Soccer Sucks 2

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Second part of the 'Soccer Sucks'

Soccer Sucks 2

"Move that huge ass of yours. You've been picking up some extra pounds, Mikey!" Coach Nelson roared and used his clipboard to clap against thigh.

It was back to soccer training since the last incident that had occurred two days ago. Speedy has been plotting his revenge for Kay ever since his pride fallen day. The tiger looked up and stopped to inhale the fresh grass that they were practicing on. Coach didn't push Speedy as hard as he did to the other players. Mainly because he was already good enough for the team and could possibly make it for the team captain. He was good enough. No, rewind and freeze. He was possibly the best player around and could probably coach some of the lower ranks.

However, he tried to keep a low profile. Kay was being overly friendly with him lately. It was highly suspicious but a small price to pay for the cougar to not spill the beans on him. Utter humiliation flooded his pride but he stayed strong, unwilling to chain himself to the past. For now, he had a plan to get back to Kay.

"One more lap! Go GO GO!!"

As the bear ordered each and every player on the team, Speedy saw the hardship that Kenny was enduring. The minuscule wolf wasn't big or anything but what he lacks in size; he tries to make up for intelligence. Hence, the world wide stereotype of geeks. All brains but no brawns. That's one of the main reason he joined soccer. He knew that buffing up would be useless due to his shy demeanour and that would require taking up time in the gym. So, he decided that turning up his endurance and speed could do wonders. However, the smaller wolf was lagging behind like a sloth.

Speedy shook his head and remembered his collaboration. After the incident two days ago, in the shower, where he got muzzle raped by the cougar, it was him that gave an idea to take revenge. Both tiger and wolf had deep grudges against Kay and they weren't ashamed of admitting it. What Kay did to them was unforgivable and tonight, right after practice, that's when revenge shall be sweeter than desserts itself.

Speedy grinned up to the collective idea. "It shall be sweet."

All of a sudden, there was a slap on the back, "Yo', how's it going?"

"What the?!" He turned and was faced with a weasel, "Kyril! Don't do that!"

"Pop goes the weasel?"

The tiger groaned and shook his head. "Ky, that's the lamest joke ever."

"Heh, yeah but hey, it doesn't get old with the ladies," he nudged across Speedy's side, "Check out that babe sitting on the bench warmer. She's hot!"

"Ungh... Ky, you know I don't take interest in girls."

"Meh, just a try to change you."

Speedy rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, check your locker later. I left something for you," the weasel cracked his paw and slowly began to rub the stripped feline's abs, "Have no mercy on him. I'll get them all to leave early so you could take your sweet time with him."

Speedy stood rooted to the ground. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? Does Kyril knew about 'that' incident? Has it leaked out to every player on the team? Worst! Coach Nelson! He grabbed against Kyril's shoulder and shook him hard.

"What do you know! Tell me!" He hissed loudly.

"Dude! Chill! Chill!" Kyril tried to squirm free, "I know, I heard but only I know about it. Geez! Speedy! You're hurting me!"

"Oh! Oh... s-sorry..."

The weasel dropped on the ground, groaning while rubbing on his suddenly sore arm. "You pack quite a punch there."

"Stop weaseling around, tell me what you know." Speedy crossed his arms.

Kyril had his arms behind, "It wasn't difficult but I just overheard Kenny mumble something about getting revenge back to Kay and you're going to help him. I just put two and two together and after checking out your locker," he held both paws up to imitate an air knot using some invisible rope, "A rope? I kinda thought that you're going to do something bad. If you're going to do it, do it good and rough. So, thought that you could use a better quality rope."

Speedy blushed and hid his face under paw. How could Kenny be so careless with his words? Guess that blew the fact that only three furs knew about the shower area action. But whatever the circumstances, he had help. It goes to show that there are plenty of other furs out there that wants a piece of Kay in their bare paws but didn't have the guts to stand up for themselves. It wasn't easy. No, it was hell but at least now, Kyril knew that Speedy would be able to take revenge for him.

"Make it a good one."

Soon after, each team member left the locker room one by one, quicker than usual. From what he heard, Kyril was having a party at his dorm for the night and every player was graciously invited. That was a good way to get them out of there earlier and coincidently; Kay had no intention of coming along for the ride.

The cheers and claps began to dissipate outside of the field, all the coaches left within minutes. Speedy smirked at his luck. Now, he had more time to 'play' with someone. If things worked out right tonight, this could change history for Kay. Better yet, a whole new character. The tiger sat on the bench and yawned, stretching both arms to the air, cracking a few bones in the process.

"Yo', fag," a sudden voice rang through the empty room, "Ain't cha' going for the party?"

"Fuck off, Kay. It's my business."

"Aww.... The poor kitten is being grumpy," Kay cooed like a kitten, "We can't have that now, can we?"

Speedy growled and shot straight up, "Don't even think about it. I'm warning you."

Kay swung his towel across shoulder and shook his head out of disappointment. "Speedy...Dear old Speedy. Can't you just accept that you like being taken by me? Don't deny it, you love it when I fucked your mouth hard, my pulsing cock embedded deep into your throat. Oh hey, better yet, make you my bitch and take that tight hole of yours."

Those words shot through his mind like a lightning spear. There is no way that he's gonna fuck his ass! No fucking way! That would make him gay too!

"Again, don't think too much. It doesn't make me gay either way," he yawned and stroked those fine sculpted abs, "Got a hot date tonight. Don't want to waste my precious energy arguing, or..." winked back, "fucking with you."

He makes me so mad... Speedy quaked and gritted teeth, fist balling up but he remembered what his main intention was.

Kay finally reached the shower area, slamming both paws on to the wall, eliciting a moan of comfort. Sighing to himself, he turned the knob of the shower head. With immediate effect, the cougar was drenched with ice cold water. It didn't bother him for one moment, not in the slightest. In fact, he actually liked the icy liquid. Sore and tense muscles relaxed, lifting head up to feel the torrents of waters from above. It was heavenly. Far heavenly than what he could imagine.

Paw glided smoothly along body, tracing from chest till abs. He smirked to himself before going south, gently handling his half erected shaft. It was excited, fairly. Just the thought of pounding another bitch in his dorm was sufficient to fill his lustful desires. Kay is a male after all and that's what most thought about. A whole lot of people gave in a stereotype of males that sex is all that they are thinking of and Kay drove that term to a whole new extent.

"Mmm...." Paws were beginning to stroke and cup around ball sac, feeling how hefty they were before moving bak to wash his ass crack.

As he arched his back a little more behind, the cougar looked as if like he was inviting someone to come and fuck the hell out of him but who would actually dare to do that?

Apparently, someone did.

"Stop being a fag and finish washing."

Kay blinked and dropped whatever he was doing. Standing straight up again, he was expecting to see Speedy but instead, the image of a tiger was replaced by a scrawny wolf. He smirked and leaned on the side of the shower wall.

"Well, well, well, well. What do we have here, a little thin stick figure who thought that trying out of the soccer team was a good idea," cracking both knuckles at the same time, he turned off the shower. "What are you doing here? Being last to get off from the team? I thought you were the first to get off."

"Mind your own business, Kay." Kenny snapped quickly.

"You know..." Kay casually walked towards his intended direction, "You still owe me that lunch money you promised two days ago."

"W-What?" The wolf looked back. He was clearly afraid of the cougar now, "There's no lunch money!"

"Yes there is lunch money."

"No there isn't!"

"You've been a baaaddd wolf...

"N-No!" Kenny backed up to the wall, sweating bullets under fur. Claws began to scrap along the wall. There's definitely not a way out from his predicament.

Speedy... Where are you... I hope he comes in time!

The honey coated cougar cracked and snapped his neck simultaneously, preparing to beat the crap out of him. Whatever he had planned, it wasn't going to happen.

The whimpering wolf was cowering in fear as both paws shielded the top of his head. As the cougar lifted his arms to grip Kenny around the neck, he was stopped abruptly when he felt a sharp pain stabbing behind his back. His eyes bulged open and hissed at the pain that surged along his senses. Looking back in rage, Kay was about to land a blind punch to the intruder behind but a sudden shot of fuzziness invaded his mind.

Kay cursed violently at his instability. Before he knew it, his vision began to form into a blur, screening out any figure that came into view. However, before he passed out, the cougar felt two paws groping around that muscular butt cheeks. He yelped loudly but was too drunk to figure out what was happening. Whatever it is, it's groping his privates and he didn't like it one bit.

"Ungh..." he murmured and crashed to the ground with a thud. Tongue hung out from muzzle, drool dripping to the side and body lay limp.

He began to pant for no apparent reason. It's either he was too tired to even stand up or some sort, it didn't matter. All he wanted was to just lie on the cold solid ground, and play dead.

"Umm... eh... umgh....

It was about an hour before Kay regained consciousness. Blinked once, twice, thrice, multiple times. Even then, his vision couldn't form anything that's familiar in the surroundings. He tried to move his arms and legs but it didn't budge. Tried once more. Still nothing.

What's going on... why can't I move?

Despite his slowly clearing vision, his nerves and sense of touch still remained. Around his wrist, he felt something tight and hard coiling around it, as if he was tied up. Below, both ankles felt something cold, almost metal like and as he tried to close both leg in, there was something blocking it. Grunts and groans filled the air but the only one that heard his cries was Speedy.

From his point of view, Kay saw Speedy sitting right in front of him; legs and arms crossed, pretending to be the big boss around. In fact, the stripped feline is the boss at this moment. He smirked and licked his lips. Here the powerful cougar stood. No, scratch that. Here 'hung' the 'bully'.

Oh, he was hung alright; all in the right places but fuck he's a jerk. Speedy got up and saw a clearer picture of what was happening right before his eyes. He had tied Kay up, hanging upwards with both wrist tied up with a rope, hanging from the top of the ceiling. It wasn't any ordinary rope. It fact, it was some special rope that he got from Kyril. He had no idea what rope is it but damn it did an extremely good job. Down below, Kay was spread open with a spreader attached to ankle. He was practically standing on his toes, trying to maintain a good balance.

However, what really caught his eye was how naked he was. Kay hung from the ceiling like a piece of fuck meat, a beautiful meat that's ready to be sold to any buyer. Prime and fresh; ready for the taking. For lack of better term: ready for the fucking. He was naked, very much naked with not a strand of clothing around. Cock hung loose, fully erected. Ass spread open and if the cougar felt right, he did felt a little sore.

Muscles began to tense and ripple against each other. Soon, the hanging cougar realized what was happening. He was actually tied up! Tied up like a hostage.

"What the fuck! Speedy! Let me go this instant!" He struggled and squirmed, cracking a bone.

Speedy smirked and crossed his arms over chest. What he wouldn't trade to see a helpless cougar, squirming like a little fish that's tied up to a hook. The cross-stricken feline gasped and panted. Each move felt like he was attacked by pins and needles and all attempt to get lose came to no avail. Eyes flared with angry and resentment, rage fueled his heart like an exploding bomb. He wasn't even prepared for a spreader! That little device that abstain his legs from kicking or crossing over was utter nonsense.

"It's ridiculous!" Kay roared, "It's fucking ridiculous that you could catch me like this. This was all planned... oh yes, I see how it is. You've been planning this with Kenny all the while. I knew something was wrong when I saw both of you together. You fucking fags!"

"Shut up, Kay. Just shut up." Speedy snapped in.

"I won't!"

The tiger gritted his teeth while grabbing a wet towel. Before he knew it, Kay was stuffed with the said towel and that's when the whole area was muffled. He groaned, moaned, kicked, tried to shout, but nothing came through. It was completely hopeless and he can't do anything about it. He was under the mercy of the tiger.

"You know... I would definitely have the hots for you if you weren't such a jerk. You're like the perfect package to everything. Except for the brains and attitude. You can fix your flaws but you want to bully the others like they were your toys. Well, now, how about you, becoming my toy for the rest of the evening?"

Kay widened up but glared daggers immediately. He was about to be played with and taken; not what he had in mind for a perfect night out. Soon, he was getting desperate; desperate to get out from his confines. Rock, shake, struggle. Despite the amount of strength that he had developed during those times, it seemed to fail shamelessly. As he struggled, Speedy watched with anticipation, eager to know if he's able to get through those powerful binds. There was even once when he chuckled and laughed at those ludicrous antics.

Oh, he's been waiting for this very day. To just be the one in control as he watch the helpless brown feline squirm like a piece of meat. He was a piece of meat alright; a good and tasty piece of meat. If he was in the black market, he would unquestionably top the rest of the other sluts around. Just look at those pecs!

Sizably strong arms, biceps flexing and displaying prowess strength. Meanwhile, abs was as hard as a rock. Wash board abs that could be mistakenly known for rocks or boulders. Heck, not even a forceful punch could dent that body! The more Speedy thought about it, the more he felt like he could sell Kay for a handsome amount of cash. However, he wasn't that kind of person to lunge into that act. It was low, even for a sneaky fox.

Instead, the predator stalked in, examining the wonderful catch of the day. What should I do to him... indeed, he's quite sexy... mmm... break him...?

Kay whimpered with a forlorn look, whining to be release from his captivity. He was beginning to shake his head violently.

"Is the big wittle cougar scared that this scawey kitty gonna bweak him all over?"

There wasn't any argument there. Kay nodded immediately.

"Fat chance, creep."


"What was that? You're horny?" Speedy took another step closer.


Another step, closing inch after inch.

"Ppfgmghmh!!!" This time, he was desperate.

"No." Came the simple answer.

The tiger stripped paws slapped forward and landed above Kay's chest, earning a loud smack as flesh meets flesh. It was hard like it should be. Slowly with ease, Speedy began to caress his body, feeling every valley and mound of muscles that curved along the way. Each touch felt like an energy surge, coursing through his veins. Damn he's hot!

Another paw came forth and placed along those etched abs, feeling one abs at a time. Leaning in closer, Speedy sniffed and inhaled the male's musk. It was still fresh from training. Not that he could complain about because right now, it was the perfect mixture of arousal and anger that turned him on. Looking below, Speedy grinned at the sight. Even when the cougar was tied up, he had an erection coming through but not at its full length. However, at this very moment, the more Speedy caress and molest him, the larger it grew.

Soon enough, Kay was fully erected. He wasn't proud of it. No, definitely not proud of what he's experiencing because this feel of stimulation wasn't the touch of a female but rather, of another male. What's so good about that! The cougar wriggled like a worm. Those soft paw pads across his body are highly arousing. Never had he felt such passion from a single touch. Kay whimpered again and looked below, watching the tiger, working his magic all over. Soo...good... but so wrong....

"You're liking it, for a guy that claims that he's as straight as an arrow," Speedy growled in lustful passion, muzzle moving closer and closer to neck level, "How do you like it?" whispers of warmth crawled under skin, "How do you like being the bitch for a while, hrm? A good bitch... taking it up his ass... Up...all...the way... through that tight virgin hole."

Oh fuck! This is disgusting!! Kay silently screamed. How could he do this to me! I'm not gay! But... why the fuck am I aroused by such dirty talk!

It was utter disappointment and embarrassment to his self esteem. All the while, Kay was the dominant partner in any relationship; be it a one night stand or random fucks. Now, however, he was the complete opposite. He had never felt so helpless before. It feels weird... it feels wonderful... it feels....

"Mmm...." A voluntary moan escaped through the towel.

Speedy was toying and teasing the larger feline, very much enjoying the reverse role. Tip of claw gently traced along chest, moving lower to abs, massaging them with ease and finally, reaching to the area that identified him as a potent male. Caressing along the base, Speedy inhaled and enjoyed the scrumptious taste of a masculine male. There weren't much scent that turned him on, despite having multiple partners during his endeavours but this honey browned fur feline was making him wild. Every bit of receptors went into overdrive as muzzle lowered even more, inhaling the source of all of his pain.

The more Speedy diddled over the length, it throbbed even harder. He wasn't kidding when Kay claimed that he had a huge cock, a cock that displayed the true beauty and masculinity of a male. It was a winning trophy. No, better yet, it was the prize of the world! Kinda exaggerating but that's as far as words could describe it.

When he was forcefully face fucked the other day, the tiger barely had time to scrutinize and speculate the power and force that this cock was packing. Looking lower, tongue licked along those hanging ball sacs. They were heavy alright, heavy enough to indicate that Kay barely had time to bust his nuts for days. If everything goes well, the groaning cougar could easily spray more than two hot spams of cum.

It was too good to be true. Taking up that fat engorged cock, Speedy took no heed of whimpers from above and engulfed it whole. This time, he was doing it at his own pace. Tongue lashed and tickled along the side. Bobbing up and down without gagging as he went deeper. Pulling off for a moment, he licked his lips from the delicious taste. It was sweet yet salty at the same time. Remnants of dried cum still clung to the base but who cares. Nobody cares what happen! It was all about Speedy. It was all about him. All about him and this fucking tied up jerk.

"Kay, you're such a fucking stud," Speedy praised, "I repeat myself, why do you have to be such a big fucking jerk... why..." A soft and gently lick ensure his point, "Why do you torment others? Because you're big?"

He got up and caressed along Kay's ears. Closing the gap, Speedy grinded his erected shaft against the other, feeling the pressure from both needy organ. "Why do you make things so difficult?"

This time, Kay whined with ears laid sprawl on his head. There was an obvious tear running down his cheek. For the first time, Speedy saw a tear breaking off from the cougar's eyes. He was afraid. Very much afraid of his predicament. Kay couldn't do anything to get off and here he is, standing in front of the presence of a lustful tiger. The feel of each other's cock on belly was driving him wild!

This is gay...!! So... very... despicable... so... oh fuck... What's he doing...

Before his mind could register what was happening, Kay felt a large paw clutching along his cock. Blinking a few times, he finally understood what was happening. It was proving more and more prominent that he's enjoying the sexual pleasure of another male, his erection never died down for even a second. Speedy stroked both cocks together while rubbing up and down, grinding and trying to get the full effect. Kay shuddered, throwing his head back with a needy moan. All hell broke loose when he felt their balls touching together. The captive squirmed and wiggled all over, little moan of creaks coming from the ropes above.

It has been said that if two males have their balls touched together, it was a sheer sign that he's gay. That little superstition flooded through Kay's mind and he was even squirmier than before. Despite his efforts, Speedy held him down, relaxing his little toy with gentle strokes on chest, running down to abs.

"Shh... quiet... quiet..."

Kay whined and sniffled at the same time. "You're in good paws. Don't worry, I won't castrate you or anything. I just want to have some fun with you... and for you to moan with all your heart from getting laid."

Eyes closed, brain shutting down, muscle relaxed rather than tensing up to the whole new feeling, body going limp; Kay submitted completely. The more he tried, the harder it seemed to break free and now, he was under the mercy of Speedy. Speedy wrapped his arms around Kay and instantaneously groped around that cute bubble butt. It was a perfect round, perfect enough to be sexy. Giving a soft slap, the cougar shudder and moaned, eyes dilated. Another slap and grope, followed by some pinching. Soon after, Kay moaned like a bitch in heat. His entire body was absorbing and adapting to its new surroundings. There's no doubt about it. The more Speedy took him like a female, the more Kay felt pleasure.

After all these years, all these years of domination, how the mighty has fallen.

Fuck... god... don't stop...

He flicked his eyes from the intense heat that's radiating from the stripped feline. Speedy looked back and smiled warmly. It wasn't any lustful or dominating, it was a pure mixture of sincerity and trust.

"You'll enjoy it..."

Bitch! Speedy roared in his heart.

Oh how he waited for this episode, for this part to roll through clips of his life and he was able to enjoy it to the max. Speedy stood by his side and licked lustfully along that brownish cheek. Tip of tongue flicked like it's the most natural thing to minister, eye lids fluttered like butterfly wings. It wasn't just the sensual lick but those strong paws stroking that cock. Kay felt his body submitting to another stronger male. No matter how much he fought, it would be back to square one and it's just a mere of waste of energy.

Tongue dragged upwards till it reached to his ears, whispering soft and gentle words. "How do you like this? To be tied up and used like a little bitch, hrm? You're like the little victim now. Don't you know how many furs that you've tortured before? Do you know how they felt about it? Don't you think that you should stop, hrm?"

Instead of retaliating, Kay simple nodded absentmindedly. He didn't care if those words were true or just plain facts. Nothing seemed to matter but the high strung teasing that his whole body was receiving. Own mind began to cloud with a number of lustful images but half of them were imaginary cocks, rubbing and straddling. Shaking out of it, Kay tried as hard as he could to remain sane but a small smack around his ass broke his concentration. The impact was discernible, pushing his limits to a greater height.

Speedy smiled devilishly as both paws rubbed and groped around it, analyzing those beautifully carved muscles and fleshy mounds. It practically jingled with each smack. Soon enough, the tiger had had enough of dilly dallying. It was time to talk dirty.

"You don't like females..." the most cliché sentence broke off, "They are a nuisance, and don't you think so? They get you to pay for all of their meals, they leave you, don't they? Literally! How many bitches have you fucked and till now, never had a steady girlfriend before, that actually stayed for more than a year?"

Oh, he was punching at so many buttons now.

"Look at you! Strong, muscular, hunky, handsome, an all rounded athlete and yet, you're still wandering and searching. You're a shame to society, to all straight males!" Speedy growled and gripped Kay's cock out of anger, "Look at yourself! You're begging for more! Begging for me, a male, to touch and feel your cock. What have you got to say for yourself?"

Fuck...! Oh fuck!! Kay closed his eyes shut, thinking of words to convey his inner feelings. "Mm!!"

"What was that?"


"I can't hear you! Say it!"

The cougar took a deep breath and screamed through the wet towel... but with no result.

"Mm.. how about this? Nod if you agree, shake if you don't." Speedy suggested.

Kay gasped and panted out of exertion. Chest heaved up and down as sweat trickled down forehead, trailing all the way south to chin and dripped to ground. He looked at Speedy with lustful eyes. They weren't angry like a raging bull, no flames of hatred burned within them but the only fire burning in his soul was the fire of lust. The tiger has yet to release his paw against his counterpart's cock. Giving small little strokes, that very shaft dribbled pre like a little water faucet. The pre seeped off from its slit and traveled down slowly to the head, sliding lazily till the base before dangling against ball sac.

"Do you think you like females now?"

A shake.

"Do you like it when I touch your cock? Or when we had our cocks touched together?"

This time, a quick nod without question.

"You're a good slut right now, aren't you?" Speedy whispered those sweet and gentle words, breaking pass the cougar's dignity.

Kay clamped his eyes tight, paws gripping to a ball of fury. At last, soon, he confessed. Speedy smirked. He's definitely been waiting for this moment, waiting for a long time already. Purring in delight, the wet towel was taken off forcefully, a pant followed with strands of saliva stringing from lips. The cougar panted more and more, moaning as his head hung low. He didn't fight back, not even a flinch. Those words that were uttered out by Speedy had some truth, at some point. It got harder and harder to think of anything else but self pleasure.

Looking up, Speedy saw the lust in Kay's eyes. Fueled with such passion for lust and sex. Nothing else seemed to matter to him now but the touch of another. It doesn't matter who it was! He wanted to clear up on one thing: was he really interested and truly aroused by males touching him? All the while, females were Kay's priority of choice but in this particular situation, perhaps, he could prove something...

"Don't... stop..."

Speedy raised an eyebrow inquisitively. Lowering himself, he lifted the cougar's chin up to face each other, "What should I not stop?"

Now, a whine. Kay had a needy expression plastered all over his face like a bitch. Tongue flicked at air, tip of tongue rolling all over own lips. "I...I... please... pleasure me..."

A chuckle and Speedy shook his head, "Mmm... I don't just simply find a bitch out in the streets you know..." a hint of pause, "Unless they beg for it..."

Beg?! Kay screamed silently.


"Yes, my lovely slut, beg for it."

"But... I'm - "

"You're a slut!" Speedy roared, "You're a fucking slut! Say to yourself! You're a slut that only wants random sex with any guy that you find in the streets!"

"N-No!" Kay replied, utterly flabbergasted, "I-I'm not a slut!"

"Oh please," a paw traced along that massive chest, caressing all over his sweet spot, "You're a slut. Only a slut begs for it, only a slut gets tied up, and be used for anyone that comes in."


"No more 'buts' unless it's me taking your butt. If you're not going to beg, alright, fine. I'll just leave you here till someone releases you."

"No!" He grunted and yelled out of desperation, "D-Don't leave me here, please... I-I'll do anything! Don't leave me here... s-save me..."

I have him eating right out of my paws... Speedy smiled, followed with a grin.

"Save you?"

A nod.

"You're a whore and a slut... say it."

He whined, eyes closed, body quaked and trembled in humiliation and desperation. "I..I... I'm"

The tiger shook his head. "Not good enough. Say it, with passion..." Paw snaked once more to the cougar's shaft, giving small little strokes of pleasure.

"Ungh... I am... a...mmm...ungh...!!"

Up and down the paw went, thumb circling around the head as pre helped to lube it all up. Leaning even closer, Speedy lifted his chin, growling frightfully. As he gave a menacing stare, his other paw was busy massaging around Kay's pecs. These wonderfully soft touches had a great effect on the prey. Soon after, the muscled bound cougar screamed and wiggled in a rocking turbulent.

"Fuck it! I'm a slut! I'm a whore! I'm a slut!!" He roared with passion, "Fuck me! Pleasure me! I'm a slut to be used! I-I'm... I'm... yours to take..."

Wonderfully planned. And here I thought that this could take longer. Looks like someone has a hidden secret that nobody need to know. Speedy cracked his knuckles.

"Good little bitch."

"Please... don't leave me here... just...just... make me cum... too much tension... too much... building up...."

He was begging like a hungry dog and nothing could have satisfied the tiger even more. Alas, after all these months of torturous bullying from him, his spirits were broken into tiny little pieces. It was for his own personal pleasure. Gaze lowered suggestively at the dripping cock. It throbbed at attention, point sky high with needy lust. Kay made another attempt to self pleasure himself but nothing could bring him to the plateau of orgasm.

Speedy lowered himself, kneeling in between the cougar's cock head, sniffing at the aromatic scent. Oh, it was lovely. The power of arousal could do so much to another. It's like money. You just have to have sex. It's like a life line and to Kay, it was life and death. Opening muzzle as wide as he could, Speedy engulfed it all in. Paws rolled around those hefty ball sacs, tugging and pulling downwards. Going down with ease, his mouth had taken the whole shaft till the base, tongue dragging and licking around the length, drool dripping from side of muzzle. It was definitely good. So very good to have this massive cock around that moist lips.

Turning his head up, Speedy saw the wonderful expression that this 'straight' male was having. Eyes dilated over, head shook left and right, up and down as if he was drunk. True, he was drunk; drunk with lust!

"Fuck...fuck...fuck!!" Kay panted while grunting in simultaneously. He was clearly reaching his orgasm but Speedy held fast.

Pulling muzzle off from it, he whined and gasped. There Kay hung: cock pointing straight up, dripping with a mixture of saliva and pre and he was definitely enjoying himself.

"W-Why stop? Please... let me cum... please..."

Shaking his head, Speedy teased his balls and cock, keeping the organ as hard as it could.

Seemingly, the tiger had something else in mind. Getting up, his malicious gaze leered across the piece of meat that's offered up to him. Moving to the side, he had to pry his eyes away before settling behind. Giving that bubble butt a hard slap, Kay winced but instead of screaming from the pain, he yelled in a lustful manner. How could his arousal heighten to a whole other level from just a slap? It was... it was weird... was he Kay really gay?

Million of thoughts whizzed through Kay's mind, trying to compute as much as possible to this new... new... sensation... Wonderful feel... of a paw and slap against ass. Another slap and this time, it jiggled sexily. Evidently, Kay relaxed his own body. If this was going to be please him up to no end, it's best to just go with the flow. Whatever Speedy had in stored for him, he will accept it gracefully; like a true man.


A roaring cry reverberated through the locker room, voice bouncing against wall. No sooner than that cry for help, Kay felt something wet between his ass cheeks. All of a sudden, eyes popped open and he moaned loudly. That was his loudest moan and it was all because of a fucking tongue... tongue fucking against his tail hole. He was unwilling but with the spreader between both ankles, he had no choice but to endure it. Endure... En...dure...

Son of a bitch! Kay gritted teeth, both paws grabbing on rope. If this is what gay guys do... I'm more than willing to get more! MORE!! Fuck it! I want more!!

"Speedy! Don't stop! Please!! Fuck!! Don't stop it... more..."

Speedy wasn't surprise at those words, "You want more?" A finger entered into his hot confines, "You like it, don't you?"

"Yes! I love it!"

"Say it! More! What do you want!"

A push of finger and it was hilted right down to base. Pulling off for a second, a second finger jammed right in, spreading the cougar's virgin ass. It was tight alright, tighter than any other ass. It's most probably due to the fact that he doesn't shove anything up in there. Speedy began to finger fuck that hole while paw went forward to gain another round of momentum from that big fuck pole. Kay was more than willing to accept that lovely paw.

In and out, up and down, bobbing with pleasure, another push against hole, thumb playing on head of cock. All these sensation mixed together into an intense masturbation.

No gay guy could resist these feeling... they will cum and that shows that Kay is gay too... a fag...

"Admit it Kay... you're a fag..."

"Imma... Imma..." he moaned, "Imma... f-f-fa...fuck!!"

Jamming in as hard as he could, it was the perfect catalyst to such a hot male.

"Imma fag!!!"

Shots after shots of creamy male seed splattered across the tiles. Tiger paw doesn't even stop for one moment, wanting to milk as much man cream as possible. Numerous ropes of white painted on ground, shooting as far as a few feet away. More and more, dripping like a leaky faucet, spraying like there is no tomorrow. Eventually, afterglow kicked in instantly, giving time for the poor cougar to rest. However, Speedy wasn't done with him; not in the slightest.

Kay shuddered and quacked with pleasure. As his cock released as much cum as it could, the remaining droplets drizzled from slit to paw, sliding from each fingers before descending to the ground as well. The cougar moaned as head was thrown back, enjoying the wonderful feel of orgasm. Furthermore, those two fingers that were embedded in him added to the pleasure.

I can't believe I cummed for that! Am....Am I a fag too?

The feel of afterglow subsided, relishing in the wonderful feeling. Kay blinked for a few seconds before straightening up. It felt good... so very good... an amazing feeling... Maybe it's just him but throughout his whole sex life, especially with women, none had made him cum this much. Heck, even for his first masturbation, he didn't cum that much, as far as he could remember. Moving forward, none of those woman that he dated ever did that too. It was wonderful. Having a pussy around your cock while humping all the way in, those tight and moist lips along it, it felt great but this... this... feel... what is this feeling...?

The more Kay thought about it, it made his head hurt. Did he really like it? No sooner than that, he gasped and jumped at another sensation. This time, it wasn't Speedy's finger but rather, his massive cock. The tiger wasn't poorly built in that department at all. To tell the truth, he was nearly as big as Kay, just thicker; not in length. Slowly, his cock entered, penetration that tight, beautiful rose-bud that's called a tail hole.

"Fuck... you're tight!" He growled.

"No! Please! D-Don't!!" Kay pleaded with whimpers.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," another thrust and this time, the head managed to popped in, "Damn!"

Kay had no other means of enduring the pain or screaming. Biting his lips, he tried to suppress the pain. It was excruciating! What the fuck is so great about getting fucked in the ass? In and out... natural lube only consist of tiger saliva... added with a few spread of pre. Speedy pulled out completely but gave a hard thrust, slamming right in, penetration another few inches of thick tiger meat in there. The cougar roared in pain; continued his efforts to free himself but the more he struggled, his hips backed up even more, encouraging a few more inches down his butt hole.

It took a few minutes but Speedy had finally embedded himself deeply into the cougar. Tight! One hundred percent virgin. Oh yeah, a fuck ass virgin.

"Fuck... you're tight..." Slamming right in, till the base, "How do you like it? Me, breaking that virgin ass of yours? Feel that? It's my cock. A male fucking you, not any female of that sort. You hearing me?"

Kay nodded with a sniff.

"Say it... what do you want..."

He sniffed more, a few tears streaking down his cheeks.

"Fucking say it!" Speedy gave a few more humps, paw slapping on that sexy butt cheeks, "You've got a fucking hot ass. Sexy, beautiful... smooth... Fucking say that you like it and you're a fag."

Another whine. The cougar blinked a few more times, "I'm...I'm a fag... oh god... please..." A gasp, "Please fuck me... please... fuck me with your tiger meat..." followed by a sob, "More... rape me..."

"Mm... that's it..." Speedy slowed his humps for the moment. Both paws wrapped gently over Kay's body, feeling those massive pecs of muscle. Fingers gently caress along it. Pulling him up, Speedy was conjoining voluntarily. He sniffed along his neck, nose nuzzling and tongue ravishing on fur, matting it down.

It was wonderful to Kay. He was submitting to another male that's nearly as large as him. Those manly and callous paws were working wonders to his body. He had never felt something like this for... for... actually, he never felt like this before. Paws that showed virility, masculinity, humping against his tail hole; it was a whole new feeling to it.

"Do you like it?" Speedy whispered blandly.

He didn't answer immediately. It took a few seconds for those imperious words to be implanted into his mind and Kay, finally found the answer, "Y-Yes..."

"Mm... good...good... wonderful," Speedy cooed back, "Do you like my cock in your ass? Do you feel my cock in there? Do you like submitting to me?"

The helpless cougar answered with cracked vocal, "Y-Yes, I... I love it... fuck... you're so big... Harder..."

His wishes were answered when a hard thrust came, slapping against butt cheeks. A few more humps and Speedy was panting from exertion. Ball sac slapping against ass, making lewd sounds along the way. "And you're such a good fuck! I'm going to keep your ass. Your ass is mine."

However, Speedy pulled off without warning, which earned a moan from the cougar. He was empty, very much empty. Turning his head, Kay saw what the tiger was planning. Taking a key from the side of the table, Speedy lowered himself and unlocked the spreader that's hindering most of his movements.

One would be expecting that the cougar started kicking and flailing his legs all over but he was doing the complete opposite. Speedy stayed low, watching Kay's next action. He was half expecting a kick to the face but it didn't come. Instead, Kay had his tongue rolled out, saliva dripping. Lowering his gaze, he was greeted with a hard cock. Apparently, his cock was more than eager to cum for the second time. The night is still young anyways.

Bracing himself for a roar or spat, Speedy stood tall. He finally had his revenge. Kay was too hazed by his sexual pleasure that nothing seemed to be working. Whatever he was thinking, it just wasn't there. What he saw, instead, was a male that could make him cum all over again. In the end, Kay uttered those few words that immediately changed his perspective of Speedy any longer, or for any other gay guys out there.

"Fuck me... fuck me till you can't fuck me anymore. Make me your bitch... Make me your fucking bitch! Now!"


"Shut up!" Speedy roared, temper flaring uncontrollably, "You've hurt me more than anybody around here and you think I'm going to make your wish come true? Well, guess what, I'm going to fulfill your wish and more than that!"

Turning his back, with nose flaring, the tiger grabbed a tag from the nearest stool. He stood there with arms akimbo, shaking his head. Moving closer, Speedy wrapped some sort of a tag around Kay's neck and made an affirmed click at the back. Growling with lips parted to lick on them, he scrutinized at the needy cougar. A tag hung tightly around his neck, the word bitch and pet clearly stated in the middle. From this point on, Kay was Speedy's pet and not a single word of retaliation came forth. Looks like someone likes it...

"I-I'm... your bitch..."

"Mmmhmm..." Speedy kissed on his cheeks before travelling all the way to nape. Both paws gripped with force around hips, grinding cock against ass crack again, "Yes, you're my bitch... don't you love it? I'll fuck you every single day... every day when I'm back from my class and you'll be waiting for my cock. You're like a little slave to me now."

Shuddering at those words, Kay moaned lustfully. Dirty talk; it turned him on up to no end.

"Then... Then fuck me... now... Claim me like you would claim a sinful soul."

"My pleasure." He growled with passion. However, he showed no mercy. No sooner had it began, the 'master' was soon training his 'slave' to enjoy his cock. That massive tiger meat pole slammed right in, puncturing the hole once more. It was slick and easy, so very easy to fuck in now. Kay's ass was stretched up just enough to accommodate the tiger's length and it got easier and easier as the minutes went by.

Both felines were panting heavily, chest heaving up and down; seems like they were having a second workout after their soccer training. Copious amount of sweat travelled and dripped from their massive chest to ground, followed by strings of saliva from Kay. It was like a good fuck fest for Kay. All kinds of sensation surged upwards and his senses tingled. Never before had he felt something this good and he loved it, loving every seconds that passed by. Oh it was amazing: cock slamming on ass, ball sac hung loosely as they made contact with skin.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Moan!!


Thrust! Smack! Thrust!

"Shit!" Speedy cursed violently, "I'm gonna cum!"

"Ahh..Ahh!! Ahhh!! Speedy! No! Master! Please... Oh god! Please! Cum in me! Claim me like the little fucker that I am!"

"That's it! Talk dirty to your master!"

"Claim me! Mark me! Now!" Kay bellowed as loud as his lungs could. The thunderous roar nearly shattered the window panes along the locker room but they kept intact with each other.

Speedy gave one last moan and grunted before releasing a torrent of healthy male cum. It shot all the way in and marked this little cougar, claiming him as his alone. Numerous shots of cum coated that little virgin hole. To say that Kay was enjoying it was an understatement. He was in cloud nine by now. Eyes dilated and fluttered like butterfly wings. As tiger seed coated his innards, Kay wasn't done with his part yet.

Body quivered uncontrollably, the 'slave' was about to release his second pent up desire. The best part in this ordeal, Kay was going to cum without touching his shaft. From behind, Speedy gave one last thrust and that set him off completely to oblivion. This time, however, Kay had his mouth shut. Teeth clamped tightly, grunting with moans of utter pleasure. Sparks literally exploded within his lust clouded mind, fireworks setting off with each endless jab of sweet cock. Several seconds later, the dam of ecstasy broke as torrents of heavy sparkling cream splattered and caked the floor once again. It was bad enough that he came once all over the ground but now, he came twice and it was on the same spot.

Speedy growled dominantly, baring those pearly white fangs, rubbing and grinding against the whimpering cougar. He could feel how strong and menacing the tiger is. Now Kay knew that Speedy isn't a fur to be fooled around with and this was the price that he has to pay upon. Another nuzzle on neck and this time, eliciting a purr. The tiger was purring in content with his revenge. He had finally made the cougar look at gays in a whole new light. He was now... a fag as well. Well, not to say that he's a true fag but Speedy is more than willing to show him the ropes.

A few minutes had passed between both felines, not knowing what time it is or even caring if midnight had arrived. However, Speedy had other plans in mind for now. Pulling his limp cock from that loose tail hole, a few strand of cum drizzled off, running down the cougar's leg. It was definitely a sight to behold and savour upon. Finally, Speedy had managed to claim that ass and it belongs to him now. It was him that deflowered this tight little fag hater and he's liking it even more. Somehow, Kay had officially turned into a sex slave for Speedy.

Pacing in front, Speedy lifted the cougar's chin. His eyes... filled with lust and passion... so horny... it literally burnt through its socket! Tongue draped low, hung limply, drooling all over. The stripped feline grinned maliciously and whispered his words cohesively.

"You're coming with me tonight. Tonight, I'll show you another round of what we gay guys do in the weekends. Trust me, you'll enjoy it even more. Now, say again, who do you belong to now?"

A whimper but confirmed immediately, "You."



Speedy smiled and petted on his head, "Good boy. This collar," he wrapped his paws at the golden tag, "It's yours. It marks who you are and what you are. You're my slave now, got it? You're not gonna take it off unless I told you so. Got it?"

"G-Got it!" Kay joyfully replied.

"Good boy. You're a good boy. Come, we have much to learn. You're coming back with me to my room."

Soon after, the night goes on with indescribable pleasure for the lustful cougar. He was brought to bed, laid there, made to beg, made to lick and lap like an obedient dog. If only the rest of the team knew what happened tonight. If only they knew how vulnerable he looked. If only they knew the perfect revenge for him. Revenge was definitely sweet; sweeter than anything else. Maybe, perhaps, soccer doesn't suck after all. You've got a whole bunch of hunky men in the locker and shower room, sweaty guys prancing around the field, shirtless, and you get to savour the smell that lingered around them. If you get lucky, you might be able to touch their abs too.

Furthermore, Speedy had more than that. He had Kay under his command, he has a slave.

Blissful night turned to day and it was a Sunday. That's usually the time where most players are around and free, in the morning, to make up for some extra practice.

The perfect place...

A tiger stood at the entrance of the field, holding on to a leash, attached to a cougar. The dominant male smirked back, "Look sharp and shiny."

"Yes, master."

And they entered to the stadium. When the two figures revealed themselves to the entire team, nearly all of the players gasped out of shock. A ball fell from a fur's paw, rolling towards the direction of Speedy. With dexterity and skills, he flipped the ball with one leg and hurled upwards, catching with his free paw.

"Who wants to get some 'extra' practice?"

Yay! I'm done with this story! I had quite a bit of fun writing this one. One of the main reason is because this is my first time writing a domination/submission kind of act. I hope that what I did is okay and in the right track. Once more, comment, review, critic, highly acceptable. Flames are acceptable too. ^ ^

Kay and Speedy is copyrighted to FastSpeedy, so is the plot. Imma just the writer. XD

Soccer Sucks

--- Soccer Sucks --- The tiger hoisted his backpack over his shoulders, letting off a grunt from the load that he was carrying. Eyes straight forward, strong chest pumped high up with a proud gesture, guts held in, and legs planted firmly...

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Self Esteem

Disclaimer: Speedy belongs to Speedy while Leo belongs to me and me alone. :3 M/M here and I hope that you guys could be as harsh as possible with this story cause this is my first time writing such a long story. It's about 40 pages long with about...

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Ecstasy in light?

Last submission for my series of HTTYD. Disclaimer: I don't own Toothless or Hiccup, Dreamwork does. Story revolves around dragon fucking human so if you don't like it, still, go read it! Cause I want reviews or comments. XD --- Ecstasy in...

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