Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 51: May The Night Forever Protect You

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#51 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Conquered Counter Earth In World Four the emissaries of ONE were tried and convicted of poaching from their competitors. As they were about to be sacrificed by the worshipers of TWO, they were saved by a familiar harpy who had come to their aid. On Chaundoon Far and Away from Conquered Counter Earth, Alex while separating the deceased from the injured in the Marble Canyons, discovered that Naka used the blue prototype's weaponry to help Perna Pride win their war against the Yowies thus tipping the balance of power and interfering with the natural order in the s'mar pridelands [AND] On Free Counter Earth while sifting through the remains of the blue coupe in the Great Forest in the hopes of finding a means to fight back against the KLIS, Sir Ram and Mara were attacked by an operative of the rebellion who injected them with a weird substance. The couple were de-evolved to their non-beastial states while Deerfeeder, the rebellion's leader watched from afar.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 51: May The Night Forever Protect You

Date Unknown

Location Unknown (A place outside of conventional time)

Sir Ram awoke to find himself in a black desert. The only source of illumination in this dark wasteland was the moon. The sand was as black as the night. From what he could tell it ran for miles in every direction. In the distance he could just make out the start of a mountain range or was that a pile of sand dunes?

Somehow he managed to find his way back to his beastial form, but the pain was intense. His vision was blurry and his body, well he felt a pain like he had never felt pain before; his everything hurt.

"Mara?!" He called out to his beloved trying to stand. As he regained his footing he realized that he was alone. He needed to find her in this wherever, whatever it was.

The beastial scientist decided to just pick a direction and start walking. His foot-paws felt heavy as he forced himself to walk.

As the ram walked he tried to remember, to think back as to why he ached. His thoughts were interrupted by phantom whistling. He stopped to listen for a minute. He couldn't make it out but the tune seemed quite sinister.

He tried to pinpoint it. It seemed to be coming from all directions and then none at all. Wait? What?

"Sir Ram, Sir Ram, Sir Ram!" The beastial scientist soon found his path blocked by a tall white wolf dressed in a black poncho with tan pants. His red glowing eyes looked quite menacing.

The beastial scientist recoiled when he spied the two sickles the wolf was holding.

"It is an honor to meet the smartest mind in all of Counter Earth. Well, you were."

"What do you mean were- wolf?" The beastial scientist asked as he searched for his service weapon. He didn't have it.

"Oh I have been waiting to get my paws on you. You see I have been an admirer of your work; your work has kept me busy for the last decade or so if you know what I mean." The white canid with red eyes said bouncing his eyebrows..

"Who are you wolf?" The big horned sheep asked.

"I think you know." He said, smiling menacingly.

"Some type of bounty hunter?"

"I take it back about you being the smartest mind from your world. I am what you would call a reaper." The white wolf said letting the confused beastial look at his sickles.

"You are the physical embodiment of the succession of all life? How is it that even possible?!"

"I wouldn't sprain your brain dwelling on it sir." The big horned sheep looked at the white red-eyed wolf. "I love to be the one to tell you this, but I am death and you Sir Ram are dead!"


October 18th, YOE 35

7:48 PM Free Counter Earth (The Dark Forest)


The electric shock resonated through the nanny goat's very being.

*AUGH* she screamed.

"The mind control device! I want its location now!" A nicely manicured man in a colonial suite shouted at Mara.

The big horned sheep came to after hearing his beloved bleat in pain. He looked around... they were in a small clearing in what looked to be not the Great Forest but the Dark Forest.

He and Mara had been bound by numerous ropes fastened to their necks, limbs and torsos- the other ends of the ropes were anchored to the ground like supports to a circus tent.

Immediately in front of him was a bald headed man with a nicely trimmed beard. He looked vaguely familiar- but the ram couldn't quite place him. Behind him the white prototype.

(If only!) The ram thought to himself.

"BAAHH!!" He bleated trying to alert the automated assistant.

*I am sorry Sir Ram, I do not understand your request.*

"Missing something?" The man snickered. "Perhaps the ability to speak intelligible words?"

"I will ask you a final time!" The man standing in front of Mara shouted. "Where is the location of the mind control device?"

Mara looked as if she was about to say something. The bald headed man looked at his comrade. Was this it? The rebellion's big victory over their beastial oppressors? No, the former beastial inventor spit in her captor's face.

"Forget it Will, they are not talking." Ritz Site said to his second in command.

*Not saying anything intelligible anyways sirs.*

Did the automated assistant just acknowledge their captors? Sir Ram's eyes went wide when he realized that the two humans standing in front of him and Mara must be affiliated with the new rebellion. The knights had made inquiries into this mysterious shadowy group. But they had remained elusive and had fallen to the bottom of their priority list when the extraterrestrial problem gained prominence.

"Very well. Then let's move on to the pinnacle of today's events." Deerfeeder said signaling someone within the white coupe.

*Right side-pod engaged.*

The leader of the rebellion raised his right hand. He then pointed it toward Mara.

A ball of electricity fired from the deployed side-pod. It floated toward Sir Ram before coming to a dead stop then moving toward his beloved electrocuting her.

"MAAH!" She screamed before collapsing on the ground. The smell of burnt fur permeated the forest.

With the nanny goat put down, William Masters and Ritz Site turned their attention to the former beastial scientist.

The bald headed man walked up to inspect Sir Ram's bindings. He looked at the ropes to make sure they were securely fastened around each leg and the collar around his neck was also connected to several strands equally fastened to the ground.

"BAAAAH!!!" [Your life is forfeit human!] The ram bleated gritting his teeth.

"Sir Ram, Sir Ram, Sir Ram we meet again for one final time." The bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard said turning toward the big horned sheep.

The former beastial cocked his head ever so slightly as he stared down Deerfeeder.

"Don't recognize me eh? Let's just say I am one of the many you stampeded on your quest to rewrite this reality."


"Yes I know what originally happened here on Counter Earth and how you spent over a decade trying to save your beloved and resurrect the empire." Ritz Site said continuing.

"He still doesn't recognize us sir." William Masters observed.

"Think back ram- to a scientific observation post that was observing a native population on a distant planet; a group of savage warriors. You pillaged this outpost using its supplies and technology for your own personal gain- just to continue your mission."

"In doing so you exposed us to the very subjects we were observing." William said recounting the tale.

"As a direct result of your actions our crew mates were slaughtered by the savages all but two- Will and myself." Ritz said recounting the events.

Sir Ram's eyes went wide.

"Know who I am now? Since that day I have made you my personal project ram. Eventually tracking you to your home world and plotting my revenge. You did an impressive job undoing the apocalypse by the way." Deerfeeder said mono-logging.

"But the ends don't justify the means." Mr. Masters added stepping forward. "Throughout your existence ram, you have been responsible for much pain and suffering not just on this world but through out the universe."

"You have a lot of blood on your hands- creature. Our crew mates and the residents of that spacestation you and your lady destroyed for starters." Ritz said joining William. "Today is a day of retribution where you will pay for what you have done."

"Ironically, by your own invention." Will said as he traded glances with Ritz.

Deerfeeder walked back to the white coupe making a hand gesture. The dome opened... there was one of the rebellion's operatives in the cockpit. A chipmunk. He moved over to the passenger seat while Ritz sat down and Will stood next to the prototype on the driver side.

(So the rebellion not only was comprised of humans but beastials as well? And they had manipulated his and Mara's inventions?) the ram thought to himself. He and Mara had completely underestimated the crew of the scientific observation post.

"Very comfortable. My compliments to its creators." Deerfeeder said. "Any last words you damned ram?"

"BAAAHH!!!!" The former beasital cursed at him.

"What did he say Kiff?" The nicely dressed man asked the chipmunk beastial.

"Nothing you want to hear sir."

"Now let's see what is the most painful way you can die?" The bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard asked.

"I recommend not using any projectiles sir. The knights will easily detect that they are missing." Kiff suggested.

"Acknowledged." Ritz said making a devilish grin as he played with the thumb button on the spoke of the steering wheel. He lined up the crosshairs over the doomed and then pressed the middle toggle switch on the weapons console.

*Laser system engaged. Sporadic bursts.*

Kiff watched as laser fire erupted from the right side-pod. The staccato was not unlike that of a machine gun.


Sir Ram was drilled full of holes with extreme prejudice, each and every shot found their target. The evil ram collapsed and started bleeding out from everywhere he had been hit.

"Today the universe is a better place." Ritz Site exclaimed. "Wicked and evil are no more."

"Not a moment too soon. The donation vehicle is here!" Mr. Masters announced.

Ritz, William and Kiff watched as a boomerang shaped craft hovered over them, it shot a yellow beam of light at the bloodied ram and goat. When it dissipated the two had vanished.

"That felt good sir." Mr. Masters remarked.

"You are damn right it did." Mr. Site added.


October 21st, YOE 35

10:10 AM Free Counter Earth (Song's Flower Emporium, World Three)

"And how is my favorite chakat today?" The maned wolf asked initiating the video communication call.

"Hopefully I am the only chakat you know Naka. How is World One?" The cat-taur asked avoiding the question.

"Busy. The leads the knight core are receiving on the alien threat have doubled in the last few days. We have been preoccupied following up on them." The wolf said to the cat.

"And the knight core's response to the threat?" The beautiful chakat asked.

"Powerless to stop it; their technology is superior to ours." Naka said admiring the yellow bonnet Song was wearing that morning.

"They do have space-ships Naka."

"How is our favorite human?" The junior knight asked changing the subject.

"Obedient, subservient and compliant." Song replied looking at the brown haired pre-teen boy sweeping her kiosk. "It is unnerving and disturbing."

"That is the empire's new initiative to keep second class citizens in check; a mind control device."

"Unbelievable." The white cat-taur admitted. "That explains what has been happening."

"Believe it! Without having to focus our attention on the humans, we are free to pursue other pressing issues. Speaking of which, I have to go Song. Be careful what you say around him or any human they will literally do all that they are told to do." The wolf said ending the communication.

Song looked at her helper. "Kiwi when you finish sweeping, I need you to prune the new arrivals, wash my laundry, make dinner and tuck me in tonight."

"Kay!" The pre-teen replied without hesitation. Song's jaw dropped.

10:55 AM Free Counter Earth (The Lair, Castle Wundagore)

"Rufus I am afraid we simply can't be together."

"Audrey why?!" The tabby asked shocked. "I thought you and I made the cutest couple!"

"Rufus, you are kind and very sweet but I realized that I have a greater calling. One I must answer regardless of my feelings or any interpersonal relationships." That calico said taking her boyfriend's paws within hers.

"That is fine, we will find a way to make it work regardless my love. So what is this great calling you must answer?" Rufus asked looking into Audrey's eyes.

She looked into his eyes. There was a white flash and Audrey's clothing changed!

She was no longer wearing her signature pink shirt and black pants with the green bracelets. In its place a white glistening sarong, gold belt, golden bracelets and golden neck collar which supported a white strapless bustier.


"Not Audrey, Rufus- but Angelica."

"The goddess of judgment and questionable decisions?!" The tabby gasped.

"Yes, I have come to pronounce sentence to a world that is unbalanced, corrupt, unjust and irredeemable."

"What is your decision?" He asked nervously._ _

"That it and everyone within It should be eradicated."

"OH MY." The tabby exclaimed.

"Well, that is a relationship killer." The red dragon seated next to me on what remained of the sectional observed.

"You think?" I commented. "I wonder what Angelica will do first? End the relationship or the World?"

"Doesn't matter either way Rufus is screwed." My big buddy concluded.

"Good point." I replied.

"Not a bad movie overall, but the visuals could have been better." The goofy dragon commented."

"Uh, Sorren, that is because the viewscreen was torn in half."

"I thought there was something different about it- Ursa rampage?"

"Yes. We had a mission go sideways a few days ago. She was venting."

"So that is why a part of the sectional is hanging out the window." The dragon said looking at a female coyote who was instructing one of her subordinates on its recovery and the replacement of the broken window.

"Commander Ursa must of had a very bad day." Lurie commented.

"We both did." I replied as what was left of the sectional was pulled back into the great room.





"The aliens have returned to finish what they started!" Sorren shouted.

The red dragon dove on top of me and Lurie pinning us to the floor of the great room as the yellow alert blared throughout the castle scaring all inhabitants within.

"Ah sorry about that." A satyr from Lurie's crew replied after he replaced the broken window. "I guess I accidentally set it off."

"MURA!!" The coyote growled. "Turn it off!!"

As the embarrassed satyr complied, a brown bear entered the lair with her service weapon drawn.

"Everyone alright?!"

"Commander Ursa!! False alarm!" The yote girl replied.

"Someone just learned how not to replace a broken window." Sorren said helping me up.

"But the window IS fixed." I said standing.

"Very well. I am headed back to command." My perfect person replied.

"Busy morning commander?"

"Yes. Numerous reports of KLIS activity and Sir Ram and Mara have not checked in from their missions."

(That sounds like a really busy morning.)

"Commander Ursa!" A junior knight shouted running into the liar.

"Naka what is it?"

"Sir Ram and Mara's hover vehicle is at the loading dock."

"Well that's good." The goofy dragon said, placing his paw on my shoulder. But the maned wolf was not done.

"Without them in it!"

"Well, that is not so good." The dragon replied.

Location Unknown (A place outside of conventional time)

"This can't be!!" The beastial scientist shouted.

"It is Sir Ram. You are about to receive your eternal reward."

"From you?" The big horned sheep asked.

"Me? No, I am just the courier taking you to your final destination." The red wolf said clasping the knight's paw.

The dark desert faded as the two arrived at another location a distinct looking tower in a place of fire and magma.

"This place exists?!"

"Yes. The stories you heard were not hearsay; they were true." The white wolf announced stepping to the side of the evil beastial as another individual approached from the tower.

It was a tall wolf demon with red eyes, large paws with bracelets around his arms, legs and a large circular necklace around its neck.


"You were saying that about me just moments ago. This is Diamantopoulous the master of this place; he is quite anxious to meet you." The white wolf said gleefully.

"Welcome!! Welcome!! Feel free to take a look around, make yourself comfortable if you can because you and I are going to spend eternity together!!" The wolf demon grinned demonically at the ram.

"Death, don't do this to me!! Please!!" The big horned sheep pleaded.

"For that outburst- two eternities." The demon wolf quipped. "Would you like to make it three?"

The white wolf motioned for the damned beastial to approach him. At which point he whispered some all too familiar words to the doomed ram.

"Have you ever been in a situation where you were so helpless, so powerless all you could do was pee? That situation is now!!"

"Maw haw haw haw! Come along ram." Diamantopoulous said grabbing the big horned sheep by the paw. "Oh the things I am going to do to you!!!"

It looked like the evil beastial was going to receive his reward for being... evil.

"Have a nice afterlife!" The white wolf waved as the wolf demon dragged the evil beastial away.

2:44 PM Free Counter Earth (Room Of Infinite Darkness, KLIS Ship)

Mum's former mentee watched his latest acquisition toss, turn and writhe in pain within the spotlight which served as his cell. By now the former bi-pedal ram should have been recalling the events of the last few days; which should be bursting through his consciousness like a geyser.

He and his beloved were de-evolved, captured by the rebellion and executed. Ironically from his own invention and by two individuals he and Mara had screwed over badly and left for dead.

It was a challenge pulling the big horned sheep back from death's embrace. But the KLIS scientist had succeeded.

The lone beam of light that shined on the ram in the room of infinite darkness switched to a far corner- there a confined tan lioness who was similarly writhing not in pain but in pleasure from something jammed within her sex. A different experiment had been conducted on her. Namely how many orgasms could a beastial female experience before too much was too much? The KLIS scientist wanted to know!

In the 'cell' next to her, a orange bay cat- her boyfriend. He watched helplessly and maybe even a little jealously as well. In the cell next to him, a rat beastial who sat immobilized. Next to her a tiger beastial, next to him a male buck, then a female owl and the rest of the luckless souls whom had been taken from Worlds One and Two during the harvesting.

Mum's former mentee smiled at the menagerie he had assembled. He would be busy studying all of them for some time. As he left the room he took one last look at the now quadrupedal former knight of castle Wundagore. As he thought about additional experiments he could conduct. Should he attempt to strip the evil from the now non-beastial? What about reverting him back to his beastial form? If he could accomplish that it would be the absolute apex of KLIS science and their fascination of beastials. Hmm....

To Be Continued....


October 21st YOE 35

10:10 AM Chaundoon (Infirmary, World Seven)

"Perna Pride lost a third of their warriors in their fight with the Yowie." I replied debriefing King Dragon and Penny Penguin. "Another third were injured."

"Leaving a scant amount left." The she penguin said adjusting her chair. "And Tonka?"

"He elected to remain with Salamanca. He had offered himself to the pride for Naka, Song and Kiwi's sake before the conflict." I replied, sighing.

"I suspect that sigh was not because of the leech boy's departure little buddy, erm, I mean Mr. Winter." Sorren backpedaled as the she penguin looked at him funny.

"No your majesty. What I saw in the Marble Canyons, the death, destruction, pain, misery and suffering- I hadn't seen since the year after the empire's collapse on Counter Earth."

"I am recommending you see Ms. Una for counseling. That is an order." The she penguin stated. "You are on limited duty until then."

"I second that." The red dragon suggested. "Acknowledge your experiences, talk and write about them if you need to and when you are finished make sure that it is so."

"How do I do that?" I asked our goofy sovereign.

"By having your females FINISH you." He said bouncing his eyebrows.

(Such a Sorren statement.)

"Ahem. Quips aside, I did notice that your report was rather straight-forward and brief. Is there anything else?" Penny Penguin asked me.

"You mean outside of the corpses I identified and the injured I tried to save and the wounded I treated?"

"Yes." The head of medical said trading glances with Sorren and myself while seated behind her desk.



October 18th, YOE 35

7:48 PM Chaundoon (Swamp of Sadness, Marble Canyons)

"...It is at this time that we commit the bodies of the fallen to the warrior's fire so that their spirits may be one with the ancestors." Chief Lyre said to those present at the giant bonfire.

Salamanca, Tonka and I watched as the few able bodied warriors who were still intact bandaged up the bodies of the fallen and laid them down one by one on the pyre until there were just two left.

"What is a warrior's fire?" The white leech asked the green.

"It is how the pride remembers their dead and celebrates their lives." The pride's witch doctor responded to her charge.

I scanned the audience. The expressions ran the gamut from rage, to tears to jubilation; there were a lot of raw feelings present.

I felt a splinted paw land on my shoulder. It was the sand dragon Pulse up and around despite the broken bones he had sustained during the Yowie attack.

"You are awfully quiet." He said to me.

"Just taking it all in. There are some from my tribe that would jump at an opportunity to see and experience this ritual."

"This is something not many outsiders are allowed to see." He said to me.

"Then why me?"

"Why were you allowed to attend?" Salamanca said finishing my sentence. "You and your tribe came to this pride's aid in a time of need."

"After the war." I added.

"You assisted in collecting the dead and treating the injured." The sand dragon added.

"I did what I could." I said humbly as the four of us returned to watching the ceremony.

Chieftains Black Scythe and Lyre laid two wrapped bodies on the pyre themselves.

"Brother Red Sword and sister Hatchet until we all are joined with the ancestors." Black Scythe said. Her words were echoed by her remaining sister.

"Salamanca, Pulse what will you do now?" I asked.

"I am not going back to the chamber Alex." He said proudly.

"He has been granted entrance to the pride as a hunter." The female leech said.

"Congratulations." I smiled.

(There is a story with that one- a sand dragon choosing to stay with his captors?)

"Alex, I will be staying too." The leech boy said to me.


"His clan was taken by the rogue Chado." The witch doctor replied.

"And you are the closest thing he has to family." I said the green female leech.

"I could also use an assistant, maybe even two."

"Salamanca, that is a generous offer. But my tribe needs me as well- we along with the clans in our area are investigating the rogue Chado faction." I said declining.

9:49 PM Chaundoon (Shred and Pierce's Hut, Perna Pride Village)

"Naka you should rest." The chakat said lying down on their cot.

"Song." The knight said, walking up to her.

"I know there is still more work out there, so much to be done. Trust me it is not going anywhere. Besides you need to be at 100%." The cat said to her wolf.

Naka was silent.

"What is it?" She asked giving her beau her full attention.

"Alex. He knows." The maned wolf said, looking at the floor of the hut.


"When he was sifting through the wounded and fallen..."

"He spoke to you about it?"

"Song there was no chance to cover it up what we did. He realized why we evaded him on the way to the canyons. Besides, the prototype has a camera and the automated assistant."

The chakat thought a moment before she spoke. "We were tasked with being transport for the s'mar. Not their saviors."

"That is how our superiors are going to view it."

"What do you think we should do?" The she beast asked.

"By our actions, we have damaged ourselves in the eyes of our colleagues to come to the aid of those in distress."

"Naka...." The beautiful chakat said reaching for her lover.

"But you know what, if given the chance. I would do it all over again." The wolf said embracing his cat.


October 21st, YOE 35

10:55 AM Chaundoon (Knight Command, World Seven)

The mid-level knight tried to remain calm despite the heavy questioning he was receiving from his superiors who were hovering around the seated wolf as if they were buzzards and he was carrion.

"I figured that you ran into some complications when you did not immediately return." The caracal said to the wolf.

"Not complications sir." Naka replied.

"In other words your away team did more than their intended purpose didn't they?" The badger warrior accused him.

"Alex Winter told you?" The former leader of the nomadic colony asked.

"He did nothing of the sort." The rhino to his left replied.

"The automated assistant reported you and the footage from the camera confirmed it." The bear grumbled.

"Son, despite your personal feelings you had your orders. You disobeyed." Rhinox said admonishing the wolf.

"Yes sir."

"You used our technology to influence the outcome of a regional conflict." Lady Barq growled.

"Yes ma'am."

"One we had no business doing so." Sanda piled on.

"Yes sir."

"You willingly defied the will of your leaders." Lady Ursa said sternly.

"Yes ma'am."

"And altered the natural order in the s'mar pridelands. What do you have to say for yourself?" Rhinox said, summing up the maned wolf's transgressions.

"I know my actions altered the balance of power in that region commanders."

"You are damned right. You also disgraced yourself." The caracal said belittling him.

"But Song and I, we have friends within that tribe- we, I, could not let them be eradicated off the face of the planet. Commanders Rhinox, Barq, Ursa and Sanda. If I had to do it all over again I would."

"You did what you did to save that pride from the brink of extinction- but in reality you may have only bought them a scant amount of time." The badger said, crossing her arms.

"With almost half of their warriors dead as well as two of their leaders, they are in such a weakened state that they could possibly be annihilated by another pride." The bear said judgmentally.

The seated wolf stared at the floor of the briefing room. As the bear, rhino, caracal and badger considered his punishment.

"Naka Wolf you are hereby demoted to the rank of junior knight." Lady Barq announced.

"You will be relieved of duty until further notice." Sanda said, piling on.

"And confined to your quarters." Commander Rhinox said concluding the meeting.

"What about Song?"

"She is also in a similar circumstance." Lady Ursa said to the disgraced wolf.

_11:12 AM Chaundoon (King's Court, World Seven) _

"I am being censured?!" The white chakat asked her fellow council members.

"Yes." Basil said, turning his back to her.

"Although you weren't the one who was actually piloting the prototype..." Shira replied. also turning her back to the chakat.

"You went along with the plan without any objection." Masha also said turning around.

"Your heart was in the right place." Haem signed. "But going against King Dragon, Duchess Jua and this council's orders was wrong."

Song looked at the tigress, prehistoric cave bear, pitbull, monster and the newest additions to the council Umebo and Laurel who didn't join the complainers- but also did not stand up for her either.

"Don't worry about censuring me. I formally resign!" The cat-taur said turning around marching out of the room.

2:44 PM Conquered Counter Earth (Office Complex. World Four)

"Diamond City this is not." The ewe said to the eagle, and dawn horse.

"I know right? Where is the indoor beach, the amusement park and the restaurants?" Dane asked.

"All there is are those platforms the Others stand on until the master activates them. Kinda creepy actually." Jonan observed.

"Well there is this artificial park in the building's center." Dane added while the eagle fidgeted. "Everything okay Ed?"

"You know we nearly lost our lives to those monster worshippers right?"

"Yes?" Jonan and Dane answered in unison.

"And no one is bothered by that?"

"And how many close calls did we have before becoming the master's emissaries?" The ewe asked the eagle.

"Wasn't the first time and won't be the last." The dawn horse said trying to comfort his friend.

*"Besides you three have proven yourselves quite useful." *

"Yipe!" The eagle said jumping into the arms of the dawn horse.

"Relax! It is just Demona." Jonan said chastizing her friend's cowardice. "Thanks for saving our bacon by the way."

"It was because of your actions that we were able to increase our numbers."

"Any opportunity to hurt the competition." Jonan said smiling.

"They have been effectively neutralized for now." The harpy said smiling. "In the meantime we have a new task for you in crystal city."

"You mean World Five?" The ewe asked excitedly.

"She called it the crystal city! I wonder if it will be as nice as diamond city?" Dane asked.

"Outrageous!" Jonan shouted.

"Anything to spread the good word I suppose." Ed said.

"You mean brand." Jonan said, correcting her friend.

The harpy rolled her eyes as the three celebrated. She wondered why ONE had selected them as his emissaries, but hey who was she to question the synoptic?

_6:18 PM Chaundoon (Ms Una's Classroom, World Seven) _

"I haven't seen such carnage in quite some time." I admitted to the female naga. "It was like I was revisiting the year of hell all over again."

"Although the fighting was over by the time you arrived, you and Tonka were tasked with sorting through the remains of the fallen trying to determine who could be saved from who couldn't."

"Yes those warrior cats fought fiercely- I often found two or three lying next to a spider."

"They died in the defense of their pride." The she snake said rubbing my shoulders.

"What's even more funny is that several of the Perna Pride's prisoners also fought the Yowie."

"Perhaps they were hoping to earn their freedom in exchange for their bravery?"

"That is one way to put it." I replied as the she beast continued her massage.

"If you would like Alex, I could order you to forget what you experienced and what you saw."

I thought about that. No, that experience is a part of me. My make-up, my being. Ms. Una. If I were to forget and then encountered something similar in the future, I would just be at the same point again."

"Wise decision." She replied as there was a knock on the wall outside her classroom. "I have another appointment. Another with similar trauma. Can you stay? I would like to conduct a group session."

"Yeah that is fine."

"Come!" She said to the disembodied knock on the other side of the wall.

In walked a brown haired, pre-teen. The naga was right, he had been through what I had as well and more.

"Kiwi!" I said standing.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 49: Your Tomorrow May Never Come

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 49: Your Tomorrow May Never Come** October 17, YOE 35 1:01 PM Free Counter Earth (The Lair, Castle Wundagore) I followed several paces behind my very angry female brown bear who was...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know** October 15th, YOE 35 12:34 PM Conquered Counter Earth (The lava and magna lake- formally World Three) "Well here it is World Three in all its splendor!"...

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