Miscalculated Canines

Story by Beaverspear on SoFurry

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#4 of Frizzled Furries

James sat on his bed. His head lowered as he looked at his feet. He could feel his eyes water as Cindy stood like a goliath over his body. Her arms crossed and her eyes glowing in a fiery damnation. She sighed a deep breath, her eyes cooled down to a smoke, as she looked up to ceiling.

"Oh lord, he's a faggot!"

"No, it's not that. I'm just not in the mood. It's like 6:00 in the morning anyways." James whimpered in a soft voice. He lifted his head and eyed at her body, he knew it wasn't the mood, it was his partner.

Her body curved like a doll, and in her current naked state her breasts and her legs were nothing less or perfect. Even lovelier was her head fur that danced angelically around her hips. Like little fingers the hair strands would tap along her all too inventing sides. With that body, it's all too easy to fall in love with her. However she was a Venus fly trap, a sweet body, followed by the fangs of a vicious personality. Not only was she horribly dull, but when agitated she would become like a maenad of Dionysus.

Cindy lowered her head to match the tiger's eyes. A fire burned deep with in her soul as she saw those feline orbs. "Not it the mood? What do you mean not in the mood? You're a guy. Guys want to fuck. So come here and fuck me." She made an ugh noise and continued her hands shaking in fury. James remained silent and motionless, "You mean, I sneak out of my house at the only time I could making me have to wake up really early in the morning, and your not going to fuck me?"

Cindy stared at the tiger. What a beautiful male he was. Dressed in only his boxers, his almost naked muscular frame was displayed so perfectly under his beautiful white, orange, and black fur. Abs rolled off his chest like a green valley. Even lovelier was his face, like a mask of perfection he was so handsome, even a canine like herself could not resist his beauty. With such a beautiful figure, it's was all too easy to fall in love with him. However he was a fag, a sweet body, followed by the unnatural desire to not sleep with such a beautiful figure of herself. Her teen magazines warned her about this, how could she be so stupid?

"I'm just not in the mood." James was starting to get angry. His buds warned him about this, how could he be so stupid? "I don't think I like you any more."

Ouch! James knew he shouldn't have said that. He was in for it now. He tightened up his muscles, preparing for a fight. He knew it was wrong to hit a lady, but he also knew he would have to defend himself if that consequence came to pass. Cindy gave him a disappointed look before she started to laugh. Her laugh echoed around his bedroom as she gave him a dark look. A chill was sent down his spine.

"You don't like me eh? Did you ever like me? I bet it was all about the sex." Cindy walked towards him, placing a paw under his muzzle and pushed up preventing him from speaking. "But that's okay, I wouldn't mind being fuck buddies with you." She reached down and picked up James' paw as muffled words tried to escape his closed muzzle. She stood directly in front of him as she took James' paw and placed it on her womanly pleasures. "C'mon, you know you want to fuck this."

James jolted his head away breaking the hold she held on his muzzle. He then rose to his feet, pulling his paw away from her body. Cindy grabbed his arms by the sides and pushed her breasts against him. James responded by pushing her away, forcing her into a wall. She hit it with a hard thud and fell to the floor, looking up at James with fiery eyes.

"You hit me. You actually hit me. Wait till my mom hears about this, wait till your mom hears about this. Wait till the school and your friends, and everybody else hears about what a fag you've become." She growled as her delicate muzzle wrinkled along her nose. James responded by lifting her up under her arms. She kicked and flailed and screamed but James kept his emotions frozen. He placed Cindy outside his bedroom door, and slammed it in his face. James pulled onto the doorknob and held it back, preventing the door from being opened. "Oh you're done, you're done. I don't even know why I liked you."

"Just go." James said coldly through the door. There was a long pause as the two stood on each side of the door, before there was a ring in the distance. Someone was at the door.

"I wonder who that could be." Cindy said her voice sounding like a 1940's house wife. Her foot steps faded off in the distance as James listened through the wooden door.

James sat back down at his bed and returned to starring at his feet. He thought silently to himself as the minutes flew past. Deciding it was best to go see who was at the door James made his way downstairs and into the hallway. Crack! James could feel his heart shatter and he looked at a horrible sight before him.

"I've always loved you." Cindy cuddled into King, wearing a bathrobe she must have taken from the

bathroom. James backed away and like a shadow slicked into a room that was off to the side. Stupidly, James had not realized that it was not a room, but a closet. He kneeled down and closed the door of the closet, confining himself in the security of the four walls. He listened to the conversation with an ear to the thick wooden door.

Cindy started to speak, "Oh King. I know it's a horrible time. You look like you were just mugged, or something. James was a mistake. Do you know how much a jerk he really is?"

James looked at himself in the dark, was he really a villain? Was he really just some jerk asshole? He felt as though he might cry, but he just put his ear back to the door.

"James. I need to see James." King's sweet voice was enchanting.

"No you don't. He's a jerk, I'm the only one that can help you," Cindy's voice cackled like a witch.

"Don't talk about my friend like that."

"Your friend? Do you realize what he just did to me? Would your friend hit a lady as nice as me?"

"If he had good reason." James couldn't help but smile at King's words.

"Good reason? He did it for sex! He was trying to pressure me for sex. It was horrible he shoved me against his wall and gave me this bruise!" Cindy must be starting to pull the fake tears out by now. James stood in the darkness as he gasped, did he really bruise her? And since when was HE pressuring HER for sex.

"I don't see a bruise. Look it doesn't matter right now. Please, I need to see James." King sounded like he was in trouble, and that bitch Cindy was just using him!

"Oh, he's upstairs in his room. Probably beating off right now, since I didn't give him what he wanted. You know he's totally mental. But your right, we got to get you cleaned up! Come on, I'll carry you to the bathroom." After that he could only hear footsteps going upstairs and then sounds of a bath running moments after. James sat in the closet, whimpering quietly into his paws. Feeling worn down, crying seemed to be his only solution.


King sat in his bath confused. Had he not just seen James downstairs? Was he not just standing right there? No, it's the head trauma; he must have imagined James standing there. If he was there, he would have helped him.

"Oh King let me tend to your wounds." Cindy's voice was seraphic.

King starred at Cindy, what an angel she was. An angel? An angel with wings of a vulture, how could she speak so viciously about James? Still her touch seemed to heal him as she wiped off the blood and semen from his face, the demon disappearing into the bath water below. Perhaps she spoke true about James, she's too nice of a creature to speak viciously about anyone. Maybe James is that kind of man.

"Cindy, you really are beautiful you know that?" King looked up at Cindy, his eyes passionate as he caught her glaze.

"No, no, I'm ugly. James is right. I'm just a filthy bitch slut. I'm nothing." King looked at Cindy sorrowfully as her lip trembled. He reached out a wet paw to touch the side of her face. He gave her a small whimper.

"Oh what did James do to you Cindy? You use to be such a magnificent creature." King couldn't help but feel an extreme malice grow for his so called best friend. What a jerk he was behind a blind eye.

"It's okay. Don't worry about me." She sighed, "It's just..."She dropped her face into her paws and started to cry. "He promised me happiness! He said we would be together forever. And now! Now I'm left with nothing. Oh it's so horrible!"

King pulled back his paw for a second, only to place it on her shoulder. "I still think your are beautiful." He smiled, bringing his lips in close proximity to Cindy's as she raised her head from her hand, and sniffed cutely. He leaned over the side of the bathtub and before he knew it his lips and tongue connected to that of Cindy's. The kiss was gentle and loving. The angelic mouth exorcised the demon from King's face. King passed his hand along her gentle head fur; it was as smooth and beautiful as he imagined it would be.

As they continued their kiss, King couldn't help but feel betrayed by James.


James finally came out of the closet and walked over into the living room. He sat himself down on the television picked up the remote and---DING DONG. The doorbell, but James did not feel like getting up. For once, there was no energy in his body.

"Open up, it's the police." James sat up in his chair as his ears perked up. The police? What was going on? He walked over to the door and opened it up. There stood a bovine dressed in a blue police uniform. He was much taller and wider then James, as bovines usually grew much bigger. His uniform was stiff and overpowering- truly a symbol of his authority. Generally, he was pure black expect for two sharp and pointy horns that stuck up from under his hat. He looked at James (who was in his boxers) with an unimpressed face.

"Young man, might I ask you where your clothes are?"

"Oh." James thought fast. "I was just getting ready to nap on the couch."

"And where are your parents?"

"Gone for the evening sir, just me and my girlfriend."

The bovine stopped and gave him the "look". James eyes widened, "Oh and King Fisher."

"Son of the Fisher's eh? They are Jackals right?" The bovine said pulling out a pen and notepad.

"Yeah, what's up officer?" James was starting to grow worried. What was going on here?

"Well there's apparently a lunatic jackal running around covered in blood and male...fluids that one of our officers saw. He was about to engage him but apparently he was armed. I'm pretty sure it's not King as he is generally a good kid from what I hear, but would you mind if I had a look around anyways?"

"No, not at all, King is just upstairs having a bath." James pointed the officer to the bathroom. He then noticed something on the ground, "Everything alright officer, your foot seems to be bleeding." James pointed to a pool of blood that had developed under his foot.

"What? No? How could I be bleeding...I'm wearing boots." Then the officer froze in place and called to his radio, "Suspect is at the Crook residence. I repeat, suspect is at the Crook Residence. I believe it is King Fisher. I repeat, suspect is King Fisher."

James was pushed into the wall as the bovine ran upstairs, sounds of cop cars roared in the distance. James just kneeled down and put his head into his paws.


DING-DONG. The two jackals broke their kiss as they heard the doorbell.

"Who would be here this early?" King perked his ears up; he really hoped it wasn't the police, but he had a feeling it was them.

"Nobody, just come here and kiss me." Cindy spoke, but King ignored her. His heart began to beat fast.

"Open up it's the police." A voice cried out from downstairs, they both looked at each other worried.

"King, what exactly did you do?" Cindy looked at King. The demon might have left King's body but it seemed to have taken over Cindy.

"I, I might have killed Joe and Brad." King said his face in pure shock.

"What?" Cindy stood up and took a few steps back putting her hand on the bathroom counter.

"They tried...to rape me." King stuttered in nervousness as he too sat up emerging from the bathwaters.

"Oh fuck. What about self defense? They aren't taking you away from me too!"

"Self-defense? I threw a pen into Joe's eye! I'm not getting out of this one!" King hushed himself as he heard James start to speak in distance.

"Your foot seems to be bleeding."

King looked at Cindy, and Cindy shared the glance. There wasn't much time left until King would be caught. Then they both got an idea and simultaneously cried out, "The window!"

Indeed there was a window, large enough for King to escape from. He opened the glass escape route, pushed out the screen and squeezed his way though the window frame. He turned around to look at Cindy one last time,

"When can we meet again?"

"There's a party this Saturday at the beach. We'll meet there. There's going to be a lot of people so the police won't find you. Arrive early at sunset; I want to see you before the fun starts. Now go, go hide!" Cindy gave him a kiss, and King turned around just as the door was busted open by a swift kick from the Bovine officer.

"You stop!" He yelled out but King had already escaped, as he jumped over the window ledge and into the darkness below.

"Hello there officer....MY that's a big gun your carrying." Cindy gave the giant bovine a nervous smile as she let her bathrobe fall to the floor. The bovine stopped for a second to give her a quick glance. The Mrs. Officer Bovine didn't look like THIS anymore...

"Ma'am you're under arrest." The bovine walked over to Cindy and with a strong jerk forced her into submission.

"You damn pig, get your hands off of me!" Cindy cried out. The bovine took off his handcuffs and wrapped them around her delicate wrists, and smiled, "You could of made some man really happy you know that?"


James was brought outside as two other officers swarmed into the house. He was offered a blanket and some hot chocolate, accepting them graciously. He looked over to an important looking man, who was overseeing this event,

"Is King going to be okay?' James waited for a response only to get nothing back. There was a long silence.

"You bitch, mother fucking copper! I'll kill you. Get these damn things off of me." James smiled as Cindy came out of the house with her hands cuffed, the bovine officer following her.

"James baby? Help me? Come on, I'm sorry I called you a fag. I love you, I really do!" Cindy spied James and cried out in futility. James responded with a middle finger to her face. Cindy responded to that, by trying to bite that finger off. The bovine pulled her away and threw her into the back of his squad-car. The bovine looked at James who was sitting comfortably on the ground; he touched James and the shoulder and smiled calmly,

"So kid, any idea where King might have gone?"

"I really don't want to tell you this officer." James face was sad as he starred at his hooves.

"I know...I know." The bovine nodded his head, "But, he's committed a crime, and he might commit again."

"What did he do?"

The bovine just looked at him and shook his head slowly.


Saturday night had rolled around and after hiding out under a bridge for a week King was really looked forward to seeing his love, Cindy. King was wearing a pair of swimming trunks which he had found, derelict on the beach. A bit disgusted by his actions, it was better then nudity.

The sun was beginning to set further, and still Cindy was nowhere to be found. King's eyes searched the beach, but there wasn't a body to be found. King began to worry, had she gotten out of the house okay? Then hope filled his heart as a figure made its way down the beach. Practicing caution he dropped down into the sand. His fur blending in with its color, he was perfectly camouflaged. He stood motionless as he heard the footsteps come closer.

"Hi King." A voice spoke to him from above. His angel had returned. He got up dusting the sand off from his fur, and raised his head. His eyes burned up as he matched them with James.

"You son of a..." James put his paw over King's mouth silencing him.

"Listen, I know what Cindy has probably told you. And, I know you probably hate me right now. And I'm really sorry for all the shit that has happened." He sighed catching his thoughts, "Just listen, I don't care what you did, who you did it too, or why the police are after you. I..." He paused again, as King stopped resisting his paw, "I..." King's took James' paw and pulled it off his muzzle,

"Love you?"

James smiled, and said, "Yeah...I do."

King returned the smile. Funny how one minute you can hate a guy, and the next be completely in love with him. Fingers danced on James' side as King pulled him in so that they faced each other. James then pulled out a camera from his swimming trunks.

"Can we have a picture of this moment? So we can forever hold onto it?"

"Yah, if I get a copy." King rubbed his hand up and down James' thigh.

"I'm sure--" James' generally happy voice died down as his ears dropped.

"Is something wrong?" King gave him a worried look.

"Yes, but I can't tell you now."

"Okay." King blinked at him worried. James responded with a small smile, which warmed up King a bit. James then held up the camera and wrapped his arm around King. The camera was lifted into the air, and after a few seconds the flash went off.

"So what happens now?" King said smiling at James.



"I'm sorry." James pointed up to the hill. Red and Blue lights shined off the horizon as an all too familiar, "WEE-OOW" was played.

"You...why? How did you?" King looked at James pushing himself off the tiger's body.

"I had to do what was best. You hurt someone real bad, and you need to go to jail." King looked at James blankly, "And...Cindy said wanted me to meet her here before everything went wrong. So I just assumed."

King was about to say something but before he knew it he was face first into the sand. Handcuffs wrapped around his wrists. James just stood there, dumbfounded looking at the beautiful Jackal as he was carried away into the police car.

"If this is what happens to the hero. Then I'd rather be the villain." James said to himself. James lowered his ears, his head, and his tail, and ran off into the darkness of the night. James Crook was no more; Tech-Tiger had been born.


King looked at the piece of one way glass in front of him. He was put in front of a table in a dull gray room, on a dull gray chair. His hands heavily chained he looked to the ceiling in disbelief. Everything was going to turn out so well, why couldn't he just be happy? The door opened and he snapped his head down.

King widened his eyes in amazement,

"Hello son."

"Dad? What are you doing here?" King said.

"You've really fucked up son. You've really fucked up your life."

"I know..." King lowered his head in shame.

"I'm not mad at you. I know what happened."

"So what happens now?"

"That's up to you." His dad sat down in a chair across from him. He was wearing a black suit and black sunglasses. In his arm he had a package marked confidential. "You can sit here in jail. Or, you can give your life to military intelligence."


They spoke for a while before King's dad pulled out an official looking document. With a click of a pen King signed the paper, "X." King Fisher no-more he was now a Sphinx Cell (in training).


Okay. Sorry for the lack of yiff. I tried to get some nudity in there but I prefer this story to be not really yiffy. After all, it really isn't about love, it's more about loosing love. (Only to find it again...then have it lost again *sigh*).

So anyone feel sorry for King and James yet? Anyone feel sorry for Cindy, or Brad and Joe. Not a lot of happy things happen to my characters, maybe something happy will happen in the last installment of this series.

Maybe not =3

Anyways, my next story is going to be the final instalment. And James is going to kick some ass!

ANYWAYS, I dedicate this to Dionysus and the maenads. Sorry for using you negatively in my story.

BTW, my characters aren't copyrighted so if anyone wants to write the alternate reality. Go ahead. I'd actually be honored

Jolted Jackal

King Fisher sat in his favorite chair. It was maroon and had patterns of purple bone shaped patches all over it. He was just about to fall asleep, a pun-filled novel known as Zanth in one paw and a teddy bear in the other. Sure he was a little old for...

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The jackal lay there, speechless, James standing in front of him laughing tremendously. It was just too much to handle, James, his friend from way back in high school, fully naked with spots of silver paint on his body, his cock standing semi-erect and...

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A closet-gay Jackal finds his wildest fantasies come true when a strange delivery turns up at his doorstep. ENJOY! M/M Yiffing * * * TECH-TIGER The Jackal sat at his desk starring blankly at a loading computer screen. As the computer went...

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