Chapter 6: First time

Story by Dave-8ball on SoFurry

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#6 of Freindly Group

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Damn it seems so long since I started theses! Well I guess it was but still. Anyway here is a follow up to Chapter 4, Finally. So hope it lives up to expectations see any grammar problems etc do say so in a comment. All I ask is that you bear in mind I haven't written anything in ages so I may be a little rusty. As always, all characters used are mine yadda yadda, not allowed to use them without my permission, legislation etc etc If found doing so you will be reported.

Important: You should know by now but to anyone new, if your under 18, are opposed to Gay relations and my own general bad grammar then piss off. Otherwise stay and happy fapping.


Dave walked hand in hand with Tiger down the road, the spring sun setting behind them, though it was coming into spring the nights still came reasonably early though this didn't bother the pair in the slightest. The only real affect it would have would be on others seeing two orange tinted tigers both obviously male walking hand in hand with the cliché romantic setting behind them as they walked.

The walk itself was only 5 minutes at most though the two were so lost within their own thoughts they managed to miss it and walk a few doors ahead, sharing the silent embarrassment they turned and quickly walked back to the house. Tiger opened the door for Dave, who appreciably nodded his head a little and walked in. The inside of the house was basic for a middle class lifestyle, the occasional luxury item here or there. The scheme must have been cream and chocolate brown, in a retro sort of way. Two double leather sofa's were angled towards the center of the room under which lay a retro circle patterned rug between the sofa's was a glass table curved again in such a way it had probably been sat in an attic somewhere for the past 20 years. The rest of the attire was typically suited to the room nothing seeming out of place not even the 36" Panasonic TV that mounted on the wall.

Dave smiled as he looked around the room, he had to say Tiger's bro was a good designer. He turned and was nose to nose with Tiger he flinched a little but soon relaxed again in the short time he'd taken looking about the room the other boy had sneaked up on him, He leant forwards lightly and kissed him softly "So, what we doing then?" he asked his ears flickering about for any signs of life in the house save for himself and his new boyfriend.

Tiger looked past Dave, while the other tiger had been looking about, Tiger had been sniffing about, and other than Dave's alluring scent there was just old ones left from the morning, no one else had yet got home, he smiled a little to the fact and after being asked he replied not with words but with the deepest kiss the two had yet shared. Placing his paw on the back of Dave's head and pulling him close tilting his head a little and slipping his rough feline tongue past the others silky lips.

The kiss they shared was euphoric to both of them, during the tongue wrestle they pressed their bodies up against one another softly grinding back and forth lightly and tentatively, they were both nervous and totally new to it all so they kind of tested each other, pushing each other's buttons, trying different things and seeing the reaction neither of them had yet rejected the others move. By the time the kiss broke the two were pressed right up against one another, their body's flush, Dave's arms around Tigers waist and reaching up as it to touch his shoulders while Tigers paws reached behind Dave cupping his ass and pulled him closer.

The two lovers shared the moment for a good ten minutes simply staring into each other's eyes the odd grope or tail flick being the only movement either of them made during the exchange of silent sweet nothings. Tiger finally broke the silence he was blushing a little now the heat and intimacy of their actions beginning to get to him "How about we go upstairs?" he asked biting his lip a little

Dave smiled his ears perking as the other spoke "Sure, I'd love to" he said quickly. The two turned Dave leaning on Tigers arm as they ascended the stairs and soon entered Tigers room Dave took a moment or two to look around the room and take in the heavy scent of Tiger that was covered on everything around him in the time he took looking around the slightly messy but typical teen's room Tiger had peeled himself free of his shirt and began working Dave's off slowly from behind.

Dave jumped a little feeling the fabric push up some of his fur "H-Hey" he stuttered blushing deep, This hesitated Tiger a little making him think he was getting ahead of himself, Realizing his mistake Dave turned and faced him kissing him again softly before taking the shirt off the rest of the way pressing his own chest against Tigers and kissing him repeatedly and passionately. The two went into each other's tight embrace once again, Tiger sliding his paws into the back of Dave's jeans and rubbing his ass softly, it was getting them both excited very quickly.

The session lasted some time the two groping and kissing more and more passionately the two grinding their hips together both their straining members rubbed sending shivers down both their spines but neither of them wanted to ruin the moment, it kept going on and on the constant teasing and pressing had got them dripping pre which as time passed became more and more apparent on the front of their pants. Eventually Dave undid Tigers pants and then his own both of them shimmied till the pants fell to the floor leaving Tiger in his boxers and Dave in his briefs both falling onto the bed Tiger on Dave as their passion increased tenfold.

Tiger rocked his hips back and forth against the slightly smaller tiger his boxers strained against the tented briefs both needed to be free of their remaining clothes so Tiger did it for them hooking his fingers into both their underwear at once and slid down but the kissing never broke not even too look down as their barbed members rubbed and teased freely against each other he sat up after a little while and looked down his own impressive 9 and a half inch cock laid across Dave's 8 inch member "How about I take top first time?" he murred still rubbing the members together Dave replied with a nod blushing deep also noticing the size difference.

Tiger murred louder his tail flicking quickly behind him he leant down and slowly trailed soft kisses down Dave's chest and belly murring louder as he got towards his crotch licking over his belly button he looks up breathing lightly onto the moist fur cooling it a little Dave murred loudly curving his back into Tiger feeling the warmth of his breath against his own fur. Dave then felt Tiger move a little lower licking across the others 8 inch rod of pre soaked meat. He had to admit it was a little salty but he loved the taste, he quickly kept licking and cleaning up the pre he even suckled a little on the tip of the cock which elicited a moan from Dave and several more spurts of pre.

Tiger then begins to trail kisses down Dave's shaft in between his thighs and down both his inner thighs to tease him just a little bit more then comes back up to his testicles and engulfs them into his maw lightly suckling on them then, taking his legs and wrapping them around his waist then pulling away from the sweet Tigers genitals he stands up his cock pressing lightly between the others ass cheeks leaning his forehead against his lovers and smiles whispering in his ear "I'll be gentle"

Smiling back to Tiger, Dave smiled softly and nodded "Thanks hun" he said tightening the grip his legs had around the others waist a little pulling him closer till he felt the cock tip at his tail hole. At this point he relaxed, calming himself down and relaxing every muscle in his body his legs slipping down Tiger a little before he nodded "Okay I'm ready"

Tiger nods and gently begins pushing forwards, aided solely by the pre that was spurting from his cock he gently pushed his member into the tight virgin ass, leaning over Dave and wrapping his arms tightly around him. Dave moans out, closing his eyes tight in a mix of pain and pleasure, the burning hot pain coursing through his ass only overshadowed by the pleasure of having the hot cock push into him. Tiger lightly grinds his teeth as he makes his way through feeling the warmth and the tight opening his muscles tense allowing him to slowly speeds up his entrance then locking his lips once again with Dave's as he finally hilts himself deep inside the other males ass.

Tiger moans lightly and pulls back standing up straight again his cock buried deep in tight firm ass of his lover. He began softly pulling back to thrust forwards again starting a slow steady motion in and out of him, once there he leans forwards again over him, wrapping his arms around his partner as he thrust, grunting with each thrust digging his claws into Dave's back while lightly biting his lower lip.

Tiger then pulls softly out of Dave all the way quickly and carefully flipping him before mounting him again, wasting no time in shoving his cock back into Dave and leaning over him. Dave after being flipped groaned the cock sinking deep into his raised ass, the two in a doggy position now he felt each thrust drive deeper, already hitting his prostate with force it was making him moan each time his cock dripping pre like a leaky faucet onto the bed covers. Tiger growled low and dominantly almost pounding into Dave's ass leaning over him enough for his warm breath to be felt on the other tigers neck , his paws wrapped around the others waist one going lower and finding the cock began pawing him as they fucked.

Dave was moaning loudly now till he heard the low dominant growl in his ear, he lowered his volume and settled with the occasional moan when his prostate was hit particularly hard murring the rest of the time, he was getting used to it now and was even pushing back into the thrusts occasionally clenching his ass around the thick rod already softly panting he also felt the barbs on the cock digging deep inside him dragging along his insides teasing him further rather than hurting him.

Tiger growled louder taking Dave's tail and moving it to the side to keep from pinching it between the thrusts then latches onto his neck, pounding him harder as his fur becoming matted between his legs and around Dave's tail hole from the sweat and juices from the thrusts. He then pulled his paw back up from around Dave's cock letting it dribble freely onto the bed once again and licks off the precum from his pads and leaves a little saliva on his pads, after cleaning it he moved it back beneath Dave and took hold of the solid cock again pawing frantically.

Dave murred loudly holding his tail to one side as Tiger pounded him hard, beginning to reach his climax as he was continually to pawed and pounded, the feel of the hot love on and in him made him so lustful he began thrusting into the paw going against tigers own powerful thrusts to try and drive him deeper. At this point, Tiger began to lose control, trying to hold back a little longer yet almost impossible just the thought of filling up his lover with his own seed making him go wild, almost feral.

Dave moaned loudly as he lost control, cumming hard and covering Tigers paw and his own thigh the amount of pleasure running through him made him clench and tense every muscle in his body squeezing and milking Tigers cock for his seed. Tiger gives one last thrust sinking it in as far as it could go before exploding his seed inside the tight ass, though Dave was clenching hard, the torrent of cum blasting inside him was stronger, beginning to seeps through the sides of his tail hole making a mess all over his waist and pelvic area as his cum trickles down the sides of his thighs. He then recovers his paw from Dave's spent member, beginning to lick up the cum from his paw, he then slowly and carefully Pulls Dave over onto his side laying them both panting on the bed, Tiger curled lightly around Dave laying by the mess they had made they both began to slowly drift off the intensity of it all having worn them both out.

Twenty minutes after the two had finished and gone to sleep the door opened a tiger walking in, it was Tiger's big brother, he sniffed the air a little, knowing his little brother was home and by the smell of it with a friend, but the smells were strong and musky, almost arousing. Tigers older brother was Ray, he was a few year older and already working, which was why he'd only just got back. He stood only a few inches taller than Tiger though, but he was broader and stronger, instead of having white fur he had a deep set glossy orange which shone in any light. He padded slowly upstairs his olive green eyes scanning around his tread careful and quiet. He hear a light snoring and found the source of the musky smell was coming from his little brothers own room, he gently opened the door to see the two tigers his little brother wrapped around Dave still some mess obvious on the bed, holding back a gasp he silently closed the door and walked away, phone in his paw.

Chapter 7: Who's that?!

Okay usual spiel first, If your under 18 get gone now the following article is of adult nature and shouldn't be veiwed by those under previously stated age...etc Secondly Woohoo! got this one done before the time totted up to a year, okay this has...

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The start of a new life

There was a clicking noise, it was the first thing he heard as his senses began to come back to him, more clicking, no tapping, it was defiantly tapping, he opened his eyes, light blinding him he kept blinking 'tap, tap, tap, tap' images began to form,...

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The beginning of the end

Okay I know its a lead off of my main series But, I had an idea and had to do it, so here is the start of it, Now it is clean but its about the only chapter that will be so, any kiddies wanting to read it, don't really bother you'll only get to read...

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