Shopping With My Husband

Hello, my lovely reader and welcome to a quick little one-shot commission piece. What the heck is this? This is a quick and lewd short I was commissioned to write by one of my patrons. What's in it? Sex, short and sweet sex. It will hit...

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Shopping With My Husband Pt 2

Hello, my lovely reader and welcome to a quick little commission piece. My original commissioner wanted more of this couple, so here we are again! Hey, as the name implies, this is part 2. You should probably go read the first one so you have an...

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On the Nature of Soulless

All expecting parents, in these times, are given a pendant to wear for the duration of the mother's pregnancy. set in the center of this brooch is half of a stone, designed to fit snugly with the other half that the partner wears.


The Springs (Husky Mermaid TF/TG) [TRADE]

Karly was roughly eight months pregnant by this point, as the two expecting parents eagerly awaited the new eyes they'd be seeing everyday.

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Chapter 21: Marcus

#21 of one mind, one heart, one soul the last few weeks of krystal's pregnancy lead to new experiences for the expectant parents, culminating in the birth of marcus mccloud.

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Howling Hell Love (A Canon Helluva Boss Story) Chapter 4

They did receive things to help when the time would come and the expecting parents were happy for that. the two also spent time planning out for the space needed at their place accordingly.

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Family Life: First Doctors Visit

We feel it necessary to warn the expecting parents of the proper procedure. we will send a specialist to you local hospital which you must visit. we apologize for the uncomfortable steps that must be taken during this procedure.

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A Saturday Together

"and for the expecting parent?" she smiled. "oh, hmm..." lilith wasn't entirely sure what she wanted. there were a lot of things that looked good on the menu. chicken, beef, or bacon wraps.

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My Uncle Mario's Kittens

But mario and i don't care, we're too busy being happy expectant parents. when they're born our twin lion sons look just like mario. and they are big, healthy, happy lion boys.

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Monster Hunter: Power Up

Indeed he had thought about putting both of the two monsters down for the honour of the hunters they had defeated but when he found out the two were expecting parents he couldn't help but feel bad if the future hatchlings were to grow up alone in such an unforgiving

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Second glance at the past

Expecting a new life is such a wonderful thing, and i enjoy helping bring peace of mind to expecting parents." sled smiled, seeing that gleam in her eye. she enjoyed being a shaman, and most of all she loved being able to help others.

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Unbirthing punishment

The mouse doctor spanked the newborn lion and he cried loudly, before being handed to the expecting parents.

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