Settling in

Story by shadow_panther_pj on SoFurry

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#6 of Shadow of Light

Disclaimer: This is my story, so please don't steal it. PJ (me) Shadow (my duel personality) are mine, if you want to use them ask me first. Ignitus (aka Cresselia) and all related characters belong to me and my mate. If you want to use her character ask me. All other characters portray my friends and belong to me or other furs as noted;ask them if you can use them. Feel free to use any characters in your art, just give credit were credit is due. Any resemblances of any kind are coincidental. I did not steal any details and the characters based on actual people are either requested my me or them and used with their direct consent. Ok legal stuff out of the way, please rate and comment. But no flamers please, I enjoy CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. WARNING: THIS CONTAINS YIFF! (oh no's!!!) DO NOT READIF YOU ARE UNDER AGE OR FORBIDEN FROM READING THIS STUFF. IF YOU DO AND YOU AINT ALLOWED TO IT AINT MY FAULT IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE. BY READING THIS STORY PAST THIS DISCLAMER YOU WAVE YOUR RIGHT TO BE SQUICKED.Thank you and please enjoy.


Settling in


Darkness all arround, nothing but darkness. My fur is ruffled by strong winds, but i dont feel it push me. 'I'm falling' i think, eyes wide in terror as i realise i can't move. A small light in the distance flickers, becoming brighter and brighter. A ball of fire envelopes me from no where, i feel it burn my flesh until a skeleton hits the bottom of the deep place.


I wake up the next day to find Cress beside me fast asleep on her side facing me, looking very comfortable. I just lay there, admiring her beauty. After a while she starts to wake up and I give her a soft kiss. "Good morning, Cress. How did you sleep?" I say.

"Wonderful," she replies.

"Good," I say, smelling something intoxicating. "Had a good dream I assume,"

"Very good,"

"Care to share it with me?"

"Sure, I dreamed about last night in the shower," she says, her eyes turning hot pink, a hint of need in her voice.

"How about a little treat for my beautiful mate?" I ask seductively.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" she asks.

"Sit up and close your eyes, it's a surprise," I say. As she sits up I move between her legs and start gently licking her pink-scailed breasts, stopping every once in a while to switch breasts and suck her nipples. Hearing her moan I start slowly making my way down her body to her pussy, slowly licking around the edge, noticing that her pussy is somewhat swollen and soaking wet.

"Oh gods," she moans as I slowly lick her tight slit, licking a little harder until her lips part a little around my toung. Her pussy quivers around my toung as I lap up her sweet juices, lightly brushing her clit. She moans and arches her back a little as I slowly twirl my toung around her clit.

"Oh, PJ I'm gonna cum," she says as she puts both paws on the back of my head. I suck her clit lightly and rub it with my toung.

"Oh, PJ!" she moans as she cums, pushing my muzzle against her pussy and bucking her hips as she floods my muzzle. I lap up as much of her sweet nectar as I can, prolonging her orgasm. After a while her juices stop gushing. Not giving her any time to rest I start licking around her very tight entrance. Not wanting to keep her waiting I lick deep inside her, licking at a furious pace as her juices start to flow again. Delving even deeper I lick every inch of her tight pussy, looking for her g-spot. Her walls quiver as she moans louder and louder, pushing my muzzle against her big, tight pussy. Holding my breath I push my muzzle into her pussy, my toung furiously lapping up her juices.

"Yes, oh gods, AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" she screams as she cums, bucking her hips against my muzzle as her walls clench down on my muzzle and flood it a second time with her sweet nectar. Pulling my muzzle out of her pussy I take a deep breath and suck her gushing opening, pinching and rolling her clit with my fingers as I suck all the juices from her.

Suddenly the door opens and Aaron walks in "Cress, PJ time for..." he says, making me freeze up. Meanwhile Cress, still bucking her hips in the throws of a third earth-shattering orgasm, is unaware of anything that is happening. "School starts in a half hour," he says, taking one last glance before walking out of the room.

"Cress, time to get ready for school," I say as she starts to snap out of it.

"Ok," she says, getting out of bed and steadying herself against the wall, her pussy still dripping. Getting out of bed I put on a white t-shirt with a red skulls design and blue jeans while Cress puts on a blue sleeveless top and an oriental type dress (basically panties with two rectangular pieces of cloth going to her knees, one in front and one in back), both with a cool oriental design.

Just as we finish we hear the bus pull up in front of the house. "First one on the bus is on top tonight!" I say, running through the house to be the first one on the bus. But, to my disappointment, Cress is already in our seat.

"What took you so long?" She asks teasingly.

"How did you get down so fast?" I answered her with a question of my own.

"I glided out the window," she answers plainly, her eyes turning bright green.

"No fair," I playfully reply as I sit beside her.

A few stops later Mike gets on and sits in the seat next to us, something I didn't expect because his grandmother works at the school and usually takes him.

"Hay Mike, why are you riding the bus?" I inquire.

"I heard about what happened to your parents and I decided I was going to sit with you today. But seeing as I can't I have to sit here. How you doing?" He asks, obviously not noticing the bandage on my head or the lack of fur on my back.

"Well, since you don't see the bandage on my head or the lack of fur on my back, I'm fine," I sarcastically reply.

"Dude, I don't see any bandage on your head. And I

don't see anything but fur on your back," he says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Here," Cress says, pulling a small mirror out of her bag and giving it to me.

"Wow," I say as I look at my reflection.

"See, no bandage, and you still have all your fur," Mike says.

"What?" I say, feeling my back.

"See, now if you're done it's our stop," Mike says as

the bus pulls up in front of the school.

"Where did you here about my parents any way?" I ask Mike as we get off the bus.

"It was all over the news, there's no way I couldn't have heard about it," he replies as we head for the cafeteria.

"Wow, I guess a lot of people heard about it," Cress says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask as we enter the cafeteria. I get my answer when everyone gets up and crowds around us, asking all kinds of questions.

"Did your parents really get killed?" asks a fairly insensitive otter.

"Did you really save Ignitus?"

"Actually my name is Cress," Cress says.

"How did you beat Viny so easily yesterday?"

"Did Cress yiff you for saving her?"

"Uh..." thankfully Zach arrives before I could answer that question.

"Alright, that's enough!" Zach shouts, dispersing the crowd.

"Thanks, I owe you one," I say as we take a seat at our usual table.

"No problem, it's the least I could do after knocking you out yesterday," he replies, taking a seat between me and Mike.

"Thanks for helping me out yesterday, Zach," Cress says, taking a seat beside me.

"It was nothing. Besides I couldn't let you have all the fun,"

"Well, I'm gonna get something to eat," Mike says.

"Ooh, can you get me something too," Cress says.

"Sure, you want something Zach?"

"Sure, why not,"

"What about you, PJ?"

"No thanks, I already had plenty to 'eat'," I say, getting a blush from Cress. Moments later Mike returns with everyone's food. No one says a word until the bell rings for everyone to go to class.


Secret Alkida research facility, location unknown


(Translated into English)

"Sir, we have made an astonishing breakthrough!" a middle-eastern dragon scientist says to his supervisor.

"What is it? Speak or I'll have your toung," his supervisor barks.

"Sir, we have found a way to open a hole between the dimensions! The machine is prepped and ready,"

"Good, this will show those infidel swine. Activate it at once!"

"Yes sir," says the dragon.

Moments later he arrives at his laboratory, a dozen other scientists at computer terminals. At the center of the room is a device with four vertical, inward curving arms with several nodes placed along the inside. A rod stands in the middle with a ball of some substance on top of it.

"Activate the device!" the dragon says, going to an unoccupied terminal and typing away. Electricity arcs from the nodes to the substance, making it begin to glow and eventually ignite. As it does it expands, and after it reaches three meters in diameter it suddenly collapses, then explodes like a super nova slamming the scientists into their terminals. In the wake of the explosion there is what looks like a glowing white ball two meters in diameter.

"We have done it!" says one scientist.

"Wait, we are getting a strange reading from the d-hole," says another as the edges of the ball start to fluctuate and it turns black. Just as everyone started to relax a little, hundreds of tendrils explode from the sphere and impails everyone as a black mist floods the building and turning everyone inside into huge, grotesque monsters. Within minutes it floods the entire city, its inhabitants sharing a similar fate. Eventually it stops its spread after engulfing fifteen more cities and transforming countless citizens.

Back at the lab several creatures emerge from the dimensional rift.




School just ended and everyone was headed home. Me, Mike, Zach, and Cress were in the courtyard in front of the school when my marks suddenly start to burn like someone had poured acid on them. The pain makes me collapse and scream in agony.

"PJ!" Cress shouts, worry dominating her expression.


I don't know, it feels a bit rushed and sloppy, meh I'll let you guys decide. Hope y'all like it. Please comment/criticize as usual any feedback is more than welcome.


Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro...

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New Love

Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro...

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New Relations

Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro...

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