Sleeping dragon

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Another story in Maple Hills University. It seems one student is up to something late at night, hopefully he's prepared for the consequences of his actions.

(I'm not too sure if I want this to be canon so, unless I change my mind, I'm classing this as a spin off of my MHU stuff.)


Aiden's dormmate, Ruben, is laying on his back, his legs kicking softly as the large purple dragon dreams. Aiden had almost shouted with joy when the university had decided to dorm him with the large dragon, it meant bigger rooms for the both of them, but most of all it meant Aiden could fulfil his fantasies. The ram knows it's wrong to take advantage of his dormmate like he does but what the large feral dragon doesn't know won't hurt him. One night a few weeks ago, Aiden just couldn't restrain himself and before he knew it he'd snuck into Ruben's room and was gently prising open the dragon's jaws. This became a regular thing for Aiden, he'd sneak into Ruben's room and watch the inside of the dragon's muzzle.

Soon though, the ram got an idea and began videoing the dragon's maw from above as best he could, watching as the dragon swallowed every now and then, the muscles of his throat flexing smoothly. Eventually Aiden got the stupid idea to video Ruben swallowing things and started buying food specifically so he could have the large dragon, unknowingly, swallow it in his sleep. He started small with apples, then shocked himself by watching the dragon manage to gulp down an entire watermelon whole, the large bulge it made in Ruben's throat moving down as it made its way to the dragon's stomach. All these nightly activities would get Aiden riled up and the ram would often be moving about with his tapered length exposed from his white wooled sheath for the world to see as he'd make his dormmate swallow things and look into the dragon's mouth, often ending his night by emptying the large black balls between his legs typical of a caprine.

"Mmmmmph, and there it goes." Aiden whispers to himself as he watches Ruben gulp down a watermelon, the ram pleasing his exposed penis with one hand and holding his camera in the other to get the moment on record for later. Ruben's throat bulges like it always does as the watermelon is forced down into his stomach with a few audible swallows which Aiden shivers at. The ram gets more and more invested in bringing himself to climax as his left-hand pumps over his length and his hips move just a little to increase his pleasure. Ruben's warm breath and the sight of his draconic maw excites Aiden much more than anything else can; the young ram had seen so many animations that started a bit like this, the sight of a dragon's inviting mouth shown to its quivering and helpless prey. Aiden's hooved fingers relax just a little around his camera as he gets closer and closer to his end, but that small relaxation is enough for the somewhat heavy camera in his right hand to slip from it and dive down into Ruben's gaping maw. It takes the ram a moment to realise that the camera has fallen, but once he does his mind starts to panic. Aiden tears his left hand from his length and uses it and his other hand to hold open Ruben's jaws. 'Okay, just reach down and grab it.' Aiden thinks to himself as he looks down into his dormmate's mouth, the camera laying just at the back of the dragon's throat, Ruben's throat twitching just a little at the strange presence. Just as Aiden removes his right hand from Ruben's top jaw and reaches down to try and pick up the camera he hears the all too familiar moist sound of Ruben swallowing and sees his camera disappear down the dragon's throat, forming a small bulge. Aiden can't believe it, his roommate has just swallowed his camera, the camera the sheep had saved up for for half a year. 'Can dragons- is it safe for that to say in there?' Aiden thinks to himself as his mind goes a little fuzzy with panic. 'Stupid ram! How could this happen? I'm going to have to get it back. Oh god! What if I can't!?' Aiden's mind screams at him as he can't think what to do other than to move away from his dormmate's sleeping body. 'No no, just wake Ruben up and explain.....that you've been filming him and..... his open mouth while you dropped things in there for him to swallow for the past few weeks because you're into that sort of stuff....' The ram has to chuckle at himself for how stupid and creepy that sounds, but how else can he try to sort this situation out?

You know when you're having a dream you swear is the most real thing ever? Ruben was having one of those dreams; he was laying in the sun, basking in its warmth when a stick jumped up from the ground nearby and began poking him in the snout. "Just.....a few more minutes...." Ruben says half asleep and waves one of his paws at the stick hoping to stop its constant poking.

"Ruben! It's Aiden! Wake up, this is really important!" The stick says to him as it starts poking him harder than before. 'Sticks don't talk, or at least they never have to me...' the sleepy dragon thinks lazily to himself, the stick getting quite annoying now. "Ruben! I really need you to wake up man! I think- I- I've done something to you and I really need you awake like, right now!"

'Aiden?' Ruben's head ticks through names before he opens his eyes slowly and lifts his head realising who's talking. "Oh hey Aiden, you look pretty nervous, everything alright?" Even still half asleep, Ruben can see that his roommate is looking at him with an expression of embarrassment, fear, and sadness all at the same time.

"Uh, well- you see..." the sheep squirms in nervousness as he tries to find the right words.

"Was I snoring? I've never snored before but I can imagine it might've been quite loud if I was." Ruben slowly sits up as his roommate stands in front of him still struggling with making words. 'He looks really scared.' The dragon notes to himself. "Hey, why don't we-"

"So!" Aiden shouts over Ruben, causing the dragon to stop talking in surprise. "I know this is going to sound really really strange and I'm going to drop out of school after this because I'm a horrible person, but just wait till I finish before doing or saying anything cause I'm really nervous so if I stop talking I'm not going to start again. I've um," Aiden takes a deep breath and continues at a pace just slow enough for Ruben to follow. "So I'm a teenager and you know how that is so I'm pretty frisky and I'm super into vore and you're here and so one night I snuck over to your room while you were sleeping and pushed open your mouth to look inside. It started as just innocent curiosity but then my mind ran away with it and soon I was videoing the inside of your mouth with a camera I'd saved up to get for film club. This started a few weeks ago and recently I started buying things to drop into your mouth and video you swallowing and tonight I was doing this but I got distracted and my camera slipped and fell into your mouth and you swallowed it just like everything else I've dropped in there. I'm really worried that you'll die or something if we can't get it out and I'm really really really really sorry for doing all that to you and I know I'm a horrible person and you hate me and I'm sick and I should never have even thought about doing any of this. I'll leave Maple Hills after we get my camera out of you, but I understand that you despise me and want me dead. I'm really sorry!" Aiden crumples to the floor and starts sobbing with tears falling onto the floor as soon as his shouted explanation ends.

"You've been filming the inside of my....... mouth... and making me swallow things while I've been sleeping?" Ruben asks slowly, a little confused and shocked.

"Yes! And I know I'm sick and I've been a horrible person! I'll leave once you're okay!"

"And you find my mouth and me swallowing"

"I'm sorry!" Aiden sobs.

"And that's why you're all....naked and stuff?" Ruben asks referring to how his roommate is clad in nothing but his white wool.

"I'm such a despicable person. I'm really sorry about doing that stuff to you!" Aiden weeps to Ruben.

"So that's why I've been feeling less hungry in the mornings recently! This also explains all those watermelons and things you've been buying. I knew there was no way someone could go through that many watermelons in such a short amount of time, okay so I guess I did but...." Ruben chuckles. "If I'd known you were doing this and you were into all this maw stuff I would have been fine with it."

"What?" Aiden is only really paying the purple dragon half his attention, the other half is dedicated to mentally beating himself up and wallowing in self-hate, but even then the ram can't believe Ruben's casualness at finding out about his nightly abuse of him.

"It was very wrong of you to do all that to me, and I'm surprised at you, but I'm fine if you want to keep doing it. I'm gonna put the condition that I'm fully awake in there, and just so you know, if I find out you're still doing that stuff to me while I'm asleep I'm going to be very very angry at you." Ruben tries to put on his most serious face but Aiden's reaction of a subdued chuckle probably isn't a good sign. "So, um.... I've swallowed a camera?"

"Y-yeah, I dropped it and before I could do anything it was gone." Aiden's tears still trail from his eyes but he tries to wipe them away and gets to his feet, at least he can act strong until he's got the camera out of Ruben and then go back to being a sorry wreck after that. Ruben deserves at least that from the sorry ram.

"I'll just throw it back up, It'll be fine," Ruben reassures his dormmate. "This is why I need to be awake for these things. I'm gonna need some space though." Aiden quickly nods and dashes away. 'I'm really not going to enjoy this.' Ruben takes up a leaning-over position with his head pointed to the ground and his rear in the air. The dragon begins retching heavily and Aiden starts to get a little worried as he sees Ruben convulsing, trying to empty his stomach of its contents. The sounds of Ruben's attempts to regurgitate his recent meal move through the room for several minutes, the big dragon starting to breathe heavily with exertion. The dragon heaves but nothing drops from his mouth after several long minutes of trying.

"No, I've tried sending it back up but I think it's a little too small. I'm a little worried now, I don't think I can digest a camera so if it stays in there I'm definitely going to start feeling unwell." Ruben says as he shifts himself back into a sitting position, giving up on throwing the camera back up. "I'm open to suggestions if you have any?" The dragon tries, worry shaking his voice.

"Um, oh god! Um.... We could go to the hospital?"

"No, I'm not getting cut open unless I'm feeling really bad, for all we know I could be fine and dandy and we'll laugh about this in a few hours." Aiden thinks Ruben seems more afraid of going to the hospital than he has for any test or essay they've ever had to do.

"Fine, um.... How else can we get it out? We could send something in to get it out, a magnet or something?" Ruben knows the ram is just thinking of desperate solutions to their problem now.

"I doubt your camera is magnetic so a magnet wouldn't work. Um........" both of them wrack their brains for some way out of this situation and after a good two and a half minutes of silence, Aiden speaks.

"I've got something but it's completely mad, like totally bad shit insane kinda mad. You're sure you don't want to go to hospital?"

"Definitely." Ruben says firmly. "What's the idea?"

"Come with me." Aiden walks out of the dragon's room with him following behind and makes his way to the kitchen before opening the fridge and taking out a watermelon. "Wait a second while I get something." The ram quickly runs to his room and returns with a long length of rope. "Don't ask." Aiden says at Ruben's inquisitive look. Ruben doesn't quite know what's going on as Aiden uses a knife to cut a large hole through the watermelon. The ram passes one end of the rope through the hole and wraps it around the melon a few times before tying that end to the other end of the rope. "Swallow this."


"I need you to swallow this, I'm testing something."

"Can I cut it up?"

"No, it needs to be whole."

"Thought not. It's a little big though, isn't it?"

"I've seen you swallow bigger than this in your sleep. Look, I can't think of anything else other than testing this out or going to the hospital and you've made your position on the hospital clear so you're going to have to trust me."

"Fine." Ruben reluctantly agrees and Aiden hands him the watermelon, the other end of the rope around it being held tightly by Aiden. Ruben opens his mouth wide, catching Aiden shuffling where he stands and a little bit of pink sticking out against the ram's black lower body, and puts the melon in his mouth before tilting his head back a little to move it to the back of his maw. 'Right, just calm down and this will be over soon.' Ruben reassures himself before he tries to swallow the melon. Ruben's muscles work just like they always do when he eats something as his throat tries to take in the large fruit but can't; he tries again and Aiden can see the bulge of the watermelon being pushed into Ruben's oesophagus but quickly forced back up into the dragon's mouth with a gag. Ruben closes his eyes and focuses hard on swallowing the melon, 'you can do this, Aiden says you've done this in your sleep, quite easily it would seem, so you can definitely do it now. Just concentrate.' This seems to be enough as, with an audible gulp, Ruben feels himself force the melon down his throat. The dragon has to swallow repeatedly to send the melon all the way down his gullet, causing him to bob his head a little, but soon it's too far gone and he gasps as it enters his stomach. "This feels really weird, having a rope coming out of me I mean. You said I can do that in my sleep?"

"Yeah, it's uh, it's really sexy." Aiden mumbles, the ram's pink length having fully emerged from its white resting place between his legs.

"So what's the rope for?"

"I'm uh, I'm going to try and pull the melon back up out of you." Aiden explains to Ruben.

"Pull the melon back out of me?"

"Well yeah, how else are we going to get it out?" Ruben can tell that having the watermelon yanked back up his throat won't be a particularly pleasant feeling.

"And this is still part of your test?"

"Yeah, if this works then we have a way to get my camera back," Aiden's face changes to a look of regret and sadness. "And you can be free of me as well."

"Fine then! Start tugging away!" Ruben says in a far more happy voice than he would have if he wasn't trying to cheer up his dormmate. Aiden nods and starts pulling the rope. Ruben feels weird as the rope begins trailing out of his mouth, tugging the melon back up his throat, 'My body can't be enjoying having a piece of food I've just eaten being pulled back out of me' Ruben thinks as the watermelon continues its progress. The dragon's instincts tell him to try to keep whatever's moving up his throat down but he focuses on not doing that and soon a melon-sized bulge is moving up the dragon's purple-scaled throat. Ruben begins thumping his tail in discomfort but soon the melon is tugged back into his mouth which alleviates the majority of it. Ruben quickly spits the melon onto the floor and coughs a little at the weird feeling in his throat.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asks in concern as his dormmate shakes his head vigorously.

"Y-yeah, it just felt really weird. It didn't hurt or anything but it just felt wrong, might take me a sec to settle down." Aiden begins untying the now wet rope from around the watermelon on the floor, both having been coated in Ruben's saliva making Aiden's mind wander to daydreams.

Ruben can't say he understands why Aiden made him swallow a watermelon whole and then tug it back out from inside him, a small part of the dragon suspecting this might be an elaborate ploy for Aiden to get off to, the ram's raging boner adding to this thought. But Aiden was so sad about what he's done and Ruben doesn't think he could fake sadness like that, the kind the dragon knows can eat a person from the inside just like fear. Ruben watches as Aiden finishes untying the watermelon, the ram subtly feeling over the rope's moistness as he stays still for a short while.

"So...." Ruben says to break the awkward silence and to hopefully break Aiden out of whatever daydream he's having while looking at the rope that had just been inside the dragon.

"Hold this." Aiden hands Ruben one end of the rope which the dragon grips in one paw. "I think that should be tight enough." The ram says after he wraps the rope around himself several times and around one of his wrists, giving everything a good tug to secure it to himself after tying everything up. It seems Aiden has calmed down after seeing Ruben swallowing a watermelon as the caprine's length has returned to its sheath, just the tip poking out to display that Aiden is still a little aroused.

"Hold on. You can't be-" Ruben's brain finally puts everything together and the dragon isn't a fan.

"Do you have a better idea?" Aiden asks sharply. "I'm a horrible person so if this doesn't work the world isn't losing anyone it shouldn't anyway." At the mention of Aiden's plan not working Ruben feels a wave of sickness flush through his scales. "But it'll work. Definitely." The ram quickly adds, seeing the dragon's dismay. "You're going to need to open your mouth so I can get in."

"I'm not going to eat you!" Ruben protests with a flick of his tail, flaring his wings out in shock.

"Well neither of us can think of another way to get the camera out other than to go to the hospital."

"But you could die! I don't want to kill you!"

"It's completely safe, you saw what happened with the watermelon. Just pull that rope and I come right back out." Ruben looks down at the rope in his paw. 'Aiden does have a point, a very small one, the watermelon was fine and I really don't want to go to the hospital.' The dragon gives a small shiver at the thought of needing to set foot in such a place.

"I just pull this and you come back out?" He asks warily, tucking his wings back in.

"Yep, just like the watermelon."

"Fine," Ruben says quickly before he can change his mind. "So how're we going to do this?"

"Well, um, I was uh- I was thinking that you open your mouth, I climb in, then you lift your head, tilt it back and swallow me." Ruben hesitantly lowers his head onto the ground and opens his mouth to Aiden, 'if I get this over with quickly it won't be so bad.' Ruben tells himself. The ram has a full view of the interior of Ruben's moist, surprisingly inviting maw.

"Well, that got a reaction." Ruben teases as he watches Aiden's length quickly emerge from his wooled sheath. The ram gives a sheepish grin but anything he was going to say dies in his throat as Ruben once again opens his mouth wide, the back of the dragon's throat twitches as he swallows down some saliva. Aiden places a cautious hooved hand on the dragon's large tongue, causing its muscular surface to ripple in response, the reptile's slick saliva seeping between his fingers and making the ram even more excited. Aiden places his other hand on Ruben's tongue before pulling more of himself into the dragon's gaping maw, saliva permeating the wool on Aiden's front and wetting the ram's large black balls. 'I can't believe I'm doing this!' He thinks in shock. 'I can't believe I'm doing this!' Excitement at fulfilling one of his greatest fantasies making Aiden shiver.

"You can lift me up now, I'll try to make this as easy as possible for you." The light around Aiden dims as he watches Ruben close his mouth around him, his lower legs still sticking out of his mouth. Ruben tries to be as careful as possible with his razor-sharp teeth in case he accidentally hurts Aiden, the dragon realising that the fact that he's about to swallow the ram kind of outweighs any niceties he can provide. 'He's definitely one strange sheep.' Ruben thinks as he feels Aiden wriggle around a little which makes his erect penis and large balls rub against the dragon's tongue. Ruben tries not to think about what he's about to do and instead closes his eyes and imagines he's eating something else, 'a strangely shaped fruit of some kind....' He tries to make his mind picture. Ruben lifts his head up off the floor and feels the fruit slide further into his mouth, now completely encapsulated by his large muzzle which closes completely before he tilts his head back.

Aiden slides closer to the back of Ruben's throat, the entrance to the dragon's oesophagus making the ram excited and a little nervous. 'What happens if the rope snaps or if Ruben was lying and he'll be fine and this is just a way for him to get rid of me because he's much more angry at me than he said he was. What if he never pulls me back out and digests me?' The ram realises that it's far too late to back out now as Ruben's tongue forces him to the back of the dragon's throat and Aiden feels as Ruben swallows. The loud sound of the dragon swallowing fills Aiden's ears as everything around him moves and pushes against his naked body.

Ruben feels most of the fruit enter into his throat and gives another strong gulp to send the rest down. The dragon can't say it is easy but he feels like he needs to do it so he forces himself to swallow again around the fruit, his strong internal muscles clenching around it and moving it further down his gullet. Now the entirety of the fruit is down the dragon's throat, it's not a pleasant feeling having something so big resting in your throat but Ruben can't quite work up the energy to take another gulp.

Aiden had expected himself to be harshly massaged down the dragon's throat in a few strong gulps and quickly deposited into his stomach but it seems Ruben is either playing with his food or the ram is stuck halfway down the reptile's throat, the muscles pushing against him and causing his penis to get groped by them. Being surrounded by the sounds of Ruben's breathing, the wet sounds and feelings of the dragon's insides, and the fact that he's being eaten by a big scary dragon, means that Aiden can't keep himself together. The ram gasps in surprise as he feels his balls jump and he shivers as his tip spews his seed out into Ruben's throat, covering himself in it as well. 'Sorry Ruben, your throat's just too much.'

Ruben takes a few breaths before he feels something happen in his throat. The fruit must have been smushed in his attempts to send it down into his stomach because he can feel some sort of fluid moving down his throat. The dragon's throat really doesn't like this new development and Ruben reflexively swallows again, this throat flexing around the fruit and forcing it further towards his waiting stomach. Ruben feels the fruit pass the point of no return as his insides quickly force the fruit into his stomach accompanied by a full feeling that makes the dragon sigh in contentment. Ruben nearly screams as he feels something start moving inside him, prodding around inside his stomach and making it grumble. He opens his eyes quickly and sees the rope sticking out of his muzzle, its other end wrapped around his most recent meal inside his stomach. 'Meal? No! Why did I think of what's just happened as a meal?! I've just swallowed my dormmate, that's not a meal!' Ruben scolds himself, the full feeling of Aiden in his stomach undeniably and begrudgingly pleasant to the dragon. "Man I hope this works," Ruben mutters to himself nervously as he moves from standing up to sitting on his back legs. "I suppose I just wait here until I- we didn't decide on a way for him to tell me to start pulling the rope!" Ruben kicks himself for overlooking something so important. "I'll give him until the clock says it's been three minutes." Ruben's eyes glare at the mounted clock on the wall, each second feeling far too long as he watches the little hand tick around its face.

Aiden couldn't believe this! This was just like one of his favourite animations! Ruben's insides grumble and gurgle around him as he moves about inside the dragon's stomach. Aiden had dreamed of being in a situation like this, the wetness of everything, the surprising warmth of Ruben's stomach, it's everything the young ram had hoped it would be in his lustiest daydreams. Some part of Aiden wants to just lay down and bask in it all, let himself just drift off to the subtle rippling of the ground beneath his hooves, to lay down and listen to the sounds of his roommate's gut at work around him. 'Focus Aiden! Find your camera!' The ram needs to remind himself as he can feel himself getting excited again and his mind start fantasising. It's dark inside Ruben's gut, tingly juices dance over the ram's skin as Ruben's insides try their best to start digesting him. 'So that's definitely not a good sign, where's that camera?' Aiden's hands move around, feeling over the wet insides of his dragon dormmate's softly churning stomach.

"Mmmph......that feels quite nice...." Ruben sighs to himself, his eyes drifting closed as he enjoys the feelings Aiden's movements are bringing him. "Wait! I can't be enjoying having my roommate feeling around inside me, can I?" He says as his eyes snap open after he catches himself. Something in Ruben feels content with the massaging feeling of having something wriggling around inside him, the dragon is surprised at himself but shrugs it off, he's too busy keeping track of how long Aiden has been inside him to think too hard about his feelings towards all this.

"Oh thank god!" Aiden cries as one of his hands closes around his camera; its hard surface completely at odds with the moist firmness of Ruben's insides which the ram has been feeling over for what seems like forever, a small part of Aiden hoping it could be forever. As much as the ram likes vore, actually being digested is definitely something he wants to avoid; he'd always been more into the safer types of vore where the prey survived and was let back out in one piece, something he really wants to emulate right now as Ruben's churning seems to get stronger.

"If he hasn't found the camera by now we'll go to the hospital." Ruben tells himself. 'Or you could pull him back out and send him back down after he's rested a little.' The dragon's mind offers to him silkily. Ruben shrugs away this thought and begins pulling the rope, it streams out of the dragon's mouth before some resistance is felt. 'I suppose this is the uncomfortable part.' Ruben comments to himself as he thinks back to the watermelon from earlier, Ruben notices that it's still laying discarded on the floor from where Aiden put it after untying the rope from it. His throat protests and Ruben needs to make a conscious effort not to give in to what his body is telling him to do and swallow to send the climbing bulge that is his dormmate back down into his stomach. The entirety of Aiden's body is clenched around tightly, stimulating the ram by pressing pleasingly over his exposed length and large black balls, as Ruben fails to keep himself from trying to send the lump back down his bulging throat. Ruben holds tight onto the rope in his paw so Aiden doesn't move while his throat muscles try their hardest to push the ram back down again. Ruben reflexively swallows three more times, each time his throat ripples over Aiden trying to shove him down, before he regains control and his throat calms down. Ruben returns to pulling on the rope and beats his tail against the ground as he feels Aiden making his way up his throat and soon he hears shouts of joy from the back of his muzzle as Aiden's head moves into it from the dragon's protesting oesophagus. With a little more pulling on the rope, Aiden's entire body has been pulled free from Ruben's throat and sits in his wet maw. Ruben opens his mouth and Aiden quickly climbs out, his penis fully out of his sheath and contrasting with the white of his wool which has been soaked by the dragon's digestive fluids and saliva.

"I've got the camera!" Aiden says with glee as he proudly displays it to Ruben who's coughing a little at the weird feeling in his throat. "I'll go now..." the ram says glumly, he'd just experienced one of his biggest fantasies; he'd been eaten by a big scary dragon just like he'd dreamed, but it meant now he has to leave. He'd gotten the camera and Ruben is healthy again so what's the point of him staying after all the horrible things he's done?

"What?" Ruben asks in confusion once he's recovered from everything brought on by pulling his dormmate out of his stomach. "You don't need to leave, I thought I already said that I've forgiven you for all that stuff as long as you don't do it ever again, and I mean ever again."

"But I'm-"

"Sorry and promise you won't do it again?" The dragon interjects. "Good cause then we're good. You stay, we'll make more videos for you if it keeps this from happening again, and I.....I get to ask you to do something...." Ruben can't deny that all this night time activity has made him rather hot under the scales, the dragon thinking about what else Aiden might be able to do with him.

"You're not mad at me?" Aiden asks tentatively.

"Nah, I'm a little angry but I'll soon calm down," Ruben assures his roommate with a smile. "Now look pretty excited and um," Aiden can't help but smile a little at seeing his large dormmate getting embarrassed. "I was wondering if you'd, uh, indulge me in something." Ruben's interests might just be close enough to Aiden's for the ram to agree to help the dragon, at least Ruben hopes so.

"Sure, I can't say I don't need to pay you back for being this forgiving to me after everything I've done to you and the problem it caused. What do you want me to do?" Aiden watches Ruben shift his position so he's lying on his back with his tail pointed at the ram.

"We dragons have a few more holes someone could....explore, if they wanted." Ruben spreads his legs to Aiden and the ram sees the dragon expose his genital slit seductively to him, its lips looking surprisingly inviting to the frisky ram.

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