A Late Night Call.

Story by Leo Ja-Ju Sek on SoFurry

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#2 of Champ the Border Collie


By Leo Ja-Ju Sek

Champ got home from a long days work at the Hardware store. He was still in high school but managed to work thirty hour weeks. He plopped down on his bed and contemplated about what he wanted to do, his thoughts drifted from thought to thought. He started to think about Roxy the girl he had met and yiffed a few days earlier at the gym. Rex thought about what he had did to her and what she did to him making him murr out in lust. He rolled over and looked at his alarm clock that was placed on the end table next to his bed. Next to it laid the piece of paper Rox had given to him.

He picked it up and unfolded it for the seventh time. All though he kept looking at it he never called her back. "I don't want to seem like an ass who doesn't call back." He thought to himself as he continued to ponder. "Hmm maybe I should give her a call back." He determined as he reached into his pocket for his cell phone and flipped it open. He began read off the paper and dialed the number "1-617-554-4349."

He hit the send button and the phone connected. Ring......ring.....ring......ring... "Hello?" A sweet familiar voice answered. "Hey Roxy this is Champ."

"Hey Champ, how are you!"

"I'm pretty good I just got off work."

"That's cool what do you do for work."

"I work in retail at the Hardware store.... How are you Roxy"

"Oh I am fine, Just settling into my new condo."

"Oh that's cool."

"You know champ it is big and lonely here you want to come over and give me some company?"

"Sure, when do you want me to come over?"

"As soon as you can."

"Okay I will be right over, what's our address?"

"I live on 36C Balto Way."

Champ chuckled and replied; "That is the same number as your bra size."

"I never thought of it that way by your right, well anyway I will see you when you get here, bye Champ"

"Talk to you soon Rox."

Rex jumped out of his bed and got out of his work clothes. He took a quick shower and cleaned him self up, making sure he was nice and clean and smelled good for Roxy. He put on a tight pair of jeans and a white long sleeve shirt that hugged his body shape. He went down stairs and grabbed his key.

As he headed towards the front door he passed his Mom who was sitting on the couch. She then asked; "Where you going darling?"

"A friend's house"

"Okay dear try to be back by 12"

"I will Mom love you."

He rushed out the door and hopped into the driver's seat and took off.

After a seven minuet drive he pulled onto Balto Way. It was a cute neighborhood. There where four sections A, B, C, and D. In each section there were four condos that made up a building and each section had twelve condos. Champ drove up to section C and pulled in. Each condo had two parking spaces that they were given. Towards the end of the parking lot he saw Roxy's car and pulled in the vacant spot next to her car that said " 36c Parking "

He turned off the ignition and walked to a stair case. He advanced up the stairs and walked down the plat from. A door read " 36c" in big metallic numbers that were nailed to the door. Champ took a deep breath trying not to be nervous and rang the bell.

A few seconds later Roxy answered the door wearing a white collared short sleeve button up shirt and black mini skirt. Rex blushed a bit as he hugged her and pecked her a small kiss on the lips.

"Hey Rox, you look... amazing."

Roxy giggled and smiled as she replied "Glad you like it I put on just for you."

"I love it you look so hot in it"

"You look hot your self"

He blushed and thanked her as she invited him inside.

"Well this is my new condo, since I am all done unpacking; I will give you a tore." She took him by the paw and showed him around her condominium. Her living room was big and well decorated. It had a 52' LCD TV hooked up on the wall, a faux fur carpet which had a coffee table on top of it. On the wall there were interesting portraits of objects, and plants. The walls were painted crimson red and the carpet was white and soft.

The next room she showed him was the kitchen, it had black tiles and marble counter tops, nothing to exciting but it looked pricey. After the kitchen she showed him around the rest of the apartment except for her bed room. "Wow Rox, you sure have a nice place..."

"There is still one room you haven't seen."

"And what would that be?"

She smiled and tapped him on the nose cutely as she leaned forward and brushed cheeks as she gave him a quick gently kiss with her soft lips. She then whispered into his ear; "My bed room."

Champ blushed as she pulled him by the arm leading him to a closed door at the end of a hall. She grasped the door knob and opened a room that had violet walls. Inside it was set up like any other bed room; it had a dresser, closet, a smaller TV, and a queen sized bed. There were roses spread from the door way leading to the bed and red candles that were lit on the night stand. Roxy pulled him into the room as he she shut the door behind him and embraced Champ in a warm hug. Champ hugged back murring calmly feeling her heart beat against her chest and becoming in tune with her body; feeling every pulse, hearing every breath, feeling her chest expand and contrast as she was pressed against him.

He breathed in through his nose smelling the sweet aroma of her perfume as he leaned forward for a kiss and tilted his head. She leaned forward as well and tilted her head the opposite way as there muzzled locked in a warm passionate kiss. Champ lightly stroked her cheek with his paw as he savored and enjoyed the long lustful kiss as he began to explore her maw. The two kissed for a few minuets that seemed like long passionate hours as Roxy ended the kiss by gently licking Champs lips. Her cheeks were bright red blushing from delight.

She gazed into Champs burning red eyes and he gazed back into her gorgeous green eyes as they stood there in momentary silence. Roxy broke the silence by saying: "I haven't seen you at the gym lately"

"I have bee busy with work the past few days I will probably be there tomorrow though."

"That's good.... My back is a little tender from this morning's work out, you think you could give me a massage Champ?"

Champ smiled and nodded as the two let go of each other. Roxy unbuttoned her shirt and threw it on the dresser as she approached the bed and lied down on her stomach folding her arms and resting her head upon them.

"There is some massage oil in the top draw of the night stand;" Said Roxy. Champ walked over to the night stand and pulled out a bottle it read; " K9 Massage ; For Full Body Massage and Personal Lubricant"

He got on the bed behind her and caressed her leg, he could see up her skirt and she wasn't wearing panties. This made him blush and murr as his cock came out of its sheath and created a bulge in his pants. Champ got on top of Roxy, his thighs and knees were pressed against her sides as his package sit on top of her lower back. Champ then unhooked her bra her back now was fully exposed. He took the bottle and opened the cap and held it by the base in between his thumb and index digit.

Champ turned the bottle around and lightly squeezed it as he drizzled the massage oil across her back. He sealed the cap and lightly pressed his paws against her back, rubbing into her back as it warmed her on contact make her sigh with relief and swish her tail. "Mmmm, this feels nice champ."

Champ continued to rub. He rubbed in a circle motion each time moving lower and lower. Soon he slid off her and began to massage her lower back peaking under her skirt making him lick his lips. He took his hands off her back and began to rub her inner thigh as Roxy blushed even more.

Champ then retracted his paws and grabbed the bottle of lube and pored some onto of his digits as he took them and pressed them onto Roxy's cunt and began to gently rub them as her breathing shifted. He rubbed up and down the outer labia, and then began to gently massage her clit. She gasped out in pleasure as the sensation ran thought her entire body. "Oh god Champ, stick your fingers inside me." He grinned and slipped his fingers thought the outer and inner labia and rubbed around her vaginal entrance. With a few slides of his fingers he entered her entrance and let his fingers explore.

As he thrusted his fingers in and out of her paying close attention to her g-spot make her blush and lust for more. After a few last thrust he took his fingers out as he rubbed his paws up the vaginal lips and rubbing her clit one last time. He took his wet fingers and ran them under his nose and smelled them, this made him growl in pleasure as he licked his digits, remembering the same taste from the first time.

Champ grabbed Roxy by the sides and turned her over onto her back revealing the same luscious tits as he had seen before. He moved in closer and began to fondle with her breast paying close attention to her perfect nipples as he rubbed them gradually. She grabbed his pants and fondled with his belt, button and zipper as she got them undone. Champ blushed and looked down as he could see a bit of his cock underneath his exposed pants.

Roxy reach underneath and pulled out his nine inch canine slong and began to slowly stroke up his length as Champ continued to fondle her breast.

"Champ, I want to try something, can you get up and undress your self for me?" Champ nodded and got off and took of all his clothes tossing them near the foot of the bed. He got back on top of Roxy and kissed her neck gently.

"What do you want to try baby?"

"I want to give you a boob job;" she said smiling shyly.

Champ gave a curious look and nodded as he inched forward kneeling over her as he placed his cock along her cleavage. Roxy smiled as she grabbed his cock and pushed it in between her breast and pressed them together. She jiggled her boobs back and forth as Champ murred and began to thrust. He let out soft sighs as she continued jiggling her breast. Champs cock was now throbbing wanting to feel more. He pulled back as his cock slid out from between Rox's tits.

"What are you doing Champ?"

He blushed and smiled as he replied "you will see in a second." He shifted his body down and lifted her skirt as he fully exposed her pussy. Champ then grabbed his cock and rubbed the tip against her moist vaginal lips. Roxy lied back and murred as he continued rubbing. After a few more seconds he positioned him self and pressed the tip against her labia he pushed forward as his cock slowly slipped inside her making him howl out in pleasure. Her breathing pattern changed again as Champ leaned forward and embraced her, he began to thrust as more and more of his shaft slipped inside. His first few clumsy thrust soon turned in to swift graceful ones as felt the warmth and moisture of her walls engulfing his cock.

She cried out in pleasure as he slipped deeper and deeper inside of her. Rox wrapped her arms and legs around him yearning for more as she dug her claws into his back, blushing darker than ever. Her cunt became more moist and lubricated making Champs thrust even swifter as he began to rub against the G-spot his knot hitting her entrance and rubbing against her clitoris. This sent shiver's of pleasure through her spine as Champ dripped pre inside her.

"Ch..Champ... I am getting close."

"I am to....:" he replied as he kissed and nuzzled her neck his paws still tightly wrapped around her.

Roxy took her paws and placed them both on Champs cheek turning his head to meet her own gaze. She then pressed her lips against Rex's as the two fell in a deep kiss. His knot slipped inside her as they both simultaneously reached there climaxes as Roxy's cunt became filled with a warm mixture of Champs cum and her fluids.

The two lied there gazing at each other after they ended there orgasmic kiss. After a few moments had passed Champ pulled his knot out as she leaked the mixture inside of her on the bed sheets. Champ grabbed his pants and pulled out his cell phone he then entered a text and sent it to his Mom saying he was going to stay the night at his friend's house. Once again the two embraced each other and gazed into each other eyes as they gradually drifted off to sleep............