Mylos and Myyir - A Warm place

Story by Mediteral on SoFurry

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A steady snowfall encased the landscape in a silent blanket. The trees were white and the sky was clouded grey yet the distant mountains still seemed to boast the colorful flair of a an early summer day. Step by step, many beings would cross under the falling ice, some on their way to work, some to go home and sleep. Some were merely out to enjoy the new powdery snow.

Each single flake drifted slowly through the air and past the gusts, each unique creation of nature following it's own path. Two particular flakes had joined together, each from a different cloud yet brought together by the winds of fate. Together, they formed the shape of a heart.

Floating cheerfully, spinning and flipping, they slowly descended. Descending until they happened upon a curious pink nose. They rested softly on it's warm tip before melting quickly away.

"Hmm..." The lone girl sniffled. She looked down to the end of her fuzzy snout where a small drop of water rolled off her cheek. She rubbed her nose with her left paw. This canine girl, wrapped up warmly in a dark green sweatshirt and brown jeans, smiled quietly. Her dark brown and orange patterned fur, despite being damp from the weather, kept her warm, as warm as her heart felt while she waited.

She waited quietly for someone special. They were meeting at the spot where she stood, under the giant oak tree in the town park. Waiting for him...

A chill traveled down her spine as a light breeze picked up. It was silent and she was all alone in the park. It wasn't a creepy kind of silence, but the beautiful kind that could only happen in a snowfall. All she could hear was her breath, even her very heartbeat. More flakes dropped on her orange muzzle and she silently watched the oak tree. Nothing but sil-

"You look lonely." A male's voice cut in.

"Eep!" The girl jumped slightly and she turned around. Her heart settled at the sight of young adult male canine with brown fur and pale underside and was wearing a tan coat with blue jeans. He had a peculiar necklace, a blue jewel; it was tear-shaped with a crescent dangling from its bottom. His hair was brown, like her's but was only just long enough to reach his neck, his ears otherwise, were black, standing out from the rest of his brown and pale fur.

He grinned with the various brown spots on his fuzzy face, "Why are you so jumpy, Myyir my love?" His curved bushy tail wagged cheerfully.

She giggled softly, "I'm just cold Mylos, that's all sweetie."

"Oh, well what am I doing just standing here," Mylos smirked and shrugged. He stepped over and hugged the cold girl, "I should always be here to keep you warm." He nuzzled her hair, beside her triangular ear.

Myyir's cheeks warmed up and she leaned into her lover, "I'm happy you're here Mylos." Her puffy tail starting to sway gently has her ears twitched.

"Of course..." He still held her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Neo and Medi decided to tag along...They're off wandering aimlessly around town I'm guessing..."

"Hehe...Sounds like them." Myyir looked up to the tree and held Mylos's paw to her belly, "This snow is nice, don't you think?"

"I think it's better when you're around, makes it warmer to me." The male grinned. Snow flakes slowly piled up in his brown, ear-length hair. "I missed you..."

Myyir tilted her head and held his paw tighter, "Why do you say that? It's not like we've been apart for long or anything."

Mylos stepped to her side, still holding her paw, "Let's walk around?"

Myyir nodded and together they slowly traveled through the snowy park. Paw-in-Paw, they watched children building snowmen, other couples enjoying the day, and even some businessmen. They were quiet as they watched together.

The world was blind but she was all he needed to see. He would smile whenever he caught sight of her face, the length of her snout was perfect, not too long nor too short. Her adorable pink nose jutted at the right angle and her chin seemed to have been sculpted by a true artist. Her orange muzzle and the dark brown patterns that curved under her eyes on each side. He found himself comparing her patterns to the random spot of brown on the bridge of his snout and right cheek. For all he cared, it could be any weather and she would make it look better.

"I wonder about us sometimes." Mylos muttered, looking into the distance.

Myyir turned to him with a look of conceren her deep eyes focusing on his, all ears were for him. "Is something wrong?"

Mylos blinked and shook his head with smile, "Oh no, it's nothing bad or anything." He stepped in front of her held her close to his chest, "I just think about things, like how happy I am and lucky to have met ya."

Myyir tilted her head with a frown, "Oh Mylos...That's so gay."

The male's eyes shot open and he coughed, "Huh? Wh-What's that supposed to mean!?"

The girl started giggling, "I'm joking Mylos." She hopped and hugged him, pecking him on his fuzzy cheek.

Letting her stand on her two feet again, Mylos grinned and held her at the shoulders, "But really Myyir..." He tilted his head and rubbed his lover's cheek, "You're special to me and you know that...I really couldn't live without you." His paw moved to her chin and he lifted her gaze to match his, "I love you..."

"Mylos..." Myyir blushed deeply and she couldn't help but smile. She held him close so their bodies were touching and they could feel each other's heart beats. She felt like her eyes were watering up a small bit. "I love you too..."

They stared longingly into each other's eyes. A snowflake landed on each other's noses at the same time, like as if they were asking to be brought together. The two canine lovers found their heads leaning in...

All of a sudden, a black and white furred bunny wearing a black hoody and dark blue pants appeared quietly from behind a tree. This bunny was named Medi and he was here to interfere with their love, also known as 'to cock-block'. So with a shit-eating grin, this bunny quietly creeped near them and he prepared.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked obnoxiously.

Without a word, Myyir draws from under her shirt, a silenced pistol. She turned to him with a scowl and pointed it at him. With a 'Pew' the gun shot a bullet into Medi's abdomen. As the hapless rabbit moaned and keeled over, she put it away.

Turning back to Mylos, ".....He'll be fine." Myyir twiddled her paws together.

Between all the snickering and covering his face, Mylos wipes a tear from his eye, "Well, he shouldn't have ruined the moment."

"No! I'm not losing this one! Come here love..." Myyir grabs him around the neck and pulls him down. Before Mylos could protest, she kissed him firmly and lovingly on his lips.

Mylos blushed and smirked as he continued kissing his sweetheart. Their noses touched and they held each other close. The moment was saved.

They slowly pulled apart, both of their faces burning red and with huge smile plastered on them. Mylos hugged her and looked down to her. He watched her face with a loving intent. He calmly smiled and he brushed a few stray hairs from her face and behind her ears. "...You wanna go home? Just us?"

Myyir nodded and cuddled him. She nuzzled his neck looked up to him, they kissed quietly again.

The whole world might have just been made all for them at the moment. For Mylos, he was making out with his love; For Myyir, it was about the same except she also got to shoot someone.


Inside the warm house, the two canine lovers sat together in the bedroom. Both shirtless, Myyir sat on Mylos's lap, who held her carefully. They kissed silently while the snow continued to fall outside.

Mylos lowered his head to kiss her neck, "Mylos...hmm..." She cooed sweetly. She hugged his head and scratched the back of his neck lightly. Then shuffled her weight so her waist was sitting right above his pant's crotch and so she could keep her balance.

The male murred softly and he rubbed her back, "I love you hun..." He licked her neck then kissed her breast. Her fur continued its perfect pattern, the dark brown fur edging at her shoulders, her underside from her breasts to below her waist was orange. The only thing that stood out was her cute pink nipples that just begged to be suckled on.

She moaned softly, "Hmm, my skin is so tingly under my fur, I'm still warming up in here."

"Well, does it help when I do..." He lightly nipped at her skin, "...This?"

She squeeked, trying to keep it quiet, "That just makes me feel even more tingly, hehe." She smiled and raised his head so she could kiss him. The tip of their tongues touched and she leaned into him, her breast pressing into him. She carefully pushed Mylos onto his back and she rested beside him.

Turning over on top of her, he planted his arms at her side. He kissed her softly and he lightly dry humped her, "Oh Myyir...".

Taking that as a signal, the girl quickly slipped off her pants, exposing her sexy self under him. While her paws fiddled around, she also unbottoned her lover's pants. She fiddled around with the button for a minute before she finally snapped it free. Mylos smirked at the amusement of watching his girlfriend fool around in trying to take off his pants.

After more groping, she nervously slipped off his boxers to reveal his already hardened member. It was smooth with a small layer of fur until the pink head. She blushed and giggled, "Oh Mylos..." Myyir smiled and looked up into his eyes while her paw gently grasped the hardened member and received a light gasp from her boyfriend.

Rubbing the fleshy tip, Myyir blushed and kisses Mylos on the lips. Their tongues touched for a brief period and they tasted each other. The male canine hovered over her and her thrusted desperately over her. His cock was being wettened by pre and it appeared to hunger for pleasure.

"You're so needy..." She muttured.

The male grinned, "You know you want it too." He felt her breast and rubbed down her belly and his paw gently groped around her waist. He slowly walked his fingers down to her sex and rubbed it. It was hot, moist and seemed to be getting wetter.

With a high pitched murmer, "What are you waiting for then?" She asked excitedly.

With a grin of satisfaction, the canine lowered himself to match her position and he placed his cock against her love. He licked the nub between her breasts as he lightly thrusted his head against the lips. It coarsely pressed against the labia and barely entered her, a chilling tingle shot through her.

Myyir yelped, "Stop teasing me!". After a whine, she wrapped her arms around her lover and pulled him down. Suddenly, a pleasurable sting shot through her body while she felt a hot and throbbing presence enter her between her legs.

For Mylos, he enjoyed watching his lover act on her feelings, especially when she was horny. He grunted softly while he entered her. A tingle traveled up his spine. The hot and wet hole his cock entered felt like it was going suck him completely inside. He pulled back lightly and then thrusted into her, it was official: he was in.

His lover squirmed and hugged his head tightly against her chest. He continued to kiss and suckle her breast while he pumped into his love, her sex messaging and caressing his throbbing cock hungrily. He growled sweetly as he reached her hilt, "I love you" he muttered breathlessly as spike of pleasure tore through his member and into his gut.

Myyir gasped loudly and murmered, "Oh Mylos, oh...." She bit her lip from the pain and pleasure and her head was sent into a spin as his wild member pushed into her, she felt like her insides were being beaten but oddly in a good way.

He licked her nipple and suckled it while his manhood thrusted into and out of her. His cock pushed deeper into her and spurted more pre while it tingled in pleasure. The tight passage milked his member viciously and hungered for more action. With each thrust, his cock was tugged on within her, the shaft massaged vigorously and the head burned like a ecstasy emitting bulb.

"Oh...Oh god..." Mylos growled deeply, it amazed him how incredible it felt to make love with Myyir. His breath deepened and the base of his gut tickled and danced, the tingling was wild and he knew he was getting close to his climax.

Myyir was nearly yelping with each thrust. She couldn't form any words, just moans and squeals while her lover pushed into her. Her insides were burning, she was biting her lip and scratching at the blanket.

Mylos couldn't even manage to lick her breast he was panting so hard. All he could think of to do was wrap his arms around Myyir's waist and pound away. Push by push, his cock felt like it was about explode. Suddenly, it occurred to him that he wasn't sure if Myyir being 'in heat' mattered or not about pregnancy but he knew that wasn't the right step to go.

His mind in a complete haze, he mustered all of his will to pull himself out of her. Before Myyir could muster a word of protest. Mylos growled viciously and his body tensed, his mind went blank and all he saw was white. In a mad rush of ecstasy, his cock, the underside rubbing against Myyir's lips and it's head aiming to her chest, spurted a hot white stream of cum onto her belly. With a few light thrusts, his cock continued to shoot out the hot white goo onto her.

Four solids streams of spooge bursted from the Mylos's bulbous head before his orgasm slowly died down to just a small dribble of cum and pre. He tiredly held himself up above her.

"Hmmm Mylos..." Myyir moaned sadly, "Is it over now? ...oh I was so close...."

He tilted his head and rubbed a bead of sweat off his nose. He couldn't let it end like this. Of the times he had made love to her, he made sure to never let her fall asleep unsatisfied. He had a plan...

"Well, my sweet...I left a bit of a mess..." He lowered his head to her messy belly, "I gotta clean you up."

Myyir quietly watched the ceiling, "What do you mean?" She felt a wave of unease, the kind of unease a virgin would feel before their 'first time'. "Mylos...I-AH!" Myyir suddenly gasped and murred as she felt a very light and harmless scratching at her sex and a warm tongue licking up her dirtied fur.

She panted as each warm lick sent waves of relaxation through her while the light scratching sent an equally powerful spike of pleasure up her spine. She murred lightly and threw her head back.

Mylos had no problem in licking up his own salty mess (at least the author of this doesn't think so) from his lover's beautiful fur. He was quick in cleaning up his mess however and his muzzle promptly moved south. With a pervy grin, he gently spread apart his lover's sex and he lick the soft insides. Her love juices leaked desperately and they tasted great to him, he would get plenty more of it.

The feel of his wide and warm tongue shocked the girl and Myyir yelped helplessly, "M-Mylos! Ah-aa NO! My-AH!!" She squirmed and bit her. No matter how she wiggled, her boyfriend's powerful tongue would find its way inside her and lap at her. "Oohh Mylos, I-I'm still so sensitive, OH! So...hmhmm" She moaned and growled lustfully.

Mylos smirked a very wet smirk and held his lover at the waist tightly, he used this new stability to take it a step further. He leaned in and took a deep breath, he pushed the end of his nuzzle inside her, sticking his tongue as far in as he could. Her love was soaking and the lusty scent filled his already crazed mind. All he cared about now was to get her off.

Myyir nearly screamed, "Mylos! I...I, OH!" She grunted and panted wildly. She pushed herself into his face, nearly drowning him. Not only was his tongue reaching and twisting deeper within her, his whickers tickled her entrance. He could feel the tongue wildly lapping at all sides and reaching every length. She reached down grabbed his large ears and pulled him into herself, not completely aware of his pain.

As for that pain, it was only a minor inconvenience, he knew that she was close and her mind must have been flipping itself over in ecstasy. He pushed as deep as he could go, trying to take a small breath while he could so he wouldn't drown. As he licked around wildly, he slowly bit into her, his canine teeth scratching carefully within her. He earned another yelp from his lover.

Tears had formed in her eyes and she babbled incoherently about 'love' and 'being close'. She took in two deep gasps as Mylos' lick-tickle-and-bite maneuver threw her over the edge into sexual oblivion. She cried out with a whine and light sob as her body tensed and she scratched herself helplessly, arching her back. She was only aware of her pleasure and not aware that she was nearly drowning her boyfriend in the torrent of her orgasm.

Mylos, not able to take any more of her torture, yanked himself out of her and sat back, catching his breath and watch his job well done. Myyir was holding herself and panting madly, tears in the corner of her eyes. He sat back with a nip of worry at his neck while he let her calm herself down, nearly crying.

He returned to her and held himself back on top of her, looking straight into her beautiful yet exhausted face. "Myyir, are you okay?"

Opening her eyes to see Mylos smiling calmly above her, her body was lightly shaking. She nodded, "I love you so much Mylos..." She held her paws together and kept looking deep into his eyes.

Feeling relieved, "I love you Myyir, always..." He kissed her tired lips sweetly. "Although I fail at cleaning it seems." He muttered when his foot-paw steped into a fresh puddle.

"Heh...Don't worry about it sweetie," Myyir smiled happily, "Now please....Just stay close to me..." She reached up and rubbed Mylos's furry cheek.

"Of course, my love." He wrapped his arms gently around her and kissed her again as he rested beside her.

"That was incredible, Mylos...I didn't know you could do that..."

"Yeah...I'm awesome like that!"

"Eheh, I love you, ya wise ass."

As the two tired lovers relaxed themselves in their warm home, the snow continued to fall. The cold seemed like it would never be able to reach them during their moments of affection. Together, for the rest of the night, they cuddled quietly and snowflakes outside continued to meld together.
