Virtually Real: 60 Family

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#69 of Virtually Real

In the game the runners make their way across the Transylvanian Plateau. In reality it's time for a family get together so the extended group can get to know Fenrir and Raulin.

Virtually Real Chapter 60: Family

Prowl-Ar Leader of the Shadow Runners can shift into black tiger and bull forms

Jordan/Wolf: Ships doctor can shift into wolf and tiger forms

Kyle: Created from Red XIII's game character he can shift into his original form, eastern dragon, lion, and wolf.

Shock: reporter turned team diplomat can shift into a fox

Rider: Team therapist can shift into a sabretooth

Dash: Synth care taker of the teams children

Mahan: Ship's AI computer

Trace: Prowl-Ar's oldest son can shift into a brown tiger/leopard hybrid with caramel stripes.

Tye: Trace's twin brother can shift into a yellow tiger with red stripes

Nature: Trace and Tye's mate. An anthro wolf from the same reality they are from.

Lee, Alex, Nate, Dare, Dan, and Sakura: The team's young children.

Fenrir Ulfgar: The God Fenrir of Norse mythology. He turned his back on fate for the love of his soul mate.

Raulin: Fenrir's mate, a human looking to be in his twenties except he is over two hundred years old having been sustained by Fenrir's divine power.

Luca: Scientist and drone expert. Perpetually horny Sergal.

Rin: Prowl-Ar's adopted daughter.

Ryu: Rin's boyfriend

Chiyo: Ryu's mother

Frost: Kyle and Prowl-Ar's son

Snowie: Frost's security guard and master

Rekcah: Snowie's husband

Tuft, Tank, Dirk, and Buck: Crew of the transport Badluck.

Game Characters:

Marius: Former holy knight commander that was transformed into a werewolf and became Rider's slave.

Stede: a Pegasus that was exiled due to having wings too small to allow him to fly. He was rescued by Kyle and became his slave. Mated to Marius.

Gray: Former lesser werewolf alpha that tried to make Prowl-Ar his pack member and became Prowl-Ar's slave instead.

House: The guardian of the Nexus realm for the House slave game.

Crossing the plateau wasn't easy but we were making quick work of it. We were about a day's journey from the border when things went sideways, or should I say vertical. We'd been setting up camp when something swooped down and grabbed me. Before I could react we were too high to risk fighting.

"Tiger, we're coming after you." Wolf mentally shouted.

"No, I want you to do the opposite and run for the border. I'll be fine for now. Remember once you get to safety I'll be able to game teleport to you without any health loss. Also with my nanite laced blood Dracula, if that's who has me, is going to find my blood rather poisonous. I can't say that about our slaves."

"Okay, but if you need us . . ." He left the thought uncompleted.

"I'll, summon Fenrir."

"Summon?" Kyle thought using the gem shard. He mentally laughed. "Tiger, as soon as you need a weapon pull your ultimate weapon twin dragon tail blades, that you used in my game when we fought Sephiroth."

"Kyle, I didn't place them in-"

"Trust me, they're in there. I've been working on them."

We were rapidly approaching a castle. "Fine, just go before the rest of you are captured."

"We're already moving. We're being watched but that's it. Stay safe, Papa Tigre." Wolf thought to me.

The creature dropped me in the courtyard and I pulled my blades. A pair of curved metal rods held multiple teeth like blades. The weapons were made to rip and tear at the target. A quick check showed one was equipped with master elemental fire, master magic and master summoning. The other had master counter attack, double cut and master command linked with added cut. Kyle said he was working on it so that was the reason for the elemental fire rather than master final attack phoenix materia. Wouldn't matter I had no intention of dying here.

"You can put away your little baubles. I assure you no mortal weapon can kill me." The creature said, as it transformed into a well-dressed nobleman.

"Count Vladimir Dracula, I suppose." It was a statement not a question.

"Ah, so you have heard of me?"

"Yes, I know who, and what, you are. More importantly I know how to kill you, should I need to."

"Really now, is that any way to act when I only wished to invite you for dinner?"

"Not hungry, and I should warn you my blood would be quite poisonous to you."

"Perhaps I should invite a few other members of your group? They have abandoned you, you know."

"Really? Are you sure of that? Maybe I ordered them to escape knowing I would have no problem-" I grimaced as I felt teeth sink into my neck. "I do hope you weren't important." I said to the creature attempting to snack on me.

The vampire screamed an unholy shriek before going silent and going stiff.

"How interesting. It seems you froze him." The count said, looking over his servant.

"No, your kind are parasites, my blood attacked and he was to weak to survive the battle." I held my blade over the body. "Fire 3." I ordered and the corpse was instantly incinerated. "Oh I should probably warn you that every member in my party has the same defense in their blood. And magic as strong as, or stronger, than my own."

"What are your intentions?" Dracula asked darkly.

"To pass through your lands on our journey south, preferably unnoticed."

"I notice everything in my domain."

"Tiger, the ones following us have broken off. If my map reading is correct we are now outside his territory." Shock reported.

"I'm sure my team is beyond your territory now. I suppose you could try and stop me, but that wouldn't be very wise." I held up the blade with master magic and master summoning materia. "These baubles give me complete mastery of magic. I could make it rain fire or summon a fire elemental. I could even summon a dragon that lives on the moon. His attack would devastate this entire castle."

"Summoning requires forming a contract with the creature you're calling. I doubt you've harnessed anything greater than a cat."

"If that's your wish. Master summon Stray!"

An eerie song filled the air. "Lord Lightstripe, is there a reason you felt the need to summon me?" A black and white cat asked, as he appeared before me.

"Master Cait Sidhe, Count Dracula here challenged me to summon a cat. So of course I had to summon the most powerful cat there is."

"I see, as much as I'd like to help you against this flying rat my abilities really wouldn't help. Now ordinarily I'd require a hefty payment for calling me, however as you are a fellow cat I'll take the traditional payment. Oh and if possible get that red cat of yours to whip up some of his dangerous cookies. There are a few fae that need a lesson."

I nodded in surprise as he disappeared. That hadn't been a game character. Shit I'd just summoned the real Cait Sidhe! I didn't dare use the master summons again. Wait, there was one summons I could use. "Master summon Fenrir!"

Fenrir appeared in his giant form. "Tell us great wolf of destruction could you devour an undead creature such as this?"

Fenrir looked surprised, but quickly answered, "Easily, if that is your command. However, if I do you'd better have a suitable reward for me."

"It's tempting, but I don't think this is the time of the count's destruction. Well, now that I've proven my point you may return." And just like that Fenrir vanished. "Now, Count, I grow tired of our little chat so I'll just be going." I took a step back and looked through Kyle's eyes.

"This castle is completely isolated the only way to leave is if I give you-".

I didn't bother to let him finish I teleported to my mates. "Come on, we need to keep moving. I've likely pissed him off and I doubt he's going to bother with boundaries if he decides to come after us."

"I hope he does. Nobody steals my Tiger and gets away with it." Wolf growled.

"One thing, I don't know how you summoned me like that, but please don't do it again. I don't mind coming to help you when you call, but that summoning, I felt violated." Fenrir whined.

"I promise, it won't happen again." I unequipped the summons materia from my blades. "Pause game."

"Game paused."

"Computer, isolate all summon materia and lock it to its original games."

"Summoning materia has been locked to Final Fantasy games."

"Thank you. Kyle, you and I need to make a trip down to Earth."

"What are you doing now?" Wolf asked.

"I summoned an actual fae spirit so I'm required to make a sacrifice."

"Oh no you don't!" He yelled.

"Relax It's just an overnight trip to the Scots Embassy. I just need to leave a saucer of cream outside the front door. Well the cream and a plate of Kyle's toxic cookies."

"The ones you said I wasn't to make?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, everyone please note, do not anger the fae, they are some of the most vindictive spirits you'll ever meet."

"Who did you piss off?" Shock asked.

"Cait Sidhe, it's okay, since I'm also a cat I just have to leave the offering of cream. However he seems pissed at someone and he plans on gifting Kyle's cookies too them."

"So you're saying a spirit being wants to use something I created as a weapon against either another spirit or a god? That's great! I've got a couple of recipes Mahan vetoed I'll make them as well!" I shivered at Kyle's excitement.

"Tiger, why?" Wolf asked mentally.

"Why what?"

"I just got him trained not to experiment with dangerous food combinations."

I glanced at Kyle. He looked so excited. "Crafty cat, he knew this was a good way to get even with me for summoning him as well."


We traveled all day, happy to finally be traveling in safety. It wasn't really a fast pace since I wanted to recover. As it got late it was obvious we wouldn't find a village or town so we went about setting up camp. Kyle and Shock took first watch and I went to sleep. It wasn't until early morning when Wolf woke me for my watch that I learned what had been happening. And how far from safe we were.

First Kyle and Shock were set upon by werewolves, the crazed bloodthirsty type. Kyle took one out with dragon flame and Shock pulled flare magic from the master materia in my blade.

Rider and Marius took second watch and fought off a horde of undead zombies. Third watch Was Wolf and Fenrir. They took on several lesser flying vampires. Now it was my turn along with Gray.

"What do you think we'll be facing" Gray asked.

"The moon has already gone down so werewolves are unlikely. The sun should rise before any other vampires come for us unless they have a nest nearby. I'm not sure about the zombies so unless the Count has something else to throw at us that'll be what we have to fight. Can you use a sword?"

"No, I joined the pack when I came of age. No need of such weapons when you have teeth and claws."

"Ever chopped wood with an axe?" I asked.

"Of course I have." He said, indignantly.

I pulled an axe out of my pouch, "Same concept, however instead of splitting a log you split the head. Remember the only way to stop them is to destroy the brain. Oh and don't get bit, I'm not sure if we're protected against that or not, and the last thing our companions need is a couple of zombie werewolves to deal with."

"Split skulls and don't get bit, go it."

I stared out at the multitude of faces surrounding us. "Gods double damn him. He's sending mind controlled peasants against us. If we kill them we're murderers. God, I can't believe I'm going to attempt this. Pause game. Computer, I have the black telegem are all of my powers available?"

"Yes, all powers are unlocked in game scenarios, however for your safety call out the use so the power is simulated rather than risking using the real power."

"Thank you, resume play. Mind control, mass suggestion! Go home!" I yelled. The people shook their heads for a moment and then turned and wandered away.

"Are you sure you're not a god?" Gray asked, in surprise.

"I'm sure, I just have access to a certain God's powers."

We weren't attacked again and as the sun started to rise I quickly woke everyone. Kyle and Wolf started breakfast as I talked to Shock.

"When you said you were out of his territory you meant off the plateau, didn't you?"

"Yeah, why?" Shock asked.

Because his powers reach east to the Black sea and south to Macedonia."

"We may be in trouble then. I've been leading us to Bucharest and then to Istanbul. To go directly south would be a lot harder."

"What about your long distance travel?" Stede asked, while joining us.

"I can only do that if I can see my destination or see it through the eyes of my mates."

"What about Fenrir?" Raulin asked.

"I'm not sure taking the paths of the Gods would be in our best interest." I replied.

"That's not what I meant. As we told you Fenrir can see through the eyes of any wolf or dog. However after that little party he's also mentally linked to you. He could look through the eyes of say a dog and then you transport us there." He explained.

"That would take a lot out of me, but it makes the most sense. Fenrir, can you come here for a moment?"


Fenrir and I moved away from camp a bit for privacy. "Computer, pause game for Fenrir and myself."

"Game paused, your avatars will remain active since you are part of a group."

"Understood. Fenrir, I'm going to jump the game ahead a bit so we aren't fighting the undead every night. I have a certain event we need to be a part of however it requires your help."

"How so?"

"I'm going to attempt to teleport everyone to Greece but I need you to look through the eyes of a hunting hound to place us correctly."

"I can do that, but why don't I just use the God's Road and contact you directly?"

"Because I don't want to lose you."

"Oh, I think I get it. It's alright I've been studying. I'm not actually using the road I'm stepping out of the game crossing the room and entering the correct scene. Then you'll do the same thing." He paused and then looked worried. "I- I probably shouldn't tell you this, and I assure you I didn't do it with the thought of escaping, but I was curious. There are no God Roads out here. So unlike you I can't make a mistake like suddenly finding myself in Greece."

"Then all that's left is to set the scene. Computer, Fenrir and I will be using our teleport abilities in a few minutes. The point of exit will be Greece, prepared sequence file title Goddess and the stag."

"Scene is set."

"Return us to the game."

Fenrir and I rejoined the others and had breakfast. Once packed I announced our plans.

Fenrir and Raulin would take the God's Road to Greece, give me an image to teleport to, and then I'd teleport two passengers to that point until everyone was there. I looked around; Marius and Stede first, then Gray and Rider I faltered as I realized that left three.

"Love, I'll remain till last." Wolf thought.

"Things are going to be uneven. I'll go last since I can turn into a dragon and defend myself best." Kyle said.

"Don't look at me, I'm going as soon as I can. I've already been sort of killed once in this world." Shock said.

"Fenrir, go." I ordered.

He changed to his wolf form, slipped between, Raulin's legs, and enlarged to the size of a horse. "We're off." he said, and disappeared. Within moments I had a mental image, not that I needed one for VR teleport.

"Stede, I forgot to ask, can you travel the God Roads?"

"No, my powers are too weak for that."

"Okay, then take human form. For this to work I need everyone to be human. I haven't tried to travel this far with so many passengers. First thing you need to know is that time doesn't pass. Second there is no air so don't try to talk or breath. Finally exhale just before we go. That way your first inclination when we arrive is to breathe in. Marius you're coming on this jump as well. Of all of us you two are the most vulnerable." I took their hands. "It's easy, everything will go dark we'll take four or five steps and emerge on the other side. Ready?" They both inhaled. I waited for the exhale and then pulled them out of the game and into the space between locations, it was actually eight steps and we emerged at the edge of a country villa. In the distance I could hear dogs barking.

"Thank God, we made it." Marius said, as he ran over to Fenrir.

"Wait here while I get the others." I commanded.

Gray and Rider were a bit harder due to their larger forms even as humans. Still we arrived safely. When I got back to Wolf, Kyle, and Shock I realized that my nanites were being used to create an artificial fatigue effect. I had one more jump at most. "Shock take fox form and take your place on my shoulder we're all going this time."

"Is that a good idea?" Kyle asked.

"I've got one last jump left in me so it's the best we've got, now let's go." We made it but I, or at least my body, slumped to the ground. As for my mind I found myself sitting back seat, as it were, in Wolf's mind.

"I've got a stag to save and since you set it up for me I figured you'd want to tag along." Wolf thought.

"Are you absolutely sure this is about saving an innocent man and not about trying to make me jealous?" I asked.

"Of course I am. If it makes you jealous, that's on you."

"Yeah, I'm here in your mind and I can tell the thought is there. Still you're such a good puppy. How could I refuse to let you have what you want?"

"By telling me no. I won't-"

"Have Raulin accompany us. His magic skill is likely to come in very handy." I insisted, interrupting his thought.

"If you say so." Wolf glanced at the group. "Hey Kyle, Why don't you take Tiger to the villa to rest? Raulin, I'd like you to accompany me."

"And where are you going?" Fenrir asked.

"To find the lord of this place. Don't worry I'll keep Raulin safe and if we encounter anything dangerous he'll be able to summon you, right?"

"Well, yes. I guess." Fenrir said, as if he wasn't sure if he should object or not.

"If we take you with us the hunting hounds will likely panic, ruining the lord's hunt. That wouldn't be good considering we need to ask him for a safe place to rest until Tiger recovers." Wolf explained.

"You made your point. They're in that direction." Fenrir said, pointing toward the forested hills. "Though I doubt I'd spoil anything. They haven't seen any game all morning."


"I've been keeping watch through one of the hounds."

"Good to know. Come on Raulin, let's go for a run."

It was strange riding along with Wolf in his feral form. Ordinarily it wasn't possible, at least before our encounter with the werewolves. Perhaps the changes were greater than we expected. It didn't seem to take long to reach the men and dogs. Wolf and Raulin shifted to human form and reset their clothes to Greek fashion before approaching.

"Well met travelers. What brings you this way on such a hot day?" One of the men asked.

"Oh, one of our traveling companions has fallen ill. Likely from being in the sun for too long. We came in search of the lord of the house, that isn't far away, to see if we could impose upon his hospitality until he recovers. We would pay, of course."

"I'm sure Lord Actaeon would be amenable. Once he gets back. He went into the woods in hopes of finding a cooler spot to rest. You can wait here with us if you like."

"Non, my companion and I will see if we can find him. And if you are lucky our movement might flush out some game for you to hunt."

"I hadn't considered that. By all means go ahead." The man said happily.

Jordan and Raulin proceeded into the forest. It didn't take long for Raulin to stop us. He pointed out a deer. "Have you ever seen a deer like that before? I know this is a game but it almost seems too perfect."

"He is what we are here for." Wolf replied, quietly.

I knew what was going on but I needed to make something clear. "Jordan, I'm not saying I'm against you taking that deer as a slave, but I need to warn you uplifting ferals, out of the game, is impossible. I mean it can be done using the Evolver, but even then, what you get isn't always what you want."

"Raulin, we need to capture him before the hunting dogs or those men do." They immediately started stalking the stag.

All I could do, and I'm embarrassed to admit it, was escape back to unconsciousness. The flashbacks to my first shift when I was gored and nearly died after failing to hunt a similar buck was too much to take. I wasn't out long, and I wish it had been longer. Wolf and Raulin had the stag cornered and they were facing him down. Strangely, unlike in my First Shift the Buck wasn't using his antlers as weapons. In fact he seemed confused.

I felt it as Wolf shifted. "Actaeon, try to calm yourself we're not going to harm you. In fact we're here to save you, but we don't have much time. You angered Artemis by claiming to be as great or better hunter than she is and then had the nerve to spy on her while she was bathing."

The buck shook his head. As if trying to deny it.

"Doesn't matter if you were or not, she transformed you into a beautiful stag and set your own hunting dogs on you. They will rip you apart and your friends will finish butchering you and then feast. Of course they'll all then suffer for such an act but that's just the way the Gods are. However there's a way to escape your fate. If you become my pleasure slave and travel to another world with us, a world the Gods cannot access you'll live and your friends, dogs, and household won't be cursed. It's even possible Artemis would think you received punishment anyway, what with being a pleasure slave to a bunch of needy men."

Actaeon bowed his head. I was surprised at Raulin's speed as he swung his axe. I thought it was a killing blow but instead the deer's horns were cut off. Wolf was just as quick to put his collar on the stunned deer.

"Raulin, use your magic."

Raulin shifted to human form and stepped forward placing his hand on the buck's neck causing him to transform to anthro form.

"House, open portal for one slave to preset location." Wolf said, as he too shifted to human form.

I was surprised as a portal opened and Wolf pushed Acteon through. The portal immediately closed afterward.

_"I sent him to the future where our other slaves are waiting."_Wolf informed me just as the dogs rushed into the clearing followed closely by the hunters.

"Where is that beautiful stag?" One asked.

Wolf bent down and picked up the antlers. "It- it changed into a human, yelled the great huntresses' name, and then disappeared in a flash. All that was left were the horns."

The humans glanced at each other. "Well we did warn him not to be so boastful."

"I'm just glad we didn't catch and eat him. Imagine the curse we'd have brought down on ourselves." The second replied.

"True, still it isn't going to be easy informing everyone."

"I hope this hasn't ruined things for allowing our Lord to recover." Raulin said.

"It'll be fine. It's not like anyone can complain." The first friend explained.

With that the group started back. Even the dogs were rather silent.

"So why did you send him away?" I asked.

"I suppose this is as private as we'll ever get. I know this is just a VR game but this realm is a little too connected to reality. I've seen your dreams and it seems the Gods, if that's what they really are, have real power in this realm. Once we're alone again I suggest we send Gray, Marius, and Stede to join Acteon and our other slaves. I'd like to send Raulin and Fenrir forward as well, but as player characters, that isn't possible."

"Yeah, if it was possible I'd transport us to another realm and purge this one entirely from the system. Unfortunately, because of the deal I made we're stuck here until time balances. Even with a time dilation effect we're going to be here a few more weeks at least."

"Plenty of time to upset a lot more gods." Wolf replied sarcastically.

"Pause the game." I insisted.


"Because we need to talk to Fenrir and Raulin. If they choose to stop playing for a while we can send their avatars to the future point as well. Of course that'll mean they have more time to get to know the ship but I'm sure Mahan will keep them under control."

"So it would be just the five of us again?"

"Yes, though I don't know what Shock is up to."

"Plus you want one of Anubis's warriors as a slave." Wolf said rolling his eyes.

"Is it so wrong I want to be the filling in a big black canine sandwich?"

"And where do you see me?" Wolf asked.

If I'd been able I'd have blushed. "On the bottom, but also impregnating me with your puppies. You've given me two sons already with two more on the way. After doing so much I want the first pups I carry to be yours."

"You know?"

"Love, the secret to locking information away is to not think about it once you do. You've been practically chanting that you know they're both boys again."

"Computer, pause game."

I opened my eyes. It seemed the sleep effect was only valid while the game was in session.

"Tiger! Are you alright?" Shock was quick to ask.

"I'm fine. The game just simulated exhaustion because of the teleports. In truth I've been traveling with Wolf, in his mind. Anyway there are some things we need to discuss about the game going forward. But for now I suggest we all go and get some real rest."

"That's a good idea. You rest and we'll discuss what you and I talked about. Now sleep." Wolf said.


I wasn't happy that Wolf was still able to put me to sleep when catching me off guard. We were in my office, Fenrir and myself. Wolf had convinced him to make the jump forward and step out of the game for a little while. What I hadn't expected was for Fenrir to show up asking for a private meeting.

"So, you asked to meet with me in private?"

"That much is obvious." He responded.

"Okay, so why did you want to meet with me?"

"This isn't easy for me, you know?" He said quietly.

"No, I honestly don't know."

"You know how I was bound by the gods, right?"

"Yes, some nonsense about an unbreakable ribbon or rope made of impossible things. The Gods promised to release you if you couldn't break free and to prove their word Tyr let you hold his hand in your mouth. Which you promptly bit off when they broke their word. Blaming you for maiming Tyr even though they were the ones who broke their oath."

"Yes, so I'm sure you can understand why I don't trust anything or anyone. My family, or at least those that I thought of as family, didn't trust me thinking that just because I was growing into my godly proportions I would end up devouring the world. Over the years I've learned, as you've noticed, how to control my size getting bigger or smaller at will. However I could never remove Odin's sword or break my bonds. I'd nearly given up hope until Raulin. I still don't know how he did it but he was able to remove the sword. Something that a mortal shouldn't have been able to do. Still I do feel that you can be trusted, not that I trust you yet. Knowing that I'd really like to know the real reason you want Raulin and me out of the game?"

I sighed, something I was starting to notice I was doing far more often than I used to. "To protect the two of you. Hear me out before you protest. I don't know how but the Gods, seem to be able to use the game as a gateway back out into the real world. I'm afraid you may be the key. If you remain in the game, then who knows what god might come through next. However after you told me that the God Roads don't connect with this ship I'm more convinced than ever you and Raulin need to be isolated."

"So you don't trust me."

"No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm trying to explain is that I don't want the gods using the game as a way to capture and bind you again. It's them I don't trust."

"Then are you saying you trust me?"

"Tell me, are you hungry?"


"Are you hungry? It's an easy enough question to answer."

"Well, no. Kyle and Jordan made a wonderful breakfast this morning."

"Tell me what your destiny was?"

"To consume the world."


"Because my hunger . . . could never . . . be sated. Wait, why am I not hungry? I remember feeling hungry before breakfast, but the hunger you're talking about I haven't felt since-"

"Since you met Raulin?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Can you guess why?"

Fenrir smiled. "Because I was mistaking the hunger I felt for a need for food and revenge when what I really needed was trust and companionship."

I nodded "That's what I was thinking as well, but it doesn't explain why you weren't able to free yourself. Unless there was more you were hungry for. Any ideas?"

"I- no, I can't think of any."

"What about a place to belong? Maybe a pack of your own?"


"You're lying. You see there's something that has been bothering me. Gnawing at the back of my mind if you will. The orgy scenario. We all became wolves. Now that is easy enough to explain as the computer creating the illusion. However, after leaving the game we could still shift into wolves. Now consider that form of lycanthropy is a virus something our nanite enhanced immune system would easily eradicate. Even if a glitch had occurred we wouldn't have gained a wolf shift form. That's something only the Evolver can do. The Evolver, or a wolf God looking to build a pack."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to have that happen. I just wanted to give Raulin the ability to shift. I didn't mean for everyone to become wolves. At least not consciously. Alpha, please forgive me."

"Wait, what?" I asked in confusion.

"That night I- I became your second beta."

"I think you'd better explain that."

Now it was Fenrir's turn to sigh. "After Shock turned Raulin We decided that we wanted to remain here, but there can only be two alphas in a pack. The head alpha and his alpha mate. You are quite obviously the head alpha and Jordan is your alpha mate. So that night I submitted to both you and Jordan. As for your fist beta Kyle he refused to relinquish his position and we struggled but he also knotted me. Your second beta didn't care to fight as long as I didn't try to assert dominance over Jordan."

"Second beta?" I asked in surprise.

"Rider, he actually was more concerned that I wasn't going to challenge Jordan rather than his own rank."

I leaned back in my chair. "Uh huh, that actually makes sense, and the reason none of us remember?"

"It was the only time I've used the powers I inherited from my father, well the second time, the first being the elixir of transformation to block those memories. It's not something I'm likely going to ever do again. It made me feel guilty and ashamed."

I immediately used the telegem to probe my own mind. The block was easy enough to find and remove. I quickly put my own block in place. That was something to deal with when it was just Jordan, Kyle, and myself. I shook my head. "So what you're saying is that you, even though you're a god, believe you and Raulin are part of a pack. A pack that has Jordan and myself as alphas?"

"Yes, and Kyle as first beta with myself as second beta."

"And what does that mean exactly?"

"It means you, Jordan, and Kyle can use me any way you like." He looked away. "Including sexually if you wanted to."

"I made a promise not to consider doing those things with you or Raulin. I may not be showing it but I'm rather upset that I broke that promise even if it was with your consent."

"It's not your fault!" Fenrir quickly countered.

I sat back forward. "So, I'm guessing sending you and Raulin to live on one of the colonies isn't something you would want?"

"No! We want to stay here with the pack. I know it probably isn't convenient and I know you're not going to trust me around the pups but I swear I'll be loyal to the pack no matter what."

I considered for a moment on my actions. If I followed my instincts Jordan, no all of my mates, would be very angry with me. However if I didn't do it Fenrir would always harbor doubt as to my intentions. "Fenrir when the gods bound you they promised to release you and broke their word. I'm going to bind you as well."

"What?" He yelled.

"I can't let you remain a threat to my family. So, I'm going to bind you in such a way to guarantee you will never be a threat to them. However, you need to know you can trust me as well." I quickly typed up a document and then stood up. Fenrir also stood, either on guard or in respect both worked for me. "I need you to take your true form, but limit your size to what can fit comfortably in this office."

Fenrir shifted to wolf form and grew just slightly larger than a pony. "Are you going to make me sign something while I hold your hand in my mouth? Because I can't write in this form."

It still unnerved me that he could speak clearly in wolf form. "No, that isn't how I do things." I tilted my head back. "Fenrir, I trust you and to prove that; I'm offering to allow you to take my throat in your mouth. Even though you see me as your Alpha, I'm willing to submit this once as you bind yourself to the pack."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked in surprise.

"Just do me one favor and respond in mind speak."

He gave a snort of laughter, "That much is obvious."

I closed my eyes as he gently closed his jaws around not just my throat, but my whole neck.

"Fenrir, do you willingly bind yourself to the Shadow Runners as your pack? To use your godly powers only for the pack's benefit and safety? To protect the packs children as though they are your own? To obey your Alpha, Prowl-Ar, and his mates, even though they may have a lower rank in the pack, when those orders come from their positions as crew of the Shadow Runner? Finally do you promise to tell me if you ever have a problem, even if I'm the problem, so that we can work it out together as a family?"

"Family?" he thought.

"Pack, if you prefer."

"I swear it on my godhood, my immortal life, and on my love for my mate."

_ _

"Welcome to the family, brother."

He released my neck and looked at me strangely. "Brother?"

"Too much? I just thought you might prefer to be able to introduce yourself as Fenrir: brother of Prowl-Ar, or any of my mates for that matter, rather than the son of the God of lies. Besides, don't think I haven't noticed Lee referring to you as 'Uncle Fenrir' even though he isn't supposed to go near you."

Fenrir tucked his tail. "I didn't want him to get in any trouble, but he showed up in the cafeteria looking for Papa Jordan, just before Raulin and I re-entered the game. He wasn't happy that Jordan was still playing. Anyway rather than risking him slipping into the chamber with us we escorted him back to his quarters. That's when we got to see your cute little cubs. I know this is a lot to ask, even after swearing to do everything to keep them safe, but during this time Raulin and I are going to be out of the game, do you think we could spend time helping Dash?"

"Possibly but that's something I'm going to have to discuss with my mates, Trace, Tye, and Nature."

"Not to interrupt," Mahan interrupted, "but Fenrir, I need you to verbally agree to the contract Lord Prowl-Ar stated."

"Yes, I agree to all of it. Um, Trace and Tye are also your sons. I got that much from our trip to Earth, even though I haven't met Tye yet. So who is Nature?"

I was honestly surprised for a moment and then remembered that Nature was not just immune to mental manipulation, but also hidden from mental detection as part of his race creation story. "Nature is sort of a combination of little brother and foster son. Oh man, you're about to discover that you and Raulin have a larger family than you could have imagined."


I gazed out at the stars. They weren't the same out here. They seemed so much closer and brighter with only the plasteel 'glass' and force field to protect us. We were in the main park having a picnic. At least that's what I'd told everyone. Kyle and Jordan were cooking. Rider, Trace, and Tye, were telling Fenrir of their battles before becoming real. Shock, Raulin, Nature and Dash were farther away so I couldn't tell what they were talking about. Lee was running between the groups and just enjoying the freedom of being in a big open space. As for me it seemed I'd been designated as the cub's pillow.

It was one thing for Jordan to call me his marshmallow tiger, quite another to have Alex and Nate curled up on one side, Dare and Dan on the other, and Sakura was curled up on my chest. Not that I minded it was kind of nice, feeling that I was taking care of my cubs and giving everyone else time to mingle.

"Reporting, as ordered, Commander." Tuft announced as he, Tank, Dirk, Buck, and Luca presented themselves.

Obviously Luca had just gotten back from a trip down to Earth. And I bet the tan he was sporting was unbroken. "Not so loud, Tuft. Wouldn't want to disturb the little ones. Go and have fun. Meet the new guys. Have something to eat.

"What is this all about?" Luca asked.

"It's a party for family and crew to have a bit of time together. Unfortunately Vexy and his group are unable to attend, but I'm sure they'll be here for the next get together."

Tuft and Buck went and joined Rider's group while Dirk and Tank headed for the food. Luca however remained behind.

"So, why did you tell me not to bring a companion and I needed to 'behave' myself?"

"Yeah, that's what I'd like to know as well." Frost said as he, Snowie, and Rekcah arrived.

"Because Rin is bringing Ryu-"

They know what I get up to. Well, a lot of . . . okay some of it." Frost interrupted.

"Frost that is no way to speak to your father."

"Sorry, Master Snowie."

"Snowie, I know this is what Frost wants, but today is a free day. Well mostly free. I suspect you have complete control of what is going on under his uniform. Anyway nothing perverse today. Ryo is bringing his mother and . . ."

"And you don't want her thinking all we think about is sex. Okay, no horniness then. You probably won't believe me but I can do non-horny." Luka replied.

"Okay, but I really wanted to show off some of the outfits Snowie programmed for me." Frost said sadly.

"Maybe next time, pet, and it just means more time for us to come up with new things."

"Thank you master. I mean, Snowie."

"Is that fresh food? Haven't had anything fresh since moving to the station." Rekcah said as he headed for the food tables.

"Sorry about him Captain." Snowie said, shaking his head.

"What for? If Jordan hadn't made sure I'd eaten properly earlier I'd be the same way. Now go have fun, just not too much fun. And Luca, I'm sure you will be on your best behavior, but remember this, whether you believe Fenrir is a god or not, he is very powerful and super territorial when it comes to his mate. So be extra careful not to even imply any form of sexual interest in Raulin. Even though I'm the Captain I'm giving you this extra warning because I refuse to be held responsible for the consequences."

"You're scared of him?" Luca asked in surprise.

"Yes, a bit. But that isn't saying much. Jordan scares me some times as well."

"I'll be careful. Look Rin's here." As I glanced at the door Luca slipped away. Though he was right Rin, Ryo, Chiyo and a kid had entered the park. I waved them over hoping Rin had a good explanation.

"Bonjour, uncle Prowl-Ar. It is nice to finally meet you."

"Uh, nice to meet you too." I said in confusion.

"Uncle Jordan!" He yelled, noticing Jordan putting out some food. He took off before he even told me his name.

"Rin, what's going on?"

"Well you said you were inviting family and crew, plus you said I could bring Ryo and his mom, so I figured that meant all the family."

"You're right, but you could have let me know."

"Yes, I could have, but that would have spoiled the surprise. You know you can't keep any secrets from Papa Wolf. Besides, D'Artagnan needed something good. He really seems to have a hero complex about Papa and came out to his family as a furry because of us."

I groaned. "Considering how unhappy they were with Jordan, which probably wasn't the smartest thing for Arty to do."

"D'Artagnan, he is very adamant that everyone not shorten it. Anyway, they dumped him at the embassy with a story about his only family being Jordan. He wouldn't say which family members it was either. They also left papers making Jordan his legal guardian. I learned all this from, Headmaster Williams. The embassy sent him up to the station. It seemed the Headmaster thought you or Jordan wanted him enrolled in the school. Frost and I have been doing our best to keep his spirits up, but . . ."

"You're both sort of busy with other things." I said, realizing how alone D'Artagnan must have felt thinking Jordan had just dumped him in a boarding school.

"Yeah. Anyway with the semester ending he's afraid of what is going to happen now."

"Mahan, have you been listening?"

"Yes, and I wish to apologize. With the high number of immigrants to the colonies needing to be screened somehow I missed him. When Rin brought him aboard I did an immediate deep scan and everything checks out. Jordan is his legal guardian."

"File full adoption papers. I'm not having this come back to bite me in the ass if it's just a set up. Plus, even if it is I'm not having him used as some sort of pawn. He's one of us now."


"Why don't you three go enjoy yourselves? I'd join in, but as you can see I'm on nap duty."

"And you're hating every second of it, I'm sure." Chiyo laughed and winked at me. "Make sure to enjoy this time to its fullest. They grow up so fast." She glanced at Ryo and smiled wistfully.

"Yeah, but they'll always be our kids whether they're two or two hundred."

She smiled and nodded before following Ryo and Rin toward the food table where Jordan was holding D'Artagnan in a big hug.

"Well little ones, it seems you may be getting another older brother." The boys didn't react at all but Sakura cooed and snuggled deeper into my chest fur. They'd be the first children raised by truly furry parents and so far it seemed they actually preferred our furry forms.


"I- I-" I couldn't handle it. I shifted to full tiger and ran. I don't know how much time passed before I could uncurl from the ball I'd turned myself into.

"Love, are you feeling any better?" Jordan asked.

"Too many." I mewled.

"It's okay, remember we're your family and we understand. We've agreed to spread out a bit. Snowie, Luca, and Tank agreed to be in front so you can focus only on them. Even though we'll all be listening, hopefully it will seem like you're just telling them what's going on. Sort of like a small briefing. Do you think that will work?"

I shifted to human form and wiped my eyes. "Maybe. God, I feel so stupid. I shouldn't be having panic attacks like this."

"You're not stupid. You just have a fear of crowds, like I fear spiders. I know what you're most likely going to say and let me stop you before you have another attack. This is family, so in a lot of ways it is much harder. All you have to do is introduce our two new family members."

"I'll try, but no guarantee I won't panic again." I didn't go up on the small stage again. Instead I sat on the front edge.

I closed my eyes and swallowed. "Everyone, I asked you to join us today in order to introduce a couple of new family members. Fenrir, Raulin, and D'Artagnan. Fenrir is the wolf god from the ancient Norse myths and Raulin is his mate. As you know I consider all crew members family and I do regret that Vexy and his group couldn't be here with us, however Fenrir is closer than that. From now on he, like Tank, is to be considered my brother. That makes Raulin my brother in law. Now as some of you may have noticed we have another new face with us. D'Artagnan, will you please come here?"

He looked at Jordan. If anything he looked as scared as I felt. He did decide to come over to me though.

"Now I'm not sure if you know this, but Jordan has been designated as your guardian. That's the same as saying he is your temporary parent. I don't know or care why this was done, but I feel like it wasn't right."

"Tiger." Jordan mentally growled.

"So I had Mahan, he's our computer AI, file the necessary paper work to officially make Jordan and myself your legal parents. Considering how much most of your country loves you new Papa I doubt there will be any problems."

"You mean it?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I don't want you to ever worry about not having parents or a home. When not in school you'll live here with us. Also, even though the paperwork only allows for two parents you'll have five fathers." I hugged him and whispered, "Actually six, but that's a secret until Papa Shock gets the courage to ask Dash to be his mate."

"Are you sure you want me? I- I like girls." He stammered.

I laughed, "So? What does that have to do with being a family?"

"They said you'd throw me away when you found out."

"And you were brave enough to tell me anyway?"

"No, I- I just didn't want to be happy only to- to-"

"To have it ripped away again. I promise you will have a home with us for as long as you want it."

"He means that. Papa Tigre never makes a promise unless he really, really means in." Wolf said, as he knelt down and hugged D'Artagnan as well.

I glanced up noticing everyone had grouped around again, but this time it was okay since they were focused on D'Artagnan instead of me.


The rest of the day went by rather well. D'Artagnan was surprised to discover that Frost and Rin weren't his only new siblings. Trace showed him some of the special martial arts that took advantage of shifting. Tye used the matter generator to recreate an ancient hand held gaming device and then they played a monster collecting game the way it was meant to be played and not the way we'd been playing in VR. Nature gave him a tour of the park. Finally Legion convinced him to play make believe. That sort of concerned me considering what they were playing. One was a killer robot built to destroy all life and the other was the hero who had to stop the robot. Wolf laughed at my concerns before telling me D'Artagnan was playing the part of the scary robot.

Then there was Fenrir and Raulin. It took Raulin a while to work up the courage to really talk with anyone. What surprised me was it was Luca that he seemed most comfortable with. Soon Snowie and Rekcah joined them. All it took was hearing Rekcah ask what sort of things a god found kinky that I knew I didn't want to get involved with that conversation. However I did confirm with Mahan their memory crystals were up to date incase Fenrir decided to consume them.

I didn't need to worry since Fenrir was arm wrestling with Tuft. It was hard to believe an android bunny could hold up for so long against a wolf god. In the end his servos gave out and Fenrir won. Only to be taken away by Wolf and Dirk in order to regenerate his torn ligaments. At that point Luca left his conversation, rather reluctantly it seemed, in order to help Rin repair Tuft. Once the kids woke up from their nap Buck came to help me keep them from going too far. Five babies crawling off in different directions are not easy to keep corralled. I had expected Dash to help, but he'd disappeared along with Shock. I just hoped they figured things out, because it was getting harder and harder to keep from referring to Dash as one of my mates.

I suppose the up side was that the children all seemed to run out of energy at the same time. Fortunately I had plenty of help getting them to bed. Even Lee ran down enough that he needed to power down in order to recharge. I made sure space was set up so everyone could spend the night. Even with all of space sleepy flying could get them killed.

After the younger kids were asleep I allowed Rin, Ryu, Frost, and D'Artagnan to stay up. I also reset the matter generators to produce alcohol, after being sure Mahan had locked down the bridge. Fenrir, Tank, and Rider insisted on proving which one was the stronger drinker. It was a calculated risk letting the teens watch. Still letting them see how stupid drinking made a person might convince them not to try.

I think the funniest part of the whole mess was Chiyo ending up as the winner. After talking it over with Jordan and Ryo we decided to treat her with the nanites rather than risk alcohol poisoning. We made sure she got to her room safely.

When we got back Rider was the only one left. I figured Tuft must have carried Tank to bed. Likely aboard the Bad Luck since it was in the hangar bay. Raulin probably dragged Fenrir back to their quarters.

I still felt bad about Luca being alone, but Mahan insisted he was engaged in questionable activities in the VR chamber. I left it at that not wanting to know what kinks he was trying now. Still I couldn't help wondering what he could have learned from Rekcah and Raulin that would send him rushing off to the VR chamber. I quickly put it out of my head as Jordan and I helped Kyle clean up. When we finished Kyle insisted on taking Rider to our quarters while Jordan and I put D'Artagnan to bed, pointing out where he'd curled up under the small dais.

I picked him up and he was lighter than I expected. Jordan was quick to catch the game unit as it fell. It seemed like D'Artagnan had been clutching it in his sleep.

"Wouldn't want this to break." Jordan said.

"So, what can you tell me about him?" I asked, as we walked toward the lift, the heavy armor plating sliding into place over the park blocking out the stars.

"Not much I'm embarrassed to say. My relationship with my family had gotten a bit strained when they learned I was training to go to Mars. It wasn't a bad relationship I don't want you to get the wrong idea. They just thought I should get a normal job, settle down with a girl, and give them more grandkids."

"A normal job?"

"I don't know what that meant either. I mean, what is more normal and mundane than staring at rocks day after day looking for microbial life?"

"Plus it got you off Earth and away from all spiders."

"I wish, though honestly that might have had something to do with it. Two days after getting to Mars I had my first encounter with a Martian spider. An idiot researcher 'accidentally' let a couple escape and now the base is almost as bad as Earth. Anyway I met D'Artagnan a couple times when he was younger. You know the things: family dinners, birthdays, holidays, etc. But that was about all the contact I had. I kind of wished I'd gotten to know him a bit better"

"Well, we'll have plenty of time now he's our newest son."

The lift doors opened on a short hallway that led to the children's floor.

"I've taken the liberty of creating D'Artagnan's room next to Frost's. Don't worry as usual the walls are completely sound proofed. I've also gotten it as close to being what he had before. All reproductions of course. From what I can find most of his original belongings were given away or destroyed. Some things are upgraded and changed. Such as the walls now being painted the color he wanted them. He's definitely going to know this is a new room when he wakes up." Mahan said.

As we walked in I laughed. The bed was shaped like a curled up fox.

"It's really cute." Jordan said, looking around at the orange and white walls with black trim. "It's a good thing he can change things if he doesn't like it."

I tucked D'Artagnan into the bed and he seemed a bit upset. Mahan, create a fox plush similar to Shock's Foxy. Once it had formed I put it on the bed where D'Artagnan clutched it tightly and settled into sleep.

We slipped out of the room and continued down the hall. "Tiger, why don't you go on to bed? I- I want to make a call to my former family on Earth. Treating me the way they did is one thing, but to treat D'Artagnan like he's worthless just because he's a fan of foxes . . . unforgivable. However there is something I want to tell you. I'm really proud of you. Except for the speech you tried to give and had a panic attack, you spent the whole day as an anthro tiger without having anything bad happen."

He kissed me on the cheek and then headed off, presumably to find a comfortable spot to make his call. I just sort of stood in shock going over the day in my mind, but the he was right, the only time I took human form was to give my speech and I got completely overwhelmed. I'd spent most of the day as an anthro tiger letting the kids crawl all over me because they seemed to love my soft fur.

I finally headed upstairs. Kyle was asleep on the couch. Obviously he decided not to spend the night with our drunk Saber. "Mahan, reactivate Rider and Tank's nanites so the alcohol is removed from their systems."

"Tuft did that for Tank as soon as the contest ended. It seems he has complete access to Tank's health."

I nodded, "Yeah, that's not surprising."

I glanced at Kyle, he seemed to have the right idea. I headed for the couch in my office. I'd just take a short nap and then join Wolf after his call. We'd use the VR chamber connected to the bedroom for the night.


I slowly woke up at the feeling of being poked. "Are you awake?"

I opened an eye and looked at Lee. "I am now."

"Can I ask you something?"

I yawned, "I suppose. What's on your mind?"

"Why did D'Artagnan's parents send him away? Will I be sent away someday?"

Damn, those were really hard questions. It would be easy and probably best if I were to lie but that would set a bad example. "Those questions don't have easy answers. I'm sure D'Artagnan's parents love him, but because of some foolish ideas they don't see him the same way anymore. There are some people that want their children to be, and believe, the same way they do. I'm hoping one day his parents will realize what a mistake they have made and make it up to him. However no matter what we are his family."

Lee looked thoughtful. "So because he's a furry they didn't want him anymore? That seems really stupid. To be so mean just because he likes people like us. You're not going to send me away, right?"

"Legion, I'm going to be completely honest with you. Yes, eventually we will be sending you away to school just like Frost and Rin. However this is your home and you'll always be able to return. You're our son and we all love you."

"But I'm not, not really anyway. My parents are Jordan and Dash. Papa is your mate, but Daddy isn't."

"Lee, you don't have to worry. We're all your fathers that's just how it works for us."

"There you are!" Dash yelled.

"I didn't do anything!" Lee yelped.

"Not you, Lee, you're fine. I was yelling at Prowl-Ar. We've been searching the ship, and Mahan hasn't been very helpful."

"Did something happen?" I asked.

"Well no, not yet. Jordan is really mad and he says he's going down to sort a few things out on Earth. Currently Mahan won't open the launch bay, but we're worried Jordan might try to blast his way out."

For a moment I considered teleporting, but that would just direct some of his anger at me. Okay, I'll take care of it. You might want to talk with Lee. He had some questions for me and I'm not sure I answered them the way he expected." I said, as I headed for the lift.


The doors opened and I was surprised that Wolf hadn't been able to get in a ship. Obviously Mahan had found a way to keep the ships secure.

"Mahan, I'll shut you down and do everything manually if I have to!" Wolf yelled.

"Go ahead, like I told you, if you shut me down the hangar will fully lockdown and no ship can launch."

"I can get in a ship and blast my way out."

"No, you can't. The Runner's armor doesn't just protect us from external attacks. It is doubly secure so internal explosions won't penetrate it either. The only real way to destroy the ship is to enter altered space and never come out. I suppose a black hole would also work, and maybe if we flew into the heart of a sun. Though that last one is questionable." I explained.

"Then you make him let me go. I need to go speak with my family where they can't just ignore answering."

"And what good would that do other than let you vent your anger? Love, look at the situation without emotion."

"How do I do that? Even you're angry about what they've done."

"Love, let's go sit down. After I've tried to reason with you, if you still want to go down and yell at D'Artagnan's parents I'll pilot the shuttle myself. Deal?"

"You promise?"

I considered for a moment before answering. "I promise."

Wolf looked surprised as he followed me into the pilot's briefing room. I sat down as he stood waiting.

"Okay, yes I'm as mad as you are. What they did was horrible, but it could have been worse. His parents made you his guardian, that shows that they still care enough about him to be sure he has someone to take care of him. They left him at the embassy, so they likely figured we'd be contacted immediately, however we both know they've been busy there, but he got to the station and was even enrolled in the school. We'd have done much the same thing, though we'd have made sure he understood we'd be here for him."

"You haven't convinced me."

"What I'm saying is they still have feelings for him. We can't be sure what's going on. Is it possible that certain vocal members of your family could have forced them to send D'Artagnan away? Then they sent him to you for his own safety? While it might not seem like it, considering their actions, I'm betting they'll want to reconnect with him eventually. If you go down and cause a scene the chances of that reconciliation is reduced."

Jordan frowned, but sat down. "I admit you make good points, but this is my family."

"You're always reminding me to be better, now it's my turn. You might not want to admit it but you want to reconcile with your family as well. I've been in your mind, the same as you've been in mine, and I know you want them to know our kids. Now I'll take you down to talk as promised."

"Do you really think there's a chance?" He asked sadly.

"I don't know, but out of all of us you and D'Artagnan have the best chance. Also you should consider the fact D'Artagnan likely feels abandoned. Don't you think it would be better if you're here to remind him that he has family that doesn't reject him?"

"That's low. You're resorting to emotional blackmail now?"

"Is it working? Are we staying or going?"

"Staying, you manipulative marshmallow tiger." He smiled, to take any sting out of it.

I smiled, "Whatever works, my marvelous chiot."


My racer came to rest in an available bay. I'd gotten up early, much earlier than expected, and decided to do something nice. Well something more mischievous than nice. "Mahan, has my absence been detected?"

"Yes it has." Kyle hissed, as he opened my racer's door. "What were you . . ." He trailed off at the sight of the overfilled passenger area. "Up to?" He finally got out.

"I figured since it is rare that we're all together and D'Artagnan is new, I'd just jump down to Earth and pick up a few things." I grinned. "So, I know you and Wolf are the cooks and I'm not going to interfere but how about fresh milk, butter, eggs, sausage, and bacon. I glanced at the bags, "I may have gotten a little carried away and bought more than we'll need. Especially all the different meats, but we can freeze what you don't use right away. There's also the fresh baked bread. I know you make really good bread, but sometimes the smell of baking bread when shopping is just too tantalizing to ignore."

Kyle just stared at me.

"Come on, I was really careful and kept the mask on so no one even knows I was on the planet."

"Listen, I'll take care of this, you get your cute ass back to our quarters. You need to be there when our Wolf rouses. And you both need to be ready when Arty wakes up."

"D'Artagnan, He doesn't like having his name shortened."

"Good to know, you might want to fill everyone else in on that as well. Now get going, I need to assess what you brought home." He said, already crawling into the racer.

I shook my head, grabbed a bag with fresh breads and headed for the lift. Once it reached our quarters and the door opened I slammed myself against the back of the lift. The hall was filled with a mass of black fur, fangs and claws. Wolf was nearly twice his regular size. He was also more feral looking more like a cross between his anthro form and his true wolf form. He looked more like the savage werewolves of legend and horror movies than my lovable puppy.

"Someone was a bad kitty. Bad kitties get punished." Wolf mentally communicated. The only sounds he made was growling.

"Jordan? What happened to you?"

"This is what happens if I shift when I'm angry. You gained a wolf form, I turn into a giant werewolf."

"Can you shift back? I have fresh baked croissants."

"You what?" It seemed the surprise was enough to cause him to shift back to his anthro wolf form at least.

"I went down to Earth in order to pick up some fresh supplies that we can't get otherwise. Meats, eggs, butter, milk, cheese, etc. and I couldn't help but pick up a selection of fresh baked bread. Kyle is bringing the rest of the groceries up, since I'm not allowed in the kitchen or pantry."

"You risked your life for fresh meat, dairy, and some bread?"

"Don't be silly." I blushed and looked down before biting my lip. "I did it so you and Kyle could cook D'Artagnan a nice breakfast, so that he'd feel more at home here."

I was suddenly engulfed in black fur "Oh my perfect marshmallow tiger. Always thinking of others before your own safety." He said, as he hugged me. "However, don't think you're getting away without being punished. I should make sure you're punished right now."

While the sly grin excited me as to what he had planned it would need to wait. From what I could tell D'Artagnan already had a poor opinion of us being only concerned with sex. Being "punished" while he is left waiting for breakfast wouldn't be good for our parenting reputation. "I'm being selfish. I want D'Artagnan to feel safe and at home here on the ship." I said to derail my mate's plans.

He let me go and shifted to human form. "Well, let's see what you have. Just remember I know what you're doing so I'm going to make your punishment that much more interesting later."

I felt myself getting hard, teasing me like this was probably just the start of my punishment. "Kyle is transporting most of it up. Probably hiding half of what I got in order to ration it out later. I did make sure to bring the croissants and baguettes up with me." Before I'd finished explaining Jordan was examining the bread. And I was adjusting my uniform. Why Couldn't I get the image of using one of the fresh baguettes as a stroker, having my wolf fill it with his cream, and then watching him grin as he forced me to enjoy munching on it despite the crumbs getting all over the bed?

"Hmm, it looks like it was baked properly . . . Tiger, this bread is still warm where did you say you got it?"

I snapped out of my fantasy abruptly. "I- I told you it's fresh. It was pulled out of the ovens maybe fifteen minutes ago at most."

The grin Wolf was giving me made me realize he had been "watching" my little fantasy the whole time, though he didn't admit to doing so. "You didn't go down and confront my family after that speech you gave me did you?"

"No, I wouldn't do that to you. Besides the best time to get fresh products is just after the farmers markets and bakeries open. It's afternoon in France. I chose the second best option of Québec Canada. I knew you wouldn't accept anything other than properly baked bread. Besides, like I said, I want everything to be perfect for D'Artagnan." I explained as we continued into the living room.

"Love, you don't have to go to such lengths to get others to like you. Just be your normal charming self. If I could go back in time I'd knock some sense into anyone and everyone that made you feel you weren't good enough just being yourself." Jordan said, as he placed the bag of bread on the counter.

I sat on the couch as I felt like I was about to cry and Jordan quickly joined me.

"It's okay, just let it out. I'm not going to judge you if you need to have a good cry."


Jordan smiled. "When you feel the need to be held you sit on the couch rather than in your chair. You do the same thing in your office."

"I've noticed that as well, it's completely subconscious but our Tiger often shows what he needs without even realizing it." Rider said, sitting on the other side of me and wrapping his massive arms around both of us.


I guess I fell asleep because I woke up at the sound of D'Artagnan's voice with Dash on one side of me and Shock on the other.

"I'm not sure what you mean. Knowing Prowl-Ar the room you were in is yours. Is there something wrong with it?" Shock asked.

"No, it- it's too much for someone like me."

"Did Mahan overdo it with the fox orange walls or is it the fox bed? We can change out anything that you don't like." I said, hoping he would take the hint.

"No it's wonderful, too wonderful for someone unwanted like me."

He didn't take the hint. "D'Artagnan that is your room and everything in it is yours. Technically I'm not your parent yet, it takes a little time for the adoption papers, but your Uncle Jordan is your legal guardian. That means you are our son now and if you've spoken to Rin or Frost you'll know that we're likely to spoil you like no one else ever could."

"Oh no you won't. I'm going to make sure our kids grow up well behaved. Now D'Artagnan, what would you like for breakfast? Anything you want." Wolf asked.

"Really? Anything?"

"Within reason. Remember this is breakfast." I added.

D'Artagnan grinned evilly. "Okay I want eggs and bacon on toasted bread with a glass of milk, but not the generated kind, that tastes wrong."

Jordan winked at me. "You knew, I don't know how, but you knew what he was going to ask for." Jordan thought to me.

For my part I just grinned and nodded. It wasn't hard to figure out. He'd been living on the station as a student and nearly all the food would have been generated. Of course the first thing he was going to want was something fresh.
