Gil's Monkey Treat - RP with Studmonkey

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#29 of Vore Stories

Gil proved to be quite popular to my delight and thus I was very happy to get the chance to show him in action for everyone. Studmonkey was just the right delightfully mouthwatering simian treat to help me with this and I quite enjoyed the RP we did, where I could indulge savoring him properly before putting him where monkeys, especially the studly ones belong. ;-)I was very happy to meet another great vore writer who shares a lot of my particular interests and kinks when it comes to vore and definitely recommend you check out his writing. If you enjoy my stuff, his will be as much as of treat for you as he is being here.^^

Thus, I invite you to come along for a little venture to Gil's world, where hot naga teachers get the pleasant task of dealing with all of those hopeless students, otherwise headed for a start in life without much to show for the years at college or university, saddled with debt and desperation and show that even good for nothing students are always still very good for one thing...^^Poor Logan really was trying his best, but quite often, the best a young, healthy monkey male can make of himself is being a nice, shapely bulge. And as much as he may have been struggled in class, with a distracting teacher to make him more interested in one very specific example of biology, rather than the subject and lessons itself, I can assure you he was performing top of his class when it came to providing for a tasty meal, all nicely salty and musky after proving himself quite the stud indeed.

A little shoutout at the end also to our fellow vore writer and friend Jivanman, who I know does not mind being the next course of horny and tasty former student. :-)If you haven't done so already, definitely check his work out as well!

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Gil's Monkey Treat

It'd been getting worse and worse with every passing week, biology forever being his bane when it came to academics this semester. It wasn't even required for his major, it was simply something Logan thought he'd be interested in, and now it'd been taking up so much of his time. The rest of his classes he was certainly passing, although not with flying colors, but Biology was on the verge of tanking the rest of his average.

It didn't help that Professor Estravados was incredibly handsome. He'd never met a naga before this, the monkey in awe as he slithered into the grand lecture hall for the first time when the semester started. Those impressive, thick coils weaving across the cool tile. He could see every little scale that decorated his beautiful lower half, his eyes constantly flickering to trace over the patterns of his snake body. And his face wasn't anything worse either, incredibly chiseled and defined. Lovely tone, soft looking, stern yet an air of kindness hidden somewhere behind that gaze. The monkey struggled in the class because of it.

He pushed into Professor Estravados' office during his office hours, the naga always having an open door policy for students who needed help. Logan had been here nearly every week for help on the assignments, thankful that he always had to sit across from the slithering adonis rather than beside him. God forbid he'd ever get touched by his professor, the monkey's cheeks would redden to the point of bursting. He came fresh from a run this time around, knowing he needed to keep his body fit while he struggled academically. It helped him come into the hours focused. He wore a loose workout tank-top, his underarms and sides visible around the black fabric. Any time he lifted his arms, the sides of his pecs would slip out, the glistening gold bars visible for a moment as well. He had shorts on below, and sneakers still. Fresh from the workout!

"Uhhh... Professor Estravados... I'm sorry. I still don't get the assignment for this week." He softly rubbed the back of his head, the monkey's tail tucked between his legs, like a child about to be yelled at by a parent. He wanted to do well in this class so badly, but at the same time, he really wanted the professor to like him, "Do you could tell me what I've got wrong in the paper here? I've been reading it like three times a day." He slid into the chair opposite the desk of the great naga, pushing the paper into the professor's gaze, "Am I the only one that shows up to these?"

Gil felt a mix of emotions as he looked at the simian, his tongue briefly flicking out, wetting his lips but also tasting the air. Monkey and a lot of fresh sweat that had by now pretty much washed away any traces of deodorant (the rather high temperature and humidity in his office surely did not help there), if he had worn any, a little residue of some coconut based oil or lotion and...

Yes, there definitely was a hint of arousal. A rather pleasantly male scent, precum mixing with perspiration, making the glans stew in it under the foreskin. He was rather familiar with it. Logan was not the first student in this position, he knew it from his tutoring days. Rather, he knew it from his student days, from classmates who at one point had dropped out. Only to leave a bit of a bulge in the midsection (or tail) of whoever taught the class in question...

There was maybe a tinge of exasperation at the monkey, but also sympathy. He was already pretty certain the boy would not make it to the end of the year...

"Look, see here", he pointed to a part he had underlined in red, "this section talking about the differences in the milieu of the different parts of the digestive tracts. I see that you definitely read the section in the textbook and replicated it well enough, but what I wanted you all to do in this assignment was to highlight the chemical processes of the stages of digestion in different species and specifically how they differ in a 'predator' strain of the same species. I know the chemistry here is a bit more complex, I also know you may be lacking some of the basics here, but that really is the chief point of this exercise. I do need you to show me that you understand this and I am sorry to say, I do not think you do..."

He let the words linger a bit, letting out a sigh as he saw the dejected look. The mix of emotions, the slight tremble, the scent, all of it rather stirred his own predatory inclinations. The more primitive parts of his brain were signaling "prey in sight", but at the same time, he saw a cute, rather likable young man, who he really did not feel like kicking (well, not that he could really do that in the first place), when he seemed down. He did have a copy of his general academic record. And he did see a clear trend. Decent grades at the start, a slow slump down. It was the sort of trajectory that usually ended with a student, especially one of a prey species, dropping out. And for monkeys and similar, that usually led to, well, a different kind of "dropping"...

"As to the other question, no, you are not the only one. There are others and I appreciate that you try. But most semesters, there are people failing this class and, well, I do think you know what this means. It is one of the stipulations of attendance here after all..."

He watched the monkey's reaction, thought he picked up a bit more of that telltale masculine scent flaring up, also the tension, the trembling.

"I think maybe we should talk about where you see yourself in a year...", he said, trying to sound as kind as he could, while having a rather strong suspicion of where this would go...

It truly was going right from one big round ear, and out the other, the terminology, all stuff he was having so much trouble wrapping his head around. His elbows were on the desk, staring down at the paper the professor was referencing, desperately trying to absorb the incredible knowledge he could sense his professor carried with him.

The other thing about it all, Logan was fascinated with it all! Biology, anatomy, knowing what could happen at a university like this, hearing stories of it happening to students, it was always something at the back of his mind, nudging its way into the monkey's boxers in the middle of the night. Oh, how he thought of it then, internals gripping, slimy walls clinging...

He felt himself drifting off from the explanation and snapping himself back to reality in an aroused blush, listening to the dark sentiment uttered by Professor Estravados. He gulped, considering the implications, already crossing his legs to cover up the soft bulge twitching down there as he tried to cover for himself, "Well, uhhh...I-I was hoping to...graduate..."

His emerald oceans for eyes watched the professor carefully, sensing that the naga didn't believe his words anymore than he believed them himself. Gil wasn't wrong, he was distracted. He was struggling, and gosh his eyes couldn't stop flicking down to the incredible heft of snake length drifting out from the side of the desk. He'd been good about not staring at it up until now but...he took just a glance, and that's probably all his professor needed to see.

The monkey sighed, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms uncomfortably for a moment, suppressing a shiver as he asked a dark question that has been flitting around in his mind since he met the naga at the beginning of the semester, "You're gonna eat me...aren't you, Professor Estravados?" Like a true prey in the wilds, cornered and staring at his captor, he knew the answer before it was even spoken, but the scent permeating from the monkey's damp body was nothing but a sign that he was curious, if not a little excited to explore these final moments.

The naga could not help a sigh, forcing his face not to look too exasperated. After all, if this went as he expected, there really was not any need for the monkey to pay attention and all the more reason for him to enjoy his way too obvious arousal. The poor guy likely had not fully paid attention or committed to memory what they had covered previously about the sensory organs of various species either. It was almost as if Gil could already taste the monkey's swollen, leaking cock on his tongue. He had never seen Logan naked, there had not been any good reason for it so far after all. But seeing the visible fur and skin and the nice tone of muscle beneath, he was rather looking forward to getting him naked. As was his flaring appetite tugging at the back of his mind with insistent demand..

"Logan... I am not saying this to be mean or because of any ill will towards you for, well, not giving your full attention to the contents of my lectures...", he stressed this part, admittedly enjoying the flustered reaction a bit, "but I think it is currently pretty much a given that by the end of the year at the latest, you will be a nice contribution of high grade protein to a predator's diet and some good fertilizer for the botanical gardens. Trust me, many students, including some of mine, have been making some very valuable contributions there. With your overall height and build, I am sure you would as well..."

Again, he let the words linger. The frankness deliberate to test Logan's reaction. Gil watched the young man's chest move with every trembling breath, inhaled the spike of the appetizing scent of male monkey, sweat and arousal...

He also was all too aware where the simian's eyes were wandering, not so furtively now. Gil was mentally calculating how much of a bulge he would be making in his lower snake body...

The question that had followed, the subtle movement, the scent, yes, he was pretty sure he had Logan pinned down. Soon likely not just figuratively. But he still deserved his chance, So, the answer was not quite what they both seemed to anticipate with not as opposite an emotion as one might have thought. Gil, too, was feeling a rather noticeable stirring of arousal at the thought of tasting the sweat damp skin and fur and getting to unwrap the young male...

"Chances are that I will, sooner or later, yes. If not me, then likely one of your other teachers. Some students in your position of course choose to seek out some predator of their own choice, a classmate, someone at a club...", he paused, feeling a little flare of disdain at the notion, but he was going to be fair to the poor, dumb, horny boy. Well, maybe mostly horny...

"While technically, the university has the right to your body and to you as a meal, it is not something people tend to bother troubling the legal system over. You can do that, you can try and turn things around, but it will be a lot of hard work that might be futile in the end..."

Again, he paused, watching the monkey's reaction carefully, before getting to the point.

"...or you can let me eat you today. I am not going to lie or play some silly game. I think you are cute and I very much would enjoy it and I think so would you. I am not sure you are aware, but most predators, reptilian ones in particular, find a fit young male who just worked up a sweat pretty much the most enticing meal option. And you likely know that statistically speaking, over 70% of monkey males end up eaten and digested before the age of thirty..."

His breathing was labored, trembling as they continued to speak. He wasn't aware of a lot of these facts. Logan wasn't aware that the university owned him, one of those things his father probably failed to inform him about as he sent him off to college to 'become something.' He also wasn't aware that...monkeys fell victim so often. He didn't logically have an explanation for why that would be. But he could sense the rigidity of his length in his lap, and took a breath, calming himself to the thought that maybe his body was a little wired for that.

He would enjoy it. He hated to admit that, but his eyes lingered on the impressive weight on the cool floor below, as if the invitation his professor just gave him allowed him suddenly to take in his body more. The monkey sat across from the naga, a deep breathing rippling through his muscled form, the flesh and fur flexing and softening underneath that loose tank-top. He knew he was good looking, but he was still red as a tomato as Professor Estravados called him cute, "I..."

He took a moment before he continued, collecting himself from all that was happening. University was no longer a stress factor. Life...was no longer a stress factor. So much of the porn of this kink has flooded this monkey's mind...but he never thought it'd actually happen to him, "I think you are very hot...y-you're very distracting in class." The monkey leaned forward suddenly, snatching the professor's hands, thumbs caressing his skin, "I'd like for you to eat me too...I-I think." He was earnest, nervous, curious to see what it all was about. He couldn't help but fixate on the concept of fertilizer, having watched that part of the videos plenty online too. He gulped, "I-I'm a little'll take care of me through it?" His words were leaning on his professor. He wasn't a virgin by any means, but you could only be a "meal virgin" once, and he clearly was scared to commit.

Gil felt hyper focused on the rising and falling of the chest with every breath the monkey took, the shivers, the subtle movement, the bulge he could make out tenting his soon to be meal's, Logan's, shorts. It wasl the normal reaction for a carnivore spotting prey. His tongue flicked out and tasted the ever increasing hint of musky arousal in the air.

He still smiled as he saw the flustered reaction. He let Logan take his time. The anticipation was only making it more fun for him after all. It was why he could never really be mad at bad students, knowing where so many of them eventually would land themselves...

"I have heard that before. It was almost the same a pretty nicely built panther was telling me last semester. Suffice to say, he was also quite delicious." He winked, unable to stop himself from a bit of teasing. He did not flinch at the touch, he would let the monkey get comfortable with him - and his imminent fate. He also always tended to enjoy experimenting with what really made his meals give in. Just the right tease, playing to the sorts of fantasies that may have been stewing behind their foreheads for years. The muscular panther who would moan with lust at being teased about how every ounce of muscle he had so painstakingly built up was about to be just lean protein, the long closeted stallion who enjoyed the teases about having been a good breeding stud...

Logan seemed to react pretty strongly at the playful tease about him making good fertilizer for the botanical gardens, he would see what else would make him lose it...

He smiled, making a point to show just a hint of how well his lips and jaws could spread, letting out a little yawn, before wetting his lips with a flick of the tongue.

"Don't worry. Given your earlier comments about finding me distracting, I think you will likely enjoy the fact that I prefer to eat my ex students after a last practical lesson on interspecies copulation." He grinned playfully, pushing his human body up to lean over the desk, taking the monkey's hand and letting it slip past the hem of his shirt, so it would rest right on his flat, rather nicely toned abdomen.

"Don't be shy, you can touch as much as you like, as long as you do not mind that every place you touch, I will more than gladly be touching on your body. Oh, and as much as I like the tanktop, I think you should be dropping the extra layers. Just don't simply dump them on the floor, I like to keep some souvenirs."

He smiled, taking in the reaction as he slowly started to unbutton his light blue dress shirt.

A startled shiver from the monkey as that hand was guided underneath the button shirt, fingers caressing the delicate abdomen underneath. He'd touched an abdomen before, and at first he was thinking it would feel just like any other. The implication however that came with it, the heat of the flesh, the texture, knowing that it wouldn't look like this for long once he was passing through it. He hyper-fixated on it, fingers trembling as they traced the muscles.

The instructions were clear and he was quick to obey. He stood up slightly, looking back to the office door that was ever-so-slightly cracked open, pulling his tank-top off regardless of how much his body was guiding him through this moment. No, not his body, and as he pulled his shorts off, his cock sprang free, the lurid scent of his workout culminating underneath the shaft and filling the room with the hot scent of a college jock. He gulped for a moment, recognizing how eager he seemingly was for all this, "S-Sorry...I feel so strange doing this. Considering what I'm about to do." He averted his gaze, the monkey boy nude before Gil, folding his clothes neatly on the corner of the desk before he stood before the naga, waiting for a moment.

He was given permission to touch, the nude boy awkwardly climbing his way on top of the desk, sitting on the opposite edge so his legs straddled the human part of his professor, "Let me..." He grabbed Gil's hands, finishing off the top buttons of that shirt, leaning in as he felt the opposite pieces of the fabric, and kissing at the naga's pecs softly. His warm body pressed into the flesh, the boy seemingly melting into the situation more comfortably as the physical intimacy started to roll out into their play.

Either side of his professor, the shirt was gently peeled away, draped on top of his own pile of clothes. His hands started to explore the muscle underneath, thinking darkly about the fallen prey that have built this physique. Pre gushed from his tip at the thought, "You' me through what I have to do?" His hand traced dangerously close to where he'd expect a reptilian slit down below. He wouldn't know after all, not having fucked any of his professors (yet). His fingers traced below that belly-button, asking for it to be taken out, "I wouldn't mind seeing more of you. I-I think it'd help me calm down..."

The soft, shy touches felt nice, the scent of fully undressed horny and sweaty monkey though was even better. If he had not observed the monkey's flustered state, he might even have contemplated whether coming to his office all sweaty and worked up was meant to tease his appetites, but if so, it had obviously been purely unconsciously so...

Only made it all the more fun of course. And as promised, he returned the touch, the monkey now in the perfect position for him to run his fingers through the short fur, over the naked stretches of skin. As Gil got some enthusiastic, if a little clumsy help to get rid of his dress shirt, leaving only the belt / underwear combo holding back his straining cock that had already slipped out slick with precum from its prison, he himself made sure to run his fingers over the toned muscles of the simians pecs. Fingers tracing the nipples, finding the warm metal of the piercings, heated up from the contact with the sweaty skin. It was always so nice to tease prey who had gone for piercings...

"Hmmmh, don't worry, I can assure you that you are going to pass this activity with full marks...", he teased, leaning in to inhale the scent of the brown hair, the mix of sweat and the residual scent of something pleasantly fruity. It was a good thing that cosmetics with organic, edible components had taken off. There would be no tang of unpleasant chemicals with this delectable monkey meal...

"Hmmmh, seems we both like pecs. I bet you got those because you also like your nipples played with", he paused, playing with the metal piercing those nicely pert nubs of flesh, with just enough playful roughness to make the monkey shudder.

"Your piercings will be all that will come out intact in, hmmmh, say, 72 hours or so. I make a point to keep those, show the students. Not sure if you were there when I took out my little collection last time. Next semester, yours will be among it..."

He pulled playfully at one of the pieces of metal, while he let his tongue flick over the monkey's ear, tasting the salty, male aroma.

When he felt Logan's hand searching, he took it, deliberately guiding it to his own last piece of clothing.

"Here. There is a fastener at the side, where the x of the straps meets in the center. Hnnnh, yes, good boy...", he felt the sweaty fingers fighting with the clasp, then, finally, it came undone, sliding to the ground, no one caring for the leather or the layer of fabric attached to it to soak up sweat or,well, other things...

Gil's erect cock and his balls sprang right into Logan's hand, slick with arousal, but it was not all he wanted the monkey to pay attention to. For a moment, as he was fondling the naga's cock, Gil returned the favor, stroking up and down the throbbing shaft...

"You do have a nice one, Logan, just the right size, and quite eager. You seem to have a very healthy libido, that is good. I would be really sad otherwise. Food without some foreplay is no fun after all...", he chuckled softly, making sure to have his fingers coated in the musky mix of sweat and precum, as his other hand slowly pulled the monkey's fingers from his cock, to the little slit, slightly lower, the vestige of a humanoid anus, that fascinating part of a naga's double anatomy that made so many of his kin quite eager bottoms. An opening with the sole purpose of facilitating intercourse in a species that in its infancy had made ample use of sexual dominance among their own kind...

Slowly, his other hand went to his lips and he made a point to let Logan see him lick away every trace of precum and musky sweat. His toothy smile, the licking of his lips making it quite clear how much he enjoyed the little taste test.

"I want you to fuck me, Logan. I have some lube in a desk drawer. Lube and something else that I think I want to be using with you. Get it out. Just a bottle and a little empty tube, it is in the drawer directly below where you parked that nicely shaped ass", he teased with a grin, taking the time to get some more touching, some more exploring in.

"Say, did you ever donate some of your seed? You are a pretty fine specimen of monkey. I don't think based on what I have seen of you that you would have bred the natural way..."

It was clear that Gil has done this dance with dozens of flunking boys throughout the years, every utterance of 'Good Boy' making the jock shiver in embarrassed delight. It's the emotional state that drove him here for help today, wanting to be good, to be successful, to be worthy. Hearing those words, it validated him. He felt like he was having purpose in this world as he caressed and explored the great naga before him, even if he probably only had another hour left of life at this point. It excited him.

He let his hands be guided, the gentle and firm education of how to handle his professor further bringing the monkey into that submissive space that made him feel so comfortable. Guidance was why he was here, and besides this not being the exact guidance he was looking for, it was clear he was enjoying it much more. The straps fell, his professor's cock springing free and his hands immediately fell to the warm, throbbing shaft. The two of them stared down, stroking and exploring the flesh they both sported. He sighed softly, quiet primal ooks slipping out from his lips like a cat's purr of pleasure. His professor was thick, squeezing it to feel how much blood was flowing through it, the member full and dense, clearly as excited as he was.

Logan's mouth was watering as he stared at it, chuckling at the licks teasing him, savoring a gentle kiss before those instructions were given, "Y-Yessir...I'd happily fuck you, Professor." He wasn't quite coherent at this point, finding himself drifting at the excitement, the subservience. His eyes were softly lidded, fishing into that drawer for the specified objects, placing the tube beside him as he began to lube himself up, "I've never, no..." He was confused at first, considering the tube and looking to his superior, "Did you...want some of my seed?"

The gentle strokes of his lubed hand over his cock made a lovely, sloppy sound as he polished himself, the shaft glistening in the office lights. He was ready, that lubed hand moving softly below the cock and balls of Gil, prodding the pucker below as the jock pushed a finger inside with purpose, swirling around within and sighing at the heat found within. He imagined himself passing through that hole by the end of it all, only his bones and mucked up body, after being drained of its lovely, rich nutrients. Not knowing his final destination was much lower down the slithering, scaled half of the naga's body. He didn't know why he was able to go down this line of thinking all of a sudden, but he felt himself desiring that deeply, internally. He stood in front of his professor, pressing his cock-head to that sphincter, swirling his tip against it softly as he savored the fleshy, wet sounds it made, "Would you be using it for something?" He moaned softly as he pushed himself inside, an inch disappearing within, feeling its tightness, its heat. It was wonderful, perfect, and he wanted to be deeper. He held his professor's back gently driving his hips forward as he sunk himself in, mumbling to himself, "F-Fuck yea..." His head pressing against Gil's neck, his nose taking in the natural scents of the naga, letting them intoxicate him, envelop him. Their scents would be joining, his own flavor being annihilated and mixed in with the heat of the predator he was already four inches inside of, with another four to go.

Gil let out a hissing sound of pleasure, quite enjoying it, feeling his more animalistic urges flare up. Lust and hunger in a playful struggle as the scent of horny monkey got ever more appetizing. He wrapped one surprisingly strong arm around Logan, drawing him closer so he could inhale the scent of his hair, lick, make their pert nipples touch, quite enjoying the teasing caress of metal warmed up by body heat. He shuddered as he felt the slick finger push into him, reaching down to reward the monkey with some more teasing touches, fingers playing with the swollen glans, slick with precum and lube. He knew it would feel really good touching him deep inside. As good as the toned body would sliding down to his stomach to digest. Really, he should tell the poor boy, he deserved it...

"Hnnnh, yes, you are doing good. I bet your cock will feel even nicer insider there. I think almost as nice as you will feel going down another, slick orifice ready to stretch around you. You will get to go through all of them by the end...", he said, voice low, teasing, moving his tail until his snake's half anus would also be in view for Logan. He was not sure if the boy had paid full attention when they had covered Naga anatomy. Or rather, whether he had not had his mind wander to certain things pretty quickly...

"If you like, you can also lube that one, so you will come out more smoothly when I am done with you. Though, as I told you, you will be spending a good bit of time in here...", he patted the lower portion of his snake body," before going out there..."

He groaned feeling the monkey shiver, just as he was pushing right into him. It was slow, lewdly noisy and utterly satisfying. When Logan began thrusting, his fingers were digging into his muscular back, as if to provide some extra pull.

"Hnnh, that is right, good boys get to fuck their professors. I think you are in for top marks on this, hnnnh, yes, there you go, just, keep doing that..."

Gil's restraint was breaking fast. Not that there was much need for it. prey was to be enjoyed. Nothing tasted better than a nice, healthy young male, seasoned with his own sweat and musky arousal. It made his stomach growl already. And he loved how the sex only got him more hungry. He licked the salty skin, felt the firm muscles under his fingers, listened to the wildly thumping heartbeat, feeling him rubbing his sensitive insides raw and aching with pleasure. He made sure to let him sink right to his full balls into the warm, clinging flesh.

"Hnnnh, sure, haah, sure gonna make good use of it. You will make a great, hnnnh, really great donation to the sponsored breeding programs. And, just think of it, in another twenty years, maybe some of your progeny gets to either make it in life, or, wel, provide another delicious piece of monkey meat..."

Gil was getting close. Logan's eagerness only made him more turned on.

"I will make sure you get to spill a lot of that nice, fertile seed of yours. You are young and fit, it will be the highest grade. Hnnnh, so, how about it, mind if I take some for posterity? Want to donate all of your body to the science department? I will make sure nothing of you gets wasted...", he half whispered, one finger teasing the pert nipple, as he licked over the monkey's face, leaving trails of saliva.

"Just like I will make sure to find a nice spot in the botanical gardens to dump you, so you can also become some nice, high grade fertilizer..."

There was a comfort in all of this he didn't expect, feeling the superior touch and encourage him, as he slowly felt his body growing to completion. His heartbeat and breath were out of sync, his body panicking at all that was stirring in his head. He was going to die if he stayed, if he didn't run, if he didn't scamper off out the door without his clothes and never be seen again. He was going to be swallowed, digested, savored, and dumped out by his handsome professor's incredible body.

And he hated how that thought was stirring him closer to the edge.

He certainly wasn't paying attention during class, but he vaguely understood that the part of Gil's body he'd be released from after all was said and done was much further down that sheen scales that undulated and flexed below him. He trembled at the thought of his softened body within those powerful muscles and fat, a part of him wondering if his flesh would simply crumple under a powerful flex within after softening for so long.

He pushed into a kiss, feeling that tongue graze his neck and insides, stealing a gaze within Gil's maw as he continued to thrust, "I-I'll..happily give it to you. I wanna feel this way forever...." He was slowly breaking, the monkey boy drenched again in sweat, his abdomen dribbling with perspiration and his arms excreting plenty of that lovely prey scent his body seemed to adapt to so quickly, "You'll grow more monkeys from me? them too?" It was so twisted, dark almost as he contemplated the implications but nonetheless, he simply focused on how lovely it'd be to see a cute boy butt sliding down between those jaws and...he groaned out, feeling his balls swell, and in the midst of passionate thrusts, he felt his load burst and dribble deep inside of his professor's guts. He slammed his hips in, flexing his excitement within as he bred deep, flooding those savory guts full.

The passion died down, and a ping of dread landed in his stomach. Part of him thought that the post-nut clarity would bring him back to reality, save him from his inevitable demise, but he slowly realized simply how hard he still was, and his mind recited his fate to him over and over. It's time to be swallowed. Time to be eaten and digested. It's time to be your professor's shit. He looked up, feeling his heart flutter back down to a resting panic as opposed to before. He gently kissed the naga on the lips, "I-Is it...time? I'm ready, Professor Estravados..." Such a formal declaration, the young boy still seeming to respect the man who'd devour him and end his life. He started to feel a little honored to be chosen for such a fate.~

Gil felt the tension, sense that there likely were some conflicting emotions. Not unusual, after all, prey, even the ones like Logan who were naturally attracted to their eventual demise, had some degree of self preservation instinct. It just meant he needed to gently coax him, a mix of soft strokes, a kiss on his cheek, his forehead, his body twisting, not a full on coil, but just enough to let the monkey feel that he was being held, that there would be no escape. That he could just give in and enjoy the role nature had intended for him...

Gil himself certainly enjoyed every moment of playing with his soon to be food, scales against fur and skin against skin, the feeling of the quick, frantic heartbeat of a male in the throes of ecstatic passion, the wonderful aroma of sweaty, horny monkey...

Then, he moved the kiss to the lips, tasting him, exploring, letting him see the telltale parts where the naga anatomy was so startlingly stretchy.

"Thanks, I will make sure to take good care of it. And you. I will make sure you feel good for the rest of your life...", he pulled him back in, pulled him deeper, let him impale himself inside of his own eager body, letting himself be bred, fucked, a small, playful act of submission that was paired with the curling snake body and his roaming hands asserting their dominance.

"Hnnnh, if they are like you and end up in my classroom, I guess I will. I bet many of them will end up just as tasty as you...", he teased, knowing that two decades of waiting would likely be worth it for another taste of horny monkey...

The little vial was in place. He had toyed with the idea of waiting for later, when he was swallowing the monkey, milking his throbbing cock before it would slip past his lips, but he did not trust his self control. He was getting so hungry and Logan smelled so delicious...

He let his body coil around him, for a moment, it was a tumble of sending them away from the desk, coiling, uncoiling, the monkey's frantic bucking movements driving him wild as he felt his own climax impending.

A few more thrusts, Gil just lost it, inhaling the wonderful, appetizingly masculine scent, sweat, arousal, prey...

He felt his own climax, smearing over their naked, sweaty abdomens, just as he felt Logan pump into him, heard those cute simian sounds, fought with all his willpower to make sure he got both of them to where he wanted them. He gently pulled the still orgasming Logan off, the boy's hips still jerking, hanging in the grip of his coils as he took his manhood in one hand, fondled his still full balls, stroked his cock as he put the vial right against the swollen glans.

Gil knew it would likely hurt in a most agonizingly arousing way as he kept stroking the overstimulated cock until another strong pulse flooded the little glass vessel, turning it milky white and opaque, dripping with seed, nearly flowing over before he put on the stopper, careful to put it away before he finally just allowed himself to collapse on a bed of his own coils, holding the monkey, stroking his sweaty, heated body, trembling in the afterglow, playing with his nipple piercings, just enjoying the heat and the feeling of warm seed inside of him, loving it when he felt the monkey's still swollen glans push against his dripping hole as they moved...

Gil could not help but smile at the surprisingly formal declaration. It earned the boy another kiss.

"You definitely are, you just smell too good not to eat...", he teased, tongues tangling. But, there was one last thing...

Gil's movements were slow, languid, as he got them back upright, close to the desk, to where the vial full of virile seed was safely put away for now waiting for its eventual use, right to where the naga had put down his phone, quickly grabbing and unlocking it.

"Now, smile for the camera", he said with a smile of his own, not really giving Logan much of a chance before the first few shots of his naked, sweaty body, face dazed with post orgasmic bliss filled the screen. It was after all a fashion of their time to take a photo of your food, all nicely prepared for you, before you dug in...

He looked at the monkey, the monkey looked at him. They were naked, sweaty, sticky from the hot sex and the naga's belly was urgently making itself known. Gil ran his hand over the sweat matted fur, playfully feeling up Logan's muscular arms, kneading and teasing.

"Arms up, monkey boy, just as if you were taking a nice dive...", he tease, taking the chance to give the monkey's armpits a slow lick, loving the aroma, before opening his mouth wide, half forcing, half guiding the trembling hands into his waiting maw...

It gave Logan the chance to watch as the naga began to devour him alive...

He yearned to dumpmore of his load inside of his professor's hole, but he understood why it was denied. He fantasized about countless monkeys disappearing inside of the naga's form, keeping him erect with every thought, part of him wishing that he was given the opportunity to play those countless roles, all of them getting to explore and worship different parts of the large predator's impressive form. He imagined them sucking Gil, rimming him, massaging those coils and muscles, stretching him open just to look inside of the graveyard that has claimed countless lives before them. Each and every monkey in his bloodline would be fueled with that instinctual desire to be eaten, and he knew so many of them were going to end up inside another predator, whether it was this professor or not. Surely Gil had some fancy method to give them grants to this college in particular. Logan assumed it was an art form at this point, respectfully earning living meals like that.

The glistening crevice of his arm was steamy in the hot office, both of those muscled limbs lifting obediently, Logan trembling as the slimy tongue slurped up his pit and savored the sweaty underside. He's had boys get under his arms after a workout before, sampling his scent nervously and letting it arouse them like the aphrodisiac it was meant to be, but Logan wasn't in control anymore at this point. This final taste was a signal to his end, and as his finger tips slipped into the expanding jaws of his professor, he whined and felt his cock flood again, becoming rigid like stone.

The powerful coils danced and undulated around him, cocooning him gently in the heat of the scales, his naked body writhing softly as he stared into the gaping maw that his hands slipped inside of. He watched the opening, the pink innards swallowing down his digits into the back of that throat. His fingertips sampled the squishy interior, his body readying for the sensation of being fully encompassed in such a deadly, heavenly feeling. His hands squished inside, and the monkey boy started to push them further in, allowing his head to dip down softly and rest on the flicking tongue at the base of his professor's mouth, "I-I've thought about this so many times, Professor..." His heart hammered in his chest, cock leaking down below as he bent his body to better angle in inside the awaiting mouth, "Th-Thank you..."

He whined as heat enveloped his cheeks, face, head and hair, his top half dribbling with the fluids from that handsome mouth taking him. With a gentle push, the sickening squelch of his underarms slipping past his professor's lips and head popping into his throat sounded, and he waited, feeling the power behind this flesh, knowing it was going to drink him in like a noodle as quickly as it desired. Logan got the feeling it wasn't going to be quick, and his eyes fluttered in delight, waiting for those gentle, scholarly hands to dance around his body like the piece of meat he now was, wanting Gil to violate him with desire and affection all the way down, "I-I'm yours."

"Good boy...", Gil could not get out much more, he was very rapidly having his mouth full. And also stretched to the point that talking would be pretty difficult. So he had to settle for some gentle pats across the nicely toned shoulders, kneading them with his fingers, enjoying the play of quivering muscle. He could taste the arousal overpowering the conflicting emotion. Yes, just as it should be...

Prey should find fulfillment in the role nature intended for them, even if it was just a quirk of centuries, millennia of predator and prey living in the same society, the former ever so steadily guiding the evolution of the latter along. Prey males who showed too much resistance to being devoured would be prevented from propagating their genes. While some societies would have had entire breeding programs to produce young males like Logan here. And even in modern times, where prey enjoyed the veneer of equal rights...

Well, he was not the only one doing his part to make sure the right kind of genes would be passed on to the next generations, guiding monkeys, ungulates, rodents and even some otherwise predatory species to produce delectably willing pieces of meat.

Logan was so eagerly cooperating, but he would not have to worry, Gil would be taking over. Indeed, no reason to worry himself at all anymore, all he needed to do was enjoy his demise.

Gil knew there was little need to restrain the monkey, aside from the pleasure it would provide to them both, but there was another practical aspect to using his coils on the squirming piece of delicious monkey meat. His powerful muscles would do their part in helping him to devour the monkey, his human upper body dislocating bones, stretching skin and muscle to accompany the nicely sized meal Logan was providing. He could feel his hard cock pressing against his smooth scales, thought he could hear a helpless, ecstatic sound that made him just slightly increase the pressure, the friction, thinking with a chuckle how the scent of horny, sweaty monkey would be pleasantly clinging to him for a good while.

But he was a bit distracted from the lewd sensation of feeling cum and fresh precum smear over his serpentine body as Logan's pits slid over his taste buds, over his tongue.

The poor boy was really sweating a lot. Salty, musky and masculine, the aroma was just too wonderful not to indulge, keeping him there for a good bit as he made sure to savor both nicely exposed pits. After all, it was one of the key reasons he loved swallowing his meals arms first...

His fingers worked themselves down Logan's back, a nice massage, loosening tense muscles, ever so often rewarding him with a spasm of apparent blissful arousal.

There was no reason to rush. He would show the monkey he appreciated the meal, both feeling and eating up the eye candy as it ever so slowly slid down into his waiting maw.

His forked tongue made it quite enjoyable to taste and play with the pierced nipples next. He wondered if Logan would remember his earlier teasing. They would be a nice souvenir when he was done with the boy, ready to join the collection. And in the meantime, they let him drive the poor Simian crazy with lust as the coils shifted and his right hand took hold of the stiff, throbbing cock, slowly and carefully teasing it, making sure not to make him spill too early. He wanted to taste him after all. Just as he was tasting his sweaty pecs and abs, fighting a losing battle against his ravenous hunger, soon letting his tongue find his way into the monkey's belly button.

He knew from experience that if he wanted Logan not to lose consciousness, he could not let him linger too long here, so, just a little more, so his head at least would be inside his stomach, where he had made sure to swallow some fresh air.

Stiff and drooling, he felt the monkey's cock brushing against his lips. The aroma was incredibly rich, salty sweat with that savory, always a bit "fishy" tang Gil could never resist.

And thus, resist he did not, snaking his tongue around the throbbing, painfully swollen treat, starting to lick up the rich flavor. The mix of a day of sweat from classes and exercise, the pent up aroma of arousal, precum mixing with perspiration, the healthy young male's manhood marinating in the wonderful flavor that formed the background to the powerful aroma of their recent love making and the fresh precum and impending second climax...

Yeah, it would have been so irksome to have to bother with seed collecting now, when all he wanted was to feel the savory sweet release run over his eagerly licking tongue...

His now free hands gave the monkey's muscular ass a few playful squeezes, feeling the motion of the tail as he finally grabbed him by his meaty thighs and pushed him in so his erection slid over his tongue...

Come for me, my dumb, tasty monkey, he would have loved to playfully tease, but all he could do was use his fingers to squeeze and massage, his coils to apply playful pressure around the still captured legs. He cupped the still amazingly full balls and worked them gently.

It was agonizingly slow, and painfully quick at the same time. Light was no longer a part of Logan's life, the muscled jock whining as the slicked flesh encompassed and swallowed him, his arms deep in that serpentine throat, the plushy muscled flesh within reminding him how oh so lovely it'll be to be fully wrapped in the warm flesh within. He whined, squirming in the bind, fully under the spell of his professor.

Part of him wished he could see his professor swallow a boy like him, jacking off to the sight of a handsome predator ending the life of a sweet prey, both of them as aroused as they were right now. He'd cum to the imagery for days and days, knowing that he'd eventually want his turn next. Unfortunately, his time was already up.

Down he went, listening to the gentle slops and squishes of lips passing down his body. He whimpered, feeling his body bend down into the gullet and esophagus, wondering what the caustic innards of this naga would be like on his supple body. Those lips were already tickling his cock, and he stiffened in delight as his dick was sampled and savored by the man he was giving his life to.

It was so sick, so twisted, but so exciting, feeling the amazing predator tease him, begging him to cum with his actions, and it wasn't much longer before the monkey pathetically writhed, fully under the power of those throat muscles as his cum sputtered and splatted against that greedy tongue, giving it exactly what he asked for. He slowly fell limp, whining over the sensitivity electrifying his body fully, allowing himself to be fully consumed as the warmth enveloped his thighs, soon only leaving delicate feet outside of those rugged jaws. He had no words, his body betraying him more and more with every passing moment as his cock remained erect, prodding the plushy walls within as he continued towards the hour of his own demise. He sputtered out, body slicked with slippery fluids, mouth full of it, "P-Professor...i-it feels so g-good..." He was spent with energy, over-stimulated and far too excited to be cradled in the fat coils of an apex predator.

The rich, savory aroma of the monkey's climax came in thick spurts, as the naga kept gently coaxing his nicely sized balls. Massaging them between his fingers, playing with the velvety fur covering them, a finger teasing the quivering anus.It all was just meat he would soon be digesting, there were no taboos, nothing he could or would not do to enjoy the final moments of a horny young male losing himself as he spilled his wild oats for a last time...

He waited until all he could taste was the spit slick skin of the still hard, throbbing shaft. Until nothing of the salty flavor remained, just the whimpering, quivering monkey.

He had not really been able to hear much of what he had been crying out beneath the layers of flesh, but, judging by the reaction, it seemed to be anything but last minute regrets. Good boy...

He took his time massaging the body, limp in post orgasmic stupor, as he worked him down, inch by inch, certain that there should be enough air to at best make Logan feel dizzy, pleasantly sleepy. Many prey, studies with volunteers who had been regurgitated after showed, would flicker in and out of consciousness, pretty much all of them became very pliant and simple to handle. A male right after a strong orgasm was a nice and easy meal. Logan proved no exception there. He thought he could make out soft sounds from inside, every now and then as he played with his muscular thighs, squeezed the well shaped calves. There was a good amount of nice, lean meat on the monkey for sure. The result of a healthy, active life. Reduced, as so many animals, to nothing but a build up of high grade protein...

The monkey would marinate in his upper belly for a bit, slicked up, the enzymes making sure he would digest well in the lower bowels, the place where full digestion would set in, a slow affair that would finally stew the by then well and dead monkey into a thick, meaty soup, breaking down even his bones before he would take the long journey through his intestines, where his body would take all he could of the ample feast he had been provided, slowly, until there would just be an admittedly rather unsightly mess left. But, even that would not be wasted, there would be many students, likely blissfully unaware, strolling through the luscious botanical gardens, so amply fertilized with the remains of their former peers carefully worked into the soil...

Gil let out a muffled groan of pleasure as he felt the monkey shifting in his belly, hands massaging the shapely bulge he was making, as his tongue licked over the helplessly twitching feet. He gave them a playful lick, tongue sliding between the toes, before finally, with a last, powerful swallow, Logan was firmly sealed away.

All that was left was for him to sink back on the bed of his own coils, get himself nice and cozy, and just enjoy his body doing the work. Likely, it would just take some more minutes until his stomach would react to the pressure and slowly squeeze his meal through the short connecting tube leading to the second stomach, where digestion would begin...

Gil slowly swallowed just a little bit of air, wanting to enjoy the slow squirms a bit more, but also wanting to make sure Logan would not suffer. He preferred to feel his meals slowly drifting away. Maybe sometimes aided by another release, if they were up for it. Many of his former students seemed to have their sex drive kick in rather violently in the slick, pliant chamber of flesh, so intimately rubbing against their naked bodies...

His hand wandering to his own cock, already starting to grow hard again, he wondered if Logan would be getting off another one, or, who knew, maybe more than one time before he would be nothing but monkey stew...

With every swallow that rippled down his sensitive body, the world was disappearing from him. The subtle thumps of footsteps outside his professor's office, the whirring of the ceiling fan above them, the gentle thrumming of the air conditioning pumping into the room, and even the murmurs of birds from outside the office window, all of it vanishing as he descended into the slicked tunnel of his superior's throat.

All that was left were the wet sloshes of his bodies sinking deeper, the vice of the serpent's muscles preventing any chance of returning or fighting his end. The rapid beating of his professor's heart vibrating his form only excited him more, despite the fatigue of his demise setting in with every passing second. He couldn't speak, only able to writhe within the flesh, barely making dents throughout the scales that he slowly was deposited into.

His orgasm came and went, painting the innards with cum, and as oxygen from the outside only got thinner as he slipped deeper towards digestion, he grew rigid again. Logan was always a little kinky, having had a few tops in the past choke him to completion as they emptied their balls into his colon, but this was a new level, the monkey's soft breathing sputtering and limiting more and more until his cock spilled a second load along the first stomach's lining, on his way to the dangerous insides that he's imagined so many nights throughout his student-ship.

He struggled softly, whimpering here and there, but all of it was futile, and all of it was welcomed on his end. Bliss flooded him, nuzzling into the velvety flesh that cradled him. He was going, and as his body finally gave out, a smile was left on his face, giving to the handsome Gil what his mind had already decided, it seemed, when he joined the class in the first place.

Welcome home, little monkey.~

Gil just lay there, panting, head pressed against the shapely bulge as it slowly worked itself down to its final destination. Logan had been very feisty behind his distended abs. Now that part of the air was forced up as he moved down, Gil could taste it, rich and musky salt, lingering on his taste buds, all too fleetingly. He stroked over the barely moving body, along where he ever so faintly could feel the rigidity of the still erect cock, as he pressed his own against that bulge, feeling heated, the ecstatic sensation mixing with the languid satiation of a delightful meal. By the time he recovered from the aching, hot orgasm, there was no more movement. Logan was slipping away, right into the final sleep he would never awaken from, his heartbeat slowing, until that, too, was all gone.

It had been soothing, listening to it. Spent and very sated, it was very easy to join him. Gil slowly drifted off, as he fondled the shapely outline of the former student turned meat...

Thus, he would never notice the door to his office softly closing, the widened eyes that had followed the act of predation, the potent aroma of horny buck lost in the mingling scents of passing students. Only much later would Gil realize, with some chagrin, that he had missed another scheduled meeting with one of his students. Ivan, a deer, poly-sci major and unbeknownst to him, a friend of Logan, sharing many of the monkey's interests, including a massive fascination with predation. His eyes would fall on the buck, who was sitting next to Logan's now empty seat, only knowing half of why he was so flustered as he, just like the others, looked at the still visible bulge in the snake's serpentine body. And listened to the firm reminder of what, based on university statutes, would happen with students failing badly enough. It would only be early in the next year, by the time that hoarfrost was coating the plants, which had grown so healthily from their new, well fertilized bed and two shiny gold bars, hardly marred by their trip through a naga's intestines had been added to the little box Gil would be showing off to his students during his comparative anatomy class on digestion, that finally, he would be seeing the young buck at his office and hear the whole story.

It was one of the advantages cervines had. They'd often get an extra grace period to turn things around, until the antlers would come off, that was...

Not that it saved them, or Ivan in particular from ending up as food at around the same rate as male monkeys did...

Gil could only wonder if Logan, still a fond, tasty memory, would have enjoyed knowing that his friend would provide a nice, warming meal, to help him through January cold, as much as the monkey had so nicely fueled him during the lusty summer heat...

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