Driving stick

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#61 of 2023 Shorts

When Kevin is tasked with looking after his God-daughter when she enters the working world, he finds himself teaching her more about life than he ever bargained on.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Authors note: This was originally going to be a lot shorter and just a straight-out dirty smut story of a horny old guy that does the deed with his best friends' daughter. However, once I started writing the characters and their interactions, this changed into something else.


Kevin and Chris had been close friends since junior high, both played football and both had dated cheerleaders; they even signed up and served in the army for a tour or two together. For all intents and purposes, they were brothers in everything but blood. For as opposite as two people could be, Kevin being the big brash dark furred wolf while Chris was the more serious and smaller golden furred Alaskan Chinook, they had formed a fast and strong bond. Kevin brought Chris more out of his shell, while Chris managed to reign in some of the wolf's more wilder ambitions and habits. They became inseparable, following each other through every stage of life and mirroring one another. The only time their lives did not reflect one another, was when Chris decided it was time to settle down and start a family, of course Kevin gave him hell for getting soft in his old age as a true friend would, but even the old dog had a tear in his eye when his god daughter was born.

There was no surprise when Chris asked Kevin to be Karin's godfather either, he was practically part of the family. Of course, at the time the jackass had done the stereotypical mob boss voice, but in truth he was truly honored. Even though Karin was not his own flesh and blood, Kevin even began to mellow thanks to her influence. He was around a lot more, even being present for her first steps and being the first one to teach her dirty words that made her parents gasp. He was in essence, the naughty uncle she never would've had otherwise with Chris being an only child.

Kevin watched Karin grow from a chubby little bundle of giggling energy into a slender and ethereally beautiful young woman. She wasn't what most people might consider beautiful perhaps, but knowing the person she was inside, Kevin could see that inner beauty radiate outward. Despite her love for dark clothing and makeup, the young Alaskan Chinook with her shiny golden coat simply looked more exotic than Goth, or Emo...or whatever the hell look it was she was going for. Kevin never did understand all that depressing and emotional crap the kids were into these days anyway. He was always around to keep an eye on her too, making sure it was just a façade and that his precious girl wasn't losing herself to depression. Thankfully in private and away from her peers, Karin remained her bubbly and friendly self, someone whom radiated positivity no matter how hard she tried to hide it. As such, she was affectionately known as the worst goth ever by her uncle.

"She's gonna cramp my style...no offense kid" Kevin sighed and slumped back in his seat after hearing out Chris and Kelly's plan for their daughter who was starting her first job.

"What style? The last time you had style was when you were still inside your mom" Chris snarked with a grin, goddamn him, but that got a laugh out of Kevin.

"She's going to be away from home for the first time and I would just feel safer knowing she was staying with someone we know and trust is all" Kelly pleaded while giving Kevin those big beautiful brown eyes of hers she fucking knew he could never say no to.

"Hey, that's not fucking fair! Quit it with the eyes!" Kevin growled and shut his own as if he were staring at Medusa herself.

"Language!" Both Chris and Kelly shouted in unison, like good in sync parents would do.

"Sorry...but c'mon Kells, you know I can't say no to those eyes of yours" the old brown and black furred wolf huffed in defeat. Considering she was half his size; anyone would've thought Kevin would easily be able to rebuff his best friend's wife. But Kelly was a special sort of feisty, a metric tonne of TNT crammed into a duffle bag, as Chris had first described her to Kevin when they'd started dating. Kevin had known instantly that his best friend's heart had been stolen and it was only a matter of time before the wedding bells rang, he had even had a garish silver tux rented and ready to go before Chris and Kelly's engagement had been announced. Truthfully Kevin adored Kelly, she was like the brat sister he'd always wanted. Not that he would ever admit it to her though, she already had too much ammunition to use against him as it was. Kelly and Chris embodied his idea of the perfect relationship, they were great friends first and never seemed to grow up. They were always having fun together, be it playing silly pranks on one another at home, to skinny dipping in their neighbour's pool when the weather got too hot.

"I know, why do you think I'm fucking using them on you" Kelly, a blue eyed and golden-haired cocker spaniel, grinned back at Kevin. He knew better than to correct her about her swearing however, especially not in her own house.

"Alright fine...but there will be ground rules! I love you kid, but you are kind of a slob, I ain't your maid so I'm not going to be picking up after y..." Kevin began to say, but was cut off by Karin's high-pitched squeal and sudden pounce that knocked him clean out of his chair. "No tackling either! You break any of my shit and you're replacing it!" he threatened in futility, not that Karin was listening to him anyway.

"Language!" Kelly and Chris yelled again.


Karin had gotten her first job after college, which just so happened to be in the same city where Kevin was working. They knew he had a place in the city as he hated commuting daily, so the old wolf would leave their little podunk of a town late Sunday afternoon to make it there before bedtime. Then he would leave straight after work on Friday afternoon and drive back to spend the weekend with his family, well Chris's family, but they were pretty much his family too, all things considered.

"Nervous?" Kevin asked gently as he saw how Karin kept staring into the side mirror at their small town slowly fading away into the distance behind them.

"Yeah" she replied softly, her hands wringing one another nervously in her lap.

"It'll be okay, it's only a few days and then we'll be back with loudmouth and hardass" Kevin reassured his goddaughter with a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"Which is which?" She asked with a little grin.

"I'm not dumb enough to tell you that. Not after the last time you ratted me out about bringing home a date when I was meant to be watching you, you little snitch!" he laughed and stuck his tongue out at her.

"That was nearly eighteen years ago!" Karin laughed and gave an exasperated sigh. "It's not my fault she had her ginormous tits out and within reach of a walking toddler..."

"Yeah, the look on her face when she realized it wasn't me sucking on them..." Kevin laughed heartily at the memory.

"Oh my god, you have a fucking kid!?" Karin said in a rather nasally voiced imitation of Kevin's date.

"That's not my kid" Kevin replied back in a perfect imitation of how he'd responded all those years ago.

"Whose fucking kid is sucking on my tits then?" Karin kept going, barely able to finish the imitation before breaking down in a fit of laughter.

Kevin always did know how to cheer her up, she loved him dearly and she knew he loved her. She always felt safe around him too, as much as it pained her to be so far away from her parents for the first time in her life, at least she wasn't out on her own. She still had a bit of home with her, which she scooted over along on the bench seat of his old truck to cuddle into his side, just like she used to do on the sofa when he came over to babysit and watch scary movies with her. Soon Karin had relaxed enough to drift off, lightly snoring in Kevin's ear as he drove on in relative silence.

"We're here" Kevin spoke softly as he shook Karin awake a few a short while later, but it was clearly more than just a few seconds. The sky was darker than her favorite shade of black lipstick "Eternal Slumber"; the stars and full moon were out providing a soft golden light to guide their way into Kevins little bachelor's apartment.

"Dude..." Karin bemoaned as soon as she entered, noting the empty beer cans and porno mags on the living room table.

"Why yes, I am a dude. Thank you for noticing, would you believe I have that for the articles?" Kevin tried to cover up as he snatched the magazine out of Karins hand, before she could unfold the centerfold completely.

"Still like big tits I see..." she teased with a little wink.

"You're killing me kid...best not tell your mom about this or she'll skin me alive, n'est-ce pas?" He replied with a pleading look back at her, breathing a sigh of relief when Karin motioned zipping her lips and locking them shut.

"You can have the bedroom, I'll sleep out here on the pull out..." he began to suggest for their sleeping arrangements.

"You...pull out? Not from what I recall" Karin quipped back with a grin.

"Hey! I...you...were meant to be asleep then..." Fuck's sake, just how much dirt did the little brat have on him? He'd made sure she was sleeping in her little pink race car bed before he got down to business with big tits McGee...or whatever the fuck her name was from the bar back then.

"No, seriously. You're doing enough for me as is, I can't expect you to put your old decrepit back out for me on a crappy pull out bed too. If I need to piss, I'll just use your coffee mug or a flower pot, or something" Karin smiled sweetly at the beleaguered looking older wolf.

"Jeezus fucking Christ woman, you're going to be the death of me" Kevin sighed and shook his head while trying not to grin, she was a real firecracker, just like her mom. "Fine, but the bathroom and toilet are through my room in the en suite. I'd rather you wake me up than piss on my fake flowers" he demanded.

"Ah, so it's not just fake tits you like" goddamn she was quick.

"Yeah, just try not suck on those tonight" Kevin shot back with a grin.

"Touche" Karin laughed as she did the fake finger guns at him.

It made him feel warm and fuzzy how at ease she seemed to be, he was worried she'd be too homesick to make it through the night. Perhaps if he could just keep her distracted enough, she would make it through the week alright, she was a good strong kid, she just needed a gentle shove in the right direction. Plus, she was actually turning out to be rather good company, it wasn't often he met a woman that could take his shit let alone give it right back to him like she did.

After unpacking their things and giving Karin a little tour of his small apartment, Kevin sorted their beds out before wishing her a goodnight. Or at least he hoped it would be a goodnight, it broke his heart when he heard a faint sniffle coming from the little living room where she was sleeping. He hoped things would be better in the morning.


"Coffee is on your bedside table, don't knock it over" Karin mumbled as she darted through his bedroom and practically slammed the door shut behind her. Kevin frowned at her odd behavior, figuring she must just be bursting for the bathroom, but at least she'd brought him a fresh cup of coffee to help wake him up.

As he yawned and stretched, his eyes fell down at his lap where he was sporting a bit of a tent. Slowly his gaze turned from his morning glory to the bathroom door, soon followed by a little laugh. He'd forgotten just how young and innocent Karin was, she'd never even really had a boyfriend back home, hell they only even recently got the internet. It wasn't like she could google such shit in private either, thanks to only having a "family computer" which was dogshit slow anyway.

By the time Karin eventually stepped out of the shower, she looked like a new person, literally. It had been years since Kevin had seen her without all the dark makeup and crap she usually wore, he supposed she wanted to make a good impression on her first day on the job. Her long dark hair was done up in a bun and she wore just enough makeup to look almost natural but with a hint of smoky color along her eyelids. A pair of sensible denims with a plaid collared shirt over a white undershirt, she looked rather professional and actually rather pretty.

"What?" She asked when she caught Kevin staring at her, making the wolf cough around the mouthful of coffee he'd paused mid sip with.

"Nothing, nothing...just been a while since I've seen...well, you. Like this, without all the black, y'know? You're beautiful" Kevin blurted the last part without even thinking, but at least it seemed to have been taken well. Karin blushed and mumbled a little thanks before heading back out of his room and into the living room area. "Must've got your dads looks because your mom still has hers" he shouted after her.

"I'll tell her you said that" she replied.

"You better fucking not!" the old wolf laughed and retorted.

"Language!" Karin shot back immediately.

After the initial shock of her fist night being so far away from her family and a good first day on the job, Karin settled into a more comfortable and relaxed routine. By Thursday she was actually rather happy and by Friday she was practically giddy with excitement. The long drive home suddenly didn't seem so long, she even burst from Kevin's truck before he'd come to a complete stop as she ran inside to give her mom a tight hug.

"I'm not your bellhop, y'know" Kevin mockingly grumbled as he brought in Karin's bags from the truck.

"Why thank you, kind sir" She turned about and deposited a crisp one-dollar bill into his shirt pocket, as if he were in fact a bellhop.

"Sonuva..." the old wolf stared down at the one-dollar bill in his pocket in disbelief.

"Kevin Sanderson, you will not finish that sentence if you wish to retain the ability to walk unaided" Kelly growled and glared at him threateningly, brandishing her wooden cooking spoon like it was a machete.

"Biscuit...I was going to say biscuit, you know I'd never call you a bitch, at least not to your face" the wolf grinned at Kelly.

"That's it, my brother is your new God Father!" Kelly sighed and shook her head before looking and speaking to Karin.

"Eew, uncle stinky cheese?" Karin wrinkled her nose at the idea.

"He does not...it's a fungal infection...Chris, deal with your child!" Kelly gave up and retreated to the kitchen to finish fixing their dinner.

"Why is she always my child when she does something bad?" Chris laughed while leaning in to give Kevin a tight welcoming hug.

"Because my family consists of nothing but angels!" came the hollered reply from amidst banging pots and pans in the kitchen.

"Angels smell like cheese?" Karin leaned in to almost whisper to her father.

"I heard that young lady," Kelly bellowed angrily.

"Ears like a bat, that one," Kevin noted with a grin at Karin. "Yet she never did hear me ask for her best friend's number back in the day. You could've had a cousin, y'know?"

"I did hear you ask, I just thought it prudent not to aid in bringing the spawn of Satan into this earth. The two of you together would've brought about the end times" Kelly poked her head around the kitchen door to say.

"But she had such big tits!" Kevin groaned at his missed opportunity, while Karin laughed at her father miming gigantic melons on his chest.

"Considering you're so narcissistic, I'd have thought you'd be more of an ass man, y'know...seeing as you're a giant one" Kelly teased before nodding back behind her. "Food's ready, come grab a plate."

"Got your moms wit though...damn" Kevin mumbled to a grinning Karin as he ruffled her hair in passing.


The weekend was over before they knew it, in the blink of an eye they were on the road and heading back to the city. This time Karin seemed more at ease, even happier now. Knowing that she was still getting to spend time at home on the weekends and holidays made it easier to transition to her new life, but even in just one week Kevin could see a change in her. She was starting to grow up and finally letting go of the last remnants of her childhood. Karin was maturing into a really beautiful and amazing woman, the thought both made his heart ache for knowing his little girl was nothing but a memory now, but at the same time he was so damned proud of her too.

The next morning Kevin wasn't awoken by the scent of fresh coffee for once, instead he had the uneasy feeling someone was watching him. When he opened his eyes, he found Karin sitting beside him cross-legged on his bed, though she wasn't looking at him. At least not his face anyway, rather she was staring with a confused look at the tent his morning glory had created, while she chewed her bottom lip cutely.

"What, never seen a dick before?" He half joked, trying to snap her out of her daze.

Karin didn't respond however, at least not verbally. Instead, she just gave a simple shake of her head without looking away from the painfully obvious bulge Kevin was sporting under his covers. Kevin was a little surprised by this bit of knowledge, he'd assumed she'd at least seen one in textbooks at school during sex ed or something. He knew she probably hadn't seen one online with how strict her parents were about her having unfettered access to the internet. Not only that, but Karin was a pretty girl, so at the very least, surely some horny boy back home could've sent her a dick pic in the hopes of getting lucky. But alas, Karin truly did seem to be even more naive than he ever could've guessed. Before he knew what he was doing, in his still half-asleep state, Kevin uttered the four words that would forever change both their lives.

"Would you like to?" He knew he shouldn't, but it was too damned exciting. Perhaps it was just because he was sporting an iron hard rod so his blood wasn't where it should've been before he replied, but she was a young beautiful woman and she was in his bed. In the moment it was as if he hadn't watched her grow and mature at all, he was just seeing her as she was then. A beautiful golden furred woman with wonder and amazement in her bright blue eyes.

Karin didn't speak yet, once more she simply nodded her head without taking her eyes off his tent. Even when Kevin lifted the covers off himself to expose the fact he slept in the nude, giving Karin her first real look at a man's cock, the only sound she made was a faint surprised gasp. Kevin shuddered with a soft groan when she suddenly reached out and grasped his dick, he hadn't expected her to do that at all. He thought she was just going to look! But Karin was already touching and exploring his thick red pointed dick with both her small, soft hands and it felt fantastic. She was a little clumsy at first, but soon she began to figure out what he liked and focused on repeating those motions.

Kevin watched in slow motion as Karin moved forward and onto her knees, where she leaned forward to first sniff at his member before her soft pink tongue reached out to take a curious lick. He should've stopped her already, somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that. But with a gorgeous nineteen, nearly twenty-year-old woman licking at his pecker, he did not have nearly enough blood to turn the gears in his brain adequately. He wasn't even aware of what he was grabbing when he felt something squishy in his grasp. It felt firm but soft, nicely curved too. As his eyes followed along his arm, he found he had a handful of Karin's backside. He'd never noticed just how curvy she was back there, especially when his curious fingers tugged down her soft fluffy purple and yellow pajama bottoms to expose her more.

She didn't stop him either, Karin was too focused on tasting her first real man. She had his tapered tip between her lips and was starting to give him the worst blowjob of his life. Goddamn she was awful at it, her teeth scraped along his sensitive flesh, making it feel like he was getting head from a sentient blender. But still, Kevin was far too distracted by leaning to the side and getting a better look at his God daughter in all her naked glory. She had an amazing ass, along with an incredibly snug looking little cunt and a surprisingly cute little pink asshole too. He couldn't help himself from touching all of it, gently tracing his fingertips up between the tender folds of her virgin pussy before lightly rubbing a fingertip over her asshole. Perhaps it was a good thing she didn't have the internet until it was too late, she sure as shit didn't seem to know women were supposed to get mad when you touched their assholes. At least that had been his experience with older women so far, but Karin simply raised her tail and let him have at it, barely seeming to register when he pressed his fingertip into her, just to the first knuckle curiously. Goddamn did she ever feel like the best heavenly sin around his thick fingers as he gently pried her open little by little.

"Lay back for me" Kevin panted as he gently guided her chainsaw of a mouth off his battered and chewed up cock. He'd have to give her lessons on how to suck dick properly later, for now he wanted a taste of her. Karin still seemed speechless, she simply stared at him wide eyed and nodded before she lay back on his bed obediently. The large wolf climbed out of his bed and moved around to the foot of it, gently grabbing his god daughter by the ankles and tugging her down toward him while raising her legs high. Her pajama bottoms and panties were pulled up off her slender legs and dropped to the floor, before he got down on his knees to get eye level with the most perfect pussy he had ever seen. "I'm going to taste you now, you can tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" he asked.

Karin again nodded meekly while hiding her face behind her hands, staring wide eyed from between her fingers like she used to do when they watched horror movies together years ago. Kevin raised her knees over his shoulders while he leaned in to give a gentle swipe of his tongue across her outer folds, making the young canine lady gasp in surprise at the unexpected and unfamiliar sensations. He looked up over her mound, across her taut belly and between her still rather small tits to watch her expression as he began to lick deeper with every passing swipe of his tongue. The deeper he went, the louder Karin groaned, soon she was gripping the bed sheets either side of her as her hips bucked and ground against his snout. If anything, Kevin was fantastic at giving oral; he had an abnormally long tongue which he'd learned to use to maximum effect. Though never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he'd have his god daughter's thighs wrapped about his head while he tonguefucked her cunt like this.

"I'm...I don't feel...what..." Karin began to pant and groan, almost sounding panicked and on the verge of hyperventilating. She didn't know what was happening to herself, the sudden rush of intense feelings and emotions, but Kevin did. He'd given enough of them to know when a woman was orgasming and right now, Karin seemed to be having her first ever real one. Briefly he wondered if she'd ever touched herself or if she'd simply never climaxed before. The thought before today probably would've repulsed him, but in the moment with his tongue up her cunt and tasting her first pleasured spend, it only made him harder. The way her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she gasped and sputtered, while her entire slender golden form shook from the overwhelming pleasure was rather cute. In the back of his mind, Kevin just heard his tiny self-conscience chastising him with "Well done, you saw her take her first steps, now you've seen her have her first orgasm. Fucking godfather of the year you are!"

"You okay, K?" Kevin asked with a note of concern as he climbed up to lay beside Karin on the bed, gently brushing her long dark hair out of her face and to reveal her eyes to him.

"What was that?" she finally spoke up, looking flushed and tired, but still smiling.

"That, my dear girl, was an orgasm. With any luck, you'll have plenty of those in your lifetime" he offered with a sly grin.

"Good...because I want more" she laughed and leaned over to give Kevin a kiss on the cheek while curling up against him to cuddle.

"Well, when you meet the right guy..." he began to reply, but she cut him off.

"No, as in now...right now, please?" Godfuckingdamit! When the hell had she learned to do the eye thing just like her mother? It wasn't like she was asking for the last donut here either, she was actively asking for her godfather to fuck her, or was she?

"You want more...of my tongue?" He asked curiously and cautiously.

"Not just your tongue, show me more. Teach me, please?" Again with those goddamn eyes!

"You don't know what you're asking, K" Kevin sighed and shook his head, his conscience fighting his libido as if it were the end days of Heaven against Hell.

"I want you to fuck me. Yes, I know it's my first time, but so what. At least it will be with someone I love and someone I know loves me, someone that won't hurt me. Would you rather I give it up to some random guy in a bar somewhere?" Karin asked rather pointedly.

"I...well...fuck..." Why the hell did she have to use logic against him when most of his blood wasn't anywhere near his brain. It wasn't even like they were related by blood either, she wasn't actually his daughter, so he couldn't even use that as an excuse, not that he really wanted to. She looked so fucking perfect laying almost naked beside him, her slender but taut golden furred form against his bigger dirty brown and black body. Goddamn he wanted to fold her in half and piledrive the living shit out of her! But she wasn't ready for that yet, no. He needed to put his wants and desires aside, if he was going to do this, it was going to be more for her than himself. He needed to show her how to make love, not just fuck. That could come later, she needed someone to show her how good being intimate could be, so she wouldn't have any hangups later on in life like so many other women he'd met through the years. Besides, she was making a great case for herself as she started to idly jack his dick while smiling mischievously up at him.

"Besides, the first time's a free pass so I won't get pregnant" the golden beauty commented, snapping Kevin out of his lust fueled haze.

"Pardon? Where the fuck did you hear that nonsense?" The older wolf asked while staring at her with a raised brow.

"My friends, they say the first time is a free pass and you can't get pregnant...why?" Karin paused in her stroking of her Godfathers fat cock to look up at him with a more serious expression.

"That's bullcrap, you absolutely can get pregnant on your first time..." Kevin sighed and rubbed a hand down across his face in exasperation.

"See? That's why I need you to teach me this stuff, if I'd given it up to Bubba at the bar, I'd probably be a mother by the next time I went home" Karin teased.

"You're not making this any easier for me, kid..." the wolf groaned in exasperation.

"Good, because I want it hard..." the slender yellow bitch teased right back, swinging her thigh over his waist and straddling the bigger canine. Kevin's prick was trapped beneath her, he could feel the heat radiating from her cunt as she ground herself slowly back and forth against the thick cumvein along the underside of his trapped shaft.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" He asked with a mixture of a laugh and a groan, he was rather enjoying this new more confident version of Karin and not just because she was grinding her hot little pussy against the belly of his already eagerly dribbling prick.

"Hopefully you" she persisted, reaching down for his hands to guide them up and under her pajama top to her small breasts. "You can touch these too, you know."

God her nipples were so tiny and hard between his large fingers; she felt so fragile beneath his touch, but he loved the faces she made when he began to gently pinch and roll her little buds with expert skill. It was as if her nipples had a direct connection to her hips too, the more he tweaked and teased them, the more she ground and squirmed down against his lap.

In slow motion Kevin watched as Karin slowly raised her hips up higher, while reaching down to guide his tapered tip between her folds. Before he could stop her, the slender golden canine began to sink herself down a couple of inches onto him. Curiously, she never winced and he didn't see any signs of crimson like he'd expected, especially considering this was her first time and all.

"Hold on a second, how is it that you haven't had an orgasm before, but you don't seem to have a hymen?" Kevin asked sceptically.

"My turn to teach you something..." Karin laughed, opening one eye as she paused her motions briefly. She felt incredibly stretched with even just what was basically Kevin's tip inside herself. "Sex isn't the only way a hymen can break. If that's what classifies as sex, then I guess you could say I lost my virginity to our white picket fence back home" she stated casually.

"What?" Kevin replied dumbly, not quite understanding what Karin was talking about. Not that the fact she was starting to inch her way down deeper onto him was helping him focus any easier either.

"I got bored one day and tried to walk along the fence, a poorly timed breeze made me slip and...pop went my cherry. Might still have been intact if I'd been wearing shorts instead of a dress that day..." she recounted the story simply for him. "Lucky the point wasn't sharp enough to go any deeper...unlike yours" Karin teased, now almost halfway down the older wolfs prick. Her nails were digging into his chest through his thick fur as she wriggled and squirmed her hips, pausing every so often to adjust to his girth and length inside her. For his age, Kevin was still in pretty good shape, only a slight hint of a tummy was visible, but his arms and legs were still well defined, along with his broad chest. The majority of him was covered in dark ebony colored fur, aside from the reddish tips of his ears and a single stripe down along his spine to the tip of his tail.

"Goddamn..." Kevin muttered under his breath as he looked down to see her cunt stretched and wrapped snuggly about the middle of his cock. At first the sight was damned exciting, she felt so good around him. Thankfully though, he noticed something else before it was too late. "Wait...wait...off, now" the wolf ordered before gently guiding Karin up and off his cock.

"What, did I do something wrong?" She asked, almost seeming hurt.

"No, quite the opposite in fact. You feel good, really good as a matter of fact...which means I'd probably not last very long inside you" He began to explain, but it seemed Karin wasn't following his train of thought. "It means I'd cum inside you, unprotected...pretty sure your folks would skin me alive if I made myself an uncle and father in the same go" he sighed and rubbed behind his neck.

"Oh, so...get some and then let's continue!" Karin offered with a cheerful smile, rolling onto her hands and knees in order to waggle her shapely behind and tight cunt back at him. It was an offer he couldn't refuse, even though he knew he should. Frankly he was surprised he didn't knock himself out with an uppercut from his own junk with how erect the vision before him suddenly made him.

Kevin reached over into his nightstand and grabbed a small golden square foil package. Even as he ripped it open between his teeth and placed the rubber ring at his tapered tip, he still couldn't believe what he was about to do. Karin watched with rapt attention as he rolled the condom down over his shaft, making sure it was secured behind his knot so it wouldn't come off too easily. The frown she gave when he pinched the little odd-looking tip at the end nearly made him laugh out loud. "What's with that look for?"

"Why'd you pinch it like that?" she asked, miming him pinching something with one hand.

"To get rid of the air so it can better catch my gunk" He explained patiently while moving up closer behind her, one hand gripping the base of her tail to help angle her hips to the right height. While his other hand grasped and guided his tip back inside her, as much as he wanted to just buck hard and get balls deep inside her, he knew she wasn't ready for that. Instead, Kevin settled on a slow back and forth motion, each time working himself a little deeper into the smaller golden canine kneeling before him. Fuck she felt good, so damned tight and hot, there was no denying she was just as turned on as he was. Every sound she made was exhilarating, not to mention the sight of her pussy stretching to accept more and more of his prick down below. He felt every clench of her inner muscles around him, along with the way her cute little tail hole winked up at him in unison.

"Fuu...uck...even better than I imagined..." Karin mumbled into the covers as she clutched at them. Though it wasn't clear if she meant sex in general, or sex with her God father. Either way, she was starting to take him nearly all the way to the knot already. She felt delightfully full and stretched, there was a very faint ache and pain mixed in with the pleasure though, but nothing she couldn't handle. Just like a good workout, she knew she'd be sore later, but it was a good kind of ache.

"Ready to pick up the pace a bit?" Kevin asked after a few minutes of slow strokes into the lewdly groaning small golden bitch. Thankfully she nodded yes in response, which soon had him picking up the pace. While not a proper hard fucking like he'd usually give one of his many other playmates, it was still far faster than he thought Karin would be able to handle on her first time. She even seemed to be enjoying it, with how she was yipping, groaning and squirming for him. He could feel how her insides were flexing and clenching, like she was on the verge of another climax, but not quite able to get there. Luckily, he knew just the thing!

"Woah!" Karin yelped as she was suddenly lifted back up off the bed, being pulled back and up to sit in Kevins lap. One of his hands slipped in across her hip and down her inner thigh, but as soon as his fingers found her clit, she began to convulse in an even more intense climax than the first one. Karin's eyes rolled into the back of her skull, making her look possessed as she shook and shuddered in the wolf's lap, coating his cock with her next spend of hot and slick femcum. Kevin wasn't far behind either, having such a tight cunt gripping and squeezing down around him was more than enough to make him pop after all the teasing and anticipation. He was right however, he knew he wouldn't last long inside her, even more so was the fact he was rather pent up from not being able to relieve himself the entire first week they were together. The condom had its work cut out as it was forced to hold back an almost comically large deposit of virile wolf seed.

When he eventually lay Karin down gently beside him and withdrew both himself and the condom from inside her, even he was impressed with the load he'd deposited in the rubber. "Sorry to ruin your good time, but we better get going or we'll be late for work" he sighed and reached out to spank her behind as he heading into the bathroom to empty the contents of his climax down the toilet before binning the used rubber.

"Five more minutes" she replied with a groan and rolled onto her tummy, her hands between her thighs as she cupped her delightfully aching pussy. Karen felt tingly all over, somehow lighter than before, but also strangely happy and content. She finally felt like an actual adult, a real grown woman even.

"Get up, or else" Kevin threatened playfully upon returning to stand beside his bed and seeing she hadn't moved an inch.

"Or else what?" Karin replied sleepily, feeling too lazy to move a muscle. She just wanted to lay there and bask in the afterglow of a great orgasm. But it wasn't to be, she felt the weight of the old wolf crawl over her again, just as her tail was lifted and something slimy washed along the cleft of her backside and higher across her little pink asshole. Karin yelped in surprise and jumped up to her feet immediately, turning to stare wide eyed at a grinning Kevin.

"The hind lick manoeuvre, it never fails" He grinned and winked at her. "Best you hop in the shower while I get everything else ready, can't have you going into the office smelling like...well...me."

Karin had heard some mutterings from some of the women in the office, so she knew what he meant. He'd bedded a few of them from what she could gather, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts because he never wanted to settle down. So, there were a few women that had an axe to grind and if they suspected anything untoward were happening between Kevin and his God daughter, they could kick up a real hornet's nest if they found out. Reluctantly she agreed and headed to the shower as Kevin got rid of the evidence of their tryst, even though all she wanted was to go another dozen or so rounds with her handsome uncle.


The day dragged painfully slow for both Kevin and Karin, their minds preoccupied with the morning's events. While Kevin spent the day kicking himself for what he'd done; already he was playing out scenarios of apologizing to Karin when they got home that evening. Not to mention what he would say to her folks if they ever found out, should he come clean or just pretend like the whole thing never happened? The guilt over what he'd done was starting to eat at him so much that he even skipped lunch because he wasn't feeling hungry.

Karin meanwhile was in a constant state of arousal which made concentrating on her job rather difficult, she kept replaying the morning over in her mind and trying to relive those intense moments of pleasure she never knew existed until today. Her mind was flooding with things and ideas she wanted to try and do, or just of what else her uncle could show and teach her. There was a whole new world of pleasure out there for her to discover and she had the best possible teacher living with her to show her the way.

By the time the lunch whistle blew, Karin had to scamper to the ladies to remove her soaked underwear. As she washed her panties in the bathroom sink before trying to dry them beneath the hand dryer, she hoped no one would walk in and catch her; she wasn't sure what she would say to them. Most of her office had gone out for lunch luckily and thankfully by the time her underwear was mostly dry and wearable again, Karin spotted a female hygiene product dispenser tucked away in the far corner. While she didn't actually need anything currently, she reasoned one of the really old-style padded items could probably help her not soak through her underwear again for the remainder of the day. While it was uncomfortable, at least it had the added benefit of being floral scented which seemed to help cover her more natural and telling scent.

"We need to talk..." Kevin began when he pulled up outside Karin's workplace to collect her.

"I agree, I've been thinking about it all day..." She began to say, forcing herself to speak slowly and not get ahead of herself. Kevin stared at her with a worried look on his face, waiting for her to drop the bomb of regret and self-loathing for what they did. "Hey...are you listening to me?" Karin paused her monologue and raised her fingers to snap them right beside his ear.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. My mind was wandering...what were you saying?" Kevin coughed and shook his head, trying not to look at the beautiful woman sitting beside him, instead trying to see the little girl he'd helped raise. But it was of no use, he kept seeing flashes of her naked body, remembering how she felt and tasted. Already he could feel the crotch of his denims starting to get uncomfortably tight. Oh God, she was still talking, wasn't she? Why was she grinning like that? She's not mad or upset, that's good...right? He thought to himself.

"So, can we?" Karin asked with a sultry smile, or at least what she thought was a sultry smile. To Kevin, she was just giving him a rather strange grin.

"Uh, yeah...sure, I guess" He replied automatically, not really having heard a word she'd even said to him.

"Good, then drive slowly..." Karin commented before slipping down into the footwell on her side of the truck. Her front laying across the passenger seat so she was out of view while she reached over to begin undoing the wolf's pants.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Kevin yelped in surprise as his passenger began groping over his tent and undoing his pants.

"Road head, like I just explained..." the golden furred girl replied matter-of-factly without even looking up. The old wolf's mind reeled at the sight before him, apparently Karin wasn't upset about what they'd done, quite the opposite it seemed. Before he could even utter a word, she had his stiff prick free and in the open before she sunk her soft lips down over his cock.

"Less teeth...more tongue" the wolf grimaced as that same unskilled blender mangled his manhood again, his free hand gently stroking his fingers through her long dark hair encouragingly once she began following his instructions.

"Less talking, more driving..." Karin shot back after pulling her maw from his lap. Kevin didn't need to be told twice, he could already see a couple familiar faces looking their way and the last thing he wanted was for one of them to wander on over and to try talk to him, only to find Karin's head in his lap.

It was a miracle he didn't peel out of the parking lot with tires squealing the way he tramped hard on the gas, but soon they were on their way back to his apartment. Normally he hated driving in afternoon traffic, but at the moment, he really didn't mind being stuck behind slow drivers. Karin proved to be a quick learner and in the single trip between her office and his flat, she had earned a spot on his top five cocksuckers. She'd even managed to get Kevin off about a block away from home, but even after swallowing her uncles load, she hadn't stopped sucking or even slowed down for that matter. Fuck he loved a woman that did that. By the time he eventually pulled into his parking spot, he wasn't sure if he was happy or sad that the drive home was over.

"Bitch..." Kevin growled as Karin made a show of licking her lips before exiting his truck and walking with an exaggerated and very inviting sway to her hips inside.

"Thanks, I take after my mom" she called back over her shoulder.

"I'll tell her you said that" Kevin leaned out his window to call after her while struggling to do his pants back up, thanks to the rock-hard cock she'd left him with.

"No, you won't" came her sing song voice before she entered the apartment and vanished from his sight.

"No, you won't" Kevin mumbled in a high-pitched imitation of Karin, huffing as he finally managed to do his pants up enough to be able to exit his truck and make a dash for his front door. "Ow, fuck!" the wolf yelped as something small and shiny hit him square between the eyes as soon as he entered his apartment. As his eyes focused on the object laying at his feet, he saw it was one of his condoms.

"Put it on" Karin growled playfully before turning and bending over the back of the sofa, while presenting her behind to her uncle.

"For someone that was a virgin this morning, you sure are eager..." the older wolf noted with a grin.

"I've been thinking about it all day, my panties were absolutely soaked by lunchtime" she admitted with an eager wag of her tail.

"That does explain this..." Kevin noted with amusement as he lifted Karin's skirt and spotted the obscenely bulky pad she'd stuffed in her underwear.

"Shut up and fuck me already, old man" the small golden furred lady demanded with a pout back at him, sounding very much like her mother in that moment.

"I've never said this to a woman asking me to fuck them before, but no. First dinner, then maybe" the old wolf replied, standing up behind Karin to give her a firm swat to her bared buttock. Kevin was oddly proud of himself for resisting the temptation; old Kevin would've been balls deep inside her in an instant. The new, more mature and much more responsible him knew they needed to eat dinner first.


"What the fuck!" Kevin yelped as something damp slapped against the back of his head and stuck there for a brief moment. The old wolf whipped around on the spot and was met by the sight of a grinning Karin, his hand reaching behind his head to retrieve the object. "You dirty bitch..." he couldn't help but grin and laugh, she'd whipped the soaked pad at his head with deadly accuracy. The problem now was that all he could smell was Karin and her arousal, the scent of which was threatening to make him burst the zipper of his denims.

Kevin soon realized the monster he had created when Karin kept brushing herself against him, finding excuses to press her behind against his crotch or just simply bend over in his line of sight while he prepared their dinner. Even through their meal, she stared straight at him as if she were a starving lioness and he was a fat sickly gazelle.

"Look, I know you want to...fuck, but we need to set some ground rules here, okay?" He found himself saying when he felt a foot reach beneath the table to rub against his crotch.

"What did you have in mind? Want me to call you Daddy or something?" Karin teased with an innocent smile.

"Jeezus!" Kevin nearly choked on his mouthful of meatloaf and stared wide eyed at her. "No, definitely not. But we need to be careful, I know this is all new and exciting for you, I'm just worried you'll get hurt or grow to resent me for what we did..." the old wolf said honestly while holding her gaze.

"What, why would I regret it? I love you and you love me, not romantically or anything of course. I'm not that naïve or dumb, I know we're not going to get married or have kids. This is just you teaching me more about life, like how you taught me to drive stick in your truck, now you're teaching me how to drive your stick..." Karin replied with a more serious tone.

"Goddamit..." he laughed at her analogy, at least she had her head screwed on right. She knew what this was and didn't have any unrealistic expectations. "What about your folks?" he finally asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, just like when Tabitha taught me to smoke, I think it best we not tell them. I'm more than happy to keep this our little secret, if you are too?" came her measured response.

"So, you've smoked a cigarette but still give terrible blowjobs, how does that work?" Kevin teased.

"Excuse you, if it was so bad, then why did you paint my tonsils before we even got home, mister?" Karin countered with a grin.

"Because I am an excellent teacher, that's why" the wolf replied with a haughty expression on his face.

"Well then, dear teacher...what else are you going to teach me tonight?" the slender canine growled playfully as she stood up and leaned over the table while staring at her uncle challengingly.

"Sixty-nine...first one to cum does the dishes?" the wolf offered.

"Sixty-what?" Karin asked in confusion.

"Oh dear, you have a lot to learn, young padawan" the old wolf sighed and smiled at the pretty young woman standing across from him.

"Is that one of your Star Trek sayings?" She fucking knew it wasn't, she was just trying to rile him up and it was goddamn working.

"C'mere you cheeky bitch!" Kevin laughed and growled, quickly getting up from the table and chasing after the giggling and squealing Karin as she darted into his bedroom. He easily caught up and pounce tackled her onto the bed, beginning to tickle attack her until she was gasping for breath. Soon however, she began to kiss him back instead. Their hands began to explore and strip one another of their clothing like it was their first time all over again. They both knew what was about to happen, but for a moment they tried to slow down and savor the moment. More than anything, Kevin wanted to show Karin how good foreplay could be as well, not just great sex.

His lips and tongue explored nearly every inch of her, followed by his touch as he caressed the more obvious erogenous zones as well as a few spots unique to her. He showed her that a true lover would take his time to learn her body and discover what really got her going. There didn't always have to be a rush to get fucking and climax as fast as possible. Though that could be fun in its own way too, but he would still teach her all of that later as well.

As he stared up at the squirming golden furred buttocks over his face, Kevin felt a strange moment of detachment. In this surreal moment, he realized how much his life had changed since Karin had come into his world. Right from the first moment that chubby little baby had grabbed his finger and stared up at him with those dazzling blue eyes, he knew he'd do anything for her. But he'd never expected that to include having her ride his muzzle while she seemed intent on choking herself to death on his prick.

With his toes curling at one of the best dick suckings he'd ever had the privilege to be on the receiving end of, Kevin briefly regretted being such a good teacher earlier in the day. Karin had taken what he'd taught her and in surprisingly short time, the student had become the master. But he wasn't about to lose yet, he still had plenty of dirty tricks up his sleeve.

Again, he used his long thick tongue to get the upper hand, corkscrewing it in and out of the young cunt above him while he gripped over her slender thigh to reach between them and find her clit. He knew he had her when he felt, more than heard, the lewd groan around his cock. Karin's hips started to buck and squirm in less coordinated and erratic ways, her inner muscles clenched and squeezed greedily around his tongue too, she was right on the edge but still it wasn't enough. He knew it was a risk, but considering how she'd reacted to it the first time, Kevin was willing to gamble. She was obviously fighting to hold back her climax, the cheating bitch, but he wasn't about to wash the dishes after cooking dinner as well!

Karin's maw popped off her uncles thick red shaft, her bottom lip briefly connected to his tip by a thin strand made from a mixture of her saliva and his precum, as she howled in pleasure. The dirty old man had jammed his thick thumb under her tail! All while he used his grip at her hip to hold her in place while he frigged her clit and fucked her cunt with his tongue relentlessly all throughout her most intense climax to date.

"I win!" the old wolf cheered, kneeling over the jerking and twitching young woman as she came hard.

"You...nngh!...cheated..." she huffed and half growled at him, curling into the foetal position. Her entire body wanting to contort as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her, even after he'd stopped pleasuring her.

"No, I didn't, we never made any rules" he reminded her, wearing her spend like a badge of honor across his muzzle.

"I'll get you back for that, old man..." Karin grumbled as she eventually stumbled out of his bed, looking as if she were drunk.

"A little less talk, a little more action please" the old wolf replied in his best Elvis impersonation, complete with the stereotypical dance moves as he pointed Karin toward the kitchen.

"To think I let you take my virginity" she responded, soon followed by a rolling of her eyes when Kevin mimed being shot in the heart and collapsing back onto his bed, dead.

The rest of their week went much the same, morning quickies followed by long tedious days spent remembering the fun they had at night, until they got back home and got to do it all over again. Soon they weren't even waiting until they got back home, it had become a fun game to see if Kevin could hold out long enough to make the trip home with Karin's head bobbing up and down in his lap. Thankfully they'd always been close before, so their joking around with one another when they went back home for the weekends did not raise any suspicions either.

Karin however took the time to mercilessly tease her uncle, flashing him behind her parents back, or just fondling his crotch under the table while their heads were bowed in prayer before dinner. By the time they were back on the road heading to his flat in the city, Kevin swore his balls were bluer than a Smurf's backside. Though by the time they pulled into the parking lot outside his flat, Karin had seen to it that her uncle was drained enough to be firing blanks and her tummy was nice and full.

In a strange way, both Kevin and Karin were oddly happy and content with their lives. More so than either of them had ever been before, it wasn't just the great sex either. It was also the simple things, just laying in one another's arms at night, having meals together or just generally messing around and having fun. For Kevin, it was almost like a sample of the life his best friend got to enjoy every day since getting married and perhaps even made him wonder if marriage wasn't such a bad thing after all. For Karin, it was a reminder that while her parent's relationship was unique, it was possible for her to find and have something pretty damned close for herself. Even if it wasn't an actual relationship right now, she was learning that it was a good framework for what she would and should be looking for in a partner.


"Ungh...fuck...why are you so tight?" Kevin grunted and shifted almost uncomfortably when he was awoken by a grinning Karin as she sat in his lap early one morning. He could feel the heat around his shaft, but it felt like she had some kind of stranglehold around his prick. It wasn't the first time he'd woken up with her riding him either, now that they were sleeping in the same bed, whenever he popped a stiffy while asleep and she was awake, Karin helped herself to a little fun. Kevin had never been as thankful for birth control pills as he was in the last week, his balls had never been this empty since he hit puberty.

"I had a rather interesting day at work yesterday, I learned a lot about you and what you like from one of your exes" She grinned at the confused and still half-asleep wolf. When he didn't seem to be understanding what she meant, Karin leaned back with her hands behind her and gripping at his knees for support. Slowly she parted her thighs to bare her pussy to her uncle, her nice snug cunt, which was not currently wrapped about his prick. Karin chewed at her bottom lip as she watched the look on his face shift from confusion to surprise and then worry.

"It's...you...that's in your ass..." Kevin stammered as he stared at where she had his cock buried, knowing that most fully grown women couldn't easily take him like that, but somehow Karin had. "You're...are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked with a strained voice, trying to ignore the crazy tight hotness gripping down around his cock and focus more on her wellbeing for the moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It feels...a bit uncomfortable, maybe even a little sore, but not all that bad actually. I kinda like it to be honest" Karin admitted, she could feel that same ache that would leave her sore later, but not in a bad way. This time though, it was even more worth it. She was giving her uncle something he apparently enjoyed, it was her own weird way of paying him back for everything he had done and was doing for her. Plus, she really did kind of like it anyway. It was naughty and fun, the way the big wolf was clearly trying not to groan out or even move beneath her so he wouldn't hurt her. She loved that about him, even when he was getting what he wanted, he still put her wellbeing first.

Slowly the golden furred and dark haired canine beauty began to raise her hips and behind, gasping out at the flood of emotions and sensations the thick wolf prick pulling slowly out of her behind created, only to be forced back inside a moment later. She felt as though she were gripping so hard about Kevin's cock that she might actually lift his rump from the bed with how tight she was clenched around his dick.

"No condom needed for this either, can't get me pregnant this way...I checked" Karin teased as she almost achingly slowly worked her tight little behind up and down his rock-hard cock, giving a little wriggling grind in his lap every time her buttocks met his lap.

"You're going to make some lucky guy very happy someday" the wolf groaned, unable to tear his gaze away from the sight of his goddaughter riding his prick with her pert butt. His large hands reached out to brush soothingly along her inner thighs where he could see her muscles strain every time she lifted and lowered herself slowly.

"Oh fuck, I think I'm gonna..." Karin whimpered aloud, but she never got to finish her sentence before she collapsed into a quivering heap beside a worried looking Kevin.

"Are you okay!?" Kevin jumped up and quickly knelt over the still twitching and jerking Karin, whom looked as if she were having a seizure.

"Y..yeah, fuck...didn't know women could...cum from that..." she eventually managed to pant out.

"You...wait, you came from having your butt stuffed?" the wolf asked in confusion.

"Apparently" Karin laughed and rolled onto her belly, her hands between her thighs as she cupped her very obviously slick cunt. "Want to try make me cum like that again?" she asked with an inviting smile back at the old wolf, whom was staring at her behind with amazement.

"Are you sure about this?" Kevin asked when he eventually straddled the backs of Karin's thighs, one hand stroking his achingly hard dick while his other gently pried her pert golden buttocks apart to reveal the too small looking opening he'd just been inside. Part of him honestly thought he'd just imagined the last few moments, that there was no way his innocent little girl had not only taken him up her backdoor, but she'd cum almost hard enough to blackout from it too. The small pink star nestled in the shadow of her tail looked untouched still, almost too small for even his finger to enter, but he knew he'd done that at least a dozen times before already.

"Yes uncle Kevin, stick your big fat cock up my tight tiny little asshole" Karin teased in a cutesy little voice, while raising her hips to press her behind invitingly against his length. He could see she'd obviously lubed herself before doing what she did earlier, she had always liked being prepared for anything and apparently that included anal as well. Luckily for him.

As he watched her slick flesh reluctantly part to accept his iron hard rod, Kevin smiled as he remembered how nervous and reserved Karin was that first night with him. Not even the first time they did anything intimate, just being away from home for the first time. Now she was the one in charge, actively seeking to go further with her uncle. She had grown up so much in the last month or two, both inside the bedroom as well as outside of it. Her new found confidence really brought out her inner beauty, even her folks had commended him for how their little girl had blossomed under his watch. If only they knew why, especially right in that moment as Kevin's hips gradually descended while he worked more and more of his angry red cock under his goddaughter's tail, right until his thick knot was spreading her cheeks a little and she was groaning almost constantly into a pillow.

"K, are you okay?" he paused when he noticed Karin had fallen silent, leaning to one side he saw her eyes were shut and tears were streaming down her face. "Oh shit..." he mumbled and began to withdraw himself from her rear.

"No...don't stop...not hurt...just..." Karin seemed to be battling to speak, though her words sounded strained, they did not sound like she was in pain however. Kevin only slightly tugged back on his hips to test a theory, and sure enough the young woman gave an explosive groan beneath him. Apparently, she wasn't kidding when she said she kind of liked it, right then it sounded like she was fighting with everything she had not to cum again and he'd barely done anything, other than hilt himself up her back passage again.

"And to think, you used to think me being a pain in your ass was a bad thing" Kevin laughed and leaned down to nip lovingly at her shoulder, laughing even louder when he saw her hand curl into a fist before she extended her middle finger back at him. "Now now, that's no way for a lady to behave. Then again, most ladies don't like big dicks up their butts either" the wolf playfully mocked before licking along her cheek affectionately.

"Asshole..." Karin mumbled and laughed. "Don't...say anything, or I won't let you do this with me again" she shushed him before he could make the obvious joke.

While he was a fan of stuffing a butt, Kevin knew better than to give into his natural instinct to go all out. Especially with how Karin seemed to be struggling to process the new sensation, it was almost overloading her senses. Very carefully he rolled them both onto their sides, with her playing the little spoon. At least he knew in this position he wasn't likely to suffocate her by accident. Very slowly and patiently he began to move his hips, working only an inch or two either way under her twitching tail.

Karin covered her mouth with both hands in an attempt to stifle her own sounds, but try as she might, she just could not stop herself from moaning and groaning like a bitch in heat. Considering what the ladies at her office had said about it, she didn't know why they weren't fans of this act. It was intense, a different kind of pleasure, but a pleasure none the less. Perhaps part of why it felt so good was because of who she was doing it with, being cuddled up against someone she felt so safe and loved with helped, but also because she just wanted to please him as much as he'd pleased her. There were no regrets, no feelings of inadequacy or jealousy, there was nothing but love and friendship between them.

"Cum inside me...please, I want to feel it" Karin almost begged. Even though she was on birth control now, Kevin knew better than to risk unloading inside her without protection still. It was one thing she still wanted to try, now that he was somewhere he couldn't knock her up, it felt like the opportune time to do it. Judging by the way Kevin's cock throbbed harder inside her when she asked, he was a fan of the idea as well.

"I'm not going to pull out this time" Kevin growled heatedly into her ear, gritting his teeth as he fought every instinct to try knot and tie her. Thankfully she was more than tight enough to get him over the finish line regardless and soon Karin felt her first ever seeding. With her uncle's knot grinding against her already tautly stretched little opening, his cock lurched and spat hot volumes of eager seed deep up her back passage. "NghGod! I love you!" he growled and buried his muzzle into her hair before gently biting down on her shoulder.

"I love you too, you weirdo" Karin laughed and panted hard, shivering with every hot jet of seed she felt spill inside her. Soon would be her favorite part, she loved the sex for sure, but what she loved most was the cuddling after. There was no rush to do anything else, they would just lay beside one another and drift off into a light slumber for a short while after. Her slender form wrapped up in his strong arms made her feel so safe, protected and loved. In those moments, there was nowhere else she'd rather be in the world and she wouldn't trade them for anything.


"So where do you see this going?" Kevin asked one evening while they were both sitting down for dinner.

"Well, usually the kitchen sink to get washed. Why, what did you have in mind?" Karin asked playfully.

"Smartass...you know what I mean" Kevin stared directly at her with a serious expression.

"I'm not looking for a relationship, I know that would never work and I think my folks would skin you alive if we even tried. Right now, it's just experimentation and fun, I'm getting to do stuff in a safe and loving environment; how many others can say they've been that lucky?" Karin spoke slowly and clearly as she collected her thoughts on the matter. "We're being careful because neither of us is ready for kids, so I guess in a way it's really just like another fun activity we can do together. Also, in a way it's kind of my way of paying you back for everything you've done and are doing for me too, the last couple months have been the happiest in my life thanks to you. So, if I can return some of that to you, then that makes me even more happy" the golden furred canine replied with a genuine and heartfelt smile.

"Good, you've still got your head screwed on straight. I'll always be here for you when you need me, so if you find someone else that you want to spend the rest of your life with, as long as he meets my standards, you should pursue him. Don't hold back on living your life because of me" the old wolf answered honestly. He meant every word of it too, no matter what, he would always be there for Karin, no matter what. He just wanted her to be happy.

"Glad to see we're on the same page then. So...sixty-nine to see who does the dishes? No sticking your thumb up my ass this time either, cheater!" Karin teased with a grin.

Short Halloween story in a day/hour- The Haunted House

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Delayed Gratification

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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cASSh Injection

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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