The Legend of Kamau - The Legend Ends
**_The Legend of Kamau - The Legend Ends_ ** The tight leather string dug into Kamau's wrists, binding his arms behind his back, the heavy weights attached to his ankles making his gait a labored shuffle. Sweat was drenching the jaguar's...
Hexes and Heroes Profiles and Supplemental
Temples and shrines are believed to be the ruins of the ancient civilization's places of worship. castles are the most dangerous of the ruins.
Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 1
Within this new era, we shall all benefit from the secrets of an ancient civilization and with that, create a lasting era of peace and prosperity.
Chronicles of the Borderline: Chapter XIV
Had the ancient civilization that both rukj and loki spoke of only been composed of mere humans like him? and, if so, why were the legends told that it had to become extinct?
Thorell Dallen
Over the western sea, there are tales of ruins of ancient civilizations, long since fallen, littering the earth, that land is a forgotten but foreboding reminder of something even more dark that lays there and something else also upon it.
Angel of Death
One fateful day, in minnesota, she as attacked by a harpy, sent by zeus, attacked her in the ancient civilizations exhibit. her combat instincts kicked in, and she retaliated with a bronze scythe. celestial bronze.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Prologue
Traces may still be found of these ancient civilizations, and stories of those that may still exist are told in hushed voices to willing listeners over their beverage of choice.
Tangled Vines - Prologue
The thought of being on a world with an ancient civilization whose people were tall, nocturnal, possessed incredible psi abilities, and were decidedly scary looking, made him nervous.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2
As humarans multiplied and reclaimed more of the world, restoring small portions of ancient civilization and technology, the old ways of squabbling, hording and wars resurfaced.
Revelations - The Setting
In ancient civilizations, species closely dictated social status, and still do in many of the southern and eastern asian cultures.
A Warrior's Path(FFX Ronso TF)
Part of shohei's fascination with ancient civilizations was in their warriors and styles of combat.
The Secret of Sex Jellies 1
"oh, uh, tik tik here look for ancient civilization. maybe learn lots things about it, yes? "oh, ancient, huh? i don't know about that.