Melting (Sexual) Tension During an Arctic Storm

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Well here's my next story a bit more vanilla then the last hope you all like it.

Once again special thanks to for being the editor and assistant smut-smith for my work.

It had been about a month since Lyle Jenings and Max Charter, two researchers on a long mission, had been sent out to a lonely station just inside the Arctic Circle. Lyle was a Gila Monster of a light athletic build who just recently got his doctorate in engineering, he'd come here to develop a heating harness for extremely cold environments. His colleague was an osprey whose physique was best described as a working man, with him being an expert in arctic paleontology as a light contrast to his appearance. Unlike Lyle he had come looking for new species and fossils revealed by the receding ice of the arctic, going out day after day to find even the smallest of specimens to take back and catalog.

At least that had been the case until today, when a seasonal snow storm blew up all of a sudden, keeping them both stuck in their base. They weren't cramped by any means: the base was a tall two story igloo-like structure with the first floor designed as a work area, Lyle's workstation on one side and Max's on the other. Both workstations were built in, and curved out from the adjacent walls, lockers and a bench occupied the area next to the exit and entry hatch and in the center a spiral staircase led up to the living quarters on the second floor.

Despite the place being designed for four or even five people, when it came to the only two occupants currently within it, it felt more stuffy and cramped than it appeared, as the building was stuffed up to the gills with an odd tension between Max and Lyle.

At the beginning of their stint, their partnership had started off well, very well in fact, the two finding each other very pleasant company quickly. They learned that they had some common interests, one being a shared love of fishing and hiking though rarely could Lyle join in the latter. They would talk for long stretches of time, brewing and drinking coffee in the morning like they were at a cafe, drinking hot chocolate during late nights, playing board and video games, even into the wee hours of the morning occasionally.

However, things began to change about halfway through the first month. It all started during one of their chats when they both admitted to being bisexual, nothing big at first until they both started to see each other as maybe more than just good friends. Then things came to a head when Lyle asked for help with fitting his heating harness. Max had been largely focused on a recent saber tooth skull he found and was not paying attention to what Lyle was doing. Looking up he saw Lyle nearly nude struggling with his heating harness which appeared to be his only real clothing aside from his underwear. Blushing so much he might work as a better heat harness, Max approached to render aid to the struggling Gila and Lyle directed him to fasten the straps that went around his large tail. Doing the task with his eyes closed was not an option, so Max tried not to look too much, but found himself drawn to gaze at his friend's supple ass. Feeling him fastening the buckle Lyle turned to thank him only to see Max's blushing face and something bumping him in his crotch and upon looking down he saw a nice bulge in Max's pants rubbing into his groin stirring his own shaft. Now blushing as well, Lyle quickly thanked him, returning to testing his harness while Max went back to his fossil, muttering a half-hearted acknowledgement, which meant that, like Lyle, he too had some less than proper thoughts about the whole series of events.

That had happened a week ago and in that week they began to talk less and less, both looked like they wanted to say something, but neither had the heart to do so. Both thought the same thing, they did not want to ruin what they had, and neither realized that their silence and indecisiveness was doing just that.

Thus, the two residents of the station found themselves in a sort of self-inflicted tense silence, quietly working on their projects while the majority of their thoughts were consumed by each other, no matter how deeply they focused. Even with Lyle completing his harness he could not bring himself to utter a single syllable to Max in fear of saying something wrong, there was a storm raging outside and in both of their heads. However, both of these storms briefly cleared when a series of resounding knocks came from the front door, making both Max and Lyle jump up in shock at the noise. It was a heavy sort of snowstorm and the station was so far from anything, who, or what, could even venture outside in this sort of weather?

Cautiously they both approached the door with Max taking the lead: he looked through the viewport and saw amongst the growing drifts of snow gathering around the station a figure, tall and imposing. The figure was dressed in what appeared to be an Inuit parka and breeches, the hood blocked his view of their face but he could see a light shivering going up the figure's body. Clearly the parka was not doing much to help the mysterious stranger. Looking to Lyle for confirmation, he received a swift nod as an answer and thus Max unlatched the door and pulled it open. After cracking the door open barely an inch, a blast of cold wind blew into the station and the mysterious figure a moment later. With effort Lyle and Max pushed against the wind to shut the door, quickly helped by their new guest. Once the entrance was sealed, all three sighed in relief, two shivering much more and one slowly warming up already.

Stepping back from the door the three occupant began appraising one another: the two researchers were in henleys and cargo pants, standing about 6'3", and the mysterious stranger was in a fur lined embroidered leather coat and pants, a whopping 7 1/2 feet tall, a behemoth of a person. Reaching up the figure drew back their hood revealing the rugged yet beautiful visage of a female orca, some light scars adorning her mouth. Looking at her new hosts the orca smiled in gratitude.

"Thanks guys, I can take the cold better than most, but a storm like that? would give even me a run for my money!" Her voice was like a melodic waterfall, bassy yet undeniably feminine. She pulled her snow goggles up to her brow revealing her evergreen tinted eyes. "Heh, and now I can clearly see I have not just two hosts, but two very handsome hosts to boot." The two males blushed lightly at her comment, recovering quickly Lyle took the lead on introductions.

"Uhm, well... I am Lyle Jenings and this is my colleague Max Charter." The Gila gestured to himself and the Osprey before offering their hands for a shake. Grasping one hand and then the other in her gloved grip the Orca smiled at the two. Her shake was like a vice, the hydraulic kind meant to crush steel and slag, all condensed in a gigantic hand that could probably cup a watermelon with ease.

"I am Ally Pietrowicz, bush pilot extraordinaire." She said, giving a dramatic mock bow to the two males. Looking at her outerwear Max couldn't help but ask, finding her clothes rather peculiar and uncommon for her kind.

"So where did you get the coat and pants if you're not Inuit?" Ally looked down at her fine yet rugged clothes.

"Hh these?" She said, shaking off the frost and snow collected on it, "They were a gift from an inuit family. I helped track a feral polar bear down when they hit a rough patch in finding game, they kept the meat..." She waved her hand in front of her "...and gave me the coat. Speaking of which... you boys mind if I slip out of my very cold and soaked outfit?" She gestured down to her coat, "I want to let them dry and I need to warm up, and like this I won't be able to do much of either." Ally said, already moving to undo the first of the jacket's toggles without even waiting for them to reply.

"Oh yes, please do get comfortable as you see fit, Miss Pietrowicz." Max said, prompting her to start undoing toggles even more casually and with each one that was undone, her coat began to slacken showing more of her physique to the two as well as more skin than either of them were expecting. Lyle, however, did not miss a beat and continued.

"Definitely, feel free to make yourself at home, Max is right, this is as much our home as yours for as long as you neeeee..." The rest of Lyle's statement quickly died in his throat upon seeing what lay beneath her coat.

Ally let her coat slide down her sculpted arms and caught the collar in one hand. Letting her large slightly saggy breasts, both capped with black large coin sized areolas and pliant ink pen nipples, sway free of confinement and consequently giving the two males an eyeful of boob. A lot of boob, maybe even too much if there was such a thing as too much boob to stare at. Turning to hang up her coat in the unoccupied locker showed the two her back with her dorsal fin taking up the majority of it, a jet black thing with a few nicks in it, just below it was a large claw scar on her lower back that disappeared beneath her pants. She then hooked her fingers into the waist of the pants before bending over pulling them down to her boots in one swift motion, clearly unashamed that her tits were swinging beneath her like heavy pendulums of soft goodness.

Yet Max and Lyle's eyes did not follow her pants or the swaying mounds, but rather stayed focused on her perky hindquarters: they saw her luscious sculpted cheeks speckled with drops of condensation with light wisps of steam coming off her body, and her now exposed tail fin raised in a enticingly lewd way, they also saw that the claw scar ended right above her left butt cheek. Right below her cheeks where her taint should have been was her pussy, the tips of her labia were black and slowly shifted to a fleshy pink as it went deeper. Yet to make everything so much more... juicy, ahead of her pussy could be seen the back of two huge swinging orbs, fat and heavy and slick with sweat and perspiration. After she stepped out of her pants and hung them up in the locker alongside her coat, she pivoted on the spot to face the two entranced males, thus exposing her fully nude front to the two, her soda can sized sheath bouncing due to the force of the movement and her pendulous softball sized testes were equally as eye drawing, swaying just below. Despite the fact that she was fully naked from the neck down, it became clear that she did not intend to remove her knee high lace up snow boots nor the now exposed thigh holster with a beast of a revolver in it. Stretching Ally lets out a relaxed sigh, arching her back and giving them even more of an eyeful of all that she had bolted to her front.

"AAaaaaah.... that's better! Thanks guys, I really hope you didn't mind the show..." She said with a cavalier smirk. Looking to the two entranced males her smirk curved into a lecherous grin as she saw their obvious arousal through the bulges in their trousers, chuckling lightly Ally snapped her fingers to snap them out of their daze.

"Ah...well...that is more comfortable then I was expecting Ally." Max says as the first to recover his speech, clacking his beak in nervous arousal unaware of the throbbing bulge in his pants. Coughing to get his breath back Lyle continued. "Ahem... so...ah... you always dress so casually Ally?" She chuckled at the question lightly caressing one of her tits with the same casualness as one might scratch an itch on their face, making her huge breasts sway. "Even in such cold weather?" he added, his mouth suddenly feeling dry.

"Yeah, of course! I'm an orca, resisting cold is what we are built for, so unless there is a storm out why wear anything that isn't necessary?" She said as she pulled her gun out to check it and wipe it down. The monster of a weapon would have been big in their hands, but in her's the .45-70 revolver looked as comfortably held as a small pistol. "So what about you two? I can't imagine your dicks are comfortable being erect and stuffed into those pants of yours." She said, gesturing with her free hand to the two aroused males that only now realized that they were sporting quite the pair of pitched tents. "Why not get as comfortable as me? Let 'Ole Ally see what she has for some stimulating entertainment in this station." After saying that she swore she saw both bulges throb. However, they didn't do it while looking at her but at each other. "Unless you two are in a closed relationship? If that is the case don't worry about it, you can frolic about without me. I'll be jacking off quietly in whatever room I can stay for the time being." Looking back to the orca, the osprey and gila stammered out that they were not in a relationship, their voices overlapping as a myriad of excuses flooded the station.

Max muttered... "N-no....we are not in a relationship..." He looked at Lyle with a bitterly hopeful expression "R... right?"

Lyle softly replied. "No we ar..." He paused, his cock so stiff it might have blown a hole in his pants and then sighed. "You know what? Fuck it." Lyle turned to face Max and marched up to him, grabbed him by his shoulders and said: "I wanted to do this for a long time." right before he placed his mouth to Max's beak.

Surprise washed over Max's face then slowly melted into a look of love and fulfilled desire, meeting Lyle's passionate kiss with his own. It grew slowly more heated as Lyle's forked tongue slid out into Max's beak and began wrestling with his tapered tongue in a slick, lusty dance. Finally needing air the two broke apart panting for breath yet looking relieved. Ally smiled and quietly pawed at her sheath as she watched repressed feelings turn reciprocated right before her eyes in real time.

"Huff, huff, god that was great, huff huff" Lyle said, Max equally out of breath said "huff...huff...yeah that was wonderful, just wish we had done it sooner...huff." Looking up Lyle agreed

"Yeah... I was just scared of losing what we had, or making it awkward if you didn't feel the same." Smiling cheekily the osprey nodded back.

"Same for me: I was scared you were weirded out by me getting an erection staring at your ass." The two looked down between themselves seeing their pants tents rubbing lewdly against each other, their make out session making the already aroused genitals begin to leak pre through their pants. "I think we can both agree we found it hot, '' Lyle surmised.

Then the two males' focus was drawn back to the other side of the room from a lewd squelching sound. Looking to the source Max and Lyle saw Alley, her tapered whale cock partially free of its sheath and slick with arousal being gently jerked by its sexually deviant owner.

"Well if you two weren't in a relationship before, then I'd say you're in one now." She said without missing a beat on the teasing of her cock.

Looking at each other the two males blushed at her statement. "Well... you're not wrong about that." Lyle admitted sheepishly. Ally smirked, still jerking her orca pride as it was getting fatter, thicker and bigger.

"As you can see your little show was rather hot to watch..." She punctuated the statement with a powerful downward stroke on her cock causing a fat dollop of precum to form at the tip and slide down the now erect ten inches, letting it break over her fingers using it to slick up her already shimmering pole. "But that doesn't make you two any less of a cute couple." Ally said in a sincere and genuine tone, Max and Lyle sharing a blush and loving look at each other at her statement. "So, you boys want to ring in this new relationship in the most lewd way possible or are you the sort that prefers a more private romp?" She said, her lusty smirk quickly returning before quickly growing serious again. "If you two want some alone time then just point me to the bathroom and I will leave you to it." The two males looked to each other for confirmation and then smiled, sheepishly at first then with growing arousal.

"We did say we were both bisexual right?" Lyle questioned and Max responded.

"Indeed, I don't see why we shouldn't thank this lewd orca for breaking the frozen tension between us right?" a lust filled look grew across his face that soon spread to Lyle.

Standing up still with her boots on Ally moved across to the newly minted couple, her assets bobbing and jiggling with every step "well in that case I would be happy to help you fuck the remaning tension out." Her prehensile cock reached out to wrap around the two males bulges squeezing them together in a debauched group hug as her tits squished over their heads. Her slick and gushing shaft thoroughly soaked the crotches of their pants and as she started jerking them off with her unbelievably dexterous cock only made them gush more in reply. Looking around the first floor Ally noticed that this was a workspace. "But I would hate for us to mess up your workstations, so should we take this to your living quarters "Agreed?" Blushing from her groping, Lyle and Max quickly agreed and moved up the stairs, leading her to their private quarters.

The living quarters were a cozy and comfortable affair, it had the same floor plan as the one below just with curved walls that moved into a slate gray dome that was 15 feet at its highest point. The area toward the back wall of the station was a full kitchen, designed with gray cabinets in a very utilitarian style. Directly across on the opposite wall was a locker room styled shower with glass wrap around walls, that three maybe four people could comfortably use at the sametime. Oddly the walls were covered by old sheets blocking the inside from being viewed by anyone outside. To the right of the staircase was a livingroom set up, with a moderately sized television, two bean bag chairs, and a couch all on top of a round orange carpet. To the left of the staircase were the sleeping quarters, a simple set up with two twin sized beds with a nightstand for each.

The three moved into the second floor, Lyle pulling off his henley exposing his lean musculature to Ally and Max moving over and pulling down the sheets covering the shower walls. "Guess we won't be needing the privacy for showers anymore, right Max?" Max chuckled, taking off his own henley, showing off his modest hiker's physique, fluffing out his feathers before smoothing them flat.

Meanwhile, Ally waited by the railing around the staircase, watching the two disrobe, filling the room with the scent of salt, fish, cum and musk, creating a hot aroma perfect for setting the growing sexual mood, watching the two newly minted lovebirds parade around each other. Having pulled the sheets down, Lyle piled them along with his shirt in a corner for later, on the opposite side of the room Max tossed Lyle his shirt before pushing their beds together, making one wide enough for a couple... or a threesome. Ally looked at the two males as they worked in sync, their cocks hard and leaking still trapped in their pants, though neither looked at the other, both quiet. Deciding there had been more than enough prep for a threesome, she figured that another tension breaker was needed.

"So... who's going to unwrap their package first?" Her voice made both males stop their work to look at their lustful companion then to each other blushing in embarrassment at their indecisiveness.

Lyle shuffled up in front of Max, and asked in a breathy voice: "May....?" While reaching for the osprey's waist, Max only nodded and that was just enough.

The lizard knelt, bringing his eyes level with the twitching, wet tent in Max's pants. He quickly popped the button then slowly pulled both the pants and underwear down, gradually exposing a most erect osprey pole. Right after the waist band passed over the crown of the osprey cock it sprung up, finally freed, slinging a line of pre up Lyle's neck and across his face before plopping down right on his scaled muzzle with a resounding plap. Eight inches of osprey fuck meat now rested on his snout, his notriles filled with the smell of sharp avian arousal. His tongue lashed out subconsciously as he huffed, licking Max's balls and rising towards the underside of his cock. Max lost control briefly squirting another line of pre across Lyle's obsidian and orange scaled head and then landed down his back. The taste drove the Gila's erection to nearly break his pants button as it gave a big throb of arousal.

Looking up sheepishly, Lyle asked: "As hot as this is, perhaps we should get you fully out of these clothes before we make more of a mess of each other?" Max looked down and nodded in agreement, his cock even harder now that he had felt a tongue tease his flesh after so many months of dreaming about it.

Max stepped out of his pants and flicked them to the improvised 'to to be washed' pile, he then helped Lyle to his feet guiding him to the beds and sat him down. Dropping down and spreading the Gila's legs in one fluid motion, Max deftly unbuttoned the other males' pants and drew them down much quicker than Lyle did with his, releasing the Gila's big, fat, sweaty, hooded, and scale-covered cock. Having fully removed Lyle's pants, Max tossed them in the direction of the rest of their clothes.

Looking at the cock in lust and awe Max uttered softly: "Just as I imagined you to be... beautiful..." he then took a long lick of his own from balls to crown punctuating it by saying "... and so unbelievably sexy..." Another lick. "... and tasty..."

Before either of them knew it, Max felt a thick substance land across his back and he looked up to see, in addition to his line of pre on the Gila's face and neck there was now a thick streak of pearl-like cum that went from his groin to his neck. Lyle looked up from Max and the osprey turned his head to look behind him seeing their guest with her own sheepish grin with a large amount of cum dribbling from her cock.

"Sorry guys, but I couldn't hold it in any longer... it was just too hot to see." Glancing at each other the two smiled at each other.

"You are our guest, and we owe you much, so please, come over here and let us share what little we have..." Max said, beckoning the lewd orca over.

Smirking, Ally spun on her heel, bending herself over the railing lifting her tail up and over, exposing her leaking snatch and supple tailhole. "Or... you boys could come over here and fill my poor empty holes with those sexy dicks?" The two males didn't need much more convincing, rising up and moving over to the needy orca. "They do so need a nice pair of thick cocks after much loneliness. A girl's fingers and toys can only do so much in the empty ice sheets."

Taking a position behind her sleek black cheeks, Max rubbed his cock on her winking asshole, smearing it with his precum while Lyle got down and began kissing and lapping down the length of her cock before slowly licking his way to her balls. He licked and sucked on them to a polished shine, before moving to the fat and soft roll of her sheath, lapping the interior cleaning it of her residual cum and pre. He then moved down the length leaving long licks and suckling kisses down its squirming length. When he reached the tip his menstrations were rewarded with a squirt of fresh potent orca cum into his mouth filling it with the flavors of salty cocksweat, fish and cum. He then found himself french kissing Ally's cockhead, feeling it twist around his tongue pulling him further down its length filling his mouth with her baby batter all the while wrestling with him, making him drink down as much as he could.

Behind the two of them, Max had slicked up her hole enough and pushed forth with ease, hilting into the orca who helped change his life for the better. "Ahhhhaa... you feel really good Ally. Safe to say you've taken a few dicks back here before, haven't you

"Huff...huff...augh yeah...ooooohh...not the first time I have had a cock up my keister... huff... lost count actually of how many have been up there...oh god Lyle if you haven't done this before your a natural." Looking back once more expectantly she continued. "So you want to keep asking about how much sex I have had or you want to make me gush all over your boyfriend by fucking my ass as hard as you can?" She said, bouncing her taunt jiggly butt.

Needing no further prompting Max pulled his cock back to till the very tip was still in her hungry tailhole, then he slammed his hips forward, creating a resounding clap that echoed into the room. That first lecherous clap was soon joined by a cacophony of lewd slaps, claps, with the occasional lurid groan and moan of near bestial breeding. The osprey pounded Ally's toned, muscular orca ass like a man possessed by a demon, desperate to cum and fill the slutty hole with his ball batter, her gripping walls drawing him deeper, practically massaging his cock with the expertise of a masseuse, driving them both closer to the edge with each thrust. Before he realized it, his balls were plapping against her flushed and sopping wet pussy, feeling a sudden wetness hit them: looking down he saw that Ally had cum from his anal stimulation, her pussy gushing all over his sack and crotch like a broken tap. He saw her swaying gonads throbbing, pumping cum down her shaft and more than likely into the waiting maw of his new boyfriend. With that final image he hilted inside and dumped a bowl filling orgasm into the lusty orca, howling and mewling as his own sack surged and crammed her rump full of thick ropes of seed.

Coming out from under Ally, Lyle bared a very messy mouth and face full of cum. He stepped right up to Max and pulled him into a deep kiss, while reaching down to milk the last of his boyfriend's cum into Ally's rump. Pulling apart from the kiss with cummy strands of saliva still connecting their mouths Lyle smirked.

"I wanna try something... Are you up for it, Ally?" The orca with the osprey penis still logged in her backside turned her head towards him and responded with a grin.

"I am up for anything you two can dish out, what have you got in mind?" The Gila then looked to his osprey lover for confirmation and got back yet another grin as response that only made him more eager to try out his idea.

Lyle moved to help Alley up from her bent over position before guiding her, with Max finally pulled out of her now slightly gaped and cum splattered pucker, to the beds. The two males hoisted her into their arms, with no small amount of effort since she was so big and heavy, cradling her in their shared embrace.

Looking at his lover Lyle asked: "You want her ass again or you want to pump her pussy full now?"

Chuckling Max looked at the orca in his arms and replied back: "I think her sexy butt needs a bit more probing and filling, she did ask for it after all..."

With that said the Gila placed his smooth scaled cock at the entrance of her sweltering and slick flower, the osprey placing his fuck meat at her yielding moist ass. In two alternated thrusts they penetrated their respective holes, pre flowed freely down her tapered shaft as it waved and undulated enticingly in front of their faces. Both males smiled lustfully and moved to kiss the deliciously lewd pole, meeting in the middle they found their faces quickly coated in pre and saliva as they frenched, licked, sucked, and kissed Ally's dexterous-yet-rigid shaft and each other. All the while they were plowing up into her holes like pistons in an engine, the room filled with the sounds of lewd slurps, smacks, slaps, and moans. Cum old and new, male and female squelched out, dripped, and splattered all over the three lovers as they stained the beds below in a debauched mess.

None of them could hold on for much longer being driven to a second orgasm like a freight train. Popping off the tip of Ally's cock Max moaned. "Ugh, I can't hold out much longer Lyle... she's got a vice grip and I'm going to blow soon...''

Max wheezed back to him, steeling his resolve as much as he could as he withstood both her walls and the feeling of his boyfriend's fat cock rubbing against his shaft through her flesh. "Me neither Max... huff...huff, how about you Ally?"

Looking down at the supports of her living sex throne she found herself perched upon, the Orca smiled lustfully. "If you two don't cum with me soon I might be a little pissed, ooooooh... fuck yeahhahhaha!!!!" She said half chuckling and half moaning at the top of her lungs.

With three sequential thrusts, Max then Lyle then Max once again, the two males hilted in the cum hungry orca, their rumps clenched, toes and talons curled in orgasm, taint swelling and twitching as balls churned and pumped. Ally let out a whistling call as she filled the two males' mouths with her salty jizz, both of them alternating between drinking and lapping at the cum shooting forth from her shaft, sharing it between themselves and all over her flesh and their torsos all the while their cocks filled her holes full of cum. A lot of cum, truly a surprising amount from each male, enough to fill a small bucket. Ally's holes convulsed, milking the two dicks for everything they were worth. This lasted for a solid minute and by the end of it each of them had slightly distended bellies from the spunk that now laid inside each of them, and below the excess out flow made a sizable cum stain on the bed and a small cum puddle on the floor.

Pulling out, cum flowed out of Ally in a gush of fluids, they gently brought her down to the edge of the bed, letting her sit and rest. Looking at each other, coated in each other's and Ally's sexual fluids Max and Lyle could not help themselves, embracing each other in all their messy glory and began to kiss each other with passion. This lasted but a couple of minutes before they parted, feeling something grip their cocks. Looking down they caught Ally as she licked their poles, her hands cupping their balls, muzzle coated in spunk and pre and cocksweat.

She licked her lips and looked up at them. "You guys haven't lived, till you tasted your own ass and pussy on someone else's' cock." She said before diving down and lewdly slurping first Max's cock clean even lashing his balls with her fat tongue for good measure then moved to Lyle's.

After she cleaned their cocks, they retired to their now cum stained and moist bed, basking in the afterglow of their debauchery, lightly dozing until noticing the wind died down outside and could no longer hear the snow hitting the walls. Getting up and walking down the stairs the three peered out the view port. Seeing the calm tundra of the arctic circle stretch before them, Lyle opened the door: a cool breeze flowed through, though it was bearable for the two of them, if not comfortable to Ally. Lyle, however, still felt a shiver.

Somehow, the shiver reminded him of something and with cum still dripping from his cock he rushed over to his workstation. "That reminds me, Max, I had meant to tell you I finished my heat harness!" He said with excitement.

"Really? That's great Lyle, that means you can go outside with me for longer, right?"

Laughing with glee, Lyle responded: "You bet, hey you mind helping me get that tail buckle again?"

"Sure thing, you sexy lizard." Bending down and quickly buckling the offending strap Max gave Lyle's butt cheek a quick lick, scooping up a streak of cum still on it. "There you go, how's it feel?"

After pressing the power button, the Gila instantly felt a rush of warmth surge through him, making the cold rushing through the open door nothing but a memory even as mostly naked as he was, thanks to the harness. "It feels great, perfect even," Looking at Max eyes full of love, he added: "Just like you..." And once again the two lovers were embracing each other in a hug, cocks frotting, mouths open and tongues wrestling openly and loudly.

Clearing her throat, Ally suddenly announced her departure. "Since the storm's let up, that means I am back on the clock, deliveries to make and all that." She said with a bit of remorse.

"Oh... really? We thought you'd stay longer... we are sorry to see you go so soon but we understand. Work is work." Max said,

Lyle piped up immediately after. "Yeah, you were a lot of fun." He sighed but immediately he snapped his fingers. "Before you go... take this..." He rushed over to his workbench, grabbed pen and paper and scribbled down some numbers and handed them to her as she strapped her gun back onto her thigh. "Here's our numbers. Drop us a message whenever you feel like, that way we can meet up after we leave here."

Smiling and hugging the excitable Gila monster into her prodigious bosom, Ally stashed the paper between her glazed tits. "I will, Lyle, thank you." Letting go of him, she grabbed her now dry coat and pants from the locker laying them across her arm. "You boy want to see me off?" Both nodded, of course.

Ally walked out the door still covered in a fair amount of sexual fluids and nothing but her holster and boots on out into the rocks and snow of the tundra, nipples stiff as diamond drill tips, her ass and pussy leaking onto the snow beneath. She was followed closely by the two, now comfortable in their own skins and the cold. Outside there was a modified Grumman Catalina, a sturdy airplane for a sturdy pilot. She opened the door, put on her coat and pants in the plane before pulling out a shovel to clear the snow from her wheels and wings. Only then did she notice, no longer hidden by harsh winds and abundant snow, that there was a number painted on the station's walls.

"Hold on a second... you guys are station 489?" Lyle gave her a thumbs up. "Well... I'll be damned... I got a delivery for you." She opened the door and let them see the full cargo hold, crammed with containers and metal storage boxes, one boldly labeled 'Seminal Fluids Storage'. In a few moments, she pulled out a 4x4 crate and a clipboard. "Here's this month's supplies for you guys. Just sign here and we'll have a proper goodbye." Looking at the top of the paper they saw the name 'Tail Raisin Transport INC'. Both signed at the bottom of the page of the clipboard she handed them. "And here's my number. You boys keep in touch or else I'll have to come back and smack some politeness in your heads, ya hear?"

In the small amount of time that had taken them to read and sign, she'd already started the engine of the plane. One moment she was grabbing the pen and clipboard, the next she was revving the engines and flying up into the northern sky. Looking back at each other after waving goodbye, they moved back into the station, dragging the supply crate in with them.

"So we're keeping the beds together from now on, correct?" Lyle said.

Nodding in agreement Max replied: "Yep, and you better expect me to wake you up sucking that cock of yours every morning."

Laughing Lyle agreed. "If I don't do that myself... I think some of Ally's personality rubbed off on us." The two kissed with such passion and fervor they fell to the ground, landing on the rug behind the front door as a foot slammed it shut. "And I love that."

My New Assignment Came with Alien Fuckbuddies

Captain Cutter had been asked to do many things and go many places in his time in the UNSC, from being present on battlefields to boardrooms, to advanced recon and desk work. He had thought he had seen it all, and done it all, that was until the...

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