Wicked Magic: Part Two

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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The doe-taur and her lover are rudely awakened to the terrifying attentions of an age-old magic and a tree sprouting tentacle-like vines to abuse and control them...




This story contains non-consensual erotica in a fictional, fantasy context.




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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Wicked Magic

The Lovers Forced

Part two of three

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Adagiodajiang

_ _

Alas, the forest held too many temptations for them to be safe and that they had not encountered danger so far was merely the fortune of luck, for the true darkness of the forest had been lurking, all the while, closer than they'd realised.

Sandor blinked blearily, stretching out his arms over his head within the confines of the tent, leaving Alyssa where she was as he pushed open the flap, allowing a bright stream of sunshine into the abode.


He yelped, something lashing around his waist, yanking him outside so swiftly that he caught his head on the tent pole, lips twisting into a snarl a moment too late to warn Alyssa. Something thick wrapped around his waist and legs, curling tightly - a vine of some kind? A tentacle? But the sunshine was brief, something looming, a foe so great that they had waited for exactly the opportune moment to strike, all when their prey was unaware.

He puffed and huffed as the tentacle around him, green and slightly slimy, faintly so, squeezed more tightly, cutting off air from his lungs, his eyes straining, watering, jaws opening and closing for breath that could not come. What had happened? Was it a foe? Was it the forest? He couldn't see, only a mass of twisting, writhing tentacles filling his vision as his heart plummeted. Why hadn't his magic perceived such a foe - particularly when it was of the natural kind?

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

He growled, eyes narrowing, ignoring the lack of air, though he didn't have his staff either, what he used to channel his magic and, of course, partially store mana. He pulled on his natural ability, but the pressure of the tentacle crushing him was too great, holding him right on the cusp of being able to draw a little air into his lungs but no more than that.

He wheezed, his senses dulled, yet the tent flap fluttered again, the doe-taur appearing, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Sandor... What's going on?"

But it was too late for her as another tentacle whipped out from the mass and curled around her, dragging her squealing from the ground, although more than one vine-like appendage was needed to tie up her legs to her body and her arms to her torso, rendering her incapacitated.


Sandor's eyes watered, fighting, snarling, heaving, but he had to retain all the energy his could, even though every fibre of his being screamed at him to go to her, to help her, to save her. that was why he had worked so hard at magic, was it not? He wanted to be strong, to be powerful, all to protect, all to save - and now what had he done? Both squirmed and fought, but it was no use, not against a foe that neither of them could ever have been prepared for.

It seems that I have caught my prey...

_ _

Sandor blinked. Had he really heard that? Was it a voice? But he couldn't linger on that, not as the ground below them rumbled, a tree emerging as if it was growing in rapid speed, branches unfurling, a huge, deciduous tree with branches thick with leaves and fat, red fruit that he did not recognise. Yet the leaves were not green but dark and twisted, the trunk gnarled, yet that was only a demonstration of its power, how it was corrupted, a creature of evil that was neither true flora nor fauna, but something that was an amalgamation of both.

From the branches sprouted the mass of tentacles, pressure closing in on the pair from all sides, even if they had not honestly felt claustrophobic prior. The withered, aged tree radiated power and yet there was something that it needed too, the trunk quivering with something akin to a groan, yet not a sound that could ever have come from either the mouth of an anthro or a human.

No... It was something much more than that, releasing its grasp on both of them for long enough for them to gasp, heaving for breath - and then shoving a tentacle into both holes once they were gaping for it. Alyssa shrieked around the tentacle stuffing her mouth full, yet could not help but swallow, just from the pressure, as it squirted something sweet and tangy into the back of her mouth. It clung to her throat even as she gulped, eyes wide with fear, fingers opening and closing from fists as she ached to reach for her lover.

Yet Sandor was in a similar position to her, growling as the tentacle stuffed his mouth, sliding into his throat to ensure his compliance, yet his body jerked with need the moment that strange fluid had slid down his throat. If there was any question about what it did, it all became clear as his cock hardened instantly, the throbbing length of it proud and on show in a rise of pink flesh.

Against his will, he moaned, thrusting, grinding, struggling to break free, but not for the reasons that the tree might have seen it as. And to see a treat like the fox squirming just like that, oh... Oh, it was too tempting, for the tree had not been fed prey like him in so long. The two of them had stumbled right into its grasp in its stronghold and now the tree was going to become so much more powerful for the milking of their bodies and their souls.

Tentacles crawled over the fox, cutting off his ability to see, panic clawing at his chest, though sensation overtook that as something pressed up under his tail. He'd never been penetrated there before, but the tree didn't care about that as a tentacle with a strange yet soft barb at the tip pressed into his anal ring, sliding deep, his body aching, straining, throbbing in a new way. He didn't want it and yet his body wanted it, heaving, grunting, panting, unable to see as his body thrust, a puppet to be used and abused on the tentacle stretching him open, feeding more and more into his tail hole.

His backside was forced to open around the tentacle, Sandor no longer an active player in his own life, bound and forced, passive in whimpering lust that had no place in his body, not at that time. He didn't want it, not as he was penetrated so deeply, so crudely, the barb raking back over his prostate, stimulating him when he wanted anything but that, anything at all. He wanted to be free and yet another tentacle parted to latch onto and over his cock, sucking it down, flexing and pulling around his cock.

Too late, he remembered what Elder Ron had said about mana, where it could be created with the use of his own semen. It seemed that there were other more vicious evils that knew of that in the world already, when they had all been so complacent as to think that they were the only intelligent beings that knew of that trick.

His heart lurched, yet Alyssa could not tell that, not as she stared, wide-eyed with fear, the fox that she loved like a mummy, he was so wrapped up in tentacles. Hardly any of his white fur could be seen, but she could see how the two tentacles thrust and ground, one sucking his cock down and flexing noticeably, while more and more of the other one disappeared into his backside. Her legs tried to squeeze together in silent sympathy, yet there was nothing the doe-taur could do, wriggling, kicking weakly, her own limbs all bound right up to her body as if she had become a toy of the tree too.

Maybe worse than that...but Alyssa did not know what kind of evil they were dealing with. Not as she whined and begged faintly for release, Sandor thrusting and grinding into the air, losing his sense of self. The prickling heat of lust curled through the pit of her stomach too, rendering her slit wet, dripping, arousal throbbing, though she didn't have quite the problem with being forced into stimulation as he did. Not yet anyway.

Sandor heaved and panted, though he couldn't stop it, couldn't hold it back, not as pleasure raced through him, throb after throb bringing forth with it a high that he could not ignore. The barb and tentacle ground tantalisingly over his prostate, the tree knowing exactly what it was doing. The creature, whatever it was, may not have eyes, but the magical entity knew what it was doing to him, how it was using and abusing him, how it ground deeply into him to push him over the edge.

The fox convulsed and cried out, though his muzzle was wrapped up in tentacles too, forced to submit, his body aching for more as he spent his seed into the tentacle, the creature stealing his life force, what could be used to generate more and more mana. He heaved and panted, but that was not the end of it, domination swimming over him, like the weight of water pressing him down and down and down, undoubtedly forcing him, one way or another, to submit. To the fox, there was simply no other option available to him, nothing that the tree would accept, even as his mind reeled, fighting through sensation to try to think of something, anything, that could get him and Alyssa out of such a dreadful situation.

He ached and jerked, shuddering through yet another sensation, one that he very much had not expected. Although Sandor could not see it, the tree had sprouted a series of smaller, nippier tentacles to toy with his nuts, forcing his body into a pulse of overstimulation as they, quite literally, whipped his balls. The fox moaned through the mass of tentacles, shuddering in place, the flow of pleasure tamed, but in a way that the need to climax, to spend his seed, increased tenfold. It was a kind of torture that left his body, viciously, wanting more and his mind torn between two conflicting courses of action.

To fight or to succumb... Oh, but he had never had a choice, not as the tentacle rammed into his maw was joined by a second, worming their way down and into his throat so that no more moans would come. Any cries he made were muffled, forced to suck on them, saliva coating them, dripping and drooling, as if he couldn't even control his body as yet another climax ripped through him, his arse feeling so full, so strained.

The deer-taur, on the other hand, was forced to the ground, while the tentacles kept her facing her lover, watching his abuse, how he was taken against his will - against her will too! He was hers, they had said that to each other - and now this tree thought that it could abuse him before her very eyes? For the first time, anger flared in the pit of her stomach, though it was mostly borne through arousal, misplaced and finding something, anything, that it could latch onto for some semblance of control.

Her backside was exposed, however, the tentacles swarming her, aching and crawling over her. Although Alyssa shuddered, she pushed into its touch, her body no longer under her control, as much as her mind screamed at her to pull away. She even tried biting at the tentacle in her mouth, cheeks hot with a fierce blush, but it did no good as it merely thickened up to

On the ground with her tail in the air and her holes exposed, the three could do whatever it liked to her, adjusting its tentacles on her form. Her arms were tied behind her back, leaving her chest exposed for other tentacles to play with, smaller ones crawling over them and twisting around her breasts, toying with her nipples. Although she shuddered, Alyssa still kept her chin defiantly high, hoping against hope that she could get out of it, somehow, somewhere. But how was she meant to do any of that when she was just a doe-taur and her boyfriend, a magic user, had not been able to do anything at all against the might of the tree?


_ _

No... No, she did not belong to the tree, she was Sandor's, only his, as he was only hers. Her resolution faltered as something pressed under her tail, but Alyssa was not to be blamed as she moaned around the tentacle, both her pussy and arse penetrated at once in a single, well-timed stab.

The tentacles drove deeply into her, slick with their own lubrication, as if it was a kind of wetter, slipperier sap than what she was used to, though they made her head swim. She'd not taken anything up under her tail before, not even the once, and her stomach lurched, twisting and tying itself up into knots as if everything was only then getting started.

Pleasure mounted, all against her will, grunting and moaning around the two tentacles stuffing her mouth, her cheeks puffing out as she tried to contain them, helplessly pushing back against them with her tongue. But it was no good, useless at best, their muffled moans tangling in the air.

Together, but not, both used, both abused. And there was not a damn thing they could do about it as the tentacles twisted inside them, making them feel as if they were joined in some way, but, of course, it was the tree that was in control. It had no use for them other than for nefarious means, feeding off their moans, their sexual juices, its power, in the background, growing. Slowly, the branches plumped out with more dark leaves, twisted with the dark-green lure of the land from which it had been born, growing as if naturally, even though there was nothing natural about it.

Even more fruits swelled, bright red as if they were something that should never have been eaten, a warning to all that came by. Yet the tree did not warn travellers not to sleep under their branches, not to sample their fruits. It was all the better for the tree that could drain them of their life essence, further their twisted pull for dark, sordid power.

Pleasure unlike any other swept through the doe-taur, humping and grinding, her body moving without her consent, though it was mostly the tentacles doing it for her, toying with her body, back and forth, using her like a masturbatory aid - though that was using rather polite language. She blushed fiercely to be reduced to such a thing, her pussy and tail hole strained to such an extent that she could not imagine not being that full ever again, though that was very much a foreign thought to her. It was not a thought that Alyssa wanted to allow into her mind, not as she moaned and squeezed around the tentacles slamming into her, more and more roughly.

They did not care for her, not for her pleasure, but it was Sandor that clenched his paws into fists, trying to rebel, striving to revolt. Yet with every orgasm, the tree extracted more and more mana from his cum, the flow of it seemingly endless, as if he had been overstimulated to the point that his aching nuts were producing more and more cum. He shuddered. Maybe the tree had even made it so that he could not stop generating cum and, therefore, more mana, forcing him to need the tree even against his will and judgement.

That was a horrifying thought, though his ears twitched, trying to catch Alyssa's moans, his stomach lurching in terror for what was happening to her. He grunted and groaned around the tentacles, losing control as his body arched, the doe-taur watching helplessly as he contributed his seed to the tree, every last drop of it and then some. Everything that the tree forced him to produce would become the property of the tree and lost to him, forevermore. The seed, his mana... All of it.

He heaved, grunting, sweating, fur thick with dampness under his arms and at the other points of his glands, where he tried to reduce the heat building in his body more and more. Though he could not help it, not at all, out of control, a toy contorting in the air as the tree forced him to dance to its whim.

The doe whimpered, her head hanging, though she was not as strong as her partner, not knowing what to do. As much as she tried to think, her thoughts came more and more sluggishly, as if she was losing her sense of self, panting, whimpering, weakly trying to turn her head from side to side. Yet she was forced to feel everything in the moment, aching through, her body contracting, squeezing down around the tentacles.

But she was not weak, no... No, that was the tree's mistaken in treating her as such, a living entity that, of course, was still capable of making mistakes. That was what she had to lean into, what she had to focus on, grunting thickly in the back of her throat, muscles aching, tense with need.

And yet that need was not something she would take from the tree, not as her hands balled into fists, eyes open, narrowing with a fresh edge of determination. Orgasm may have been taken from her, but it helped a little that the tree's attention was more on her boyfriend than her. That gave the doe-taur an opening, all to show her resolve, watching and grunting as her partner moaned through yet another orgasm.

She could not let him fall to the tree, oh no... No, she could not, she could not let it happen, she had to fight back, the restraints around her weakening, flowing and rippling as she stilled, letting the tree think that she had given up. But the doe-taur had only been waiting for the perfect moment, wrenching herself free with a muted cry, the tentacle slithering free from her lips as she leapt up onto shaky legs.

Yet Alyssa's legs started to buckle, panting, heaving, straining and scrabbling back to the tent. She was not fleeing, for that would have been to leave Sandor behind - something that she very much would not do - but racing for his staff. Oh, it was there, the channel of his power, what allowed him to shape and pull his magic into useful forms, though he had his own ability too with his natural mana. Alyssa didn't know how much of that the fox could draw on with so much going on at once, her legs shaking, lunging for the staff. Somehow, the wood was warm to the touch, though her hooves skittered, stumbling over her own hooves in her haste to get back out there.

Sandor wormed his arm free, ears pricked, though his jaws hung open around the tentacle as the tree's attention wavered, taking the moment that was offered to him. His heart surged as his eyes locked onto Alyssa, heart overly full with warmth for her, spilling over. He needed that, needed her, his doe who was there for him always, always and forever.


She tossed the staff, putting her whole body into the throw to reach him in in the air, fifteen feet up in the air, encased by tentacles. Yet his orgasm, that time, was just about tapering off, quivering with the feeling of lost something, of sacrificing his own mana to the tree against his will, allowing him to stretch out. The staff landed in his paw and he closed his fingers tightly around the old, familiar wood, the lines in it soft and warm to his touch.

No words, no... That would alert the tree to what was going on, what he was doing, panting and shuddering. He had to draw on his power within, using the staff to cast, to channel, for his magic could not truly be pulled from his being without it. It was a skill as much as it was inherent ability, though so much practise made it second nature to him.

Flames flickered, swelling, bursting, leaping and dancing in a merry snarl of red and orange fire. The tree shrieked, tentacles writhing, magic searing into its "skin", burrowing deep, tentacles charred and smoking even as it strove to hold onto their prey. But the fox was too quick as he swept his staff, with a little more freedom offered to him, from left to ride, sending an explosion of flame into the heart of the mass of twisting tentacles.


_ _

With an almighty boom, like a clap of thunder heard up close, the tree retreated, tentacles shooting back, the fox dropped, even though he was slick with his juices and those of the tree. Even then, he gasped as his body was relinquished from the grasp of the wicked tentacles, his cock sore and still hard, though Sandor doubted that that was something that he could have rectified all that quickly at all.

He would have to push through it, levelling his staff, ignoring the drip of whatever it was that the tree had excreted oozing into his eyes. With a low growl, he bared his teeth in warning, a feral nuance left over from the years of evolution that pondered through his ancestors, tail lashing the air stiffly. To his back, the doe-taur watched breathlessly, though her body still ached from the penetration of the tentacles, something deep inside her wanting it back. But she didn't want the tree back, no, of course not, but the sensation of fullness, her eyes landing, even against her will, lustfully on her partner.

He was so fierce, even as his cock softened ever so slightly, a little more, the stimulation (or lack of it) losing its effect on him. With a snarl that tore through her sensually to her core, Sandor slammed his staff on the ground three times, drumming the earth, lips moving as he called on the fineness of nature magic.

That was what he had used the most, in the forest, seeking with roots and clawing, writhing tendrils to dispel the tree, to dig it up from the base and throw it to the heavens. Such a wicked being most certainly had no right in being there and he leaned heavily into his magic, despite his weakened state, pouring everything he had into it.

The tentacles writhed, the towering tree creaking with the memory of age-old bark.

Sandor's heart sank, taking a half step back, pulling on the magic of fire next. It hadn't worked! But what had gone wrong? Had he incanted the spell incorrectly?


_ _

His fire magic... It wasn't there either! He wanted to sear the plant out, to burn it to a crisp, and yet his mana was so low with the draining of his bodily fluids that there was nothing he could do.

Shuddering, he held the staff out before him like a shield, mind racing. The tree had his mana... But how could he get to it?


Alyssa squealed as she was snatched up once more, that faint hope of freedom ripped from them, wrapped up by tentacles once more as Sandor felt the ground fall away. His body felt light, as if it was no longer even his own, turned over in the air as the tree groaned and creaked around them, the vine-like tentacles twining and pulling all around them.


_ _

He blinked, his body pushed in close to Alyssa, though the deer-taur could barely contain her sobs, tears building thickly in the corners of her eyes.

"I'm...s-sorry, master," she wailed. "I didn't... I couldn't...get to it in time!"

"Shush..." He breathed, wishing he could reach for her, though they had been placed side by side, bodies nearly touching, but not quite, arms bound. "It's going to be okay, Alyssa, we'll think of something, I promise..."

But the tree, the evil being, already knew that they were helpless to resist, bending them slightly so that their buttocks were the highest point, handling them as easily as one could an ant, for they were insignificant to them in the grand scheme of evil. It may have been unconventional, but a series of more moderately sized tentacles, not as thin nor as whippy as the ones that had struck Sandor's balls prior, lashed out, taking advantage of their position. It was a lure of a prank that could have been amusing if played out under any different circumstances, but being spanked by tentacles was not something that anyone would have asked for.

The smack of tentacles striking her hindquarters and his buttocks rang through the air, only slightly dulled by the mass of vegetation around them. Again and again, it rained down blow after blow, even curling the tips of its tentacles a little to wrap around to their hips and the sides of their thighs, speeding up with every strike.

"Ah! Sandor!" Alyssa heaved and gasped, trying to jolt away. "What's it doing? Ouch! Stop... No!"

"Ugh!" The fox shuddered, trying to clamp his jaws against the rise of pain, the growing heat in his buttocks. "No... I don't... Alyssa, it's..."

Yet the fox couldn't get the words out as he strove with all his might to focus, to try to think of something, anything, that could get them away, as much as he wanted to comfort Alyssa too. Despite all that, there was nothing he could think of, fingers twitching, his body aching with pain, radiating too hotly through him.

So close to Alyssa, he swore he could feel every shudder of her body reeling from the strikes, the pain, how it pushed and ached, straining to be known. It was not like the sexual arousal that the tree had fed them, forced them into, but stimulated it too somehow, even with the lash of pain, the whipping relentless. The smack of tentacles hitting their bodies was barely muted at all by their fur, though it did hide Alyssa's sharp cries from him somewhat, as they broke into shuddering sobs, tears falling.

It was wrong, so wrong, but his body warmed through, heating up as his cock hardened. He didn't have any tentacle covering his cock to gulp it down that time, though the tree had in mind something more devious for him. For if he had sought to use his staff against the tree, the tree could well enough ensure that his body was punished for such an act.

Sandor did not see what was happening, but Alyssa caught the sharp widening of his eyes as his very own staff was pressed up under his tail, punishing him with a sharp jab of smooth, hard wood driving into him. His backside was forcibly penetrated and the fox howled helplessly, twisting in the need to break free, to climax, to do something, heaving and panting, hardly twisting back and forth at all with how tightly the tentacles held him.

There was nothing there, no escape, not even as their bodies ached on the edge of climax, held there by the tree, Alyssa's backside, sore as it was, fondled by tentacles. It would only have taken a little more to push both over the edge, but their captor had further punishment in mind, even as the fox's cock jerked and dripped in the air. Sandor closed his eyes, hating how his tongue lolled out, how a big part of his body ached for orgasm, wanted to push into it and let it all go, not even thinking of anything else. Oh, how his need was betrayed...

The tentacles drew him out alone, apart from Alyssa, a mind that was not his brushing his consciousness.

One of us... One of the tree... It seemed to whisper. My prey shall do nicely...

_ _

He grunted, shaking his head, but he could not fight it, not as tentacles of various sizes lanced out, all aiming for his head. He howled and jerked his head away as two slender ones dug into each ear canal on either side of his head, the slick, squelching sound of them burrowing deep filling his ears. Another, with something sharp on the tip that he didn't quite have time to take in, fixed itself to his spine at the base of his neck, penetrating his skin and clamping down on his cervical spine, his body jerking.

The last thing he saw was Alyssa reaching for him, her beautiful face streaming with tears, before tentacles covered his face, wrapping him up all over in a cocoon. Unable to move, even to see or to hear, something pressed into him, deeper and deeper, the strain within his skull increasing more and more with every pounding beat of his heart.

Mine... My prey... My obedient subject...

_ _

His lips parted, though he was not with himself in his right mind, wriggling, writhing, but...slowly, his resistance failed. Slowly, Alyssa was forced to watch her boyfriend fight and fight and then not fight at all, jerking and twitching weakly as if he had become a puppet controlled by the strings of a master. Sandor was no longer the fox that she adored, the one she loved, but breaking into something and someone else entirely, the tentacles peeling stickily back from his face to expose his rolling eyes.

He screamed, a sound that chilled her to her bone, blood roaring in her ears, her heart a dull, background thump, each beat putting increasing pressure on her chest. She tried to speak, tried to call his name, but a tentacle stuffed itself into her mouth, gagging her as she hacked around it, trying to dig in with her teeth. Yet hers were not the sharper points of the fox's teeth and no use against the tentacle as his fingers twitched darkly.

"Please..." She tried to whisper, moaning around the tentacle, eyes wide, horrified. "Don't... No..."

But all that came out was a muffled glug as her throat was stuffed, tentacles lashing out to take care of the fox's tail hole and cock too. A tentacle swapped for the staff rammed up his tail hole, making focused use of him, as if the tree had a goal in mind that Alyssa could not know of. For it had only been the fox who had heard the voice of the tree and she still did not know, despite all the signs, that what they had encountered was an actual sentient and sapient being.

Sandor's back arched as she tried to reach for him, eyes blurry with tears, a tentacle covering his cock, sucking and pulling, until they wrapped around, massaging his length. It was as if the tree had an ulterior motive, ramming into his arse again and again, until Sandor clearly could not help arching his back and bucking wildly with a long, deep moan.

Yet there was nothing there behind his eyes as he spent a load of fox cum, a thick stream that should have been far too much to come from his body, all limbs that had been twitching and jerking falling limp, deathly so. Even his head hung as the tentacles pulled from his face, no longer supporting his tongue, his tongue protruding out of his mouth as he tried to find words.

"Aaffanghand rrrustor jobungrhd fieach," he growled, slurring his words, but it was not in any language that Alyssa understood. "Haron liseard fech sillath..."

What? What is he saying?

_ _

Yet she could not help and she could not make sense of his words, coming from another language, an older language, as powerful and as deadly as time itself. Alyssa struggled weakly, though even her flurry of strength, born from adrenaline, was fading.

His cock drooped faintly, the stream of cum, which had been swallowed up by the tentacles with gaping, crude mouths and absorbed into their flesh, fading to a weak stream of urine. It was as if his body was ridding itself of everything, Alyssa's heart lurching, faintly kicking a hind leg just to see if the grasp of the tentacles had loosened at all.

Ah... That is wright. Now, I am whole again. With this, I may absorb more intelligent creatures.

_ _

She shuddered, whimpering, though she could not draw back. She did not have to be a made to know exactly where that voice was coming from, speaking in the same voice that had poured from her lover's lips.

This... This source of magic... The tree said, branches shivering with evident delight. I may now use the semen of the mage for a constant supply of mana. No more must I suck it from the bowels of the earth with my roots, for now I rise!

_ _

Alyssa whimpered, but she wouldn't have wanted to see inside the fox's head, what was left there. She could see it in his eyes, even as the tree gloated about controlling him, absorbing his life essence, all so that it could use his body as a puppet, something that could be controlled.

The tree, after all, did not need a truly "living" body, once he had absorbed them, their magic, their mind. For there was nothing left of Sandor, only a fox's body, his mind erased as if it had never even existed in the first place. The fox would only think he was a plant, a part of the tree, able to move freely and fluidly, all to do the bidding of the tree. Before Alyssa's horrified gaze, his fur darkened a little, lines appearing in it, as if he had become bark, though there was still an edge of fur there, still looking like a fox. He was not a tree, even if his mind was adjusting to become that, a little more wizened around the muzzle, his fur a little darker, though more so where the bark-like lines ran through him.

Whereas the fox with mana running through his veins and his seed would be useful to the tree, a little non-magic doe-taur like her, however... Well, she was of no use to the tree, other than as a simple food source. She would just be digested.

As if aware of her fate, she whimpered and tried to quell her sobs, hardly even able to look at the fox. Was he already dead? Was he already gone, lost to her? Her heart ached. Never would she have expected something so terrible, so life changing, life ending, to happen on their first real mission together further from the village. And now everything that they had worked for, together, was crumbling down around them, failing before they had even really gotten started.

A tentacle snaked out as if there was intelligence behind it, the main essence of the tree and its knowledge held in one single tentacle. Even though she knew that could not be so, she tried to wrench herself free, fighting again, even if Alyssa's efforts were short-lived.

He is no longer your partner, your mate, little girl, the tree taunted her, though Alyssa fought against the sick touch of its words on her mind, pushing into her brain through the connection fox the tentacles on her hide. He is mine, only mine. He has no memory left and will not even recognise you as a person, let alone as a weak little taur. You'll be better when you're gone and he is my fox, my obedient puppet. At least some part of him will live, which is more than I can say for you.

_ _

She couldn't help it, finally broken, sobbing, wailing, her chest wracked with heaving gasp after gasp, even as tears flooded her face. There were no words left through which Alyssa could have expressed her sorrow, her chest tight, her heart aching so stringently that it was quite as if it was going to burst out from her chest and hurl itself, bloody and still beating on the ground. It would have been a better death, a quicker death, than the one waiting for her.

And if her sweet, sweet Saron was gone...what was left there for her? It was not as if the deer-taur was in any position, in love or in life, to go on without him. Being without the fox, in one way or another, was not something that she had ever even considered, always assuming she would live with him or his family, serving them, doing her best by them. It was a better kind of life than any that she could have carved out for herself as a lower class citizen and, frankly, Alyssa was loathe to give that up.

Yet it had been taken from her all the same, everything that she had lived for and loved wiped out in a blink of an eye. Tears streamed down her face, marking her skin in dirty tracks, hair slick with tentacle-slime and sweat, clinging to the back of her neck.

If she went...she wouldn't have to live without Sandor, she thought to herself, closing her eyes. It was no longer right for her to go on, not without him, his staff cast aside.

She wouldn't fight, no longer, not as her heart ached and ached and ached, broken into two, though Sandor had never hurt her. He never could.

The fox, however, was beyond all comprehension and would have been hard-pressed to put words to what he was experiencing if he had been trying to explain it to someone back in their small town. His eyes were open, he knew that, but he could not see, for a plant did not see. Lightness, the flow of life, sunshine and water and nutrients from the ground, flowed through his body as if the network of veins had become something else, the flow of life of a plant.

He knew that, comfortable, feeling how the breeze moved him, how he stood, swaying lightly, back and forth, his lower jaw slack. A plant did not have muscles, after all, to close his jaw again, and that was all fine, all right with the world.

And yet...there was more of the fox left there than there was supposed to be, even if the tree did not yet know that.

He didn't know what he was, only that he was, that he existed, that he was. Everything softened around him, lightening, so very comfortable. Pleasure ached through him sweetly, though it was as if the fox was feeling it second-hand, as if it was not really there, even as the appendage, stiff and protruding, at his crotch ached.

He tried to grunt, but that didn't come out, mute and shivering, spending his seed to the ground, though he could not see that it was swallowed up by the tree and its tentacles. And, just like that, it became a part of him again, contributing to the needs of the greater, the life force of the tree, yes, always and forever, only the tree.

And he would absorb, take all that the land had to offer, yes, more and more... Words may not have flitted through the fox's mind anymore, but impressions of what he was to be, what he was to do, to contribute, were more than enough.

His body changed, tentacles growing from the fox, the mind of the tree directing him to his first matter of prey, the deer-taur who would be his first true meal. The tentacles came from his back, his shoulders, down his arms - all parts of his body, even as he reached for her. The fox knew she was there, feeling the pulsing vibrations of her in the air, her fear, how it clung to him, curling the tips of his tentacles back and forth.

For a heartbeat of a moment, not one the tree recognised, he paused, tentacles flickering, writhing, the tension in the air mounting. Yet he knew something more, something pulling at the back of wherever his mind was, just as he touched the deer.

A flash of light erupted, sweeping through Alyssa as she cried out, thinking that that was it, that was the end, even as bright white light fizzled up the trunk of the tree, wiping it out, branches and fruits and all, power consolidating into the body of the fox. The tentacles grew heavier, giving him the impression of being covered with heavy, overlying, dark green vines, his eyes blank and expressionless, Alyssa whimpering in terror as his tentacles curled around her.

That had to be it, though she thought it worse to have come from the one she loved, especially as Sandor's tentacles wrapped around her tightly, pulling her close, just like the tree had done to her. But the tree had to be him now, only the body of the fox left, the doe-taur shaking her head, begging soundlessly, breathlessly, for him not to do it. But she might as well have been asking the wind not to blow as the tentacles fed themselves back into her holes, filling her anal passage and her aching sex, bringing the sense of pleasure and fulfilment back to her bones.

She dropped to her knees, the tentacles loose around her, as if the being in control knew that she no longer needed to be restrained. She couldn't help herself, her face wet with tears, moaning aloud. If she lost her mind, after all, maybe it would be better for her, not to face him, not to face her own demise head-on.

A prey creature, after all, knew when they had neither any chance of fighting or fleeing.

The tentacles fleshed up thick and full within her, smaller ones wrapping around her head, squeezing into her ears, the thick, lewd slop of them overruling all else. She should have arched away from them, but Alyssa welcomed them, pushing more eagerly into losing her mind, a dull heaviness sweeping through her.

So tired... So heavy... She wanted to yawn, if she was not so aroused, even if it was a forced kind of arousal. She didn't want to be awake any more if it meant ever feeling the semblance of the fox's fur on her skin ever again, not when it was not Sandor. She'd hold her dear fox in her memories, sweetly close, and remember him as he was back then, not as the shell of himself that he'd become.

She may not have been able to imagine that the tentacles pounding her were his shaft, for there were too many of them, for one thing, but she could take the pleasure, panting, whimpering, losing herself. She swore that her mind was slipping away, a sense of fading overcoming her, the pleasure mounting and mounting, swelling like the chord of the orchestra, though she had only heard them play at a distance before.

It had to be, yes, for that was what she thought was happening as the tightness in her belly grew and grew, a whimper on her lips, rocking her hips back and forth, the tentacles pushed deeper, her taur body clenching reflexively around them. She needed it, wanted it, succumbing to heated pleasure as it curled through her veins, breath coming in shorter and sharper pants.

With her orgasm, she would be gone, but Alyssa would not mind that too much, no, not at all. She didn't need to be there, not if she was without her partner, the light of her life, whimpering, moaning, wanting him there with her, truly there. The doe-taur tried not to think about how she could feel him near, yet that he was not really touching her, the tentacles twisting and writhing, shoving themselves back and forth inside her, the thin barrier of flesh between her tail hole and pussy enhancing the pleasure with every thrust.

It was coming...and, like so much else, there was nothing Alyssa could do about it. She gasped.

As climax hit her, she screamed in ecstasy, her head tipping back, losing everything she was as blackness claimed her. Ecstasy pulsed through her, wave after wave coming like a raging wind, a storm ripping her from the fabric of the earth and carrying her away. Down and down and down, she fell, spinning and turning, but she welcomed the blackness with open arms.

Yet...that darkness was short-lived, not what Alyssa had expected at all. Blinking back to a strange sort of wakefulness, the trees above her came into focus, blurring at the edges with bright sunshine, arching their coniferous branches over head.


But she couldn't get the words out, not as a familiar, white-muzzled face looked down at her with a small but tired smile on his lips.

The doe's heart leapt, tears welling up in her eyes. He looked even more beautiful than before with a ring of white light around his head, the sunshine glowing through the edges of his fur.

"I... You..." She raised her hand to him and Sandor clasped it gladly. "You're here... There's no..."

What she meant to say was that there were no tentacles, yet she grew distracted, her own body not the same either. As she lay back in his arms, plants had sprouted from her body, light and delicate like the kinds of offerings one might have courted a noble lady with, tiny blue blooms and purple smatterings covering her from head to toe, cresting her head and hair like a divine crown where the flowers were the thickest.

"I'm here... I'm with you," he said gently, stroking her face with a tearful smile. "I'm sorry I could not come back to you until...until that moment. It... It was like nothing I've ever known. The tree absorbed my memories and erased my mind, making me feel like I was a plant, but...I saw myself when I absorbed your mind! In that way, I could become myself again, the person you saw me as."

He smiled faintly, his thumb tenderly caressing her jaw line.

"I hope it is an accurate representation of me, sweetheart, since you've been living with me for so many years...but it was you, Alyssa, who gave me self-awareness again. Thank you, my dear, thank you ever so much."

She sat up, arms around him, hugging him tightly, face buried in the crook of the fox's white-furred neck. No longer did he look bark-like, yet there was an undercurrent of power there, something more that could be called to the surface, as and when needed.

"We're even stranger than we were before..." She mused. "Should we return? This quest..."

She waved her hand, tired and tearful, though he paused only to kiss her lips, sweetly so.

"I will need to clear away this strange magic, though I don't know how much I will be left with... Until then, we can do more of what we love, such as me showing you how much I adore you."

He smirked, kissing her cheek, fingers creeping lower, down her bare chest to her waist and tugging her close enough for his paw to find her hind end again. Although the doe-taur squealed, her heart surged, her body fresh and ready for him, as if her fox had been the only thing that she had been waiting for, all to come back to him, her lover, all in the best of ways.

Lying on her back, she gave herself over to him as his shaft hardened, ready for her, pushing deeply up into her pussy, moans on their lips. Yet, that time, they were true moans, encompassing their passion for one another and the closeness of their relationship, how it truly was a bond that could never be broken. His shaft fit perfectly inside her, better than the tentacles could ever have been, though they were still there, only a part of the fox now, with the tree obliterated.

The tree and its evil would never again harm them, not as tentacles, more manageable that time in shades of dark green and soft grey, lifted from his shoulder blades, caressing her body, holding her, supporting her. For they could do so much more for both of them as Alyssa whimpered, holding onto his paw, letting him "sit her up" in his lap, though it was not a position that should have worked for them.

He laughed aloud in joy, back in himself, his body, his life and his love, half-lying back on the ground with his elbows propping up his torso. His tentacles, appendages that he would have to practise using for the full dexterity, held her poised lightly above him, though her legs splayed to either side of his body, tucking in around him. His tentacles squeezed around her torso too, softly rubbing over her breasts, stimulating them in a way that rarely was possible with their lust and the positions available to them.

Yet they could do more than ever before as his cock filled her pussy and another tentacle pushed into her tail hole, giving her that very pleasure that had been so alluring before, yet in a better way. Alyssa squirmed on him, sweetly helpless though she could have stopped things at any time, squirming in his grasp.

It was heaven, better than the doe-taur could ever have imagined, panting, whimpering, moaning, whispering his name over and over again.

"Sandor... Oh, I love you... Sandor..."

"Yes, I know, darling, I'll always be there for you, I promise, I'm never going to leave you," he moaned in turn, squeezing his tentacles around her as she "rode" him, her hind legs folded as if she was going to lie down on top of him, all while he kept her at just the right angle to comfortably sink onto his cock. Yet Sandor was not satisfied only with that as he powered his feet down into the ground, thrusting up, filling her again and again, eager for the true kind of pleasure that should only ever have been shared between him and his mate.

For she was his, even more so than ever before as she climaxed on his cock, hips bucking and body arching beautifully, his cock throbbing. He couldn't help it and he gave himself over gladly into orgasm, moaning out his love for Alyssa, thrusting and pushing deeply up into her, aching to spill his load. Ropes of thick, hot cream flooded her, adding to the prior loads inside her, yet his mana and essence swept every touch of the tree and its sordid nature from her, more cum that ever filling her.

They would be left with reminders of the tree, after all, things that could not be set aside so easily, but all would be well with their world, whole and healthy and happy, in love with one another, even though they were more than themselves. That could never be taken back, not as she collapsed on top of him, his tentacles only just supporting her enough to be comfortable, full and panting, heart swelling with her love for him.

Together... Together, they would be able to take one another forward in the world of magic. Together, they could do anything.

Continued in part three of three...