Judging a Book

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#5 of Summoning

Hold on to something, thirteen pages of story, sex and sodomy mixed together for your enjoyment.

"And so I would like to hire you Doctor Frizard, I have a large private library of tomes and need them put in order and categorised." the woman in front of me said. She was dressed in a smart business suit that spoke of money and power, but her voice, everything about her, didn't fit. I would say I smelt a rat, but it wasn't rodentine, it was more muskalid. Perhaps she was just eccentric enough to have a pet skunk, that would certainly fit a rich grown-up-kid who just doesn't know where to spend the money they have.

"You do understand I am more than just a librarian Ms Howarth, if all you want is your books arranged I could suggest some of my students but-" I was saying just as she cut in.

"With all due respect to your students, I need more than a librarian, I need someone who will cross reference these things. Most of these are the only copies of the books left in the world, it would be a shame to have them sit in musty boxes for the rest of their days. And please, call me Mary" she said.

"Well, Mary, your collection certainly intrigues me. I tell you what, I will come out and have a brief look over the tomes and see if they are worth the time, if they are you can back pay me, if not, well, no harm done right?" I offered.

Her face lit up in a sunny smile, "That would be most agreeable Doctor." she finished, making her own way out.

Her business card was on the table still.

Mary Howarth

Public Relations and Human Resources

The New Potential, pty ltd

On the day I had agreed to attend to her collection I dialled the number on the back.

"The New Potential, how may we serve?" a perky sounding receptionist said from the other end.

I mumbled a little, "This is Doctor Frizard, I have an appointment today and I bel-" I started and was cut off by the efficient receptionist.

"Oh the book doctor for Mary's little task, yes if you could just come on over to the main compound at" she called out an address that I forgot as soon as she said, luckily I had been writing it down.

I thanked her and hung up, making my way out to the car I grabbed my GPS, this was not a part of town I was familiar with.

Following the little units directions I found myself in the suburbs, new and near new houses all over the place. Smack dab in the middle of it though, taking up a full block, was The New Potential compound, the most prominent building that reached past the eighteen foot high fence was a very lovely looking apartment building, unusual simply because such things never got approval to be built in these areas.

Going around to the main gate I was admitted after giving my name and was issued a visitor pass.

When I entered the front door I heard the voice of the very perky receptionist, nattering away, but something about her made my eyes and ears ache. Eventually I had her attention and she pointed me toward a door.

Stuck to the door was a note:


Please excuse my absence, but when needs must. I will be back in a few hours, if you find the task agreeable we shall speak then. Inside is a modest library waiting to be read and catalogued.

Whether you chose to go ahead with the task or not, you have my gratitude for at least taking an interest.

The books should be attended to in the order I have noted.


I took the note down and opened the door. Inside was indeed a nice library that could hold what would amount to a few thousand books.

And there in the middle of the floor area, stacked in boxes, were indeed, thousands of books, the first box of which had little sticky noted numbers on them.

Closing the door behind me I walked to the prominent box and lifted out the first book, realising at once that the title was not written in English. As I looked at it though, the words almost seemed to twist, making sense. 'Practical Daemonology' was the title and opening the stiff bound tomb I saw there was no author listed, it just went straight into the details. I began to read it, my mind making all sorts of excuses and pushing aside the fact that up till then, I could only read English.

"Ahh Doctor." a female voice said from the door, startling me from my reading. Lifting my head, my neck sore I saw Ms Howarth walking into the room, "I am guessing by your continued presence that you find these books interesting?" she asked.

Truth be told I was absolutely engrossed in them, I had studied such things as an undergrad but had never found anything this detailed. "If they are all to the quality of this one I would actually be very interested in doing this job, I would even consider waiving my fee if you would allow me to take notes and write a paper about this." I said, feeling my eyes being drawn back the page I had just left.

"Oh come now, I wouldn't dream of it. Of course you can take as many notes as you wish, and still have your payment, but I would ask you not to release your notes until you have finished." she told me and I felt myself nodding.

"That sounds amenable." I agreed.

She stood up from the slightly seated position she had assumed on a table, "Excellent, let Felicity at reception know if you need anything, she is authorised to handle most things. Now I must excuse myself, my day is not done yet and by the way, good Doctor, you keep glancing down at that book, neither is yours." she said with the half smile any person in any field gets when looking at a long Friday afternoon of work.

I didn't hear her leave, my nose was already back in the book, it really was fascinating stuff.


After the first two books had been read, catalogued and referenced I got an idea, put it forward to the always happy Felicity who told me, "Mary said you could have whatever you want, just get me an invoice and I will get you a cheque." startling me, no organisation could possibly operate like this, I was an outside contractor wanting to order thousands of dollars of equipment and they just agreed...

Before the week was out a computer with a rapid book scanning system was installed and ready to work and before the next week was done I had the whole lot on the computer.

Turning that off, I set about just getting them on the shelves and within a few more days was done there.

Going back to the computer I began reading and cataloguing, a task made difficult because the program that was used couldn't translate them.

By the fifth book I was getting quite a pile of notes going, cross referencing the titles, the chapters and even the names, some of which had to be abbreviated due to the limitations of the software.

Mary came in just as I closed the file on book six, "Hard at work I see, glad to know our investment is being well looked after." she surprised me by saying, eager as I was to get the next book up.

"Of course." I told her, making the effort to turn away from the screen and the next page of text, "These really are quite fascinating, and to think there are over two thousand of these here? All about summoning daemons and using this magic they can grant you."

Her only reply was a smile and a nod.

I sighed, I had been thinking about this for a while, but I decided to put it on the table and see what she thought, "Its going to be a bigger task than I thought, this may take many years, it would become my life's work..." I trailed off.

"You came highly recommended and I see those recommendations were correct, you seem to understand the extent of what I have asked you to do. You can continue to draw a wage for as long as you work here, on this. If you need an assistant we can provide one, unless you have someone in mind, who will likewise be paid for their time. Doctor Frizard, would you like to work for the company?" she said, answering the main question I had about this.

"Like to? Like to? You hand me the most amazing discovery of occult books in generations, tell me you will pay me to work on it... would I like to?" I stepped up and reached for her hand, shaking it, "Of course I would like to." I grinned like an idiot, no more being cooped up teaching students whose only thought is how to pass so they can get their useless degree. Of course there had been exceptions from the rule, Stacy, she had actually enjoyed this particular type of literature as well, "Mary," I began, now very mindful of the fact she did not like being addressed by her last name, "I do have someone in mind for an assistant, would you mind if I approached them? To feel out the waters so to speak."

"That would be fine, in fact..." she drew a book from her jacket and handed it to me, "give them that, she will love it." she handed me a book, a copy of the first one I had picked up and I nodded.

Heading out to my car later, book under my arm, I suddenly felt there was something about the conversation I had missed. Going over and over it in my mind yielded nothing however so I let it rest, if somewhat fitfully, and concentrated on driving home.


The next day I came to work a little late, I had contacted my former student about her interest in 'a book', which I then dropped off to her. Settling down I continued working.

Not a week later a very excited Stacy called me, "That book its... its amazing!" she told me.

I smiled, she really had liked the occult, "What are you doing with yourself now?" I asked, trying to work out if I could impose.

"Ugh, I am flipping burgers two days a week and working at the library the other three, why?" she replied.

I couldn't help but laugh inside, "Well I have a job you might be interested in." I began but was cut off by someone yelling at her that 'your break is over, get back to work'.

"Is it to do with that book?" she asked, but before I could answer she continued, "Because if it is, the answer is yes."

"I haven't told you where it is, what it is, or how much it pays." I told her and waited for an answer. When none immediately came I tried again, "Stacy?" I asked a bit louder.

"Yeah, sorry." she said, "Look, are you serious Doctor Frizard?" she asked me.

"Yes, its a paying job, full time work, we would be cataloguing and referencing about three thousand books in a private library." I said and realised, by the muted sounds, that the phone had left her ear again.

"Fuck you, fuck this job, fuck your fucking burgers, I quit!" I heard her yell quite clearly. "Sorry about that, just freeing up my schedule." she said, phone once again pressed to her head, "So where am I driving to, the rest of the day suddenly seems rather open."

I gave her the address, laughing as I hung up the phone.

Heading out to the front desk, I told the still oddly disturbing Felicity that Stacy would be arriving soon. Even as I was telling her she pressed a button and was notifying the front gate security to let the girl in.

Not ten minutes passed before the door creaked open and Stacy came in, eyes wide at all the books, the one I had been allowed to lend her held slackly in her hand.

"All this? You mean we have to read and sort ALL THIS?" she said, her voice rising in pitch and volume with each word.

I laughed, "Yup, we are getting paid, and paid well I might add, for a literary students wet dream." I confirmed for her.

"How many of them? How many do we have to do?" she begged, already picking up a book at random, flicking through it.

Grinning, "I have done nine so far, the time to sort them is increasing with each book, due to adding new entries. The first few, I was able to pretty much make new references for everything I found, now, I have to cross check, link up, and-" I began explaining, but stopped at her rapturous look, "Yes, we have about three thousand books to sort, this will take, at my current rough estimate, about twenty years or so." I finished for her.

"Show me how you are doing it." she told me, and I complied.

Working together meant about a thirty percent speed increase, it would be more but to keep things perfect we each read the others book and double checked their work.

Within a month we had close to twenty books done and linked. You could for instance search on a particular daemons name and find out all the information on it, its preferences, its dislikes. Stacy had been an amazing help for this, having studied computer programming as an elective, she worked on a simple interface that would let a user find everything they needed in seconds.

Which of course was good, Mary had asked us to give a presentation of our work to the board of directors, and we had offered them the library as a venue for the meeting so we could show them what we intended.

At one little terminal was a computer with a large touch screen and a link back to our database, we demonstrated how searches could be made, how some things can be put together. One member of the board had been attending via a video link, a laptop carried by his 'aid', at the end, after all our work was shown, it was this partner, who had been silent for the whole presentation, the screen only showing a silhouette, who finally asked through the laptop's speakers in an odd accent, "How long before you finish this?"

This was the nasty one, at first we had projected fifteen to twenty years, but the level of detail had risen the deeper we delved into the library, "Sir, at present estimate this will take longer than my lifetime, but I will be happy to-" I started but was cut off by a guttural sound from the conference computer.

"How many years?" the voice all but growled.

"Eighty years, with the two of us, eighty years." I said suddenly, knowing that effectively, despite Mary being the one who hired us, this voice belonged to the person who signed our pay cheques.

"Very well." the voice concluded and with that, the meeting was over and all but Mary filed out.

Stacy gasped as they left, "Wow that was tense." she said, "Although it is a shame we will never finish this, these are the most amazing of books."

Distracted so easily, the young woman was back to her work, pouring through the next manuscript, typing furiously as she went. Despite all the digitisation she preferred to read the actual books.

Mary gave a chuckle at the girls antics, "You have been following the order they were boxed in?" she said, more statement than question.

"Of course, you did ask me to do that so I am continuing." I told her.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door and a person came in and handed Mary a note. Reading it and passing it back to the person, she turned to me as they left, "The chairman was impressed with the work, he has invited you to this evenings entertainments, has even said you two will be the guests of honour." she told me, and I could see the news surprised her as much as it did me.

Knowing this would be a requirement, I didn't refuse, "Of course we will be there." I told her, trying to work out what had her so distracted.

Mary had left after assuring us that our impression on the board had been very good, leaving us to our task and wondering what the evening would bring.

All too soon six pm rolled around the clock and I said, "Ok, lets finish this up, we have this evening to get ready for."

Stacy just glanced over the top of the big book she was reading, "What?" was her reply.

Bringing my hand to my face, "Stacy, Mary told us we were invited by the director of the company to dinner, we are required to attend."

Suddenly, the real world finally took her attention from her book, "But, what will we wear?" she asked.

I laughed, replying, "Its fine, they expect us to work and come to a dinner, then we can't be held accountable for wearing work clothes." she nodded reluctantly.

We packed up, and left the room, making our way to the front counter. "Felicity, where is the dinner being held tonight?" I asked receptionist, somehow, it didn't surprise me to find her still working.

"That would be conference room one." she said, "Go to the lift and press B2, it will open onto it."

I nodded politely, still unnerved by her for no good reason I could think of. Despite that, she always returned my smiles, she really seemed to enjoy her job.

Following her directions, the lift opened and showed us something quite different to what we had expected. The room was more natural cave, huge vaulting ceilings that could barely be seen in the light, which seemed to only illuminate to about the ten foot mark and then stop.

"Ahh, you made it!" Mary called, wandering over to us. "Its quite the sight isn't it? Would you believe we are nearly a hundred feet underground? These caves were found when they were putting in the footings and we couldn't resist but to use them. Please, find a seat, this will all be starting as soon as everyone arrives."

Taking seats that had our backs to the lift, we talked quietly. Suddenly Mary's voice announced, "We are all here, lets get this show started!"

Turning we witnessed all hell break loose, literally. All the board members present, even Mary, seemed to stretch and grow obscenely, becoming not unlike the beasts and daemons we had seen in the books. "Stacy." I said quietly, not moving a muscle, "I think we are in some deep shit."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her nod. I spied then, looking over all the other half-man half-beasts, a single huge hound like beast standing on all fours, easily five foot tall at the shoulder, caught my attention. I watched as all the others turn to it and drop to one knee, even the huge and very male half skunk half lion that Mary had become.

The beast paced over to us, "My wonderful employees," it began, and I recognised the voice as the one from the conference, the chairman, "I have brought you tonight, at the Masters own will, to make of you such that your task no longer overburdens your mortality, the Master will not appear tonight, he is busy exacting a certain amount of revenge on some errant children of his, none the less he will send minions who can, for a price, appease our need."

The voice was distracting at first, but as he started describing his master, realisation dawned.

"The books." I said, "The books are real, they are guides, manuals..."

Showing a lot of teeth the beast seemed to be smiling, "Yes, your work is very important, what you are doing, with that database, will help us train summoners to a much greater degree than any... others." it said back and I noted a particular smugness in the last word.

Stacy was dead quiet, eyes wide, taking it all in.

"So what does this entail then? Are we to be sacrifices..." I pondered.

"You will be sacrifices, but you will share the burden, others here have put themselves forward for the demons ministrations, to ensure your work continues unimpeded by such things as mortality." it told us. "Now come, your willingness will speak well for you in this."

Resigned to this, knowing I would have no chance to leave, I made to get up and follow the creature, only to find Stacy leaning down, already on her feet, to help me rise, "Come on, we don't want to leave them waiting, its bad if they are left waiting." she reminded me, as we both well knew from the texts.

I watched as Mary served as focus for the ritual, brining forth the power to summon daemons into our world.

Wide eyed I was rooted in place beside Stacy, watching as the creature the business woman had become chanted those familiar words, known to us because we had read them several times, her pitch rising with each recanting.

Suddenly it... they, arrived.

"Ahh my sister, the Lord was right, he has indeed obtained a new flock of summoners and look, they have brought a meal!" the male daemon of the pair said, gesturing to Stacy and me.

They were both built quite similar, almost human looking figures, covered in a soft looking brown fur that showed off in a few places that they had reptilian scales underneath. Both of them, however, had what looked like a bats head, wide almost pig like up-turned nose sat on the end of their short muzzles, as they spoke a hint of very sharp teeth could be seen.

"You are correct my brother, but first we must have the formalities out of the way." she turned to face Mary, "What are your terms summoner?"

The lion-skunk smiled and I could hear a slight purr coming from it, "Those morsels are yours for the night, do not kill them or main them, and leave their minds alone, for two hundred years of life each, and no aging. They are not of the blood, so no magic will be required, but they must have fingers on their hands." she said and I realised she was in the bargaining phase.

It was fascinating from a strictly scientific viewpoint, and that was how I had to view this, if I actually let what I was feeling out I would run screaming.

The male daemon laughed loudly, "You ask that? Even with our Lords word, we would not stoop to that level. Fifty years each, by your terms, for the two of them, that is all." he replied.

"The time granted is not on the table here, they will have two hundred years, neither is their treatment open to dispute, I will add myself to the payment, under similar agreement and" she paused and indicated behind her, where the lift was opening and showing two more big beasts restraining a third and leading them over to us, "you get to have your way completely with this one, anything you wish to do, up to and including taking his heartbeat, yours." she finished.

The female daemon looked at the new arrival, licking her lips, "He is one the Lord has made, but his soul carries a mark of displeasure, what say you Avatar, is this allowed by Him?" she asked, turning her head in our direction.

The hound, still with us, answered, "He is a part of a heretical group, they who turned their backs on the Master, you will have him to do what you will, and He would like you to end the wretches life and send his soul on to hell."

Laughing the daemoness turned back, "That is now much more amenable and we find ourselves in agreement with this. Brother..." she said.

Feeling the heat and pressure mix I had come to assume was magic I saw them perform the ritual of the contract, adding their blood and awaiting Mary to do the same. Once completed, the contract disappearing, they paced out of the circle, the male making his way straight for the restrained beast.

I wanted to watch, to see what he would do to the thing, but at that moment a peculiar scent reached me, moments before the origin of it did. "Ahh my little play things, which of you would like to feel my love first?" the female daemon asked, voice low and sultry.

Opening my mouth, I was about to say 'me' when a voice to my side said, "Me first, please."

Almost spinning I saw it was Stacy, offering herself first.

"Oh by the Darkest of Ones, to be asked so sweetly, I could do nothing short of obliging. Come my dear, my Lord has already blessed this place with just what I need." it said, breath soft, seductive, leaving no doubt that what it planned would leave you screaming.

Leading her off to a raised dais, an alter to... my mind clicked, I knew suddenly the name of the daemon who was their master, I knew on the scale of power he was very high up but also that he gained that power by actually playing fair. I said the first syllable of his name and a furred digit pressed to my lips.

Looking up I saw it was Mary, "Don't say his name, it would be disrespectful here and now, but you do know him don't you? Perhaps better than myself, although that will change as more of your work is done. It was quite a shift for the old Master to learn that there were so many non summoners in the world now, he had planned to have them made into pets for us, but he soon realised his error with his Avatar." she gestured at the chairman, the huge quadrupedal beast, "You two are among the first of a new order, you are welcome within his flock not for some latent power you may or may not have been born with, but for your actions, your choices in life. Something he has found even more sweet than mere defilement of a person is having them serve him willingly, completely comfortable in his dominion over them and willing to work for what he will grant them. In short he appreciates the effort of your work." she explained.

"What are you telling this one about the Lord?" a masculine voice beside us asked and I turned, seeing the male daemon standing, his member erect and rampant, still dripping with his seed and not a little bit of blood. Noticing my look he laughed, "That other poor thing, it is not protected by the contract, I am allowed to do to it as I please, and I am not a very nice daemon, downright nasty some have said. Regardless, I am under contract to treat you well and more, I gave my Lord my word that his two newest pets would be brought over to his court safely, and a being of my word I am."

He paced around then, walking behind me. I couldn't move, I was like a deer in headlights, even as his claws reached under my clothing at my neck and ripped downward, I did nothing but stood still.

Standing naked now, eyes locked on a very impassive looking Mary, I felt the daemon lean in against me, his member pressed against the small of my back, his broad muscles against my shoulder-blades and something in my mind told me, 'this feels good, he SMELLS good.'

The longer he held there, not moving, just making his presence known, the more my reason faded, replaced by need. With a gasp I realised what the being was behind me, "Incubus." I said softly, so softly Mary would not hear, but the daemon did, he nodded mutely against my neck, pressing his tongue to my flesh, making me gasp.

"You know my kind, we are famed for pleasure and being able to incite that pleasure in others, but know that I am a throwback, I enjoy giving pain just as much, but for tonight, for you, pleasure will be the rule." he said and I moaned softly as his teeth worked at my ear.

Turning, letting myself be guided by him, I pressed my front against him, it was every bit as wonderful as it had felt at my back, but more so. Our lips met and I felt a fire pour into me along with his tongue, causing my erection to build and press against his own.

Pulling back I walked quickly to the table nearby and laid myself over it, on my back, legs spread wide and pulled upward.

"Such a wonderful little being, I think I must offer myself to the Lord's work more often." he said, pacing over and pressing his member against my rear.

I cried out when he pressed a bit harder, his seed and other fluids easing the way as he pushed in and in, filling my rear, making my back arch at the ecstasy of it.

"Deeper, please." I gasped and saw a gleam of white as the daemon smiled.

Obliging my request he brought his hips forward, pushing himself in deeper and deeper, even as I felt his member leaking more juice within me.

Drawing back, and pulling a long gasp from me he paused, his rod barely within my anus, before he crashed forward, driving any breath from my lungs and any thoughts from my mind.

As his hips started to cycle, I found myself whimpering out in pleasure, even as he drove himself deeper and deeper with each thrust, forcing me to hold on to the table or be pushed away from him.

I felt a pressure building in my groin, it was similar to a normal orgasms rise, but somehow different, I didn't care though, at this point in time it was just him, me and a whole lot of friction making us both feel good.

Snarling suddenly, the incubus gripped my thighs, grinding harder and harder, causing me to reach my end just as he started pumping his seed into me. My bowels were swelling with the volume, I didn't know if I could hold it all within me, but I wanted to, for him.

"With my seed know that you will change, becoming our perfect mate." the incubus intoned.

The pressure from before returned and I felt things within me moving around even as a light covering of fur prickled over my skin.

He pulled out of me suddenly, leaving my rear gaping at the loss of his girth, "Be still, sister is coming over, its your turn with her." he told me, patting my thigh as one might a good dog.

Still getting myself under some semblance of control I heard that sultry voice again, "Oh, brother is done with this little play thing? Then it is my turn."

I looked up at the daemoness then, and started to shake with growing realisation, if he was an incubus, then she was... "Sucubus." I said out loud, finishing the thought.

"Oh, it is good to be popular, I swear half the stories never capture my good side." she said, making light of the ominous title.

I grinned then, I couldn't help it, I was already at her mercy, anything further I do will only affect the depth of the shit I am in. "With due respect, most of them were from the victims point of view, well, those that survived." I said and drew a chuckle from her.

"For what its worth little mortal, you and your friend there" she gestured at Stacy, laid out on the alter still, being taken by the incubus, "will be the first of your kind to witness our lusts in nearly thirty centuries, so most of those stories are either untrue or merely so old they have lost the facts." she stated matter of factly.

Sighing I said, "You have an interesting outlook on our literature, it would be interesting to compare notes on it some time." I said, getting a laugh from the daemoness.

"The first being in my life that didn't look at my form and instantly think all I wanted to do was fuck and you're a mortal." she smiled saying this, "No matter, I will reward you for your insight." she said, folding herself over the table and wriggling her rear. "Your reward." she cooed to me.

I would like to say I resisted then, raced to the door, overpowered the guards and got free, but this was a succubus, the demonic incarnation of the perfect female. And she was practised in her art.

Leaning forward, pressing myself to her entrance, I whimpered as her petals opened, granting the way for my maleness to penetrate her depths. Grunting like an animal I began to thrust into her, not being able to restrain myself in the least. "Mmm a good start little pet, but I want MORE from you."

At her emphasised word I felt her tunnel grow tighter even as I realised I was feeling more of it, she had increased my size with but one word.

Rising to her command I bucked hard and as deep as I could, hearing her delighted moans, a symphony of pleasant noises inspiring me to greater excess.

With a growl and two last hard shoves I reached my climax, feeling my hips, out of control, hammering into her still I let go of every restraint I had and just let myself fuck.

Something was wrong, though I had finished, apparently she had not. And it appeared that if she had not, the sex was not over.

Gasping and whimpering, my rod so sensitive it felt on fire, she said, "You will not find your ultimate relief until you have serviced me little pet, and although you are good, you need to be a little bigger before that will be possible."

I felt myself grow larger again, her tunnel now a tight gripping path that seemed to go on forever, clutching and gripping at my length.

Again and again I came, and found no respite, she was merciless, it was eventually Mary who saved me,

Drawing up behind me, pressing her member against my rear, she angled lower than I thought she needed and suddenly found a part of me I hadn't had before tonight.

Sliding deeper into this new tunnel, just behind my balls I felt every inch of the large leonine member and found my thrusting motions invariably pushed me back onto that large invading rod.

The first thrusts from the beast behind me lit a new fire within, one I had never felt before but welcomed with open arms as that large prick pushed into my newly formed mating tunnel.

Again and again, it pumped in me, even as I pumped into the daemoness, now quite vocal in her appreciation of my efforts. I was lost on a sea of pleasure, lost, and loving it.

There was a moaning scream, it dug deep into the soul and forced primal things to respond, it rose louder and louder, drowning out my own gasping whines. With sudden realisation it hit me, the succubus was about to climax. Before the thought was done processing she was there, and she dragged me along with her.

The whole world turned to fuzz as she drew something from me, something I knew I needed to live, she pulled it from me even as I gave it gladly. In my mind her voice said softly, "But I promised, and you will need this." she did something then to it, even as my body was gasping for its life.

Thrusting it back into me, I screamed and my hips bucked again, painting more of her insides with my seed in sudden release.

Laying there, bent over the creature, I felt different, she had tainted something within me, tainted it forever and at the moment I just couldn't care.

Slowly the rest of the world started to return and the feel of the lion-like barbs scratching my inner depths drew whimpers from my voice even as I realised my body was almost at another peak.

Harder and faster Mary thrust, fanning the fire growing within me until with a sudden growling roar she came into me tipping me over the edge once more, causing me to feel my first female climax.

Like being immersed in lava my whole body was suddenly hotter than a furnace, I was burning with the release and knew that all I wanted was more. Whining and moaning around the large maleness embedded in me, I felt flashbacks of pleasure each time Mary jerked her hips until at last she withdrew from me, even as I did the succubus.

He was walking past us then, the incubus, calling to his sister, "Oh dear, are you done yet? We have an obligation to fulfil over there, one we have put off for too long."

I was barely able to stand, it felt like I was split in half to about my stomach, so much seed leaked from both my holes, dribbled from my still somehow erect cock that I wondered that we were not all dehydrated.

The daemoness rose to her feet smoothly, reaching down to pet at my still rigid shaft she whispered, "If you ever need a fuck again, get someone to summon me, I am sure we can find something you will want in trade."

I nodded to her, eager all at once to please her by doing just that.

"Doctor, Doctor Frizard." Stacy's voice said then, growing stronger as she neared, "Paul, how are you?" she asked, now in front of me.

Smiling, still standing somewhat bow legged I replied, "Pretty good actually, how about you?"

It was then I noticed her, really noticed, she looked like a slightly smaller version of the succubus, fur, scales and head, but, to my surprise, sporting a large penis.

"I feel great, that was the best sex I have ever had." she looked a little embarrassed all of a sudden, "I think we are a little more than human now." she reached down, indicating her cock, lifting it, showing she still was female as well.

My eyes kept snapping up to her breasts, much heavier than they were they were none the less supporting themselves very well and making me want her with an ache that I could not suppress.

She reached out for my... paw, 'I have paws now.' my brain registered, leading me over to the alter. Placing a gentle hand on my back she pushed me forward over its rocky but smooth surface. "Do you want this?" she asked, pressing her tip against my waiting flower.

I gasped, the touch of her against me lighting fires my mind could not keep track of let alone ignore, instead I managed to whimper out a soft, "Yes, please." begging her for it.

With one smooth motion she drove forward, her hips driving her rod deep, as deep as I had been in the succubus.

Crying out again and again, timed to her thrusts I was taken by so much pleasure I could not bear it, but at the same time I could not bear not to have it, luckily it was not me in control, as at the moment I had absolutely none.

At some point, after my body had found one release and was building toward its second the daemoness walked into my field of view, "Little pets, you seem to have found your fun, even as my brother and I found ours, our night is over, fare well little ones, until your death brings you to our embrace for eternity." I noticed the blood then, she was covered from the neck down in it. I was suddenly very happy that I was on her good side, these were not beings you wanted annoyed at you.

My climax hit hard, taking all rational thought again, leaving me a beast rutting happily with its chosen mate.

I woke slowly the next morning, the feeling of someone wrapped around my member still partly responsible for the pleasure I still felt. The other part was due to the large shaft still buried within me.

"Ahh my little kitten is awake, hold still." Mary's voice behind me said.

She drew back then, pulling her rod from my hole, leaving me feeling warm but slightly empty. When I performed the same routine on Stacy she sighed happily, turning at last and pressing her muzzle against mine, her breasts suddenly sandwiched against my flat chest.

Rising Mary showed us to some refreshments, brought down for those of us spending the night.

"Well, you have your years, the Master is very happy, his daemons did his bidding and brought him back a well tormented soul for him to play with." Mary said, letting her 'business woman' illusion flow down over her.

With a start I realised I could see through it easily now, in fact something inside me told me I could do a lot of different things now. "Its the succubus' work." Stacy said, "The book I am reading at the moment mentioned that they could, having removed the soul of their victim, taint and return it, granting them some of the powers of a succubus. Some even postulated that when the beings time came to die and enter the Pit that they would become a succubus." she looked down at herself, "This could be a more interesting existence than I previously thought."

Laughing at her phrasing of the thought we rode the lift up and asked at reception if there was anywhere to get some clothes, ours having been torn.

It was there that I learned just why Felicity had always made me feel odd. Sitting there at the counter was a three headed hound, a headset slung over each head, carrying on three completely different phone conversations at once. The nearest one nodded and finished its call, "Some clothes have been put in the library for you, if you would like I can also arrange accommodation for the pair of you here." she said.

"That would be good, two rooms, anywhere close will do." I replied.

"Make that one room." Stacy contradicted, making me turn to her in time to catch another kiss on the muzzle, "You got me my dream job, now I will give you some good dreams Paul." she said, drawing back only long enough for the words before pushing me bodily against the wall and making it known just who was in charge.

As I gave in, feeling her large member press against my entrance I dimly heard Felicity begin another call, "We will need a janitor to the front desk in about a half hours time." she told someone and rested one head onto her paws, watching as Stacy took me, making me scream in bliss.

My muse came to me again, after a day spent idling, doing all of nothing, when my stereo (left on shuffle) brought up some Arkona, in particular Na Moey Zemle and my muse took up the banner, finding the Russian lyrics to be very chant like (I know its a folk story, but it just made my muse click).

Look them up if you like your metal filled with hot Russian chicks filled with a fire and love for their home land and its music.

*looks down*

Damn thats a lot of tags :3

Wasteland Saviour - The Becoming - ch4

Finally agreed on the list, just as Fox had written it, we made to leave only to be stopped by an old man wearing some kind of toga. Fox laughed and stepped forward, gripping forearms with him while my mouth gaped a little, "He... he is not......

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Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3

"... and that's all I can remember." I told the people surrounding me at their 'debriefing'. "Quite an amazing story Kitten." the one called Crystal said, "I am glad you and... uh, your Mother could get these people out safely, I dread to...

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Smouldering Embers

Well, its not exactly mindless yiff, but still, bring on the plants! Oh, and while I understand some might QQ over this not being marked bestiality, Flinta's brother can talk, so that raises him at least to 'non anthro' in my books. Enjoy! * *...

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