My Little Bird

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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It was so cold in the mountains, so high up, that even a well-made nest didn't help to keep one so small warm. A little eagle fuzzled softly in its nest that it had been using for some time; the land was known for its gryphon's not its eagles or other bird folk. That's why, when the giant gryphon showed up on its ledge where the smaller bird resided. It shivered in fear and cold as it chirped gently, almost weakly, up to the larger, dark, brown bird kin before it. The gryphon moved silently into the nest now, curling around the smaller bird, as it shared its warmth with the other. The eagle only blinked its eye's, rather astonished by this act of kindness, as it moves to fluff some under the great gryphon's wing.

"... Thank you" Came a small voice from the bird, causing the gryphon's wing to clench around the other in a tight hug , as its own voice was soft, almost feminine as well!

"I needed a place to sleep, and just so happens I found a cute little eagle to share it with tonight." Her words were so soft, and so kind. It made the little eagle ruffle it's feathers a bit and blush under them as much as one bird could. He was feeling rather shy around such a beautiful half lion creature!

"I'm Selendrile, if you wish to know your nest mate tonight... It would be rude not to thank you for your warmth" He spoke in a soft, calm voice, trying to fight back the shyness to give her the thanks that she deserved.

The gryphon, upon hearing these kind words from one so handsome, caused the feathers around hir cheeks to grow in a red tint, along with a soft, sweet giggle from her beak. Using a taloned paw, she gently rubs over his smaller body now.

"Your such a kind hearted little thing, so handsome and strong willed.. If only you were a gryphon we would make such a pair would we not?" She gave a soft chortle now as shi winked to him, moving to give him a soft nuzzle now before pulling him close!

"You may call me Celest; it's such a pleasure to meet you, though sleep now, we will have all morning to chat yes?" She chirped out so beautifully, her head moving to tuck the smaller creature under her wing more now, as her lion's tail gently moved against the edge of the nest.

With a nod, the smaller creature settled into the strange mix of fur and feather, that was of her mid-section. As the night grew darker, the faint sounds from the nearby cliff came to life, causing the two to stir for a moment. They heard a dragon's low roar and the squawking of fellow bird folk. Keeping still, the two of them knew they could do nothing for their fellow winged kin, only hope that the end was swift for them; as the cycle of life once again became evident that night. The gryphon's wing moved to cover the eagle, rather protectively now, as it kept a keen eye out. The eagle was fighting in his sleep now, from both a bit of fear of the unknown, and the fear of his new friend being hurt. (Editors Paw Print)

"Shh sleep little Selendrile, nothing will harm you while I'm here" She spoke softer, so that the beasts of the night could hear, while the eagle fell into a deeper sleep.

The morning came sooner than the eagle would have hoped. He enjoyed the feeling of having someone that seemed like a giant, feathered sister protecting him as he slept. Though, as the cool breeze swept over his feathered form, he felt the cold stirring him from his sleep. He was shocked to find the friend he had made the previous night, to be no were in sight, which caused the eagle to give a soft sigh. He knew she had no use for him, so why would she stay? But then his eyes spotted it. He gave a startled squawk to find one of the biggest of all fish lay in the nest, near him. It was like a whale compared to him! Was this something she had caught?

He wasn't going to complain at all as his sharp beak began to dig into the scaled flesh of the fish. Quickly, he made the finned creature his breakfast, his eyes gradually looking towards the area were the sounds from last night had come from, wondering for a moment.

As he finished the last of his wonderful meal, his eye's gazed over the cliff, until he spotted another nest like the one he was residing in. Within it seemed to be the blackest of gryphon's he had ever seen. It was like that of a black ball of fuzz, strange though that its colors weren't like that of a gryphon of these parts. It must have fed on some of his own kind last night and took the nest for itself! His heart began to pound in his chest as he felt a bit of anger coming from within; someone needed to teach this big bird a lesson. Then his mind went back to the sounds that night, causing him to hesitate a bit now, he knew he heard a dragon's roar last night. But dragons didn't have fur. With a soft nod, he would thank his friend later, but for now he had to teach this creature a lesson. He spread his wings and took flight, but as he drew closer and closer to the next his heart began to race more, not out of anger, but out of fear!

As he got to the nest, the bird was astonished at what he saw before him. Sleeping in the same nest as the ones that he would call home. A great beast indeed, it was black and had red tiger stripes over its back and snout. It had two small horns, the ears of a wolf, and a blue bandana over its head. Then his eye's looked over the rest of its body, as it rolled over blinking a bit as it laid on its back now. It had both a sheath and a slit! Then, as if that wasn't enough, its tail had a flower bulb on the end. What was this creature before him!? He just tried to piece it all together, seeing its great wing span, he began to walk along the nest in slight hops, until he glared directly at its head. Without thinking, he pecked the bandana off of the creatures head! He was going to show this creature not to mess with the feathered kin folk ever again, but as he was hopping to get away, he suddenly felt his leg sink into the nesting causing him to squawk loudly in surprise, only to turn still and freeze as the creature stirred awake in front of him!


Sun beams gently warmed my body, blending so well with the cool breeze of morning dew, as it cools me back down, I slowly open my soft blue eye's to greet the morning proper. My fur being tossed to and fro by the light breeze; I lay lazily enjoyed the sun just a few minutes more. Taking in the sights of the mountains and the cloudless sky above and the feather covered nest I was curled up in. My mind drifts a bit, from the efforts of waking up as my body was shifting a bit, at first I didn't even notice him. He was still a small blur of brown color as my eye's themselves were adjusting from the vision of night when I fell asleep, to the vision of the blinding sun. It seemed like that of a brown eagle, sort of mixed with that of a hawk in some aspects, which for the moment made hir snicker a bit at the thought. He must have just been curious of my presence there as I gently scratched over my now trim belly. Ah yes... that night was a good one for me. Having found a couple of tender birds, that were at least triple the size of the one before me now. They squirmed and fought so hard, but in the end as many had done before, they just ended up feeding me.

But as my eye's cleared, and my thoughts finally began to become my own, I noticed as I rubbed a paw through my fur atop my head, that my bandana, one of my most treasured pieces of clothing, was gone! As I let out a snort, I returned my gaze back to the bird before me to find my bandana to be in its beak. I let out a rather vicious snarl, baring my fangs before this wretched thief! I can't help but feel a slight bit of karma now, coming back to haunt me, being a well-known thief myself this kind of thing was coming to me, but sadly for this bird, it would be his last!

"You there, bird! What are you doing with my bandana?" Shi almost roared out at the bird, causing a shiver to run up his spine now, what was he thinking!?

But then he remembered why he was here, to teach this creature a lesson to not mess with his kind again! And without even thinking it over in his mind again, he took wing, and with a swift thrust, of his wings he quickly mover over hir head. He pecked hir right on the snout before pulling up and away from hir grasp, as he chirped out at hir!

"That's for messing with my kind you foul beast! Now get lost before I get real upset!" The eagle spoke with no real understanding of the situation at all now. He was all brass, but nothing to truly back it up as the creature before him was easily thirty feet tall. And, as it slowly began to unfurl and stand, he began to realize his mistake!

Feeling my stomach begin to gurgle, this creature had just made itself my unknowing breakfast, though not that big I will admit. But food is food, as my mother would often tell me. As I began to stand at my full height and glory, I could tell that the bird was realizing that he was way in over his head, as he began to show signs of pure terror. My dark violet tongue slipped out, and slowly ran over my char coal lips, showing him clearly what my intentions for him were! And before I could even stretch out my wings, he panicked and bolted, dropping the bandana he once so proudly carried. I strolled to the edge of the nest, and placing my bandana against my head just the way I like it, before spreading my wings. With such an evil grin, I watched the little birdy fly hard. So I took flight as well, only having to use half my strength to match such a small creature's speed, which was interesting to me. For I have always deemed such small creatures just play things, and not real food.

But as I caught up to this one, he seemed to dive down, heading between rocks and such, truly making this a rather interesting hunt indeed! I admit, this one wasn't a true meal himself, but at the same time I was going to savor him so much. But, as I nearly miss slamming between two rocks, claws digging into the rocks to climb, while I regain my flight once more; I have to catch him first! Such a small creature was proving to be a paw full I must admit, each time my lips would nearly seal around his whole body he would spin to the side; and even caused me to slam head first into the side of a mountain. With an echoing roar, he and I both knew that I was only being fueled more and more to sink my teeth into him, chew him up, and swallow him down into my_more than begging for him_ stomach!


Luck had been with her it seems; not only had the half lion, half falcon gryphon gained a new feathery friend, but fishing had brought her such a bounty now. She held a large blue colored fish between her beak now, jerking her head back some as she felt it sliding back, and with a hearty swallow, the whole squirming fish slipped down her throat. So easy... like that of a pelican's, all the way to disappear into her belly. She can feel it put up a small fight before stilling. Oh how good it felt to feast on a living prey, and just to feel them squirm a bit, she placed a paw over her belly now, and moved to perch herself on a rock bank near the river just to sit and daydream a bit. The big gryphon began to wonder for a moment what it would be like to be the prey, and be within someone's belly like the fish she had just ate. But then she winced, knowing how silly such a thought was, as she would surely die to find that out. Then her eye's blinked as she saw an eagle blur shooting by her from above, and began to panic as she recognized that bird. Following, would be a strange, almost monstrous creature, like that of a furred dragon giving chase. It streamed quickly right behind the eagle as if to do him harm!

"Selendrile!" She gave a started shout, causing the eagle to glance to his side as he saw his new friend had been fishing below him this whole time. So it was her that fed him this morning.

His thoughts were a big distraction now, as he feels his tail feathers suddenly getting nipped by the lips of the beast behind him! Squawking out loudly and shrilly in shock, his heart almost leaps out of his throat as he flies with all his might now, ducking under some fallen trees and behind a rock, quickly causing himself to roll and tumble to a stop. The creature kept flying with great speed as he caught his breath a moment. Hopping along, he moves behind some brush and just hides now. The great dragon creature realizes the bird is gone and comes back looking for him, roaring out so loudly, as shi hits the ground with a great sound of thunder, that echoes throughout the valley! Boy, shi did seem so angry, it caused him to grin a bit, as he was sure to get away now, and everything would be alright. With a bit of a grin, he started to sneak away now. Hopping nearly silent, towards a small cave that he knew led to the other side of the valley; but then he heard it, it sounded like a war cry from a great warrior bird. As he turned around, his whole world rocked and came crashing down as the great gryphoness charged with no thoughts of her own now, plowing herself into the much larger creature. Her talons and claws dug into the beasts flesh now, even though she was just ten or so feet tall, and compared to this creature, she was only a pain in the side. But least she would by him some time to get away!


It was as if the gods were now toying with me, this small bird as quick and agile as he was, should have been tiring out by now! My lips, oh how they were so close to getting a firm grip on him, enough so to give me a clear taste of the bird, causing my mouth to water. But then, as if I was the biggest fool in these lands, the little feathered creature was gone! Roaring out, I quickly land near the water's edge, crushing a few small rocks under paw. The whole ground shook with my tremendous weight! He was here, hiding, and being so small, it could take me forever to find him again; this little beast of an eagle had just made a complete fool of me. I stand here panting through my flared nostrils, teeth bared, and showing their fearsome glory. I glare around the area, demanding this small devil as my sacrifice! And then it all happened, as if it was destiny, or perhaps just this others kind heart getting the better of them. I felt the weight of another, much larger creature slam into me, causing me to almost topple into the stream. I caught myself, only to spin around, just as the talons sunk into my hide. My tail cracked over the creatures form, sending it flying back off of me, and into the stream!

As my head spun around I was quickly rewarded by the sight of a magnificent creature, half lion, and half falcon. This gryphon, who had decided to step up to defend its friend, carried the scent of a female nearing her heat, or perhaps one who had just passed it and found a mate. My eye's glared regardless of this fact, as the gryphon stood up, I began to growl a warning to this one to try and divert them from the path of getting themselves killed. But as the great feathered beast cried out at me fiercely, and growl itself, I just gave to my more primal needs. My belly began to growl at me in protest of its needs, and I knew I had to satisfy that need now, as the prey clearly presented itself to me like a sacrifice to a god! Then, as if on command, the gryphon spread its wings, and I, as I have always done before began to pace side to side, as I slowly began to corner this creature against the side of the great valley's rocky walls. Quickly, and expertly, I began to determine the flight path and any actions that this creature could take to try and escape, and I began to close those off. I spread my large wings out and began to beat them strongly at the gryphon now, to keep her right where I wanted her to stay!

I wasn't a great predator for being strong or superfast, no. It was because I was able to do what a lot of wild predators were unable to do. As my paws moved one in front of the other, I drew so close to the creature before me now. I was using my mind to calculate every path the prey could take, and using the down draft from my wings to keep her on the ground, my serpent like tail moved to the side. Our eye's forever stayed locked as she held her fierce stance, trying hard to get her wings to take air, but all they could do was pin against her sides as the fierce winds from my wings mighty beats kept her grounded. My sly movements kept her against the corner of the valley, as my tail moved up stealthily, as it had so many times before to such strong prey. As fierce as this one was, I was taking no chances with it and as my tail got within striking distance, I halted my wing beats and let my wings fold back to my sides, as I just grinned rather darkly to her. She seemed shocked at this change of movement by my person, and rather comically it took her a moment to even respond that her wings worked now.

But alas, I knew well that she was mine before her first wing beat. My tail slipped from behind her, coming up just under her chest now. It shot out its special dust like pollen up into her face, just as she took in a strong breath, and took flight! It was almost funny watching as the gryphon's every muscle froze up slowly in midflight, causing her to do a sort of half spin, and then come crashing down into the stream we had been playing in. Becoming still, I slowly started to lurch over her piled up form now, licking slowly over my lips, taking my paws now, I began to prepare my meal. I could still see her eye's darting back and forth as her chest rose and lowered, showing she was still alive but that her breathing had been slowed to the point she was rather vulnerable now. My claws moved to her wing joints, while she couldn't feel it at this point, I made it my mission to keep her from escaping me while I enjoyed her sacrifice, and like an expert hunter, I gracefully dislocated her wings with a sickening pop!

She gave a rather sick shrill at this. I just gave her a rather odd look, knowing well she didn't feel that. Perhaps she knew what was about to happen to her, and the sounds of popping only meant the truth was upon her. At any rate, I cared less about her thoughts on this matter, as I worked her in the waters like a raccoon would its prey. I began to wash her, rubbing my paws over every inch of her, to get rid of the taste of mud and dirt as I only wanted to taste gryphon this morning! She was such a beautiful catch I had to admit, even though I was robbing her of the right to live on further, I couldn't help but feel so lucky to be able to enjoy such a fine sack of feathered meat. Though as my blue eye's moved around the area, I was still out for that damn bird. I wanted him to pay for humiliating me regardless of my being full or not! And then, as if it was on cue, I felt the light pressure behind my head of that of a small bird about to die!


The small eagle, as proud as he was of escaping that rather dumb predator, wasn't very proud of the scene he was being forced to just sit by and watch. His heart was easing up, as his body began to regain its normal feel, rather than the panic that once swept over him, another feeling began to overtake him, as he gave a weak chirp out to the gryphoness now. Watching as the great black beast of a dragon began to treat her as a butcher would treat a chicken. He had watched it many times before in his random travels, he knew what was going on, and all he could do was shiver and hide in the coverage of the dead trees and overgrowth. But this feeling, it was something that was starting to take over his whole body, this emotion of needing to protect his friends and those he cared for now!

He knew he could do little to this creature, but he had to do something! As she let out a clear shrill of terror, he made up his mind. Even though his body was slow to follow suit he spread his wings and took to the air so quickly! If only he was a gryphon, if only he had been born something else maybe he would have been able to protect her... to repay her for the nice meal she had given him this morning. But as he felt his beak stab into the thick pelt of the black creature, he knew that this was going to have to do! He made constant passing sweeps over the black beast now, aiming each time to peck at the creatures head now and even aim for the eye's if he could. But nothing seemed to even bother the creature, or distract hir as shi was rubbing the water over the gryphoness' lower regions now, causing the eagle to give a squawk of anger. Feeling as if the creature was simply ignoring him as the gryphoness watched him above them, desperately trying to chirp for him to fly away from all of this and leave her!

And unknowingly he was being led on more and more, the Drafess knew he was there, and was only timing his movements as they seemed to revolve around a certain time each pecking. As he soon would make about his fifth passing, shi only grinned as he was in flight dive bombing at hir head this time. A large brown bag seemed to lift up from the creatures side and open just as he was flying at hir, causing the small eagle to fly right into the magical trinket. As the flap shut and sealed him inside, it caused him to squirm and fight, squawking with his every last breath now. Darkness soon took him, and even worse he could now begin to feel his whole world tilt, and the horrid sounds of jaw bones creacking. Followed by dripping water and very audible gulping as he bucked and flailed his legs so hard inside of the bag knowing well he was losing his friend forever, and was helpless to do anything at all!!!


At last, the pain in my neck and head was now easing up, and I could finally concentrate on my breakfast. The little eagle was now within my satchel. I would have so much fun with him later. My day seemed to just be getting better and better now as I lifted the large gryphoness from the waters; she dripped so beautifully from the water and in the sunlight now. Again I could only grin to her, knowing how truly lucky I was to be able to enjoy such a fine meal such as her. Regardless of her shrieks and chirps of horror, I could feel my jaws dislocate a bit for this one. I didn't want to spend all morning consuming this large chicken. As delicious as she would be, my mist wouldn't keep her paralyzed forever and I knew that well enough. I had been counting in my mind the minutes as they went by, and I didn't have much time to get her tucked away in my belly and secure her, before she would start biting and clawing a me! But even as my lips sealed over her whole head, I took a moment to run my tongue over every inch of her head and neck now. To savor her for just a moment before lifting her with my forelimbs, and shoving more of her body down the now dark, glistening tunnel of my throat!

It wasn't that hard after all. She was freshly washed and her feathers were always so silky smooth against the pallet, and my throat easily contorted to her every shape and curve. Her shoulders and chest began to feed into its strong muscles, as soon as I felt her chest secure I released her body and even contently settled on my haunches like a content feline. Tail curling around my paws, I tilted my head upwards. It was always so easy to take down large meals with the help of the slick walls of my throat and the aid of gravity. The gryphoness herself now found this out, to much her dismay, as I began to feed on her like a large lizard would its prey. Opening my maw wide and lurching forward with such horrifying power, sealing my lips around her again! Repeating this process, my tongue continued to taste more and more of her, until her hips were inside of my maw. I couldn't help but savor her nether regions quite fiercely now, as the mist was starting to wear off. I could feel her squawking and moaning out, as my strong tongue darted in and out, and pressing firmly one last time, perfectly over hir clit. I took another powerful thrust forward with my maw, as only her powerful feet and lions tail was all that remained to the outside world.

Such a large squirmy lump she made in my throat, it was almost on par with anything I had eaten in the last month; she must have realized too late that she could move. I was slowly drawing in the last of her tail now. Because, within my throat, as it was dragging her slowly down into my stomach, I could feel her beginning to panic so fiercely now. Her muffled cries and calls for help slowly died down, as I could feel hir head and upper body begin to slip into the calm chamber of my stomach. It was one of the greatest feelings in the world; to have living prey squirming within your tight stomach, and now, she was finally realized just how horrid it truly was to be on the receiving end of all the things she has been doing to smaller creatures. Truly this was karma striking her a final blow and forcing her to play her part in the great circle of life!

I could feel her body beginning to curl inside of my stomach as it accepted her gladly, gurgling softly from all around the gryphoness now. As shi entered the hot moist chamber, she began to struggle and fight so hard. I can't help but give a soft chuckle to myself and grin even more toothily, as in one final gulp, the rest of her tail was gone and joining her in the dark, wet room that was to be her final resting place for the evening! Light now drawn in by the depths of my throat, as I began to snap my jaws back into their original placement. The light faded away from the stomach with each movement. I feel the gryphoness turn around and rush to the opening as it tightens around her beak and seals, allowing her to breathe one last breath before the stomach starts to squeeze around her and drag the creature back into its wet folds. The entrance sealing with a large muscle and cutting all day light from her as the stomach began to churn over hir, the acids slowly starting to fill the chamber causing her to burn all over, as she finally begins to meet her end as the stomach claims her as its food!

I can only murr out softly now, rubbing a paw slowly over the rather large lump of my belly. I still can make out such vicious squirming and muffled cries through my hide. This one was such a fighter, and indeed possibly would have made such a strong mother to her young, but alas it wasn't my right to think on such things now. I had claimed this one as food, but truly I would have let her go if she would have left me alone to my own business. She had chosen this path, not truly I; but at the same time I confess that it did make my heart sink a little being a mother myself. I couldn't help but drift a bit on these thoughts now. But as I regress, I am content with this meal as she faught so hard to keep her friend safe. Sadly, I wouldn't allow such a pesky eagle to go so easily. I gently pat the satchel hidden cleverly by my fur as I grin, it came to life with a new vigor and chirping now, as I wait for the gryphon to settle a bit before taking flight once more!

"My... my little bird, you are such a vigorous one." I admit, as the bag flops around against my chest, as my wings beat strongly against the winds, the new weight caused me only a little more effort to carry now. I made my way back to my lair, a cave not far from my hunting ground.


"Damn this cursed bag, and damn you whatever hell spawn you are!" Came the shrieks of the angered eagle within the confines of the satchel!

No matter how hard the poor bird pushed, scratched, and pecked, the satchel wouldn't open, or even give the slightest bit for him! What was up with this thing? He couldn't understand how it didn't seem to take any damage at all. No matter how much he fought against it, the bag seemed to not even move! It must have been this monsters trickery or magic, holding him in this prison made of cow hides. Still, he couldn't get it out of his mind now... such a beautiful creature was now just a slab of meat for this black beast, and no matter what he did he couldn't help her at all now. And that fueled his rage more and more as he started to grow a bit warn out from all the flying and all the struggling against the baggage that had him trapped. Soon his eye's slowly closed and he dozed off, as the creature who had him trapped continued hir flight into the horizon with him tucked away so easily. His once strong gryphoness friend, unfortunately along for the ride in a more hostile environment!

Time seemed to pass by so fast as the little eagle slept. It felt as though all the fears and all his worry just disappeared as he dreamed so peacefully of him flying in the clouds above, taking in all the beauties of nature itself. But alas, as he slowly started to wake up, he would find no comforting clouds, and no freedom what so ever. He was now laying in what looked like a golden cage. It felt as if the whole world had also gotten so much larger then he remembered it. He began to panic a bit and look over himself and the wooden desk the cage was sitting on. What was going on? His mind screamed at him that he was in far more trouble than he first thought, as he was so much smaller than even before when he fought the black demon creature! As he looked to what he perceived were his feeding tray and water dish, the water was a strange green glowing liquid. Had he drunk this strange liquid? Is this what had done this to him?!

And then shi entered, was it really the beast though? This amazement swept over him now as a tall figure of the creature mixed with human features stepped into view from what seemed another part of the cave, perhaps the entrance? He watched as shi moved over towards a pile of cushions just beside of him now, and just ignored his whole existence as shi placed a pair of reading glasses on hir snout and began to read a sort of older looking book. How dare shi do this to him, and then simply act like he was nothing but a caged pet now!! He chirped out at hir, slamming himself on the cage towards hir. He tried to call out to hir in words, only to cough lightly, finding that all the words he could muster were those of the wild bird kin! What had shi done to him!?!? He was no mere pet, he wasn't meant to be in a cage, but as he would settle back up to glare at him, fear overcame him as he trembled at the devilish gaze, and that wicked grin that shi met him with!

"Oh little birdy, I totally forgot all about my newest little play thing... my.. My.. How much you still fight your own fate" Shi spoke with a cold tone, like shi was talking to someone who was already dead, and had lost all care for them what so ever!

This caused the eagle to just whimper, fear and panic was once again trying to take control now. Shi was as a human, but to him right now shi was the size of a giant. Shi had to be twenty or more feet compared to him, and only then did he realize hir fully nude form! Those giant breasts, bouncing lightly as shi sat up to address him and lower, such a mighty cock. One that would make even a horse cry in shame, but then he blinked, and quickly hobbled back into the corner of the cage as he realized shi was moving closer to him now!! Chirping violently at hir, as if to try and beg her to leave him alone, but with that same devilish cold gaze, shi slipped a hand into the cage. He spread his wings and leapt upwards to take flight in the cage, and winced as his wings went limp, causing him to fall back and land right in hir hand. Shi gripped him tightly and pulled him from the cage, giving him a deep purr, almost like that of a feline having caught a bird in flight.

"Shhh my little birdy, don't panic sweet one. I clipped your little wings while you were still dreaming of being a free bird, sadly you are far from free" Shi spoke, that tone unchanging as the bird only whimpered out and flinched. Shi began to slowly draw hir tongue over hir lips. He just shut his eye's tightly trying to hide the fear, to try and dream of being in a better place!

The bird could feel the monster of a creature, his new owner beginning to move back against the cushions now. But what he didn't expect at all was the feeling of being dropped. He let out a squawk of pure fear now, looking down as shi spread hir larges breasts wide, landing in between them. Shi sealed him within their mass, trapping him all around in hir flesh. You can hear nothing but hir heart beat and the silent cries, still emanating from hir body, of your friend causing you to almost break. Knowing well that you are in hir complete control now, and you didn't know the first step to take to get out of this mess! If only you hadn't met this creature. You feel the pressure of hir boobs ease up, revealing the dark grin from the black demoness before you once more. Trying to slowly pull away from hir, backing up, and rolling slowly over hir chest now as shi doesn't even try to catch you as shi leans back, as you seem to fall back against something hard.. Warm, and wet as if a large pipe, and then your eyes open wide in shock. You slowly turn to face your new fate!

There before you, held pinned against hir squirming belly, was a massive dark violet cock! It was the same you had noticed before, and the wetness was indeed the pre coming from within hir. Shi was so turned on by the suffering of your friend within now, wincing as you feel a paw move! Placing a thumb against the back of your head, shi viciously growls, and shoves your panic stricken beak and head into hir wet, pulsating cock slit. It welcomes you like that of a worms maw and begins, as if on instinct, to grip and suckle on you! Pinning your wings back against your sides, hir other paw began to slowly jerk the great, hardened muscle as you are fed into it. Your whole view turning dark, as you form such a nice, little lump in the length. Slowly, as your wings and body begin to join you, you don't think this could ever get any worse!

Moaning is the next thing the poor bird would hear, as shi would only mock and tease at him from time to time, pointing a dull claw over his tail feathers to purposely press against his little hidden pucker, causing the bird to squirm more. In turn shi would arch hir back a bit and moan out louder to this, finding such great pleasure in all of this now! The bird's small form was now nothing but a large, squirmy lump within the cocks great, pulsing length. Shi continued to stroke over it slowly, as if waiting for something . Shi can't help but speak up and only cause the bird to shiver even more!

"Mm my little bird is being fed to my big monstrous bird hehehe" Shi couldn't help but giggle at his fate, now through another soft moan. It was ironic; this was to be his fate to become a part of hir 'bird'.


I could feel him now. He was pressing against my great knot and oh how amazing he felt with those slicken, silk like feathers as they brushed against my inner meat! I want to just keep him there forever, as I wrapped a hand around my cocks base, squeezing with two fingers as hard as I could to stop him from entering my sack. I began to use the other paw to just prod gently into the squirming lump, and finger over its length within my powerful cock. It seemed to go on for hours, rather than minutes now. I just toyed and teased at this little creature. Almost as if he was nothing to me but lust filled ecstasy; in a little bird form, but then again as I rest for only a moment and recollect this is exactly what he is to me! The little shit gave me such a hard time, and even tried to steal my bandana from my head!

With no regrets left, and only pleasurable bliss, I release my two fingers from around my cocks large knot. Allowing the cock to take what it is due. As I feel the little bird slip fully into my fuzzy sack, my paws moved to gently play along the orbs. He looks almost like a third large nut in my great, semen filled, sack! I can't stop now, this feeling almost causing me to gasp from pure pleasure, more than any toy I had ever played with before. I feel my hand moving down, as my two fingers press into my wet cunny lips. Spreading myself out, my middle finger digs deep into my sex, finding my clit as my other hand now presses the poor eagle back and forth all around my sack. I can feel his squirming picking up. He must, no doubt, started to panic anew now, as he swam in my cum!

It was almost too good; this feeling that was washing over me now! If only I had someone to fill me while this was happening, but I did good all by myself. Three of my fingers now pressed between the lips of my hot wet pussy; all three attacking my clit so viciously. My other paw moved back to grip my whole hand around my cock. Jerking it just as viciously as my other hand was plunging in to my cunny! I began to buck into my hand, every movement causing the small bird within my sack to be forced to endure each slosh of the building climax. I began to moan loudly now, biting my lower lip, as the passionate feeling of lust and sex begins to take its toll on my whole body! My back arched so much with each thrust into my gripping hand that, my jerking was now working with my thrusting as my fem sex neared its own climax. I left it be, and fully gripped my great cock within both of my hands now, jerking and thrusting, combined with the bird bouncing to and fro from my sack!

Suddenly, with great strain, I lick my lips as I buck hard and bend my lower half down until I can seal my lips around my own cock head. Forcing its way into my throat! Suckling hard at the moment of near climax, as my tail now moves with great vigor to help me finish. Plunging its bulbous head directly into my wet, fem sex, filling me, and giving me the feeling of a great cock thrusting itself deep into me. It sends me well over the edge as the tiny bird is suddenly forced from his new home in my sack, and propelled back up the great cock as I climaxed into my own maw. Force feeding myself my own cum as well as the poor bird that was being made to 'enjoy' this, with me! I give a few quick gulps until I notice him, within my maw. Grinning wickedly, I give him one last lick under his beak before another load of semen forces him down my throat, and into the awaiting belly, as he piles in to join his old friend!

My body limp, spent by this great new feeling of a feathered creature within my sack, becoming my meal at last as I had avenged my bandana, and punished him for what he did to me. I never would have ever imagined that this would have given me such a tremendous breakfast date, followed by a dessert. But alas, it was all over now as I lay bare on my nest of pillows, drifting slowly into my own slumber, as the two would begin digesting, and fulfilling their jobs as food for me. I can't help but wonder though; will I get such a grand dinner later this eve?

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