CBS - Red Knight

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#27 of D-Gen Cafe

Another of the interview options finally gets a focus story. This time, we've got Zex, AKA BigBodRed. After seeing an acquaintance doing some D-Gen stuff, the man has decided he should step up his game and start making videos. The big red bodybuilder dragon has gone and set up a confrontation with a local vigilante, a tiny chinchilla going by Diva Knight. Though she does seem to know how to use those little sticks, she's definitely in over her head when he gets serious. Maybe... a little too serious...

Coffee Break Story

Red Knight

By XP Author

He was being followed. He knew he was being followed, because he was letting her. Zex had made sure to be seen by her, and was doing nothing to hide himself. Not that he really could hide. Standing at just over 7 feet tall, he was head and shoulders above nearly everyone around him at any given time. Add to that the bodybuilder's bulky muscles, barely contained within his scale-tight black shirt and tight jeans, and he stood out pretty easily.

She wasn't doing a very good job of hiding, either, though she was at least trying. But someone darting around on the low rooftops and peaking out to follow him was pretty conspicuous. At least to someone who looked up. Most people didn't, so he was pretty sure no one else knew she was there. She at least was doing pretty good at sticking to shadows. He was actually surprised the woman didn't immediately jump him in the alley. He had even waited for a minute after dumping the conspicuously body-shaped bag into a dumpster. She probably wanted to verify it was, in fact, a body.

Which it was. His friend Dave had broken another toy, some young corgi he picked up at a party and 'accidentally' broken the neck of. The fox had contacted him and asked him to dispose of the body for him. It was the first time the dragon had heard from his friend in almost half a year. He and a few others used to be all a part of the university's bodybuilding team. There were four of them, but that number had dwindled. The doberman Gunter had gone off with the sadistic mouse Wendy, apparently becoming her sex slave or something. He dropped out of school after that, and now Zex didn't know if he was still alive. Considering how Wendy treated her toys, he had his doubts.

He knew the grey fox TJ was dead. He had been there when it happened. The dumbass had been snorting lines of cocaine off of the back of some horse. He ended up ODing while balls deep in the guy. Thankfully the horse was so wasted he barely remembered any of it. Though apparently he still ended up walking in front of a subway train or something because of it. The bodybuilding team got disbanded after that whole controversy. Though with only two of them left, it was pretty much inevitable either way.

Zex decided it was time he stepped up his game anyway. He had been wanting to make videos for D-Gen for a while, and decided going after fighter types was a pretty good angle. Breaking someone who thought they were tough was appealing to the big man. He had been trying to figure out how best to lure out one of the vigilante types when Dave had called him about the dead dog. It was perfect, and his timing couldn't have been better. He caught one of the many masked avengers watching him and made a point of his disposal. He hadn't quite seen which one it was, but he knew it was a girl. Most of the guys didn't tend to show that much thigh in their costumes.

Glancing up to make sure he was still being followed, he smirked as he saw a head quickly duck back out of view. She was still up there. He turned into a big empty lot. Some grand hotel or something was going to be built there, but the company went bankrupt and the project was abandoned. Or so the story went. He suspected it was some organized crime thing. But it left him with a big plot of dirt surrounded by tall fences to play in. The fences all had dark green wrapping on them to block the view inside. He had spent a few weeks setting up cameras around the place, all hidden around so they weren't obvious.

He heard her move. The fence behind him rattled as she climbed up and hopped over it. He glanced over his shoulder. "You could have just used the gate."

She froze, backing up a step. She had hoped to sneak up on him. "Couldn't be sure it wasn't a trap..." He got a view of her now that she wasn't trying to hide. She was tiny, nearly two feet shorter than him. She was also something he didn't see much, a chinchilla. Brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail sat between her large ears. Short but fluffy grey fur covered her lithe body, a little extra fluff under her chin. That fluff stuck out more than her nearly flat chest did, even through her tight black leotard. It also left her legs almost completely exposed. If it wasn't for the short cape and domino mask, she could pass as a gymnast.

He turned to more fully look at her. "Nope." He shrugged. "Well, it kind of is. Just not the gate part."

She looked around, almost expecting people to pop out with guns. But the lot was pretty empty, with little more than some debris, a few empty metal dumpsters left open in one corner, and the fencing around the packed dirt. There was nowhere for anyone to hide. "So, a setup then?" She pulled a wooden stick from her back, the thing covered in black lacquer. "Who are you? A hitman? Who do you work for? The Parovitch Family? The Vatrelli's? Triads?"

He chuckled. "You can call me Red." He flashed her a big, toothy smile. "And I don't work for anyone but myself, darling. But I don't know you. I'm sure you call yourself something that belongs in a comic book. Let me guess, Gymnast Jane?"

She frowned, gripping the stick harder. "Diva-Knight!" In reality, the 19 year old was named Cathie. Though he was right about the gymnast thing. She had been one back in high school, but had fallen in love with the idea of vigilantism thanks to another vigilante, the Knight of Lead. She left her potential career of a gymnast behind her after the Knight was killed in a fire at a Triad-owned drug lab. She had even picked her name because of him. The true irony was the fire had been started the Knight himself, something no one really knew.

Zex chuckled again. "Right. I'm just going to call you Diva." He rolled his shoulders a little. "So, is this where you give me some impassioned speech about how you'll stop me or something? Or do I launch into an evil monologue first?"

She pulled out a second stick from behind her back. "No. I'm just going to beat your scaly ass and turn you over to the cops. That body you dumped is plenty evidence to put you away for a very long time."

He quirked an eyeridge as she showed the second stick. "Where do you keep those? Up your ass?" She growled at him and dove forward. He flinched with how quick she managed to close the distance. He flinched again when she smacked him across the arm with one of the sticks as he tried to block. That actually hurt quite a bit! He had thought they were just some silly batons or something, but the things were a bit thinner. In actuality, they were Kali sticks, though she was not formally trained in using them. Which was made clear as she swung at him again, missing entirely.

Of course, he was also not really trained in any formal kind of fighting. So when he threw a punch, he only hit air as she literally cartwheeled away. He blinked. "What is this, a dance routine?" He threw another punch, only to get one of the sticks smacking across his face for his troubles. He cried out as it struck, not hard enough to draw blood, but it stung like he had been hit by a whip. "Fuck!"

Diva laughed, a little thrilled that she had even managed to make him flinch. She would never admit it, but this was the first 'bad guy' she had ever actually gone after as a vigilante. Taking someone like him down would do wonders for making her name as a vigilante. She spun a little and brought the sticks down, again blocked by his arm, but the snap they made as they struck sent him flinching back again, holding his forearm. It wasn't broken, but they sounded like a whip as much as felt like it.

He growled as she moved in to hit him again. "Enough of this." Instead of blocking the swing, he reached out to grasp her arm. She gasped, only for him to turn quickly and lift her bodily off of the ground. She was sent flying away, crashing to the ground with a grunt. She rolled a little, but managed to move with it and bring herself up to her feet once again. She still shook her hand a little. If he had gripped any tighter, it would have broken her wrist. She needed to be more careful.

Seeing him charging at her told her that she couldn't just sit back either. She had to tumble away from him, his fist sailing over her head and barely missing her. Instead, he struck the metal dumpster behind her with a loud CLANG ringing out. She had expected to find him recoiling, but instead he just pulled his hand back and turned to her. She felt a bit of panic as she saw the deep indent in the metal where he struck. She could not let a blow like that connect.

Zex rolled his neck a little. His bulging muscles threatened to tear his shirt at any moment every time he moved or flexed. "Still playing games?"

"I'm not playing at anything!" She swung one of her sticks down, only for her hand to be caught this time. She cried out in pain as he twisted her wrist, making her drop the stick.

He grinned at her. "You sure? Still seems like a little girl playing dress up to m-OOF!" The wind was knocked out of him as her foot planted in his gut. The next thing he knew she was literally running up his body, kicking his face in the process before backflipping away. She managed to get her hand free as well, though it was definitely still aching. "Okay... fair point." He shouldn't be playing around either.

He wiped his nose, checking to see if there was any blood on his hand. Seeing there wasn't, he put his fists up in a boxing stance. Across from him, Diva took a step back. She was trying to figure out how to take him down. Maybe aim for his legs? She hesitated, seeing if she could bait another attack out of him. When he rolled his eyes, she knew she got him. He charged forward again, and she stepped to the side, smacking at his thigh with the stick she still had. The thing bounced off almost like it hadn't struck.

Then she cried out as he grabbed her cape, tugging it hard enough to yank her off her feet again. This time, he let her fall onto her back beside him. She reacted quickly enough, rolling to the side to avoid the fist slamming down on her. It still shook the ground as he punched where she had been. She got herself back to her feet by rolling forward, turning it into a hand spring to launch herself at him, driving her feet into his chest.

She couldn't cry out again, the wind knocked from her lungs as his fist came down once more. This time it connected, hitting her square in the right tit and shoving her down to slam against the ground. She heard a sickening series of cracks as her back bounced off of the dirt. She clutched at her chest, finding her voice to scream in agony. He had utterly shattered several of her ribs in that one blow. It felt like her chest was full of molten glass shards.

She let out a whimpering cry as he dragged her up by her hair, making her thrash in his grip, but every movement was agony. "What, can't take a single punch? Thought you vigilantes were supposed to be tough."

She tried to kick him, but he just took it as her foot struck his bulky side. "Let me go, you... fucking brute!" She forced herself to work through the pain in her chest, even as tears were in her eyes. She swung her body up, coiling her legs around his shoulder in an attempt to break his hold. It was not particularly effective, but she did manage to get herself enough leverage to lean up and bite his hand.

He just looked at her. She didn't really have particularly sharp enough teeth to do more than scuff the thick scales on his hand. He reached over with his other to grab her cape and try and tug her off. She still had her legs wrapped tight around his arm, refusing to let go as he pulled. Then there was a tearing sound as he tore the cape off, along with some of her leotard. He looked at the stretchy cloth in his hand. "Well, I was going to tear this bathing suit off of you eventually anyway." He tossed the thing to the side.

He shook his arm, but she continued to cling, trying to gnaw at his hand still. "This is just getting pathetic..." He carted her over to the dumpsters, only to slam his arm, and thus her back, down against the edge of the metal. She screamed as she struck, letting him go as he nearly broke her back in the process. Finally free of her clutches, he pulled his arm back, only to slam his fist into her belly again. She let out a wheezing scream, her legs trembling before she had even gotten her footing. He tilted her head as liquid started to flow down her shivering thighs, soaking the crotch of her leotard and flowing to the ground.

She slid to the ground as, coughing and trembling in pain, fully aware she was pissing herself. It felt like that last blow had crushed half of her guts. She could barely control herself, her whole body quivering from the pain, and more, panic. He was just too much for her. Tears ran from her eyes. She reached out a shaky hand, trying to crawl herself forward. She had to get away! She barely seemed to even register than he was still standing over her, just staring down as she clawed her way forward.

He almost felt sorry for her. Almost. But he also had a great view of her shapely ass as she inched her way across the ground at his feet. And he was planning on raping and killing her anyway. Plus seeing someone so confident being utterly broken was definitely making him hard, his already tight pants feeling very restricting as his shaft strained at them. He reached down to grab her ankle, only for her to start kicking and flailing in a panic. "NO! NO LET ME GO!"

Despite her panic, she still managed to get her foot free and kick him pretty solidly in the nose. "Ow! Fucking..." He tried to grab her feet again, but she was flailing about so much, he couldn't get a good hold, and got a foot to the face three more times for his troubles. "Godsdammit!" He finally just grabbed her by her ass and hauled her to the side, smashing her head against the edge of the dumpster. There was another loud CLANG as her skull bounced off of the corner of the thing. She finally slumped to the ground, face down, laying mostly still, save the little shivers and trembles that ran through her lithe form.

He rubbed his nose where she had kicked him several times. "Fuck. It's like the little cunt doesn't want me raping her or something." He again made sure there was no blood coming from his nose before turning his attention back to her crumpled form. He chuckled as he started to pull his tight shirt off, revealing the bulging muscles it did nothing to hide. "Well, still gonna happen." He worked at his pants next, pulling them open and pushing them down. He let out a slight sigh as 13 inches of red meat sprang free of its confinement. "Let's see how much you try and struggle when this monster is ramming into your guts!"

He kicked his pants to the side, leaving him totally naked. Reaching down, he prodded at her hesitantly, not wanting her to kick him again. She didn't even flinch. "Out cold, eh?" He grunted, gripping her shoulder and rolling her over. Her head fell, and he saw her eyes wide... but blank, frozen in a look of absolute terror, but staring at nothing. Her mouth also hung open and limp. "Uh..." He pressed his hand to her neck to feel for a pulse. He didn't even need to bother, feeling the bones awkwardly poking at his fingers. "Oh. Whoops."

He let out a heavy sigh, turning to one of the cameras he had posted nearby. "Uh..." He cleared his throat. "Seems I maybe broke her neck there." He shrugged. "Sorry. Planned to rape her while she was still squirming." He reached down and hefted the girl up, draping her over his shoulder. "I mean, I'm still gonna plow this sexy thing, but you just won't get to hear her pleading and blubbering about it." He flipped the lid of the dumpster closed, then dropped her onto it, her legs dangling off the edge. He had positioned the camera nearby specifically so he could do this within view.

He reached down to grab the crotch of her outfit. It was still damp, but he honestly didn't care all that much. He was going to be doing far worse soon enough. He tugged at the fabric, stretching it quite a bit. It took a few hard tugs, but he finally managed to get it to rip open, fully exposing her cunt. He smiled. "Oh, isn't that just a cute little slit?" He rubbed his tip against her lips. It was definitely going to be a tight fit with her small size.

He reached up to grip the top of her outfit, dragging it down this time instead of ripping it open. He pulled it down until he exposed her tits... or where they were supposed to be, at least. The teen barely had anything there, though her nipples did still poke through the short, fuzzy grey fur. "Man, this bitch is small." He smirked. "Kinda like that, though." A part of him wondered if she really was just a thin girl, or if she was actually an intersex guy who just went full into being female. Not that it mattered to him either way, he would have fucked her even if she had a cock flopping about. He wasn't picky about who he stuffed his rod into.

He lined his tip up with her damp entrance and started to push forward. As he suspected, it was a pretty tight fit, even with her limp under him. He reached up to grip at her hips as he pushed his own forward. "C'mon, you little bitch. You can take it!" He grit his teeth, pushing forward as he felt the lips spreading. After a moment, his cock slid right into her, and he felt it rip through something. He blinked, looking down at her. He was definitely only a few inches inside. "Well fuck. Seems this little cunt died a virgin." He laughed as he started to push further in. "Now I do feel bad for her." He grunted as he got another few inches of his rod into her incredibly tight pussy. "Feel worse for everyone watching. Denied you seeing me giving a virgin her first and last fuck of her life." He had done it a few times before, and it was always a show. "I'll try harder next time."

He started to ram himself deeper into Diva's corpse. Her whole body shifted and bounced under him as he started to thrust. He grunted as his tip found the barrier he expected to find. He leaned back a little, letting the camera. "Look at that." He pressed his finger approximately where his tip was. "I'm already hitting her cervix, and I'm barely half way into this cunt!" He gripped at her hips and started to thrust again. "Don't worry. I'll be going all the way with her." He grit his teeth a little. "Just a shame she won't be screaming about it. Damn, I really fucked up on that." He would definitely have to make sure his next target was alive when he started to rape them. Whoever it happened to be.

He had to hold her down as he slammed himself forward to keep her from sliding off of the dumpster. "C'mon..." He slammed forward again and again. "Just fucking... take... it!" He rammed as hard as he could, the flesh of her inner walls tearing around him with every entry. Finally the rest tore for him and he sank several inches deeper into her. He let out a loud cry as he felt her womb clinging around his shaft. He loved the feeling of punching this deep into a girl, the velvety soft flesh clinging to his cock's head. He nearly blasted his load right then and there. But he wasn't done.

Her belly was still bulged out whenever he slammed himself forward. He leaned back again to let the camera see every time he struck deep, her belly pushing out just a little. "Look at that!" He grunted as he rammed forward again. "Right into this little bitch's womb!" He gripped at her sides tighter. "Now to go all the way!" He started to slam himself deep, feeling that womb straining already against him. Her whole body rocked under him, her head bouncing off of the dumpster lid over and over. He clenched his jaw hard. This was always the hardest part with girls. It was a lot easier to fuck into someone's guts through their ass.

Still, her body could only take the abuse so long. The last fleshy barrier tore open for him, and he sank fully into her. He let out a loud cry as he felt her insides wrapped around his shaft. "Fuck! I love this feeling!" He yanked her back against him, blood drooling out of her abused pussy now, running down his legs as he smashed himself into her guts. "Fuck! Fuck!" He clenched his jaw tight again, trying to hold back, but he was far too pent up after the fight. He threw his head back and let out a howl of pleasure, ramming himself fully into her. His cock jerked and twitched as he blasted his heavy load into her insides. He gave several more little thrusts, making her body bounce a little under him again. The outline of his cock was clear on her tiny body, even to the point the little twitches with every blast could be seen.

He finally let her go, leaning against the dumpster lid and panting heavily. "Ah... fuck man. Godsdamn. I needed that!" He took several deep breaths, his heavy balls still clenching as they finished dumping everything they had into the tiny rodent. He put a hand on her chest to pin her down. "Alright. Here... we... go!" He pulled himself out in one hard tug, a torrent of bloody semen flowing out of the abused, gaping hole with him. He slapped his bloody cock on her belly, a few last shots spitting out onto her chest and face. "AH... fuck. That was great." He huffed a few times. "Man, I love fucking these tiny things. And I gotta admit, seeing her broken like that was hot as fuck!"

He cleared his throat, looking at the camera. "Oh, uh, yeah. That's all from me this time, I think." He rubbed his shaft off on her leotard to clean himself, though it didn't really help much. He had some rags somewhere for that later. "Guess it's time to put this broken bitch where she belongs." He pulled her off of the dumpster lid and lifted it, only to dump her inside the thing and let the lid close again. "There you go, cunt. Fitting final resting place for you."

He made a note to end the video there when he got around to editing the thing. "But damn weren't you fun to break. Gonna have to find some more tough cunts to break, too." He already had a few in mind. He might just go after some of the other killers on D-Gen, too. There were definitely some egos he would love to shatter. The thought made him smirk. That sounded like fun, actually.

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