Smutty Sex With an Argonian

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#1 of NSFW Short Stories

A short story about (you) the main character and an Argonian fucking, not much else to it

(Pre story writers note: The "you" in this story is deliberately kept ambiguous, so feel free to insert yourself as the main character.)

In front of you, Caleeran the Argonian, is bent over against the side of your bed, looking back at you with yellow eyes. She has green scaly skin with darker green spots and a lighter shaded belly, and is a bit overweight but not extremely so; it still gave a lot of mass and curvature to her gently swaying ass. Between the cheeks are her swollen lips glistening slightly, and her winking pucker just above. Even with her chest pressing into the mattress, you could still make out the big, partially hidden fatty breasts.

Caly smelled and looked like she had just finished a long bath, a fresh citrus-y scent lingering in the air and droplets of water dripping down her green, scaly body.

"Are you waiting for an invitation?" She asked sultrily, giving her hips an added boost as they swayed. She, like most Argonians you've met, sounded like they smoked a pack a day their entire lives, despite the fact smoking wasn't really a 'thing' here.

You just ignored the part of your brain bothered by it and quickly replied with a chuckle, getting in close.

By now her folds were just inches away and the thick musk of her arousal reached your nose. That didn't stop you as you reached out with your tongue, licking the crevice between her lips from top to bottom. Caly moaned impatiently and she pushed her ass into your face.

With another chuckle, you suddenly wrap your arms around her shapely posterior and begin to dig into her flesh with your tongue, until you find a firm, fleshy bulb. You hear a breathy moan as you lick and suckle against it like a lollipop, the flesh around you quivering and leaking arousal.

"Aaaah~ Finally~" The lizard hissed contently as she arched her back and grasped at the bedding. She gently ground herself into you while giving off low, pleasured hisses of enjoyment that slowly grew in octave and intensity.

By now your nose, lips, and chin were coated in sticky juice as you redouble your efforts and stick your hand inside. It slid in effortlessly and her walls squeezed around your hand, trying to milk it like if it were a penis. Somehow you succeed in balling your hand into a fist, and Caly quickly became more vocal as you thrust deep in and out. Her cries rapidly reached a familiar peak.

She was already getting close.

"Don't Mmmh~ you stop!" Caly shouted out as you went that little bit faster, tonguing her clit and fisting her pussy. Her ass pushes against you even more as she trembles, and finally cries out in release, coating your face in her cum. You kissed her quivering button while she clamped down on your hand hard, her moans of ecstasy turning into panting and coos in her afterglow.

Eventually she pulled away, your hand coming out with a wet pop. It's coated in clear and milky juice that has a pretty intense musky smell that you ignore, but taste and note the salty flavor. There was a lot of it though, and you elected to wipe the rest away on her scaly thigh, giving the spot a glistening sparkle in the light.

Caly tittered in amusement as she moved to her side, her E-cup breasts and erect nipples now fully in your view as she gave you a toothy grin.

"We're not done until you cum inside me~" She stated while motioning for you to join her on the bed and opening her thigh, strings of juice connecting one end to the other. With a grin of your own, you join her, pressing your body against hers as you grasp fistfulls of the fat attached to her chest as she laughs. In turn she grabs ahold of your member and maneuvers it to her entrance, slipping it inside effortlessly. Caly's vagina still had a bit of gape, thus it felt more 'roomy.'

She ground her hips against yours as you hump into her, wet noises of sex filling the room as she hummed. Your face ended up pressed between her soft jugs by her guiding hands, your groans muffled as your own digits squish into her soft ass.

Things were moving along quite quickly, and even as you knew her growing lewd moans were just an act, you just let them coax you forward.

A pressure was rapidly growing in your loins but you didn't resist, moaning in her chest as pleasure erupted through your shaft and cum flooded her depths. A soft hiss followed from the grinning lizard, her claws stroking down your head and neck gently. Your own hands caressed her back, feeling the large, smooth bumps of her bony scales against your skin.

The combination of her warmth and swimming endorphins quickly send you spiraling into slumber. Before sleep could claim you, Caly's scaly lips pressed against your forehead in a kiss as more of her large body encompassed you.

"Sleep well, love." Caly's gravely voice softly spoke affectionately, seeming to echo as everything else grew murky, until it all faded into black.