Roasting Nuts by the fireplace

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#8 of Drag'n'Drop side stories

A continuation of Nutting Next Door ( but can be read independently. I hope you enjoy

Nuut belongs to NutRaisins

Art of one of the scenes can be found here:

Zuurah stood just inside the entrance of the large hardware store as watched the rain lashing down outside. Rotating his head slightly, he felt his neck click and smiled to himself. Despite living right next door, he had been finding himself spending more nights in his neighbor's bed than his own lately. Despite Nuut's reassurances that it was better for their bodies, he still often found himself waking up sore.

Hearing a shopping trolley approaching him from behind, he quickly stepped to the side to let the human pass. The young red-haired woman looked up and smiled in thanks before pausing at the threshold of the entrance. "Of course I parked at the other end, didn't I?" She muttered to herself.

Zuurah looked down and made a quick mental note of the contents of her trolley, a small potted plant and an assortment of cleaning gear. "I don't think it's going to let up," Zuurah remarked, his deep powerful voice carrying over the rain effortlessly.

"Does it rain like this often?" She asked and sighed with relief as the black dragon shook his head. "Well, that's good."

"New to town?"

"Not yet, but I think I'm going to be doing my residence here," She replied, raising her voice to be heard over the lashing rain. "Med school," She added when he looked confused.

"Congrats!" Zuurah said politely and smiled when he saw the silhouette of Nuut flaring his wings to land just outside the main entrance.

The gray dragon touched down at a trot, the two large flasks of coffee swinging wildly from his harness as he approached his neighbor and the stranger. "Howdy!" He said happily, "I think it might rain today." He added with a grin.

Zuurah looked at the drenched dragon and down to the dry woman next to him. "Would you be a gentle drake and give this lovely lady a walk to her car? You can't get any wetter."

"Really? You would do that?" The lady asked hopefully.

"Of course! Always happy to help," Nuut said cheerfully and unfurled a wing, giving it a quick flick to try and dry the underside of his burgundy colored membranes before turning to offer it as shelter to the woman.

"I'm over there, I borrowed my friend's truck," She said and pointed towards a black vehicle across the large parking lot. "Thanks so much!"

"Not a problem at all," Nuut replied and began walking with his wing outstretched to provide some shelter for the red-haired woman. The sound of rain beating against his wings sounded like it was lashing against a tight canvas tent as they navigated the potholes and puddles in the saturated car park.

Zuurah watched with a warm smile as Nuut escorted the future doctor across to her car, lifting his wing over the roof of her truck to shelter her until she was inside. The black dragon's grin broadening as Nuut turned and trotted back to the store.

"Well, that's a good deed done for the day," Nuut said happily, shaking his body and wings before stepping into the store. "And here is another," he added while unhooking a flask for Zuurah.

"For me?" He replied, his eyes widening as he saw the color scheme of the flask and smiled broadly. "You're too good to me, it even matches my scales."

Nuut smiled and passed the flask over. "I wasn't sure how you liked your coffee, but I hope you like it."

Sitting on his haunches, Zuurah unscrewed the lid and peered inside. "Normally I would say I like it strong and dark, like me," he teased before taking a sip, "but I don't mind if it's lighter and sweet." He added with a wink to the gray dragon.

Nuut opened and closed his mouth a few times before smiling bashfully. "Well, I'll remember that for next time," he finally stammered and nodded towards the many aisles of the hardware store. "Thanks again for coming with me- I mean, helping me with my deck."

"Not at all, did you have an idea of how big you wanted your deck to be?" He said with a smirk and took another sip.

Nuut chuckled and flicked a paw twice to make sure it was dry before reaching into his harness and producing the plans he had made. Placing it on a nearby box he unfolded it so Zuurah could inspect it. "What do you think?"

Nuut waited with bated breath as the dark drake peered at the drawings with a focused expression. "This is good, did you draw it yourself?"

"I had help," Nuut said sheepishly. "Will it do?"

"Absolutely. Okay, I think I can make a rough list of materials. We are likely going to need to come back here for something anyway, so we will order what we think we need and get the rest next time," Zuurah explained and secured the lid back into his flask and attached it to his harness.

Nuut smiled in relief and started to walk alongside the larger black drake as they moved out of the wide entranceway and deeper into the store. They paused at the front of one of the aisles, and Zuurah picked up a large, durable pair of pouches linked together with straps branded with the hardware store's logo. "Here you go!" he said as he reached to lift the pouches over Nuut's shoulders. "We are probably gonna fill them."

Nuut nodded and rolled his shoulders to make sure they were balanced, while Zuurah swung another set of saddlebags over his own shoulders. "Okay, you're in charge, Z. What do I need?" Nuut asked cheerfully.

"Oh, you want me to be in charge, do you?" The black drake teased with a wink and a subtle brush of his wing against the gray dragon's shoulder.

"Yes. I-I mean, I don't know what I'm doing here, or what most of this stuff is for," Nuut stammered, his voice rising in pitch slightly.

"Don't worry, little one. Big Zuurah will take care of you," replied the drake with a chuckle. "We will make your deck the envy of the street."

Walking down the aisles, Zuurah would occasionally pause to pick up a few boxes of screws, nails, or other brackets that Nuut couldn't recognize the function of. Trotting alongside the larger drake, he felt his shoulders becoming sore from carrying the supplies but refused to say anything when he saw Zuurah's pouches bulging more with heavier items.

"Okay, that should be enough to get us started. Now for the expensive bit," Zuurah announced as they turned the corner into the lumber aisles.

Nuut nodded and followed along until Zuurah paused again, but this time to inspect some timber. The gray dragon's jaw dropped as he saw the price of the piece.

In the corner of his eye, Zuurah saw the small dragon's reaction. "Hardwood isn't cheap, but it's good and lasts longer."

"Hardwood, does that mean there is flaccid wood?" Nuut asked and smiled when Zuurah snorted with a laugh.

"Maybe when I've finished polishing it," he retorted and spotted another drake wearing a harness in the same colors as the hardware store's logo. "Hey, could you head to the next aisle over and see if they have any left-pawed wing grease? I'll see if I can get a deal on the timber."

Nuut frowned but nodded, "I didn't know you were left-pawed," he said, trying to sound confident that he knew what wing grease was. "Okay, coming up," he said and trotted off.

Rounding the corner, Nuut found himself back in the aisle they had just come from. The shelves were packed from floor to ceiling with an assortment of things he didn't recognize. Muttering wing grease under his breath, he looked up and down the items, only pausing when he heard Zuurah's deep voice through the aisle.

"Hey man, I was wondering if you could help a brother out?" Zuurah asked, his voice deeper and more masculine than normal, which made Nuut frown.

"Whatcha need, big guy?" came the voice of another drake. Shifting a stack of buckets, Nuut was able to see through the aisle at Zuurah talking to the drake that worked the timber section.

"So, I'm working this job for this ness, right. Amazing neck, like no frills, it's awesome to bite. Anyway, I'm getting paid as I go, if you know what I mean," Zuurah said, his chest slightly puffed out.

"My drake, you lucky thing!" replied the worker with a smile. "What do you need?"

"Well, I'm meant to get back there, but I'm running out of wood. And there's only so many times I can screw and unscrew the same piece of timber to look busy. I was hoping you could hook me up with a good deal, money's a bit short."

"You player, say no more," said the drake and looked at the lengths of timber Zuurah was standing next to. "I think this rain is causing it all to warp, how does cost price work for ya?"

"You are a legend and a stud, thanks bro," Zuurah replied and moved his wing knuckle forwards to pump against the staff members. "I got a list, could I get it delivered to the site?"

"Only if I get to deliver it," said the store drake with a wink.

"I'll do my best to make sure she is home," Zuurah replied and began listing out the lengths he needed.

Meanwhile, Nuut couldn't believe what he had just heard. The way that Zuurah so effortlessly spoke to the other drake with confidence and swagger made him slightly weak in the knees. As the pair of drakes on the other side exchanged details, Zuurah tucked a docket into his harness and bid farewell to the drake.

Quickly putting the buckets back into their place, Nuut tried to look again for the wing grease.

"How did you go?" asked Zuurah as he approached.

"I can't find any," Nuut said in defeat.

"Yeah, I was just messing with you, no such thing as wing grease," Zuurah teased. "But I got you a good deal on hardwood."

Nuut cocked his head and smiled as he realized what he had been searching for. "Oh, heck, you," he said playfully.

"Promises," Zuurah retorted and placed a wing over the smaller drake. "Come on, I think we have everything we need."

Nuut smiled as he felt the larger dragon's warmth radiate against his scales. "You didn't have to get a discount on the wood, I can pay for it just fine," Nuut said, "and besides, I don't have a smooth neck."

Zuurah paused mid-stride and turned his head to look at Nuut. "Oh, you heard that, did you?" He asked and gave a weak smile when Nuut nodded. "Just trying to get a good price. Besides, I like your neck spikes, I think they are cute." Zuurah added and lowered his head to whisper. "They are great to nibble on." Feeling the smaller drake shudder, he chuckled.

Once they had finalized their sale at the front of the store, the pair came to the exit with heavy bags attached to their harnesses. Looking outside, it seemed the rain was still showing no signs of easing. "Back to yours to unpack?" Zuurah suggested and placed a paw on his flask. "Maybe a coffee and try to warm up?"

Nuut nodded happily and couldn't stop himself from watching the large dragon's powerful hips roll as Zuurah stepped outside, lowering himself slightly before lunging into the air with wings unfurling. With a shake of his head, Nuut cleared the lustful thoughts from his mind and followed suit.

The cold rain quickly extinguished any lewd thoughts as he took to the sky. With a few rapid beats of his wings, he quickly came alongside Zuurah and gave a friendly smile, the wind and rain making any attempts at conversation too difficult.

"I'm wetter than a 'ness on heat," Zuurah stated as he touched down behind Nuut at the smaller drake's home with a shiver. "But freezing."

Nuut's paws shuddered slightly as he used a claw to enter the pin on the door. Due to the less dexterous nature of a dragon's paws, it was more common for a combination lock to be installed on a house suitable for dragons.

"You get the towels, and I'll get the fire going straight away," Nuut said and opened the door, giving a final shake to get the majority of water off his body and wings. He quickly stepped inside. With a quick tug on his harness's buckles, he undid the nylon straps and let the rig lay on the floor with the shopping.

Following suit, Zuurah stepped in and sighed in bliss, the sound of the rain becoming muffled as he closed the heavy door with his tail. Walking slowly to make sure he didn't slip on the oak floor, he made his way down the hall to a cupboard and began fishing out large towels for them both. "I don't think we will be getting much done on the deck," he called back with a chuckle and draped the towels over one of his wings.

"You still haven't told me how much you want for building it, I mean," Nuut called back from the living room with a large dried log clutched under one wing.

Zuurah closed the cupboard door and trotted back to the living room. "Don't worry about it, just let me sit on your deck every now and again and I'll be happy," he said while the gray drake was busy trying to light the fire. "Need help with that?" He offered and tossed a towel over the smaller drake.

"I can do it!" Nuut replied before he struck the fire starters against the back of the packet. "I can light a fire with just two sticks," he said more defensively than he meant.

Zuurah cocked his head, "Oh? And where did you learn to do that?" He asked and saw Nuut's cheeks become darker. The smaller dragon mumbled something under his breath while he tried to light the fire. "Sorry?"

"Fledge scouts," Nuut mumbled louder and managed to light the starter. Placing it gently at the bottom of the kindling, he gently blew on it until the smaller sticks took to the flame.

Turning back to face his guest, he froze, the black drake wearing a horn-to-horn grin. "You did fledge scouts?" He asked playfully as the fireplace roared to life.

"Oh, shut up! My folks made me do it," Nuut said in defense and sat on his haunches to begin drying himself off. Running the fluffy towel over his body while the black dragon laughed.

"So you got the sash?" Zuurah asked, his tail wiggling in excitement as Nuut nodded. "With the little badges too?" When Nuut rolled his eyes and nodded, Zuurah could hardly contain himself. "Can I see it?"

Nuut shook his head in embarrassment and finished wiping off his wings with the towel.

"Pretty please?" Zuurah asked with a playful tone.

"You're not going to drop this, are you?" Nuut asked and smirked when Zuurah shook his head quickly. "Fine, hang this up then," he said and threw the wet towel at Zuurah.

As Nuut trudged off towards one of the spare rooms he used as storage, Zuurah grinned and trotted off towards the bathroom. He quickly hung the wet towel up to dry over the shower screen before returning to the warmth of the living room.

Collecting one of the cast iron pokers, the black drake prodded one of the logs while lying in front of the now crackling fireplace, enjoying the warmth radiating from the hearth. The slow tip-taps of claws against the floor made him turn and look as Nuut slowly walked into the room. His gray scales contrasting against the crimson sash that hung around his neck. Despite being undone to be as long as possible it was clearly still too small for the now adult drake. "Tada..." Nuut said weakly, his tail drooping low on the ground as Zuurah put a paw to his own snout to try and contain his joy. "Happy?"

Zuurah nodded before shaking his head. "Okay, you gotta tell me what each badge is for. Come-come, I saved you a spot." He said and patted the timber floor next to him. "It's nice and warm." He added and smiled when Nuut smirked.

Using a wing claw, Nuut lifted the sash off his neck and trotted over to the lounging black drake. Tossing it down next to the drake he lay down slowly and let his wings drape down and catch the warmth from the fire.

Rolling further onto his side, the black drake stretched his hind legs out and plucked the sash up with a foreclaw. "How long were you doing it for?" He asked while inspecting the badges.

"Just a few years, it was kind of fun at the time," Nuut mused, "the wilderness stuff was sort of cool, I guess. Out in the woods with nothing but your friends was a good excuse to get out of the house."

"Oh? I didn't pick you for the outdoorsy type," Zuurah asked, smiling when he saw a badge with a length of rope tied in a knot. "No doubt you can do this," he said with a chuckle, tilting the badge to Nuut. "I know you are good with knots."

Shaking his head with a smile he snatched the sash out of the black dragon's paws. "I used to be very outdoorsy, thank you very much," Nuut said and looked down at the badges, remembering how proud he was when he earned each one.

"Oh? So how did little Nuut go from outdoorsy fledgling to office job adult Nuut?" Zuurah probed, brushing his tail against the smaller male's.

"Well, one by one, us drakes started growing out of it, I guess. Drakes started chasing 'nesses and there were fewer and fewer of us going to the camps," Nuut said softly. "I used to hang out with this one drake and his older brother, and I think I had a bit of a thing for him. Back before I knew what I was really doing or how I felt. But then he and his brother just stopped coming to the camps, everything was all hush-hush for some reason," Nuut added before shrugging. "So, I stopped going."

"Ah, I see. Nuut all alone in a cave, sharing body heat with... What was this lucky drake's name?" Zuurah asked with a knowing grin.

"Oh, shut up," Nuut laughed, "that's not how it went." He added, wishing it was. "So then I got a paper route, found so many mistakes in their work they gave me a job. Few promotions later, and now I write articles about harnesses for HH," he said simply.

Zuurah nodded along before blinking, his jaw opened in shock. "Wait, HH? You don't mean Heated Harness, do you?" He asked, his eyes widening in disbelief when Nuut nodded. He knew the smaller drake worked in some sort of journalism role but didn't realize it was for one of the larger magazines. "That's so cool! Growing up, I really loved those mags."

Nuut chuckled, "I think every fledgling loved those mags, until the pages got stuck together."

"Oh, 100 percent. I was so glad when they started putting male models in there," Zuurah said, his bright eyes glinting with a hint of nostalgia.

"Oh me too!" Nuut chuckled, his eyes wandering down the length of the black drake next to him, the fire quickly becoming not the only source of warmth in his veins. "Have you ever thought about modeling?" He asked warmly.

Zuurah snorted and shook his head. "Me? Hell no. My scales are way too dull and the poor printer would run out of black."

Nuut smiled, "I don't know, I think you would look good in a rugged, strong sort of way," he said and shuffled closer.

Zuurah looked down the length of the gray drake and then back to his face. "Really? You think so?"

Reaching out, Nuut gently stroked the other drake's forearm with a paw, focusing on how the light reflected off the male's only black scales. "There is a difference between shiny in real life and shiny for the camera."


Nuut nodded and shuffled closer, his wings brushing against the drake's while he pretended to be inspecting the scales on Zuurah's shoulders and neck. "No neck frill is good. It means they could add it in post." He mused, "I bet your broad shoulders make every harness look comfortable. And you actually know how to be handy."

"How is that a plus?" Zuurah asked, his voice becoming softer as he enjoyed the other male's attention.

"Oh, the amount of times we have to instruct a model the right way to wear a tail axe or hold a fire hose is pretty embarrassing." Nuut chuckled. Tracing a paw down the drake's shoulder he looked into Zuurah's eyes. "But I think you could do well."

Zuurah snorted before smiling warmly, his eyes flicking between Nuut's snout and his eyes. "Now you are just being silly." He said, his snout moving closer to Nuut's.

Nuut could feel the other drake's warmth as he leaned in, rotating and opening his mouth as he pressed forwards. His heart soared when Zuurah's tongue met his, their tender lips coming together as Zuurah's larger tongue seemed to dominate Nuut's mouth.

Shuffling closer, Nuut pressed into the embrace and brought his body right alongside the black drake. Instinctively, Zuurah draped his larger wing over the smaller male. Accepting the guiding touch of Nuut's paws to slowly move over the top of him.

Breaking for air, Nuut looked up at the drake's beautiful yellow eyes, piercing into his soul with a knowing smile. Panting, the small drake found his words escaping him, "I-I want to thank you for doing my deck." He gasped between sharp inhales of air.

"Oh, don't worry, little Nuut," Zuurah said warmly while moving his strong, powerful hips between the other male's spread legs. "I would happily do this regardless."

Nuut cocked his head with a smile, "build a deck, or... this?" He said and glanced between them to see the larger drake's member slowly emerging from his slit.

"Yes," Zuurah said with a smile and mashed his jaws against Nuut's. His heavy hips rocking slowly to rub his gardening shaft across Nuut's groin. The delightful friction and how Zuurah's tongue grappled with his own quickly made his shaft begin to peak from his slit.

The crackling of the roaring fireplace became the background music to their embrace. The large black male ground his shaft against the soft scales of Nuut's groin, every drive forwards causing the gray drake to murmur and main into their kiss. "Gods, I need this." Nuut gasped as Zuurah broke their kiss and began to trace firm yet tender nibbles down his neck.

"Do you now?" Zuurah teased. "Little Nuut needs a good pounding, does he?" He added and began aligning his pre dripping tip with Nuut's tight bud.

Nuut nodded, his forearms coming to Zuurah's shoulders as he felt the tapered tip find its mark. "Yusss." He hissed as Zuurah pressed forwards, his aim perfect but deliberately not penetrating the other male until a firm jet of pre was delivered to his tight ring. Nuut's heart soared as the black drake partially extended his wings, lowering them down to the hardwood floor to create a small cocoon just for themselves. The scent of their combined arousal mixed with the warm fragrances of firewood burning as Zuurah began to slowly press forwards with his tip.

"Nnngh, just relax. Let me take you good, just breathe and let me take care of you." He whispered into his ear, his hot breath causing the gray dragon to shudder in bliss. "That's it." He added when Nuut took a deep breath and forced himself to relax, his ring slowly yielding to the insistent push of the other male's hard cock. The submissive male's eyes fluttered closed as he felt the other drake's length slowly inched its way into his depths, pausing whenever the stretch was too much and waiting for Nuut to give a nod to continue.

Despite the power in the larger drake's muscles, his toned hips and sharp claws, he took his sweet time penetrating his neighbors clenching tailhole, "I keep forgetting how tight you are." Zuurah groaned, lifting his head up to the ceiling when he felt the other male's passage clench hard. Pausing to let another trickle of pre traverse Nuut's back door. "You feel so fucking good."

Feeling the deep stretch from the other drake's hard cock, Nuut's own throbbed between their bodies. "Nnngh, fuck me." Nuut gasped, his claws digging into Zuurah's shoulders. "Don't hold back Z." He added when the drake looked down with a smile.

"Oh, I'm going to fuck you apart." Zuurah growled, pressing further in with his cock before pulling back. "And then I'll love you back together, next to this fire. While the world storms outside." He whispered, his promise causing Nuut to moan incoherently.

"Please." Was all Nuut could gasp as his neighbor began to rock back and forth inside his tailhole. His prostate was constantly pressed against by the black dragons' long tapered length. The deep stretch and filling sensation drove the air from Nuut's lungs as he clung to the other males shoulders. His body began to be rocked back and forth on the timber floor which caused his dainty feet to bounce and sway in the air with each thrust.

As Zuurah's pace began to increase, he felt his knot begin to form on the outside of the other male's tailhole. Shifting his weight to three paws, he reached between them and grasped the gray dragon's rising length. "Damn, you are so hard. Next time it's your turn." He promised, gently stroking the sensitive tip with a digit to coax more pre out and then began stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Nuut was in heaven, his back passage being taken by the larger male with a mix of determination and gentleness. His tail thumped against the timber floor with every withdrawal of Zuurah's as his tight passage clenched and clung to the invading cock desperately. "I can do it, I can take it." He groaned as he felt his ring being stretched by the leading side of Zuurah's knot.

A deep rumbling growl emanated from the large drake as he began to press harder and harder against Nuut's ass. His forepaw stroked the smaller male's cock from tip to base to simulate the experience he was feeling, occasionally taking a moment to squeeze his digits around the tip of the pink spear. "Sure? Are you sure?" Zuurah gasped, "you don't have to."

Wrapping his hind legs around the broad muscular hips of the black drake, Nuut pulled him closer. "Do it, knot me." He groaned and was rewarded with a heavy hump from above. "Yes! Like that!" He added, his passage now slick with pre, allowing Zuurah to speed up and press harder into him.

"You can d-do it Nnnghuut, Take it all." He gasped and felt the smaller drake shudder in pleasure at his deep voice. Moving his snout next to Nuut's ear he spoke just loud enough for him to hear. "I'm going to knot you good, and flood your tight ass with my cum."

"Nngh, yes!" Nuut gasped, his own cock throbbing with every pump of Zuurah's paw and every slam of the black drake's hips.

"I'm going to fuck you so good, you won't walk straight, and then I'm going to hold you close."

"Nngh-nnngh-nnnghess!" Was all Nuut could say as he was slammed into again and again. He could feel his tight ring slowly yielding to the thick knot that was so desperately trying to gain purchase inside him. His own pleasure skyrocketed as Zuurah gave a possessive lick on the side of his cheek, the warm wet tongue dragging slowly across his scales before turning into a gentle nibble on his jaw bone.

Zuurah could feel how close the smaller drake was, his cock swelled further, throbbing with need and his back passage clenching tight before quivering. He felt the hot jet of seed splatter against his underbelly and thrust in hard one last time, his knot straining Nuut's tailhole for a moment before overcoming the tight resistance and surging inside. The pressure on the back of his knot was the final piece of the puzzle for his climax as he exploded into the cumming drake.

Every rope of Nuut's cum leaving his cock was another clench of his passage on Zuurah's cock as it flooded his back passage. Thick sticky seed quickly flooded the insides of the smaller drake while he wasted his own seed on their chests.

With his hind paws firmly anchored onto the timber floor, Zuurah gave a series of frantic, unrefined humps. Every thrust sent another shot of seed into Nuut who moaned needily, his knot having swollen to twice its size stretched the back passage of the smaller dragon but refused to let a drop go to waste.

Breathless and gasping, Nuut opened his eyes that he hadn't realized he had closed and looked to the black male who was resting on-top of him. The sound of the rain outside and the wood crackling next to them breaking up their pants and gasps. He could feel the seed of his neighbor traveling deep into him, the hot cum painting his insides as Zuurah's pulses became weaker and weaker.

"Thankyou." Gasped Nuut, his front paws wrapping around the drake's shoulders tighter, content just to feel the heavy breathing of him against his chest.

Rolling onto his side, Zuurah clutched the smaller dragon close to his chest. His tail intertwined with Nuut's and he ran a paw up the back of the gray dragon's neck to guide him into a tight embrace. "Don't thank me yet. I haven't even started properly working on your deck."

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