A Changeling's Love - Part One

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#1 of A Changeling's Love

Trueheart is a changeling who has lived the majority of his life amongst ponykind, hiding his real self from even his closest friends. When his secret is finally exposed though, will he ever be able to find friendship or love again? Will he be cast out and forced into solitude, or maybe, just maybe... will there be a pony who is still willing to love him for who he truly is?

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the MLP:FiM universe. :3

A Changeling's Love


Tears streamed down Trueheart's face as he ran.

"You lied to us! To all of us!"

Even as he fled across the fields outside of Saddleton, the unicorn's disguise faltered. He hadn't slipped up like this for years, hadn't put himself in any situation where his true form could be revealed, but now his pale pink coat and more rich red and white striped mane rippled and vanished for a moment, revealing a more solid, black, chitinous exoskeleton whose edges were sharp and whose hooves were marked with holes. His normally proud, straight horn twisted into an angled barb like a bolt of lightning, and from the thundering cloud of angry hooves behind him, more rageful cries of betrayal rang out as the changeling's true form was revealed once again.

This was all her fault. It was all Chrysalis' fault. If that damnable tyrant hadn't become so power hungry, if she hadn't bred herself an army of changelings in her own image, all convinced from birth that the only way to feed upon ponies was to steal the love which rightfully belonged to others, none of this would have happened. The attack on Canterlot by the changeling army never would have happened, driving the whole of Equestria into a paranoid frenzy. The very existence of changelings would have remained a myth, allowing those like Trueheart who chose to live amongst ponies, not stealing love but earning it through hard work and the fostering of friendships and other loving relationships with all those around them. Everything would have been fine. Everything would have remained just as it had always been, but no! Chrysalis had to go and ruin everything by kidnapping the Princess Cadence, enchanting her husband to be, and then getting caught, thereby making every pony across the land think that the only way changelings could feed was through malicious deception and mind control.

Trueheart had known that from that day forward he would need to be even more careful, even more certain that he was alone when returning to his natural form as was required for at least a brief period each day. But, he had been doing it for years without ever having more than a near miss, and it wasn't like there weren't plenty of opportunities each day for anypony who wanted to be alone to have some perfectly legitimate reasons to be alone, first and foremost having their very own home to retire to as they wished. Since the Canterlot incident though, paranoia had swept Equestria. At least a dozen times in the weeks since that fateful day Trueheart had heard some of the colts and fillies in the village accusing one another of being changelings when they got angry at one of their friends for doing something even the slightest bit against what they normally wanted to do together. On more than one occasion Trueheart had even been on the receiving end of gossip from some of the village's more hearsay savvy ponies... that being a charitable way of saying the village busybodies... suggesting that because of some perceived odd pattern of behaviour, they were convinced that some other village pony or another was actually a changeling replacement.

But despite all of this, Trueheart had been convinced that no-one suspected him. After all, why would they? The way he behaved was nothing like the way that any rumours about the Canterlot changelings suggested they behaved. He was beloved by all, and with good reason. He felt no ego in saying that he was the kindest and most giving pony in the village, for though the cutie-mark upon his flank was self-made, he truly believed it was his destiny to give all that he had of himself and assist all who required his aid, desiring nothing more than their gratitude, and perhaps even their heartfelt love in return.

Clearly though, someone had suspected him. Or at least, someone in the village, he still didn't know exactly who, had been suspicious enough of each and every pony to perform a much, much smaller and less powerful version of the same spell which had eventually driven the changelings out of Canterlot. It hadn't been able to physically repel Trueheart and toss him out of the village like the army had been thrown from the capital, but it had been sufficient to drive him to a state of such nausea and confusion that for a moment, just a moment, he had lost control of his illusion and reverted to his true form... right in the midst of the village's general store.

After that, everything was a blur. Screams of terror, confusion, and betrayal from the ponies which just seconds before had probably considered him among their dearest friends. Worse yet, those screams and cries of anger came from ponies which Trueheart did still consider his friends. And yet, none of that mattered now. All those years of love and kindness not just sustaining Trueheart but allowing him to flourish, granting his body and his magic the power to do so much to help those around him, all of it meant nothing now, because to the rest of them it had all been a lie. Of course, he couldn't blame them. Everything they had knowingly ever seen of changelings was terrifying, and there was an element of truth to their rageful cries insofar as everything they had ever known of Trueheart, however sincere he had been from the first day he walked into the village weak and alone and found nourishment in the kindness of those who had taken him in for just one night of rest, was based upon a core and fundamental lie about who that pony actually was.

Trueheart flinched as a bolt of raw, angry magic lanced the ground to his left, and he pushed himself harder. He hadn't used his wings for years, as such they were all but useless, muscles long atrophied, but his legs were strong. Fuelled not only by years of use as he pulled carts and carried heavy loads for the rest of the village, but by the love that he had been able to feel flowing all around him until suddenly his transformation faltered, and all of that was gone. He lurched to his left and dived into a corn-field, hoping to use the near ripe, tall and bountiful stalks as cover, but moments later he could hear the wings of pegasi overhead and cries guiding those still ground-bound ponies to his location. Thus he bolted back out of the field, and raced towards the edge of the White Tail Woods; a forest which stretched for well over a hundred miles east towards Ponyville from where Saddleton was located on its north-western border. Surely there he could lose his pursuers. Surely there he could get away from them by just continuing to run, and run, and run east until he got so far away from the village that the mob would have to turn back if they wanted to get home by nightfall. And then... then he supposed he would just keep on running. Take the form of some new, anonymous pony and keep running until he found somewhere, anywhere not so crazed by paranoia over the recent changeling attack that they would be willing to accept a new member of their community. A hard working pony who just wanted to fit in, and like so many other non-changelings in the world, just wanted to be loved.

With that in mind, Trueheart just kept on running. He kept running long after the cries calling for his destruction and the bolts of unicorn magic and the sweeping of pegasi wings high above had long since faded into silence, and he kept on running long after the thundering of his hooves against the leaf-litter strewn ground below was all he could hear, running in perfect time with the pounding of his heart. The changeling kept on running until he was physically exhausted, a sensation that was actually rather unfamiliar to him thanks to just how consistent and strong a source of love he'd had feeding him over the past few years. Now though, without the love of the village all around him to keep him constantly energised and ever ready to assist someone in need, as darkness began to fall over the forest and Trueheart was forced to let his horn glow in order to keep from simply tripping over his own hooves, the changeling stopped running. Panting, trembling, still looking nervously back over his shoulders expecting at any moment to see the glow of unicorn horns sweeping the forest for him, Trueheart looked around for somewhere, anywhere hidden where he could rest.

After a couple of minutes wandering and searching in the dark, the changeling came across a particularly large tree with gnarled roots that formed a vague shelter on three sides. It wasn't perfect cover by any means, but the more Trueheart stood and thought about what had happened, what he had lost by being forced to flee from the only stable home he had ever known, the more he wanted nothing more than to sleep so he could stop running those tragic facts over and over in his mind. For that reason alone he shuffled forward into the darkened crevice, and after curling up in as small and unnoticeable a ball as he could manage, the changeling tried to stop his mind from racing, and to sleep.

Barely minutes after he lay down though, Trueheart's eyes sprang open again as he heard heavy hoofbeats against the leaf-litter once again. He wanted to cry out, to beg the village to just leave him alone and to swear he'd never return, but before he could even consider trying to reason with his former friends, he heard one of them call out to him instead.

"Trueheart! Please, oh by Celestia, please, if you're out there, it's me. It's Brandy Snap!"

Trueheart's heart skipped a beat, flooded with emotion, with joy and relief and love, and then a moment later with despair as he realised that of all the ponies to be the last seeking him out, of course it was his dearest and most beloved friend of all. He hunched himself even tighter against the tree's roots as though trying to bury himself underground, never to emerge, but still her hooves and her voice grew closer.

"Please, I... I need to talk to you. I need to understand! I know everyone else is angry, and... and I know maybe I should be too, but... I just want to hear your side of the story, Trueheart. Please. Please... my friend... please be out there. Please, don't be gone."

The changeling squeezed his pale green eyes shut to try and ignore the glow of her horn, and tried to put his forelegs over his head to keep from hearing her words. The holes in his limbs however made it impossible for him to cover his ears, thus impossible to avoid hearing the sorrow, the pleading anguish in his best friend's voice. Why her? Celestia, Luna... by all the alicorns in the world, why did it have to be her?! Not only the pony he loved the most in all the world, but... the pony who he knew, who he could feel each and every time they had ever hung out, loved him far, far more than any other pony in the village. The pony who would have been with him as far more than just a friend, had he not told her early on in their friendship that romance was not something he was looking for, now or perhaps ever.

Of course, the truth was that he loved her too. As more than a friend, much, much more. He cared for her, he desired her, he loved Brandy Snap so much that if he had thought it would be possible to spend a life with her without ever risking revealing his secret, he would have accepted her offer of a first date in a heartbeat, and hopefully by now they would have been married for many years of pure happiness and love. But, if they had been together, they would almost certainly have ended up living together, and even if that wasn't the case there was every chance that they'd end up spending more than a day directly in one another's company at some point. Thus, in order to keep his secret from her, Trueheart would have had to craft deeper and more harmful lies than the fundamental one of what he was. And, he would not do that to Brandy Snap. Not to her, or to any pony who had ever propositioned him in such a loving or intimate manner.

That was also why he couldn't say anything to her now. Why he couldn't let himself speak out, and risk hurting her any more than he already had.

Unfortunately for Trueheart, it wasn't his choice to make for much longer,for barely thirty seconds later he heard a cry of pain and a thud as Brandy clearly tumbled over something in the dark in spite of her horn's glow, and without even thinking he burst out of his hiding place and raced over to where she was lying face down in the leaves, with her left foreleg hooked around a protruding root of the very same tree behind which the changeling had been hidden.

Pulling herself upright as Trueheart untangled her hoof with a glow of magic from his own horn, Brandy Snap regarded the changeling with a mixture of fear and relief all at once. They looked at one another in silence for a few seconds by the glow of the changeling's horn, and then, with a voice trembling with emotion that absolutely broke the changeling's heart, his dear friend began to speak to him.

"Were you... were you always, Trueheart, or... did you replace him? Did you hurt him?"

Anger flared in her eyes for a moment, but it faded as soon as the changeling shook his head.

"No, it's always been me. From day one. From... from the colt hiding between the kegs, to now..."

Brandy Snap nodded, but though she seemed to accept the answer, she still looked just as distraught.

"So, that means... none of it was real? All this time, you were just... using us, for our love? Using me s-so that I'd... so I would..."

Before she could say another word, she broke down into tears, and before he knew what he was doing, Trueheart was holding her. Hugging her tightly as he whispered desperate reassurances to her.

"No. Oh, Brandy... no. That's not it. I... I'm not like Chrysalis and her underlings. I swear it. Yes, I feed on love, but... I wasn't using you. I wasn't using anyone. What I did for all of you in the village, I did it because I care. Because I love you all too. And, what I got in return... the strength, the satisfaction I felt in earning your love and friendship, I gave back as best I could. I... I worked, I helped wherever I could, to show you all that whatever you offered me, I wanted nothing more than to return ten times over."

Her sobs grew louder, and Trueheart sniffled and comforted her as best he could in his own sorrow, so overwhelmed and so exhausted by everything that had happened today, and only now beginning to feel better, stronger once again.

No sooner had it occurred to him that he felt better though, Trueheart's eyes widened, then closed themselves tight as he looked within himself and activated one of his many additional changeling senses. He trembled, and whimpered audibly as he cradled the unicorn's head against his shoulder, while she let him rest similarly against hers.

"You... still care about me."

He whispered in disbelief, trembling as Brandy Snap pulled her head back and her beautiful blue eyes stared into his pupil-less, buggy green hues.

"I can... I can feel your love. Love for me... it's making me strong again. I was so tired, but now... oh god, Brandy. Why? Why, after everything you've heard about changelings, everything the rest of the village said... a-after learning that I lied about what I am all these years, why do you still love me?"

To Trueheart's continued shock, Brandy Snap giggled. Her eyes were still tearful and her expression still filled with a whole mixture of emotions, but in that moment, she giggled aloud, and raised a foreleg to stroke the side of the changeling's firm, chitinous face.

"Why do I love you now, Trueheart? You know why. I love you now for the same reason I've loved you almost from the day we met when we were still foals. Because of who you are, and... what you've been these past years. For most of my life, I've always known I could rely on you. The whole village has. And... knowing now that all that time, you were a changeling. All that time you were thriving on the love we all felt for you... and that with all that power you had, you just tried to do more for us in return? I... I feel like everything about you makes that little bit more sense. How you always knew just what to say when someone was upset. How you always showed up at just the right place at just the right time when someone needed a shoulder to cry on, or to keep an argument from hurting both the people having it. Everything makes sense, now."

Trueheart blinked, and stared in wonder at the now teary but actively smiling pony before him.

"That... that was... a lot less difficult than I expected. I thought you wouldn't believe me. That you'd hate me."

He chuckled softly, knowing that had he been in his pony form in that moment, he would undeniably have blushed as Brandy Snap laughed warmly alongside him.

"Well, a wise pony once told me something after I admitted that I was attracted to him, and he told me he couldn't feel the same way. Friendship may be painful sometimes, but it doesn't have to be difficult. We can make it complicated by hiding our feelings and disguising when we're hurt, or upset, or jealous. Or we can be honest with ourselves and with those we love, and trust them to be understanding and honest with us in return, accepting all the joys and the pain that brings, but never in a way so complicated that we can't just say how we feel."

Brandy Snap murmured, her own face getting red beneath her golden coat, albeit only slightly visible under the glow of Trueheart's horn. The changeling smiled, nodded warmly as he remembered vividly the day when he'd told his dear friend that, and then...


He murmured, his eyes widening slightly in sudden realisation.


Brandy Snap whispered curiously back at the changeling while he closed his eyes for another few moments, took a deep breath, then looked her in the eye once again and addressed the beautiful unicorn with words he never thought he would be able to speak aloud.

"I... I know this isn't the right time for this, but... you know the truth about me now. The whole truth. And, I promised myself that if you ever found out, and that by some miracle you didn't immediately hate me... I'd tell you something I never could have told you when you thought I was a regular pony. Brandy Snap, I'm attracted to you too. I always have been, from even before I felt your feelings for me becoming romantic and... intimate. But, I was too afraid to let anything happen. Too afraid because before long, I could imagine a whole life with you, and I knew that if that happened I would be hurting you every day with the lie of omission about what I really am. Having to hide m-my transformation each day, find excuses to be apart from you so I could guarantee I wouldn't be seen. And then, if we ever... if our romantic relationship became... physically intimate..."

His voice trailed off, but he chuckled bashfully and continued when Brandy Snap giggled, and nodded, urging him to keep going and to say whatever it was he had been about to say.

"It's hard to maintain control of my pony form when I... w-when I masturbate. The raw energy, the love that comes from me when I... climax, especially when I thought about you, it was hard to control. So, if we were together. If we were together , I mean... I'd be risking giving myself away every since time we shared a physical experience."

They both laughed nervously, bashfully, and looked away from one another for a moment, but just a few seconds later both pony and changeling were looking up at one another once again, something more than bashfulness twinkling in their eyes as they met anew.

"But now you know."

Trueheart murmured softly.

"And so... I love you, Brandy Snap. I love you with all my heart, and even if me being what I am means we can never be together, I need you to know that if things were different and we were both ponies, I never would have turned you down all those years ag-...mmmhhph!"

Before the changeling could finish the final word of what he had to say, his eyes bulged as Brandy Snap's muzzle pressed to his own. She kissed him long and hard, and by the time that first wild kiss ended, not only had he felt her tongue in his muzzle, but caught up in the moment Trueheart's own serpentine forked tongue had wiggled its tender way into hers, too.

"Well, now I know, and..."

Brandy Snap gasped as their lips parted, but said nothing more, simply closing her eyes and pressing her forehead to Trueheart's own, horns brushing ever so delicately and intimately together. A moment later, the changeling cried out as he felt an almighty wave of love swamp his own mind, his already receptive changeling senses utterly unprepared for the deluge of emotion that crashed over him as Brandy Snap dug out every thought, every memory of her being in love with Trueheart, and ran it all through the forefront of her mind as fast and as mercilessly as possible. It was such a concentrated burst of love energy that by the time the initial surge of it had passed, the changeling's horn was crackling with magical energy and its torchlight glow was some five or six times brighter than it previously had been.

"Ohhh, Celestia..."

Trueheart gasped as within his mind a clear vision formed, all of Brandy Snap's loving, passionate thoughts coalescing into a single image that wasn't a memory, but a hope of something that was going to happen very, very soon. Sure enough he felt one of her strong hooves against his chest, and he offered no resistance as the unicorn mare pushed him back until he practically toppled over, and came to rest upon his hindquarters with his legs sticking out in front of him and his back resting up against the trunk of the tree behind which he had hidden himself away. His eyes widened and his horn crackled, and once again Trueheart considered just how much his more fleshy form would have been blushing as Brandy Snap glanced down between his rear limbs at what that first kiss alone had provoked, and gave an awed whimper of her own.

"Ohh, by all the alicorns... it's huge!"

With his whole body trembling and feeling red hot even though he could not blush, Trueheart moaned as he heard Brandy Snap's exclamation and felt her hoof brush up against the underside of his still swelling cock in awe.

"When changelings are well fed for long periods of time, we... we keep on growing."

Trueheart tried to explain as he gasped in pleasure, feeling the unicorn's hoof slowly stroking up and down his throbbing equine cock.

"I tried to limit my growth once I reached the size of an adult pony, even if I did end up a little big for a unicorn, but... a-ahh... nhhh, not everything totally stopped getting bigger..."

Brandy Snap's eyes got wider than ever, and once more she giggled in wondrous glee to the changeling.

"So, are you telling me.. you have a big cock, because of how much me and the rest of the village love you?"

Trueheart nodded bashfully. Brandy Snap squealed with laughter.

"And, if I keep on loving you... if I find ways to love you more , will it get even bigger?"

The changeling's whole body felt like it was on fire with a mixture of lust and embarrassment, but that didn't stop him from answering Brandy Snap honestly. He was done holding back. Done not telling the whole truth, especially to her.

"Slowly, but... yes..."

He murmured, only to helplessly laugh as Brandy Snap groaned giddily, craned her neck forward to kiss him once again, then moved to straddle him with her forelegs up against the trunk of the tree either side of his head, positioning herself over his now fully erect cock and his spread out hind legs beneath it.

"Fuck, that's hot."

Brandy Snap moaned, reaching down to stroke Trueheart's face with her hoof once more before slowly starting to bend her back legs, and to lower herself down with her hindquarters directly over his straining erection.

"Trueheart, you have no idea how many times I've fallen asleep at night with my hooves and sheets soaked from thinking about you. I accepted your decision all those years ago, I made the choice to be your closest friend no matter what else I might have wanted, but... I could never make these other feelings for you go away. Especially not at night when I thought of all the times I watched you walking away, those balls of yours swinging in the breeze. I always wished I could see you hard, just once... so I could know what to imagine. But, when it was purely down to my imagination, I... I always hoped you were as big as your balls made it seem. Though, by Luna... I never imagined this. I... o-oh. Oh, alicorns... yes..."

Her eyes bulged as she felt the tip of his cock, a rich, deep blue colour, slip between her flushed, pink outer lips. His own eyes widened, and a low, desperate buzzing escaped his muzzle for a few moments before he was able to stop it.

"Does that mean you're enjoying yourself?"

The unicorn giggled.

"I... I honestly don't know. I mean, I am. I definitely am, but... I've never made that noise before..."

Trueheart murmured bashfully back, only to find himself growing even more worked up and embarrassed as the unicorn's pussy continued to engulf the head of his cock even as her eyes peered deep into his own with lustful curiosity.

"You've never... True, what you said before about not wanting to get close to me, because you didn't want to have to lie and hide anything from a lover. Does that mean... you..."

He nodded before the mare had a chance to put it into words, and did so himself.

"This is... you're... Brandy, you're my first."

The unicorn's eyes got bigger and bigger still, and as a soft whimper of pure elation escaped her lips with a matching expression of giddy glee crossing her face, Brandy Snap cried out, and Trueheart wailed as she much more swiftly and urgently plunged her lithe body down onto his cock.

"Oh, Celestia! Yes! Trueheart... fuck me..."

Brandy Snap whimpered, giving the changeling little choice in the matter as she pushed herself down until with a grunt she finally managed to hilt every inch of his substantial cock inside her, only to almost immediately lift off of Trueheart's cock and begin to bounce, to ride him with a whinnying wail of pleasure. Pleasure washed in waves over her face before Trueheart's wide eyes as he felt his cock caressing and stimulating every inch of her innermost workings, hotter, tighter, more incredible a sensation than he had ever been able to conjure up between his hooves and his horn's magical assistance. But no matter how good he felt in that moment and no matter how much he wanted to take some time to revel in that sensation, he could feel Brandy Snap's love crashing through his heart in ever building quantities, and before he could do anything else Trueheart had to find a way to show her his own loving passion in return.

Staring deep into the pony's eyes as he let her retain total control over how hard and fast she wanted to ride him, huffing, gasping and buzzing every now and then without the slightest control of his ability to do so, Trueheart's horn began to glow once again. It glowed brighter and brighter as he used whatever mental control was left at his disposal, and just a few seconds later the changeling grinned as even louder and more euphoria stricken than before, an echoing scream of pleasure escaped the unicorn and rang out through the quiet, dark forest all around them.

"Yes! Yes!"

Arching her back, Brandy Snap screamed as Trueheart's forelegs wrapped around her torso to hold her upright while she thrashed and shuddered in ecstasy. Magical energy was suddenly coursing through her clitoris, stimulating every single cell of its being with constant waves of pleasure alongside what Trueheart's cock was already doing to her soaking wet depths. Needless to say, she stood no chance of resisting it. In fact, the unicorn didn't even try. She kept on bouncing wildly upon the changeling's huge erection even after barely ten seconds of his magical intervention drove her shrieking, bellowing and whinnying to her first orgasm.

"Celestia! Luna!! Fucking alicorns, yessss! I... I love you! Oh by Cadence's grace, Trueheart, I love you so... so fucking... mmnh-haahh... aahhhyes! Yesssssssssss!"

Trueheart grunted in bliss of his very own as he watched and felt Brandy Snap lose control, not just feeling her cumming all around his cock with hot, gushing sprays of ejaculate dripping down over his aching balls, but feeling it deep within her as love and joy and pleasure radiated off her and soaked into him, only driving the changeling ever more desperately to push her to greater and greater heights His horn glowed brighter still, and as in the wake of that first climax the unicorn continued to bounce upon him, she leaned forward to press her forehead to his, their horns coming into contact once again.


She grunted as their horns touched, and magical energy crackled between them. Her horn intercepted the pleasure-giving magic meant to stimulate her clit, and before she could do anything to stop it, all that energy and all the pleasure it was meant to provoke was drawn directly down Brandy Snap's horn and into her own magical centre.


The unicorn screamed as her magic short circuited, and a cascading wave of magical energy erupted from her horn which consumed not just the changeling sitting beneath her, but her own body too. Pleasure beyond even what their bodies were capable of granting one another with their fevered fucking burst through every last fibre of both the pony and the changeling's being, and all they could do was wrap their forelegs around one another and in Brandy Snap's case sink down to the hilt upon Trueheart's huge erection one last time as the ecstasy consumed them both, and with a mutually wild and frenzied whinnying, they both began to cum without another second's hesitation.

"Yes! Yes! Ahhhhh, Trueheart! Cum in me! C-cum in... oohhh, ohhhhsweetalicornsyesssssss!"

Even as her own ejaculate sprayed out against the changeling's crotch and drooled across his heavy balls, Brandy Snap gurgled and shuddered as she felt the first waves of Trueheart's own cum beginning to flood up into her. As with his size she had found herself over the years imagining progressively more and more obscene acts being shared between her and the object of the majority of her lustful fantasies, and amongst those fantasies had been many an occasion during which she had dreamed of feeling huge, thick loads painting her body both inside and out. Just like with the size of his cock though, even Brandy Snap's most wildest imaginings hadn't been able to live up to reality. She wailed and shuddered and wiggled her hips desperately against Trueheart as he launched his cum deep into her with breathlessly whimpers, more intense, shrill buzzes and so, so, so much seed. They weren't ribbons that he painted her insides with, they weren't ropes. His every release was a veritable fountain of productivity, and as the no longer virgin changeling watched the look on Brandy Snap's face transform from one of wonder to awe to over-indulgent rapture and then to outright disbelief while he just kept on flooding her with seemingly limitless quantities of cum, he whimpered in delight as even that most carnal act of fertility and pleasure sent yet more love cascading through him to fuel not just the remainder of this orgasm they were sharing, but what Trueheart sincerely hoped in that moment would be many, many more to come.

For more than a solid minute, the two lovers remained locked together twitching, gasping, whinnying and cumming in equally potent rapture. They rocked and trembled against one another until finally Trueheart's cock stopped dribbling forth its near constant flood of cum, and a short while later Brandy Snap's pussy seemed to realise that the cock inside her had nothing more to offer for the time being at least, ceasing its own orgasmic spasms soon after.

With a muffled giggle from between muzzles pressed together once again in a deep kiss, the unicorn and the changeling toppled over onto their sides in a heap of legs, lips and soaking wet, stickily dripping thighs. They blushed, they panted and they laughed in wonder and joy as they kept on kissing in that tangled heap for a little while longer, before finally, bodies still entwined at the hips with Trueheart's cock showing no sign of deflating even as spent and tender as it was, parting their muzzles as Brandy Snap breathlessly whispered to the man she had loved for more than half her life.

"Tomorrow... we'll go back to the village, together. We'll explain everything, together, and... either they'll accept you as I did, and we'll stay there, together. Or, I'll pack the things I need, say goodbye to my family, and... and we'll find a place where we can start over. Together."

Trueheart didn't try to respond, he didn't try to interject with any of his own feelings. Not just because he was glad to hear what Brandy Snap was saying, but also because he knew what a force of nature this pony could be, and quite frankly had no desire to try and get in her way once she was so clearly set on a plan.

"But... tonight?"

She continued, her eyes sparkling in the lingering glow of both their horns, and Trueheart laughing as he was pushed over onto his back, then moaning as Brandy Snap pulled off of his cock... only to shuffle her way up his body, and plant her crotch firmly upon his face.

"Tonight, I... I'm going to show you exactly how I've wanted to love you for years and years. Tonight, I'm going to give you a feast like nothing you've ever known before... all the love you can handle, and more."

Her pussy rocked insistently back and forth against Trueheart's muzzle until with a bashful, breathy moan he extended his forked tongue and began to lick at her clitoris. The unicorn grunted in bliss, pressed her depths all the more urgently against his face, and whinnied giddily as sure enough he felt more and more unabashed, wildly erotic love surging forth from within Brandy Snap's heart.

"The feast of a lifetime, True..."

She moaned as the changeling she adored began to eat her out; inexperienced but incredibly, deliciously eager.

"...and, oh... ohhh, by Celestia... only the first of an entire lifetime, too."

By Jeeves

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A Changeling's Love - Part Two

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the MLP:FiM universe. :3 **A Changeling's Love - Part Two** Over a month had passed since Trueheart and Brandy Snap returned to...

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Eva's Heavenly Hairbrush

This vignette was written for Kemper, kinda. Actually they were kind enough to let me pick the content of their Patreon flash fic this time round, so I went for a somewhat self-indulgent favourite of mine. It contains F/Solo masturbation involving a...

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Too Close

This vignette was written for Aubrey as their Patreon flash fiction reward for December 2019. It contains rough F/F sex between consenting adults. :3 **Too Close** Saeva dived down, tucking her wings in and reaching out with both arms...

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