Transforming into a Stud (erotic eBook teaser)

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#815 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

Lust and love are fine - but what if one could do something even better to please their partner? Science and magic, woven into one another, have come on so much in recent years, after all.

So using a transformation trigger to change one coat of fur for another, well - it's practically normal by this point. At least for one otter and his wolf partner, that is. As Vee laps and pleasures Harvey, the otter's, cock, transformation slowly takes over, giving him a lighter coat of hair that shows off glowing muscles and a thick package that a guy can only be proud of.

It's a big change for a slender, lean otter, but pleasure is there to be enjoyed - for both of them.

In transformation and love, the best kind of lust may be uncovered...

Author's note: this story contains consensual transformation and sex between two anthropomorphic characters. As always, all characters in this story and all of my works are aged eighteen or older and clearly written as such.

Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase, worldwide, via Smashwords and Commissio!



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I am also available for custom stories, tailored to your preferred nuances and characters. Please e-mail the following address for further information.

Transforming into a Stud

"Mmm..." Harvey groaned as Vee took down his cock, the wolf's ears softly splayed but not folded back as his tongue caressed the otter's length. "Ohhhh... Are you really sure you want this?"

The wolf grinned up at him, his smooth, grey fur with a darker sheen to it, now that he was shifting to his winter coat in the latter part of the year, darker along the shoulders and back. With a decanter of whisky and a couple of empty glasses on the side table in the living room, they were well on their way to getting all the fun with one another that they wanted that night. Yet even in the most long-term of relationships, a couple had to seek other things to spice things up...

Harvey smiled as Vee came up for air, a string of pre-cum and saliva connecting his lips to the otter's cock, though only for a moment. With their clothes already off, fur bare to the room, they could have carried on as normal.

If not for the transformation pill, contained in its own, tiny bottle, that Vee had brought home for Harvey: a precursor to all the fun that they planned to have together. Harvey was not small at all, when it came to his shaft and balls, though he had always wondered what it would be like to be bigger.

And that was just why Vee wanted to offer him the chance to do more, the wolf smirking as he laid his muzzle on the otter's thigh and gave him the best puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Mmmm... Yeah, if you want to, honey," he grunted, tongue slipping out to stroke teasingly over the otter's inner thigh. "You don't have to, I just saw it and thought of you, you know - because of what you said before. If you don't want to try it, that's good too. Says it lasts a couple of hours, so not like it will be permanent or too long or anything like that."

Words could have come a little more clearly if they hadn't had those glasses of whisky, though the otter and the wolf were not worried about little things like that. It didn't matter, not in the slightest, as Harvey grunted and leaned back, Vee's nose questing a little higher.

"Okay... I'm ready."

The otter took the initiative, taking the bottle and dropping the pill into the palm of his paw. It only took a moment for him to slip it between his lips, using his tongue to scoop it to the back of his mouth and gulp it down.

It was where it belonged, where it was needed, his breath hitching and catching, eyes wide.


Oh, he really hadn't expected it to work that quickly! It was instant, as if the mere contact of the pill against his oesophagus was enough to kick it all off.

Vee rubbed his thigh soothingly, pressing the tip of his nose into the otter's balls, inhaling deeply.

"It's okay, Harvey," he grunted, licking his lips. "I'm here, relax into it... Oh, you're going to look even more amazing than you already do..."

Harvey barely heard him, relaxing a little more where he was sat, pointing his knees out, allowing the wolf to more easily tuck himself between them. The otter blinked and let his head roll from one shoulder to the other, his body rippling and pulsing softly.

It was as if his flesh did not belong to him anymore, bubbling as it rearranged itself. But that was only because the softer parts of his body had to layer themselves more smoothly over the firm rise of new muscle. Harvey groaned and clenched his paws, curling his toes, trying to relax into it, as Vee had said, though it was difficult when the burn felt like when he was pushing himself swimming. Of course, it was hard to push himself to that point, being an otter and all, though he still recalled the feeling of pain and heat prickling through his muscles.

It was strange, even looking down at his body, the hairs retracting, no longer boasting the waterproof layer. They thinned, better designed to expel heat from the body rather than stop water reaching it and provide an insulating layer, and, fascinated, the otter ran the flat of his paw over his stomach.


"Mmmm, look at your cock..."

He'd had a small, tucked up sheath before, but all that changed too, though it was difficult for Harvey to focus on everything in his body that was transforming at once. As his muscles swelled, growing increasingly defined from his shoulders down his triceps to his biceps and forearms, his sheath plumped up and softened - all to contain a much bigger cock. Every pump of blood that was sent into his transforming dick came with a fresh throb of pleasure, as if it was washing through him, yet it smoothed down into a fleshy, pink length. A few speckles of dark grey remained around the base of it, right at the point where it disappeared into the fatter sheath, but that was not his focus.

Not as Harvey's face bulged out, his nostrils widening, bones crunching faintly as his skull was lightly forced into a new shape. He didn't quite know what he was transforming into, though from the pill bottle he knew he was supposed to be big and studly, a more masculine version of himself. That kind of transformation built on who he was as a fur, so there would still be some features of the otter left behind.

Like his eyes, staying the same colour, the same slender feel remaining in his body, even though he bulked up with muscle. It was all to do with the way the transforming otter held himself, for Harvey did not have to hold on to an old form when he could try out a new body for a little longer.

His cock, however... Well, it had to draw his focus, even as his fur lightened to a softer shade of brown, smooth and showing off every single muscle in his body from neck to ankle. And there was so much of it on his whole body too, even his pecs seeming to press out a little more, coming apart to show the lines of definition between them, his shoulders broader. The sensation of his bones shifting and growing a little more, though he only ended up gaining a couple of inches in height in the end, was disconcerting, sending crackling, crunching shudders through his frame.


"Don't worry, Harvey," Vee breathed, nudging his cock with a curiously questing nose. "Mmm... You're amazing, so wonderful... I can't wait to see you fully transformed. You're turning into a bull, Harvey, my bull... Oh my god..."

The wolf clearly could not restrain himself for a single moment more and that was more than okay with the otter - well, could he really call himself that anymore? He was to remain male, of course, but there was something more at play there, something that would allow Harvey to step into a bigger and bolder body than ever before.

He took a deep breath, relaxing more deeply into the chair. How could he be so aware of the weight of his body at a time like that? It didn't feel like it should have been possible and yet even the "bull" could feel his buttocks transforming, becoming larger, thicker, the muscle giving them shape that his lean, otter's body simply had not had before. His tail slimmed down slowly, though it had not been all that thick as an otter's rudder, and his breath hitched as he shuddered, not quite able to take a full breath as it tugged languidly at the base of his spine.


"Mm, that's right, enjoy it... Fuck, this is all so hot..."

He lifted a trembling paw, though did not dare look down at that moment from where his head and rocked back against the back of the big, comfortable chair, which was large enough for him to spread out a little on. His fingers twitched and groped for Vee's head, finding the wolf's ears and sliding between them.

Even if Harvey wanted to feel everything, to take in every tiny, treacherously minute detail of his transformation, he could hold Vee too. He could connect with the wolf, even in that moment, his ears twitching to catch the swish of the wolf's grey tail fluff sweeping across the carpet: a light rustle that simply could not be mistaken for anything else. Yet it was the tantalising stroke of Vee's tongue caressing the throbbing length of his cock, again and again, that dragged him into the moment.

He had to be present there, even though there was a strange, distant part of his mind that wanted to disassociate from everything that was happening, to slip away to another time and place as if he had no physical presence there at all. It was easy for that to happen when one was transforming; fortunately, Harvey had been through enough small transformations for that not to be so much of an issue anymore. He knew how to ground himself, to steady his breath and take long, deep inhales, spending time on the exhale too, feeling every part of his body.

The curl of his fingers, how the tips were growing heavier, almost duller.

The swell of muscle down his thighs, narrowing to a point above his knee.

His lips growing thicker and softer, a new tongue fleshing out within his mouth.

The wolf's lips parting around the rounded, smooth head of his cock.

"Ohhhh... Fuuuck..."

He wasn't able to enunciate as clearly as he would have liked, though that was no problem at all as his tail tried to flick, ropier and tucked under his backside. If it had not been trapped by his glutes, he would have been swinging it back and forth at that very moment, testing out just how the new limits of his body worked.

Yet the bull's attention locked down and on to the wolf's hot muzzle enveloping his cock, even as it transformed. Of course, that was exactly where Vee's attention was going to go and Harvey did not mind that at all, his sloppy, wet tongue flicking out and trying to sweep along the edge of his lips, the outside of his muzzle. He didn't have as much control over his body as he had before, though that was all fine: it would come in a few minutes, surely, of being present in his new body.


He clenched his jaw, eyelids flickering apart as he looked down at Vee, his vision blurry. His eyes shifted, growing a little larger and rounder, absorbing more light. The eyes of a prey species, after all, had to be big to spot predators coming, even if that was not so much of a problem for anthros those days. Old features from when they had been in the wild, many, many thousands of years ago, remained, however.

That was okay though as he tried to rock his hips up and forward, to spear his growing cock into the wolf's mouth. It was harder than expected and he moaned openly, his jaw hanging slack, allowing his transforming teeth freedom to shift and move. The sharp teeth of an otter, after all, were not needed for a bull and they eased down into molar-like teeth, the teeth of a herbivore.

At least he wouldn't have to eat in his transformed form, for Harvey most definitely didn't want to give up his heavily fish-based diet.

That wasn't what he was transforming for as he spread his fingers out on the back of the wolf's head, his cock swelling within Vee's mouth. He was surprised that the wolf was taking him as deep as he was already, the tip prodding softly into the back of the wolf's throat. Vee, however, was a pro at deep throating big cocks and frequently would show off his skills with big toys before they used them on one another: all hygienic, of course. He wasn't about to worry about anything like that, however, while he was enjoying spending time with his partner.

End preview.

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Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase, worldwide, via Smashwords and Commissio!



Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this story, please take a look at my website, where similar stories are listed by kink!

All new releases will be announced via my Twitter account!


I am also available for custom stories, tailored to your preferred nuances and characters. Please e-mail the following address for further information.

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