Dorm Room Fling

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#2 of Short Stories

Sequel to Classroom Fling. After the events of august, Shawn Wilkerson is having some urges he cannot control as a dragon and the only way to tame it is to do it with or without an assistance. He makes a risky decision that can hurt the only person he cares about the most but his new found desires cannot wait any longer.

Shawn sat comfortably in the desk chair at the computer with his hands behind his head. The 20-year-old orange-scaled dragon was satisfied with the outcome of playing the first-person shooter online game, letting a proud smug form on his face. He won and beaten his opponents as a badass gamer.

"Uh, what's your score, Shawn?" said Raiden next to him.

Shawn saw him rolling by on his desk chair and something devious came into his mind. Raiden stopped next to him to see his score, and it was Shawn's cue to grasp him with both of his strong hands on the snow leopard and lifted him for a swift moment to rest him on top of his lap. Raiden found himself facing the dragon face-to-face, frozen in place with a priceless reaction.

Shawn chuckled, proud of his stunt. "My, my, aren't you feeling romantic, huh, Rai?" he teased.

The snow leopard's face calmed down. "Yeah... I think so, Shawn," he said and leaned forward to kiss him.

Shawn accepted the kiss; his whiskers vaguely tickled his scales on his face. It was warming and lively. He embraced him and the kiss deepened. Rai's hands pressed on Shawn's strong chest. Soft moans were filling the quietened classroom. Shawn lifted Rai's shirt off and Rai lifted his shirt over his head. Their bodies were physically closer in contact and embraced another passionate round of kisses.

Rai's hands held onto Shawn's chest, curiously feeling, and massaging his cream-scaled pectorals. Shawn vaguely felt the leopard's furred body, it was soft and warm, and the color of gray with black spots made him almost invisible in the dark.

Rai leaned down and kissed his chest, he softly moaned as he continued down through his stomach. It tickled and looked down at his already opened crotch; his belt, button, and zipper stripped the pants and so as the underwear. It all disappeared, and Raiden's lower clothes were also gone.

Rai licked his lips and opened his mouth at the excited member.

Shawn closed his eyes, letting his imagination go wild, hands behind his head, and let Rai do all the work as he rested on his chair.

He didn't bother about how dark the classroom was and didn't bother if someone would come inside the classroom for whatever reason. All the worries were gone. He felt how his cock was throbbing at every lick and suck Rai was doing. His pre was leaking and more would come out.

His heart was racing fast and felt his limits. Shawn looked down panting, telling Rai he was about to cum, but came out a whisper.

Raiden didn't stop and kept sucking.

Shawn barely could speak and made more obscene noises from his mouth. He wanted to tell him he was going to cum, but he couldn't. The sucking felt so good, he wanted more, but slow and steady to last longer, and to tell him he was about to cum soon. So many things were coming into his mind that he could not put them together, it was dazing and disorienting him. His heart throbbed rapidly, his body was heating and sweating on his skin, another throbbing feeling came out stronger with a warn sensation spreading on his lower stomach, and everything turned into a haze around Shawn, leaning back on the chair and saw colorful stars exploding like fireworks in his vision until it all turned into complete darkness.

It left him with a satisfying sensation throughout his body, it was the best feeling in the world.


The sunlight shone through Shawn's dormitory, waking the dragon up from the bed before the alarm clock on his phone rang. His yellow eyes glanced at his roommate, he was still asleep and looked back at the ceiling. He shifted to sit on the bed, his muscled body of a basketball athlete was revealed from the pulled thin blanket. He yawned and stretched his arms and legs, preparing for his basic morning workout on a Wednesday morning in the very dorm room.

But he felt something cold and wet in his crotch...

Did I pee!? He thought.

He panicky pulled out the last of the blanket covering his upper legs, but it wasn't what he thought of at first, and found the most pain-in-the-ass sight on his crotch, a large stain covering the whole bulge of his blue boxers. He pulled the waistband and saw even more of his transparent, sticky bodily fluids. This meant that it happened not too long ago. Shawn muttered under his breath and sighed.

Today was Monday, he had basketball practice at Rexville University's 800-building Sports Center. His teammates, coach, and captain were there, he arrived late to his practice.

"Wilkerson, where have you been?" said Coach Sanders.

The orange dragon, wearing his red and blue basketball jerseys and shorts, replied, "Sorry Coach, had to hand over Mr. Sheehan's history essay at his office."

"Ah, well, we need you as our demonstrator for blocking, I want you to teach our newbies how to and later how to dribble."

"Yes, sir."

Luckily for him, and only five-eleven without the horns, he got into the team. He suspected that his father might have added the extra three inches of his horns to six-two in his files when he matriculated into the university before graduating from high school, but nonetheless, he got in the team and was possibly the shortest player in the Roaring Rexes basketball team.

The indoor basketball court provided comfort for the players to play without falling tired quickly from the sun's rays. One side of the bleachers had a few occupants watching the players practicing. Shawn, so far, had seen Raiden Sparks the snow leopard coming by to see him practicing in his free time and made a tiny yet visible wave when they both shared a glance at each other.

"Hey, Shawn, you know that leopard?" asked the newbie lizard-man named Garret.

"Yeah, he's an old friend. What's up?"

"I noticed he's been coming here frequently since the semester started. Anything I should know about?" he grinned.

"He's an old friend, Garret. What part of it you don't understand? Now come on, get that dribble right, you're not hitting the ball hard enough to bounce back in your hand."

Shawn and Raiden had become closer, though their tightened class schedules made it impossible, and this was some of the times they could see each other for a while, and Shawn knew that after practice Rai had English class in the afternoon. Meeting with Rai in the cafeteria was fine but wasn't enough because he had calculus at noon and he would lunch usually at one in the afternoon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, leaving Tuesdays and Thursdays as their available slot.

And importantly, unlike Shawn, Raiden didn't stay in a dorm. He lived closer to the university so he and his father would drive from home routinely because his father worked there. After Raiden finished his daily schedules, they rode back home and most of the time Shawn would hang out with his friends and teammates.

Raiden also had his regular rounds in the university, and he was busy to the brim with homework and making new friends on campus. On the weekends, Raiden stayed at his house most of the time but still stayed in contact with Shawn and new friends on campus. The two had now become practically isolated in their doings.

The last but not least, they had their time together when properly planned on the weekends. It wasn't every weekend, but they hung out with Shawn's friends and Raiden's friends as time permitted them to, and they had once hung out together, just the two of them. Especially the Halloween party yesterday, it was a blast.

After practice, Shawn and the others went for the showers, he didn't have the time to stay there long and think. Not only because others were waiting for their turn but because he was a little aroused since morning.

Shawn remembered his encounter with the young leopard three months ago, and it still felt like yesterday. It all started with a silly prank on Raiden, picking him up and laying him onto his lap, and seeing his priceless reaction...

He got what he wanted but only for his prank to backfire as Raiden started to kiss him on the cheeks and then his lips...

...and the rest turned into a fantasy-public-oral sex porno film.

"Hey, Shawn, you're done?" asked Garret from the curtain.

Shawn shook his head and found his manhood out from his cloaca. He muttered before replying, "I'm almost done!" even in a short time in the shower, thinking could be a long eternity.

Shawn didn't know how he did it, hiding his boner wasn't easy, especially when reptiles were equipped with a cloaca, and putting it back inside when aroused was pretty painful. Good thing it got flaccid enough to put it back inside and wrapped his towel around his waist, walking to his locker and getting his cleaned clothes.

As usual, when he got out of the building, Raiden had already left for his next class. It wasn't very easy to have a chance for small talk.

As the day was ending, he met back with his blue macaw roommate named Ceasar, greeting him and slumping onto his respective bed.

"How was your day, Ceasar?" Shawn asked as he rested his hands behind his head.

"It was nice," said Ceasar, "I met a guy in the aviation club and he's the only one in the club who was a student pilot."

Shawn chuckled. "You're into planes and not aspiring to become a pilot?"

"I'm a plane spotter, and that's my hobby," said Ceasar, "I have other plans, Shawn."

"Right, right," Shawn sighed a little exaggerated.

"If I'm not mistaken, you look like you had a tough day or something..."

"Not really..." he tried to assure him, but it was better to talk about it if allowed. "...well, something is bothering me, and I don't know why. That's all."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, sometimes I feel like something is poking me with a stick and reminding me that I forgot to do some homework, even though I had finished it."

Shawn laughed a little, everyone could relate to the empty reminder inside the mind. But what was really bothering him was just his hormones tickling him anxiously under his scaled skin for some release. He had already come today in the morning, but the wet dream came back nice and fresh to tease his missing desires.

He never had physical sex until the encounter. He never had the opportunity, and this was his third year in college. Okay, not everyone would have their first time in college, but everyone who looked at Shawn, a good-looking dragon with a confident face and charm that anyone would fall for him, and some might say he had his fair share with someone in bed. He had, of course, dated before, but never reached third base. Typically, people would usually judge someone from the outside until they get to know him better and see what was really behind the cover book.

His first girlfriend was in high school and the only one in the four-year period, she was a green-scaled dragon named Eva. She had a forward personality that almost took Shawn aback a couple of times but fell in love nonetheless. She was fun and outgoing, and Shawn wanted to take it slow and be considerate about it, their relationship lasted from eleventh to the homecoming in twelfth grade. Shawn admitted to her he was shy to jump into third base and wanted to take it easy, but Eva had grown desires during their time together as a couple.

One day, after his basketball practice, he was changing his clothes alone when Eva came around sneaking into the locker room and surprised Shawn with a make-out session, wearing nothing but underwear and an aroused member. She grinned and knelt on the floor and pulled down his smelly jockstrap...

Until the door opened.

Shawn panicked and pulled up his underwear and accidentally hit Eva with his left knee on her muzzle.

Eva was fine with just a bleeding nose, but his coach, who came into the lockers, practically knew what they were doing since he caught Shawn half-naked. But aside from that, he helped escort Eva to the infirmary.

The old Coach didn't give them detention and let that one slide, but he scolded Shawn for doing sexual acts in public places and gave him his first warning if he caught him doing it again. Shawn decided to take the blame and told his coach that he invited Eva to the boy's locker room so they could fool around.

Shawn had wondered if this incident was the cause of their breakup because two weeks later, Eva broke up with him, but Eva assured him that wasn't the case and she wanted to see other people and felt that he needed to figure himself out more. Even if Shawn had already settled his sexual orientation as bi.

Sometimes, he wondered if he ever gave her what she wanted, their relationship could have strengthened and lasted longer today. He thought that taking it slow and with patience would last and support his relationship with Eva, but Eva was different in terms of personality.

Shawn graduated and moved on to university and Eva went to a different college far away from town. He knew there were no chances.

His second girlfriend was a black jaguar named Denise in his second year in Rexville. She was different, almost the opposite of Eva, she was patient and outgoing. He thought he might have found the one... until he still had some vague scars from his late girlfriend.

By scars, it was because he failed to fulfill Eva's desires, so he tried this with his current girlfriend who reacted differently, and things easily got escalated between the two. Denise thought he was just looking for a hookup as they started their relationship in just two weeks.

His impulsiveness drove Denise off.

Shawn tried to apologize, non-stop, and finally talked about how he felt and his previous girlfriend in high school and why he tried to offer or share something he failed to deliver. Denise listened and understood what he felt, but she told him she wasn't Eva, and they put this behind them, but there wasn't a second chance at the end of the tunnel and Shawn understood. They could use some time off.

When the third year was coming around the corner, he bumped into Tracey and hung around like old times sake. They met Raiden who got out from orientation day and would start his first year in college.

When meeting Raiden for the first time since they went to different schools. He barely changed but had grown up. Shawn had admitted he was kind of cute in the back of his mind but didn't think much of it.

As bisexual, men did attract him but never had a go aside from porn he watched and had his hands full with women in the past.

Despite his ordeals, he kept himself optimistic and cheery, teasing around with Raiden around here and there. Much to Raiden's dismay.

Fast forward to the moment he pulled the silly prank on Raiden. It was all fun and games until the snow leopard kissed him.

The confusion came first, was Raiden backfiring by kissing him to mess with him as a straight guy? Obviously, that wasn't the case, but then his hands were roaming his body which felt curiously good, and realized his member was growing out of his crotch and Raiden noticed it poking out through his pants. Inside Shawn's hazed mind realized what was happening and found an opportunity that he could not miss, he raised his arms as Raiden lifted his shirt off and the two smooched quietly in the empty classroom. He didn't know why this was happening and why he let this happen, maybe because it reminded him of Eva's intention in the locker room, or he realized how much he needed one.

He dropped all the conflicting thinking and said to himself, fuck it, and let his lust take over his mind and let Rai do the work.

All the drama he had been through in the past was blown away by a helping hand. Everything he had been holding up, blew up like a geyser. Not only he wanted to give other people the pleasure they deserve but he realized also he needed some in return while making love.

He was very thankful to Rai for coming around his life. He had no idea what was bottling the dragon.

The night had fallen as Shawn and Ceasar had dinner together and later went back to their dorm to sleep.

Except that Shawn could not.

He was a little annoyed that his little friend was begging for attention. His black boxers were getting tighter. He ignored it and focused on sleeping and hoped to make it to the morning.


It was Tuesday noon, so this was Raiden and Shawn's time to see each other in the cafeteria today. The leopard came with a hamburger tray and sat across from Shawn who bought himself a turkey sandwich.

"Hah, finally," sighed Rai in relief. "How was your history essay, Shawn?"

"Good, very good..." he took a bite and chewed.

Shawn felt a little awkward now that he was present after dreaming about him that Monday morning. He wondered if Rai had dreamed or fantasized about him, too, but felt that kind of conversation wouldn't be appropriate for Rai. He would eventually blush and avoid the topic.

After swallowing, he spoke, "So, how are you been doing?" there was hardly anything to talk about.

"I'm doing fine, I don't know how you dealt with it in your first year here, and I wished Dad could have given me some head starts."

"Heh," he smiled, "playing sports has its benefits in college."

"Mmm, I see, but... I'm glad I was accepted here instead of San Diego like my sister."

"Oh, so, have you thought about staying in a dorm?"

"There is no need for that, Shawn, I live a block away from here."

"Still, wouldn't it be cool to have a place all to yourself?"

"Yeah, but you know how much money my parents are saving by now? A lot."

"Right, right," he took a bite of his sandwich. The chat was uneventful, but the company was decent, albeit kind of dull so far, but it was kind of Shawn's fault, a lot was happening in his mind, from the basketball match to Raiden's rebuilding friendship and more...

The two had gotten along well, Shawn had been less teasing-some, but still playful, to Rai which made him more open about himself and saw a newer side of the leopard.

Ever since their encounter, Rai wanted to start from zero as friends and Shawn was fine with it, but as time went by, he started to grow a liking to the young leopard.

But on the other hand, the encounter woke his sexual activeness, something he never felt before. He had been sexually active like normal since puberty, and healthily masturbated throughout his teens but never had a physical sexual activity with someone until now. Maybe this was because he was a dragon and his kind tended to have higher hormones than the average human being and beast folks.

It started when the semester began, he didn't think much about it until currently in November. He dismissed it as "I'm just horny," though the wet dream was the third time in the semester, and playing sports increased his sex drive. He didn't want to admit he had a little issue, but his urges said otherwise.

He needed something to vent off his sex drive, or he would wake up with another soiled underwear in the morning. If he dared to talk about this with Raiden, he assumed he wouldn't be interested since he kept his word about starting their friendship from the ground up, so the "friends with benefits" was thrown off the window from the very beginning and Shawn was determined to keep his word.

If only there was some way to tame his inner lusty beast.


Thursday morning, Shawn panted, hot breath escaping from his muzzle and sweat glistening his muscled torso and arms shaking energetically, facing against the wall with one hand supporting it while the other was holding a fleshlight.

He bought a cheap one that would easily be worn out in a matter of a few more uses, but he didn't care, as long it was fuckable, he would fuck it. After peeving over for a few days with a raging boner, he had to end it and calm it down for once.

He found a convenient time to masturbate in his dorm when Ceasar wasn't around which was in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Having a quick jerk off within an hour before his next class really sucked balls, but he really needed one to ease his active arousal.

He got a bottle of lube, plenty to slip inside and out with his new toy that poorly had any resemblance to a vagina... or an anus, only a circular hole to penetrate through that could stretch. But nonetheless, it was effective and met his expectations for now until the silicone wore off.

It could not compete with Raiden's warmed mouth, but the toy got in temperature by his hot rod.

Just thinking about Raiden's mouth made him thrust his hips harder into the fleshlight. He exchanged hands with the other and shook his junk vigorously. Maybe watching some gif porn would increase his climax faster or watching some hot porn on his phone etc., anything!

The toy joined Shawn's moans, it slapped, slurped, and splattered as a mixture of pre, and lube leaked out from the opening of his fleshlight.

"Come on, cum!" he grunted frustratedly. The toy lacked any interesting design inside the silicone material to improve better friction stimulation, it was only a simple straight tube.

Shawn huffed and turned around on his back against the wall and used both hands to increase his thrusting and hips, working together for the incoming climax.

"Come on... come on..." he grunted with his eyes closed. "Fuck, fuck... here it comes..." a few more thrusts, and Shawn leaned down as if he got a stomachache and swiftly banged his back on the wall loudly, crushing the plastic case of his fleshlight and ejaculated. He moaned against the wall, his body jerked and flexed, releasing his goods.

"Fuck yea--OH SHIT!"

Not only he enjoyed his first time with a toy but also broke it, his penis throbbed, and blew his semen out from the opening and spilled it on the floor. The plastic case cracked in half, it didn't harm his penis, but the toy fell apart in his hands and the silicone slipped off from his cock and splattered on the ground like a water balloon and left a nasty, white stain on the carpeted floor and his feet.

Oh shit, indeed.

Maybe he should have bought one with good quality and durability for dragons.


On the weekend, Shawn carefully thought about plan B, it wasn't his best choice but was willing to give it a go.

Shawn took a selfie in front of the mirror shirtless, showing his smirking smile and his orange and cream athletic body. He reversed the picture to look unconfusing, especially how his underwear brand's letters on the waistband looked. The picture was... typical, but that would do it for now, and uploaded it for his dating profile app.

He thought about finding a partner, anyone, to fulfill his needs but felt it was too selfish on his part when the said partner might end up being interested in him instead of just shagging every weekend. He was half-worried about that, so he made sure he wrote in the description about himself, setting up his rules for his individuals when acquainting with him.

He made sure his way of words did not sound desperate like a simp.

Looking for hookups. No dating.

He tried again.

Just some guy looking for some hookups. Not into dating.

He didn't have a better way to put it, so he stuck with that one for now. He hoped the words were clear and direct on what he was looking for and for the individual's expectations of the dragon.

Once his profile was done, all he had to do was wait.

And hopefully, to figure out how to convince the guest that he was only available around the morning until nine on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Scratch that, he had weekends free. Jeez...


The waiting was worth it, before the weekend ended, someone notified him!

They chattered through text messages, and later he invited him to come over to his dorm room this Sunday afternoon. Ceasar was out of the dorm for his aviation club, and this was the best opportunity to offer his guest.

He prepared beforehand and tried to look less noticeable that he wanted a shag so badly. He kept his relevant items inside the drawer on the nightstand; condoms, lube, and... the broken fleshlight.

But another thought came to mind, was he really going to do this? Wasn't this... cheating?

Cheating on Rai was if the two were dating which they were not. Shawn thought and rethought the unofficial promise they committed after their fling in the classroom three months ago. There was nothing that said they were not allowed to see other people but rebuilding their new friendship and maybe, hopefully, they could be a couple in the future.

He knew Rai had a crush on him and wanted to start as friends for the time being.

Was it enough the long wait?

But then Shawn remembered deep in the memory what he said...

--Three months ago--

"I cannot believe our first time was in a public classroom," Rai said, rubbing his neck. He had always expected to be in a comfortable bed, sharing it with a special someone. But what were the odds?

"Heh, it was worth it," said Shawn, "don't knock it till you try it, right?"

Rai calmly shrugged, "I guess."

"If you want," started Shawn, "I'm staying in a dorm, so you can come over and have fun there instead." He winked at him.

"Uh, thanks," Rai said, arms crossed. He sighed, "But...I don't mind starting all over again."

"What do you mean?"

"I... it just that... it doesn't feel right, you know? I made a bold move on you, and we just recently reconnected and haven't seen each other since I started a different school, and it all happened so fast and I think we should step back and start as friends."

"Are you asking me out, Rai?" Shawn smirked; arms crossed.

Rai blushed and rolled his eyes, "Not now, Shawn."

"Alright, alright, I get it; you want to start from zero, then that's okay. I can wait."


"Yeah," he leaned forward and kissed him on his forehead. "We have a whole semester ahead of us."

"Yeah, we have, and... can we start over?" Rai extended his hand. "I'm Raiden Sparks, Rai for short. Freshman."

Shawn smiled and replied to his gesture, he shook his hand. "I'm Shawn, Shawn Wilkerson. Uh, third year."

--Back to the present day--

He said he could wait.

But he could not wait anymore; love could wait, and lust could not.

He breathed in and out, this wouldn't hurt, would it?

It was only a shag with some stranger for a couple of weekends and it was someone on the campus also looking for some fun.

He didn't want to admit he had a little issue, again, but breaking his fleshlight said otherwise.

The door knocked; he had arrived.

Shawn, clad in a red and blue basketball jacket and jeans, opened the door and was met with a confident smiling raccoon in an unbuttoned gray plaid shirt with a white t-shirt underneath and hands in the pockets of his black jeans.

"Hey, Robin, right?" Shawn said.

"You know it," the raccoon said.

Shawn let him in and closed the door.


Shawn didn't know how he did it, but obviously, they both knew what they came for and it was not like his first time last august. He started with small talk and then bigger talk. It went well getting to know him until Robin gestured by placing a hand on his thigh near his crotch, he wanted to start now.

After Shawn excused himself to go to the bathroom and after he finished, Robin stepped right in front of him after leaving the threshold and gently pushed him to the wall.

For someone a bit short, Robin was very forward and knew what he and Shawn wanted. The raccoon gave him a warm soothing kiss rather than a rough one, he wanted to impress him.

There was something similar about Robin the way how he stepped forward before him like his first encounter. Shawn passively let Rai get his hands on him when he was in a stupor by the kiss, deep in his mind told him to let him go further and see how far he could go, and received his first-ever blowjob that woke his desires high.

Robin quietly unzipped his jacket down to see his toned body. Shawn barely remembered what Robin said, something about complimenting how he looked just like the picture he took and that he kept Robin's expectations.

As Shawn took his jacket off to show off his built arms, Robin's hands groped the dragon's pectorals. A little rough how he grasped him unlike Rai who felt him up gently, but it still felt stimulating as Robin groped his defined pectorals. Robin leaned forward and kissed the cleavage in the middle of his chest, fondling some more on his chest in circles with his thumbs, kissing more, and trailing down through his bumpy abdominals. Robin's nose tickled and shivered up to his spine.

Shawn once again let the raccoon do whatever he wanted and placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes at the ceiling. He was past caring and enjoyed the teases. His belt was unbuckled and both pants and underwear were loosened.

He reacquainted with a familiar sensation three months ago, albeit a different mouth but it was there; the mouth was warm, and the tongue hit the right spots of his penis...

He couldn't hold it...

"FFFFU-FUCK!!!" he moaned.


After he sincerely apologized a little profusely to Robin for ejaculating too soon, the raccoon immediately calmed him down that it was okay. It was normal when someone was too excited and likely to cum sooner.

In return, Shawn blew him back with the same treatment.

He carefully placed it in his mouth, he was an amateur, and afraid to choke on it, but the stretched muzzle allowed him to take the whole length. It was small than his but decently big for a raccoon. His tongue explored the rod curiously which Robin moaned during their session. He took some air before resuming and licked the sensible glands. Pre and saliva mixed, and Shawn lost track of time and wondered when he would cum.

He was so focused that didn't notice how swollen Robin's cock was and his moans were alerting him to his climax.

His eyes closed, hands holding his horns, the cock throbbed, and almost oblivious, he received Robin's seeds into his mouth. The extra warmth of the fluid woke him up as he realized what was going on and looked up, seeing a climaxing raccoon moaning out loud.

Both lay naked lazily on the bed, looking up aimlessly at the ceiling.

"Fuck," Shawn breathed, "was I good?"

Robin scoffed jokingly. "At least you were better than my last shag with a wolf."


"Uh, never mind." He patted his chest twice before shuffling out of the bed and picking up his clothes.

"So, Robin, before you go, uh, are you up for another next time?"

Robin put on his pants and nodded at him. "Sure, either you call me, or I'll call you and... you know, same place?"

"Sure, same place, or in your dorm if you are alone, of course."

And this continued on, satisfying both Shawn and Robin when time permitted them to have some fun when they were free and homework-free.

His manhood was calmed and satisfied that didn't distract him from doing his everyday things. He could finally focus on his homework and sports without having a flaming boner every five seconds when he was very aroused. His steam gauge plummeted to "moderate" or less, better than anything other than "CRAZILY IN HEAT!"

After a long busy week before the upcoming exams next week, the second meeting was a tad different, on Friday afternoon, Shawn offered again at his dorm, but Robin had an idea and wanted to spice things up, so Shawn shrugged and carried on at his alternative proposal.

Shawn received instructions by text, followed the meeting spot at the library entrance, and met with Robin there. There he had a bit of a déjà vu of where this was going but only that it was planned out beforehand unlike his first encounter.

Before any pleasantries or greetings were exchanged, Robin said in a low voice and gestured, "Come, I know a place."

Shawn followed, not having any idea where but assuming he wanted to do it in a public but isolated place. He had indeed been there and done that, but whatever.

They went to the second floor via stairs and made for the restrooms. He was honestly getting nervous. What if they would get caught?

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Shawn asked. "We're not doing it in a stall, are we?"

Robin spoke in a whisper, "No, it's even better. There's a storage room where we can hide behind the huge boxes."

"We won't be caught, right?"

Robin smiled confidently. "Don't worry, Shawn, this part of the building hasn't gotten any safety cameras installed, so this is a blind spot for make-out couples."

"I see..."

They passed the restroom doors and walked further into the corridor where a doorless threshold was nearly blocked by two giant stacked boxes.

Robins said in a hushed voice, "Right here, my friend, we're gonna have a good time in there. Let me go first and see if it's clear."

Shawn stood there on standby with arms crossed and watched the raccoon squeezing through the narrowing gap of one foot and disappearing into the threshold until he heard voices...

"Robin?" someone said.

He heard Robin's voice. "Hunter? Keanu?"

Shawn stepped closer into the gap worryingly and spoke in a low voice, "Robin, what is it?"

Robin's voice sounded relaxed and said, "Nothing, just some lovebirds using the make-out spot."

"Oh, maybe we'll come back next time," Shawn said.

"It's okay we were just about to leave," said the deep but youthful voice.

"Oh, it's okay, we'll leave you both alone."

"I think we had enough for today, Hunter," said a soft voice.

"Well, alright, we'll take over." Robin accepted their insistence and turned to the gap where Shawn was looking. "Come in, Shawn, they are about to leave."

Shawn responded and squeezed inside the room and met with two wolves next to Robin. He had never met these people but recognized the arctic wolf who competed in the Halloween party a few weeks ago. They exchanged casual yet awkward greetings as the wolves picked up their backpacks and left the storage room.

When they left, Shawn rubbed the back of his neck at the awkward encounter he dreaded to happen but at least were students who were looking for an escapade and felt bad for intervening without warning.

"Now, where were we?" said Robin as he stepped forward and started to unbuckle Shawn's belt without a second thought.

"Next time, let's do it in the dorm," said Shawn neutrally and unfazed at the routine session.

"Ugh, fine, just this once, okay?" Robin unzipped the pants and pulled them down with the underwear to see Shawn's smooth crotch opening.

This time the sex was better and longer, and both met their expectations and preferences. They took their time to foreplay together much steadier and slowly and explored each other's bodies as they took off their clothes. Later, Robin straddled around Shawn's crotch, shaking his naked hips in circles around his aroused cock. Shawn just stood there passively, watching a likely experienced guy close to him, giving him everything.

Robin told him he wanted to ride him, so Shawn fished out a condom and a small packet of lube from his thrown pants. He took off his shoes, pants, and underwear on his ankles for better comfort and sat on the box and lay there on his back as he rolled down his condom through his whole length, protecting him from STDs. He wondered if he picked the wrong size because it was tightening his shaft and further stimulated him by just the throbbing alone.

Robin hopped on the box to sit on top of Shawn's crotch on his knees and exercised his anus and applied some lube on it before receiving the dragon's cock. Shawn could not wait anymore during the process as Robin adjusted his length, by halfway there, almost reaching the base, Robin slowly moved forward. Shawn helped him holding with both hands on his waist and together started moaning on top of the big box in the dark.

It was incredible being inside of someone. It was the warmest shit he had ever felt down there and could not stop himself, he felt he could not control it; it was too good to stop.

Black-furred hands fondled his muscular and sweaty body, it wasn't like Rai's. Robin's were rougher and lecherously massaging every corner of his scaled body without care, gripping hard on his pectorals as he vigorously bounced on top of him.

He gasped for breath and moaned until he felt another tighter sensation on his cock, he was about to reach his climax, but it was Robin who came first and who tightened his rod at that very moment. Robin's seed spilled all over his lower stomach, it distracted Shawn as he moaned and watched until he quickly realized he was about to climax too, and roared...

The two lay on the cardboard pleasingly, staring and lingering at the ceiling while they recover from their afterglow.

"This was the best one yet, Shawn," breathed Robin, "you have lasted longer this time."

"Really? Thanks," said Shawn.

"So, what made you decide to, you know, fuck around in your free time?"

Shawn shrugged. "Just letting out some steam?"

"That's typical," he snorted.

"Oh, really?" he cocked an eyebrow. "What about you?"

"Well, you got me, same here, looking for someone to fool around with."

Shawn laughed lightly, he felt vented off blissfully. The two went to the restroom to clean up the mess of their bodily fluids but luckily, they didn't make a lot and most of them were from Robin who didn't wear a condom. Shawn dumped his condom on a trash can and the two went their separate ways as if nothing happened back there. The dragon thought about something deep in his mind, but for now, he was relieved.


The weekend passed uneventfully but Shawn enjoyed it, he was even more like his usual self, doing his everyday things without an issue. On Monday morning his little extra grin on the corners of his lips was so noticeable that Rai saw him very cheery today when they walked by the campus and exchanged friendly waves at each other when they were heading for their respective classes.

At lunchtime, Rai had his chance to meet him and see what his silly attitude was.

"You look very happy," said Raiden, putting his tray of potato filled with chili and melted cheese on it.

"Of course, I am, you know me," said Shawn, winking at him.

"Yeah, but you're even happier than usual."

"I do?"

"Yeah, so what is it, are you excited for your next basketball game? I will look forward to it."

Good thing this was a perfect cover-up from his satisfied lust. "Uh, yeah, I'm psyched about it."

After a little silence and eating their food, Rai hesitantly spoke, "Hey... I've been thinking..."

Shawn swallowed his chicken salad, looking at him curiously at what he had to say.

He was taking too long, Shawn asked him, "Uh, what are you thinking, Rai?"

"So... eh... are you free this Black Friday evening?"

"You want me to go to G-Mart with wild people killing each other?"

"No, not that, I'm asking if you want to go to see a movie or hang out in the arcade or something..."

Shawn was surprised, it reminded him of their encounter when Rai spoke maturely about their ordeal and to start over as friends and now, he was asking him out with more courage. His heart fluttered.

Shawn smiled even more; the wait was... worth it? But he asked him out, so he really looked forward to actually dating Rai.

But another feeling emerged deep in his mind.

He punched away the thought and said to Rai, "S-sure, Rai, I would like to go out with you."

"Really?" Rai smiled. "After your game and Thanksgiving, we can go to Rexville Mall and Movie Theaters on Friday night."

The thought came back, and Shawn punched it again all the way to his ass, trying to keep it cool. They discussed what movie they would want to see and what to do afterward, but time got in the way, and both went to their respective classes.

And that thought on Shawn's mind came back from his rectum.

It was guilt.

His Monday afternoon basketball practice he had today was the worst he ever performed, he slacked off terribly and could not stop thinking about what he had now done in the past two weekends. His coach yelled and scolded him and gave him a lecture about how important this year's game was etc. He could not blame for what had just happened this week. Raiden finally asked him out after three and half months since their classroom encounter. Rai had a really weird mindset on how he took this whole thing, he probably had better patience than he had. How did he do it?

After his terrible basketball practice, he realized Rai was there watching him, he had a concerned look on his face. He came down from the bleachers to talk to him and see if he could help him.

"Are you alright, Shawn?"

Shawn took a swing of cold water, he sighed freshly. "Yeah, I'm fine, just distracted."

"Is it because of earlier? I thought you'll be more motivated than ever after asking you out."

"No, no, uh, I'm very thrilled about it!" he assured him.

"Then what is it?"

Shawn's phone rang.

"I can't talk about it now, okay?" he stood up from the benches and headed to the lockers.

Rai was feeling concerned, he hoped his decision from earlier did not cause him to be distracted during practice and he hoped this wouldn't happen again in the middle of the match on the day before Thanksgiving.

In the locker room, Shawn checked his phone, Robin texted him. "R U free 2day this afternoon?"

Today? That was sudden from him instead of planning it beforehand. Shawn shook his head; he knew he didn't want more damage than it already was. "Sorry, Robin, I can't."

Robin texted back, "I don't care, I need another one ASAP."

This sounded insistently demanding, was Robin upset or something? "What is wrong?" he texted.

"Nothing, I could use a quick fucc today."

"I'm sorry, dude, I can't."

He sent a voicemail. "FINE!" Shawn flinched at his yelling, "GO FUCK YOURSELF! GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO FUCK!"

Shawn was left mostly confused. Why was he so upset? He did nothing wrong, he just simply turned down his offer. He hadn't seen him since last Friday afternoon. Maybe he should have told him that he didn't want to do this anymore. But whatever happened to Robin, Shawn was, somehow, free without consequences.

At least he was now off the hook and possibly lost all contact with Robin, but that wasn't enough.

He should come clean if he wanted to date Rai happily ever after.

He knew he didn't exactly cheat on him, but the guilt was too much, and he saw and felt it.

He didn't want to hurt him, and he didn't know how he would take it.

Confessing sooner was the only way to lessen the pain as minimally as possible, but he still would face the consequences depending on Rai's reaction. Hey, at least being honest was better than lying and keeping up an unnecessary charade that would go infinitely on and on.

Now that he considered it, he must find a way to bring Rai over to his dorm and talk to him, face-to-face.

That Friday afternoon after finishing their third-term exams, he talked to Rai at launch seriously. Rai cooperated but had to take one last class this afternoon at two PM to finish his last exam and cleared his schedule to the library. Raiden was as curious to know as to what the orange dragon was dealing with a few days ago since Monday.

Shawn waited for Rai in his dorm at Starfish Five building, thinking over and over again about his words and how to confess his sins to Rai.

It was now three of the afternoon and Rai was heading to his dorm sooner after the text he sent him.

This can't be hard, right?_thought Shawn. _I hope he doesn't run away like in the movies after confessing that I cheated on him.

Shawn heard the door knocking and sighed, he felt his friendship with Rai was coming to a close. He opened the door and meet with a half-optimistic snow leopard; his tail was curiously swinging. He saw Shawn's face a little down, he knew it was serious about what was happening to him and wanted to know what was making him look so... depressed?

"Hi, Shawn, I came here as you told me to," Rai said.

"Yeah, come on in," he gestured to him inside his dorm room.

He talked and told Ceasar to go somewhere else out from the dorm for maybe a half-hour or something before he could come back. He even told him about his escapades in the past two weekends and how guilty he developed when he thought about Raiden. Good thing the blue macaw cooperated about his issue and wished him the best.

Raiden and Shawn sat on the couch together, the dragon thought carefully about how to start this whole conversation.

"So..." but Raiden stepped forward, he could not wait any more, "what is this you want to talk to me about?"

The dragon tapped with his fingertips, so ashamed to look at him. "Uh, I don't know to say this, but during the last two weekends, I kind of had a fling with another student, Rai."

"What?" Rai's ears perked in confusion and shock.

"I'm so sorry, Rai, I'm just very horny during this whole semester after our fling we had three months ago. I keep having wet dreams than usual and thinking a lot about you at night on the bed. I tried to solve it by jerking off, I bought myself a fleshlight, but it broke on the first try and I resorted to opening a dating account to find someone to fuck with. I was very wary of what I was doing, I thought I was cheating on you without even dating you because you wanted us to start from zero as friends and I told you that one time that I can wait until we could become an item and all, but I realized I can't wait too long, I have needs, Rai! I have needs as a dragon to tame my horniness! I AM SO SORRY, RAI!"

Shawn did not cry but sounded like one, his voice broke in shame and his body trembled after shattering the ice into pieces.

Rai scooted a little further away from his breakdown but listened. Once Shawn finished and waited for his reaction, Rai's facial expression did look betrayed and shocked.

"Y-you... cheated on me? But we're not..." Rai could not find any logic in this situation. Last Monday he asked him out on a real date together next Friday on Black Friday. Did he start to see other people before him behind his back? "I don't understand, we're not official -but how dare you! I really looked forward to being with you!"

"And this is why I'm telling you now, Rai. After you asked me out, I felt even more guilty, so I brought you here to come clean and what have I been doing in the past two weeks."

"You brought someone over to pent off your sex drive? How many?"

"Just one, but we had two sessions," he clarified. "Please, don't be mad at me, Rai. If anything, he kind of just left me for some reasons I don't know. He was kind of upset about something I'm not aware of when I turned him down his next offer."

Rai crossed his arms over his chest and huffed.


So far, he did not storm out of the room, he just sat there lingering in his thoughts.

"Rai..." Shawn continued and was afraid to shake his shoulder.

Rai finally looked at him sternly, but also... apologetically? "Did our thing we had really made you that horny? Did that really affect you?"

"Oh, uh, well, not in a bad way, but..." he scratched the back of his head, "yeah, you kind of woke up my hormones that day when we were playing in that classroom."

Rai looked down guiltily. "I guess I owe you an apology for what I did to you."

"No, don't be, I really enjoyed that, honest, don't take all the blame on you, Rai. I'm the one to blame."

"But you are in the heat this whole semester because of me... a part of me has the blame, you know."

"Yeah, you couldn't resist a good-looking dragon like me." Shawn chuckled guiltily, hoping to ease the dense air.

Rai rolled his eyes but blew a chuckle. "Oh, stop it, Shawn," he blushed.

"But look, Rai," Shawn continued, "I'm really sorry if this does upset you for what I did, and I'm telling you this now after you asked me out this next Friday and I am so thrilled that you did because I cannot wait for it anymore." He held one white-furred hand and looked him in the eye. "I would like to be your boyfriend, Rai."

"Really?" Rai's eyes widened.

Shawn smiled and scooted closer to the leopard's face and cupped one hand to hold his muzzle, and whispered, "Please, give me a chance." He kissed him on the lips.

Rai felt the dragon trembling nervously from everything and probably afraid that he would reject him after the kiss. Rai mentally threw everything that Shawn said through the window and responded back to the kiss by holding both sides of his muzzle and embracing their bodies closer.

When they separated, Rai said to him with their foreheads pressed together and caressing his scaled cheeks, "Okay, I'll give you another chance with me." He hugged him back, forgetting how warmed his body was, nuzzling him on the neck which made Shawn giggle from his fur.

"I guess we cannot wait any longer for each other, huh?" said Shawn.

"Yeah, I'm going to thank Dad for encouraging me to ask you out."

"Wait, does your father know?" Shawn split the hug.

"No, I didn't mention you by name for now. I just asked him for encouraging advice."

"Did it work?"

Rai looked at him perplexed, there was no way he was that dumb. "Speak for yourself."

The dragon laughed and ruffled his gray head fur and kissed him one more time.

Shawn parted and curiously asked, "Hey, what about you? What did you do in the past three months? You know, did you think about me?"

Rai was already blushing from the kiss, he smiled. "Of course. I could not stop thinking about you."

"Even in bed?" Shawn smirked.

Rai rolled his eyes but admitted, "Yeah, even in bed."



"And jerking off while at it, too?"

"YES!" Rai flustered. "I was also horny, too, after our ordeal, Shawn. Just stop it!"

Shawn laughed; he missed messing with Rai. "Okay, okay." He sighed and lay his scaled arm around Rai's shoulders behind his neck. "I'm just glad I can put this behind, you know?"

Rai sighed also and leaned on his shoulder. "Yeah, I guess so." He held his scaly orange, and cream hand hanging over his shoulder now that the two were becoming official. "So... are you still pent up?"

"Huh? Oh, not much like before. I'm good for now. Why?"

"It's three-thirty and... I won't be leaving until, like, five in the afternoon..." Rai fidgeted with his fingers.

Shawn caught on to his insinuation, that alone was enough to excite him inside. He leaned closer to Rai and kissed him. "Are you in the mood?"

Rai looked the other way with a blush but nodded and looked back to lean forward to his now boyfriend and kissed him back. They embraced on the couch warmly for a deeper and more passionate kiss than any of them ever felt. Shawn bravely and blindly leaned forward on top of Rai who wrapped his arms around his neck and legs straddling his waist. Their bodies writhed and pressed onto each other as they make out on the loveseat...


They stopped their movements and opened their widen eyes at the sound of the door being knocked.

"Ceasar..." Shawn said subconsciously on instinct and parted from Rai on the couch and walked in haste to the door.

He answered and saw his worried roommate. The blue macaw kept his word about coming back in half an hour. Had half-hour already passed? "Everything alright?"

Shawn smiled and said, "Yes, everything's alright. Thank you for letting me have the dorm for a while, but... can you wait for another hour?"

"What? But I need to get back to my group project! I need to get back on it."

"Just for one hour." Shawn guiltily grinned with his bared nervous teeth with one index finger, but another thought came up. "Or I'll give you your laptop and do it in the library."

"F-fine, give it to me, I'll leave you both alone."

"Thanks, sorry for the inconvenience."

After the quick exchange, Ceasar left the dorm with his device in hand, mumbling and grumbling something under his breath.

Shawn cautiously closed the door and turned back to Rai who waited patiently and laughed at the funny sight.

Shawn rubbed the back of his neck, feeling guilty and bold that he wanted to have this golden opportunity after going through so much this November. "So, where were we?"

Raiden gestured with his index finger to come over with a smile. Shawn stepped forward and met back with his loving snow leopard and resumed their lovemaking.

It was slow but relaxing, tongues brushing and tasting their familiar flavors since august. They equally held together closely with their hands roaming over their clothes as they took in the kiss. It was getting warmer and Rai didn't hesitate to slide his hands down to grab the bottom hem of Shawn's shirt lifted it up over his head. Shawn responded a little late due to kissing busily his lover but quickly lifted his arms up and parted his lips for a second to let his black t-shirt escape.

Shawn returned the favor and pulled off Rai's black and gray shirt over his head, but this caused Rai to lean forward almost clumsily and rested on top of Shawn on the loveseat. Their familiar scents came back into their nostrils, picking up Shawn's citrus smell of deodorant spray and Raiden's salty ocean spray. Rai wrapped his arms around Shawn's neck and kissed him deeply on his scaly lips. Shawn wrapped him around his torso with his muscular orange arms and pressed his body against him intensely.

They parted for a moment to take a break for air, staring lustily at each other deep in their eyes.

"Damn, I missed you..." Rai huffed in a whisper and resumed kissing his muzzle and trailing lips down onto his neck.

Shawn shivered, "Fuck, I miss you, too..." and huffed, leaning his head back lazily on the couch's armrest and letting his leopard do his work.

Rai, like last time, got his hands on the dragon all he could desire, roaming slowly around his flanks and lats as he kissed his chiseled pectorals. He slid them up to knead them in circles as he buried his snout in the cleavage, hearing Shawn moaning as he felt his chest heaving intensely. One hand went up to massage Shawn's left arm which twitched and flexed on instinct as the bicep was covered by Rai's groping right hand. Shawn missed those gentling hands fondling and groping him, unlike Robin's hands.

Shawn grunted and hissed again, Rai kissed his right nipple and circled his tongue's tip around it, and sucked with his lips. "Fuck, where did you learn this?"

Rai parted the nipple and said, "It's not that difficult, you know."

"You watched a lot of porn, right~?" Shawn teased. "Or you've been practicing with suckable candies?"

"Whatever..." he rolled his eyes and moved to the other nipple and pleased his boyfriend as he arched his back a little and moaned.

Rai chuckled satisfyingly and moved down to explore Shawn's six-pack stomach of scales where it flexed at every kissable spot with his lips, tickling Shawn helplessly as he writhed on the couch and tail banging behind Rai's legs.

Raiden finished the foreplay, sitting up on Shawn's legs, and initiated to unbuckled Shawn's belt, licking his lips hungrily. After Rai unbuttoned and unzipped the pants to see his erected member making a tent out of his white underwear, Shawn stood up and stopped him.

"W-wait! Let me give you one in return."

"We'll eventually suck each other off."

"But let me give you one first..."

Rai shrugged and let him do whatever felt right. "Sure, why not."

"Thanks." Shawn stood up for a moment to kiss him and kneeled on the floor at crotch level and unbuckled his belt and pants.

He honestly didn't get a view of his member from last time and saw a healthy erected penis throbbing for pleasure and furry white balls waiting to be played. Rai sat idled with legs apart, completely naked in front of his boyfriend with a standing member, and gulped nervously at those sharp teeth.

"Watch your teeth, alright?"

"Sure..." Shawn licked his lips and a wink, opening up to up his maw to receive his goods.

Raiden's worries went away and felt Shawn's tongue swimming and entangling his meat rod. He could relax and pressed further back on the backrest, looking up at the ceiling like a pleasured idiot. Shawn bobbed his head steadily up and down as he held Rai's tensed thighs and tried to tame the shaking legs comfortingly as if threatening to close shut with his head in between.

Rai tried to keep it together but let out a pleasuring loud moan, Shawn was very good. Rai looked down to see the work, Shawn's eyes were closed, and savoring his pleasing penis without hurting him with his teeth. A few scrapes were felt but pleasure dominantly took over. The tongue wrapped and circled around to not miss one sensitive spot. Shawn's hands went up for comfort on Rai's belly and chest, feeling his soft white fur. Rai placed one hand on Shawn's and held it right on his beating heart. The other free hand went down and under his underwear and stroked his hardened penis. Rai caressed the dragon's comforting hand on his white chest and slid it down through the smoothed scales and muscles of the forearm, bicep, tricep, and shoulder, gently squeezing them as it rippled and flexed.

Shawn stopped and let go of his throbbing meat and looked at him lustily red. "I want you inside me..." he huffed.

Raiden's eyes widen in surprise as he looked at him down from the couch and said, "W-what? I don't think I'm--"

"Relax, it's not anal, but..." he stood up in front of him and pulled down his underwear, "in here..." he pointed behind his erect penis, his cloaca. "It'll be easier there."

Rai gulped as he stared at Shawn's familiar penis he sucked three months ago, big and juicy. He licked his lips subconsciously. He shook his head and focused to ask, "Will it fit with two penises?"

"Don't know, but I want to find out." He shrugged.

Rai looked perplexed. "You didn't do it with that other person?"

"No, he only rode me that one time." He scraped his nape. "I guess he may... well, never mind, he's out of our lives now." He grabbed his hand. "Come, let's move to the bed."

Rai smiley nodded and followed, taking off their last pieces of clothing and both slumped onto Shawn's bed, embracing in their arms and smooched over the sheets. Their cocks rubbed and frottaged by their thrusting hips and pre leaked and coated their organs into slippery pleasures. They nearly forgot what they came for, but their new-found love and kisses dominated their session and gave each other time to explore their bodies warmly closer, almost comparing their scales and fur with their hands.

They were sweating a little, Shawn on top of him, breathing intensely, caressing Rai's head fur and cheek with one hand and the other on his chest comfortingly and Rai staring at him at the moment, smelling his hot breath close to his muzzle, caressing slowly his muscled back, shoulders and biceps, enjoying the smooth, well-taken cared scales and his strength.

"Do you still want to try?" said Shawn.

"Yes... I'll give it a try."

"Cool..." Shawn turned over, taking Rai with him on top of him.

Rai analyzed first as he sat on his upper legs to see how he could perform this. The penis was out and steadily supported by the closed slit around the base. He gulped nervously as he had never done this before, let alone a reptile.

"Don't worry, you can easily insert it with no difficulty," assured Shawn. "See?" he used his fingers and it opened up to reveal the pink innards of his cloaca filled with slick pre.

"Alright, but can I use a condom?"

"Sure, right here..." He reached out his arm to the drawer and fetched a condom packet and gave it to him. "Know how to use it?"

"Yeah, sure... I've seen those sex-ed demonstrations..." he opened the packet and pulled out a green rubber. He read the instructions from the pack and rolled down his whole penis length. "Damn, this is something..." he said awkwardly.

"Come on, let's get back in action."

Rai hovered over Shawn on all fours and descended his hips to insert his penis into his crotch, slipping through the opening like nothing with no help of stretching like the anus and the protruding penis moved aside a little to give some space. Still tight but very... fuckable. Rai was astonished that he easily put it in and glanced at Shawn who was smiling confidently at handling it like a pro and shook his hips to start this final session.

Rai held firmly and initiated to thrust inside Shawn. The dragon held his lover's butt cheeks firmly and enhanced deeper of their penetration. It was amazing, for both of them, Rai feeling the hot insides of Shawn's crotch stimulating his penis, and the same for Shawn as he felt his sensitive insides being pushed and rubbed with their cocks.

The bed creaked and groaned in the air along with the heaving and panting of Shawn's and Rai's pleasuring voices as they reached deeper and moaned each other's names and curses and exclamations.

Their bodies warmed up, muscles tensing up, and dripping sweat shaking everywhere on their scales and fur skins. They slowed down to give each other a deeper kiss before they split up to speed up the too-good-to-be-stopped pleasures between their legs. Rai was keeping a good pace as Shawn assisted in thrusting up his hips rhythmically with Rai's thrusting. They equally pleased each other, two pulsating cocks rubbing together reaching and nearing their climax.

Shawn watched his lover and sensed his incoming moment based on his eyes closing and scrunching face above him and gave everything his might to please Rai.

"Nnaghh!!!" Rai tensed up and thrusted deeply into Shawn, cumming inside the condom penetrated inside the dragon's crotch.

Shawn kept moving as he was not done but nearly coming to the end of the line and held Rai's still thrusting hips a little more tighter on his butt cheeks, feeling the feline's throbbing cock ejaculating inside him and rubbed further and deeper for every stimulation he mustered between their legs.

Shawn clenched his teeth and threw his head back and roared. "Ggaaahhh!!!"

Not wearing a condom, his penis shot his semen out onto himself and smeared everywhere from stomach to chest as his whole body spasmed and flexed from his orgasm. They moaned and grunted as their afterglow took over and Rai collapsed onto Shawn, head resting on his stained chest. They panted exhaustively but were satisfied. They stayed in that position and fell asleep for a while until they heard the door knocking.

Rai quickly stood up, realizing he might have overslept and must be with his father's workplace so they could go back home together, but felt his fur cheek and stomach hurting from the sticky dried-up stains from Shawn's torso. "YOW!" he covered one hand on his cheek and then his stomach, "OW!"

Shawn woke up by the knocking and Rai's yell. Good thing Ceasar knocked first.

"It's been an hour now, Shawn," shouted Ceasar from the door, "I want to be back in my comfort zone."


There were a few seconds left if the Roaring Rexes wanted to beat the Conquistadors' basketball team. Shawn got a hold of the dribbing ball on the ground, surrounded by the opposing team trying to retrieve the ball from his hands, and saw the time plunging to zero and his teammates flailing their arms from afar to throw the ball at them, they were near the basket.

Three seconds lefts, he was in the center of the court, he jumped in the air and threw the ball over the opponents. Everyone in the bleachers, including Raiden, held their breath as they watched the ball flying across to the court in slow motion to the basket. It hit the glass board once, bouncing downwards into the hoop, spinning in circles in the momentum until it sank through the basket satisfyingly when the loud buzzer declared the end of the game. They scored three points, surpassing the Conquistadors' score by two points.

The audience roared loudly at the victory. Their hero, Shawn Wilkerson, was picked up by their teammates, celebrating and chanting his name gleefully.

Through the crowd, Rai excitedly reached towards the cheering team from the bleachers and met with his dragon as he was put down on the ground. The snow leopard leaped and hugged his boyfriend for a victory kiss in front of everyone.

"My, my, aren't you feeling romantic?" said Shawn.

"Very romantic!" cried Raiden and kissed him again.

This was the beginning of their relationship and their college years together. And this was the odd and unexpected romance of Raiden Sparks and Shawn Wilkerson.

The end.

Rexville 45: Birthday Part 2

Chapter 45: Birthday Wolf Part 2 In April, Keanu for the first time visited the memorial on the second anniversary and met with the people who were affected by the tragedy. They all welcomed him with open arms, including Terrence Browne and the flight...

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Rexville 44.1: Birthday Wolf

Chapter 44.1: Birthday Wolf One thing simply led to another, but they knew the next step and let each other's lips meet in contact. They were so confident and comfortable with each other to pursue their wishes and intimacies. They never had been tired...

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Rexville 44: Birthday Wolf Part 1

Chapter 44: Birthday Wolf Part 1 Hunter read the article about Keanu's experience on flight 8085 and the personal struggles he had endured recently and was touched by how he mentioned that their romance helped him to cope a bit with his struggles....

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