Revved Up - Shiny Koraidon TF

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Patreon-voted story with an idea I wanted to work on - was also partially based around a very badass-looking fanart, but I don't think the artist's uploaded it to their FA, and I'd have to dig through their Twitter to find it X'D Made him a little like Azamuku, maybe he's a character that might return down the line, cause I do like what I made here ^^

And yeah, I do have a Quaquaval on my team called Della. I was originally gonna stick with a male Quaxly and call him Turbo, but a friend of mine pinched that idea from me, so I did a couple of resets to get a female and went with Della :P

Enjoy, and if you want to see more stories like this (or put a vote in on what you'd like to see me write), get early access to stories ahead of public posting, maybe join my Discord server, or just support my writing in general, please consider supporting my treonicon!

Koraidon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Man oh man, I thought that encounter was never going to end!" Peter said as he rode across the Paldean fields atop his Koraidon, making his way back towards the nearest Pokémon Center. "I was starting to worry that I'd end up running out of balls to throw before I'd successfully catch that Garchomp!"

The Koraidon responded back with a growl, its clawed paws stomping against the ground as they travelled.

"Hey, it really didn't want to stay down!" He laughed. "I couldn't paralyse it either, so all I could do was get its health down enough, and then pray it didn't end up having to use Struggle if it exhausted all its moves!"

Again, the draconic Pokémon growled in response.

"Heh, well we got it in the end, that's the important part!" He replied. "I've just got to make a quick stop to heal everyone, replenish my Ultra Balls, and then we'll stop somewhere where we can whip up some food, that sound good?"

The Koraidon let out a happy growl as they stopped outside the Pokémon Center, the trainer approaching the counter whilst still atop the large reptile. "Heya, I'd like to heal up my Pokémon, please!"

"Certainly!" The nurse responded warmly, taking Peter's various Poké Balls as he handed them over. "My, that's an interesting scar you've got along your arm!"

"Hrn?" He glanced over to where she was looking, around his right shoulder. "Ah, it's not really a scar - my Koraidon's a little on the overly-affectionate side, and enjoys trying to nibble on my arm every now and then. I don't think she realises just how sharp those fangs of hers are!" He chuckled.

"Oh? I guess she must like you a lot to do that!"

"That or she thinks my arm is one big sandwich!" He joked, petting the Koraidon's head, causing it to purr.

The nurse handed Peter's Pokémon back to him after they were healed, the man thanking her before turning his attention to the shop kiosk to restock his Ultra Ball supply. Once he was done, his Koraidon charged away, running at full speed, taking itself and the human towards a quiet cliff that overlooked a part of the region.

"Aaaah, peace and quiet..." Peter let out a content sigh as he hopped off of Koraidon's back, stretching himself. "I'd say this is the perfect time to let my Pokémon roam free for a bit, among other things!"

The Koraidon let out a low, purring growl.

"Don't worry, this time I'll make sure you get your food first - I know Della loves to get her meal before anyone else most days, but with all the work you've done today, I think you deserve the first serving!" He told the dragon - both of them knew how that Quaquaval would get when she was either hungry or not getting enough attention.

The Koraidon's eyes lit up at that news, the creature growling in approval.

"Not to mention I could do with a bit of a break myself! Just me, you, and -"

"Hey, you overgrown twerp!"

"... urg...." Peter's face fell as he heard a loud, thuggish voice calling to him - it wasn't the first time he had heard it today. "Hold that thought..." He sighed, turning around.

"I finally caught back up with you, ya brat!" A loutish-looking trainer approached him, dressed up like he was a reject from a seventies metal band. "You really think you can just leave me hanging after our encounter earlier?"

"What, the encounter where I recall beating you rather soundly?" Peter retorted. "Your Pokémon were clearly underprepared, one of them even came out of its ball asleep!"

"Hey, how I raise my team is none of your business! It's not my fault that I decided to try out a new group and assumed the next trainer I fought would be no match for them!"

Peter was desperately holding back the urge to say 'Well, actually...' to the trainer's face.


Peter took a deep breath. "Look... I'm not wanting to get into any unnecessary conflict here, but I do think that maybe you should have tested out your new team strategy with a friend or some wild Pokémon before trying it out in the wild. Would you be taking it out on anyone else if I wasn't the one who beat you?"

The man fell silent for a moment, as if giving that some thought, before continuing on. "And what if I did?"

"Wow..." Peter mumbled under his breath. "Look, if it's really eating you up that badly, how about we agree to a rematch tomorrow? I'll even swap out for a lower level team if that helps!"

"Oh no, I'm not falling for that, you'll say about showing up tomorrow, and then not show up at all!"

"Seriously?" Peter was beginning to get just the teeniest bit annoyed. "Just what is it that I need to say or do to make you happy?"

"Easy, you can take this!" The man lunged forwards, driving a fist into Peter's right eye, knocking him down. The Koraidon let out an angry growl, seeing her trainer fall to the ground.

"Back off, ya overgrown lizard!" The yob snapped.

"Guh..." Peter groaned, holding a hand to his face. "That... that's how you want to do it, then? A physical fight?"

"Damn straight! Now get back up so I can knock you back down again!"

"Heh..." He smirked. "Fine... I was hoping to have a nice picnic with my team, but I think I can fit this in quickly..." He got back to his feet, and the other trainer was taken aback by the change in his tone of voice - what was friendly a moment ago now sounded somewhat sinister.

"Trying to be a tough guy now, huh? Let's see how tough you are without any of your Pokémon to back you up!" He swung his fist forwards again, only for Peter to catch it in his hand, prompting a gasp of shock. He looked at him in surprise, and went wide-eyed at what he saw.

"Oh, this is still going to be a Pokémon battle, just of a different sort..." A grin crossed Peter's face - the skin around his right eye appeared to be bruised, but on closer inspection, maroon scales were wrapping around the back part of it, pitch-black scales spreading across his face. The eye itself was now sporting yellow sclera and orange-yellow irises, the pupil pulling into a feral slit, brown in colour. His left eye was still human, the kindness in it slowly slipping away.

"What in the he-aaahhh!" The man winced as Peter tightened his grip, causing him to drop to one knee. Black scales were growing around his hands, white webbing forming between his middle and ring fingers, the palms and undersides of the digits gaining rough, black pads. Red, feather-like growths emerged from around his elbows, a patch of white scales leaving two diamond-shaped marks on his upper arms, the scales covering up the bite marks in the process.

"Really, all I wanted was a little bit of peace and quiet after a long day of travelling..." He said, the scales wrapping around his upper body, the muscles slowly expanding. "Share some lovely food with my Pokémon, rest up under the stars, and let the beast out in private... instead, you've come to me, going full sore loser, and managed to REALLY piss me off!" Peter hissed, his shirt straining tight against his developing muscles, white scales spreading along his chest and stomach, shirt riding up his body as he grew taller, his spine pressing against his rear.

"Let... let go!" The thug tried to pull his hand away, but the claws were locked firmly around it. Meanwhile, the Koraidon was watching all of this with a smirk, seeing her trainer slowly transforming. She remembered the first time it happened, caused by an affectionate bite to the human. Peter was initially freaked out by the sudden shift, but as the changes progressed and instinct seeped in, he was wondering why he was so worried about it in the first place.

"Ghhrrrrrrraaaiiiii..." He groaned, his protruding spine emerging from his body, ripping through the back of his shorts, muscle and scales wrapping around it as it grew into a long, thick tail. The new limb was so broad, part of the base had formed around the front, leaving himself exposed, yet his modesty was preserved by the white scales around his groin and inner thighs. His tail swayed behind him, white scales lining part of it, plated black scales tipped with spikes covering the top half. With a growl, he swung it around, the tip of it coiling around the guy's leg.

"Gah, let me go, you freak!" The thug yelled, trying to keep a level head despite the fact that the guy he had seen as an easy target was slowly transforming into a scaly beast.

"Freak, you say?" Peter growled, releasing his grip on the man's hand. He brought his claws downwards, tearing away his damaged shorts, the muscles in his legs growing stronger, allowing him to run faster and jump higher. From around his hindquarters, a fan of feathers spread out wide, starting off red at the base, a ring of yellow around that, and then pure white all the way to the tips. "I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered!"

"You're out of your Arceus-damn mind! Just wait until you let me goooooooooooo!" He yelped as Peter tossed him upwards with his tail before bringing him back down to earth with a heavy thump, knocking the air out of him. Peter's toes strained within his shoes, his stretching feet bursting through them, revealing elongating toes that had torn through his socks, the middle digits gaining similar webbing to what was between his fingers whilst his small toes shrank away into the limbs, the soles of his feet gaining similar pads like those on his hands. He widened his stance as his claws sank into the ground. "Guh... you... dirty..."

"I'd try and quit whilst you're ahead!" The shifting creature growled, flicking him up and down once again, this time leaving a human-sized indentation in the soft earth. A trio of scaly, feather-like growths jutted out behind his legs, close to his tail. Along his back, a patch of leather-like scales grew in a diamond shape, red scales spreading around his upper back, curling around to his sides close to the top of his arms, a large pair of maroon spines growing out from his chest, tearing through his shirt, curving past his shoulders.

"Grhrhrhh.... Rrraaaiiiiddoooonnnnn...!" He groaned and growled in a euphoric tone, his muscles rapidly swelling and growing, his neck stretching longer. All this was building up to the formation of a large, wheel-like protrusion pushing out from his chest, cloaked in black, leathery scales with vicious spikes, a dark, starburst pattern highlighted by a few patches of white scales around them, his shirt all but destroyed by it.

"Ghh..." The thug groaned as he felt Peter's tail unravel from around his leg, the man shakily getting to his feet. Red spikes grew along the top of Peter's neck, black spikes forming around them, hair falling away from his head as the scales fully took over it. Several large plumes sprouted after his hair was shed, sharing the same red, yellow and white coloration as his tail feathers, a singular, shorter red feather resting between his eyes. "OK... You've... you've won..."

"Oh, we're not done just yet..." He hissed, his jaws pushing forwards, nose sinking into the upper jaw, ears receding into small holes within a patch of white scales, two spikes forming behind them. His teeth shifted into serrated fangs, his lips becoming jagged along the front of his new snout, tongue growing longer and thicker at the base and thinner at the tip, which became forked. His eyes moved towards the sides of head, his other eye shifting to the same monstrous mix of yellow, orange and brown, a small pair of horn-like growths growing atop them alongside a much larger, twisting pair of horn-like antennae, curling back behind him.

Peter let out a low roar, standing over the beaten thug, the human he was a moment ago replaced by a monstrous Koraidon, a sinister grin crossing his lips. "These battles tend to go on until one of the combatants is knocked out, right?"

The man's eyes widened as he saw the Koraidon leap into the air, the long antenne unfurling into elegant wings. His body curled as he spun in place, flaming energy engulfing him before he drove himself at the man, creating a small explosion of energy that sent him flying into - and through - a nearby tree, the human lying unconscious on the ground.

"Heh... be thankful I didn't charge directly at you, the end result might have been a bit more messier!" He chuckled, looking over the guy. "And before I forget..." He dug a claw into the man's jeans, pulling out his wallet, helping himself to a bit of money from it. "I'm just taking enough to get myself some fresh clothes, so don't worry too much about that!" He placed the wallet back in the guy's pants, making his way back towards the other Koraidon.

"That Collision Course might have been just a teensy bit overkill, you know!" The creature responded to him in a sly, feminine tone.

"Maybe, but I feel it got the point across nonetheless!" He smirked, sitting down beside the quadrupedal creature.

"Eheh." She returned the smirk. "Still, I was starting to think that you'd end up taking a bit longer with him."

"I didn't feel like dragging it out any longer than it needed to be. I wanted a nice, quiet picnic with you and my team, and I intended to stick to that promise!"

"I'm just glad I can drop the pokéspeak act for a little bit - it gets so frustrating not being able to talk normally!" She told Peter.

"Oh I don't know, I can understand you when you do so, after all. Besides which, you've got a cute growl~" He winked.

"And you've got that hot, beastly look~" She grinned, pouncing atop of her trainer, placing a tender kiss on his lips, a gesture he returned without any form of hesitation.

"Mmm... maybe we should get to eating first before we indulge in our desires - I'm sure neither of us want to get on Della's bad side, right?"

"True, I can wait a little longer... but you better make the sandwich just the way I like it!" She giggled.

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