Being a Pleasing Cuck

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Nico sets up his partner, Farrah, with a stronger male, watching and loving the result as he sees her get all that she's ever deserved...and more!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

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Being a Pleasing Cuck

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

Nico knew it was...strange. Okay, not strange, not really, but different. Because he had never had a conventional relationship with his husky girlfriend, both of them loving life but coming from completely different walks of life. He was energetic, always on the move, as if he had a million things going through his head at any one time, though red pandas were not usually known for their activity. Still, he could break conventions however he pleased - as long as it was with a consenting partner.

And he had known just what he had to do for Farrah, his sweet partner, the moment he had laid eyes on the wolf at the club where he worked. Matt was bold and confident, a wolf with such an air of being present and taking up space wherever he was that Nico was spellbound by him from the very first moment. He'd slipped his number into the wolf's back pocket while he was serving him drinks and got to ask Matt if he wanted to meet someone very special to him while he was down on his knees giving the wolf head in one of the private rooms.

That had been a moment. A very special moment indeed, down there, taking his cock into the back of his throat. Oh, the difference between their cocks... The red panda was left not even recalling just what clothes he was wearing, even if it was very revealing, glitter splashed deliriously across his chest, too caught up in revering and adoring the wolf's cock.

What a specimen... It was long and thick with a tapered tip and a pair of heavy, round balls that seemed to have been drawn there by an artist with an appreciation for the male body. They were perfect, so very perfect, and he played his tongue up against the underside of Matt's cock, listening to the wolf's moans that rose above the din of music emanating through from the club.

He could have been a part of that but, in that moment, he wanted to be there, with the wolf, almost testing him out for Farrah.

"Mmmph... You can go deeper than that..."

Nico whined. Damn it, the wolf seemed to have his number and he very much liked that. He liked that he could lean into the moment, grunting, taking the wolf's cock deep, his tail wagging. They had an arrangement between them, him and Farrah, that they could enjoy other partners within their agreement, yet he had not seen Farrah enjoy as much as she could have.

And the studly wolf, rippling with muscle, a good couple of feet taller than the lithe panda, provided everything that Nico could have ever wanted for his partner. He flicked his tail back and forth, murmuring around the wolf's cock, though he only wanted to take it deeper and deeper again, gulping around him, languishing there right where he belonged.

Only when the wolf had his paw around his knot, squeezing it tightly, did Nico give in completely, however, his mind awash with fantasies, his tail wagging as if he was a canine, not a panda. But he could show as many canine nuances that he had picked up from his girlfriend as he liked, swallowing down every gulp that he could of Matt's cum, cheeks filling with it, needing more, craving more, though it was not truly for him to take.

Just the wolf's to give.

And the wolf was perfect.

And that was just how he ended up escorting his girlfriend, Farrah, to the reserved booth for the evening. Even though Farrah had not met Matt before, he just knew that Farrah was going to love him and the husky looked jaw-dropping in a medium-length skirt that came down her thighs but left a daring slit up the side. She was a husky on the quieter side, needing only a little help from time to time to come out of her shell to the extent that she wanted to, but no one had ever said that she had to do anything or be someone else.

Well, Nico had always made sure that she hadn't had to listen to that kind of negativity. He loved Farrah just the way she was, her long, curly hair brushing the top of her back, her top with an open back and a neckline that hinted at the roundness of her breasts. It was flattering in just the right way for her, though Nico could not help but imagine her naked, the smooth, tasteful curves of her body drawing the eye.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" She said, though the husky trusted her partner absolutely. "It's... He's never met me before and..."

"It's okay, everything is going to be okay," he assured her, smiling wildly. "You don't have to do anything you don't want... But I want you to have everything that you deserve, Farrah, I promise. I really mean that."

He paused, kissing her softly on the cheek.

"That's all that's needed, hon," he said warmly. "You just have to have fun, do what you want... See where things go. And I'll be right here if you need me!"

The booth that he had selected for them was in a quieter part of the club, though there was still a driving beat of the music in the background as Farrah sat down.

And, from that moment on, Nico was not needed. He had done what he was there for, leading her to the booth and straight into Matt's arms, the wolf standing and helping her into the booth, for she had to slide into the tall seat, which was a little awkward for anyone.

"Oh - thank you! I'm Farrah ..."

Nico was too far away to hear more, though the red panda wasn't quite sure how close he could go. Whether it was Farrah's gentle ruling over him or the club wanting him to keep working the floor, he was torn between doing what he was supposed to do and what his heart yearned for.

Sometimes the two came up against one another in a delicious conundrum. But he knew everything that he had to as Farrah blushed heavily at something the wolf had said, a softness in the wolf's eyes that Nico had not seen before, not when it had just been the red panda and the wolf together.

No... No, that was all for Farrah as he watched her giggle, blushing so hard that he could see a hint of it through the lighter slice of fur on her face, where her typical red and white husky markings came together. Matt leaned over to brush her hair back, exposing her neck and collarbones, though the husky didn't seem to mind his closeness at all.

Of course, Farrah was smitten. How could she not be? The wolf was a guy that her sweet panda had found for her, someone that he had thought she would get on well with. And she liked that, wanting to give it a chance, even though nerves bunched and twisted in the pit of her stomach. It turned out, ultimately, that the husky had never even had cause to worry, not one little bit, for Nico had, as ever, made the right choice available to her - if she chose to take it, that was.

It happened very quickly after that, the first date and first meeting going off without a hitch, though Matt did draw her closer to him on the booth seat, which she liked. She liked having a guy that could lovingly take charge of her, a comforting firmness about his paw on her hip and then her thigh, though the wolf always checked in with her, always making sure that everything was something that she was comfortable with. He could be respectful and make his intentions with her more than clear enough, after all, and Farrah caught herself leaning in closer and closer to him, closing the gap without even considering what that meant.

Her heart pounded too hard and, by the time Nico returned with their drinks, she was scooted up against the wolf's side, letting him slip an arm around her to cuddle. He was just so soft, with that top layer of thick fur, and then hard beneath with all the muscle layering his body: the perfect kind of guy to cuddle like that.

Nico paused the moment he saw Matt lean in, closing the distance between his lips and the husky's, tipping her muzzle slightly up so that he could meet her perfectly in the middle. Their lips met and it was at that moment that he knew the husky had gained something and someone more in her life - rather than the panada losing anything.

It was all going to come together as he had longed for, finding her the perfect guy, setting her up... He smiled, dropping the drinks off and otherwise fading into the background. Of course, the panda would be there when he was needed. He wouldn't just leave Farrah hanging, not when he could be useful to her.

It was what he would do for anyone that he was so in love with.

They didn't call him back until sometime later, though he caught glimpses of them, checking in, as he went about his work. They were laughing, something light on the wolf's face, easing the sense of newness about the whole thing, though he had never seen Farrah that relaxed with anyone before. It was purely a joy to see as his fluffy, ringed tail lifted proudly, wondering if they would get together that night, at home, too.

Nico did not have to wonder for long, not as a text popped up from Matt, letting him know that they were both ready to go home for the night. Nico had gotten special permission from the club to leave his shift early, which was exactly why he had been on light work for the evening, so was able to do so. And yet, for him, it was notable that the text had come from Matt and not Farrah.

He was becoming less of who he had been even then, Nico thought with a delicious shiver that rippled down his back. Not losing himself or his status as Farrah's partner, no, of course not... But there was a new role for him to step into and make his own, all while he made way for Matt and served them both.

Could he have been a luckier panda?

He returned to collect them - but the couple did not notice him, not at first. They were too busy kissing deeply, passionately, his ears twitching to catch Farrah's light moan. Oh, he would have known that moan anywhere, even if the club was so very loud that it should have drowned out everything within. But he couldn't take his eyes away from them, even as his heart skipped a beat and his eyes fixated on the point at which their lips joined, tongues sweeping longingly up against one another within their muzzles.

"Hm... Oh?"

Nico coughed and cleared his throat awkwardly to get their attention. Matt broke away first, an easy grin spreading across his lips.

"Hey, panda," he said, casually slipping into a less familiar way to address Nico. "I thought you might take longer than that. We're ready to go, aren't we, darling?"

He asked the question of Farrah as if he truly was checking in with her and making sure she was happy to head out, something that warmed Nico through. If he had not been with Farrah only a short time ago, though the times seemed to have already changed, Nico would have whole-heartedly believed that the two of them had been together for a long time, for Matt already treated her with the devotion that Nico had hoped that he would show a girlfriend. Farrah nuzzled into his neck, her eyelashes fluttering with a tasteful layer of mascara, though the canine did not need any makeup at all on her face to look more beautiful than the last time Nico had seen her.

Everything was just the way that he wanted it to be as Nico lead them out to the car, acting as if he was just facilitating their night out, as if he was helping them out. There was still a sense of him needing to find his pace there, though all that and more would come in time and wasn't something at all that the red panda was worried about. He held open the car door for them, which was parked in the staff car park around the back of the club (a perk from working there) but Farrah didn't have eyes for him.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight," Farrah murmured, brushing her lips against the wolf's cheek. "I really had a good time... And to think you set it all up!"

Nico, of course, had been the one to set it up, though the red panda chirped softly. He didn't mind Matt taking the credit for it, not as the wolf shot him a grateful look and a thumbs-up, even if the power differential between them would never be crossed in any meaningful way. All as it was meant to be as Matt helped Farrah into the car, rather than Nico taking on that role, and Nico made sure that the car door was closed after Matt either.

His role was to drive them back and Matt cast his eyes over the back of the red panda's head, visible over the back of the headrest, as Farrah half curled up into his lap. He would have believed that the canine was sleepy if not for how her fingers danced up and down his thigh, even sliding around to the inside of his right thigh, curling up close to his groin. Chuffing lightly under his breath, something between a grunt and a sharp exhalation of air, the wolf shifted his weight, allowing the husky to get even more comfortable against him, the moment heating up, sexual tensing coiling and stretching between them.

They had to test the waters sooner or later, after all, though Matt was still ever so slightly in awe that such a gorgeous husky had practically fallen into his lap. Sure, he was a catch and he aimed to live up to the high standards that he held for himself, but he was fortunate too that Nico had come across him at just the right time. Even if the wolf was in charge, he would take care of the red panda too, just in a different way to the husky.

"I hope you don't mind sharing a bed tonight," Matt teased lightly, nipping playfully at her neck in a way that made her squeak. "I don't like sleeping on the sofa... My legs are too long..."

Her paw trailed up his thigh, briefly grazing the bulge at his crotch. The wolf stiffened, letting out a throaty grunt that had Nico's ears pricking up, though the panda could not look back when he was driving. Matt chuckled throatily and let her do it, though he was curious to see just how bold Farrah would be, the canine peering up at him as if she was trying to gauge his reaction too.

But that was the beauty of a first date and how things were meant to come together, learning more and more about a partner as things heated up between them, smoking and smouldering. Nothing was ever meant to be perfect right from the get-go but it was meant to be a journey of exploration like nothing that anyone had ever experienced before. He let the tiniest of moans slip by his lips as Farrah retreated, but the grin playing over her lips and the glint in her eye more than let the wolf know that she was on the same page as he was.

Farrah, however, knew what she wanted already, crawling into his lap, ignorant of her seatbelt, even though Nico glanced back worriedly at her. She had had a couple of drinks and was tipsy enough to be bold, though she would not need anything like that at all once she was comfortable with Matt. And that would not take long, no, not with how easy it was to slot herself in against his body already, to kiss up the line of his jaw and share breath in the moment before their lips hotly connected again.

She was aware of Nico there as he helped them out of the car, back at their house, though the canine was not thinking of him. Her heart sang for someone else, someone that the husky had not even realised that she'd been wanting all along, as fortunate as ever that Nico had been able to source out exactly what she needed. Nico was just there to help, however, opening the front door for them, darting back to make sure the car was all locked up where he had parked on the driveway, his heart pounding as he raced to their attention.

Of course, the couple didn't really need his attention, not like that, not as he closed the door and rushed to take Farrah's bag from her as she thrust it at him. It bumped lightly into his chest and he snatched it up gratefully, tail flipping to the side as he tried to keep up with them. It was clear, even then, that Nico was more than welcome around them even if he was not explicitly needed there.

Yet they did not shame him or humiliate him, unless their ignorance of him could be counted as such. Yet Nico did not mind that, doing the little bit that he could in helping Matt off with his jacket and hanging it up by the door, their shoes kicked off so that their hind paws were left bare on the carpet of the hallway.

"Ah... Oh, god..." Farrah moaned, breaking the kiss as the wolf attacked her neck instead, kissing her wantonly and passionately, nipping with his teeth and tugging with his lips for an added little bit of tantalising sensation. "Yes... Yes, please... Matt, please..."

"Tell me what you want, gorgeous," he breathed, eyes alight, even though they were half-lidded and the bulge at his crotch was even larger than ever. "I want to hear it from you, from your lips..."

"You..." She managed to force out through a breathy moan as, finally, they tumbled through the bedroom door, Matt bumping it open with his hip while the canine mildly directed them. "I want you!"

Nico hesitated before following them inside. He would have wanted to be able to get ahead of them to open the bedroom door for the but, alas, he had not been quite swift enough for that. That was okay though as it was very much not as if they needed his permission or anything like that to get started, their moans more than enough of what he needed to know that all was well with them. They were happy and that made him happy too, all to be a part of it as the wolf and the canine worked at stripping each other out of their clothes.

That was not for Nico to be involved in, both a part of the scene playing out and set aside in a way, for it was not up to him to get them out of their clothes, no, not by any means. They wanted to be the ones with their paws all over each other, Matt plopping down onto the edge of the bed with the canine dropping to her knees before him to drag his black jeans down even further.


Farrah let out an appreciative moan as she let loose the beast of his cock, though she could barely even wait to get his clothes off before enjoying him. Oh, he was bigger than Nico and she could not help comparing them, only then sneaking a sly look and a wink over to Nico. It would not have been in Farrah's nature to overtly compare them, of course, but the look was clear and she caught the red panda giving a little squeak and a shuffle, only just seen in the corner of her eye.

But his shaft, the wolf's shirt hanging open and jeans trapped with his underwear at just about knee height, was hers to take. She panted heavily, exploring his cock with her paw, curling her fingers around the base and finding that it was a struggle to get them to touch around his shaft, her finger and thumb.

"Mmmph, oh god..."

"Take your time, baby," he said softly, running his fingers through her hair as Farrah moaned and leaned into her touch. "Everything's okay, I want to make you feel really good too..."

She knew that already as she took just the tip of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the head, savouring him, exploring him. For once, she felt like she had all the time in the world to spend with him, someone there to attend to their needs, making sure that everything else was taken care of. She had never before had to think of what a relief that would have been, to have everything looked after and sorted so that she did not even have to have it in mind.

It was a very good feeling, yes, indeed, and one that had her leaning even more into the wolf, taking down his cock as she showed off just how much of his dick she could take into her mouth. It was a while since she had had a cock that large to suck down but the wolf would not find her lacking in any way as the two new lovers invited each other down into their bodies for the first time.


She hummed around him as Matt's fingers tightened inadvertently into her hair. He may have tugged a little but nowhere near hard enough for it to hurt, no, though she wouldn't have minded a touch of that, if she could feel the passion coming through it too.

His cock was so smooth within her mouth and she couldn't wait to see just how the knot at the base would inflate too when he was close to climaxing. Pre-cum beaded at the tip but the husky eagerly swept it up with her tongue, grunting eagerly around him.

Nico took his chance to help out Matt a little bit, getting him out of his buttoned shirt too, though he only had to slide it back from his shoulders in that moment, as he had done for his jacket. The husky blowing the wolf was down to her underwear, for the skirt had been, at least, easy for her to get off, though he would set that side and tidy it up too in a moment.

He unclasped her bra for her though, helping her slide first her left arm and then the right out of it. It was a soft moment, even if Farrah's attention was not on him in the slightest - and that was the way too that Nico wanted it to be. He needed to be there, yes, in the scene, for himself, but they didn't need him.

That was the way that it was supposed to be. Yet the lewd slurping of her lips pressing in closely around his meat filled the air, the husky seeming to be trying to get that massive length of shaft deep into the back of her throat. That would be difficult for her, though it had been a challenge for him too, even if his muzzle was just a little bit shorter than Farrah's, being the difference between a husky and a panda. He would have helped her out a bit with the angle and such if the moment was not hers - it was up to Farrah to ask him, in that instance, if she wanted more from Nico.

The wolf, however, shifted his weight, growling and grunting moderately under his breath as if he simply could not sit still while his cock was as deep as it was inside her muzzle. He huffed out a hot breath, tongue lolling forth, a light tingle of crisp musk emanating from him as his body heated up, though there was nothing unpleasant in the smell. Farrah moaned around him and Matt cupped her cheek tenderly as he helped her look up at him, though her eyelids were half-closed, needing to concentrate even then.

Matt could barely believe that her mouth could feel as good around his cock as it did right then. Well, the red panda had given a great blowjob, back at the club before, but there was something that would always be different about doing things like that with a partner that he really had a connection with. And maybe it was that very connection, even the emotion too, that was the most important thing of all to him. It was not something that the wolf had honestly thought all that hard about before.

He wanted more, however, pulling her up gently even though he was very much okay with her being down with her mouth sealed deviously around his cock. There was a playful wickedness in the husky too that he had not expected and Matt was not even thinking of Nico, the red panda who _should_have been her partner, as he laid her down lovingly on the bed. What remained of her beautiful lingerie - made all the more glorious by the body that it was lovingly wrapped around - was removed by his paws, not Yuri, all so that he could run his paws over her, to feel the soft weight of her breasts, how the bare nubs of her nipples brushed into his paws.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice low and almost a little raspy as if he could not believe his luck - and that would have been true. "Lie down, gorgeous... I want to make you feel amazing too, as good as you've already made me feel."

Nico shivered but it was not his scene to be a part of. He wondered if he had ever gone down on Farrah with such sweet reverence but there was almost something of a note of praise in how the wolf slid between her legs. The husky whimpered and let him put her in position, a pillow under her buttocks so that her hips were ever so slightly lifted, everything about the right angle for his tongue to gently sweep up into her.

"Ah, Matt..."

The panda swallowed hard. That should have made him feel worse, like there was a lump in his stomach, but even his shaft was hard, responding to everything playing out before him. He would be there if they wanted him, of course, but he could watch and adore the show, how the wolf traced the outline of Farrah's pussy briefly before plunging his slippery length of tongue inside and curling it up within her.

The effect on the husky was obviously electric, bucking her hips and arching her back, fumbling with her paws just for something to cling onto. It was as if she needed to root herself in the moment, right there and then, all with another's name on her lips, arching up deliriously against the warmth of his tongue. All that mattered to her was passion and pleasure, the throb of lust coursing through her body, as if her blood and her heart were singing for a strong male who knew how to lovingly take her in paw for the very first time.

It was only in the back of her mind that he was so different to Nico, but not in an unpleasant way at all, no. That wasn't what comparing them was all about because they were so different, but the husky could still taste the musky length of the wolf on her tongue, wanting to sweep her tongue around her muzzle to take even more of it in. That in itself was harder than ever for Farrah to do as she ran her fingers through the thicker ruff of lusciously soft fur around the back of his head and neck. A part of Farrah, however, could not wait to lay her head down on his broad chest, the softness of his fur soon to cushion her there too.

She needed more, aching for it, though she didn't seem able to get the words out. He was doing obscenely wonderful things to her, her head rolling from side to side on the bed, the sheets rumpling and twisting up beneath her. In the back of her mind, Farrah was aware that she had gripped the bedsheets with one paw and was wrenching them tightly to her, grasping and grabbing, holding on for dear life.

But she had to, all as his tongue dragged around her clit and she squealed, climaxing quickly - too quickly! Oh! She had not thought that she could get off as quickly as that but Matt was changing the game in ways that she had never before thought possible. How did he do that to her? Farrah heaved and even let out a throaty grunt through climax, twisting against him, her legs over his shoulders and thighs squeezing in deliciously against him. She might have even been too rough with the wolf in her moment of need, though it was not as if Matt would ever have said so.

He was having too much fun down there, lapping up deeply into her pussy in long, rolling strokes of his tongue, to care. He drank down her essence as if it was the best beer that he could have found at a craft brewery, the taste of the husky dancing on his tongue as he groaned into the seductive heat of her sex. Matt could well and truly lose himself there, even if there was still the scent of another male on her fur, awakening a deeper, more primal need inside him.


He growled into her sex, need flowing through, wanting to take her, to cover her, needing her. The husky twisted against him as if she was far from done, her state of need practically tangible in the air between them, a curling, twisting, sinuous force. It was a bond that connected them, though the thread was by no means frail, throbbing with tenacity as, finally, he raised his head, letting the husky meet his eyes.

He couldn't stop himself the moment his name left her lips in a breathy moan, as if it was all Farrah could do to gather enough air into her lungs to speak his name. It was not a prayer but a sin, however, one that could be shared between partners that were so in tune with one another that nothing else existed for them.

He pressed up over her, into the missionary position. Her legs parted for him and Nico watched, holding his breath until his chest ached with a burning strain of tightness that not even he could set aside. He could only watch, dithering, wondering if there was something that he should be doing... And yet there was not anything that he needed to do.

He could relax and enjoy the scene, taking solace in the knowledge that he had more than done the right thing in setting Farrah up with Matt, for all was playing out just as he'd imagined. Her moans rose as his thick shaft nuzzled between her thighs and pressed up into her pussy, parting her soaked folds from him. It was undoubtedly the slickness of her orgasm that helped his meat slide into her and Nico squirmed deliciously as he took in just how much bigger the wolf was. It seemed like no time at all since he had savoured and tested that cock for himself, for he had needed to be sure that the wolf was the right choice for his lover, that he would not disappoint her.

"Oh, Matt..." She moaned, trying to buck her hips up against the wolf but already finding that he was pinning her deliciously in place, a needy whimper breaking her lips. "Please... Mmm... I need you..."

"And I'll give you everything, I promise."

The wolf kissed her passionately, taking advantage of the moment as he lavished attention on her, his tongue sweeping around her muzzle while he took the lead. Her pussy clenched tightly around him, rippling erratically, though no one could be expected to have that great control over their muscles that they could make pulses around another's dick rhythmic. That would have been something very impressive indeed but not something that Matt would ever have expected, as much as he relished in it.

No... He was there for the moment, even though there was so much more for him to learn about the beautiful husky lying beneath him at that very moment. He needed her, ached for her, moaned into her mouth as he took her with long, slow strokes of his cock.

And Nico's eyes were on them the whole time, fixated on the slow, delicious point at which Matt's cock disappeared into Farrah's pussy. It was as if he was feeling it all for himself, even though there was a sense of disconnect and separation there, not able to feel it, only imagining it. It was not as if the wolf had ever taken him like that, after all, and he could not ask for it.

It was not his place. And Nico loved his place.

He inhaled deeply, savouring the light musk and sexual desire, the edge of her essence, tangling in the air. It was intoxicating and he languished in the notion that Farrah was being pleased and loved like she never had been before, his solace while her heady pants and moans rose just a little bit higher with every single moment that dared pass. If Nico could have clung onto the seconds, just to draw them out for even longer, he would have done so.

Matt intended to ravish her, though it was harder and harder for the wolf to hold back and to consider her pleasure, even if that was going to be a given. If she didn't get off on his cock, he would have pressed his paw down between their bodies regardless, seeking out the nub of her clit where the hood had pulled back slightly to expose it to his pleasure. There were always ways to please and the wolf wasn't going to let her go unsatisfied by any means.

Farrah lifted her legs, shakily wrapping them around him, trying to drag the wolf down and into her even more than he already was, though he was taking it all at a good pace. There was no rush to be had there, even if they were enjoying the moment, the husky whining while he lapped tenderly at her throat, kissing up the line of her jaw and her cheek.

Farrah clung to him, heaving, grunting, though the sounds slipping from her lips were not all that ladylike in their presentation, regardless of what his opinion might have been on that. He just wanted to hear and to take all of her, exactly the way she was, no more and most certainly no less than that. For once in her life, she wasn't thinking about presenting herself in a certain way, just letting everything come, desire coursing and pulsing, pounding like the beat of their hearts.

She moaned as he bore down over her, his thighs pressing hers apart in a mating press. She swooned. She could not have imagined loving that position as much as she did right then, the weight of him above her, the wolf so confident that she would be able to take her weight that he did not even hesitate in the slightest before asking her to take him. His cock filled her so wonderfully, her pussy able to take his girth more and more as inch after inch slid into her body. The strain was there, yes, but it was a beautiful kind of strain, a light stretch and a sense of being filled so wonderfully that she didn't want her pussy to ever again be empty.

"Oh, oh... Ohhhh!"

It hit her all of a sudden - why was that? But there was no time for Farrah to come to terms with just how she was cumming on his cock, without even using her paws or his paws, lust swirling, pounding and throbbing. Her whole body felt like it was contracting as she moaned aloud, tongue hanging out of her mouth as he broke the kiss, sharing breath with her as his muzzle was shoved down close to hers, letting the moment sweep through, carrying them both up and away.

It was all they needed, even as her pussy massaged his cock. She panted, trying to lick her lips, though she was pinned longingly there and there was nothing more that she needed to do, no, not as he thrust and thrust and thrust. Yes, he could take her, he should take her - and she was both an active player and along for the rider, wickedly somewhere in between. She didn't have to be rocking back against him when he had disengaged her legs from his waist and shoved her down on the bed, her body laid out devoutly before him in a mating press. She adored the submission, how it flowed through her, just how Farrah could trust Matt to take her and utilise her body in the best way possible for both of them.

With Farrah squirming under the bigger wolf, Nico tried not to hold his breath or touch his cock as he watched them. Farrah, of course, could do whatever she wanted and had everything she wanted, licking her lips, panting where the wolf's lips brushed hers tenderly.

The wolf grunted, tucking his snout in close to her neck and Nico did not have to be a part of that moment to realise that he was cumming inside her at that very moment. Briefly, the wolf's paw had thrust down between their bodies, squeezing his knot without tying with her, for it seemed that he wanted more from it. That didn't stop the husky from grinding up to him with all the flexibility (admittedly however little it was) she had in her lower body at that moment, wanting it inside her, rubbing that knot against her sensitive pussy lips.

Quietly, Nico moved around them, fetching them both a glass of water - and a straw for the husky, if she wasn't quite in a position to sit up to drink - and some towels if they wanted him to help them clean up too. The shower had been left set already to Farrah's preferred temperature (which was hotter than Nico would have had it), though they wouldn't turn out to want a shower quite yet.

No... Not as Farrah and Matt kissed through him emptying his balls into her, the thickness of his girth remaining hard, somehow, even after he had emptied every last drop of cum into her. At least, all that the wolf had had in him from that climax alone. There would be more to come, yes, and the red panda held his breath as, finally, he got to watch as the wolf drew out of her pussy, as much as the husky seemed to be trying to clench and squeeze around his hot length.

"Mmm... Matt... Oh... Oh, that was amazing..."

"Only because you were with me, sweetie..."

The wolf nuzzled into her, laying loving kiss after kiss along her muzzle and down her neck, pulling out and lying beside her as Nico made sure they were comfortable. The husky didn't seem tired at all, her tail sweeping back and forth lightly, thick and fluffy, though there would surely be some of their mixed sexual juices clinging to it by the time the night was over. That would be Nico's job to help them with, cleaning up and tidying up, making sure that everyone was safe and comfortable for slumber after everything was said and done. And, to be fair, it really was the best job that the red panda could have thought of. For everything had come together even better than he could have imagined, his heart soaring, a gentle smile constantly on his lips that simply could not be easily wiped away.

He moved around them as if he was trying not to draw attention to himself, not even putting his full weight on the bed as he dried her fur and took away their clothes, folding them all neatly. He wasn't sure if he should put Matt's in the laundry, but he supposed that he could talk to the wolf about that in the morning, or when he was ready.

However, he could not help himself from preparing the wolf all over again. He was not perfect and neither did the panda have to be, not as his eyes, once again, greedily locked onto the wolf's cock, wanting to take it all in all over again. He licked his lips with a needy little whimper and sank onto it, his lips parting to take the half-soft cock into his mouth.

Matt chuckled.

"There now... You can get what you need to."

The unspoken implications of that were clear. As long as Matt got what he wanted first, with Farrah. And Nico was more than okay with that, losing himself in the soft press of their bodies around him, the red panda lightly sandwiched between them as if he was meant to be so very sweetly tucked up there. He rather liked the thought, the notion, the position. Even if he didn't want to get in the way.

His tongue swirled around the wolf's cock, doing everything that he could to get him hard and needy again for Farrah. Matt did not push him away so he bobbed his head quickly on it too, though it took longer than he had thought for the wolf's arousal to come back. That was only because Matt was more distracted with Farrah than by him, with kissing her, swirling his tongue around her mouth and sweeping it longingly up against hers. Yet the wolf already had everything that he could ever have wanted right there before him: there was never any need for him to long.

His cock, slowly but surely, hardened once more. Farrah's tail wagged and lifted, as if the husky was trying, however subtly, to show off the light gape of her pussy. She smiled, regaining herself, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes as the canine cast off the shade of shyness that had held her back before. It wasn't needed, not truly, and she was more than comfortable enough with the wolf by then to know that he could do so much more for her.

If only she was bold... And he made her bold!

"I want you to cum in me again," she all but purred, even though Farrah was very much a canine anthro and not of the feline persuasion. "Mmm... Fill me up, Matt... I can already feel it trickling out of me..."

"Oh, yes?"

The wolf winked and teased her, rolling onto his back while the husky slid smoothly on top of him, a leg flung out over his hip so that she could sit astride nicely. Her pussy would have ground down over his hard cock, Nico gently bumped out of the way simply as if he was a part of the furniture, though he didn't look like he minded at all. Not that Farrah was sparing him a look at all.

No... She was far more concerned with the wolf's finger playing with her pussy, circling her tender entrance, where the drool of his cum clung to her pussy lips, as if she was dripping more than just his seed, as if it wanted to remain inside her body at all costs. Yes, that was where her attention lay, biting the inside of her lower lip to hide her smirk, her heart lifting more than it had done in a long time. Not due to any failing on Nico's part, of course, but just because things were different with the wolf and that was okay.

She sank onto him at the wolf's insistence, letting out a low groan as his prick drove into her pussy.

"Ah... Yes..." She moaned, lips parted, not even bothering to be ladylike and close her mouth again. "Fill me... I need it! I need your seed!"

Matt licked his lips, hunger clawing at his belly, a driving, primal need that was rarely filled. The wolf's knot was still half-inflated, as if it had not been able to fully go down in the time between rounds, and he shifted his weight, tail wanting to lash under him.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked, his voice dropping an octave. "A lovely litter of wolf-husky puppies, just for the two of us? You would be a wonderful mother... But I rather like having you all to myself for now!"

Farrah moaned, riding him, bucking and grinding her hips as if she had not just gotten off, that her need was that high. Yet it was so and it didn't have to be anything else other than what it was as she allowed passion to sweep through her, revelling in how much bigger he was, the contrast between him and Nico, how their bodies were so different that there was no comparison. She licked her lips and tried to contain herself, but the only word on them was Matt's name, sent forth in breathy moan after moan.

"Oh... Matt... Yes... Matt... Ohhhhh!"

She cried out, gripping him tightly with her thighs as she rode him furiously. She needed it, craved it - and it was all right there for her to take. The wolf, however, sat up, his fingers sliding down over her arms to her waist and hips, though he did not swap positions, not just yet. His large paws cupped her hips, fingers folding around and gripping her tightly as Farrah all but swooned.

Oh, yes... She was definitely where she was supposed to be, grunting deep in the back of her throat as she ground down against his massive member, feeling just how the knot, even then, was trying to pry her open. Damn, she needed that inside her, panting heavily, her tongue fluttering with every pant as she allowed it to loll from her mouth.

"Mmm... Matt... I want your pups..." Farrah forced out. "Please... Cum inside me. I don't want your cum to be anywhere else!"

"Mmm, my sweet," he rumbled under her, hooking his legs quickly around her ankles, trapping her against him. "You'll have every drop you want, wherever you want it and whenever you want it!"

But Matt had to take her, had to sit up all the way and draw her into his lap, shuffling back against the headboard of the bed for support. He was just about able to cross his legs under him so that he could slide her fully into his lap in something like a lotus position, the husky quick to wrap her legs around him tightly, howling out her pleasure.

She ground down on his knot as she climaxed, squeezing him tightly, panting about pups, about the size of his knot, how much bigger it was. It did not take a genius to work out just who she was comparing the size of his bulging member to, though Nico was still there, watching, pawing softly at his cock.

He just couldn't stop himself from pleasuring himself, just a little, even though he was enjoying the show more and more. He'd tossed the towels in the laundry and gotten fresh ones for them, along with a fur spray in case they didn't want to jump in the shower straightaway afterwards, their clothes all neatly folded and set aside on a chair in the bedroom (for Matt, that was - Farrah's were put away where they belonged). The red panda crawled up onto the bed, nestling down to watch with his chin on his folded arms, though he could not stop himself from rocking and grinding his hard-on into the sheets. There would be more than enough of a mess there anyway and he just wanted a little pleasure, just a little more. A little to get him through, even though Nico did not want to cum yet.

He was too caught up in watching every shuddering ripple flow through Farrah's body in orgasm, humping onto a dick that put his to shame in the best, most delightful way. He didn't want to be Matt but he wanted Matt to give his very best to his partner, always and forever. Unconventional things could be beautiful too.

Farrah grunted, her arms around his neck, Nico trying to strain in closer to catch her lewd stream of whispers. And yet they were not for his ears, not that time, just the wolf, something about his shaft, how she could squeeze on it, how much bigger it was... Or maybe that was his mind filling in the blanks as he submissively rubbed his muzzle into the sheets with a little whimper, even if the lovers ignored him. They didn't have to pay attention to him, after all, for Nico was content just where he was.

The husky rolled her hips forward, though it was not all her moving, the wolf taking charge and thrusting. He used the bounce of the mattress to grind up into her, her pussy wrapped hotly around him. That time, however, he was not going to let the moment pass without his knot inflating within her pussy, stretching her out to the brim. Once was fun, but there was more to be had as he guided her down, letting the weight of her body lean into him just as he thrust up. He pressed into her, the knot straining her pussy lips open, though it was not fully swollen.

Farrah groaned deeply, letting orgasm wash through her as his knot finally sank into her. Once inside, it would swell larger and larger, fully locking their bodies together, but she wanted every drop of his cum inside her, everything locked in, dripping around the join of their bodies, softening around his knot... Oh, she could already imagine the pull-out and the mess he would make!

But orgasm was there to be enjoyed as he nipped her neck lustfully, riding through it. The red panda was there to make sure that all was well and the husky howled as she crushed her lips in clumsy passion against the wolf's, letting Matt support her as he filled her pussy again and again. He could barely move, of course, with his knot swollen inside her, but the clench and pull of her pussy massaging his shaft brought him over the edge right along with her.

His huge knot locked them together and he howled, kissing her passionately, his cry swallowed up by her muzzle as their tongues tangled, sweeping up against one another, curling and flicking. They needed it, yes, all so very much, her arms around his neck, losing herself completely and utterly in the kiss as desire flowed.

His seed ran up deep, spurt after spurt, giving the husky all that she had wanted from his thicker cock, the cock that was due to please her, to give her body all the carnal lust and satisfaction that Farrah had not even realised that she'd been missing out on.

They stayed there for a long time, resting, until his knot softened inside her, though their words were not for the panda to worry about. He was just there to be ready when, finally, Matt's cock slipped from her pussy, leaving her gaping even more lewdly and cream-filled, though Nico did not clean that up, only the edges of her pussy so that she would be comfortable. The wolf, however, snapped his fingers and smiled kindly to Nico, who knew exactly what to do.

He didn't need the towels, of course, to clean up the wolf in just the way that he wanted, taking the wolf's half-hard but mostly soft cock deep into his mouth, tongue running around the head. He just had to get Matt hard again, deepthroating him all the way down so that the tip of the tapered length pressed ardently up into the back of his throat.


The red panda moaned around him, his paws spread lustfully over the wolf's thighs. Even that part of Matt was bigger and it was all Nico could do not to swoon, his bushy tail lazily flicking from side to side as he enjoyed the treat he had been given. Dimly, he was aware of Farrah watching him, but he was focused on pleasing her stud, her partner, the male that he had lovingly delivered her into the arms of.

And it was all worth it, so very much worth it, taking the wolf's hardening cock into the back of his throat, though his knot remained only ever so slightly plumped up, just from cumming so recently. He trailed his tongue around it longingly, wondering if it would ever be something that he could play with more - but just where their new relationship would go remained to be seen. And Nico was happy to wait and watch everything unfold, just the way it was meant to.

"Mmm... Nico..."

That caught his attention, Farrah gesturing to him with a seductive lap of her lips for him to lie down. He didn't know whether she meant on his back, his front or even his side - but he leapt to attention. Scrambling off the wolf's cock with a string of saliva connecting his lips to Matt's shaft for a heartbeat of a moment, he whimpered, flipping onto his back while Farrah crawled over him.

And then all became clear as she let her hips lower, showing him the mess of her pussy, the red panda facing up towards her. He shuddered, wanting to do something, but not knowing what was allowed, especially as Matt moved behind her in a doggystyle position, on all fours, entering her smoothly and fluidly from behind.

The meeting of their bodies... Oh, it was truly exquisite, his cock hard as he rubbed the back of his paw over it, letting the moment wash through him. He just wanted to savour it, Matt grinding up against her strained, lightly sore, pussy lips again and again.

"Mmmph... The other...way..."

It took a moment for Nico to realise what she meant and he whined at the loss of her pussy. Turning around, wriggling under her, meant that he could no longer enjoy the joining of their bodies - but he could take in her flushed face and the mess of her hair bouncing around her shoulders as the wolf pounded her and forced moan after moan from her lips.

Farrah boldly took charge, claiming the red panda under her as she kissed him deeply. Yet it was her leading the way and her heart revelled in it, in taking the power lightly in hand that had always been hers to snatch up for her own. Nico shuddered bodily and she knew just how much he was warring with himself, wanting to do more while she had him trapped under her, making sure to squeeze her thighs around him so he knew that he was claimed by the cage of her limbs.

With the wolf on top too, there was really nowhere that the red panda could go. He was just there, her lips on his, kissing her back as desperately as she was kissing him, though their lust came from different places. Farrah moaned into his mouth and he tried to hold her, to support her, even as her whole body rocked and shook with the sheer, raw force of the wolf's thrusts.

"Mmm... Mmph!"

Her moans... They were sweet, sweeter than they had ever been for him but that was the way it was meant to be, glorious, so deliciously so. She was overloaded by sensation already and, still, he clutched at her, letting the husky know that he was there for her, always and forever, in whatever form she wanted him to be. The wolf slammed in with a heady huff and a pant, his tongue lolling out, though there was no reason for him to maintain form or even fit a certain image, for he was already right where he wanted to be, where he needed to be.

Nico couldn't help himself, grunting and thrusting, even if his pleasure was not to be the main show. He ground up against the wolf's leg, though there was nothing dominant about it. He was too far gone to even realise that Farrah had deliberately moved her leg to let him do so, the red panda panting heavily, moaning, shuddering and rocking, lost in the moment.

There was nothing else for him, not as the husky, once again, climaxed on the wolf's cock, not even needing any clitoral stimulation, not that time, to get off. His cock was just that good, every thrust and the passion of their bodies rolling together in perfect harmony. They were made for each other as she rocked back forcibly against him, using every ounce of leverage that she had in that position, though Matt was not to be outdone.

He thrust inside, letting his knot swell softly, locking them together. He leaned over her as the canine's legs threatened to buckle, but was still there to hold her hips up as he too finished, spending every hot spurt of seed inside her pussy. Right where it belonged.

Nico didn't see it, not quite, though he felt her quiver, knowing what was happening. He was too busy humping furtively up against the wolf's thigh, somehow trapped between him and Farrah, though he was not present in his mind enough to know that Farrah had wriggled a little to get him into that position. She wanted to see him enjoy himself too, even if the dynamics of their relationship had shifted irrevocably that night.

And they would never be the same again. Not as he spent his cream all over himself, the wolf's legs and her underbelly, ignorant to where his seed was wasted. For it didn't need to be spent inside her, oh no, not when she had a bigger, better, glorious stud of a wolf to take her. Matt leaned over her, trusting the canine to hold his weight, though she still had her tail beautifully and submissively flicked up against him.

And it was there that they stayed, relaxing, easing down to the bed, though there would be no shower for any of them that night - just the sheets and all the laundry for Nico to do in the morning. It would all come, for him, with a silly sort of smile on his face, taking care of them both and making sure that all their needs were met. Of course, he would not be forgotten, not in a bad way - only in the sexy way, when they were enjoying one another in the heat of the bedroom. But his needs were different then and the changes between them still would come through to the forefront, all in good time.

The three of them sprawled out together on the bed with the red panda making sure that they were all comfortably covered up, though it seemed that the wolf needed to have his leg and tail out from under the covers. That was okay too and he would learn all the little notes about him in time, smiling tiredly, though he had wiped himself up a little before snuggling down with both of them.

Matt spooned up behind Farrah with a happy growl, holding her tightly while Nico lay on the other side of the dog, holding her paw softly in his. He rubbed his thumb over the top of her paw, soothing her softly, though it was no time at all before Farrah's breathing evened out, becoming light in the ease of sleep.

As it was supposed to, the wolf there, protecting them both. As he always would, for there was no way that he was leaving Farrah anytime soon.

Nico was a pleasing cuck, yes...but he had too found his path in life, a way of loving and being that suited him so perfectly that it was as if he was slotting into a position that he had always been meant to be in. And, for him, there could be nothing better than that.

As long as he was near them...everything was okay.