Thrake and the Magic Cloak

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Dame Thrake, knight of Lorelan, travels to the magical marketplace of Seer's Enclave to meet with a strange wizard. There, she finds a magical artifact, one with the power to let her enact her deepest, most secret desire.

Words: 6,152




Written as part of National Novel Writer's Month 2022

Seer's Enclave was born of an old king's paranoia. Nestled in a pocket of especially high curtain walls, it had, at one point, been the only place where those of magical persuasion were legally allowed to ply their trade, within the city. Nowadays, with magic being more commonplace in the kingdom of Lorelan, such precautions were considered unnecessary. Though the district retained its reputation for being a hub of magical services, it had, more or less, lost the constant air of surveillance and distrust that had plagued its early years.

At least, that was what Dame Thrake told herself, as she began to get closer to her destination. There was nothing, barring her imagination, explaining the eyes that she felt on her. She was otherwise unremarkable, so long as one ignored her full-blooded grey wolf lineage, or the bearing she gave off indicative of a knight of the realm, which not even her ordinary burgher clothes could hide, or the way she instinctively looked behind her, convinced that invisible watchers lurked around every corner. For perhaps the third time, since she started her trip, she took a moment to duck into an alley and regain her composure. She knew, deep in her heart, that she was just letting her imagination run away with her. It was a testament to her trepidation, and to the danger of the task she was about to perform. Still, she was determined to remain the master of herself. At least, for the time being.

And so, for the last time, she returned to the crowds, as she followed them down the main thoroughfare. Her objective was in sight: the little run-down curio shop on the split between three roads. The sign on the front was inexpertly painted over, with the new name written in the requisite arcane script. A childishly simple drawing of a kobold with a flask lay nestled in the bottom right corner. Thrake narrowed her eyes. Was this really the place where she would find the magic that she sought? She was, perhaps, in over her head. However, her need was great, greater than her hesitancy. She surged forward, pushing the door open with the whole of her weight.

It was commonplace for shops of magical persuasions to be larger than the outside walls would suggest. The inside of this store was, paradoxically, seemingly smaller. A large portion of that might have just been the sheer, overwhelming volume of items, crammed into shelves and displays and boxes and chests, nestled into every conceivable nook and cranny with only the occasional, abortive pockets of what might be possibly the faintest ghost of a hint of deliberate order. Navigating to the counter, at the far end of the room, required squeezing through gaps in the merchandise barely large enough for some of the half-sized races, let alone a woman of her stature. At the far end sat a kobold, one of those brightly-colored ones that all crawled out of the Southern Mountains en masse, years ago. A collection of lenses lay on the table, with an array in a stand pointed down at a half-constructed device. The kobold had put both of these aside, for the moment, as she stared off into the middle distance with a distracted, placid grin.

Thrake leaned to one side, in an attempt to be level with the creature. "Good morning," she said, politely but forcefully. "Be you the proprietor of this arcanist's workshop?"

"Eh?" The kobold looked up, as if noticing Thrake for the first time. The wolf could hear a faint, muted sound nearby, as of a bee in a fabric bag. "Oh! Pardon Ka-lee. We don't see you enter. Welcome! You are virgin, yes?"

Thrake's ears flattened. "I beg your pardon?"

The kobold known as Ka-lee raised an eyebrow, quizzically. "The canine is not? Ka-lee doesn't see you in their store, before, we don't think." Realization hit her, all at once, as she drummed her claws against the counter. "You are new customer! Not virgin! That is a different word, we think."

The wolf put a hand down on the counter, leaning against her arm, as she stared down at the small lizard. "I am no new customer, Ka-lee, and thus far you have given me little reason to think you are worth my business."

"Well, then, Ka-lee must try harder to be a good shop-keep, then!" The kobold beamed, resting her chin in her hands, languidly, as the buzzing noise continued. "What is it you seek, hmm? A philter to inspire love? A garter to inspire lust? Perhaps..."

"Y-you waste your time," Dame Thrake backed away from the counter, attempting to look defiant, despite the heat blooming in her cheeks. "I entered this store merely out of curiosity, but it's plainly apparent that you cannot help me. Good day, miss, and I hope you find someone willing to..."

"Ah," Ka-lee tittered. "Ka-lee sees. The canine has those kinds of desires, do they?"

"What? What blather is th..." Thrake's blood froze, as she looked into the kobold's eyes and saw the tell-tale sign of sorcery being performed. Instinctively, she put her hand on her hip, reaching for a sword she had not brought with her. "Are you probing my mind, witch?"

Ka-lee did not answer, right away. Instead, she reached for one of the myriad lenses, she had left on the counter. "We do not enter the minds of our customers," she explained. "Not unless they want that. (The canine would be surprised how common such things are lusted for.) No, good creature, the canine came in with desires, and for those with eyes to see, those desires hang about the body like the morning fog. One might say we smell such things on the canine, though magic-sense is not like nose-sense."

"I... see." Thrake folded her arms, feigning disinterest. "You believe you know what it is I've come in for, then?"

"We can guess. However..." Bringing the lens close to her lips, the kobold began to mutter incantations. The edge of the lens began to glow a pinkish purple, for a brief moment, before fading, leaving behind a rim of arcane characters all along the outside. She held the magicked device up, as candidly as a child holds up a bug they found to someone else. "...perhaps the canine would like to find out for themselves. Look through this; it will help the canine find the item in our store that could best sate their desire."

The wolf looked down at the lens, with patent distrust. Reaching down, she grabbed the device, gingerly. When she was convinced it was not going to put an immediate curse on her or turn her into a frog, she nestled it into the web between her thumb and forefinger. "I don't see how this will help," she said, still pretending to be disinterested as she lifted the lens up to her eye. "How anyone is supposed to find anything, in this mess is... is..."

The world, as seen through the kobold's lens, was a bizarre shade of pinkish purple. The lens itself was not tinted, but as soon as Thrake's attention was directed through it, the arcane symbols began to glow, and the world became colored. Lines became sharper. She could see strange, swirling yellow-orange auras curling off of items on the shelves, like incense smoke. Experimentally, she put the lens down, saw the store as it really was, and then checked it again under the influence of Ka-lee's magic. Tentatively, she looked back.

Ka-lee's tail swung about, distractedly, as she fidgeted in her seat and looked on, expectantly.

Nervous, but encouraged, Thrake resumed looking through the lens and began to walk around the store. Several items glowed stronger than others. A pair of crystal balls, a blank portrait canvas, a collection of mirrors of various sizes. She was still unsure what it was she was meant to be looking for, but as she observed, she noticed something strange. The smokey wisps of essence seemed to curl towards a point, off to the far right side of the store. Was she meant to follow it? Once she turned her attention in that direction, she saw it. An amorphous bundle of... something that glowed with a pulsing light more brilliant than anything she had seen, up until now. Walking up to it, she put a tentative hand out to touch the object, but flinched when her hand met resistance. She pulled the lens from her eye, and looked down.

Her hand was resting on a rectangular wooden box, plain and unornamented. Thrake looked back at the kobold, who had closed her eyes and begun humming to herself as she bounced up and down lightly on her stool. The wolf looked back, putting her thumb under the lid and attempting to open the box, but it would not budge. She furrowed her brow, then picked up the box wholesale, tucking it under her arm and taking it to the counter.

"Kobold," she barked, setting the box down with a thud. "Explain this container."

"Ah?" Ka-lee blinked, looking down at the box. She squealed, with frankly child-like glee. "Oooh! The canine is a courageous sort, we see! Rare is the creature that is drawn to that enchantment, especially not the first time around."

"Spare me your flattery," Thrake folded her arms, again. "Explain the container. I appear to be unable to look inside."

"That is because we have cast a spell upon it." Grabbing the box with both hands, Ka-lee began to glow with magical energy. A puff of air issued from the box, as the lid popped open, slightly. "They are very difficult to make, and fiendishly easy for a dishonest creature to try and walk away with." Grinning, she pulled open the lid.

Thrake leaned over, to peer inside. She scowled. "It's empty. There's nothing inside."

"Reach inside, seeker."

Tentatively, the wolf obliged. Then, she withdrew her hand, the moment she felt it brush against fabric. She glared inside. The box still looked empty.

Ka-lee snickered, inordinately pleased with herself. "It is some of our finest spell-weaving." Placing her hands inside, her claws curled around nothing, which she lifted up and presented as though it were something visible. "Behold, the Cloak of Plain Sight! Completely invisible, in its base form."

"Invisible? Why would I ever want invisible clothing?"

"Invisible in this basic form, seeker," Ka-lee insisted. "However, when placed over the shoulders, as a regular cloak..." With a dramatic flourish, the kobold swung the invisible fabric around. Thrake felt the hem of it brush against her arm, before it withdrew to behind Ka-lee's back. The kobold's hands moved, as if fastening a clasp, and with a warp and a shimmer of light, her otherwise unremarkable peasant's garb transformed into an ever so slightly different set of unremarkable peasant's garb. Kal-ee posed, dramatically. " creates a cunning illusion of an outfit over your entire body."

Thrake sighed, in annoyance. "I fail to understand. For what purpose could I possibly want an invisible cloak, that changes the appearance of the clothing underneath? Your magic lens seemed to suggest this was the thing I came in here to receive, and yet I cannot fathom a use for this."

"The canine misunderstands us." Ka-lee perched her feet on the stool, hiking up her hips, as she began to pantomime the removal of her pants. Or, a seeming pantomime. Her pants seemed to stay on, but then she suddenly tossed a bundle of fabric onto the counter, which seemed to appear out of thin air, as it left her hands. "The illusion covers the entire body, yes." Repeating the motion, she tossed a second bundle of cloth on the counter. "It cares not for what clothing the user wears."

Bewildered, Thrake leaned forward. Setting Ka-lee's lens down, she prodded the first bundle. Her heart began to race. "Th-these are your pants," she noted. "The ones you were wearing, before you put on the cloak. Where did they come from?"

"From our hips," Ka-lee responded, smugly. "They had never left."

The wolf inspected the second set of cloth. It was a still warm (and vaguely damp) set of underpants. "Then..." Thrake gulped, as she tried to take in this information. "...then that means that you're currently not wearing..."

"...the canine finally understands!" Ka-lee clapped her hands, in triumph. "We are, from the waist down, as bare as the day we were hatched."

"Yet, I can see you are still wearing a full set of clothing."

"That is the cloak's illusion." As she explained, Ka-lee made several difficult to parse hand motions, at her breast. "It convinces anyone who looks upon it that its wearer is dressed in whatever attire would be normal, for its culture. It is so ordinary seeming, in fact, that no one who looks upon it can accurately describe what they saw the bearer as wearing, afterwards." She stretched her arms behind her, and a half second before tossing a third bundle Thrake recognized that she was removing her shirt, as well. And yet, as far as the wolf was aware, the kobold was still fully dressed. "We say again: behold, the Cloak of Plain Sight!"

Dame Thrake's heart pounded, in her chest. Her nostrils flared. Her nails scraped along the counter-top as she balled her hands into fists. And yet, still, a part of her was determined to deny. With a breathy chuckle, she looked off to a random part of the store. "An interesting novelty, magister, but I hardly think it merits the song and dance. Why you think I would be interested in such a device..."

There was a clatter, as Ka-lee clambered onto the counter. "Were our magics wrong, then?" Taking a seat, on the end Thrake was facing, she hung her legs over the edge and got stared up into the wolf's eyes, teasingly. "Is the canine truly sure that they would find no enjoyment, from having such power?"

Thrake tried not to look. When she inevitably did, it was to the shop-keep, leaning back onto the heels of her hands. Her legs were spread, chest thrust forward. There was a clear line between where she was, and the still open door, the crowds of people walking past outside. Were it not for the illusion of the cloak, Thrake realized, any person could look inside, right then, and see... and see...

Thrake clapped a hand down on Ka-lee's shoulder, feeling thin silken fabric and scales where she expected linen. The wolf stared at the shop-keep, speaking in a dire, husky whisper: "I... have told no one... of this secret of mine."

Ka-lee snickered. "That is untrue, fair creature. The canine has told us, about these secret desires, just today."

"Do you mock me?" Thrake growled.

"We do not mock our customers. After all, we are here to help our customers. That is why we packed up from our den, to the city. It was to help creatures like the seeker before me, who lack the den's honesty when it comes to these matters, and to give them the tools to find that honesty." Ka-lee hiked her legs further, revealing more of her unremarkable peasant's trousers to the people outside, as she grinned devilishly up at Thrake. "What says the canine? Shall they walk away with one of my fine cloaks?"

Thrake's hand hovered over her belt, but she hesitated. She knew what was going to happen, if she put her coin purse in the kobold's hands. She, Dame Thrake, appointed knight of the kingdom of Lorelan, was a moment away from engaging in business that, were it to get out... She slammed the bag down on the counter, before she could continue to talk herself further out of the arrangement. "In this purse is coin sufficient to feed a person for a fortnight and a half," she declared. "Will this be sufficient payment?"

"Hmmm..." Ka-lee scratched her chin, thoughtfully. "Payment enough for the physical aspects of this magic, perhaps. However, there is the magical cost, to be considered. It takes significant energies to craft something of this magnitude. Were you to reimburse some of that..."

Thrake hesitated. "What do you ask of me, magister? My blood? A portion of my soul?"

"Eh?" Ka-lee recoiled, in horror. "What? Nay! Ugh! Unspeakable! Urgh! What horrid magics does the canine think we work with? That is the purview of necromancers and other such monsters! We do no such things."

"Then, what?"

"We require articles that have absorbed a sufficient amount of the canine's vital essence. Say, for example..." Ka-lee looked down, at Thrake's outfit, fangs glinting as she grinned. "...those clothes."

Thrake's heart skipped a beat. "M-my clothes?"

Ka-lee began to idly play with the lens that she had enchanted, as she explained. "Yes. Clothes are the perfect conduit for energies. Something that the creatures here carry with them, for much of their life, a silent witness to their feelings and experiences. A truly venerable article of clothing may have traces of life-force going back years, and all the associated emotions make for... well, not a great source of power, seeker understands, but at least a usable one."

"I cannot just give you the clothes off my back," Thrake protested. "My home is on the opposite side of the city. How would I even get there without...?"

Ka-lee didn't answer, but her impish smile spoke volumes.

Thrake's hands shook. The idea was preposterous. Unthinkable! And yet, gods save her, she was thinking about it. Her eyes wandered to the seemingly empty box, on the counter. She watched, as her hand reached out almost of its own accord, brushing up against a mass of invisible fabric. Her ears flattened against her head, as she turned back to Ka-lee and whimpered. "D-do you, perhaps, have somewhere I may change?"

Ka-lee motioned, with her head, to the room behind the counter. "The seeker can use our private chambers, so long as they promise to touch nothing."

Nodding, dumbly, Dame Thrake ducked behind the counter, into a little hall, and then off to the side to a bedroom that, as might be expected, was no less cramped and overstuffed than the store, itself. Items of a clearly magical, dubiously magical, and plain mundane nature lay anywhere they might be out of the way. A large mirror took up residence against the far wall. On the bed, a collection of objects lay scattered on, and in the sheets. Thrake tried to ignore those, particularly the moment she realized one of them had a distressing similarity to a certain part of a male horse.

She set the cloak down, deliberately, on the corner-post of the bed, so she could find it again. Then, with a shuddering breath, she climbed out of her shirt. Her grey fur was exposed to the open air, as were her ample breasts and muscular, battle-scarred body. She undid the laces of her pants, but paused when she managed to get her thumbs under the slip of linen underwear. She could see it, in the mirror. A small wet patch was already forming, between her legs. "Gods preserve me..." Shimmying out of her clothes, completely, she groped blindly for the cloak, feeling around until she found the rim and fastener, so she could put it around her neck. It was small. For a moment, she thought that it would be far too small to fit around her neck, but as she tried to fit it, she was surprised to discover that the cloak appeared to grow larger, in her hands. After a moment, she was able to meet the two ends comfortably, and hook them together.

A shimmer, out of the corner of her eye, caused her to look in the mirror. Exactly as described, it looked as though she was now wearing a complete outfit. Boots, breeches, tunic, every one of them as out of place as a sprig of straw in a haystack. And yet, when she looked down at her actual body... she saw only her bare breasts. She could feel the fabric, against her arms and back, could feel it stretch down her body. Despite the garment's growing to accommodate her neck size, it seemed as though it refused to stretch far enough to cover her whole body. Instead, after some experimental feel, she determined that it went down to not quite the level of her vulva. Were it a regular cloak, everyone would be able to see... With a will, she forced herself to not consider that notion, even as it made her lower body flutter, with excitement.

Gathering up her things, she made to leave the room and head back out into the store. As she stepped out behind the counter, she saw Ka-lee, passing a blue, buzzing stone to a middle-aged cat.

"And here is the feline's promised trinket," Ka-lee said. "We have tested it thoroughly, and trust us when we say your mate should get no shortage of use, from this."

The cat looked down at his hand, about to ask something about the vibrating and slightly wet stone, when he noticed the wolf enter. Thrake froze. Almost instinctively, she looked down at her naked body, and felt a thrill of panic rise through her. However, the cat shrugged, tucking the rock into his apron pocket. "You have my thanks, marm," he said, to the kobold. "Hopefully, with this, we can still go at it, with less risk of having more kids."

"A shame," Ka-lee replied. "We hear parenthood is a joy."

"You hear correctly," the cat sighed, "but it starts to lose its shine after the tenth one." Turning to the wolf, he nodded. "Miss." Placing his coins on the counter, he then turned and left the store.

Ka-lee hummed, as she counted out her payment. "I see the seeker has managed to get the enchantment to work, as described."

Thrake put her clothes down, next to the kobold's hands. "W-was that in doubt?"

"If the strength of my magics were in doubt, then the cat would have seen us, first."

Thrake looked at the kobold's outfit, intently. "You're still wearing the..."

"Yes! To be honest, we prefer to go without such trifles. Pants are so restrictive, and we cannot bask properly with so much cloth in the way. Alas, the Watch took issue with our kin for such notions, and who are we to question the authority of this land?"

The last thing that Thrake felt she needed to be reminded of was the existence of the Watch. Her hand closed around her clothes, again, as she found herself second guessing this decision. "The illusion... will hold, yes?" she asked, desperately. "How likely is it that someone will see through it? Should I avoid the roads?"

"If it would make the seeker feel safer, perhaps they should. We do not consider it to be a serious threat, however." Ka-lee stretched, languidly. "The only ones who could see past the glamer are those creatures that devote themselves specifically to doing so, and even then, only if they have some reason to suspect that magic is truly afoot."

"I... see?" Thrake shivered, not especially emboldened by the kobold's description.

Ka-lee noticed the wolf's trepidation. Her expression became slightly less impish, and a bit more serious. "To be safe, the seeker should avoid protracted conversations with anyone of a magical nature. Get off the street if they see an inquisitor, for they tend to not trust anyone. They should also avoid walking straight into the throne room, with such a thing on, but..." She snickered. "If we needed to tell the seeker something like that, then they would likely be better off, not trifling with magics."

"I see." Thrake pulled her hand back. Her eyes wandered to the door, to the milling crowds of people outside. An errant breeze wafted in, pressing the cloak to her stomach and tickling the fur around her nether regions. They sparked with the first errant flush of arousal.

"Go on, then, seeker," Ka-lee cajoled, still with that same serious air. "This power belongs to you. Go forth, and feel the sun."

With a nervous gulp, Thrake stepped out from beyond the counter. She took slow, unsteady steps towards the front of the store. She paused at the door, only for a moment, long enough to pull in as much air as her lungs could manage. Then, with an exhale, she mustered her courage, and took a step forward. The door swung shut behind her, causing her to flinch and look behind her, but when she turned back around, she began to truly appreciate what she was doing.

Outside, the sun was just past its zenith. People walked past, in either direction. Everything from laborers, to magic users, to watchmen, all with somewhere to be and a hurry to get there. Not a single one of them looked in Thrake's direction. The warm rays of the sun began to soak into the fur of her shoulders, her head... her bare breasts. Still, people walked on by, some turning slightly to avoid the wolf-sized object in their path. Nobody looked. Nobody pointed. Nobody was desperately shrieking for a watchman to come around. She was... safe? No. No, she was emphatically not. Not until she could get herself back home, in any case.

Taking a deep breath, Thrake insinuated herself into the flow of traffic. She could hear two male voices behind her, engaged in some banal conversation or other. Even with the protection of the cloak, she could not help but feel exposed. The fabric did not cover her toned rear, didn't hide the curve and flex of her muscles as she walked. She cursed to herself. Was her tail wagging? She tried to stop it. She could not afford to draw attention to herself.

Quickly, she ducked into an alleyway, where she sought to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest. The cloak was really working! She looked down at her body, just to confirm there was still bare fur, and seemingly nothing else. It was then that she noticed that her vulva was starting to plump up. The first beads of moisture glistened, in the light. She cast her gaze up, at the sky, breathing deeply. It was going to be a long walk home.

When she got back out onto the street, her thoughts were entirely focused on walking straight. She was not thinking about the growing itch in her nethers, even as every step inflamed her further. She did not think about what it would be like to be truly invisible, so that she might get away with reaching a hand down and... A group of young males were walking the opposite way, dressed in the robes of apprentices. One of them was showing off their newfound ability, which caused magic to curl off of the corners of his eyes in a way that the others found incredibly impressive. The mouse looked in Thrake's direction, for just a moment. Then he looked again. Thrake immediately retreated into another alleyway, before he could look any closer.

She decided to take a bit of a detour, for a few minutes. Walking through the cramped spaces between buildings was inconvenient, and it would make her trip that much longer, but at this time of day it was significantly less populated. She only needed to make sure she gave the occasional resident a wide berth. A robed figure in a hurry, going the opposite way, nearly brushed up against her. She felt the disturbed air, as it snuck in under her cloak, bringing a fresh set of sensations on her sensitive nipples and pulsing button. She needed a second, after that, to try and retain her composure.

Eventually, she emerged back onto the road, just before the checkpoint. Guards still stood at the entrance to Seer's Enclave, as they would any portcullis between two districts, but the post was widely considered to be one of the least important, a vestigial holdover from a more tense point in the city's history. Thrake knew it as the place where they sent new guards, in order to learn the fine art of standing in one place and being bored to death. Catching a glimpse under the helmet of one, as she approached, she found herself smirking.

"Afternoon, Yeoman," she said, coming to a stop next to the guard.

"Oh. Dame Thrake." The Yeoman in question was a golden-furred dog, only a few years Thrake's junior, thin as a post despite a concerted effort to try and build some muscles in training. He tried to stand up straighter, pretend as though he had been dutifully standing at attention, the whole time. "Nothing to report, ma'am. Street's as quiet as always."

"No need for formality today, Yeoman," Thrake replied, leaning against the wall with one hand, as she faced the guard. "It's my day of rest. I've just come back from errands."

The dog smiled, encouraged, but (rightly) smelling a trap, he continued his guard's stance. "That may be, ma'am, but I am very much still in uniform, and shall conduct myself accordingly."

Thrake chuckled. "Good man."

The two of them talked about banal subjects, the myriad trivial things that come up, between two people of a similar line of work. The dog (she had never bothered to remember his name) and she had had run ins, before. It was plain to see that he had something of a crush on her. Or, perhaps, something less noble. Even now, she saw (or perhaps imagined) his eyes trailing down to her body. She could practically hear him, undressing her in his mind. Oh, she thought to herself, tail beginning to wag, if only he knew...

"Are you well, ma'am?" the dog asked, suddenly. "You seem a bit distant, today."

Thrake collected herself, quickly. "I am tired," she replied, with conviction. "I have had a bit of a journey, this day, and I anticipate it shall be longer, still."

"I see. Well, then, I shall not delay you any longer." Setting his halberd on the ground, he took a full and proper guard stance. "Continue as you will, citizen, and be well."

"Yeoman," she replied, with a curt salute. She passed through the gate, devoting all of her focus to trying to walk straight. She tried to ignore the dampness running down her legs, even as the motion of her thighs rubbing together caused fresh electric pulses to run up her. She could feel her pulse, deep inside her. Her hands were balled into fists, desperately trying to stay at their sides. She could not duck into an alley, fast enough.

Leaning against the wall, she spread her legs. Her vulva was fully engorged, slick with arousal. She could see the drops on the otherwise dry cobblestones, where she had just walked. Did anyone else notice? She was suddenly aware of her hand, hovering over her clitoris. She did not see her hand do that: the moment she noticed was when she felt her fingers, hovering just a centimeter or two over her flesh. Desperately, she looked from her hand, to the street outside, where the crowds still walked. She could not do it. Not here. Not now. But, at this rate."

"There is the seeker!"

Thrake felt a lurch in her heart, so forceful she thought she nearly swooned. Following the source of the voice, she looked down. There stood Ka-lee, holding up a half-filled coin purse.

"The canine has long-changed us," she explained, with a neighborly smile. "We do not need to eat much, so the coin you gave us could feed us longer than the promised fortnight and a half. We want to give you back the remaining."

Thrake just stared, in bewilderment. Her hand still hovered over her crotch. Her breath came in ragged pants. "How... did you find me?"

"We followed the trail of the seeker's essence." Ka-lee pointed to her eyes, which burned with the subtle glow of magic. "The canine's desires are like a beacon, and have only been getting stronger since they left our store." Taking a step forward, she put a palm on Thrake's mid-thigh. "We can smell it on them. This time, truly."

"N-no," Thrake's breath caught in her throat, as her leg twitched under the kobold's hand. "D-don't touch me, please, I..."

"Poor seeker." Ka-lee stalked forward, insinuating herself between Thrake's spread legs. With the height difference between them, the wizard only needed to angle her snout up, just a little bit, before her hot breath was causing fresh spasms of pleasure to radiate across the wolf's swollen lips. "It seems as though our magics were too potent for them to deal with, and now they are in flames. Worry not. We shall come to their aid."

"What are you...?" Thrake made a strangled noise, as she felt the first pass of warm, wet tongue against her throbbing vulva. Bringing her hands up, she closed her teeth down on one finger, in a vain attempt to stifle the needy whine that warbled in the back of her throat. She could feel herself being parted, fresh juices being lapped up faster than she could produce them. She could not protest. It was all she could do to keep her legs upright, as her body shivered and melted under the gentle onslaught of the kobold. Teeth bumped against her button. She felt herself utterly invaded by that warm, dexterous tongue as it pushed into parts of her clenching depths only ever explored by men. Her eyes trailed out, to the sunlight dappled streets. People walked past, still. None of them seemed to notice. Putting her hands on the kobold's head, she still bit down on her lip, tried desperately to stay quiet. What would become of her, if anyone were to look in and see...?

A noise, to her right, caused her head to swing. A young fox had stopped in her tracks, eyebrow raised as she looked at Thrake and Ka-lee. She had been taking a shortcut between two streets, and when she had made to return to the crowds, what she saw...

In the fox's eyes, the scene before her was different. Ka-lee lay against Thrake, curled on her like a child seeking consolation, and Thrake, like a doting mother, was rubbing the kobold's head. The scene was one of tenderness, of a story too complicated for the fox to truly understand. She smiled, at what seemed to her to be a truly genuine and endearing display of warmth and kindness, before moving on with her day and leaving the two of them in peace.

Thrake watched the fox go. She listened for the sound of the guard being called. It did not happen. Curling forward, she let out a shuddering gasp, as her entire body shook with one of the most powerful orgasms of her life. She sunk her weight down on Ka-lee's head who, for her part, never let up her ministrations, feeling the rippling pulses as the wolf tried to milk her tongue like it was a man. The whole affair was violent, messy. It came on and passed suddenly. Thrake was not sure how much time had passed, but by the time she finally found her breath and voice again, she realized she was on her knees. Ka-lee stood beside her, wiping the wolf's feminine juices from her chin and licking her chops like a well-fed beast.

"We could clearly feel how badly the seeker needed that," she chirped.

"Th-that... that was..." Thrake pulled herself up to her feet, wobbling a bit, as she did so. "Your magics are stronger than I thought, magister. How did you know the cloak was going to hide what you were doing to me, the way it hides my nudity?"

Ka-lee raised an eyebrow. "Wait..." she perched her chin in her thumb and forefinger, thoughtfully. "The cloak can do that? We had never tested it, before, so there was no way to know."

Thrake's blood froze. "What? But, the fox, she..."

"What fox does the seeker speak of?"

Thrake shivered, before reaching down to pick up the dropped bag of gold. "I must return to my quarters, as soon as possible. I cannot stay in this cloak, any longer."

"That is understandable." Ka-lee leaned against the wall, smirking. "Be well, and should the seeker need any more of our assistance, they know where we can be found."

Thrake scowled. "Good day, magister." Turning on her heel, she stalked off. Relief gave way to indignation, as she made the final stretch back to her home. To think that she had come just a hair's breadth away from being caught, that nothing but dumb luck saved her from being seen...

She cursed to herself. Her tail was wagging, again.