arrived. It wasn't hard to find her, I could sense her overwhelming power easily enough. The wolf was alone in the training grounds. It was the middle of the night, but of course, here in the citadel that meant little, the light of day was the same strength as if it were noon.

I had been in flight and grumbling about why Toroah insisted I do this at night of all times, but orders were orders, he wanted me to greet her after the business of the day was concluded. I flapped my wings and gingerly landed to the side of the training grounds.

Charlotte was the fifth archangel of the group and the oldest behind Ichiro and Toroah. Her snow-white fur lent well to her ivory skin and blonde hair. The style she wore it in was very similar to my own, straight without much natural curl to it, but pulled back in a ponytail to avoid getting in the way of training.

The wolf easily had a foot on me and then some on the bulk. She was strong and powerful looking but still graceful, not bringing quite the sheer size Samantha sported, but not nearly as lithe as Toroah either. She appeared to be in a trance as I watched her go through the series of motions with her straight rapier, the blade seeming to glow in her grasp.

After a few moments, I noticed it wasn't just glowing, it was aflame as if a sword of fire. My jaw gaped as I realized then, it wasn't a physical sword, her silver rapier was still in its scabbard. She was literally using a sword channeled of her own divine will.

Cutting her blue eyes to me, Charlotte acknowledged my presence, but it was still a few more minutes before she completed her routine. The wolf turned and looked upon me, saying nothing as she held the flaming sword in her grasp. I didn't bother saluting, we just locked eyes and stared upon one another for several moments, as if sizing one another up.

Cocking a brow at me, the wolf lifted her chin and simply hurled the flaming rapier at me. I barked out and immediately channeled my will, producing a magical shield of light that deflected the flames, divine light rolling off the dome of it. I of course had been training in the arcane arts as well during these past years.

My own teeth showed in a snarl at the surprise attack and saw that Charlotte had already produced her actual physical rapier in her left hand, her right moving up as she curled a finger, beckoning me forward.

I said nothing as my own longsword came out of its scabbard and snapped my wings, launching into the air before diving upon her, the silver gleaming as her rapier met it in a massive clash of force. I was bringing the full power of my dive and gripping the sword with both hands, but she just stood there with one hand, not even having stepped back from the blow.

My eyes narrowed as we stared upon one another, my feet on the ground now, baring all my power against her, feeling her left arm only slightly yielding before the wolf simply wasn't there. I gave a bark of surprise then felt a boot on my back as I slammed to the earth face first.

"Get up," She growled the orders in a soft but icy tone as she calmly walked several yards from me. My tail fluffed out as I climbed to my feet and saw she was already set in her stance again. I didn't even bother dusting myself off as I set my longsword once more.

The wolf gave a nod and once again beckoned me forward. I growled and summoned forth my divine energies, wings spreading out as I snapped my teeth together hard before launching forward. I blurred across the field and she met me once more with a parry, her blue eyes widening as she acknowledged I was being serious now.

She rolled my longsword with her own blade, pulling it down before taking a wide swing with her own rapier, the silver flashing in an arc as I pivoted and threw my own blade up. I was still holding my sword with both hands and her with just her left, but the blow drove me back several feet, sending a thrum through my arms. I shuddered at her strength, I had sparred with all of the archangels but her sheer power was even outpacing Samantha's.

"Is that all?" Charlotte tilted her head curiously, giving me a bored look as she rolled the rapier in her grip lazily, spinning the blade.

My ears sprang up as I shook off the initial shock then snapped my wings hard as I lowered my stance. I made a prayer as I clasped my rosary in my off-hand, feeling energy surge through me as I threw off my shackles. Toroah had taught me much in this decade of divine combat, I had learned to use my own divinity to enhance my vitals, giving me bursts of strength and speed, but usually, it was reserved for dire situations, as it was incredibly taxing upon me.

It also gave me one hell of an ego trip for some reason when I pushed the power to its limit. I gave the archangel a cocky grin and simply blinked out of sight. Charlotte lifted her snow-white ears then side-stepped a swing of my longsword with a bark, thrusting her rapier forward but there was only the briefest glint of silver on silver before I was gone.

I heard the wolf growl in a deep rumble, shifting her rapier to her right hand as I appeared behind her. She threw the blade up and caught my overhead strike while looking over her shoulder at me, her thick fluffy tail thrashing before she whirled on me, sending a booted kick right towards my jaw.

My offhand caught the blow but the sheer force of the strike sent me pivoting backward a few steps, the wolf now upon me, rapier flashing as I began to parry and deflect. She pierced near the hilt of my own sword and started a circle motion intent to disarm me, but I flowed through with it, lunging forward.

She gave a throaty bark as I pushed into her chest my free hand grabbing her shoulder. Our swords dropped to the ground as we locked into a grapple, both our sharp teeth showing as we struggled and repositioned, each trying to get the upper hand. Eventually, I got a foot under her ankle and sent her to the ground.

Her large feathery wings slapped across the packed dirt of the training area, dust flying in all directions as she cocked a brow at my position of laying over her. I had one hand squarely on her shoulder, my other still gripping her wrist, panting and heaving, my chest pushing to her own, feeling the indentation of her breasts through the leather armor she wore.

The scent on her was surprisingly appealing for some reason but I couldn't quite put my finger on why, she just smelled really good right now. She gave a nod of her chin to acknowledge the pin and I staggered back, knees shaking to keep myself upright now that the energy had run its course.

The wolf rolled back on her shoulders, planted only a single hand onto the ground, and pushed herself up off it several feet into the air. She snapped her wings to dislodge the dirt from them before gracefully landing on her feet, not even looking the slightest bit winded from the whole ordeal, while I looked ready to collapse.

"You need work, but you're not bad," She spoke the words in a gentle voice, walking over to collect both our swords, tossing mine to me hilt first. I caught the blade which felt extra heavy in my grasp, sheathing it.

"Nice to meet you too," I grumbled the words as I dusted myself off, sighing as I felt my stamina starting to stabilize.

Charlotte showed me an amused grin as she rested a hand on her hip. "What's your name, knight?"

I frowned at her words, they had a faint inflection to them, an accent I didn't recognize, but I could tell they weren't meant in a belittling way. "Ryder, it's good to meet you, Commander Charlotte."

Charlotte folded her arms and quirked a brow at me. "Why do you smell like a vampire, pup?"

I snarled at the tone and put my own hand to my hip. "Probably because I was in bed with one last night."

The wolf gave me a crooked grin, a look in her eyes like she didn't want to believe me, but then was amused to no end that I was being truthful. "Truly? You've got yourself a little vampire whore you lay with?"

"She is no whore!" I spat out and showed my teeth, my tail going rigid.

"Huh... interesting." That was all the wolf said as she started dusting herself off.

"That's it? Interesting? Nothing else, Commander?" I prodded and quirked a brow.

Charlotte shrugged as she looked at me curiously as if confused by my own confusion. "What? You expect me to ride your tail about it or something? You're a big fox and obviously, you're not turned or enthralled, what business of it is mine with who you tumble in the sheets with?"

I folded my ears and nodded. "Well, thank you... I've caught nothing but grief from most over it."

"That stands to reason, they are all up here, I'm down in the thick of it. I know it's not so black and white." She brushed off her hips then met my eyes with a long gaze before speaking once more, "Toroah made you his first, eh?"

"Yes Commander, almost a decade past." I offered her the first salute of our meeting and her eyes rolled at it.

"I avoid the citadel because of how stuffy it is, at ease knight." She grumbled the words while looking me over again.

I frowned and nodded, but then awkwardly averted my eyes while she peered so intently upon me. "Uh... is something wrong?"

"Several things... Your energy, your strength, even the very willpower you exert forth." She moved over towards me and brought her face close to my own, giving a deep huff through her nose. I barked at her proximity, feeling my cheeks darken, tail wagging awkwardly.

"Please, Ryder. You obviously get around, you stink of sex. Don't act so timid around a female." Charlotte rolled her eyes as she stood once more and gave a shrug. "Well, you don't smell like you're not one of us, so I don't know."

"My apologies ma'am, I just wasn't expecting uh... to be sniffed by you." I laughed as I rubbed the back of my head with a grin.

She showed me her own grin, her canines looking larger than mine, her snow-white ears perking in amusement. It was a cute, almost childish smile, but it was an earnest one and it made my heart skip for a moment for some reason.

"C'mon killer, you can buy me a mead and tell me how you bagged my ex-boyfriend who I smell all over you." The wolf showed me another playful smirk as she turned and started making her way right to the nearest tavern.


Rank dominion:

All celestials from the moment they join, accept a condition that they must obey the orders of a superior officer. Cadets may be commanded by any Knight and so long as the orders are within reason, they must obey. Even if a celestial personally oppose an order, their body will respond to it.

There are, of course, limits to this compulsion. A lower-class celestial can not be forced to do something that would be in a direct conflict with their personal belief code. For example, you could not force a lower rank that was abstaining from drink or a type of food to partake in it. Likewise, compulsion cannot be used to force one to commit an obvious crime.

Unfortunately, there are gray areas in this, such as compelling one to fight in hopeless combat against an enemy they have no hope of defeating. These situations are extremely rare though and higher ranks that commit such acts, usually find themselves demoted at best, or executed at worst.


"So you and Toroah...?"

"Yes indeed, a handful of centuries ago. He's one of the reasons I don't hang around the citadel very much, too many bad memories." Charlotte took several heavy gulps of mead from her tankard, then plopped it back down on the table, sighing. "But damn me if I didn't miss the mead up here, mundane stuff just doesn't cut it!"

I smiled and took a sip of my own that I had been working on, assuming her segue into talking of drink was her way of not wanting to press the subject of him. "Their wine isn't bad though."

"You a wine kind of guy, Ryder? Your little vampire lover strut around all elegantly in a shimmering dress, sipping on glasses of your blood while you indulge in fine wine she's had stored away for centuries?" Charlotte gave me a challenging grin as she cocked her brow.

"When I let her keep the dress on, yes that sounds about right." I gave a cocky little hum as she whistled at my bravado.

"I like you! Cocky little pup, but you're a good sort I can tell. What's her name?" She asked the question conversationally, and I didn't think before I answered.

I wagged my tail as her face came into my mind while I spoke, "It's Lorelai."

Charlotte had been in the middle of another gulp when she snorted out and began coughing. "L-Lorelai?!" She wiped her jaw and slammed a hand to the table, meeting my eyes squarely. "Tell me she's not a sheep, please tell me she's not-"

"She's a sheep." I lifted my head as I spoke out smugly.

The wolf just shook her head, blinking a few times before she took another sip of her mead. The look on her face said she was choosing her words carefully now. "That's a dangerous one, Ryder... very dangerous."

"I've sparred with her a few times, yeah. She's pretty scary even when she doesn't use her domination tricks."

Charlotte frowned at my words. "You've no idea, I've crossed paths with that one on occasion. I've half the mind to ask where she is these days so I can have a rematch."

"Wait- You and Lorelai have fought?" I tilted my head, ears perking curiously.

"Oh yeah, a couple of times. We've bumped into one another while she was off on her little trips, purging and saving the savage ones. I also look out for the mad ones, the lycanthropes, and mages too. Anything that's pretty much lost its mind and started tearing things up."

"Wait... your goals align, why would you fight then?" I cocked a brow.

"Because I can't stand the bitch and I think the feeling's mutual. We get along like oil and water." Charlotte drummed her fingers on the wood of the table, then slammed the empty tankard down as she yelled back to the barkeep, "More!"

I watched her start on a fresh tankard of mead and shook my head. "I hope this won't uh..."

"Relax, I don't care if you're laying the sheep, maybe some sex will make her lighten up." The wolf sighed out and growled. "Still... you're seeing her, Toroah, and another fox by the smell of you. So much for my plan."

"Your plan?" I frowned at her, feeling more confused by the moment.

"Ah, I was hoping that stupid bunny might scratch my itch since my heat started recently. Funny how the gods like to fuck with you huh? We go into heat still, but we can't even breed, I mean who comes up with this stuff?"

I barked out and awkwardly looked away. "Ah... I- I mean we aren't mutual, Charlotte, you probably still could try your luck. I certainly won't begrudge any of my lovers doing their own things, given my situation."

"Huh... well that's an alright way to look at things. I can respect you're off being a little fox-whore, but not expecting your mates to wait around for their turn." She gave me a nod as I barked out in protest.

"H-Hey... it's not like I'm sleeping around with anything I can get! I love each and every one of them!"

"Oh, I'm sure you do. You don't strike me as a one-night-only kind of dog. You only want to lay things you care about."

My tail fluffed as I gave a nod. "That's right! I don't just want to-"

"So, what do I gotta do to make you care about me, doggy?" Charlotte showed me that grin from earlier and my ears folded, my eyes going wide.

"Wait-" I looked down to see only about a third of my mead was gone. "Yeah, I'm not drunk. Are you-"

"Coming on to you? Yeah of course I am, you obviously know your way around in bed if you can wrangle that bunny and sheep. Not to mention I love a dog that can keep up with me in a fight, even if it wasn't very long. You've got promise as a warrior!" The wolf gave me a hungry growl as she took another pull of mead, but I could tell she wasn't anywhere near being intoxicated.

My tail fluffed out as I bit my lower lip, staring down at my tankard wracking my brains. She was really cute the way she was so casual about it, and my perverse brain was already wondering how fun she'd be in bed. Still, I hardly knew her even though that smell of heat on her was making this very hard to resist. "C-Charlotte, I'm flattered but uh, we just met and-"

"That a no, big guy?" Her ears folded and she frowned at my words. "Alright, no hard feelings. I know you've got a lot on your plate after all."

An awkward silence settled between us as I took another sip of my mead, still trying to process all of this. I saw her looking down at her own tankard, lost in who knows what thoughts. I know it was a chauvinistic thing to think, but I hated upsetting females, then again on the few times I'd really upset Toroah or Ezikiel I felt like my heart was breaking, so maybe I just didn't like hurting others in general.

"I... I wasn't rejecting your offer Charlotte." I finally huffed out, jerking my gaze away before taking another drink.

"Seemed like you were leading into some sort of convoluted excuse to me, Ryder." She looked up at me and then ran her fingers through her hair giving a smug look as she poked her nose into the air. "I'm a tough doggy, don't you worry about me."

"I just didn't want you thinking I only wanted you because you smell good right now!" I growled the words, glaring at her display but also feeling my heart pick up pace at how full of herself she looked. Damn it, I really did have a type.

"You think I smell good?" She opened one eye, lazily twisting a lock of her hair with her finger not unlike how Lorelai did. Her nose was still poked up along with her large white ears and I could clearly see a faint wag in that tail behind her.

Of course, I liked how she smelled, that was the whole point, wasn't it? Isn't that what females going into heat was all about, was to make them drive you crazy with that delicious scent? Make you go mad in a desire to give them puppies? I barked out as I pulled myself from my daydreams and gave her a nod. "Of course I do, I even noticed it when we were sparring earlier."

"Sniffing on a commanding officer, Ryder? How devious of you." She cooed the words, pushing her palm to her cheek as she showed a grin to me, seeing she was starting to hook me now.

"I mean, in my defense, you started that sparring match! It's not like I came over to fight with you! Of course, I'm going to smell you when we start grappling!" My cheeks darkened and I jerked my gaze away with another growl filling my throat, "And, you were sniffing on me too!"

"Why did you decide to come meet with me at that exact moment?" She cocked a brow as she looked at me full on now.

"Toroah said you would be doing your nightly routine and it would be a good chance to introduce myself." My ears lifted and I rubbed at my chin in thought. Did that sneaky rabbit think something like this would happen? Maybe he was just baiting the eager wolf on me so he didn't have to deal with awkward ex-girlfriend sex?

"Ha... he still knows me so well. Then again you adhere to a routine for a few centuries, I guess it tends to stick." Charlotte sighed and leaned back in her chair, meeting my eyes with a shrug. I had a feeling she wasn't following the same chain of logic I was, maybe I was overthinking things with Toroah, and he just legitimately thought it was a good time to do it.

"Hey... you wanna go fly around a bit?" Charlotte broke the silence and pulled me from my thoughts of Toroah as I tilted my head curiously.

"Fly around? Like outside of the citadel?"

"Yeah! A late-night flight always calms me down but I don't wanna go alone, wouldn't you like to stretch your wings a bit?" She showed me a playful grin, her tail wagging as she cocked a brow.

I hadn't just flown around for fun in a long time. Sure when you get your wings the first time around you're excited to do such things, but just like a toddler learning to walk, eventually, the thrill fades to normality and it just becomes another thing you do to get around.

Of course, my thoughts turned to my wingless partner which made me frown, then made me scowl, I had half the mind to go wake up Hagen and punch him in the face again. Charlotte looked confused at my sudden snarling and called out to me, "Hey... you okay? We don't have to if it- if I'm upsetting you that much."

"What? No, I just... ugh... I was thinking of that pompous ram!" I spat out bitterly.

"You mean Hagen? What's your deal with that stick in the mud?" She showed me a crooked grin.

I gave her the quick version of the tale and she shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Ah, that makes sense though. I don't think it was just a malicious thing though."

"How do you figure?" I growled as I stood up from the table, pushing my tankard to the side, throwing some coins onto the table for both our drinks.

Charlotte smiled as she saw I paid for her drinks as well before also lifting from the table. "Hagen was Raphael's apprentice and first, Raph did the same thing to him. Said he wanted him to not rely on his wings."

"Huh... so it's a right of passage thing? Maybe I should feel bad about breaking his fucking jaw then." I snarled as I held the door for her as we left the tavern and stepped back out into the cobblestone streets of the citadel commons.

"Ha! You popped that blowhard one? Oh, I knew there was a reason I liked you! Don't feel bad about it, he had it coming a thousand times over, he's a stuck-up little wretch just like Raph was."

"Well, maybe I'll give him a few more then." I barked out and Charlotte laughed at my words before giving me a sidelong glance, her sharp teeth showing in an almost predatory but smug grin.

I blinked at her and felt my face growing warmer as I glanced away. The archangel gave me a smirk and snapped her finger loudly. Of course, the sound brought my attention back to her and I saw a large gate behind her, a starry night sky on the other side of it. "You joining me, or will you leave a lady to fly all alone, Ryder?" Her nose poked up looking haughty before she simply stepped backward and fell straight down out of sight.

At this point, I think she knew what she was doing, acting haughty like that. She must have picked up on it, or maybe I was overthinking things again, I was good at that. I frowned as I stood before the gate then huffed out as I put a hand to my hip. "Well... what the hell!" I barked out and stepped forward into the gate, going right into a freefall.

I wasn't sure what part of the mundane world the gate opened to but whatever it was, it was the middle of the night. The sky was covered in a blanket of glittering stars and we were far about the cloud line, but I could see a few mountain peaks jutting out of the clouds in some locations.

My wings snapped out to slow my fall, giving a few heavy beats of them to bring myself to a maintained position. My hands rested on my hips as I scanned the area but couldn't find Charlotte anywhere, even though I was only a few seconds behind her.

She let out a cute little bark right in one of my ears as I yipped, the shock making my wings stall out their flapping as I dropped several feet before glaring up at the wolf who was just there giving me a smug grin as she started unlacing the sides of her leather armor. Her wings were whisper-quiet as they gracefully rose and fell, keeping the large wolf suspended there.

"Gods! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I huffed as I lifted back up to her, facing the other angel now as I frowned, but then my ears perked as I saw her shrugging the armor off.

Charlotte gave me a quizzical smile as she stripped the leather free, exposing the silk top beneath it, the shapely outline of her breasts coming into view for the first time. "What? It's a hassle to fly in armor." She dropped the chest piece as a gate popped open under it, then closed again.

She grinned, seeing my eyes were now roaming her more exposed figure. The silk wasn't thin, but I could easily make out the shape of her chest as well as the ample cleavage from where the top came down her collar slightly. She had a lot of muscle and it seemed to just push her breasts out all the more.

"Why did you join me, Ryder?" She flicked her nose upwards, then made a graceful flap of her wings, circling me a few times in a lithe fluid motion like a snake coiling around a branch, but I felt nothing other than the faint brush of her wing before she halted to look at me over her shoulder.

I tried to track her as she circled, then blushed as she halted before me, back turned now, showing me her firm-looking backside and that luscious-looking white tail. My brain finally caught up with the question as my eyes tracked back up to hers, her teeth showing in a knowing grin that I'd been eying her rear. "I- It would have been rude to not join after you requested me to."

"Was it simply chivalry that made you come then?" Her tail gave a few flicks before she threw a hand out to beckon me and started flying in earnest.

"No, I can't say it was. Of course, I would have felt guilty about denying your request, but..." I trailed off as I looked over at her while keeping pace, watching her hair flow in the wind, her wings elegant as they spread to catch the updraft, more gliding than flying now.

She hummed melodically as she deftly turned and swooped under me, actually shifting to her back as she grasped my shoulders and gave me a playful grin as she looked up at me. "But what?" The words came out quickly as she broke away to resume her flight, after all, it's not like our wings worked upside down.

I saw her eyes shining with almost child-like merriment in that brief instant before she was gone and beside me again. I halted my movements, coming to a stop as I flapped my wings to keep myself aloft. She realized a few moments later I had ceased following and quickly circled back, stopping before me as she tilted her head in confusion. "Did I say or do something odd?"

My tail wagged as I grunted while looking upon her, she was so lovely in the starlight, one part elegant and another part playful. Seeing her made my heart pound, but I wasn't even sure what the point of any of this was. Did she just want to flitter around for fun, was it a convoluted attempt at coaxing me? Even now I didn't think I was anything special, couldn't she just go to Toroah's quarters, he was still a pervert and would happily indulge her I'd imagine.

Charlotte frowned as I got lost in my thoughts, not answering her question. "We can go back if I'm upsetting you, Ryder."

My ears perked at her words and I shook my head. "I'm not upset, just not sure what... all this is."

"All of what? I just thought you'd enjoy flying around a bit. Don't you like flying Ryder?"

"I mean, I don't dislike it but, I don't do it for fun either." I gave a shrug as I answered her.

"Ah, I've been told it's a childish thing for me to enjoy it, but the wind in my hair, the way it whistles against my ears. It makes me feel free, makes me feel like nothing matters. It also cools me off so I'm not going rabid from my heat!" She barked out a laugh at the last part, then showed me a small smile. "I suppose I thought you might get it, that you might enjoy sharing the moment with me."

My heart slammed up into my throat at the small vulnerable smile, why was she sharing such intimate details with me? Why ask me to do this with her at all? I don't think it had anything to do with her heat now or her passing comment earlier about getting to like her. "I enjoy it just fine, but why invite me to do something so personal like this?"

"Flitting about in the sky is personal, but implying I want you to lay me isn't, Ryder?" Charlotte showed me an amused grin as she folded her arms, her wings gracefully moving up and down to keep her there at eye level with me.

"Hey... some don't look very highly on sex being sacred, ya know? But... this is obviously important to you. I don't feel like I've done anything to deserve sharing it with you."

She barked out a laugh and moved closer, showing me a smug grin as her nose nearly touched my own. I gave a startled huff but maintained my position, blinking in her face. "Just got a feeling about you, something I felt when we were tangled up and sparring, ya know? I'm not a romantic, Ryder... I'm sure that dumb sheep can say it better than I ever could, I just... something makes me want to get to know you, you understand?"

My head nodded as I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Y-yeah, I get it, and I don't-" My eyes widened as she cupped my cheeks in her hands and pushed her mouth right to my own in a deep kiss.

The wings on my back went stiff like my tail for a moment, making me plummet down several feet, but she seemed to just match it, joining me in the freefall before my wings paced back up. My mind was blank as if she had taken all my thoughts with the kiss. I threw my arms around her neck and returned the gesture, pushing back against her lips.

Charlotte gave a cute little yip against my mouth as we embraced, her own arms holding me as well, our kiss growing more intimate by the second. I pushed my tongue out and she welcomed it with her own, each of us curiously tasting one another for the first time.

A snarl of hunger bubbled up from my throat and I heard her return it with her own as our tongues grew more eager, rolling harder against one another as if in a sparring match of their own. I choked out a shocked bark as I felt hers push mine down, holding it for a moment before we both pulled away as she gave me a smug grin, saliva rolling from the corner of her mouth. "Ha! Pinned ya, that's my point!"

My brain didn't want to process and I had to shake my head to get it into motion before I gave her a fussy glare. "Y-You were just trying to pin my tongue as if we were sparring?"

"Just being playful, Ryder, did it bother you? I can give you a more serious kiss if you'd like." Charlotte cooed the words as she drew me closer to her.

"I- I wasn't complaining, just-" Her mouth pushed to my own once more and I felt my knees grow weak, but I suppose that was moot since we were in the air right now. I closed my eyes and pushed back to her once more, eager to have more of her kisses.

True to her words, this was a much more intimate kiss and I even heard her give a soft moan as she gracefully moved her tongue against my own, her sounds melting my heart and willpower. I groaned back against her lips, pushing a palm to her cheek as I parted from the kiss a moment later, panting with my tongue out, staring hard into those sparkling blue eyes, the wolf returning the gaze with that cute grin that first got my heart pounding.

"Gods you're stunning..." I whispered the words, then lifted my ears as I felt my feet resting on solid ground. I looked around to see a gate closing above my head, realizing she had opened it right below us while we were in flight. The discarded leather armor from before was now at my feet and given the decor, I could only assume this was her quarters.

I swallowed hard as she gave me a hungry but playful grin. "A-are you sure about this, Charlotte?"

"Are you? I'll open a gate to your quarters right now and you can walk away if it is your desire, Ryder." She cooed the words as she pushed a hand to my chest, looking down at me with a childish smile.

My head shook before I gave her a strong gaze and nodded. "No... I want to stay the night with you!"

"Oh? So you'll stay and even sleep with me? That makes me happy, Ryder... truly," She hummed the words as she stepped from me and took a seat on her bed to pull her boots off. I realized they had a few extra inches in the soles of them, so when she stood back before me now barefoot, she was only a few inches taller than me.

I saw her eyes glitter as she grinned when my hand moved over her face, this time initiating the kiss myself. I pressed my lips to her own, feeling her eagerly return the gesture, then felt her hands start to roam over my body, pushing against the silk of the shirt I wore, her nails digging in to feel the muscles of my chest out.

"Why am I so drawn to you, Ryder?" She puffed the words out against my mouth, breaking the kiss to move my shirt up. I grasped the silk and peeled it free, my hair scattering along my back, the ribbon I had bound it in having been tugged free in the motion. I watched Charlotte eagerly eye my figure over, cooing as she dragged her nails over the ridges of my abs.

"I'll confess, I feel some kind of pull there as well, perhaps we are both just driven mad from your heat?" Showing her a playful grin, I move to grasp her own top, peeling it away eagerly. She raised her arms to aid in my attempts to strip her, the silk pulling free as her ample breasts appeared before me.

With an impressed bark, I dropped the silk atop her leather armor, seeing she had just as much definition in her arms and even more in her abs. Charlotte gave me a haughty grin and put a hand on her hip, pushing her chest out, the muscles there just making her sizable breasts push forth and look even perkier. "I hope you're not disappointed, I've the body of a warrior, not some soft- Urf!"

She barked out as I pushed right to her chest, pressing my open mouth to her left teat, suckling upon her, my hands roaming down her body, feeling the ridges of her abs and defined muscles. Her cute whimpers and pants filled my ears while I looked up at her, tongue rolling and teasing her peak.

"You're good with that mouth of yours... huff... could I request it elsewhere, or is that too lewd?" Her words filled my ears while she rubbed at them, then gave an excited bark as I gently pushed her right to the edge of her bed, taking to my knees and grabbing her own trousers she had on.

"Of course!" With a dutiful huff, I stripped them along with her undergarments, bringing those strong defined legs into view. I could clearly see the muscles throughout them, but her skin was soft to the touch.

Her dewy petals came into view with a soft showing of platinum blonde hair that almost looked like fine fur. She bit her lower lip as I stared upon her and panted out, "I apologize, I keep up on my grooming, but I've not needed to shave in full for some time... I do hope the little fluff isn't off- Ngh!" She clenched her teeth together, then lolled her tongue as I went right in, drawing my tongue forthright against her sensitive little pearl, the cute tuft of hair ticking my nose.

"Huff... you're gorgeous all the same... Smooth or with hair, I like you either way..." I panted the words as I circled my tongue, taking in a deep draw of breath through my nose, her scent of heat making my heart just melt for her while I worked her, my tail slapping the floor hard.

"Gods... that mouth of yours is absolute bliss... ha!" She gave a surprisingly soft moan as I felt her body shudder, bringing this radiant angel-wolf to a release at last. I blinked up at her, watching her there, a hand on my head, her tongue lolled slightly as she panted in relief, even as I lapped my tongue against her folds to taste her honey.

Charlotte gave me a relieved sigh as I rose up from the floor, giving me a relaxed grin as her tail wagged. "Gods, Ryder! You have no idea how much I needed that!"

I gave her a playful grin of my own, wagging my tail as I kicked my own boots off. "Oh, then was that enough for you?"

"Not on your life, big guy," She hummed, as she wrapped her arms around me and pushed her mouth to mine, giving me a deep kiss as she pulled me right on top of her in the bed, her tongue darting out to flick at my own, tasting herself on me as I felt her large wings wrap around us.

We kissed heatedly for several moments, my hands roaming her body, admiring the strong muscles of her chest before resting on her ample soft breasts, kneading and squeezing them gently as our tongues teasingly rolled. She heard me give a challenging growl then returned it as our tongues started flicking more intently.

I trained my other muscles not my tongue and I had just finished working her as well, it didn't take much effort as I barked out a fussy huff as hers pushed my own down once more. I snarled and pulled back, growling, "Damn it!"

"Ha!" She gave me a childish grin, then her eyes softened, her ears folding as she huffed up in my face. "You're a sweetheart, I like you."

"I like you too!" I confessed with a playful grin, getting lost in those eyes for a moment before I took in a deep huff and felt I couldn't stand this anymore. I moved to grasp at my trousers, tugging to pull them free.

"Ooooh... is that why you're taking that out?" She beamed, then gave an excited bark, her tongue lolling slightly as my length pushed forward the tapered tip clearly showing a rolling drip of my precum.

"Yeah, you're driving me crazy, Charlotte, I need to be in you before I go mad!" I snarled as my hands moved under her knees to spread her legs, but then I gave a shocked look as she pulled free of my grasp.

The wolf gave me a knowing smirk before moving onto her elbows and knees. She had to keep her wings tightly folded as she rolled over so as to not smack me with them. I still had to adjust them, but once she was in position she folded them out across the bed so I could see her bared back and full round backside, the muscles clearly on display all over her well-trained body, but the touch of her skin was still soft at my fingertips.

"Ryder... my heat is killing me, I need your puppies, now!" She snarled the words, hiking her tail high so I could get a good look at her soaked petals, her tongue lolled out in a needy pant.

Everything in my mind ground to a halt at those words, any reservations I had were shattered. I didn't think, I just climbed over her, a nearly feral growl filling my throat as Charlotte gave me a drunken grin over her shoulder.

I pressed the tapered head of my length against her soaked petals and didn't even bother teasing, I didn't care, I wanted inside her now. I pushed forward and she gave me a soft moan as her walls spread to welcome me in, a cute little yip coming from her throat as I felt her walls viciously clench, her wolf honey already coating me and dripping off my sacs.

"Ha! Yes... gods... it's been yeeeears, ngh... breed me Ryder! I want your pups!" She barked the words madly, already grinding back against me, making me dig into her core, that luscious white tail smacking my chest hard in a wag.

I'd been with Rachel for several years now and I'd dealt with her heat before, she was ravenous but never spoke so... breed happy about it. Lorelai didn't have a heat, which stood to reason since most of her biological functions were on command. Of course, we couldn't breed, celestials weren't born like that. Not that any of that mattered right now, I was fully in the grips of her eagerness and more than happy to play along with her.

"I'll make a mother out of you Charlotte, we'll start a little family togeeether!" I cooed the words into her ears while rutting against her backside, feeling her walls clench and squeeze in response to my words.

"Yes! Oooh gods... make me a mama-wolf and be my papa-fox to our puppies!" She moaned the words, her tongue lolled as her fingers dug hard into the sheets of her bed while I pushed against her core, again and again, both our bodies desperately moving in time together.

I snapped down on her ear, growling as both my hands moved to grip her wrists while she rested on her elbows. She panted out in approval, whimpering as more wolf honey slicked my length while I kept the pace up, pumping hard into this angel-wolf, impacting her core repeatedly. "Ngh! I'll claim that womb with pups and make you mine!" The words were huffed through my clenched teeth, feeling that ear jerking hard against my lips while my knot slapped up against her honey-soaked entrance.

Charlotte lolled her tongue in a drunken sigh, trying to move her hands but I tightened the grip and kept her wrists pinned while I pushed against her. "Oh, gods... yes my fox! I'm your wolf-bitch in heat! Claim me and let's start a pack together!" She practically howled the words, jerking her hips back against me hard with each thrust I made.

I'd never felt so carnal, so feral, so... right. My mouth parted from her ear, little red spots showing along her snow-white fur from where my teeth had dug in. I made a few more labored thrusts, snarling and growling like a wild dog before my hips shoved forward in a heavy push.

Charlotte gasped loudly as my knot pushed in, lodging deep into her as my tapered tip landed deep against her core. She threw her head back, her massive wings snapping out as she howled out a moan that made my heart soar as the first of my heat filled her.

My own wings splayed out as I also howled out with her, my adoration for this gorgeous angel-wolf pouring in again and again. Her walls clenched as she milked me for every drop, her tongue sagging out just like mine was.

"Gods... gods..." She just panted as she felt me finishing, the last eruption filling her as she shuddered and collapsed down fully on her chest, her wings limply slapping down to the bed. My own followed suit, laying atop hers like I was the rest of her body. I braced on my elbows, trying my best not to bare down fully on her.

"Charlotte... that was... ngh..." I couldn't think, and my brain just emptied when she looked up at me, her eyes looking lovestruck for me while she panted. The gaze made my heart seem to stop, my breath catching in my throat at just how beautiful she looked, her blonde locks wet and splayed against her forehead from the sweat we'd worked up in our frantic lovemaking.

She shivered and I felt her clench once more, her eyes closing as she had one more release around my knotted length, then sighed out blissfully. "Oh, that was so good... oooh... I'm sorry for the kinky breeding talk, lover."

I shook my head, trying to rattle my brain back into working. "A-Ah! It's okay, it was fun! I mean, it's not like we can actually breed, so it's harmless, yeah?"

She gave me a relieved smile at my words and a small nod. "Thank you though, oh this was heavenly... Will you still stay with me tonight, hold me in your arms?"

"Gladly." I hugged her back as I moved in, nuzzling the side of her face, listening to her growl as she nuzzled back while we enjoyed our euphoria together.

I hope you've enjoyed this episode, my lovely reader!

I'm not going to lie, I kick my tail writing these! A single episode can take me twelve to fifteen hours or longer to make after conception, writing, editing, and proofreading! If you enjoy this, support me, please? It doesn't have to be financial either, just share my stuff and get my name out there. Vote, Fave, Comment, offer feedback, anything. Thank you, and as always, I'm nothing without your support!

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