Family Life: Honeymooners - Part 1 - A Secret

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#3 of Family Life

Family Life: Honeymooners - Part 1 - A Secret

By: DarkSerpent

An idea presented to me by Ligeron. If your not one for male pregnancy then you may wish to stop reading now.

Adams P.O.V

It was amazing the four of us sitting on a plane not as boyfriends but as husbands. I leaned against my bull lover snuggling into his warmth. He was fast asleep from the previous night's fun. Glenn sat at the other end of the isle reading a magazine. I glanced down seeing his long red tail wrapped around his ankle. Matt sat right next to him asleep as well. We were on our way to Puerto Rico and towards one hell of a time. Well I guess I can reveal the secret to you.


Two Months Earlier -

"Yes baby we just arrived don't worry we'll be back in a few days," I spoke into my cell phone from Hawaii. It was early December and this wasn't a pleasure trip. Glenn stood next to me as we left the airport in the early morning. The cool Hawaiian breeze blew past us as we exited the airport. "Well we'll get to our hotel and tomorrow we'll head to...what's the places name again?" I asked Glenn.

"Oh it's Firewyrm Ind." The Aussie spoke as we waited for a cab. I could tell what Drew saw in this Kangaroo. He was sweet, kind, and the accent was just the bow on the package. "I only ordered a single bed, hope you don't mind," I smiled and he laughed. "Now why would I mind, I sleep with ya every night," He spoke and an old women coming out the door gave us a look. She walked away slowly and we both broke out in laughter.

Suddenly the cab pulled up. We sat our things inside the trunk and got into the back seat of the car. Glenn held a folder under his arm. I gave the cab driver the address of our hotel so we could do a little studying up before the sun came up. Glenn opened the folder in the cab and I could see him looking through the papers. "Still 'ave Mr. Simmons on speed dial?" He spoke and filled a paper in the folder. "Of course who else is going to help pay for all of this?" I giggled and looked through my phonebook.

The cab stopped in front of a little motel. We paid the driver and got out grabbing our bags as well. We checked in and moved to our room. We had slept the whole way here on the planes so now we were wide-awake. Unfortunately, we had to lie to our daddy bull to cover up what we were doing. We told him that Glenn's mother needed us to come down to Sydney for some reason or another. Glenn slid the key in the door and we stepped into the air-conditioned door. It was small but exactly what we needed.

"Ok Mr. Simmons should just be getting up by now so lets get everything ready," Glenn tossed his bag onto the bed and sat at the small table. I sat across from him and we put all of the papers out on the paper. Matt back home was also going to be a big part of this. Therefore, we called the house and told him to be sure to answer. I put it on speakerphone and it rang for a few moments before it clicked over. "Hello?" Matt's voice came over the phone. "Hi Matt," We both said at the same time.

"Hi Adam, Hi Glenn, now what's all of this about, why did you two have to leave all of a sudden?" He asked. "Well bat boy we need to know something...What would you say if you could get pregnant?" I spoke back. "Um...that's kinda impossible?" He spoke sarcastically and we began to explain.

In Honolulu, a company called Firewyrm Industries has developed a serum called M-Tility. This serum is very powerful and is what makes male pregnancy possible. You have to go to the company headquarters to request it. It cost a lot of money and we were hoping Mr. Simmons could help us if his grandson requested it. After the short explanation, Matt was silent at first. "Well does it work?" He asked and we started up again.

The serum comes in male and "female" doses. The male is blue and is for the man of the relationship. In our case, it would be Drew since he is the harem owner. The blue serum is basically concentrated Viagra. It causes the release of massive amount of testosterone, this causes the testicles to swell and produce three times the amount of sperm. It would also push Drew into a sexual frenzy; a true need to have sex. This can last for up to two days without dieing off.

The pink dose is for the three of us. When ingested it will cause us to go into the equivalent of heat after twenty fours hours. During the waiting period, it will cause the production of a temporary womb inside of the anus. The much like with a woman he'd fuck us until we can't take anymore. It will force our bodies to produce egg cells so that we can become pregnant. It also causes a warming and cooling effects to increase blood flow to the important area's. This creates great potency and pleasure. They'd insure us until we give birth then the children until they're twenty.

"So what do you need me for?" Matt spoke and we bit our lips. "Well it's a million per two doses, we ain't got that kinda money," Glenn spoke. "So we need you to help us convince your grandfather to pay for it then call us back if he does," I continued and Matt sighed. "Well it would be nice to not have to rent a womb," He brightened up. "Ok I'll call you back soon," He suddenly hung up. We looked at each other and waited.

An hour passed slowly. We all really wanted this. This way we wouldn't have to find donor eggs and a woman to conceive them. Alternatively, go through the possible years of adoption where it's not positive that we get a child or a teenager. I personally wanted to have a real baby of my own. During sex, I usually yelled out for Drew to put a baby in me. Then with this, I actually could have a baby put into me.

My phone suddenly went off and we both stared at it. "'Ello?" Glenn answered and I bit my lip. "Yes Mr. Simmons...Yes we've done our research...well think about it sir your only grandson is a homosexual...with this you can have great grandchildren...uh huh....ok yes sir...right away...thank you sir," He shit the end button. "What did he say?" I asked my tail flickering in anticipation. "He said once we start talking to the CEO, to have him call him to hammer out the payment details," Glenn smiled and I hugged him. We hugged for jumped up and down in joy.

"Well let's get a little more sleep and in the morning we'll head over there and have a nice little talk," I smiled. We both hopped in bed yawning to ourselves. I snuggled up to a pillow but it wasn't exactly the same. I could hear Glenn whining as well as he tried to find something to cuddle up with like Drew. "Mind?" I turned around and cuddled up to him. "Still not the same but it'll do," He yawned and wrapped his arms around me. We both let out a content sigh and soon fell asleep.

Our rest was short and only two hours later, we were back up. "Well I think we should get ourselves ready we're going to be meeting a big CEO," I stretched popping my back. "Yeah I could us a bath," He stood and walked into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and Glenn step into it. I knew it wouldn't hurt if I stepped in with him. So pulling open the curtain, I slid in behind the sopping wet roo. I cuddled into his back and nuzzled to soft fur. "Oy, what you doin in here?" He looked back at me over his shoulder. "I got lonely," I giggled into him and his tail swatted my butt. I made a small squeak and hugged him. He wasn't my daddy bull but he was pretty nice and warm when you cuddled with him.

He turned around letting me get into the water. I shook off rubbing my face as Glenn rubbed my back with a wet rag. "So who will get pregnant first? Cause I really want to," Glenn asked and ran the rag over my butt. "Well I want to too," I giggled. "I'll fight ya for it," He growled and I gulped. This Kangaroo could probably kick my ass from here to back home. "Um how about rock paper scissors," I tried to think of an easier way to solve it. "'Alright," He held out his hand and we gripped our fists. One, two, three we dropped our fists showing that I had scissors and he had rock. "Looks like I go first," He smirked and I laughed. "Good then you get to be the guinea pig," I teased and he spanked me suddenly.

He stepped out and I rubbed my butt. He was a good person but was one of the most aggressive people I knew. I stepped out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around with myself. Before we knew it we were back outside waiting for a cab. I held the folder as a few storm clouds began rolling in. Raindrops started to hit around us and luckily, the cab pulled up in that second. "Where to?" The cab driver spoke as we stepped in. "Um we don't know the exact address but we need to go to Firewyrm Ind. It says it's somewhere downtown," I smiled and he nodded.

We watched the buildings get a little taller as we kept driving. Soon we stopped in front of a skyscraper. Paying the cab driver again, we stepped out and moved inside. "Excuse me we need to see the man in charge," Glenn stepped up to a desk. "Um ok well go down this hallway and go up to the twentieth floor via the elevator then just tell the receptionist," The parrot behind the desk spoke and we moved around the corner.

We entered the elevator and I hit the twentieth floor button. The doors closed and the elevator slowly moved up. With a small ding, the door opened to a reception area. "Good morning, can I help you," A tiger spoke from behind the desk. "Yes we need to see whoever is in charge about M-Tility," I told him and the tiger. He pressed a button and the doors opened slowly. "Mr. Firewyrm has been expecting you," He smiled and we walked in.

It was a large circular office with windows on all sides. "Good morning gentlemen," A man stood up from behind the desk. He stood and stretched up to nine feet. Two large red wings stretching out from his back. His fur was an off white with faded black stripes along his hands and body. He had to weigh at least four fifty but most of that had to be rock hard muscle and bones. Nevertheless, he couldn't hide the little belly under his suit. His neck hid under a mane that was a mixture of red, black, and gold portions started with red at the tips and gold more towards his skin. A handsome muzzle smiled at us with two long horns on top of his head. Each horn being black adorned with gold plates along the front. "Good morning sir," Glenn nudged me.

I straightened up and we moved across the room. He reached out his strong hands and we reached over shaking his hands. "Now what can I do for you two?" He asked. "We want babies," I spoke out suddenly. He smiled and laughed a little looking down. "Well I can do that but it might take a few tries," He smirked and I smacked my forehead. "I mean we would like to purchase your product which will allow us to conceive," I corrected myself and Glenn pulled out a paper from the folder. "Ok, I take it this is the application confirmation from our website," He toke the paper and started to read.

Before we left, we had to fill this out so that their companies' database would have our information. This confirmed that the three of us would be able to conceive from Drew. He turned to his computer and input the data from the sheet into his computer. "Ok Mr. Glenn and Mr. Adam before I can start saying anything I need to know how you will pay for the four doses you require, since we charge one million per two doses we do not take purchasing this product lightly," He explained and we understood. "Yes our son to be grandfather in law will be paying for us," I smiled and he nodded. "Alright and where is he?" He continued and Glenn wrote down his phone number.

We sat tapping out feet against the floor as the large dragon/liger spoke with Mr. Simmons. He was typing softly on the computer the entire time. After an hour, we were leaning back in our chair twiddling with our fingers. "Alright, thank you very much," He sat the phone down hanging up. "Ok now I have all your information and everything is paid for," He smiled and we sighed in contentment. "So what happens now?" Glenn asked.

"Well he said to wait till you all leave for your honeymoon in a couple of months, you'll receive your doses the day before you leave and your husbands will be at your hotel when you arrive in Puerto Rico," He explained and we nodded. "Now you should wait exactly twenty four hours before you give your husband his dose, your's take's time to finish its job while his takes immediate affect," He handed us a few more papers. It was all insurance information and doctors we had to see while we were pregnant.

"Thank you so much!" I couldn't help but be excited. He stood and reached over the desks shaking our hands. "Now be sure to call me to day you find out you conceive I like knowing about the successes of our product," He smiled and we giggled.

End Flashback

The plane was starting to land and I nudged Drew and Matt. "Come on you two time to get up," I smiled as they both jumped. "Oh...sorry we must have dozed off," Drew sat up and matt stretched. "Don't worry loves, it was a quite ride anyway," Glenn smiled and the seatbelt sign clicked on. We all clicked on our seatbelts and the plane started to descend.

Drew clung to his armrests still having a fear of planes. I smiled and held his hand softly. The wheels screeched as we hit the ground. Soon we had slowed to a crawl. "There that wasn't so bad huh honey," Matt kissed his cheek. Drew nodded and his nose ring shimmered in the light softly.

After an hour, we were all in our hotel room in the late afternoon. The sixth floor of a hotel resort with a grand pool between the buildings. The ocean only a few yards from the edge of the resort. Glenn had taken his serum over twenty-three hours ago but Matt and I still had a few hours to go. "Ok well I think Matt and I are gonna go explore, while you two get comfortable," We walked out slowly and shut the door behind us. Glenn smiled and laid next to Drew who was flat out on the bed. His body was starting to warm up as the serum toke affect. Drew was asleep once again as Glenn pulled the bright blue serum from his bag.

Planting a small kiss on his lips, he poured the liquid into his open muzzle as he slept. In a natural reaction, Drew started to drink the contents as the liquid filled his mouth. The vile emptied and Drew smacked his lips downing the last of it. Glenn quickly tossed the vile under the bed as Drew lifted awoke from his slumber. "Mmm, fell asleep again didn't I, sorry baby," He apologized. "Don't worry honey it's ok," Glenn kissed him softly. Slowly he crawled on top of him his body starving for attention. "I wanna fuck!" He grumbled and pulled his husbands shirt up and off. He started to kiss his chest making Drew gasp softly.

With Glenn's treatment and the serum Drew started to get hard very quickly. It throbbed pushing up against his shorts the button popping open from the pressure pushing up against it. Glenn smiled and turned around and bent down kissing the steel rob held back by his boxers. "Shit it's so big," He mumbled and pulled his boxers down the hard member sticking up. The veined rod of pure bull flesh throbbed softly under his touch. "Fuck!" Drew gasped at the slightest touch. He suddenly grabbed Glenn's ass nearly tearing his shots open.

Soon they were quickly nude and in the sixty, nine position. Glenn sucking away at his thick member and Drew eating out his ass to make him nice and wet. His tongue slid into his ass running across the new flap of skin covering his temporary cervix. "Damn eat me! Devour me!" Glenn muffled through the cock that filled his mouth. "Shit get on your hands and knee's bitch!" He grunted and smacked his ass hard enough to leave a handprint. Glenn groaned and did as he was ordered getting onto his hands and knees.

Drew quickly moved up behind him and without waiting pushed into him. He hesitated only a second before his hips wildly started fucking the kangaroo. He pounded away at the boy under him his fat ass smacking against his waist. His hips jiggled with each thrust making him bite into the pillow. "Fuck me harder master!" He begged and Drew started destroying his ass. Pounding away at his bitch forcing the willing to take everything he had.

With a sudden grunt, Glenn emptied his balls onto the sheets below. However, that was just the beginning of the intense session. The serum had tapped Drew's most primal instincts and forced them to come out. He turned the Kangaroo over and slammed into him kissing him hard. "I love you Drew! Fuck I love you so much!" Glenn screamed between thrusts. " you Glenn! I need you! I have to have you every single second!" He mooed and his hooves pushed back digging into the sheets.

Soon the bed was slamming against the wall with all of the covers and sheets pushed off. Glenn had already passed out from the pleasure. His cock throbbing every few seconds as he had dry orgasms. His ass was full of Drew's seed. This didn't stop him though; he still pounded away at his sore ass trying his absolute best to impregnate him. He didn't know that he already put a baby into his roo and now it was simply overkill.

Now as Matt and I walked back we had no idea what beast we had made. On the other side of the door was a sex monster ready to fuck anything it can. Our serum was taking affect as well and we could feel our own heat's coming on. My hand rested on the doorknob hearing the bed creaking and hitting the wall With a moment of hesitation, I turned the knob.

To Be Continued.

Family Life: Honeymooners - Part 2 - Impregnated

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