Journal of a Perverse Butler, Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. I own a copy of Pokemon Diamond, but I don't OWN it, you see? If you're averse to the thought of M/F ICE STRAP-ON(ish) action with both parties in question being underage and a bit of bondage, scoot off right now.

Also, no comments on the inner workings of a 10 year old's mind. It's porn. That's all.

Journal of a Perverse Butler, Part 1

By Conformal Invariance, the Parrot of Physics


July 13th, Year of Floris, Season of Spring.

You know how much money Nobles have. I, the Head Butler of the Remington Estate can safely say they've got far too much of it. While this entry is new, I've been working here for a year... and only recently have the eight young Masters arrived. Well, that should be, "Seven Young Masters and a Lady." The whole reason this estate was built all the way out here in the forest was to house the eight children and keep them from meddling in their parent's affairs at the Castle-town. Rather... brutal, seeing as they have to visit their children or send a letter at least asking how they're doing... but even after all my time watching those children grow, I still hold no right to speak my words.

The eight children, from youngest to oldest, are named: Albert, Justine, Antoine, Geoff, Alexander, Joseph, Louis, and Marcel. Each was born a year apart from each other, with Albert being nine and Marcel fifteen, excluding the twins... a relatively happy Eevee family. Or at least, they used to be Eevees... but as fate had it, they evolved into a Kaleidoscope of evolutions, all except little Albert, who was still an Eevee... much to the jesting of his brothers.

Lady Justine is a beautiful Glaceon... whereas Young Masters Antoine and Geoff are twins... though as a Leafeon and Espeon, are now rather easy to tell apart, thank goodness. Master Alexander is a Umbreon, and Master Joseph is a Flareon. The eldest two, Louis and Marcel, are a Jolteon and Vaporeon, respectively... and often wield a considerable amount of power over their siblings.

But I digress... the fires of Lust burn within the blood of this family. Nary has a day gone by without some sort of sexual activity happening... though it tends to mainly be of the eldest four, rather than the youngest... they seem much less active. Sometimes, it seems no matter where I go, I run into them. Louis in the bathroom, pleasuring himself with the broom handle. Joseph and Alexander in the Library, satisfying their lusts upon one of the reading tables. Marcel, in the Gardens, reading works of erotic fiction, and painting the Mums white with his essence.

The youngest four... lack this burning passion. While Antoine and Geoff may delve into a few acts of incestual delight, they'd much rather be off playing in mud or catching insects in jars. Albert and Justine, however... have no lusts in them at all. No matter where they go, what they do, they resist that call. No matter how often they're asked, even if Marcel was pressing Joseph up against their bedroom door in the throes of climax, they just tune it right out.

Or so I thought.

I pray forgiveness, but even a sophisticated man like me is not without desires... children in particular being one of them. It is hard not to ask to join in on their activities... once I went down into the pantry to retrieve some eggs, and I was greeted with the sight of Young Master Alexander... releasing himself on Young Master Antoine. Thin streams of white over that tan fur... oh, how the fires burned within my own loins. No eggs were cooked that night... dinner was almost late on my part, as I had to retire to my quarters to relieve myself. Thank goodness no one saw me rushing through the halls with that tent sticking out of the front of my pants.

But, I ramble. Back to the matter at hand... Albert and Justine. I was curious, very curious... what did they do together? Albert was a skittish boy, and he slept in the same room as Justine... which made my task a lot easier. The room next to their own was filled with unpacked things, and a covered easel in the corner - I was to make this into an art room. I'd been making progress, but it was far from done... perfect for my needs. I cut a little peephole into their room when they were out, just to the side of their dresser over in the corner. Nothing too big.

I then waited for a particularly lustful night to fall upon the estate... I had to wait for the six other Young Masters to be busied with whatever lusts their minds wished, so that Albert and Justine would be alone together in that room. It took... about three months from the time I cut that hole for such a night to occur... I went around the estate and made sure. Out in the Garden was Marcel, savagely pounding into Antoine... the kitchen, Alexander and Geoff, curled together, heads bobbing between one another's legs... and Louis and Joseph were in the Billiards room, a moaning mass of shudders and thrusts atop the table.

My pants were tight from the first viewing, and it took a great deal of willpower not to just go relieve myself. I stuck to my objective and went to the room, slinking over to the corner and taking a peek through the hole, getting a full view of the bed, on which Albert sat. The silence was almost deafening, and the rather thin wall allowed me to hear clearly, every word, every little gasp... I will never forget it.

As it turns out, Justine was a little more... perverted than I thought. Okay, perhaps a lot more... but now I shall write down this tale of how I observed it with my own two eyes:

"Albert... it's time for us to play again!" Spoke Justine in a firm voice, out of my sight. The Eevee boy's cheeks flushed with pink, and he moved onto the floor, beginning to disrobe... he was rather short for his age, barely under three feet tall, whereas Justine was likely a bit under four. His ears, triangular, brown, with lightly brown furred tips... clear brown eyes, and a heavy ruffling of fur around his chest and neck, plush... it looked so very soft. There was also a tiny little sheath between his legs, below which lied that snug pouch, likely unable to produce anything. His tail was a bit short; not seeming to be as fluffy as most Eevee tails, but when one is naked, focus is not on a tail.

The boy clambered back upon the bed and laid down, and Justine moved over to his side. She was a beautiful young girl.. she had dazzling blue hair that pooled just above her tail, and two long locks of hair that fell from her temples and dangled about her waist. Her ears, like her brother's, were triangular, with darker blue insides. Head to toe, the rest of her was covered in a soft blue fur, with her hands and feet having tiny socks of the darker fur... as well as the small diamond of it upon her back. She lacked any sort of chest, being only 10, and that small slit between her legs did not stand out very well... but the scent of lust just filled the entire room.... and she held a black strip of cloth in her hand.

Albert's eyes were... unwilling, yet filled with care... he wanted to please his sister, but not in the manner that she was going to force upon him. She crawled over his prone body and wrapped the cloth around his eyes, making a blindfold, and tying it tightly behind her younger brother's head. "Good boy.." she whispered to him, as if he were just a pet of hers, for her to control, to train... and though her voice was firm, there was an unshakable innocence about it.

She then hopped off the bed and went onto all fours, reaching for something underneath... she produced a ball of twine. The Glaceon then hopped back onto the bed and began measuring lengths of it, breathing her frosty breath upon it when it reached the right length and snapping it with a flick. "Please sister... not so tight this time..." he whimpered, and she reached over, batting him on the nose once. "Shh!" was her only response. She 'cut' four equal lengths of twine, and then began to tie Albert's limbs to the bed knob at each corner, each knot tied with a little wince from the Eevee child.

She then placed her hands upon his chest, and began to rub softly, as if to calm her brother down... but her true intentions were revealed as her fingers found those nipples hiding beneath the plush fur and began teasing at them, giving them little pinches and casting cold over them to make them stiffen right up. Albert shuddered and squirmed slightly, tugging at his bonds a bit with a whimper... Justin flicked those little nipples and leaned down, whispering quietly to her brother, "Stop squirming around.. you'll only hurt yourself!" She began to rock her hips back and forth a little bit as she continued teasing poor Albert.

"Oh, you're making sister wet..." said Justine in a singsong voice that made fireworks blossom in my mind, the Glaceon girl grinding her smooth slit over her brother's belly, curling down to lower her muzzle to one of his nipples, taking it inside of her maw. A slight yelp from Albert probably hinted that she gave that quite tender nub of his a firm nip, the girl just giggling and leaving a light moisture trail over that brown fur as her hips slid back and forth. The scent was getting stronger, and my will was beginning to falter, but I persevered!

Justine nipped a couple more times, making her brother whimper loudly, then pulled her muzzle off and chilled her saliva upon that nipple with a breath, giving it a frosty little coat. Albert shuddered and sighed softly, his sister sliding back a bit to begin rubbing her slit across his sheath and sac. While doing this, she raised a pair of fingers to her muzzle and slipped them in, coating them in her chilly saliva... then reaching beneath her brother and sliding them... right under his tail.

Albert grit his teeth a bit as his sister's finger pressed insistently at his tailhole, and a little jerk signaled the slippery digits had indeed pushed past the taut ring of muscle. "Mmm... this is so much fun, Albert!" she exclaimed, grinning to herself as her brother grew erect beneath her, rubbing her slit along the little pink shaft. She was oddly contorted now, also reaching to play with her brother's nipples again... the grinding, her fingers wiggling and pushing within his rear, the teasing... heavens, how I strained to keep myself still!

Justine seemed to tire quickly of this, though, pulling her fingers out from her brother's behind, and sitting up straight. "Time for the best part.." she whispered with a girlish little giggle, as if it were a deep, dark secret. Albert whimpered quietly as Justine raised her hands to her mouth, and with a bright blue glow, began to craft something of ice. A quiet gasp escaped my muzzle as she produced a very naughty toy indeed... it was a little less thick than her wrist and about five inches long at a guess... with one end curving up into about three inches of upward pointing crystalline ice.

The Glaceon grinned and set the toy down onto the bed, then leaned over the far edge of the bed... her fingers came back glistening, likely from oil. She coated the five inches with the slick liquid, then began to lower herself upon the part meant for her. It slipped into her rather easily, provoking a coo of pleasure from her throat in that ever so lovely voice of hers. Once than was done, she wrapped her hands around Albert's hips and began to shuffle forward. I could not see the actual penetration occur, but I knew when it had... the Eevee's back arched and his teeth grit in fear an outcry would irritate Justine.

"Ooh... good boy... take all of it, okay?" commanded Justine in her firm voice, reaching down to help keep the toy slightly stable as she thrusted it bit by bit into the confines of Albert's rump. It took a minute, but eventually she bumped up into him, cooing softly and slipping her legs beneath his own. "Okay... sister wants you to make cute noises, brother.." she whispered to him, then tugged her body back, a few inches, then pushed right back in. Albert whimpered, tugging at his bonds again, pink boyflesh throbbing stiffly in an arc above his belly.

She set a basic tempo to start with, moving back and forth at a slow pace, Albert's toes curling with every freezing thrust inwards... I shuddered myself at how cold, yet pleasurable that must feel. Her tail was whipping around wildly behind her, that blue hair was swinging back and forth slowly... she did look beautiful beyond her years, even as she increased the tempo of her thrusting into her brother.. and rewarding him, it seemed, by reaching down with her hand and beginning to pleasure him with that frosty hand of hers. Albert couldn't help but groan, ears perked up, senses magnified slightly by the blindfold.

Justine squirmed around with a look of bliss on her face as the sound of Albert's groans, which seemed to only spur her into thrusting even faster, fingers kneading at the Eevee's sides. "Oh, brother... sister is getting closer..." she moaned out, hips rising and falling a little as she pushed to make her little part of the toy slip and out of her somewhat. He did not respond to this, merely squirming and panting, hips shivering, then beginning to jerk wildly as he hit an early climax. Justine's hand stroked that slim shaft of his with an admirable pace as it quivered in the throes of a dry orgasm.

The thrusting she'd been doing did not cease, and only got faster as her brother climaxed, leaning over him a little, panting hard, blue hair shimmering in that light... and she threw her head back with a cry of pleasure as she hit her own climax, wetting down the ice toy within her further. I could not hold myself back, and I left at that very moment, rushing hurriedly along to my quarters lest I end up relieving myself in the art room and likely end up revealing my location.

I did not go back after that, but as I went to take care of a few of my duties, I did see the light in their room was off... likely asleep now. I'll watch the laundry for any well hidden sheets.. and I fear I may end up doing this again. Heavens preserve me... I fear the desire may burn too great.

-The edge of the last page's entry is covered with an unknown substance.-


Part 1 is coming to an end... who will the Butler observe next?

No guff about how the ice toy works, please. I just rolled with what I could think of!

The Butler is whatever you want him to be. :3

Or perhaps I'll reveal a species later..

Specs and Filbert: Dragon Fever

Disclaimer: Whoa now. I definitely don't own Pocket Dragons. Real Musgrave does, but I don't. Anyways, this story contains non-consensual sex between two male individuals of indeterminate age, but possibly underage. Also, due to the tiny size of a...

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Father Ninetales

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Talk to Game Freak / Nintendo if you wish to discuss ownership. Anyways, this story contains written sex between two male individuals, who are related, and one of which is underage, as well as a touch of two underage...

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Brotherly Bluff

Disclaimer: Yes, that's correct. I don't own Pokemon. I believe Nintendo and Game Freak are the ones you'd need to speak to about ownership. However, I digress. This story contains graphic written sex between three male individuals, two of which are...

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