A Corporately-Owned Life

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Dexter is put through a more gradual change this time, at the hands of a Shadowrun-style corporate boss to make herself a good toy.

Commissioned by faceless_lord

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A Corporately-Owned Life

For Faceless_Lord

By Draconicon

The soft hum of the hoverjets under his container should have tickled. Tingled, at the very least, inasmuch as Dexter understood the tech of this world. He remembered the hoverjets of the drow ship tingling and tickling his butt and his feet as they kept him tied to the deck during transit, but there was nothing of the sort for the crate that kept him contained now. His head was the only thing sticking out of the top, and the rest of it was so still, so static, that he would have thought he was holding still if it wasn't for the fact that the world moved around him.

He kept staring, gaping, gawping at the things he saw. There was nothing of the world that he remembered from weeks back, before the drow slavers ripped him out of his world and into what they called the 'Space Between.' The dark-elf slavers had not told him the name of this world, but -




The human pulled his head back from the three-meter-tall mechas that shifted their position at the front of the great golden pyramid that loomed before them. Each one had a human face in the center of their torsos, though the skin had been replaced with metal and glowing stones. Their eyes were bright red, and their arms were dotted with more weapons than an entire police force could have carried. More than some SWAT teams, too.

"Oh? Do they frighten you?"

Dexter winced as his new 'owner' reminded him that she was there. He turned to his left, looking up at her.

Her name was Daji, and he remembered the cocky, powerful sense of arrogance that she had radiated on the deck of the drow ship when they'd come in to dock. There'd been a moment where she had seemed like a far better option than remaining with the dark elves and their attitude of human inferiority. She'd seemed like someone that might treat him better, and he hadn't complained when she had stood over him, a fox tail twitching behind her back, ears cocked up, and a long, extended vape in her hand. That had to be better than living among slavers, surely.

Now, he wasn't so sure.

"You'll learn," she said, stroking one long-nailed finger down his jawline, forcing his head up with the point under his chin. "You'll learn, or you'll break. And perhaps you'll break anyway. But as long as you're entertaining, I'll keep from damaging you too much, heh."

A shiver ran down his spine as she made him look at her. It was impossible not to stare, anyway, but the finger under his chin and the sharp point of her nail made it all the harder to look away. She was dressed in a tight military officer uniform, black and gray, with a silver stripe that ran down the button-line and stopped at the waist. Various gadgets and things that might have been weapons hung from her belt, dangling down and just waiting for her to take hold of them. Her tail - just one, despite her referring to herself as a kitsune - shifted from side to side as she turned back to the mechs.

" Identification!" one of the guard mechs growled.

"Daji Koyanskaya, CEO of InAri Transformation and Pleasure Technologies," she said, her voice dropping down to a clipped, focused tone from the slightly sultry voice that she had been using to talk to him. "And you are in my way."

" Scanning."

A red light zapped up and down the fox-woman as she glared back, her patience gone in an instant. The mech's scan finished in less than a second, and it stood to the side.

" Apologies. Welcome to Lab A2."

"Hmmph. Do not get in my way again. Come."

The command was for his crate rather than for him, and Dexter felt it moving along again. Or rather, he saw the world moving; he couldn't feel any motions, any vibrations from the crate at all, and the dissociation of motion and the world at large made it hard for him to understand just what he was doing or where he was at any moment in time.

He looked over his shoulder, taking in this new world one more time.

It...it doesn't even look real...

He remembered hearing the old name of the place from the slavers - Austin - but Daji and the others had called it InAri Corp City, and everyone talked about it as if the whole city was just one big company rather than anything else. He'd seen her logo, a pair of sensual orbs above a toothy grin, when they'd first entered her vehicle from the skyport, but everywhere he looked, he saw that same symbol.

It glowed above restaurants.

It hung from hotels.

It swung on hologram flags from every building that could hang one.

Every single institution in the city was claimed by the InAri company. Nothing, absolutely nothing, seemed to be spared from her power and her ownership. The very idea that Daji could control that much sent a shiver down his spine.

The hot city was nothing like the blocky buildings that he was used to back home. Pyramids and conical shapes dotted the skyline, broken up here and there by taller, narrower spires that shot up to the heavens, so far that they seemed to pierce the black and green clouds that rolled in from the desert wastelands around the city. Walls would turn on and off in the distance, sealing and opening different parts of the city, and creatures...

So many creatures...

The door shut, and Daji shook her head.

"Filthy things, humans, but one supposes that they can be useful," she said.

"What do you mean -"

Daji stopped, narrowing her eyes at him. Dexter swallowed and started over.

"Mistress...what do you mean, they're...filthy?"

"Heh...they're filthy because they soak up everything around them," she said, shaking her head. "Every little bit of magic, radiation, tech-energy - you name it, they just pull it right into their genes. Not a bit of identity to them. But...it makes them easier to modify for the right purposes. Try and do the same thing to someone of my species, and you would probably end up with a sub-par kitsune. Do the same thing to a human, and you don't have a human anymore, but you do have just what you were aiming for. Now, be quiet; it's time to get you checked in for proper processing."

Proper processing. In his world, that would have been taking some prints, getting pictures of him, maybe a short medical check before he was locked up somewhere. Here? He didn't know what was going to happen to him, particularly in a place like this.

The interior of the pyramid lobby was a different shape than he expected. Rather than the rectangular or square waiting room that he was used to seeing, this one was shaped almost like a pair of ovals, one overlaid on the other. A long, rounded chunk of it led inward from the slanted doors leading in and out, going up a dozen steps towards the reception desk. A modified orc woman stood behind the desk, looking up with a mechanical eye while the organic one stayed focused on the work in front of her.

Of course, the minute that she saw the boss, she stood up, putting her hands behind her back and bowing her head. The stiff gray-white clothes that the greenskin wore pulled and twisted a bit as she did, clearly not fitted the best to the other woman.

"Director Koyanshaya. It is an honor to see you."

"The honor is yours," Daji said, looking down at her fingernails. "I have a pet to work on. Begin the processing and assign him to one of the modification labs."

"Of course, Director."

"Feel free to be a bit rough with the human, but don't instigate any changes yet."

"Of course. Any specific treatments?"

"Basic decontamination for drow ships. Oh, and make sure to get him cleaned out and stretched. I am sick of dealing with the delay in the lab."

"Yes, Director. At once."

Dexter yelped as the floating box lifted itself up further, planting itself on the top of the desk. The orc woman was even taller than he thought, looming over him by at least two feet, if not more. She gripped the box as if it was nothing, scanned the side of it with her robotic eye, and then they were off.

They stepped into a plain metal room, the sides unmarked save by the occasional split in the gaps between the panels. She put him on one of the three tables in the room and pressed something on the side of the box -


It opened instantly, the sides falling off and leaving him able to stretch his legs for the first time in hours. The sudden ache of letting them sprawl out and feeling all the blood rushing to his toes again left him hissing, both in relief and in pain.

He didn't have the time to get used to that. The orc woman reached down and pinned his arms over his head, shoving him over until his back was against the table. It warped, some of the metal bending and wrapping around his wrists to keep them in place, and his ankles were likewise pinned to the foot of the table a moment later.

"Nnngh...what are you doing?" Dexter managed to grunt out after getting his air back. "I'm not...I'm not from here. Please, don't do this -"

"Director's orders. And clearly, you're not from here; I haven't felt someone so magically dead in years."

"Magically...dead? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you didn't grow up in InAri Corp City, or any of the other corporate cities around here, for that matter. You'd be completely saturated with some sort of magical radiation or energy if that was the case, and you definitely wouldn't be a full human anymore. Maybe 80% if you were lucky, but not full. There'd be so many mutations that we'd have to spend at least 30k stripping them out of you to make you useful again before we could start any of the transformations, but it seems that the Director has connections."

He didn't say anything to that. But the idea that there were so few 'pure' humans out there sent a shiver down his spine. Just where had he come to? What were they going to -


He hissed as the orc pulled something from under the table, spraying it along his bare chest, his arms, his legs. Everywhere it touched, it burned. Not so much that it hurt to any serious degree, but enough to make him feel it far more than he expected. The burning, heated sensation turned his skin from a light tan to a deep pink, almost like he had been sunburned to hell and back, and he groaned as he felt the sensitivity spreading further, further -


Along his cock and balls, too, though that thankfully only lasted for a few seconds. He huffed and shivered as the orc wiped them down, and...

And he realized at that moment that all his body hair was being removed. He might have been sterilized, all the germs and everything else that he had carried in taken away, but he was also completely smooth everywhere that the spray had gone. He had no hair on his arms, his face, his chest, his crotch, not on his legs or his balls or anywhere else. He was completely hairless, spotless, nothing but smooth skin left behind.

It was a very disorienting feeling, to see that much skin without any hair over it, though the intrusive thought of 'That looks kinda sexy' hit him as he stared down at his hairless crotch. The sight of it being completely bare, more than any shave could have managed, sent a little shiver through him...one that hit his cock and made it twitch slightly.

"Not the first time I've seen that," the orc woman said, shaking her head with a tusky smile. "Word to the wise, human. Don't start getting turned on around the Director if you can help it. If you get permission, go ahead, but don't do it other than that."

"Not like...not like I can control that..."

"She'll control it if you don't."


Dexter rolled his head back, trying to calm himself down. The burning ache from the decontamination spray was fading quickly, thankfully, but the constant confusion since being bought was only coming back at full force. He stared at the ceiling as the orc reached under the table again, shaking his head as he tried to gather his thoughts.

"What's going to happen to me?" he asked.

"The Director is going to do whatever she wants to you," his handler said. "And that means that she's going to take whatever she likes from the deep storage, experiment on your body, and probably use it to the fullest extent that she can. Part of the company's work is on providing pleasurable experiences to others, and that involves creating different sorts of toys for people to buy. Living and otherwise."

"...You mean -"

"Perhaps you'll become a whore. Perhaps she'll decide that you would do better as something non-human. Perhaps you'll become a cyborg meant to deliver pleasure to everyone at the cost of never having it yourself. It will depend entirely on the Director's decisions." The orc shook her head. "You'll probably bring her a great deal of money when all is said and done, I imagine. Humans that have been modified and trained properly always do so."

Dexter couldn't bring himself to say anything to that. It felt so impossible, so wrong, so -

"Hold still."

Click. Click. Click.

The orc was taking pictures of him. His face, his chest, his crotch, his ass, his feet. Everything came under the camera lens, and he wondered if it was time to cry.


He was taken to one of the labs in the pyramid, one below ground level. Unlike the processing table, this one seemed...different.

At first, he thought that the wood was a little more low-tech compared to the metal table above, but no sooner had he been laid over it than the wood started glowing. White and blue light spread across the surface, lifting him up and supporting him like a ghostly mattress. More of the blue light spread across his body, almost painting it with different designs, leaving him illuminated across the chest, over his hips and - a trifle embarrassingly - between his legs, outlining his dick and his ass. He gritted his teeth, keeping himself from saying anything, and he did his best to ignore the slight 'dripping' feeling from between his legs where the cleaning lube continued oozing from his hole.

He remained there for a time, hovering four feet off the ground. Dexter just focused on breathing, staying calm, staying as coolheaded as he could. It was difficult, but he managed to keep his head so long as he didn't think too hard about the outside world, or the future. As long as he kept those thoughts to the side, he was able to keep his heart from beating out of control or out of his chest.

Almost completely calmed down, he still jumped when the door snicked open. The soft click, click, click of firm boots announced the CEO again, and he knew that Daji was ready to start her experiments. He clenched his fingers into fists, curled his toes for a moment, and breathed out slowly.

She stood over him when he opened his eyes once more, looking into them. She had gotten rid of the tail, standing over him as a 'human' that was paler than he had ever been, her hair pink, her military outfit discarded in favor of a bright white lab coat. She wore black gloves, too, and she chuckled as she snapped them on.

"Without the body hair, you might actually be tolerable," she said, tracing a line down his chest. "Not necessarily desirable, but tolerable. Certainly more appealing than what you were. Imitating a furred one without all the proper parts; hardly something worth keeping, if you weren't able to be modified the way that you were."

"Mistress...what...What are you going to do to me?"

"Heh. The drow trained you to remember the proper appellation, at least," she said, shaking her head. "Whatever tickles my fancy, of course. I am the CEO of this company and this city. Within the borders of InAri Corp City, I can do whatever I want to whoever I want. There are very few rules that govern me as long as the company continues to make money, and that...that is something it will always do.

"Now...what shall we do with you?" she said, walking around to his left side, slowly strolling along the borders of the table. "Well, I can't keep you as you are. A little too chubby for my tastes, and certainly too...male. I would like to see something more to you than that, something more interesting."

Daji tapped her chin as Dexter sweated. He knew that he wasn't the most interesting human to look at. Average height, just a little more chub than was explainable by genetics - a little too lazy of a life, but nothing obese or anything like that - with brown hair and - well, he used to have glasses, but the orc had taken them at the end of decontamination. He groaned as she stroked a finger along the bottom of one of his feet, then poked it.

"Yes, I think I know what you need. Something on neither side of the spectrum, but rather, between them."

"W-what does that mean, Mistress?"

"You'll see. Oh, but we will be busy for a while..."

He heard something being clicked into place under the table, pushed against it until it slotted into the spot where it belonged. Then, the light changed, white and blue becoming a deep pink with lines of deeper red through it. He gasped for breath as he felt his arms get pulled behind his head, his fingers locked against each other as they were pressed together. His legs were forcibly spread at the ankles and knees, and his cock was lifted up by a ring of red just behind the head, pulling it up and out of the way.

A low hum was followed by a wet squelching, and from below him, from something in the table, long tendrils began to grow. They pushed up and out, dripping with a slime the same pink color as the bindings that held him down, and his eyes went wide as they started sliding along his legs, over his chest, along the soles of his feet and so near his mouth and his ass. His breath caught in his throat as they pushed closer and closer.

Daji, of course, chuckled and tossed her gloves to the floor as she walked away. The kitsune shook her head.

"And that will start the first dose. Be an accommodating little subject for them, won't you? Be good, human."

"Wait, wai-mmph!"

The first tentacle went right down his throat, thrusting over his tongue with a vaguely medicinal strawberry flavor. It pushed his tongue down, pinning it in place while the rest of the phallic thing went into his neck, going down, down, down, barely giving him room to breathe as it rolled and pulsed and thrust away. It would pull back about six inches, just long enough to give him another chance to breathe, and then thrust again, going almost far enough down that he could feel it squirting towards his stomach.

Another was rising between his legs, grinding up against his ass. It slid between the cheeks, kissing his now hairless hole, and he shivered as it started sliming him up down there. A little push, a little nudge, then -


The lube inside, the stretching from the orc's fingers, and the slime on that thing allowed it in far easier than it should have gone in. He groaned around the tentacle in his mouth, feeling it rocking forward...back...forward...

His head was going funny, his thoughts going warm and fuzzy. What kind of drugs were in this 'treatment,' he wondered? Were they the sort that would keep him high and out of it, or just something that would make it easier to change him?

Did he care?

Did it matter?

Could he do anything about it?

The answer was 'no' to all three, and he slowly faded as the tentacles rolled, thrusting away, pumping into him. The chemicals rolled into his hole, and down his throat. They warmed him from the inside out, his cock starting to stiffen in the red light-loop that held it up, soon pointing toward the ceiling on its own without the help of the machine or magic or whatever it was that was holding him in place.




Everything felt so floaty, and so warm. He could feel it pulsing through him, now, feel the chemicals in his veins. He felt so...good, so warm, so soft, and that softness in particular seemed so important.

His skin felt smooth. How could he feel his skin without touching it? He didn't know, but he did, and it was so nice, and gentle, and happy feeling. A slow smile formed around the tentacle thrusting down his throat, and he would have giggled if his neck wasn't stretched out around the pumping, thrusting thing.

Pulse, pulse, pulse. He could hear and feel the squelching thrusts between his legs, his asshole starting to stretch a bit more around the tentacle fucking him. It was feeling better and better, as if the same sensitivity that let him feel his skin getting softer was hitting him in there, too. His prostate felt...good, pleasurable, getting into the feeling of being fucked. Thrust, thrust, thrust, the wet, firm movements grinding over him and leaving him oozing, leaking, dripping.

Some of the tentacles wrapped around his cock, almost as if they were feasting on his drippings, while the rest kept thrusting, thrusting, thrusting. That strange strawberry slime kept oozing into his guts and ass, and more than that, slimed him up from head to toe. Everywhere it went, he felt better...




His head rolled back as he felt a strange intensity, something getting tighter among the softness. His chest...his hips...they felt...constrained. Things were a little too tight, and yet, they were getting better. Something...something was growing...stretching...pushing.

Dexter's ability to think faded, and he drifted off.


"Hmmm, A-cups. Not much so far, but definitely a start."

Daji's words confirmed what he had seen when he woke up and what he had hoped was just his imagination. It wasn't; he had grown the start of breasts during that last treatment, and as he floated in the blue and white light, suspended for the kitsune's examination, it was impossible not to notice some of it.

He could see his nipples standing out far more than they used to, too, stiffer and more obvious. They weren't quite teats the way that he had imagined some women as having, but good lord, they were bigger than his had ever been. And more sensitive.

Daji walked around to the mid-point of the table, throwing the measuring string around his hips as she had his chest. She pulled it tight, then smiled.

"Now these, on the other hand, are growing in much faster. Nice, firm, luscious. That's the sort of things that I wanted to see. Not breeder hips, but something much more feminine than what you had, human."


"Oh, is that a complaint I hear?"

Dexter shook his head rapidly. No, no, no complaints. He didn't dare piss her off and make the experiments that much worse. Not when she already had this much power over him.

"Good. You know your place."

She leaned over the table, tapping her fingers against it out of sight. Dexter leaned his head back, trying not to think too hard about the feeling of weight on his chest that hadn't been there before. It wasn't much, but it was noticeable, and he wondered how long it would be until he had other changes.

What did Daji want him to become? What did she want out of him? What would she do to him at the end of it?

That was the thing. He didn't know, and there was no way that she was going to tell him. Hell, she might not even know; this could be happening purely as the instinct struck her and the whim nudged her. There was a very real possibility that she didn't know what she would do at the end of it all and was waiting to -

"Let's keep this going. There's so much more to change to make you the proper sort of toy that I need."

Click. Something else had been inserted into the table. The same pinks and reds from the last time spread across Dexter's body, but this time, there was a little purple near his head. Daji chuckled, looking down at him and shaking her head.

"I'll be back when it's done. See you then, toy."

She was gone, and the tentacles were back. Dexter shivered as they started wrapping around him, pulling his head back. This time, there were two tendrils for his mouth, both of them slightly smaller than the one that he had sucked the last time, but still more than enough to leave him shivering.

The purple one - a new one - rammed down his throat first. He gasped as he felt it go deep, deeper than any of the tendrils had last time, and he almost gagged around it. The only thing that kept him from doing so was a sudden burst of fluid around the tentacle, which...oddly relaxed his throat. It kept him from gagging, but still allowed him to swallow, to clench pleasurably around the tentacle, and...

And were his lips...

He was almost sure that his lips were puffing up. Not quite to the same bimbo sizes that he had seen in his world, but bigger, more...more feminine than they had been. He -


He arched his back as the tentacle for his ass went right back in, pulsing and throbbing just like before. Each pulse and throb filled him up, adding to the feeling of heft in his lower body, and...and he couldn't help but moan...





Each time the tentacles at his face pulled back, they pulled all the way out, giving room for the next one to come forward and thrust down his throat. One pulsed, making his chest warm, and the other squirted, making his throat and mouth feel good with each thrust.

Thrust, pulse, squirt. His head was going funny again, his nipples going hard and his breasts starting to warm up. Little by little, he could feel them swelling again, pushing upward, getting heavier and...and more sensitive, and...and...


It always made it so hard to think. So good, so intense, so pleasurable. His eyes were already closing again, even as he swore that his ass cheeks were starting to clap more and more. He shivered, and then...again...gone.


"Ah, that's better. Up to B-cups now. And the heavier kind of B-cups, too," Daji said, nodding to herself. "I think we'll stop with that one for now, just to make sure that you don't get too large before I decide where I want you to end up. And your ass..."

No scientific measuring there. The kitsune just smacked him with a rubber-gloved hand, and he yelped as his ass jiggled good and hard from the impact. His cheeks burned as he realized that his ass had gone from a bit flat and bouncy to being genuinely curvy and heavy, thickset and full as it rolled and jiggled for the kitsune's touch. His cheeks burned hotter still as he realized that he liked the feeling, and that his dick was standing up tall and proud from the hit. Daji must have seen it too, because she chuckled.

"Heh, don't you start getting ideas. I will be dealing with the rest of you soon enough. I've decided what I want your final form to be."

"Mmmmph...What...what is it, Mistress?"

Dexter didn't know how he felt about that word anymore. It had started as a means of avoiding getting punished, something that the drow had taught him was required for anyone in authority over him. Now, though, now he was lightheaded enough that it was impossible not to see Daji as at least a Mistress, even if he still tried to hold out hope that she wasn't his Mistress. Something was changing, his ownership sliding from owning himself to being owned, and he had no idea of how to stop it.

"A tiger-girl," Daji said. "Keeping your cock, I think. That is amusing, seeing that dangling down when you can't help yourself. A way to show off that despite everything else, you are enough of a little slut that you can't help but enjoy what is done to you."


"And I believe that should be enough, with this next treatment. Particularly, heh..."

The kitsune woman leaned over, her finger pressing against Dexter's lips. The human moaned, his eyes rolling back in their sockets at the impossible pleasure that came from that simple pressure. It slid past his lips, and he sucked on it without even thinking, panting from the shocks of need that went right down his spine and into his cock.

"Yes. That's it. A good girl in the making. Perhaps you'll be entertaining enough to last out the season under me. But, if not, there are plenty of other fish in the sea."


POP! The finger came free, and the little click of the next medication was added to the table. The lights were red, black, and white this time, and they swelled as more and more tentacles came up from the table. Three times as many as before, one lying between Dexter's breasts, another three rubbing by turns between his cheeks. Two pressed against the sides of his face, grinding on him, showing how much they wanted to get sucked, and one each applied themselves to his soles.

"I'll be back after you've transformed. I suggest you enjoy it; your next few adjustments will hardly be as easy as this..."

Dexter was already paying more attention to the tentacles than he was the Director, and his eyes were focused right on the shafts grinding on his lips. His cock was oozing like mad, already showing his pleasure, and...

And there were already...already changes. He could feel the hair coming back, but softer now, more like fur along his cheeks, and other, longer strands - whiskers? - were pushing out of his cheeks. All along his body, his body hair was being replaced with strands of fur, softer and silkier than his body hair had ever been, and more beautiful in the few glances that he had of it before -


The first thrust down his throat and up his ass happened in tandem, and the pleasure was almost overwhelming. As the slime spread along his insides and over his soles and between his toes, between his new breasts and through his hair, over his face and stomach and everywhere else, Dexter faded. The pleasure was overwhelming, and even the vague memory that he was going to lose his humanity for the sake of being his Mistress's toy was forgotten.

Nothing was wrong with this.

Everything was right.

Everything felt good.

Just let the change happen, and when he woke up...when he woke up...when she woke up...she would find herself in the best place she could be...

The End

Summary: Dexter is put through a more gradual change this time, at the hands of a Shadowrun-style corporate boss to make herself a good toy.

Tags: M/solo, Male to Intersex, Semi-Trans, Human to Tiger, Kitsune, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, Body Modification, Bondage, Sci-Fi, Transformation, Breast Growth, Gender TF, Ass Growth, Tentacles, Dub-Con, Decontamination, Slavery, Owned Person,