Tyler x Shadow 32: Tyler vs Bradley

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#32 of Tyler x Shadow

Conclusion! Enjoy it. (pst, the butler did it)

Chapter Thirty-two: Tyler vs Bradley

Morning, Horsea Beach, Dragonair Hotel, room 207

"What the hell do you want?" Bradley growled to the person at his hotel door

They were clearly a Pokémon League messenger, bearing the League's logo on both there shirt and ball cap with the symbol of the vesi gym badge in the center of it. Whatever they wanted, he didn't have time for it, he had things to do

"I was sent to inform you that miss Marybeth has issued a challenge to you and your team," the messenger said calmly, "you are to appear at the Vesi Gym battle area in two hours"

"Why should I?" he groaned, pulling on his hunting vest over his grey shirt, having only just gotten dressed before answering the door

"Miss Marybeth has offered a substantial reward should you become the victor. I am not privy to the exact details, but I was informed it involved money and the acquirement of a rare pokémon, though I do not know of what species"

"Rare pokémon?" Bradley thought aloud, picturing that lucario he'd heard about, "and money. Fine, I'll be there, and I'll wipe the floor with your gym leader"

"I'll inform Marybeth then"

The messenger left to inform her employer while Bradley exited his hotel room, securing his belt, four pokéballs clipped to it, hoping to finish his business before the battle. Idly, he took one ball from his belt and spun it on his finger. The surface was imprinted with a small flame icon


"Do you really think it'll work?" Shadow asked aloud to Tyler

"Only one real way to find out, right?" Tyler responded

The two, along with their 'son' Slash, Jessica, Jolt, and Seed were seated on the beach. In front of them was the ocean, specifically an area of a drop off sectioned off by rope and buoys.

It was about the size of a regulation pokémon battle area, though it shifted with the waves. Scattered about were various similar platforms, though they ranged in size from little stepping stones to ones capable of easily supporting large pokémon and had tethering types from completely stable to roped to free floating.

All to together, it made the Vesi Gym battle area where Marybeth battled challengers. Tyler looked at it with a bit of annoyance. Clearly water-types would have the advantage while rock and fire-types could risk death by just taking a wrong step. But that was the point, making trainer's battle in an alien territory, thus teaching them a valuable lesson about how to adapt to any changes.

The bleachers behind them were beginning to fill up with on lookers, hoping, and paying, or a show

"Apparently your mother's plan worked," Marybeth said, strolling up to them

Shadow growled and Slash, sitting halfway beneath the water, glared as the annoying woman approached. She had the usual sense of superiority and smug confidence. She may have been a gym leader, but she was just a fucking bitch who needed a good slapping in some people's opinion

"Oh? He coming?" Tyler asked, staring at the sand beneath his feet, he'd taken off his sneakers and had them beside him

"Yes," she sighed, "so rather than just let the trainer keep his own pokémon, you would rather bet your own?"

"Shadow agreed to it, I didn't bet her"

"I bet myself," the umbreon hissed, curling up beside her trainer and mate

"Last I checked, Pokémon can't take responsibility for their ownership," Marybeth pointed out, "otherwise most of team rocket and the other gang's pokémon would be in prison with them"

"Piss off or I'll show you what I can and can't do," Shadow snarled, getting a soothing pet down her back

"Careful pokémon"

The two shared a moment of glaring each other down, both giving silent threats back and forth

"Leave my sis alone," Jolt interrupted, sparks running down his flanks

Marybeth huffed and turned away, deciding that the animal weren't worth her time. She might as well get the preparations ready for the battle

"What's your problem Jolt?" Shadow asked

The jolteon had been in a rather agitated mood ever since they told the others their plan. He'd tended to always be protective of her, in his own special way, but Shadow didn't think it would make him this pissed

Sighing, Jolt laid his head down and stared at the ocean

"Hey, I'll be fine," she assured him, "don't you trust me?"

Jolt glanced at her, then back at the ocean. Seed repositioned herself to lay beside him, leaning against his flank

'Any ideas?' Shadow asked Tyler mentally

'He's your brother, surprised he didn't thunder bolt me when we told him'

'I think he really wanted to'


"Should of figured you'd be involved," Bradley growled at Tyler as he arrived on the beach, irritated that his search had failed miserably

The group stood silently, waiting for Marybeth to tell him of the deal, or rip him apart like a mob of zombies. Luckily, she arrived shortly

"A full team battle," she began quickly, "you will use all of the pokémon at your disposal. Whoever runs out of usable pokémon first loses the match and forfeits the rewards to the other"

"I know how a battle works"

"The winnings of the battle include four-hundred thousand poké dollars, a master ball, and one of the opponent's pokémon, chosen by the opponent before the battle"

"Blah, blah. What pokémon of yours am I getting?"

"I'm not your challenger"

Tyler, Shadow, and Slash stepped up behind Marybeth

"I'm fighting the twerp?"

"Yeah, you are," Tyler said, staring him down, emerald eyes almost literally blazing

"Well at least when I beat you down, I'll get that bitch of yours," he said with a grin, which vanished when a jolt of electricity passed through his body

Jolt growled and shook some static from his coat, sitting beside Jessica with his black eyes narrow and vicious, "can I rip his dick off?"

Jessica ran her hand down his back, soothing him at least a little, though both she and Seed glared at him as well

"We'll take turns," Shadow said

Both she and Tyler turned and walked onto a small platform resting on the shore. Once they were seated on the small surface, Shadow pawed a button and the platform jerked and was reeled into place on one end of the battlefield, where it stopped and secured itself

"You gonna go?" Jessica asked, contemplating how much damage Tyler's shoes could do

"Fuck off bitch," he said, nearly getting beheaded by a leaf

Straightening his vest, he stepped onto his own platform and stepped onto the button. The platform jerked and reeled into place with him standing atop, a pokéball in his hand. As soon as it stopped and secured, he lost his footing and slipped from the water covered surface into the ocean

Coughing, he climbed back up, plucking his ball from the water, and glared at the still seated Tyler

"Tyrogue!" he ordered, chucking the ball at one of the large, secure platforms

In a burst of light, the young wrestler appeared, standing above the water. Taking a gulp, he assumed a battle pose and waited for his opponent

"Shadow," Tyler said, standing with his team, "take him out quick, machoke's the real threat"

Shadow jumped and gracefully landed on one of the medium, tethered floaters

The judge looked at both competitors from his place on the beach. His job was more of a lifeguard than a simple referee

"Before we begin, both competitors please state your desired prize!"

"That little bitchy umbreon," Bradley said

"Lava, his quilava," Tyler said, his voice oddly calm given that his nails were digging into his palms

"This is a full team match, both trainers will use their full, available teams. The first one to have all of their pokémon be unable to battle, then they shall be declared the loser and the victor shall take possession of the prize!"


"I can't believe I'm allowing this," Marybeth groaned, "he's lucky I know his mom"

"And you're lucky I don't thunder bolt you right now," Jolt growled

"You do and you won't be seeing your trainer for quite a while, pokémon"


"Cunt," Jessica added


"You may begin the match!"

"Tyrogue! Fake out!"

"Shadow, quick attack"

Tyrogue jumped from his platform to the next, charging Shadow while she did the same. Just before they met, Tyrogue stopped and clapped its hands together. A surprisingly large shockwave split the water and pushed the platforms back, equally colliding with its target, sending her backwards.

Growling, Shadow skidded to a stop on her original platform. Tyrogue whimpered and waved its sore hands, hopping a little

"Shadow ball"

Forming a ball of dark aura in her maw, Shadow fired it straight at the off guard pokémon. Like a deer in the headlights, Tyrogue watched the attack until it slammed into his head, sending him flipping backwards into the water

Shadow purred and grinned, glad for the opportunity for revenge, and waited for him to come back up. Luckily, he didn't take long, clawing back onto a floater, coughing and sputtering water


A blast of energy ripped through the water, leaving a large wake, and slammed into the wide eyed tyrogue. Again he went flying, this time splashing down beside Bradley, too weak to avoid drowning.

"Tyrogue is unable to battle," the referee announced, "Tyler wins this round! Bradley may make the first move!"

Shadow grinned and wagged her tail, straightening her sunglasses with psychic

Groaning, Bradley returned his pokémon and sent out his next, mankey

Hopping up and down, the primate appeared in his customary anger. Shadow growled and got ready for the next dose of karma

"Low kick!"

Mankey charged and jumped, aiming a kick at Shadow's legs


The monkey froze in midair, a blue aura surrounding his body

"This is why you shouldn't take someone's anal cherry," she growled and sent him down into the sea, passing through a platform on his way

"Don't kill him," Tyler ordered

Grumbling, she let him float to the surface, just before she blasted him with a shadow ball. He disappeared in a red light as he sailed towards Bradley

"Mankey is no longer able to battle, Tyler wins the second round!"

"Weaklings," Bradley growled, "I'll have to train them harder I guess. Machoke!"

The last of Bradley's fighting-type pokémon appeared, a human like, blue skinned, body builder. He was much stronger than any of his others, being his highest level and newest pokémon.

"Brick break!"

Machoke charged, aiming a powerful chop at Shadow

"Quick attack!"

Before he hit, Shadow jumped and sped away in a black blur to the next platform, where she only stayed a second before leaping up and slamming into machoke's side. As he took the hit, the fighter turned and finished his brick break in her ribs. Yelping, she was sent backwards into the water

Growling, she climbed out onto a platform and shook some of the water off, leaving her drenched and hissing. Tyler growled from his standing, rubbing his ribs

"Great, now I'll have to deal with wet bitch smell," Bradley jibed, "she'll still be a fine fuck regardless"


Jolt growled and was about to zap him again

"Disturb either trainer and your friend loses," Marybeth warned

Growling, he kneaded the sand in frustration, "I'll kill him before he touches Shadow"


"Shadow ball"

Again she fired an orb of dark energy that hit machoke in the chest

"Seismic toss!"

Machoke jumped and grabbed Shadow by the leg. Spinning her around over his head, he slammed her into the water, breaking the surface tension rather violently. Tyler gasped and choked, the air knocked out of him along with Shadow


"Shadow!" Jolt yelled, jumping up


"Rock tomb," Bradley said with a sadistic grin

Machoke flexed its muscles and summoned a group of rocks from the ocean floor. Once they were above the surface, they went straight back down

Tyler yelped and coughed as each one slammed into Shadow, sending her to the bottom and pinning her there

"Shadow," he groaned, holding his side and falling to his knees

Her black glasses floated to the surface with a few air bubbles

"Tyler!" the referee called, "return your pokémon before it suffers damage!"

"I can't," he growled, about to jump in, but Jolt beat him to it. In a yellow blur, he jumped to the nearest platform then dived down. After a moment and a yellow glow from the water, he reappeared with a coughing Shadow's scruff in his jaw

Tyler quickly took her and laid her on the platform, making sure she was still breathing. Jolt climbed up as well, watching her

"Interference," Marybeth called, "the umbreon and her trainer are-"

"The umbreon is no longer able to battle!" the ref cut her off, "Bradley takes round three and Tyler is left with one pokémon!"

Growling, Marybeth turned to the official

"Interference is allowed in the event of a life threatening incident or the threat of significant harm to a pokémon or trainer. Have you forgotten that miss Marybeth?"

"Continue your duties"

"Tyler, chose your next pokémon"

Shadow laid beside the still keeling Tyler, Jolt remaining with them, handing Shadow her glasses back

"Slash, take him out," Tyler said

"Gut him for mommy," Shadow added

The kabutops jumped and dived into the water, surfacing partially to glare at his opponent like a stepping stone with glued on eyes

"You may make the first move, Tyler"

"Slash, aqua jet!"

Disappearing under the surface, he came back up, jumping above the water surrounded by a barrier of it, and slammed into machoke. The body builder grunted and was nearly pushed off the platform

"Brick break!"

Machoke chopped Slash in the side, sending him flying back into the water. After a moment, he came back up, agitated as well as angry. The attacker groaned and shook his hand, sore from the hard plating

"You're higher than I thought little guy," he said, getting back into his stance

"Night slash"

Again vanishing, he came back up behind machoke, leaping out of the water with his blades glowing with a dark aura. Before his target could turn, he slashed through machoke's back, making him howl in pain and double over

"Seismic toss!"

Machoke turned and grabbed Slash's arm as he tried to retreat back, then spun and slammed Slash down with all the momentum he could muster. The surface tension made Slash yelp, but he easily slipped back under and readied his next strike


With its power enhanced by the never melt ice, the water began frosting, freezing waves in place and steadying the floaters. Machoke looked around at the new terrain before a section of it burst open and a blast of ice slammed into his side, sending him falling over onto the slippery surface

"Rock tomb!"

Machoke slammed his fist through the ice, summoning another group of rocks that chased Slash even as he breached and ran over the ice. After only a moment, the first one slammed into his back, knocking him over so that the others could smash in and pin him under them

"Fire blast!"

Machoke breathed in then unleashed a massive blast of fire that engulfed the trapped kabutops. The combination of his armor and watery composition saved him from most of the damage, but it still melted the ice, sending him back into the sea

"Slash, giga drain"

"Fire blast"

Slash broke through again, aiming his now grass green blade at machoke. But the second blast of fire hit him pointblank, sending him flying backwards before his attack could hit. Again he resisted most of the damage, but he was still hit by the powerful attack right in the chest

"Brick break!"

Before Slash could recover, he was hit in the chest by a strong punch, making him cough and empty his lungs forcefully. His strong armor saved him from a critical hit, so he was perfectly fine slipping back under the cracked and thawing ice

"Slash! Night slash!"

Machoke tried to get to a platform, but the ice cracked beneath his feet and he sunk just as a black blade cut into his chest

"Rock tomb!"

Machoke punched Slash in the chest as yet another group of rocks rose and hit Slash. The pokémon growled as he was sunk by the boulders, managing to cut them apart before reaching the bottom and surfacing

"Seismic toss"

Machoke grabbed Slash by the leg and threw him into the air. As he came down, machoke stuck out his leg, catching him in the gut with a weak yelp.

"Brick break"

As he slid off machoke's limb, a chop slammed into his neck, closing and paralyzing his throat a moment. Thankfully, his remaining gills still worked as he fell back into the water

"Slash! Come back!"

"Finish him off, fire blast!"

Machoke breathed in and prepared to fire, but a head butt caught him in the stomach, making him catch the attack in his mouth and throat

"Leave him alone," Shadow growled, landing on a platform

"Penalty!" the ref called, "the umbreon was declared unable to battle!"

Tyler held up the remains of a revive, having fed most of it to Shadow

"No penalty to Tyler, however, Bradley ordered an attack on a returning pokémon! He receives one penalty card, three and he his disqualified. Kabutops is no longer able to battle, Bradley takes round four!"

Bradley growled, watching as the kabutops retreated and his winnings took its place, recovered from her near drowning


"Fire blast"

Shadow fired a sphere of mental power as machoke loosed a surge of flame. The orb hit him in the chest while the flames engulfed Shadow. Both exited only a little shaken

"Brick break"

Machoke charged and tried to chop Shadow


Machoke froze and was sent flying backwards and beneath the waves

"Rock tomb"

Machoke reappeared with a boulder in hand and slammed it down on Shadow, crumbling it and sending her back down. This time she surfaced without issue and stood on one of the floaters. Tyler growled and rubbed his arm, adding it to the list of phantom injuries

"Shadow ball!"

She fired another ghostly attack that punched machoke in the head

"Fire blast"

Shadow was engulfed in flames, leaving her singed and burned

"Quick attack!"

The umbreon charged in a blur of black fur and clamped her jaws shut on his shoulder, making him yowl as her sharp teeth sunk in, deeper than normal thanks to the type-enhancing item on her head

"Seismic toss!"

Grabbing her by the tail, machoke ripped Shadow off him and slammed her into the water

"Brick break!"

Machoke slammed his fist into her stomach

"Fire blast!"


The small rabbit sunk beneath the surface suddenly, letting the water boil where she had just been. When she surfaced a short ways away, she climbed up and shook herself dry, her burn gone. Tyler flexed his arm, feeling some of his 'injuries' lessened, if not healed

'What the hell?'

'I...don't know'

"Brick break!"

"Shit, psychic!"

The boulder stopped in mid air, the two struggling to control it. Ultimately, Shadow's mind proved stronger and sent the boulder back to its former owner, smashing it to bits

"Fire blast!"

"Shadow ball!"

Machoke unleashed another inferno while Shadow launched a blast of pitch black energy. The two met in the middle, creating a large orb of flame that engulfed the ghost attack. After just a moment, the flames exploded, the shadow ball exiting and slamming into machoke's chest, making him stumble and cough

"Finish him," Tyler said

Shadow vanished in a blur, appearing just in front of machoke's face. As he stared at her just inches before him, she formed and fired a shadow ball, point blank in his face. His head snapped back, his eyes going blank as he fell backwards. He splashed down, floating on the surface limply

"Machoke is no longer able to battle! Tyler takes round five!"

Shadow tugged machoke onto the platform, where he vanished in a beam of red light, then jumped back to her home platform

"Just Lava left," Tyler said, "how are we gonna do it?"

"We can't hurt her...maybe she'll give..."


Most everyone watched as Lava's ball, the red and white sphere marked by a small flame decal, hit the water and sunk into the sea with the fire-type still contained inside. While everyone watched in horror, Bradley jumped and mankey, recovered slightly, appeared and carried him to shore in a second. Flipping Tyler off once more, he sprinted away

Meanwhile, Tyler and Shadow both leapt from their platforms to the next and next until they were by the one formerly occupied by Bradley. They instantly dived into the water and swam as fast as they could after the ball before it vanished into the darkness below

Thankfully, the orb wasn't weighted that much and so Tyler managed to snatch it and they returned to the surface. With a mix of hope and concern, he popped it open. But nothing came out. The ball was empty


"Suckers," Bradley scoffed, grinning and laughing as he walked through the crowded streets. They may have taken out his whole team, but he still had his quilava, or he would once he found her and re-captured her


"What the fuck?" he said, finding the blue jackal leaning against a wall in a back alley, "looks like my day will be getting better. Machoke!"

He clicked the button on the ball, but it refused to open, instead giving off a faint red light from the switch and beeping warningly. He'd forgotten that machoke was fainted

"Quil (hey)"

Looking down, Bradley found his quilava sitting at his feet

"You! So you've been whoring with a lucario now?"

"Luc lucar cario"

"Get back in your ball you little..." he'd dropped her ball as a distraction, "shit"


The flames on Lava's back ignited and a blast of flame engulfed Bradley's body, enhanced by the charcoal necklace she'd recovered. While he tried to put the fire out, a blast of blue aura slammed into his chest, sending him flying back into the street.

Before he could stand, lucario planted his foot on Bradley's chest, pinning him down

"Holy shit! A lucario!"

'Oh Arceus, not again,' lucario groaned

Grabbing Bradley by the shirt and Lava by the scruff of her neck, he jumped and disappeared from sight


"I'll rip his cock off," Shadow growled, contemplating just how to do it (if you're wondering, it involves a cinderblock, a trolley, a couple chains, and Bradley's gonads and arms, though that was only plan A)

"I thought you only threatened me with that," Jolt joked, feigning a smile and a hurt look

"Shut up Jolt," Seed advised

"...sorry, just...trying to help...lighten the mood," sighing, Jolt laid down, "I'm glad you're safe...by the way"

Any further conversation was cut off as a wild Bradley appeared and flew passed them and into the shallows. Next came a lucario that jumped down from the bleachers, Lava leaping off his shoulder and embracing Tyler

The following embrace left Tyler, Shadow, Lava, and Slash entangled on the ground with a grand total of 16 injuries, mostly cuts and/or burns

Bradley, meanwhile, was having a lovely time being pinned and handcuffed by a pair of police officers

"You'll be put in the custody of the nearest pokémon league official," Marybeth droned to the captive, "namely, me. I don't like people breaking my rules," then turned to Tyler, "you, come back here, 6pm tomorrow, for your gym battle"

"Uh, ok," Tyler said, detangling himself and standing, Shadow and Slash still embracing their friend

"Get your rest, just because your mom is Janet doesn't mean I won't do my best to kick your ass"

"Uh, understood?"

"Good," she returned her attention to Bradley, "take him away, confiscate his pokémon"

Aqua x Richey: Great Solutions to Hypothermia

This continues the series of stories telling of Shadow's family. This one chronicles Shadow's loving mother Aqua in her younger years, spending some time with her first love, and having her first fuck Oh, don't own pokemon, blah, blah, blah,...

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Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Thirty-one

Last cliffhanger, I promise, maybe **Chapter Thirty-one** ..."Ok you two," the professor said to the ten year old children before him, "why don't you go first Bradley?" The small boy nearly shook violently enough to give a girl an orgasm just by...

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Heat, Ice and Bugs

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