Private Party

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I'm back with more cute gay shenanigans! This time, the eagle-monkey duo of Josh and Jordyn decide to attend a free-use party... and Josh is the main course! Lots of praise, group sex, and exhibitionism in this one. Enjoy!

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The quiet din of space heaters elicited a contented sigh from the shivering eagle.

Warmth flowed into his lungs, under his feathers, and permeated his chilled flesh as soon as he entered the room. Stray snowflakes and chilly air drifted into the sterile lobby as the thick glass doors sealed behind him. His partner, Jordyn, flapped their paws to his side. One breath after another warmed their tingling fingertips.

The apartment building's lobby smelled strongly of bleach and antique furniture. Beige walls, an ancient security camera, the low buzz of LEDs affixed to the pitted ceiling. A wide silver elevator recessed into a distant wall alongside fake potted plants.

"This place is high-end," Josh said, and huffed. His talons adjusted the mop of black hair which sat atop his white feathers. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the harsh lighting and whined, "Crap, I think my wig is coming off. Jordyn, can you check the back for me?"

"Sure." Jordyn first unzipped their fluffy coat, airing out their thin body. They wore a simple violet crop top paired with black tights. Beads of moisture rolled from their forehead as they then rounded Josh's back and stuck their fingers under his wig.

A quiet chuckle fell from their lips. "Don't get your feathers ruffled. It's still pinned on," Jordyn teased. Their cold fingers then grasped Josh's arms and said, "You look sexy as hell, hun. You don't need to worry about anything."

Josh laughed. His shoulders relaxed, his feet shuffled. "Thanks, but I don't need a pep talk quite yet. Let's save it for when I'm in the room."

Jordyn teased, "Right, save that for when your hole is getting stretched," and trotted toward the elevator. Their paw pads tapped lightly on the glowing button aside it, eliciting a small ding as its doors slid open. The pair then stepped inside the elevator, sniffing at the air. Its carpet was thin, worn, and bore a galaxy-like pattern.

"Smells like cardboard in here," Jordyn said. They casually perused the control panel, then clicked the button labeled '25.'

Josh gawked at the glowing buttons. "There are thirty fucking floors here?" he asked. "How many people even live in this apartment complex?"

"Hundreds, probably. But I'd bet none of them are doing what we're doing," Jordyn replied.

Josh glanced at the monkey. "Nah, c'mon," he joked. "There's gotta be at least one other sex party going on in this joint tonight."

"You wanna crash it? Steal their snacks?"

"Totally." Josh chuckled, then asked, "Uh, I forgot. How do you know Ezekiel again?"

Jordyn waved their paw in the air. They explained, "He's a friend of a friend. Met him through Chrissy. He's super well-known in the BDSM scene. Been hosting these kinds of parties for, like... five years? No, six."

"Wow, so he's a veteran," Josh replied.

Jordyn grinned. "A veteran?"

"A veteran sex-haver," Josh blurted.

Jordyn laughed and said, "I love you, dork." The pair then shared a quick kiss as the elevator came to a stop.

With a soft ding, the doors opened on a long dim hallway. The couple meandered past a series of gray doors until they reached the hallway's end, then turned to their right.

"This is it," Jordyn said. The couple then paused as Josh stared at the unassuming door. A small heart-shaped sign hung below its peephole, emblazoned with the word "WELCOME!" Music echoed softly from inside.

Without a word, Jordyn knocked on the door. Shuffling from beyond its veneer. Silence, and then a hefty ka-chunk from the door's lock. Magenta light spilled from the apartment into the dank hallway.

A horned silhouette appeared against the steel door frame, clad in black jeans and a red tank top. The scent of incense wafted past his wide frame. Magenta glare reflected off of his distended pupils, giving them a hellish glow against the shifting lamplight. The figure then smiled, and spread his arms wide.

"Jordyn!" he called, and pulled the monkey into a tight embrace. "It's so nice to see you." He then pulled away and said, "You look amazing!"

Blush colored Jordyn's cheeks. They laughed and replied, "Hey, Ezekiel. You look great too, for an old billy goat."

Ezekiel's gaze then turned to Josh. They raised their hand in anticipation for a fist bump and said, "Oh, and you must be Josh. It's so nice to finally meet you." A warm smile. His voice was gravelly and low. "I've heard so much. All positive, of course."

Josh bumped the goat's fist and replied, "Thanks, haha. It's nice to meet you, too. I, uh, hope I live up to your expectations."

"You will," Ezekiel said, and stepped aside. "Come on in, let's get you settled."

And so the trio entered the stuffy apartment. Shifting pink and magenta lights shone against the walls and ceiling from a rotating ball in the room's front. A couple plush couches, an armchair, a TV playing inoffensive electronic music. Off to the side, the entrance to Ezekiel's bedroom and a small kitchen.

Josh gawked at the animals which lined the apartment's walls. They numbered seven in all: a lioness without a top on, her plush breasts falling onto a fluffy orange tummy; two domestic felines flirting in a corner over red solo cups; a fox sitting alone on his phone in the armchair.

The eagle's chest then fluttered as his gaze shifted to the table which laid in the center of the room. A simple wooden thing, its seats removed, on top of which laid some thin cushions, a ball gag, and a blindfold. It almost looked like a dog bed.

"Oh my god, is that your dinner table?" Jordyn asked. They hurriedly slid their boots and coat into the closet.

Ezekiel shrugged, smiling. He said, "I sanitize it after. But yes, it is."

Josh wordlessly gravitated toward the table and ran his finger along its laminated countertop. Fuck, he couldn't believe he was about to do this. His heart raced, his mouth was dry. He didn't even know these folks...

"Admiring your throne?" Jordyn asked, placing their paw on Josh's arm. They glanced over his shoulder at the cushion and continued, "Oooooh, it looks comfortable. You could probably fall asleep on that."

Josh shivered and glanced at Jordyn. "Yeah, it looks amazing," he said, and his eyes widened. He then blurted, "Oh damn. Just remembered, I should take my coat off," and began to disrobe.

Ezekiel silently observed the couple from the door, tapping his hoof against the carpet. The goat hadn't seen Jordyn in months - gosh, they looked amazing. More than that, he was glad that Jordyn had found a lover in Josh. The monkey had been depressed for months before finding him.

Truth was, Ezekiel had seen Jordyn through a few bad relationships at this point. Hell, they had even dated shortly before deciding to just remain friends. But he detected something different about Josh - he hesitated to call it kindness. Maybe authenticity? In any case, the boy was cute. And that bob cut, the way it barely grazed his wide shoulders... he was going to have some fun tonight.

The thick jacket slipped seamlessly from Josh's shoulders and shifted into Jordyn's grasp. Immediately, the eagle's nude body caught the eyes of the other partygoers. His wide frame bulged against the black latex neckpiece which encroached his shoulders and chest. Dark stretchy straps criss-crossed his breasts and abdomen, wrapping around his legs like tentacles and ending in a set of obsidian-colored combat boots. Fluffy brown feathers plumed from beneath the eagle's latex and accentuated his thick thighs and slender arms.

Jordyn threw Josh's coat to the side and asked him, "You ready to get started? Don't need to use the bathroom or anything?"

Josh shuddered in anticipation and answered, "Um, no, I'm good. Just have some water on the side, please."

"Gotcha." Jordyn then turned toward the small crowd and raised their paws, waving enthusiastically.

"Hi everyone!" they called. "Chrissy, Mark, Nathan. It's nice to see you all again."

A few familiar faces stared back. The fox waved. The lioness drunkenly called, "Hi Jordyn!" Laughter as the others playfully whooped.

Jordyn giggled. "I'll talk with you all in a minute," they said. "But for now, I'd like to introduce our entertainment for the night! Say hello to my partner, Josh."

The monkey then pulled Josh to their side and motioned to his chest. Josh looked away as blood rushed to his cheeks. His wig swished against his shoulders. Fuck, he felt so exposed. He could already feel his cock hardening.

Jordyn continued, "Josh is going to be our free-use toy for the night! He'll be blindfolded and tied on the table over here," and they motioned toward the table. "So from around nine to eleven, he's anyone's to use! Do anything you'd like, as long as it doesn't involve biting or scratching."

Ezekiel called out from behind Jordyn. "Can we take pictures?" he asked.

Jordyn glanced at him and winked. "Of course," they said. "We're counting on it. We actually brought a Polaroid." The monkey then turned back to the crowd. "Now, let me just get him situated, and we can get started."

More playful whoops. Several pairs of eyes bore into Josh's flesh. The eagle shook. Fuck, he couldn't believe he was doing this.

And so, Jordyn and Josh stood in front of the dining table as the monkey awkwardly fitted the ties around Josh's wrists and ankles. The lioness and fox soon separated from the crowd and meandered to speak with the couple.

"Jordyn! Hey!" the fox called. He wore a baggy Hawaiian shirt and khakis. A red cup sat in his grasp.

Jordyn glanced up from Josh's ankles, smiling awkwardly. "Hey, Nathan. How are you?"

"Doing well," he said. "Chrissy and I just wanted to come over and gawk at your boy toy."

Jordyn and Josh both guffawed.

"Uh, thank you," Josh replied. "You're... Nathan. Alright." He smiled sheepishly. "Nice to meet you. Sorry, still learning names."

Nathan waved his paw. "Don't worry about it," he said. "We will have plenty of time to talk after this is over. And names don't matter for this sort of thing, anyway." He pointed at Josh's chest and continued, "Your outfit is fucking sexy, by the way. Where did you get it?"

"Oh!" Josh's spine straightened as Jordyn rose and secured his wrists. "Well, it's actually not mine. It's Jordyn's."

"Luckyyyy," the lioness said. Jealousy shone in her eyes. She then gave a small wave and said, "Oh, and I'm Chrissy, hi."

"N-nice to meet you both," Josh said. He tried not to stare at Chrissy's exposed breasts. "I'll, uh, be sure to get to know you better when this is all over."

Chrissy smirked. "Oh, honey. With your body, I'll get to know you plenty with the blindfold on."

Josh's cock throbbed. He looked away in embarrassment.

Jordyn then popped upward and beckoned to the side. "Hey, Ezekiel. Can you check these bindings? Wanna make sure I'm doing this right."

A few feet to Josh's right, the goat's ears perked. He turned away from his phone and trotted to Jordyn's side. "The bindings?" he asked.

"Yeah," Jordyn said. "Is that loop alright? Does it look too tight?"

Ezekiel hummed and lowered himself to Josh's waist, eye-level with his cock. For some reason, Josh felt incredibly aroused at the idea of being inspected like this. Like he was just an object to be used, customized to others' liking...

"Yep, looks good," Ezekiel said.

Jordyn smiled. "Thanks," they replied, and stood to face Josh. "You ready for the table?"


And so Josh awkwardly sat himself on the table's edge, then rolled himself onto his back. He scooted himself upward so he laid comfortably along the table's length, placing his bound wrists above his package. Jordyn stood above him, blindfold at-ready.

Jordyn smiled mischievously. "Ready?" they asked.

Josh shivered and replied, "Y-yes. Of course. And remember, the safe word is still 'Tomato.'"

"Right," the monkey replied. "I'll be sure to tell everyone." And the blindfold was lowered across Josh's eyes. Only a faint black-violet haze shone through. The eagle's heart pounded in anticipation. His breath quickened. Jordyn then set a ball gag snugly in the boy's mouth and adjusted it tightly around his head.

Footsteps as Jordyn rounded to the table's front. The din and chatter slowly faded. Fuck, people were definitely noticing him.

_ _ "Hey everyone!" Jordyn called. Josh could practically hear the monkey's paws swinging in the air. "Josh is all ready! His time starts now. I'm setting up a Polaroid on the side, and some markers in case you wanna write on him. Have fun!" More shuffling. "Oh, and one more thing. He loves being called a good girl. So be sure to pamper him!"

Giggling from the crowd. More chattering, shuffling. Fuck, Josh could hear the clattering of feet as people approached the table. Low chuckles as they circled his helpless body like vultures. Josh trembled.

Without warning, a lone claw lightly traced its way down his neck, past the plexus of his chest, and ended on his navel. The boy couldn't help but shake uncontrollably. Breaths echoed from all sides. It was difficult to make out succinct voices-

A husky voice emerged from his left: "Aw, he's so cute. Look at his breasts! I can see why he likes being called a good girl."

A high-pitched response came from his right: "I knowww! And look how he trembles when you touch him. God, he's terrified."

"Kinda like you were a month ago in this position."

"Oh, shut it."

Josh managed to crack a labored smile from behind his ball gag. For some reason, hearing the banter of his captors put him at-ease. A small laugh fell from behind the plastic which plugged his beak.

A pause. "Oh, he finds us funny," the gruff voice said. "That's adorable. You know what I'm thinking, right?"

"Totally," the high-pitched voice said. Then, a plastic clink. It took a moment for Josh to recognize the sound. They had uncapped a marker! Just as the realization hit him, the marker's wet tip touched down on the boy's tummy and glided along his feathers.

"I'm thinking... 'SLUT,' in all caps," the gruff voice said. The marker's tip tickled Josh's flesh, making him wriggle and moan.

The high-pitched voice hummed. "No, no. We need something more creative. Like... SLUTTY SONGBIRD."

"Oh, good one! That's so cute." A pause.

"Wait... did his cock just twitch?"

Josh groaned. Fuck, he totally did just throb. Pressure built in his loins as the marker continued its journey from his stomach to his pelvis. Another hand then lowered itself onto his stomach and rubbed along his feathers' grain, barely grazing the base of his cock at the apex of each stroke.

"Good girl," the high-pitched voice cooed. "Such a good girl for us. And such soft down! Now stay still so we can claim you as ours, dummy."

A whimper escaped Josh's mouth as he felt himself claimed. That voice was familiar. The high-pitched, sickly sweet one. It was... Chrissy. The lioness. Fuck, she seemed particularly interested in him. Her soft paw pads ran beneath Josh's latex straps and inspected every inch of his abdomen; they traced along his stomach, his thighs, his flanks. All the while, his cock throbbed in anticipation, waiting for the next touch to near his pelvis.

"Done," the gruff voice said. Josh surmised that the voice belonged to Nathan, the fox. Laughter from his left. "Oh wow, he _really_likes you petting him. Look at how he squirms when you touch his thighs."

Giggles and coos erupted from all sides, ogling at the boy's writhing. Wait, how many people were watching him? At least four. No, five. Oh my god, and they all thought he was adorable. He couldn't stop his cock from twitching against the air. All this attention made Josh's mind fuzzy. The boy was helpless. He groaned.

The marker then lifted from Josh''s flesh and clinked to the side. Chrissy's paw moved upward to his chest and rubbed itself gently along his areola, eliciting soft gasps from the helpless eagle.

'Aww! He really is a songbird," Chrissy cooed. "Hey, get his other side."


Another paw suddenly encroached on Josh from his left and traced itself across his opposite nipple. He was being so thoroughly molested; it made his chest flutter. And then one more paw touched his tummy, and another - fuck, he couldn't tell what was going on. A cacophony of laughs, and talking, and music, and heavy breathing, and these strangers were all wrapping around his body...

"Good girl!" someone called.

"That's it. Squirm for us."

"Show us how much you love being touched, baby."

Fuck. Josh couldn't control himself. Overstimulation made his skull buzz. Mindless groans flooded from beneath his gag, his feathery tail flitted. The snap of a Polaroid being taken. Once again, the marker's tip grazed his skin - this time, his arm. "I think I'll write 'DORK,'" someone said, and the others yelped in approval.

One paw then gently wrapped itself around the base of his cock, causing it to flare uncontrollably. Josh's pelvis instinctively bucked into the paw's grasp, but it remained firm around his shaft. Fuck, they were teasing him.

"Aw, what is it, good girl? You want me to touch you more?" Nathan teased. "You're gonna have to work for it."

Josh squinted his eyes, clenched his jaw. His writhing intensified, his humping becoming

frantic against the stranger's soft paw. Warm breath suddenly encroached on the boy's feathered neck - and before he had a chance to moan, Chrissy's sweet voice moaned beneath his ears, her soft lips suckling gently on his flesh. She moved along the grooves of his throat, leaving tender kisses and licks along its side, then over to his trachea, and beneath-

All the way down, until her warm mouth reached his chest. Chrissy suckled gently at first, savoring Josh's whimpers, then rapidly flicked her tongue across his erect nipple. The eagle could feel her soft, weighty breasts resting on his arm as she bent over him. The attention made Josh's pelvis buck fervently, the tip of his cock barely grazing Nathan's grasp with each thrust. A familiar voice came from the crowd:

"Awww! Isn't she adorable?"

Jordyn. They were watching this. Oh god... for them to see Josh in such a compromising position... it was so unbelievably embarrassing. He already knew what face Jordyn was making; that dumb, smug smile. His dick throbbed.

Jordyn continued, "Hold up, I'll show you something he really likes." They trotted to Josh's side. "Like this, just fondle his balls and press upward..."

The monkey's paw then tenderly cupped Josh's package and pressed into his abdomen, putting pressure on the boy's prostate. Josh could feel his glans quiver in Nathan's palm, precum dribbling down his shaft. Dammit, that spot was his weakness! And of course Jordyn would be the one to reveal it.

"Oh! Thanks, Jordyn," Nathan said, and followed Jordyn's lead. He then chuckled and said, "As thanks, wanna see something sexy?"

Jordyn replied, "You know I do!"

The moist warmth of the fox's maw suddenly enveloped Josh's member before he could react. Nathan lapped gently at the eagle's lust, cradling Josh's glans against his thin tongue.

Josh's maw overflowed with loud, strained moans. He tugged at his bindings, attempting to break free, but couldn't move an inch. Chrissy placed a palm solidly on his chest and held him still, lapping at his nipples while Nathan devoured his cock. Other hands traced themselves along the pathetic boy's sides, his tummy, his thighs, all searching for a taste of his lust.

Nathan then briefly removed Josh from his maw, guffawing at the boy's excitement. The eagle quivered in the fox's paw.

"Oh my god, do you see how excited he is? He's fucking shaking," Nathan cooed.

"It's adorable!"

"Oh my god, he's so cute."

Chrissy lifted herself from Josh's chest and asked, "Tell me, baby. Who's our good girl?"

The question made Josh's heart dance. He sputtered and spat, trying to make his beak form the right words, but that stupid gag-

People laughed at his pathetic attempt to speak. Another click of a Polaroid. "Aww! It's okay, baby. Just tell us. Who's our good girl?"

Josh's face scrunched, his beak curled. He just managed to sputter his response: "M-me. Esh me."

"Good girl!" Chrissy chirped, and her lips planted themselves squarely on Josh's beak. The eagle couldn't close his mouth completely, but it didn't matter. The busty lioness nonetheless hugged Josh's front and violated his mouth with hers. Josh could barely breathe. Fuck, the lioness's breath was intoxicatingly sweet, like mint gum. Her sharp incisors scraped along his beak with each plunge of her lips, her breasts squishing against his chest-

At the same time, Nathan tenderly lapped at Josh's soft pink tip. He held the boy's glans between his lips and wrapped his tongue around it, sending hot moist breath cascading onto Josh's groin. He then slowly took the entirety of Josh's shaft inside his maw, releasing a grunt as he was filled up. Coos and cheers erupted from the audience, clearly entertained - wait, Nathan was taking him fully. All seven inches of Josh's cock disappeared inside Nathan's throat, and he didn't so much as gag. The warmth of his insides was irresistible. Josh uncontrollably convulsed as his entire body was violated, and the audience loved it. Whoops and cries rang out from all sides.

The fox's head then bobbed against Josh's groin in a steady rhythm. Fuck, Nathan's throat was tight. Josh throbbed against the fox's insides at the peak of each thrust, massaged by his warm flesh. The eagle could feel his control slipping as his body fell into a trance. His groin humped on its own, his tail wagged, his abdomen tensed up. He writhed uselessly against the latex bindings, against Chrissy's paw, relishing in the worthlessness of his efforts.

"What a pathetic toy," Chrissy cooed. "Just let us use you, girl. You're powerless."

But Josh couldn't keep still. His whole body was spasming in pleasure. He wrenched his neck upward, he attempted to pull his wrists apart. His legs kicked uselessly under Nathan's chest and a desperate cry sang from behind his ball gag, but his writhing only made his captors hold him tighter.

"Good girl," Chrissy said between grunts. Both of her paws held Josh's chest against the cushion. "Such a good girl. Why don't you cum for us, hun? I'm sure your audience would love to see such a cute toy scream."

The lioness's teasing sent an eerie warmth through Josh's chest. Like a radio tuning into a new frequency, he felt himself enter a headspace he had never experienced - total subservience. Thunder ran along his spine and made his body limp. He was a good girl, after all; why resist? Just a toy, meant for others' pleasure. It was his purpose to be used.

Pressure mounted between his legs. Sticky precum shot down Nathan's throat. The fox's thrusting intensified, plunging the good girl's cock past his tongue. Hands caressed Josh's abs, his head-

"Good girl!"

"Cum for me, baby."

"Show us your love, cutie."

Fuck, Josh had never felt so thoroughly admired. His captors explored every inch of his body as he squirmed. He was wrapped in a continuous orgasm, each graze of flesh shooting a pang of oxytocin into his overstimulated brain, until a shrill cry sang from the avian's beak. The pleasure was so whole, so complete, that his consciousness barely registered his orgasm's eclipse. He thrust himself wholly inside Nathan's tight maw and pumped load after load of hot, sticky cum into the fox's tummy. A Polaroid clicked, the petting intensified. Nathan swallowed each of Josh's loads and continued to suck on his quivering cock, milking the toy for every drop of lust.


"Oh my god! She came so much!"

"You did so good for us, baby."

Chrissy's palm tenderly petted the eagle's cheek. Tears rolled from beneath his blindfold from sheer overstimulation. Josh gasped for air, filling his lungs again and again, but his mind remained entrenched in subspace. Fuck, he needed more.

On cue, a voice called from the crowd: "Hey Nathan, mind if I get a turn?"

A series of scandalous "Oohs" and "Aahs" rang out. Nathan then removed Josh from his mouth, smacking his lips together and clearing his throat.

"Sure, Zeke. I've had my fun," Nathan replied. He laughed, then warned, "But be careful. The girl's stronger than she seems. Took all my might to hold her down."

Ezekiel rounded Josh's side and replied, "I think I can hold my own. Oh, and Chrissy, that was super fucking hot."

The lioness tapped Josh's chest and raised herself upright. She said, "Well, the girl deserves it! Speaking of, are you doing what I think you're doing?"

Josh could almost hear the smirk on Ezekiel's face. "Of course," the goat replied. "I always like to show first-timers a little trial by fire."

A pause as Ezekiel calmly reached behind Josh's head and undid the ball gag's buckle. The toy slipped from Josh's mouth and fell to the side. Instinctively, Josh stretched his beak and stuck his tongue out.

"Hey there, bud. You were fucking adorable there. You doing alright?" the goat asked.

Josh weakly nodded. Words could barely form in his beak. He sputtered, "Y-yeah. But could I get some water, please?"

"Of course. Jordyn?"

The monkey's familiar voice chirped, "I'm already on it."

In only a moment, a water bottle had been transferred to Josh's lips. The bird sipped greedily from its straw, then hung his head back with a sigh.

"Thank you," Josh squeaked.

"Of course," Ezekiel replied. "Now, are you ready for more?"

Josh's body solidified. He shivered. "Y-yes. Yeah, I am."

Gasps from the crowd, as if they'd seen this done before. The reaction made Josh uneasy.

"Alright," Ezekiel said. "I'm gonna hang your head off of the table then, alright?"

Without thinking, Josh replied, "Alright." And his head dangled off of the table's edge, his black hair hanging in the air. Not a breath passed his beak as he waited anxiously for a signal, stimulation, anything. The sudden silence was deafening, only broken by Ezekiel's gruff voice.

"Tell me, Josh. Do you like worshiping cock?"

The question caught the avian off-guard. He managed to reply, "Yeah, I do." Giggles emanated from the crowd.

"Oh?" Ezekiel asked. "Then you'll probably like this."

The goat's package was then shoved harshly in front of Josh's face, filling the avian's nostrils with his musk. The scent was _strong._A pungent mix of sweat, damp fur, precum, and patchouli mingled in Josh's nose. A weighty pair of testicles rested on the base of Josh's beak, while the goat's cock laid on top of his closed mouth.

"Don't pleasure me yet," Ezekiel teased. "I want to inspect you first."

A small whimper came from Josh's beak. His thighs squirmed.

Ezekiel then leaned over Josh's body, savoring his view. "Wow, girl. You have a great body. Your breasts are so full. And you have such perky, adorable nipples. I'm jealous." And he thrust himself harder onto Josh's face. The eagle squealed as the goat's scent further invaded his mind.

"And your cock... well, it might be the most pathetic, adorable thing I've ever seen. I'm so glad we've been taking pictures of you - I want to show everyone what a catch I've made." Coos from the crowd. Ezekiel straightened his spine.

"Tell me, dear... what do you think of my cock?" the goat asked.

In truth, Josh had never been so thoroughly drowned in musk before. His olfactory nerve was electrified by the overwhelming stimulation, his entire mind screaming for more. But what he actually said was:

"I love it. Please let me suck your cock. Please."

Laughter from all sides. "My, you're eager," Ezekiel said. "Most people are a bit more shy about begging."

Josh mustered a weak smile and replied, "Well, I know what I want."

"Then tell me in more detail. Beg for my cum, slut." And the goat clenched the back of Josh's head, thrusting his cock flush against his face.

"I-I want you to cum down my throat," Josh sputtered. "Fuck, I just need you inside me. I need you to breed me. Just use me like a cocksleeve. I'm your toy. Please!"

Ezekiel unclenched Josh's feathers. He huffed.

"Good girl," he said. "Open up."

And so, Josh opened his beak. Ezekiel's large cock then slipped inside, occupying the entirety of the eagle's maw. Josh's beak buried itself against Ezekiel's huge soft balls, still huffing his intense musk. It was hard to breathe.

"You'll have to forgive my size," Ezekiel said. "Now, let's see how you do."

And so Ezekiel gripped the table's edge and began to hump Josh's beak. His tiny capricid tail flitted above his ass, betraying his excitement. Josh whined as the goat entered his warm throat.

"Oooh. You feel good," Ezekiel said. A Polaroid snap. "You know, I loved seeing you cum earlier. I always love seeing my toys have full-body orgasms like that."

The comment made Josh quiver.

"But you know what's even better?" Ezekiel asked, and shoved himself deeper. "Seeing my toys filled up:"

The goat's pelvis pressed flush against Josh's beak. His cock bulged and throbbed against Josh's warm flesh. Gruff grunts then fell from Ezekiel's maw as he jackhammered Josh's insides.

Josh's breaths were shallow, desperate against Ezekiel's groin. His erect dick dripped cum into his tummy, pulsating with every frantic heartbeat. He could feel himself slipping further into subspace with each thrust, divorced from his body, enveloped in a warm blanket of pleasure and warmth. A pleasant dissociation, a lightness in his head, as his consciousness hyperfocused on the undulations of electronic music and the quivers of flesh in his mouth and the sour taste of precum-

"Good girl," Ezekiel growled. His grip on the table tightened. He bit his lip. "Fuck, you're doing so good, baby." He then turned to the side and said, "Jordyn, get the camera ready."

Ezekiel's body tensed uncontrollably against the helpless girl. God, Josh was good at this. And her body was fucking amazing. Ezekiel was amazed that such a bashful girl opened up while on display. Her stifled gasps turned to absent moans, her little shivers became full-blown squirms. Ezekiel fell prey to the rhythm of her body, humping in-time with the tightening of her insides, an intricate dance between two loving bodies.

"Fuck!" The goat's humping became shallow and quick. "Fuck! Baby, I'm gonna cum! Hold on!"

And with one final thrust, Ezekiel pushed himself deep, deep inside Josh's beak. A guttural growl emanated from his chest, his abdomen tensed, his legs locked. His cum violently erupted into Josh's throat, rushing into her tummy and filling her mouth with the bitter taste of his lust. Warmth coated her tongue, infiltrated her nostrils, and leaked from her limp beak onto the floor. Ezekiel remained inside her throat as he throbbed again and again, pumping the vulnerable eagle full.

Whoops and cheers. A camera clicked. Jordyn cried, "That's my girl!"

The goat then slowly removed himself from Josh's mouth and planted a kiss on her moist beak, sliding her head back onto the table. Josh cleared her throat, swallowing the last of Ezekiel's cum, and breathed deeply.

"How are you doing?" Ezekiel asked.

Josh cracked a weak smile. "Amazing," she croaked.

"Good." Ezekiel then propped the water bottle to Josh's beak. "Drink up. You need it."

Josh sipped from the bottle, then stretched her back. "Thank you," she said. "I, uh, need a break."

"I thought so," Ezekiel said, and removed Josh's blindfold. It took a moment for the eagle's eyes to readjust to the dim room. That familiar magenta light danced across the popcorn ceiling. Ezekiel loomed over Josh, staring down at her with a warm smile.

"You did well," he said. "Very well. I'm so glad to have you here. Please let me know whatever you need. Okay?"

Josh squinted and replied. "Thank you. I'm. uh, glad to be here too." And she sighed, and watched the lights dance on the pale walls.