The King of Diamonds

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It's here, what everyone's been waiting for. The thing everyone wants more of when it comes to gay furry scat porn... Logic puzzles!

Wait, no one asked for that?, I'm sure someone...fuck. Well, it's written anyway. For those of you who like using both your heads at once. This one goes out to all the foxes out there, as proof that we can be just as clever as we are slutty.

Seriously, I have no idea what possessed me to write this one. I just thought it was a funny premise that ends with a whole lot of nastiness being heaped onto our main fox at once. This is a loose follow-up to Open Office, with the same characters and setting, but a very unique plot. I'm aware some of the story/logic will distract you from the porn, so if you just want to get off, you can skip the first ~half of the story and jump straight into a fox sucking off no less than twenty guys at once.

As always, let me know what you think, what you liked, didn't like, or anything else! (Or, you know, for the maybe one of you who'll be interested...the answer to the last puzzle in the story. Bonus points if anyone knows both TV shows referenced throughout!)

Discord: filthfox (I've done the name change thing, no numbers anymore, just filthfox)

Telegram: @ Filthfox

Over the two years following Zander's company takeover and remake, both sides of the business grew drastically. While the more professional side was profitable enough on its own, far and away the better performing and more interesting side was the porn. It had gotten to the point where Zander spun off a second division entirely dedicated to it, with a giant warehouse purchased nearby entirely turned into a studio. There, they focused on just about every kink you could name and then some.

The employees would work on a rotation - some weeks they would be in the office, doing their best to be professional. At least, on the surface - plenty of on-camera fucking went on under desks, in the bathrooms, and pretty much wherever else they could manage it. Zander mostly kept this side going for those viewers who preferred the stealth, pseudo-realistic stuff, but also to provide to provide a 'legitimate' business he could say his money came from. For those not as involved in the day-to-day corporate work, they found themselves purely focused on making more videos to fill the site with. To that end, Jacob found himself typically more on the studio side of things, choosing to use his talents openly, having no desire to upkeep any modicum of professionalism or formality any longer.

One fateful morning though, the fox yawned and blinked his eyes open, sitting bolt upright as soon as he saw his surroundings. He was somewhere he'd never been before, seemingly trapped in a pure white room. As he glanced around, he noticed the solitary identifying feature as a silver doorknob attached to one of the walls. Nothing else was present, and so in a panic, he scrambled to his footpaws and rushed over to the knob, twisting it to no avail - the obscured door did not want to move.

It was roughly at that point that a loud, deep voice boomed out from around him. "Good morning, fox."

Jacob dropped his head a bit and exhaled. Not only was that the voice of his dragon boss, but being addressed as simply 'fox' meant he was either being filmed or about to be. By now, he was sure he was in their studio, in a room constructed for some twisted purpose, despite that reason being kept from him. He at least felt some relief in the knowledge that someone familiar was nearby though. "Hi, sir..." he said, annoyed. "Where am I?"

"In a warehouse," Zander said back simply, voice sounding out all around Jacob from speakers he couldn't see.

" did I get here?" Jacob asked, more annoyed by the lack of answer.

"You're a heavy sleeper; it wasn't hard. Just pick you up, put you in the car, carry you in here, and wait. This can't be news to you - you know how often we fuck you while you're asleep," Zander said pointedly. "I think we got six loads in you one time before you woke up."

"Okay, fair..." Jacob replied, shaking his head a bit. "Fine, then what am I doing here?"

"As you most certainly know, having been part of some of them before, we quite enjoy making films related to current pop culture, but obviously with your special brand of nastiness mixed in. Have you ever seen the show Alice in Borderland?" Zander asked.

"Uh...kind of? I think someone had it on at home, but I couldn't really focus on it," Jacob replied.

"Too busy with your head in their crotch, no doubt," Zander said.

"Or their ass," the fox said simply.

"Or their ass," the dragon repeated. "Since you may not be aware then, the whole premise of the show is a big survival challenge, with the characters essentially progressing through games of various types to collect playing cards. If you fail a die. If you collect all the cards though, you win. Oversimplified, but it fits for what you need to know. Now, I think you know we're not going to kill you if you fail...but if my sources are correct, no one was able to feed you dinner last night, right?"

"Yes..." Jacob said slowly, stomach grumbling as if on cue.

"Then instead of fighting for your life, like those in the show...we're going to have you fighting for your lunch. Everyone else has been very clearly instructed not to feed you unless you pass these games. We've run a few of your...shall we say, less intelligent colleagues through, and they haven't performed well. I thought we'd give it a true test by having you play it. Sound good?"

"Not...not really?" Jacob said, paws moving to his stomach. "I just want food now, I'm starving. You know how much I eat in a day from you guys."

"Then you have no choice but to play," Zander said evilly. "Better hope you've got your wits about you. One of the things I found lacking in the show were the logic puzzles - the diamonds suit. One was a simple exercise, and one was ruined by emotions taking over the logic at the end. So here, we're doing it the right way. You'll have a series of puzzles to complete, one after the other. The higher the number, the more difficult. Ready?"

"Again, no," Jacob repeated. "Just let me out."

"Good," Zander said, ignoring the fox completely. "Recording," the dragon started, pausing for a few seconds before continuing. "Current player has registered. Game: Riddle. Difficulty: Ace of diamonds. Rules: Player will be read a riddle, with one guess allowed. If the correct answer is not provided, player will be knocked unconscious and removed from the play area. If it is provided, player will be allowed to move forward."

"Whoa, whoa, hang on, unconscious?" Jacob said, reaching for the door again and jerking the knob, only to wince and jerk his paw back as he received a small shock.

"Game starts...Now," the dragon read out, ignoring the fox completely. "What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

"Anthros...?" Jacob said almost as a reaction, confused and shaking his head. Why the hell was Zander asking such an obvious, well-known question?

"Correct. You may proceed," Zander's voice boomed over the speaker.

"It's not going to shock me again, is it?" Jacob asked, knowing his boss was very likely to do just that out of pure sadism. After a few moments of silence though, the fox grumbled and reached for the knob, this time finding it electricity-free. He twisted it and stepped through the doorway which seemingly revealed itself out of the wall, and the vulpine continued on his way.

"Do I get food now?" He asked, looking around the room, and if he didn't know any better, he'd think he entered the same one over again. Plain white walls again surrounded him, with no clue as to what was coming. The only difference this time was that there were two doorknobs, one forward and one back.

"Game: Trick Question. Difficulty: Two of Diamonds. Rules: Player will be asked a seemingly impossible question and has one guess to provide a correct answer. If it is not provided, the player will be knocked unconscious and removed from the play area. If it is provided, player will be allowed to move forward."

"Okay, yes, yes, I get it, can we skip ahead to where you ask me an obvious question and I get food already?" Jacob asked.

"Game begins....Now," Zander continued. "When I add seven to ten, I get five. How is this possible?"

"It's on a clock," Jacob spat, again almost immediately. "Seven hours past ten o'clock, at least on 12 hour clocks anyway, is five..." he explained, frustrated his time was being wasted on things like this, seemingly just so Zander could keep him from eating.

"Correct," Zander said, still thinly veiling excitement behind his mostly robotic voice, clearly enjoying being able to manipulate the fox like this. While their relationship had certainly grown strong over the years, with Jacob being one of Zander's favorite playthings, it never got boring for the dragon to increasingly frustrate the fox for his own satisfaction. "You may proceed."

"I swear to god, every single one of you better be back there ready to take a massive shit..." Jacob trailed off, only to be disappointed when he entered the next room and saw absolutely nothing once more.

The rooms continued in this manner for a while, with Jacob growing more and more exasperated each time. By the time he'd entered the seventh room, he practically ripped the door off its hinges, slamming it behind himself. His stomach was growling like mad, usually not going longer than a couple hours without feeding from someone these days.

"The fuck is this?" The fox asked. For the first time, something else was in the room with him: a dinner table with a single chair. "Do I finally get food?" He asked desperately. While Zander didn't reply, he soon got a different kind of response - the door on the opposite side of the room opened, and a very familiar face walked in carrying a small bag.

"Oh thank fuck," Jacob replied, practically running over and dropping to his knees in front of Greyson. Jacob's paws shot out and fondled the wolf's sheath, cock already poking a few inches out of it, eager to get anything possible inside him.

With great effort, Greyson swallowed briefly and just walked out of reach of the fox, moving to stand behind the chair at the table. "Sit," he said simply, though he gave Jacob the smallest hint of a sympathetic look.

"Oh, come on, this is just cruel!" Jacob shouted into the ether, knowing the dragon could hear him. "Let him feed me, fuck me, I don't care! Something!"

"Sit," the wolf repeated, pulling the chair out and pointing at the seat.

"Fuck you too," Jacob spat.

"Later," Greyson whispered when Jacob got closer, inaudible to the microphones around the room, unable to resist the opportunity.

"Current player has registered," the dragon's voice echoed as soon as Jacob sat down, punctuated by another grumble from Jacob's gut. "Difficulty: Seven of Diamonds. Game: An Eater for every Ass," he said, and Jacob's hopes rose once more. Greyson shuffled around at these words, messing with the bag and starting to remove its contents.

"Being placed in front of you are twenty coins. On one side, an eater, and on the other, an ass," Zander explained. Greyson demonstrated each side as the dragon described them, showing one side of a coin that clearly showed a fox with a log of shit sticking out from between his lips, and the other with an obviously scaly ass taking a dump into a large pile. "The coins are designed in a way that you cannot tell what is on either side by feeling them."

With this, Zander paused for a moment, and Greyson took the last thing out of the bag - a blindfold. He straightened it out and attempted to put it on Jacob, but the fox resisted. "What the fuck are you doing?" he asked, pulling his head away and looking up at the wolf.

"Sit still," Greyson said simply, using his vastly superior strength to pull the fox back in place and put the unwelcome garment over his eyes. Jacob whined, but he knew no matter what he did, he wasn't getting out of this one. Once secured, the lupine tested it by swinging his paw dangerously close to Jacob's face, and given that the fox didn't flinch, he knew it was secured properly.

Upon seeing through his camera feed that the fox was prepared, Zander continued. "You shall remain blindfolded for the remainder of this game. Any attempt to remove or alter your blindfold shall result in disqualification. In front of you, my assistant is moving the coins so that an equal amount of both are present - ten eaters, ten asses - and randomizing the order. Your goal is to separate them into two equal piles, such that both piles have the same makeup. However many eaters are in pile one, must also be in pile two, and same for the number of asses. All twenty coins must be used to make up the piles. You have ten minutes to complete the game. Game," the dragon finished, going silent once more.

"How the fuck am I supposed to do this without seeing?" Jacob said, immediately frustrated. Given that there were ten of each, logically, he knew he had to find five eaters and five asses and put them in each pile, but he had no way of knowing which was which.

After two minutes had passed, Zander piped up once more. "Not so easy now, is it?" He teased, unable to resist taunting the fox below.

"Shut up and let me think, you bastard. If I'm going to be forced to play this fucking game, at least let me win so I can eat already," Jacob retorted.

Try as he might, Jacob thought for another few minutes, and kept running into walls. He ran through everything he knew - the coins were all equally weighted, and he knew ten of each were facing him now. They all had smooth surfaces, so no way to tell anything there. He counted them a couple times, and none were hidden - all twenty were indeed right there on the table.

"Two minutes left," Zander's voice rang out, sing-song in nature as he mocked Jacob.

"Shut up!" The fox bellowed. "Fuck, okay," he started muttering to himself. "They're not fake coins, and they're not trick coins - I saw both sides when they were laid out..." the fox whispered, and all of a sudden, a lightbulb went off. They had two sides, and nothing said he couldn't flip them. Immediately, he got to work sorting them into piles of ten. It didn't matter what the makeup was right now - it could be already correct at 5 of each in both piles, one could be 7 and 3, and the other 3 and 7, or 2 and 8 with the other 8 and 2, or any makeup like that. The important thing was that no matter what, one pile mirrored the other, and nowhere did the rules say both piles had to have exactly five of each - they just had to be the same. Once the coins were separated, he flipped one of the piles over completely and sat back in his chair, content that he had succeeded.

"Ten...nine...eight..." Zander counted down, but Jacob knew better than to fall for the bluff. As the remaining seconds were counted down, Jacob placed his muzzle in his paws and waited, inevitably hearing the dragon finish up. "! No more touching the coins. You may now remove your blindfold and see how you've done."

Jacob did as instructed, but was immediately disappointed when he saw that Greyson was no longer with him. Guess the wolf wasn't there for food after all. Already knowing the outcome, Jacob turned his attention to the coins on the table, seeing the left pile contained six eaters and four asses. Then he counted the right pile, finding it had the same composition - he'd passed. Using his remaining strength, the fox got up and shuffled toward the door, shaking his head as this never-ending streak of puzzles kept going.

After completing another couple rooms, Jacob's frustration had died down into pure resignation. Seeing no other option, he opened the door after the ninth puzzle had finished taxing his mind, and once again made his way into the next room. His spirits were lifted though when the first thing he saw was a pedestal with a glass case atop it, and a sizeable pile of waste resting under the glass. Unable to wait, the fox immediately tried breaking it, only for his paw to bounce off.

"Fuck!" he yelled, more annoyed at being toyed with than the immediate pain for the moment.

"Hey, sir," a voice said from the corner of the room.

"Oh. Hey..." Jacob said, turning to the source of the noise and tilting his head a bit. Seated off to the side were four of his colleagues. With as much as the company had grown, Jacob couldn't service all the employees by himself, and luckily, Zander had eventually managed to find some other sluts to help him out. Jacob managed them due to his seniority, but that mostly meant that he got first choice in who to fuck or whose shit he got to eat. A rabbit, an otter, a horse, and a lion sat in the corner of the room, all just as naked as Jacob was, and unsure what was about to happen.

"You guys hungry too?" Jacob asked and received four nods in response. "You, uh...any of you need to take a shit?"

"Nope...we've already checked, no one's got anything in the tank," the otter spoke up. "We were all told to go before we got here."

"God damn it," Jacob said, spinning and facing the pedestal again.

"Game: Sharing is Caring. Difficulty: Ten of Diamonds," Zander said over the loudspeaker, now that the group had settled down. "You and your friends have stumbled upon the ultimate prize - a container of ten of the largest, juiciest turds we could find from anyone around. They're from ten different guys too, so you get a nice mix of disgusting flavors to satisfy your warped taste buds. Fox, as the leader, you get to choose how to divide them up! Naturally, you want all ten, but there's no way the others will agree to that. Once you choose how many to give out and to whom, everyone will vote on the distribution, including you. If at least half of you all decide to accept it, so in this case at least three of you, the motion passes! If it fails though, or if you don't receive the absolute maximum amount that you could have kept for yourself, then you lose, and are disqualified. The others will play the same game without you and keep all that tasty slut food for themselves."

"The rankings go in order of seniority - Fox is the first leader. If he fails at his task, bunny, you're second in command, and can choose the next distribution for the four of you. Otter, you're third, horse, you're fourth, and lion, you're the bottom of the bottoms. Remember, every one of you - your goal is to be given as many of those turds as possible, and if you think you can get more, OR if you think you'd get the same amount next round, vote no! Only vote yes if you think you're getting more than you would otherwise. Fox, you have ten minutes to propose your distribution. Oh, and I should add, you can't split the logs - if you give anyone one, you must give them a full one. Game"

"Just...give us two each and call it done? Can't get more fair than that," the lion suggested immediately.

"No way! He's last on the list; you don't have to give him anything! He knows he never gets to pick, so he doesn't need anything. I'm third, the rabbit's second, we're the only two you need! Just split with the three of us, we vote yes, and it passes. You can keep the extra 10th, I don't care, three's good with me."

"Yeah, that works for me!" The rabbit quickly added.

"I'm not dumb," Jacob spat. "If I do 4-3-3 or something, you'll still vote no, since when I'm gone, you can just take 5 each and still have 50% with the two of you,"

"Damn it," the otter replied. "Worth a shot."

"In one way, you're right though - I only need two of you to agree with me. So, no matter what, I'm pretty sure two of you get nothing..."

"Come on, you can't leave us with nothing," the horse's high-pitched voice sounded. "We're all hungry here."

"Yeah, well, I'm starving and I've had to sit through nine of these fucking games already. Forgive me if I don't have the most sympathy when the entire system seems designed to fuck with me specifically."

"Asshole," the horse muttered.

"Sorry...I really am starving. I don't want to be an ass, but I think this game's set up where I have to be. If I don't take the maximum, I get nothing, so there's no way it's just an even distribution of like two each or something. The dragon might be a total dick, so he'll stack the odds, but he wouldn't rig the game unfairly against me or make it truly impossible. I know there's a right answer. I just don't know what it is..."

"You sure about that? I mean, you said it yourself, he is a dick..." the otter suggested.

"That's enough out of you," Jacob snapped. "I know you're trying to get me to lose, because then you get more shit for yourself. You're obviously the devious one here. Keep trying to distract me and I'll make sure you never suck another dick in this place again."

"Sorry, sir," the otter said, immediately shutting down and going back to his seat.

Silence overtook the room for a few minutes as Jacob racked his brain, finding it hard not to drool every time he glanced over at the waste just barely out of reach. His first instinct was to go back to the otter's first suggestion, even though he knew it was wrong. They'd vote no, split it the next time, and outdo him. Even that wouldn't really work, Jacob mused, as third, fourth, and fifth would all vote no and assume they could take the rabbit's split as well. It'd go all the way down until just the horse and lion were left, and the horse would take all ten since he'd make fifty percent of the vote himself!

"Wait...That's it!" Jacob said happily, jumping softly and looking longingly over at the pile once more. "Lion, as we already said, you're last. If we keep sabotaging each other, it'll just be you and horse, and he takes all ten since he doesn't need your vote at that point, and you still get nothing. Otter over here won't let it get to that point though, and he knows that's what'll happen if his vote doesn't work. So, for otter to make his distribution work, he can give you one. And only one. Then you get more than you would by voting no, and you and he would therefore vote yes, and horse gets nothing.

"That's only if I let it get past me though, and I'm not giving up my share," the rabbit said defiantly.

"Exactly," Jacob replied. "But if it does get past you, that's what'll happen - otter takes 9, horse gets 0, and lion gets 1. So, you only need to make sure someone else is better off than in that scenario - or in this case, you give horse 1, otherwise he gets 0. Then you take 9, horse gets 1, and the other two get 0. It passes with fifty percent of the vote!"

"But! Just like you said, I won't even let it get to that point - I just have to make sure two of you are better off than you'd be if I let it pass me. Unfortunately, that means I have to give up two instead of one - otter, lion, you each get 1, and I keep 8. Vote no if you want, but if you do, you'll get nothing from the rabbit's distribution, and you know it."

"God damn it..." the otter muttered, knowing the fox was right.

"That's my answer," Jacob announced, waiting for Zander to reply.

"Then let's vote, again, in order of seniority," the dragon spoke up. "Fox, how do you vote?"

"Uh...yes, obviously?"


"Fuck no, he gave me nothing."


"Ugh...I don't really have a choice here. Yes..."




" least this way I get one..."

"There we have it. You have successfully convinced them of your proposal! Now, do you think you could have saved more for yourself? Do you think you came up with the best possible answer?"

"If not...I have no idea what is, short of cheating the game..." Jacob said, slightly nervous now.

"You are...correct," Zander said, taking a brief pause for dramatic effect, and allowing Jacob to let out a sigh of relief. "Continue."

"There's more? Holy fuck, how much harder can it get?" The fox said, exasperated. "At least I get a snack before I keep the case, dragon."

The room remained quiet as Jacob walked over and stood next to the pedestal expectantly. "Well? I won the game, I divided it up, I kept 8, and I want my 8!" He shouted. Sensing Zander had no intention of feeding him, Jacob took to banging on the glass once more, even trying to tip the thing over, but Jacob was likely to do more damage to himself than he was to the pedestal. "Damn it!" he shouted, stomping off into the next room, despite his stomach begging him to stay and keep trying.

"The fuck are you doing here again? Back to help torment me some more?" Jacob asked upon seeing Greyson again, this time in the room alone.

"You know it," the wolf said cockily.

"Oh, so dragon let you off the leash? You can torment me all by yourself now?"

"Of course. I always could. It was just fun making you think I was helping the dragon against my will as well. No, I'm very happy to help mess with you. Now, as you might expect, we're not quite out of cards yet. There's still three left, and three more games to play. And that's why you're here with me - the jack of diamonds."

"Ugh...God damn it. I should have known you two would be in on this together..." Jacob said, shaking his head. "Can I please at least have a snack yet?"

"That's the fun part - the difficulty ramps up here, but if you succeed, I promise you'll get something in that belly of yours. If you fail...well, you still will, but you won't like it."

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" Jacob asked.

"Maybe it's better if I just explain. The game is: Bottles. Difficulty: Jack of Diamonds," Greyson said with a grin. "In the room behind me are one thousand opaque bottles. Nine hundred and ninety-nine of them are filled with water. One, and only one, is filled with piss. My piss, to be precise," the wolf explained. "Your task is to figure out which one. You are allowed to look into the room to see the bottles, but there are no markings to tell you which is which, and you may not enter or examine the bottles in any other way. The only way you can know is to send some number of sluts into the room to taste test the bottles for you. You must tell them exactly which bottles to drink from - they cannot make any decisions on their own or assist you in designing a strategy. Once they have finished tasting all the bottles you have instructed them to, the only thing they are allowed to tell you is whether they tasted piss or not. You must give all orders to all sluts at once, and after all of them have left the room, they can tell you whether or not they tasted piss. Based on that information alone, you will walk into the room and chug the bottle you think contains piss. Got it?"

"I...think so. I have some number of assistants, essentially, as many as I need - I tell them to go in, drink from certain bottles, they taste them all, come back out, and give me a yes/no answer as to whether they tasted the winning bottle. Can't...can't I just have a thousand of them go in and just take the one assigned to the one who says yes?" Jacob asked.

Greyson's smile widened. "Oh no. There is one final rule to this game - if you use more than the minimum number of sluts to guarantee you can identify the bottle, you lose."

"I knew it couldn't be that easy..." the fox said, shaking his head.

"There is no time limit, but remember, if you send in too many, you lose. If you identify a bottle as having piss in it, you must chug it, whether you're right or wrong. Understood?"

"Ugh...fine," Jacob said simply. "Let's get on with it."

"Good. Game," Greyson said, leaning against the wall.

"Alright...where are my assistants?" Jacob asked.

"They'll be brought in when you tell me how many you need," Greyson said. "Don't want to give you any hints."

"God damn it...okay. Well...hmm. The fact that I have to send them all at once is a first thought is just a quick binary search - have one do half, then based on that answer, do half of that half, et cetera, but if I can't have them do multiple or talk to them between searches....hmm," Jacob mused. "This is difficult."

"Not meant to be easy, shithead," Greyson teased.

"Yeah, speaking of, much harder to think on an empty stomach. You allowed to give me a quick snack?" Jacob asked hopefully.

"Nope. Not until you beat all the puzzles," Greyson said matter-of-factly.

"Why do I even ask anymore..." Jacob sighed. "Alright, well...common tactic I suppose, break it down into simple parts. If there's two bottles, I just have one assistant pick one. If they taste piss, I drink that one, if not, I drink the other. Three bottles...I guess I need two? One drinks one, one drinks the other, both taste the third. Four bottles...hmm," Jacob paused for a moment. "Oh! I can have a bottle neither of them drink as well. Wait, this seems awfully familiar..." the fox paused.

"This...this feels like a truth table type thing? If both taste it, it's one outcome, if either tastes it, it's theirs, or if neither do, it's the fourth. So...wait. Is it just binary in a different way? Not a search, but do I do this. For each bottle, I need a certain set of sluts to taste it, which give me 1000 unique outcomes. But the two-slut, four-bottle case is basically binary, from 00 to 11...and I can assign a digit to each slut! So the only question is how many digits are in 1000 in binary. Which..." Jacob paused again, doing some quick mental arithmetic, "should be 10. Two to the tenth is 1,024, so...theoretically this puzzle could be possible with 24 more bottles with the same answer. I'm comfortable with that I think...or at least, I don't see anything wrong with it," the fox finished. "Each bottle has a unique number in binary, and the sluts that correspond to the non-zero digits in that bottle will say they've drunk piss, and the others won't."

"Ten sluts is what I need," he instructed Greyson.

"You sure? You only get one chance at this. If you give me the wrong number...well, I won't tell you until after you try to find the bottle, but you'll have already lost and won't know it."

"I'm...I'm sure," Jacob uttered.

"Alright. Send in ten then," Greyson said a bit louder, and after a few moments, one of the doors opened and ten of Jacob's fellow sluts made their way into the room.

"Okay. Let's do this..." Jacob said. He finally opened the door to see the bottles, and after finding they were in twenty rows of fifty, slowly worked out exactly which ones went to which slut. It was extremely difficult to keep straight and not make a mistake, especially with his stomach nagging him as it was, but after about ten minutes of dictating, he watched the others walk into the room and start drinking. Greyson rather pointedly shut the door behind them, making sure Jacob couldn't pick up any tells when one of them tasted urine. It didn't really matter, either - the fox was mostly focused on making sure he knew which slut went with which digit, so that he could reconstruct the number of the bottle he was supposed to drink afterward. After another agonizing fifteen minutes of tasting, the sluts slowly trickled out of the room, and Jacob immediately made sure they stood in the order of the number he needed.

"Alright, so...who tasted piss?" Jacob asked, pausing as six of the sluts raised their paws in the air. Jacob pondered it, adding it up, and finally breathed. " should be in binary number 303...which should be the 304th bottle, since I started counting at 0..."

Without waiting for further instructions, the fox entered the room and quickly counted off the rows, finding the bottle he was searching for, and seizing it in his paw. It...didn't feel warm. That was never a good sign, but for all he knew, Greyson had left it out for a while to mislead him. Well, there was no turning back now, he thought, and a bit scared of the outcome, raised the bottle up and poured the contents into his maw. A huge sigh of relief washed over him as his boyfriend's urine washed over his tongue, gulping it down as fast as his throat would allow. It frustrated him that there wasn't more, and he supposed some of the other sluts drank more than they were supposed to, but he was still happy to have anything like that entering his gut. With a happy sigh, he carried the now-empty bottle with him out of the room and smiled up at the wolf, licking his lips to show his satisfaction at finding it.

"Yes, yes, well done, you found the bottle. But remember, that was only one part of the task. The real question is - did you use more sluts than you needed to?" Greyson asked.

Jacob's ears flattened a bit. He'd forgotten about that part. He was still pretty sure he'd done it correctly, but a small bit of doubt entered his mind at the question.

"And the answer, you didn't. You have succeeded," Greyson informed the fox. Unable to help himself, Jacob ran forward and wrapped the wolf in a giant hug, relieved he had managed it. "Game's not over yet though," he replied, patting the fox on the back a couple of times.

"Yeah...I know...There's probably two more games..." he sighed.

"Yep. I can only hope my counterparts are more capable of stumping you than I was," the wolf replied.

"We'll see. I just want my food already. You sure you don't have anything for me?" Jacob asked, sliding his paw down to the wolf's ass and giving it a squeeze.

"No, I don't. Just two more, you'll be fine," Greyson said, pushing Jacob away slightly and urging him toward the door.

"Ugh. You're lucky you're hot..." Jacob grumbled, letting go of the naked wolf. "Guess you're not getting any of this either then," he remarked, quickly groping the fuzzy grey sheath and giving it a few quick strokes.

"Tease," Greyson pouted, the quick action enough to get the tip of his cock to poke out.

"See you," Jacob said simply, reaching toward the door and letting himself through, heading into the next room and pausing momentarily at the sight.

The next room was unlike anything else he'd seen so far. In front of him, a small envelope rested on a large, wooden desk, but that wasn't what drew his eyes. Jacob immediately took note of the no less than twenty-five guys standing along the walls, all nude and at varying levels of hardness.

Slowly, Jacob walked forward and took the envelope from the desk. As he went, he couldn't stop himself from licking his lips as he looked at the eye candy surrounding him. With great effort, he refocused and opened up the envelope, reading what was on the paper inside.

Jacob began aloud, "Game: Endurance. Difficulty: Queen of Diamonds. Suck these cocks in the correct order. A cock only counts as sucked once it cums. The correct order may require all or even repeated cocks, but also may not involve every cock. If more than thirty consecutive seconds pass without a cock being sucked, you will be disqualified. Once you start sucking a cock, you may not stop until it cums. There is no failure for sucking an incorrect cock. You succeed by identifying the Queen of Diamonds within thirty seconds of sucking the final cock in the correct order. The preceding sequence of cocks immediately before your declaration shall be used to determine correctness. Any incorrect cocks prior to the correct order shall be ignored, but the correct order must be done immediately following one another. This means if you believe you've made a mistake at any point in the sequence, you must start over, otherwise you will be disqualified. You will not be stopped at any point unless you succeed or are disqualified. Your time starts when you are surrounded," he finished, setting the paper down on the desk. "Wait, what?" he asked, confused by the last sentence, only to have his question soon answered.

Before he could do anything, the entire cast of males walked closer, with a couple pushing Jacob back from the desk. They encircled him, standing in a huge ring surrounding the poor fox, with most of them stroking themselves as they waited. "Fuck..." Jacob muttered to himself, sinking down onto his knees. He was barely even given time to think, knowing his thirty second timer had already started. Without giving it much thought, he shuffled over toward the closest erect guy and opened his maw, quickly taking the first couple inches inside.

"So how the fuck am I supposed to figure this out?" Jacob thought, bobbing his head up and down the nameless rhinoceros. This was clearly a multifaceted task - he obviously had to perform his oral duties well if he ever wanted to move on, but for all he knew the right sequence was fifty cocks long. He'd have to get it right soon if he wanted to make sure his jaw didn't fall off by the end of the day. A third problem soon became obvious as well - with his face repeatedly being pressed up against the crotch before him, it made it difficult to look around the room for clues at the same time.

For the moment, Jacob took his time. He knew his endurance was fairly good, and with the knowledge that he wouldn't have to bow out any time soon, combined with the pangs of hunger he was going through, it was his first order of business to get something in his stomach. His paws wrapped around the base of the shaft as his lips traced their way along the warm flesh. He only stopped when his nose bumped into the musky crotch before him. After waiting there for a few seconds just to appreciate the feeling of his throat being stuffed, he pulled off just far enough to taste the small stream of pre oozing out before going back down.

In this environment, there was no sense of decorum. Jacob was moving at a fervent pace, spittle dribbling down from his chin as he noisily slobbered over the long, girthy dick. His practiced maw had no issues though, practically throwing his head forward down a dick that most sluts would struggle to take into their throat at all. The vulpine's paws took hold of the hefty pendulum swinging below the shaft, massaging the oversized orbs inside and coaxing them to spill their load into his needy maw.

He didn't have to wait long - with the frantic way he was facefucking himself, Jacob soon felt the telltale twitches signifying an impending orgasm. After another minute or so of the most passionate cock sucking he could muster, he finally felt the first burst painting his insides white. Relief washed over him as he felt the hot jizz pooling in his gut, hunger diminishing by the second with each shot of rhinoceros cum forced into him. As the spasms grew less intense, the fox pulled off, catching the last few spurts directly onto his tongue to savor the flavor before swallowing them down. Soon after, he sat back and licked his lips, patting his stomach with a satisfied look on his face. It soon transformed into a much more serious look as his task came rushing back to him, and realized he had to fill his muzzle once more.

He took a couple seconds to glance around, but the only thing that seemed to have changed was that now the entire room was erect. Most of the cocks now glistened slightly as pre dribbled down them. Not able to determine anything useful, Jacob hesitated for a brief second, but soon launched himself onto a nearby coyote and got to work.

While Jacob willed himself to work on the problem at hand, he found it very difficult to take his focus off the shaft. Not only did the knotted red length stink, but it was obvious why. Brown streaks decorated the cock, with a couple smaller chunks of shit even present alongside them. It couldn't have been more than thirty minutes since the coyote was last fucking someone with as fresh and slimy as his cock was. Jacob could even feel a bit of the wet waste on the sheath as he held it firmly with his paw.

His tongue worked overtime, sliding everywhere he could make contact and collecting the pre-digested meals, slurping up shit in any form he could, even if it wasn't nearly enough to sate his true hunger. After giving it a couple minutes of attention, Jacob had it polished clean, but even the most energetic fox tongue couldn't hide the smell. He relished it as he continued his work, soon finishing off his second blowjob in under fifteen minutes, a load of fresh coyote spunk joining the rhino jizz inside him.

'Okay, think,' Jacob managed to tell himself as he pulled off, quickly looking at the circle of guys. 'What am I supposed to do? It said correct order, but what's correct? Is this some size queen thing, where you're supposed to give big guys attention first, then smaller ones later? Is it based on like alphabetical order of name or species or something?' He asked himself, but realized he only knew about a third of the names in the circle, so if it was that he was out of luck completely. By this point, he had nothing else to go on, and had to shove his muzzle down the waiting length of a raccoon to his left.

Jacob continued in this pattern for a while. Thinking about the problem was extremely difficult while maintaining his high oral standards, and after an hour, had only ruled out a couple of possibilities. Not that he was entirely focused on it either - every load of cum glazing his gut made him happier, and it was hard not to prioritize that feeling. As he polished off his eleventh - no, twelfth? It was hard to keep track - he let out a groan of frustration.

"I guess nothing said you guys can't talk...come on, can you give me a hint?" He asked up to the tiger he'd just serviced.

Like a thunderous wave, the entire room responded at once. "All of the information is on the task," the chorus of voices said in unison.

"Okay, well that was...creepy and unhelpful..." Jacob muttered before settling down at the next cock in line. As he did, he looked up momentarily in surprise - his horse boyfriend, Lane, was standing before him. He took a moment to wonder how he'd not noticed the equine before. Shaking his head, and for the twelfth - no, thirteenth - time, he took the cock between his lips and started working for his drink.

Nothing Jacob pondered made sense, try as he might to look around the room while sucking. The only thing that had any merit was that it had to do with the species surrounding him, as almost every single one started with one of the letters in the word correct. The fox started from his right and went around, mentally trying to spell the word 'correct' in some way, but despite some sequences getting close, it was never there. Were there seven specific guys that had some trait he'd just missed? Before he could chase the thought too much further, the familiar taste of his boyfriend's spunk started blasting his tongue, and Jacob had to put complete focus on drinking if he didn't want to spill a drop of horse cum.

By the end of the third hour, Jacob had started going around the loop again. He'd completely lost track of how many dicks he'd sucked, but it had to be in the thirties, with some guys having their second turn now. At least each one was quicker with as much as they were jerking off between blowjobs, though some clearly couldn't contain themselves. As Jacob shuffled around, he found himself kneeling in puddles of cum from time to time. It did mean he got more frequent breaks though, short as they were.

After chasing every other lead he could come up with, he found his mind going back to the species thing again. As he was slurping down a rabbit's shaft and pawing off the elephant to his left to make the inevitable blowjob quicker, he realized the two after it started with C and T, which finished the word. To his horror, when he glanced to his right, he realized he'd just sucked off the C, O, and R as well, but not in the right order - every time he tried to spell it previously, he'd done it clockwise. He groaned in frustration as he realized his stupid mistake, and knew the task was just meant to make him feel dumb this time around. A couple minutes later, after fishing the rabbit off, he had to leave the elephant on the edge before returning to the crocodile that started the sequence.

Jacob's jaw ached as he worked his way through the Croc, an Otter, a Rhino, the same Rabbit as before, the Elephant (who he had to start from scratch on, after the pachyderm couldn't stop from shooting his own load over the floor before Jacob got to him), and a Crow. On the final one, each suck pained him as his tongue traced its way over the Tiger's barbs. The only thing that kept him going was knowing he'd get a break soon. As his tongue felt a particularly hard throb against it, he realized with horror that this was only part one of the task. His mind raced as his throat swallowed, desperately trying to figure out who the Queen of Diamonds was before he had to start the sequence over again.

The fox pulled off, wiping his lips as he frantically looked around the ring for any sign after finishing the sequence. Knowing his time was short, his eyes flashed back toward familiarity, looking for any sign of help, and suddenly, realization hit him.

"It's you...of course it's fucking you," the fox muttered, looking up at the stallion next to him. "You're the Queen of Diamonds."

Lane simply smiled. "What makes you think it's me?"

"Well...two reasons.'re the next person in the sequence after I sucked these guys off in the 'correct' order. But two..." Jacob paused, reaching out and gripping the horse's cock. "I know how proud you are of this, and, since I can confidently say this from experience now..." he said, shooting a quick glare up at the horse, "this is the biggest dick in the room. This is probably why you wanted to be this fucking card, so you could make a stupid size queen joke out of it."

"Both reasons...absolutely correct," Lane said, emphasizing the last word and chuckling a bit. He reached out and took Jacob's paw, helping the fox to his feet and giving him a hug.

"Ow..." Jacob said, struggling to stand. "My muzzle's so fucking sore...and you couldn't have given me kneepads or anything?"

"To be fair, I didn't think it'd take you nearly that long. Especially after we all told you the answer," Lane said.

"Wait, what?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah," the horse replied, striding over to the desk and grabbing the paper off it. He offered it to Jacob, but gave it to the fox upside-down. "Right there."

Jacob squinted, barely able to make out the tiny text in the middle of the back page. "Start seven right of horse, suck left," he read out before throwing the paper down in disgust.

"Hey, but props to you for doing it the hard way!" Lane said, still with an evil smile on his face.

"Fuck off..." Jacob said.

"At least you got something in your stomach. But I suspect it's not nearly as nasty as you were hoping for," Lane replied.

" it's not. And I'm still not done with this, so...for all I know that's in the next room," Jacob said, shaking his head.

"Last one though, I think. You can do it," Lane encouraged, lightly patting Jacob's back in the direction of the door.

"If I can make it in there..." Jacob replied. He shuffled across the floor, wincing slightly every time he bent his knees from the abuse he put them through. He did feel more full now, that was true - so at least he wasn't starving while trying to figure the next one out. As the fox opened the door and looked through to see what awaited him, his frustration came rushing back to him. There, sitting calmly at a desk with his feet up on it, was Zander.

"You," Jacob snarled.

"Me," Zander said calmly, lowering his legs and sitting upright.

"You're the one who's been starving me," Jacob accused.

"Very true. But how lucky for you, we're almost done!" Zander teased.

"Just get it over with, dragon."

"As you wish! But before I do, I think you're going to need a bit of help with this one. Send in the jack and queen," Zander announced, making sure someone outside the room could hear him. A few seconds passed, but soon enough, Greyson and Lane entered the room, confused.

"What's going on? I thought we were done," the wolf asked.

"Oh no. You're far from done. Not only did you two let me down by letting the fox here outsmart your puzzles, but I explicitly told you he wasn't allowed to eat anything. Clearly, the two of you took that to mean you could give him as much as you wanted to drink," Zander said, frustrated, "and now he's not nearly as hungry as I expected him to be at this point. I seriously need to give you two a lesson in sadism someday. But for now, your punishment shall be to play the next game with him."

"Wait, that wasn't part of this. You didn't say we'd have to play," Lane lamented.

"I never said you wouldn't, either. If either of you choose to leave, the fox here automatically forfeits. Sound good?" Zander asked.

"No!" Greyson and Lane said in unison.

"Too bad," Zander replied. "It's far too late to get out of this one. And don't worry, I won't punish you directly if you lose - only the fox gets punished. You two will just have to go off knowing you failed him," Zander said, relishing the frustrated looks the trio was giving him. "Enough talk though, it's time for the game," he started, opening one of the desk drawers and pulling out a chessboard and a jingling bag.

"The game is Key to your Freedom. Difficulty: King of Diamonds. On this chessboard, I will be placing sixty-four coins, one on each space. Some will be heads, some tails. Under one of them, I will hide a key. The fox will be the only one in the room with me at the time, and thus will know where the key is. He must then flip one - and only one - coin, and based on that information, the other two of you must come back in and determine where the key is. You will not know which coin he flipped, and will only have the layout of the coins to guide you. You may not communicate in any other way. You have twenty minutes to plan your strategy, and during that time, I will be listening. I will set up the board in a way to make it difficult, if not impossible, for you to succeed. There is a foolproof strategy for this - not that I think you'll come up with it. If you guess correctly, the fox goes free, and I'll personally make sure he's stuffed with as much shit as he can hold in whatever holes he wants it. If you guess incorrectly, however..." Zander paused, letting out a small evil laugh. "He's mine. Your time," the dragon finished.

"What? How the fuck are we supposed to do this?" Greyson asked.

"Yeah, I've asked myself that about ten times already today..." Jacob said, shaking his head. "I always got there in the end though. Let's think...Okay, first, we need a consistent way to talk about the board. Top left square," Jacob said, pointing to it, "should be one. Then two, three, et cetera." He said, continuing to move with his finger. "Beyond that...I'm not really sure..." he admitted.

"Well...same tactic you used in my puzzle?" Greyson asked. "Smaller case - what if there are only two coins?"

A moment of silence permeated the air. "We can do like an even/odd type thing?" Lane suggested. "If the number of heads is even, it's under the right one, or odd, it's under the left?"

"Won't work," Jacob said after a few seconds of thought. "He'll just make sure it's under the right one and make both heads. Then it's already even, I have to flip one and make it odd, and there's no way to point it to the even one. But we don't have to consider both coins either - we can just look at the right coin. Heads it's the left one, tails it's the right. If it already points to the correct square, I flip the left coin, and it doesn't change where it points."

"That's good," Greyson said. "So, it's kind of like a 'zero' coin at the start - whatever you do to it, it doesn't matter. It's there since you have to flip one but doesn't force you to change the value in any way."

"Should probably change our numbering system to start from zero instead of one then," Lane replied.

"Right, good thinking," Jacob said. ", how do we expand that to all 64?"

"Fuck if I know," Greyson said. "This is going to get way too complicated for me, I can't keep all these numbers in my head."

"Plenty of paper and pens in the desk," Zander interjected, still grinning as he watched the trio.

"Okay...well, I suppose that solves that problem," Jacob said.

"Ten minutes left, by the way," Zander continued.

"Okay, we get it, shut up!" Jacob roared, frustration getting to him. It hadn't felt like ten minutes, but the silences between their thoughts really added up while they pondered the problem.

"Stay calm, we got this," Lane said. " the two coin case, we basically did it with binary - heads is 1, tails is 0, right? And we also ignored the first coin, so basically zero, or its position, times the value of the coin, plus the first position times its value. Can we just add them all up like that? Zero times the first coin, one times the second, two times the third, and so on? Then you just get a sum of the positions with heads."

"We'd have to mod it, otherwise we'll get numbers way bigger than sixty-four, but it might work? There'll be a lot of combinations that lead to the same square, but I don't think that's a problem?" Greyson thought aloud.

"So how do we take that number and get it to the key?" Jacob asked.

"I...hmm. I guess we have to take that number, or the state of the board, and flip a coin corresponding to how much we have to add or subtract to get to the key?" Lane said.

"That seems...very easily exploitable," Greyson said, shooting a look over at Zander, who failed miserably at looking innocent.

"Yeah...if we have to add thirteen, Zander will make it so the thirteenth coin is already face up, and we can't add it, only subtract it," Jacob added.

"I don't see either of you with anything better," Lane retorted.

"Admittedly, no..." Greyson said, shaking his head. "I can slightly improve it I suppose, but it's far from foolproof. Like let's say it's under square number zero, and the coins add up to like fifty or something. We can subtract fifty OR we can add fourteen, and take that mod sixty-four. Either way it'll get us back to zero."

"That works...and seems to be the best we've got at this point. Any other ideas? I know we've got to be close on time..." Jacob said dejectedly.

"Nothing from me," Lane said.

"Me neither," Greyson replied.

"UghhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH," Jacob groaned in frustration. "There has to be something!"

The trio remained in silence for the last couple minutes, but before too long, Zander spoke again. "And...time. Wolf, horse, please leave us."

"Sorry..." Lane said to Jacob as he turned to leave.

"Yeah, sorry..." Greyson said, following the stallion out of the door.

Zander slowly stood up, stretching a bit before he strolled over to Jacob. He had to lean down a bit given the large height difference between the two, but placed his head on Jacob's shoulder while sliding a paw down the vulpine's back and squeezing his ass. "Feeling confident about your strategy?" The dragon asked, bringing up his other paw to join the first.

"No..." Jacob said slowly. He fidgeted slightly against the unsolicited touching, finding it difficult to get into things with his confidence in their solution in shambles, but he couldn't bring himself to tell Zander to back off.

"Good," Zander said, sliding his paws around to Jacob's front. His claws slowly traced through the vulpine's fur, just barely above crotch height. He teasingly rubbed them around for a bit before bringing them upward, standing at his full height once more. As soon as he did, Jacob could easily tell Zander's mood by the burning, throbbing flesh now pressing between his shoulder blades. "Now stay right there, and I'll get to work."

Jacob watched as the dragon organized the board, heart beating faster as more coins were placed and Zander scrawled notes on a piece of paper, making sure it was set up just the way he liked it. By the time he was done, Jacob could feel the full black length heating up his back and dribbling pre onto him, especially with Zander lightly grinding his cock up and down. "And with that, the key," the dragon said, lifting up one of the coins and placing a very flat key underneath, leaving no trace sticking out from under the coin.

"Make your flip, little fox," he teased.

Jacob gulped as he took some of the spare paper and a pen, knowing already that it wasn't going to go well. He started adding up the coins, just as they'd planned, and came up with thirty-seven. The key was under square number twenty-four. He could subtract thirteen, but of course, Zander had made sure that coin was already face down. His last hope was to add fifty-one, but his hopes were again dashed as soon as he realized that one was face-up. The fox's ears flattened as he realized that he had lost. Even with a random layout of coins, they'd only given themselves a seventy-five percent chance of success, but with Zander plotting against them? There was no way. Any last-minute moments of brilliance were pointless anyway, as a growing portion of his mind was focused on the massive cock he knew would be inside him soon enough. Sighing, Jacob reached for a random coin and flipped it over, getting on with it.

"Very good," Zander said. "Now, you come with me..." He started, lifting Jacob up and bringing him to the other side of the desk. The dragon sat back down in his large office chair, placing Jacob directly in his lap. The giant black shaft stuck up between the fox's legs and covered most of his torso, with the head now endlessly spewing pre just below his chin and soaking into his fur. "Send the others back in," Zander said aloud.

Knowing he'd already won, the dragon began enjoying his prize, placing his paws on Jacob's thighs. He rubbed lightly up and down, relishing just how small the fox was next to him, realizing he could wrap his fingers entirely around the fox's thigh and have them meet on the other side. Gradually, he worked his way upward, teasing the fox by grazing his claws over everything but the fuzzy sheath. That alone was enough to start coaxing the vulpine's shaft out, and as it grew, Zander made sure Jacob was as excited as he was. He carefully caressed his prey's length, bringing it out and into the open until it pressed up against his own. As much as he wanted to be angry, Jacob couldn't deny he loved the feeling of the giant ebony shaft against his cock, and soon started softly humping against it.

Greyson and Lane soon entered the room again and saw the pair before them, already disheartened by how excited the dragon seemed to be. "You know what to do," Zander remarked. Both nodding, the horse and wolf stepped up to the desk and grabbed a sheet of paper each, quickly adding up the numbers before them. They confirmed their results with each other, knowing they were both distracted by the increasingly provocative display Zander was putting on, and wanted to make sure their lust didn't force a mistake. After seeing the same answer, they took a deep breath, and Greyson reached for the coin.

"" he said slowly, before lifting the coin and revealing nothing underneath.

"Aww, too bad!" Zander said mockingly. "Guess you didn't try hard enough. Dumb little fox is all mine now. You two can go - I've got a lot planned for this one..."

"But! But-" Lane started, but Greyson cut him off.

"Come on...we lost," he said somberly, grabbing the horse's arm and lightly pulling him out of the room.

"Sorry..."Lane said again, before bowing his head and making his exit alongside Greyson.

"Now..." Zander started over, flexing his hips to make his cock forcefully press against Jacob's front. "I daresay your muzzle's been used enough for the day, and I have every intention of starving you the way I originally planned. Fortunately for me..." he started, lifting the fox up and placing the overused vulpine tailhole against the head of his gargantuan shaft, "dumb sluts like you have two holes," he finished, abruptly starting to push Jacob down the length.

Fortunately for the fox, there was more than enough pre along the length to make the entrance as smooth as possible. If he weren't as practiced as he was, there's no way the dragon would have gotten the tiniest bit inside. As it was, it was merely a snug, albeit slightly painful, fit.

"Fuck that's good..." Zander breathed. With as much as they'd practiced together, it took hardly any time for him to fully hilt inside the fox. Jacob really was the perfect size - any smaller and Zander likely wouldn't fit without breaking him, but bigger sluts just weren't as tight or needy. "This is what a little whore like you should be doing. Not smart enough to hang with the best of us, so we make you our little bitch. Mmmf...and a tight little bitch you are too. Don't worry, we'll work on that. Very...very hard," Zander said, building up a bit of a rhythm as he lifted the fox up and down like a fleshlight.

Jacob couldn't deny his own pleasure in this. He'd spent hours sucking off guys earlier, and now he was being railed by the biggest cock he knew. This was fox heaven if there ever was one. His knotted length bounced up and down each time Zander's sizeable dick rammed into his prostate, stuffing him fuller than he'd ever felt. The fox whined as he desperately tried to hold himself back, but it was no use - a few thrusts later and he released his pent-up seed, spraying ropes of cum across the desk and the puzzle at which he'd failed.

"Good slut...Little whore knows his place, being used by bigger, stronger, and most importantly, smarter men than him. You'll do well as my little pet...but now that you've been taken care's time for me," Zander panted.

Not a moment later, the dragon kicked it up another notch. Jacob found himself moving up and down quicker than he was comfortable with, but Zander was beyond asking. The dragon whipped Jacob up and slammed him back down, brutalizing his insides with the mammoth shaft stretching them farther than nature had ever intended them to go. It went on for a few minutes, with Jacob's face contorted in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Mercifully for the fox, Zander eventually hit his peak. He roared out, echoing through the small room as he finally unloaded his seed in the helpless fox, causing his stomach to swell far more than it already was with the giant shaft buried within.

The pair sat calmly for a bit as the dragon's orgasm died down. Zander was pleased with himself after anticipating this moment all day, while Jacob was mostly just focused on the warmth spreading through his lower body after it was flooded with spunk.

As he got his breath back, Zander placed his paws on Jacob's sides once more, slowly lifting the fox up and off his cock. With as huge as he was, barely anything leaked out. Even the portion of his cock now exposed to the air once more was practically wiped clean by the vulpine tailhole traveling upwards. It wasn't until just the head was inside that a few small streams of cum started pushing out. Once Zander was fully free though, the floodgates opened. An ocean of cum poured from the fox's tailhole and over the dragon's crotch, the chair, and the floor below, coating everything it touched.

"Someone's a messy little vixen..." the dragon breathed as he placed Jacob kneeling on the floor to his right. "Can't even hold it in after you get fucked anymore. You've got a lot of cleaning to do, and it's all going to be done with this," he said, wiping a finger along his cock and shoving it into Jacob's maw, pointedly pressing his claw into the fox tongue he'd soon feel once more. "But first," he continued, pulling his paw back and opening the desk drawer to his left. He pulled out a jet-black collar and leash, matching his scales, and snapped it around Jacob's neck before he had a chance to protest.

"Wha-?" Jacob started, but soon was cut off again.

"You lost," Zander snapped. "And like I're mine now. We're going to have a lot of fun together, fox. You think it's hard to keep your tailhole shut now...just wait. I'll have you walking around and taking a dump without even realizing anything fell out. And if you behave...and that's a big if...I might just let you eat it. For now though," he paused, turning the chair and yanking on the leash, causing Jacob to fall face-first into the cum-soaked scaly crotch. "Get cleaning."

Jacob looked up briefly, wincing a bit at the momentary pain in his neck from the collar. Knowing he didn't have a choice though, he soon bowed his head and started dragging his tongue up the mammoth shaft that had just ravaged his insides, swallowing tonguefuls of salty, thick dragon cum as he did.

"Aaaaaaaaaand, clear." Zander said, pushing a button underneath his desk. He remained silent for a moment, waiting to see Jacob's reaction, only for there to be none. "Jacob? You can stop now."

It wasn't until he heard his name that it finally clicked for the fox that the cameras were off. Even still, he looked up for just a moment, and briefly asked "Do I have to?" before licking again without waiting for a response.

"Eventually, yes, I'm not letting you completely clean me up," Zander remarked. "You're not the only one that likes being filthy. Any questions though? I know you were kinda thrown into this."

"Kinda? I went to bed sandwiched between two very hot guys and covered in who knows what. Then, I woke up in a blank white room alone and mostly clean. Yeah, I was very much thrown into it. I guess I have questions not just for you, but for your 'Jack' and 'Queen' as well..." Jacob trailed off, curiosity mixed with frustration in his voice before he returned to slurping up more dragon jizz.

"Fair enough. Greyson, Lane, come back," Zander half-shouted.

A few moments later, the pair rejoined the duo in the final puzzle room, smirking as they saw Jacob cleaning up his mess. "I take it he's not too mad at you then?" Greyson asked.

"You'll have to ask him, though I daresay he wants to keep his mouth busy," Zander asked.

Jacob paused, licking his lips of any stray cum and swallowing before he replied. "Well yeah, you guys kinda starved me for a while. We've been in here...fuck, how long has it been?" He asked.

"About eight hours," Zander informed.

"Fucking hell..." Jacob said, shaking his head. "Well yeah, I haven't had my usual solid food in a while, despite being teased with it a few times. I suppose I should stop being surprised by it at this point, but I'll ask - all of you were in on this together?"

"Up until the final puzzle, yeah," Lane said. "Had no idea Zander was going to pull us into it as well."

"Good to see I'm still unpredictable," the dragon said with a bit of pride. "I had to make it surprising in some way, or challenge you at the end."

"No kidding..." Greyson said. "I mean, don't get me wrong, this was interesting, but I still think it's an odd concept for a porn video."

Zander shrugged. "They don't all have to be perfect. Besides, some guys who truly like the sadism angle of it don't need anything specific out of it. They'll hear a disembodied voice coming from me over the speakers, and for hours, see Jacob struggling and desperate for food that he's not allowed to have. I'm pretty sure the mics even picked up his stomach rumbling a few times. That level of control and manipulation goes a long way for guys like me," Zander said with a grin. "Plus the pop culture tie-in helps bring in a few people who wouldn't otherwise click. We make so many fucking videos here at this point, it's worth it to try to hit quite a few niches. When you're already doing scat, you can generally add in other things more easily than with vanilla. The number of furs who're okay with things as hardcore as eating shit, but get turned off by a little sadism, is very small."

Greyson just shook his head. "Wasn't asking for an explanation. I've known you for like...close to a decade at this point. I'm fully aware I don't understand all your kinks, but more power to you for having them. You clearly know how to run this place when it's this successful."

"More power to me indeed," Zander said with a grin.

"So...what's the answer to the last one anyway?" Jacob piped up between licks.

Zander just looked down at him, giving him a bit of judging look. "Really? After all this and not eating shit for about a full day now, your priority is the puzzle answer?"

"I I do still want to know..." Jacob said slowly.

Zander's expression turned back into that evil smile he wore so often. "Then I think I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader," he said, mimicking the usual line in textbooks given when answers weren't provided.

"Oh, come on, please?" Jacob begged.

"Hmm," the dragon paused, thinking for a few moments. "I tell you what. If you let me truly claim my prize and keep you for a week," he said, giving a few tugs on the leash for emphasis, "and if you behave yourself during it...I'll tell you the answer."

"...Are you going to do things to me without my consent?" Jacob asked hesitantly.

"We'd discuss boundaries when we got back to my place," Zander started. "But once we've agreed to a list of things you're willing to do, I would do any of them to you as I see fit. More intense than a master/pet kind of thing, but I wouldn't dismiss your desires or restrictions the way I would a true slave. I'd most certainly be trying to find a way to push your horizons as well. I'll slip in things you might be uncomfortable with but not outright against to get you into them, like standing on your cock while you eat my shit or something, and see if I can get you to cum purely from me stomping on it by the end. You'd have to do whatever I or anyone I bring over demands of you. I don't care if it's fetching me a drink or shoving shit in your nostrils and ears while I piss in your eyes, you'd do it."

"Ugh. I mean...that's basically what we do at the office anyway most days, today included. You dictate what we do, and I go along with it..." Jacob started, "I think I can handle that. Are you two okay with it?" He asked, turning to Greyson and Lane.

"I suppose so," Lane replied. "It'll be lonely without you at home, but I'm sure we can find a slut or two to bring back with us, right Greyson?"

"Definitely, this place is crawling with them. And with dicks like ours, they'll be lining up to come back with us," the wolf said confidently. "Just don't break him too much, Zander, we still have the permanent claim on him, and he can't be completely ruined. I still want to feel it when I fuck him."

"No promises," the dragon said happily.

"You'd better promise. I want my toilet fox back in one piece," Lane said, slightly threatening.

"Oh fine, fine. You know I'd never hurt him beyond his limits anyway, he's our most-viewed slut on the site. Gotta keep him ready to fuck every day, and who knows, maybe we can get a couple extra kinks worked into him over the week," Zander mused. He paused for a second as he felt Jacob's tongue start on his legs, and quickly pushed the fox back away from him with his footpaw. "Enough cleaning," he instructed.

"Well, I suppose that's it, then?" Greyson asked.

"For this video, yeah. We'll get it edited down to remove some of the boring thinking parts, or the painfully long time it took the sluts to drink from the bottles in your puzzle. I think we'll isolate all the dick sucking from Lane's challenge into its own video separately as well, but it'll be posted sometime soon. Before we go though...I thought we could all make one more," Zander said.

"Oh no..." Jacob said, the soreness across his body and lack of feces in his stomach coming back to him.

The dragon simply laughed. "Don't worry, I think you'll like this one. Greyson, Lane, I assume you guys have stuff in the tank, right?"

The pair nodded. "Yeah, just about everything you'd want, since we haven't been allowed to feed him in a while," Lane replied. "Jacob, you have anything?"

Zander cut in with a chuckle. "Believe me, from very recent experience, he's empty back there. No worries though, we'll fill him back up."

"Anything in particular you want in this one?" Greyson asked.

"Nope. Just more of what made this little fox a star - shit, piss, and three giant dicks," Zander bluntly replied.

"I think we can manage that," the wolf chuckled.

"Jacob, I'm taking the leash off, but the collar stays on for this one," the dragon said.

"Whatever, just feed me already," Jacob said, uncaring about what he was forced to wear.

"Yes sir," the dragon said teasingly as he unclipped the leash, tossing it out of the way onto the desk. "Now you come here," he said, repositioning Jacob into the center of the room, "And we'll stand around you. I think you'll know what to do from there. Anything else before I flip the cameras back on?"

"Nope, all set here."


"Just do it and fucking feed me!"

The trio of dominant males laughed. "This time, we will, I promise. Going on now," Zander replied, and deftly hit the button underneath the desk with his tail.

Jacob smiled and licked his lips as he eyed the three cocks pointing directly at his face. He reached out toward his left and grasped Greyson's with one paw, and Zander's on his right with another. He was far from being able to encircle either of them, but at least was able to rub his paw up and down their lengths. "You boys have something special for me?" He asked, leaning forward and sliding his tongue over the flat, mushroom head of the horse cock pointed down his muzzle.

Instead of a response, Lane leaned slightly to his side and barely lifted one of his legs, letting out a rippling burst of flatulence. "Oh yeah, I'd say it's real special. You think you can handle it?" He asked.

"And then some," Jacob answered confidently, giving another lick to the pre dribbling from the horse's shaft.

"Better not keep him waiting," Greyson remarked, stepping in and smearing the head of his cock over Jacob's cheek.

"I don't even think I can," Lane replied, turning around and backing up, rather quickly feeling the familiar sensation of a fox muzzle shoving its way between his cheeks. Jacob never took his paws off the pair of cocks still pointed at him, wiggling his head around as much as possible to get close to the hole.

A sense of bliss washed over Jacob as they assumed their positions. This was where he belonged - where he'd spent over four years now, and where he never wanted to leave - under his horse's ass, nose pressed right up against the pucker that was only ever cleaned by a tongue. He shivered slightly as he stuck his slippery appendage out and wiped it over the wrinkled hole, clearly able to taste the remnants of his last meal. He only got a couple more good slurps in though as Lane truly wasn't lying, and his tailhole opened to allow an extremely solid log of waste out. It rocketed down, pushing aside the fox's tongue before he was ready, and smacking him square in the end of the muzzle.

The fox was overjoyed at finally being treated to the food he deserved. He reacted as quickly as possible to scarf it down, accepting it between his lips. He pulled back further once his jaws were filled, eyes going wide as he realized just how big this hunk of shit really was. Mercifully, it did detach at one point, with over half of it still stuck out from between his lips. It really was solid, to the point where it never broke off even as Jacob tilted his head backwards. He mashed up what he could with his tongue, but soon realized it was far too big to make much progress that way, especially while his paws were busy with two other cocks. Knowing what he had to do, he closed his eyes and relaxed his throat, pretending it was the horse's dick demanding entrance to his esophagus. He swallowed gradually around it, letting gravity do the work. Inch by inch, the dark brown, cracked log of horse shit disappeared into the fox's muzzle, and not a minute later, he'd managed to swallow nearly fourteen inches of horse shit in one go. The second it was gone, he dove back in, desperate for more.

"Fuck that's hot..." Greyson breathed.

"No kidding. Guess all that deepthroat practice is really paying off," Zander remarked.

Jacob paid the words no mind. Now that the taste of shit was on his tongue again, his lust was in overdrive. Before Lane could push out the next log, Jacob's tongue was already back inside his hole, scooping random nuggets of waste out and gulping them down. He didn't have to wait long before the next bit fully made its way forth, and soon his tongue was shoved out to make room for something much larger. This time, Jacob made no effort to contain it all. He knew he'd have another chance later, and as the log stuck out from between his lips once more, he solidly bit down on it and let the remainder fall against his chest. It smacked his knotted length on the way down before landing on the tiled floor with a splat, leaving the fox with a very full muzzle of horse shit to chew through.

"Think he needs a little something to help him wash that down," Zander said, closing his eyes and doing his best to relax. Jacob knew what was coming with a comment like that. His paw kept the black shaft pointed directly at his face, and soon enough, the dragon's bladder was released. Very little was able to make it into Jacob's muzzle as full as it already was. Piss poured down his body, but Jacob never stopped chewing. With each tiny bite he swallowed, more room was made in his jaw for the urine. The solid, sticky, viscous shit became runnier and runnier, and the rivulets of piss raining from the corners of his muzzle turned browner and browner. Foul tastes danced over Jacob's taste buds, barely able to hold back his orgasm after sinking his fangs into the thick horse manure. Every sickening squelch made by his jaws caused all four cocks to jump, and the fox was anything but quiet while he ate.

Even with the help, before he could swallow it all, Lane forced another log out atop Jacob's muzzle. Some of the waste broke off and added to the pile on the floor, while the rest remained firmly stuck in front of the fox's eyes, woefully out of reach of his tongue. That too slowly crumbled and dissolved as the dragon's piss assaulted it, causing the stream of yellow to turn even darker as it poured over Jacob's face. Jacob had no time for a full drink though, as before his muzzle had fully emptied, a fourth log was already pinning his tongue down and barreling toward his throat.

Zander sighed with relief as he released his bladder over the fox. He'd been holding it in for ages, and from his perspective, it made no difference whether it ended up on or in Jacob. As long as he was able to go, he was happy with it. Much to the fox's dismay, most of it cascaded down his body and onto the floor, but a sizeable amount was still gulped down into his sewer of a stomach.

They continued like this for another couple minutes, with the tired but willing fox jaws turning solid logs of horse shit and a stream of dragon piss into a soupy, disgusting slurry that he was overly eager to drink down. Zander was the first to feel his stream diminish, becoming weaker as he shook his cock to knock the last few droplets off over the fox. Jacob was on his own now to mash up his food into a swallowable state, but luckily, the last log he was presented with was a bit softer than the early ones. As he chewed, Lane grunted, trying to push out more, but he was running on empty. A few spurts of flatulence sent some stray flecks of shit over Jacob's face, but that was all she wrote. When the fox swallowed the last of his first meal, he closed his eyes and sighed with relief, happy to be fed properly once more.

He wasn't given much time to bask in the moment though. Lane nudged Greyson, with a quick 'your turn' verbalized to get him to swap places, and soon enough, Jacob found his muzzle underneath a grey, well-toned ass. The second the wolf got into position, Jacob could hear the lupine's gut rumbling.

"This is gonna get messy..." Greyson warned, only making the fox more excited. He held his muzzle open a couple inches away from the wolf's tailhole, and soon enough, an onslaught of waste smacked him right on target. It wasn't completely liquid, but it was far from the solid stuff Lane was pushing out. Jacob barely had to chew before he could swallow it down. Try as he might though, there was no way he was going to be able to get it all short of sealing his lips around the hole before him, and he wasn't going to deny his audience a bit of a mess on his outsides as well. The same way Zander's piss poured down from his maw, Greyson's diarrhetic shit splashed off his tongue and over his torso below, even going as far as to splatter across the three pairs of legs surrounding the vulpine.

For Jacob, this was paradise. Eating shit was his primary goal in life by this point, and the nastier it was, the better. Scarfing down diarrhea topped his list of favorite activities, and to top it all off, he was getting paid to do it! The disgusting slurry kept coming in short, irregular bursts. Jacob mostly stayed on top of it, but one time while he was swallowing, Greyson leaned over a bit further and barely missed the mark. The fox started coughing as a jet of diarrhea shot directly onto his nose, going straight into his nostrils and down his throat.

"Aww, can't handle a little shit?" Zander teased.

"It's in my nose!" Jacob complained, exhaling sharply from his nostrils and blowing out what he could. He reached up and wiped the shit-tainted snot from his face, but it did very little to clear away the mess. His arms weren't that dirty, but the bigger problem was that Greyson still hadn't stopped shitting despite Jacob's inability to keep eating.

The fox finally managed to regain his composure, though now his entire head was dripping with wolf shit. Not wanting to give up, he angled his head back up and tried to collect the last bit he could. After a few tiny bursts, he swallowed down what ended up in his muzzle, swishing it around a bit before it too joined Lane's waste. Just as he did though, one final, large jet of waste sprayed out and smacked him between the eyes. Lane and Zander couldn't help but laugh as Jacob was assaulted with shit once again, watching it dribble down his sides. Greyson stood back up, not bothering to have Jacob clean his hole in the slightest, quite enjoying the feeling of liquid shit dribbling down the back of his legs.

"Now it's my turn," the dragon remarked as the wolf moved out of the way, now standing on Jacob's right. The fox swapped his paw over, now sliding his increasingly shit-covered paws down Lane and Greyson's cocks as he prepared for his biggest meal yet. Not once did he let go of the shafts on either side of him so far, dedicated to pleasing all three males as much as he could.

"Hope you're hungry, fox...I've been saving this for a while," Zander teased, squatting down a bit more to bring his hole within reach of Jacob's lips.

How far away it was didn't matter in the slightest though. Jacob was used to eating the dragon's waste over the last couple of years, and every time it happened the same way. The logs of shit were far too wide for Jacob to fit in his muzzle at once, and spillage was inevitable. As the first part of his third meal made itself visible and soon pressed against the fox's lips, he knew this would be no different.

Jacob did his best, opening as wide as he physically could, but the waste soon started splitting around his chin. He'd learned a while back to aim for the top part of the log, unless he wanted more of the waste forcing its way into his nostrils again. It was rare, but sometimes the fox did elect for that option, desperate to get shit inside him through any hole necessary. For now though, the top half split along his tongue, while the remainder smeared over his fur and slid down in front of him, to be finished off for dessert later. Despite not getting it all, the fox was still more than happy to serve as Zander's toilet. Not only did the dragon produce enough to truly make him feel full after eating, but the waste was absolutely foul to boot. His stomach still jumped slightly as he got his first taste of it, but he immediately bullied the protesting organ into submission and forced it to accept his questionable choice of food.

Jacob made no efforts to keep up with his boss, having learned it to be futile long ago. He simply let log after log of steamy, slimy dragon shit rain down on his face as he chewed whatever happened to end up between his lips. For the first time since they'd started though, the fox brought his paws to his torso, catching some of the falling shit and smearing it across his body. Not wanting to waste too much of his gift, he did his best to make sure he was completely brown by the time Zander had finished shitting down his throat.

Greyson glanced up at Lane as their cocks were freed from Jacob's paws, and sharing a quick nod, they seemed to wordlessly come to the same conclusion. Both of them relaxed as much as they could, and soon one, then two streams of urine were blasting Jacob from both sides.

The fox whined a bit around his mouthful as he realized even more waste wasn't going into his stomach, and again once he realized the piss was cleaning him off. His paws worked overtime, gathering more shit and trying to replace what was knocked off of his wet fur, appearing to shower in the dirty liquid and horrendous, mud-like feces absolutely coating him. He was grateful any time he managed a taste, first feeling Lane's jet-like stream of horse piss spraying across his lips, then having Greyson's weaker but fouler stream follow it up.

Throughout it all, Jacob never stopped eating. He knew that was his highest priority, and he wasn't about to stop for anything. Half a log here, a quarter of a log there, whatever he could get his jaws around was quickly turned into a soupy, shitty mixture before he slurped it down and went back for more. At one point, he could feel the streams of piss dying down on either side of him, but the onslaught of shit had yet to cease - Zander really had been storing it up for a while.

Now having evacuated both their bladders and bowels, Greyson and Lane took to masturbating on either side of Jacob's head, using the waste he'd smeared along their shafts as lube. Wet, squishy noises echoed out as paws worked the large lengths, preparing a final glazing for their fox. After another few logs spilled down the vulpine's body and joined their brethren between his legs, Zander finally stood up once more and faced the fox again. Seeing what the others were doing, he soon joined in, grasping his cock, and pointing it at their shared toilet.

Jacob, for his part, couldn't stop eating. He knew there was a bit of time before they came and used it to stuff pawful after pawful of dragon shit down his throat. Every time one of his paws left his lips, the other was there to cram more inside. It didn't seem to matter to him whether there was room or not - some of the waste simply fell back to the floor - but it didn't stop the fox from trying to stuff his muzzle as full as he could. He was only stopped when Zander reached out and tilted Jacob's head upward, signaling their impending release. The fox stopped chewing, leaning back with his head pointed straight upward, jaws apart, and a massive ball of feces barely contained within.

Greyson, Lane, and Zander nodded to each other, slowing down as they got close, edging themselves as much as possible. Once they'd all reached a similar point, the dragon gave a firm nod, and their paws sped up once more. Jacob knelt between them, just waiting for the icing before he swallowed it down. Roars, howls, and whinnies echoed through the room after one, then two, then three jets of cum sprayed across the fox's upper body. Three fire hoses of jizz managed to temporarily mask even the shit in the room, giving them all a blast of pure male musk.

As Jacob saw their orgasms dying down, he slowly began chewing again, with the mix of all three flavors of cum blending with Zander's waste on his tongue. He made short work of what was left in his maw, finally feeling it empty for the first time in about half an hour. Knowing that his job was done with the larger males now, he could finally take care of himself. The fox collapsed backwards into the massive puddle of various bodily fluids on the floor, seizing a pawful of shit and lathering it on his cock. Frantically, Jacob jerked himself off, needing barely fifteen seconds before he brought himself over the edge. He sprayed his comparably smaller load straight up, barely even able to feel it as it landed back on himself, joining the rest of the cum, shit, and piss completely obscuring his naturally orange fur.

The four males remained still, content and panting as they came down from their orgasmic highs. Zander gave it a few moments in the afterglow before he smacked the button with his tail again, turning the cameras off for the day. "And cut," he breathed.

"Fuck that was good," Greyson said. "First time I've gotten off today, feels so weird not to fuck Jacob first thing in the morning at this point."

"Why the hell didn't you make your puzzle something where you got to fuck him then?" Lane asked. "I love his muzzle, so obviously I made something with that."

"I really should have...I mean, my first thought is always toilet stuff, and since Zander said I couldn't shit in him, I gave him piss instead," Greyson explained.

"Well, we all got to give him all of it now," Zander replied.

"Yeah, that was a lot at once. You doing okay down there, Jacob?" Lane asked, though rolled his eyes when he looked down. The fox had already collected another pawful of shit and was munching away on it, and only offered a thumbs up in response. "I shouldn't be surprised at this point..."

"No, you shouldn't," the dragon said with a grin. "He's come a long way since I met him. Just an absolute whore, aren't you?" He directed at the fox, kicking Jacob in the side of the head a bit more roughly than he probably should have. Jacob paid it no mind though, only offering another thumbs up and some loud, open-mouthed chomps of excrement. "That's what I thought. I hope you're ready though - what we just did is easy mode compared to what I've got in mind for you this week."

"Just remember-" Lane started, but Zander waved his paw.

"Yeah yeah, I know, you need him back after. We talked about this already. It's not like you won't see him in that time, you'll get to fuck him every day at work if you want. And every day you'll notice just how much looser he is than the day before," Zander said.

Lane rolled his eyes again. "Well, maybe Greyson and I can fuck him at the same time after this is over. I know he's been DP'd before, but we're a bit too big for that ourselves."

"Then I have a goal to work toward," Zander replied. "We'll see if we can fit that knot in there too."

"Stop giving him ideas," Greyson said, lightly nudging Lane. "I'd still like to be able to fuck him by myself and have him feel it."

"Sorry, sorry, you're right. Just keep him fed, okay? And with shit, he can't live off only cum," Lane said, turning back to Zander.

"Of course. My house doesn't even have a regular toilet anyway - it's all got to go somewhere," the dragon replied. "Got rid of that damned porcelain thing ages ago. I'd rather go on the floor than flush it away."

"Yeah, but I know you," Lane countered. "You'll probably tie him up just out of reach of it and make him beg for it, then still not give it to him anyway."

"I will now," Zander said with a grin.

"Stop!" Greyson protested, now punching Lane's arm a bit harder. "I swear you're doing this on purpose."

"What? Me? Never!" Lane said, feigning innocence. "None of us have ever done anything to torment or abuse Jacob before!"

"...Okay, point taken," Greyson said. "But I want our happy, slutty fox back after this, but also still smart enough to pass our challenges."

"Most of our challenges," Zander corrected, with a broader smile. As Jacob finished eating the last of the big chunks of waste on the ground, the dragon snatched the leash off the desk and clipped it around the collar, preparing to head out.

"You're really not going to tell us the answer then?" Greyson asked.

"If Jacob behaves...he can tell you after the week's over. If not, then you're on your own!" The dragon teased.

"Was it at least possible for us to solve?" The wolf asked.

"Possible? Oh yeah, I wouldn't lie about that. It's no fun saying I outsmarted you but having it be actually impossible. Possible in the twenty minutes I gave you though...yeah, that was a stretch," the dragon said.

"Asshole," Greyson and Lane said simultaneously.

"Come on, have you ever known me to be anything else?" The dragon asked rhetorically before turning to the fox. "Come on now Jacob, we have a lot to do and only a week to do it."

Before Jacob could get up, Zander started walking, dragging the vulpine through the waste on the floor and toward the exit door. The fox waved a very quick goodbye to his boyfriends, knowing he'd see them at work the next day and tell them all about what Zander was doing to him. For now, he scrambled up onto his footpaws, trying to follow the dragon out the door. He barely managed it, practically having to jog to keep up with the much larger male's purposely sped-up walking pace. As he exited the studio with Zander, his mind raced as he thought about how his next week would be spent, an equal mix of excitement and fear going through his head.

Open Office - Chapter 9

Jacob could barely walk as he made his way into the office the next day. He'd hardly gotten any sleep with Zander and Lane trading ends basically all night, finally passing out while the dragon was back inside his tailhole after multiple rounds. He'd...

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Open Office - Chapter 8

By the time the day ended, Jacob had gone well beyond the limits he thought he had. Not only had Zander revealed the hidden intentions of the office, but also provided Jacob with a new role that better fit his talents. He surprised himself a bit with...

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Open Office - Chapter 7

Jacob was in paradise. He was happy and relaxed at work, Lane somehow still didn't suspect a thing, and Zander was no longer on his ass about getting his work done. It was a bit more difficult for Greyson, needing to put in a bit of extra time to take...

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