Chapter 2 - Daddy's Little Girl

Story by Ein Scorpio on SoFurry

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#2 of Gemstone Family Fun

Are you ready to get it on...?

Chapter 2, time to screw with some people's heads.

*WARNING* This chapter contains scenes of explicit nature that may not be suitable for those under the age of eighteen, those of you who are ignorant on the subject or those of you with a weak heart. If you fulfill any of these three conditions, I strongly encourage you to leave because I will not be held responsible to what may or may not happen to you if caught reading this. If you are in the clear, enjoy the read and try not to make a mess.

Pokémon © of Nintendo & Gamefreak. Storyline and characters © of me (Enigma Eevee).


Gemstone Family Fun

Chapter 2 - Daddy's Little Girl

"Pass it to me!" Topaz gleefully shouts.

"Sure thing dear!" Aqua rolls the ball over her back and catapults it into the air with her tail. She jumps into the air and blasts the ball with a water pulse. It flies upward towards Topaz.

Topaz runs to intercept the ball but skids to halt as a white blur runs past him.

Pearl jumps into the air and uses tail whip to smack the ball towards Topaz.

He grins and lowers himself into a battle stance. "Hey Ruby, this one is coming for you!"

The ball continues to approach him and when it comes within range, he dashes forwards and hits it head on with a quick attack. It reverses direction at a slight angle and flies into the air towards the flareon.

Ruby runs at the ball and then jumps into the air at it. She curls into a ball and starts spinning her body. She breaks apart her position and swings her foot downward with her momentum and kicks the ball down towards Jade.

"Head's up Jade!"

Jade looks and sees the ball rapidly approaching. She turns toward Lapis and grins. Lapis looks back at her and nods. They both start running towards the ball careening towards them. They weave back and forth, mirroring each other's movements gracefully. When the ball comes within range they leap at it and grab each other in mid air then start spinning around in a corkscrew movement. At the last second, they both split apart and kick the ball in a perfectly symmetrical movement.

"Amy, Sid; your turn!" Lapis shouts out.

Sid laughs. "Time to try our new combo move, you ready?"

Amy nods. "Yea let's show them what we can do when we work together!"

Sid closes his eyes and releases a black mist from his body. Amy uses her psychic powers to collect the mist into a sphere then shoots it into the air towards the ball.

"Now dear, go!" Amy instructs him.

Sid runs out on front of her and jumps into the air. She focuses a portion of her power and steers his body through the air. Sid enters the black mist ball in the air and then Amy's eyes flash blue. The ball of mist separates into multiple spheres. Sid uses his shadow fade ability to hide within the mist and wait for the ball to enter his range. When the ball enters the range, Sid jumps out of the mist sphere and kicks the ball upwards. He uses his momentum to launch himself into another mist sphere and then hides within it. As the ball approaches, he repeats the process and sends the ball back into the air. He falls into another mist sphere and then lies in wait. He continues to kick juggle the ball in multiple directions until he focuses all of his power and does a back flip to kick the ball as hard as he can straight upward. He starts to fall and waves his paw at Amy. She nods and starts to focus her entire power. He starts corkscrew spinning as he descends towards the ground. Amy's eyes flash again and the black mist spheres engulf Sid as he falls to the ground. The ball of mist impacts the ground and disperses to reveal nothing. After a few moments, Sid emerges from the ground next to Amy and kisses her.

"You were great Amy; I was so impressed with your control of everything."

She blushes. "Thank you; now let's see what Pearl has learned with her new ability."

Sid nods and looks over at Pearl. "Pearl, time for you to show us what you can do!" He calls out.

Pearl smiles and starts running out into the middle of the field. As she continues to run, her body begins to glow brightly and her speed increases drastically until she becomes a streak of solid light energy. She rockets off into the air towards the ball as it descends. She collides with the ball and sends it back into the air once more. She quickly flies in front of the ball as it ascends and then she turns around and rams it towards the ground. She flies around and rams the ball to the side causing it to shift direction. She intercepts the ball again and sends it back into the air. She continues to fly about, intercepting the ball and changing its direction, all in a matter of seconds. She sends the ball straight up into the air once more and flies around it and starts to fly as high as she can. At the peak of her flight, she turns around and uses her full speed to fly down towards the ball. She collides with it head on and the ball streaks through the air, breaking the sound barrier. It collides with the ground in a matter of seconds then sends a massive cloud of dust into the air and creates a shockwave that blasts debris everywhere.

"DAMN!" Topaz shouts as he runs out from behind a tree.

Everyone else emerges from behind their cover and run towards the massive dust cloud. They all look up and see a streak of light descend into the plume of dust. After a few moments they see a shadowy figure move in the cloud. Pearl emerges, rolling the ball in front of her.

"Hiya guys; what did you think?" Pearl gleefully asks.

"That was awesome Pearl!" Lapis states and hugs her.

Pearl blushes as everyone takes turns hugging her and giving her praise.

The dust begins to settle as everyone sits talking to each other.

"Wow Pearl, so you have turned your ability to fade into light into a light speed tackle?" Sid questions.

Pearl nods. "Yea, I have been practicing for a long time now and I think I am getting the hang of it."

"Well you have made us all proud Pearl; you are such a special little sister." Aqua praises and pets Pearl's head. She looks up and her eyes widen. "Oh my god!"

Topaz shifts his attention in the direction Aqua was looking and gasps. "HOLY CRAP!"

Everyone shifts their attention in the same direction and then stare in shock as they gaze upon the massive crater caused by Pearl's attack.

"Good's huge!" Ruby exclaims.

"How on earth did you create something that big!?" Jade questions and looks at Pearl.

Pearl's ears lower and she blushes. "Oops, I guess I used too much power..."

"Don't feel bad Pearl, as a matter of fact you should be happy, because, to have that much power is a cool thing to have." Sid assures her.

Pearl jumps up and hugs him. "Thank you Sid."

Sid winces. 'Ouch...I guess I must have used too much energy...'

Pearl looks at him with concern. "Are you ok; did you hurt something?"

He shakes his head. "No, I'm fine; just a little fatigued. That attack takes a lot out of me; so I think I'm going to go rest for awhile."

Pearl nuzzles him. "Ok, I hope you feel better." She releases him from the hug.

"Sorry guys, I am going to have to take a break; I'm a little worn out right now."

Aqua approaches him and smiles. "That's ok; go get your rest. We are just going to go for a walk around the forest, so we will back in a little bit."

Sid smiles. "Thank you Aqua; have fun everyone." He leaves and walks towards the cave.

Amy's ears lower. "Don't go..."

Jade walks up alongside her and whispers. "Go on Amy, it's not like it's a secret anymore; we all have started mating and I can see you want to be with him. Just go get him; I am sure he won't mind."

Amy smiles and hugs her sister. "Thank you Jade; you are such a kind loving sister."

Jade nuzzles her. "Thank you Amy; now go get him."

Amy nods and runs off towards the cave.

"Where is she going?" Topaz questions.

Jade grins. "She wants to go 'play' with Sid."

"Oh...hehe...looks like Sid won't get to rest after all." Topaz snickers.

Aqua walks up next to him and rubs her tail across his underside.

"You and I should have some fun time soon since it's been awhile..." She looks over at Ruby and grins. "...and besides; I believe Ruby wants to play with us again..."

Topaz moans at his sister's teasing touch. "A-Aqua oh...I promise you that when we get back from our walk...I'll spend plenty of time with you two."

Ruby walks over and rubs her paw along his underside. "You better keep your promise Taz because I want to play some more."

Topaz moans louder at the combined sensation of his sister's teasing him. "Sure thing..."

Jade and Lapis giggle as they see a red tip emerge from his shaft. "Hey Topaz; you are starting to show off again." Lapis states.

He snaps back to reality and looks at his underside. "Oops...well I guess I am going to have to-AH!" He bucks his hips forward as he feels his two sister's tongues glide across his exposed tip. Aqua pushes him onto his side and he sprawls his body out. Both sisters advance on him and start licking on his growing bulge.

"That looks kind of fun; can we join?" Jade asks.

"Yea I always wondered what a boy would taste like." Lapis states.

Ruby and Aqua stop licking Topaz and look at them with smiles. "Of course; as a matter of fact, why don't you two play with Topaz while we take Pearl for a walk around the forest. Then when we come back; we get to play with him."

Jade and Lapis approach Topaz and sniff at his crotch. "Hmm, smells kind of strong, but kind of nice..."

"Yea..." Lapis licks him. "...tastes good too."

"Lemme try..." Jade slides her tongue across his member and his balls.

Topaz grunts and twitches. "That...feels good..."

Jade and Lapis giggle. "Time for some fun big bro." Jade leans forward and slowly licks his growing member.

Lapis walks behind Jade and starts to lick her slit.

Jade moans. "Yes Lapis...make me remember why I love you so much... "

Lapis giggles. "Oh I will..." Lapis presses her tongue into Jade's pussy.

Jade moans as she engulfs Topaz's cock; sending vibrations down along him.

Topaz bucks his hips into her mouth. "Oh feel nice..."

Aqua and Ruby stare in awe at their two sisters and Topaz.

"Well, we better leave those two alone; I am sure Topaz will give them a wonderful time." Aqua states.

Ruby nods. "Yea; he will take care of them and I'm sure they won't disappoint him either." She turns and notices Pearl playing with a caterpie a short distance away. "Well should we go get her and have some fun?"

Aqua turns and looks at Pearl then smiles. "Yea let's go."

They both walk over and retrieve Pearl. They look back and see the twins with Topaz and smile.

'You better play nice Topaz; we know how excited you get when you naughty pin cushion.'

Sid staggers into his and Amy's shared room and lies down on the makeshift bed. He closes his eyes and lets darkness envelope him. His rings begin to brightly glow and pulse as his body starts to heal itself with moonlight.

" every time..."

A noise catches his attention and he opens his eyes. He shifts his gaze over towards the entrance and smiles.

"Well, hello there sexy." He greets.

Amy strolls into the room, swaying her hips. "Hello yourself big boy..." She looks at his lower body and licks her lips.

"Wanna play a game Amy?" He teasingly asks.

She nods. "Yes...I want to play with you..."

Sid rises to his feet and gives her a toothy grin. "Gotta make sure no one walks in on us..."

Amy steps in front of him and gives him a mischievous smile. "We are all alone...and besides...I wouldn't mind if anyone saw us." She grins evilly. "You won't escape from me."

Sid gives her a wicked grin and slowly approaches her. "Who says I would want to?" He pounces on her then leans forward and kisses her.

Amy wraps her tail around his stomach and strokes his underside. She breaks away from the kiss when she feels a slight difference.

"Ah...what is this I feel?" She asks slyly as she strokes his growing bulge.

Sid releases a slight moan. "Oh Amy..."

Amy giggles. "I think I got your attention now brother..." She releases her tail and slides out from underneath him.

Sid lets out a whine in protest. "Aww, why did you stop?"

Amy looks at him with a lust filled smile. "Because, for what I have in mind, you need to be on your back; now hold still." Her eyes flash blue.

"Amy what are you-Whoa!" Sid's body locks up and begins to slowly float into the air. He looks down at her with a confused expression.

"Don't worry dear, just relax." She gently lowers him onto his back.

As soon as his body touches the ground, Sid relaxes all of his muscles and sprawls out.

"I spy with my little eye, something I want..." Amy teases as she draws closer to his body.

Sid twitches as he feels a warm pressure on his hind legs. He looks up and gasps as he feels a wet feeling run along his sheath.


Amy slowly runs her soft, pink tongue along his shaft. She smiles to herself as she notices a red tip emerge. She quickly directs her tongue to the tip and slowly begins to flick it.

Sid grunts and bucks his hips upwards.

Amy places her paws along his sheath and gently pulls back the skin. She looks up at him with a pride filled smile.

"Now time to play with my little friend..."

Sid's ears twitch. He leans forward and looks at her. "What do you me-OOHHH!"

Amy slowly engulfs his growing erection into her mouth. 'He's such a big boy...I can't wait to feel him inside of me again...' The sheer thought of her brother mounting her causes Amy to buck her hips forward.


She looks up at him with a confused expression. She slowly removes her brother's cock from her mouth.

"What is it; did I do something wrong?"

Sid smiles and shakes his head. "No, what you were doing felt great; better than anything in the world. I just don't want you to feel left out."

Amy grins and straddles his body. "Aw how sweet; even when you have me pleasuring you, you still think about how I feel."

"Turn around Amy; it's your turn." Sid grins.

Amy turns around and lies atop his body. She slides her body along his until her pussy is level with his face.

"Whenever you are ready bro-OOHHH!" She gasps and moans.

Sid grasps her hips and pulls himself forward. He licks her outer lips in a slow circular pattern.

"Oh Sid...yes...right there...again..." Amy barely manages to speak through her lust filled moans.

Sid smiles as he feels his heart swell with pride. He grazes a tooth across Amy's clitoris and she squeals.


Sid starts rapidly licking across the little nub, all while enjoying his sister's constant moaning.

"Sid...oh gods...stop teasing..."

Sid rams his tongue inside of his sister and elicits a loud moan from her. He starts greedily lapping up all of her juices.

Amy momentarily clears her head when she feels a slight pressure on her muzzle. She looks down and looks in awe.

"Such...a...big boy...I can't have it...inside me..."

She leans forward and licks the drop of pre on his tip.

Sid moans inside of her, increasing her pleasure tenfold.

Amy slides her tongue from the base of his shaft up to the tip and begins to slowly swirl her tongue around it. Slowly and gently, she takes his length into her mouth until she feels it touch her throat. She suppresses her gag reflex and slowly begins to suck.

Sid pulls his tongue out of his sister's pussy and moans.

"Oh my god good..."

He begins to buck his hips into his sister's mouth.

Amy recoils as her brother begins to hump her face. She reaches down and massages his growing bulge at the base of his penis with her paws. She slowly pulls her mouth away from his member.

"Do you like this brother?" She teasingly asks.

Sid jerks himself forward slightly. "Ah...Ah...yes..."

Amy leans her head down and slowly licks the base of his knot.

Sid groans. "Amy...I'm not gonna...last...much this..."

She pulls away from his cock and smiles. "Not yet dear...hold out for me a little longer. I wanna taste it all; so no wasting."

He grits his teeth. "I...don't think...I can..."

She looks at him with pleading eyes. "Pleeeease...just for me...I'll make it worth your while." She gives him a lust filled smile and turns back towards his member. She leans forward and gently nips his knot.

"AH AMY, OH GOD!" Sid spasms and bucks his hips forward.

Amy giggles. "Ok then, I guess I ought to let you finish..." She turns back towards his cock and licks her lips. Slowly she begins to engulf his member into her mouth all while wrapping her tongue around his shaft. She starts bobbing her head up and down in rhythm with the pulse of his member.

Sid shudders as his climax approaches. "A-Amy, I can't hold on any longer..."

Amy increases her pace and starts massaging his growing knot vigorously. She smiles as she feels a slight tapping on her head.

"Amy...I'm gonna-AAAHHHH!" Sid howls out as his whole body tenses and starts humping furiously.

Amy's eyes widen as her brother's member jerks violently in her mouth. She recoils slightly as the first shot of cum flies down her throat.

'Mmm...I love that taste...' Amy thinks as the second rope of cum fills her mouth. She greedily sucks on her brother's cock, trying to milk every last drop of seed from him. After a few moments she pulls herself away from her brother's cock, her mouth filled completely with his cum; streams of it running down her face.

Sid's orgasm starts subsiding and he falls limp onto the floor, twitching slightly. He looks around with stars in his eyes.

"Oh my I dead...?"

Amy swallows her brother's cum with a loud gulp and giggles. She walks up to his face and kisses him deeply.

"No, you are not dead brother but you are in heaven right now..."

Sid looks at her and smiles. "I love much."

"I know you do but I think it's time you returned the favor dear..." Amy's voice trails off as she starts to walk away with her hips swinging side to side and her tail raised.

Sid rolls to his side and watches her every move. "My god she is so beautiful...I can't wait to fuck her."

Amy stops and giggles. "I heard that..."

Sid blushes. "Oops..."

Amy turns to face him with a smile. "If you want me, come get me big boy..." She teases him and slowly lies on her back. She spreads her legs apart and reveals her drooling pussy. She begins to graze her tail across her entrance and moans.

Sid slowly approaches her with hungry eyes and he licks his lips. He sits and moves his paw to teasingly rub her moist lips.

Amy moans. "Sid..."

"Yes my love?" He teasingly questions as he slowly inserts his paw into her vagina.

She moans louder and shudders. She looks at him with a seductive smile.

"Stop teasing me you sexy umbreon...I want you do it; take me!" She begs.

Sid gives her a toothy grin. "Why don't I get you ready for our fun time first...?" He pushes his paw further into her vagina.

"Oh yes...Sid..."

Sid begins to slide his paw in and out slowly. He increases his pace and Amy starts breathing heavily.

"Does it feel good sis?" He slides his paw against her inner walls.


Sid increases his pace and Amy starts to hump his paw in time with his thrusts.

Sid chuckles. "Feel it Amy..." He starts wiggling his toes while thrusting his paw inside of her.

Amy arches her back and moans loudly. " it...again..."

Sid grins. "Like this...?" He wiggles his toes and brushes his paw across her g-spot.

Amy screams out in lust. "OH YES!" Her whole body tenses up and a wave of her juices flood all over Sid's paw.

He smiles and removes his paw from her vagina. Amy looks up at him in curiosity.

"Why did you stop...?"

Sid looks at her and smiles. He takes his cum covered paw and starts sucking on it and licking it slowly.

Amy's eyes widen as the scene nearly drives her over the edge again.

"Stop teasing me Sid; I can't take it!"

He stops sucking his paw and grins at her. He slowly approaches her and put his paw in her face.

"Suck it sis, you'll love the taste."

Amy grabs his paw and nuzzles it. She takes one of his toes in her mouth and begins to suckle on it.

Sid smiles as he watches his sister nurse her own cum off his paw.

"Would you like more my dear?" He teasingly asks.

She pulls his paw out of her mouth and begins to greedily lap at it.

Sid chuckles. "You look so cute when you do that." He pulls his paw out of her grip.

Amy whines and makes a pouting face at him.

"Now, now; baby needs to be patient. I have to go get you some more milk." Sid walks down to her vagina and starts licking at the outer lips.

Amy shudders as she feels her brother's flexible organ glide across her lips. She starts moaning and arches her back.

"You can have all my milk dear, I like yours better." Amy states with a seductive smile.

Sid looks at her. "Well then, I guess I'm going to have to give you a treat when we are done because you are such a good girl."

Amy licks her lips slowly. "Mmm...I'd like that, but how about I feed you; you must be hungry for me..."

Sid nods. "Oh yes, I want to taste you..." He lowers his head and sucks on her clitoris.

"That's right...right there..." Amy moans loudly.

Sid slides his tongue from her clitoris to her entrance and slowly licks her lips. Amy moans and bucks her hips to force him inside. Sid obliges and slowly inserts his tongue into her slit.


Sid smiles mentally and starts to sensually lick her walls; lapping at any trace of her sweet nectar. He starts breathing hot air into her slit and swells with pride as he hears her moan his name lustfully again.


He starts thrusting his tongue inside of her and swirls it around her insides. He reaches his still cum soaked paw and starts to rub her clitoris.

Amy gasps and arches her back off the ground. "Yes...that's right dear...give me your all!"

He doubles his efforts as he tries to find her g-spot. 'Now where's that little-Ah; there it is.'

He looks up at her and chuckles. The added vibrations and hot breath pushes Amy to the edge.

"Sid...oh...I'm almost there..."


He pinches her clitoris and starts rapidly licking her g-spot. Amy screams out in ecstasy as she experiences her biggest orgasm.

"SID, OH GOD-AAAHHHH!!" Her whole body shudders vigorously and she starts wildly bucking her hips.

Sid's eyes widen as a wave of his sister's fluids splash on his muzzle. He starts greedily lapping up as much of the torrent of cum as he can. It seemed to be endless as wave after wave after of his sister's sweet, savory juices filled his mouth. After a few moments he pulls his head out and gasps for air; cum splattered all over his face and running down his cheeks.

Amy falls limp and looks up at him. She starts giggling when she sees his face.

"Someone enjoyed themselves; do you like my milk?"

Sid grins and licks his lips. He lowers himself slightly and slides along Amy's body until his face is level with hers.

"Yes, I loved have a taste." Sid leans in close to her face.

Amy raises herself and starts to slowly lick the sides of his face. Her tongue makes its way to Sid's mouth and pushes against it. Sid opens his mouth and suckles on his sister's tongue. Amy moans into the affectionate display as she feels her brother's member graze her slit.

'Do it, take me; claim me as yours...I beg of you.'

'Thank you Amy.'

Sid lines his member up with her entrance and slowly begins to push in.

Amy breaks away from the kiss and gasps. "Ah...oh god..."

Sid continues to slowly push himself inside of her. Her walls grip and pull at his member to beckon it further inside. He fully hilts her and poises his member at the entrance of her womb. He leans forward and nips her neck then slides his tongue along her neck up to her ear. He whispers soothingly into her ear.

"How badly do you want it...?"

Amy moans. "I don't want it...I NEED it..." She clamps her walls down on him.

"I think it's time I give baby what she needs..." Sid starts to pull himself out of her.

Amy whines as she feels him start to exit her. She felt like she was losing a part of herself, something that belonged; she, needed it back. She starts squeezing his member as it leaves to encourage it to come back.

Sid grunts as he feels the added pressure on his cock. "Someone...doesn't want me to leave...does she?"

"No...don't go..."

Sid stops when only his tip was inside of her. He looks up at her with a grin. "What do you say?"

Amy looks at him. "Please...give him back..."

Sid licks across her nipples on her stomach and starts suckling on them. Amy moans and digs her claws into the ground. Sid moves onto the next nipple and starts suckling in a greedy manner.

"Sid...stop teasing me...please..."

Sid raises his head and grins. He grinds his tip inside of her pussy and she bucks her hips to force him inside.

"No, no...not needs to be patient."

Amy whimpers. "But daddy...I want to play..."

"Then baby must be a good girl..." He leans forward and kisses her. He starts to push his member back inside of her. Amy squeaks as she feels the sudden return of her friend. She moans as her walls clamp down on him.

Sid breaks away from the kiss and gives her a lustful smile. He starts to withdraw his member again. Amy whines as she feels the familiar empty feeling return.

"Say it..." Sid soothingly demands.

Amy looks at him with pleading eyes. "But..."

"Who am I?" He teases her by rubbing his tip against her clitoris.

"You're my..." She lustfully whispers.

"What was that?" He stops his teasing.

Amy whimpers and cries out. "Daddy!"

Sid grins and thrusts himself back inside of Amy.

"Yes daddy, yes!" Amy happily cries out.

Sid grunts as he starts to slowly thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. Amy throws her forepaws up onto his shoulders and wraps her tail around his mid-section.

"Yes daddy, please don't let go..." She moans out.

Sid lays his body atop her and starts to thrust at a slightly quicker pace. Amy rests her head upon the ground with her eyes closed, mouth hanging open and her tongue rolling out the side.

"'re so...wonderful..."

Amy raises her head and headbutts him playfully. "You are too...but no more...let me feel you..."

Sid quickly leans forward and locks her in another passionate kiss. His tongue probes her mouth and Amy willingly allows him entry. Sid pushes his tongue inside of her mouth and starts to wrap it around hers.

'You...are so beautiful...please let me give you all I have...'

Amy moans and releases her tail and starts to brush it along his back.

'Give it to me...fill me up with your seed...I need to feel it...'

Sid increases his pace and starts thrusting at her harder, without mercy.

"Daddy yes, YES!"

Amy cries out in ecstasy as she feels him brush against her g-spot with his member. She moves her tail along his back and wraps it around his tail. Slowly she starts to push against his tail hole with one of her tail tips.

Sid's eyes widen as he feels the pressure on his anus. He looks at her and sees a playful, mischievous smile.

"Who says...only you...get to have fun...?" Amy soothing questions.

"You are so naughty...but I love it..." Sid states with a moan.

Amy grins and starts to push her tail inside of his anus. Sid grunts as he feels the furry appendage penetrate him. Her tail continues to slide within and wiggle back and forth. The added sensation causes Sid to howl out.

"Ah fuck yes!"

Amy giggles at his outburst. "'re saying naughty things again..."

He looks down at her and smiles. He licks her neck. "Only little girl..."

Amy moans out as she feels his knot starts to slap against her opening. Sid's pace slows down and she looks up at him.

"Why did you slow down...?"

"Do you..." He tenses up as he feels her tail thrust harder into his anus. "...want me to tie you?"

Amy gives him a pleading look. "Yes...I want it so badly."

He starts quickening his pace and starts pushing his knot against her vagina. Amy arches her back as she feels the slight spread of her lips.

"Beg me to do it!" Sid commands.

Amy digs her claws into his shoulders as she feels her orgasm approaching. "Yes daddy! Tie me, make me yours!"

Sid pulls himself almost all the way out, then rams himself back into her vagina pressing his knot inside. Amy screams out in ecstasy as the sudden fulfillment sends her over the edge.

"OH DADDY-AAAHHHH!!" Her body tenses up and she starts wildly humping and grinding her body against his member. Her walls clamp down on him in a vice and a massive wave of cum splatters out onto his cock and onto his crotch fur.

The sudden vice like grip on his cock accompanied by the endless waves of his mate's juices, send Sid over the edge. He howls out and thrusts one last time and rams her womb.


Amy arches her back off the ground and moans as she feels the first shot of his cum fly into her womb. Her walls continue to grip and pull at his cock, milking every last drop of seed into her womb.

"Thank you...daddy..." Amy falls limp onto the ground as she basks in the afterglow.

Sid slowly rests himself upon her body and whispers to her.

"Anything...for my little baby..."

Amy leans up and nuzzles his face. "I love you so much...I just want to be with you like this forever."

Sid returns the affection and kisses her passionately.

'I love you too...I can't wait to start a family with you...'

Amy breaks away from the kiss and stares at him.

Sid smiles and nuzzles her. "How about we try the next time you're in heat; I want have little ones with you Amy."

A tears falls from Amy's eye and she happily cries out. "Oh Sid; thank you!" She wraps her paws around his neck and hugs him.

Sid rests his head on her chest and smiles. "A family of our own...I can't wait..." He closes his eyes.

"I can't wait either; you will be a great daddy..." Amy licks his cheek. "I know you will be because you are great to me."

Sid chuckles. "That's me, your big strong daddy and you're my special little baby girl."

Amy leans forward and kisses him. The two lay there, tied, in a mixture of their juices; completely unaware of their surroundings. They both start to drift into sleep until a voice sounds out.

"Whatcha guys doing?"

Amy and Sid's eyes pop open and they turn their heads toward the entrance of the room. Their eyes widen in shock and horror as they see Pearl standing there staring at them.

"I-I, uh, um..." Sid stammers out.

"Oh no...can she see anything?" Amy quietly asks.

Pearl tilts her head. "Why are you laying like that?"

Both Amy and Sid blush and start to sweat. "'s hard to explain Pearl..."

"Are you playing a game?"

Amy and Sid look at each other then back at her. "Yea, we were playing a game."

Pearl smiles and wags her tail. "I wanna play!"

End chapter 2


Love that little cliffhanger didn't you?

This was my first actual yiff scene written, so please don't hate me for any mistakes.

Comments, criticism, and any other form of input is appreciated.

Hope you all had fun reading this and don't worry; there will be plenty more family 'fun' to come.

Chapter 1 - Recovery of a Broken Heart

Welcome the beginning of the "Gemstone Family Fun" short series. I hope you all enjoy the series and have a lot of fun with it. I have never written actual yiff before, just the suggestive moments you all have read in the Celesteon series....

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 12 - Finale

Chapter 12; the finale. \*Warning\* The usual suggestive flirtiness is present again and there is more subtle yiff involved in this chapter. Now...time to close this set of chapters in Pearl's life and I promise won't want to miss a...

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 11

Chapter 11 \*Warning\* This chapter takes a small step beyond the normal teasing, suggestive flirtiness; there will be indirect yiff involved. Please if you have a weak heart, are against any of this, blah blah know the drill. I will not be...

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