A Dragon's Love: Bellatrix

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#16 of A Dragon's Love

When Valor's mortality comes, The Goddess oft times chooses to reincarnate him again, send him back to Aslennor for another life. Every once in a while, she chooses to trade places, to live a mortal life of her own while Valor takes on the responsibilities of a god.


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Valor had spent quite a while, many hundreds of years in fact, acquainting himself with godhood, or perhaps reacquainting, but after so long and so much drawling work to keep the world turning, he had begun to grow rather...bored. When his life had come to a close and he returned to the celestial above, his mother had met him there, graced him with a kiss, and a tantalizing kiss it was, and was gone, off to live a life of her own in the world below.

Now that kiss was catching up to him. Damn her for it. He would be sure to get her back upon the return of her divinity. But now, with his consciousness used to it's tasks and thus freed up to focus on other things, he had something to attend to. He glanced down at his naked flesh, it's form sparkling, almost glittery, though a little darker-skinned than he was used to in life. His toned muscles were rather fit, it was almost surprising for a creature who hadn't really done anything physical in two hundred and some years. The scales on his wings and tail were white, but oddly his flesh was a dark red. Perhaps it was just how he liked to see himself. Either way, his eyes soon found the source of his problem. He glared at the eleven inches of throbbing meat, then looked up at the stars all around him. Well, if he was going to please himself, he may as well find something to watch as he did so... but what?

He knew he could watch any one and anything. He could spy any couple making love, any lustful man raping anyone or anything, he could even watch the animals mating in spring. No, he had a better idea. He knew what he would watch. She had done this to him in the first place, made him so... needy. That one kiss had sealed his fate and he suspected she knew that. He would espy his mother. But when? Oh... why not roll the dice, let chance dictate what he would see.

As the first images began to come into focus before him, he smirked to himself and reached down to curl his digits around his throbbing length...

* * * * *

Bellatrix didn't know what to do, she was lost, abandoned by her parents before she ever knew what had happened. She had been sleeping in the forest, curled within her mother's coil and when she awoke... No one was anywhere to be seen. So she started to walk...and walk...and walk...

It was an impressive feat for one so young as she. She appeared only to be perhaps nine or ten by human standards. She was a lithe little creature when she appeared as an elf, a little biped with smooth, pale skin and a head of amethyst hair. A pair of purple wings and a tail sprouted from her back, the only indication of her true blood. Her narrow, pale body was clothed with what could almost be described as a purple nightgown. But after so much time walking, almost a full day's worth, it was messy and torn near the hem about her knees.

Her purple eyes looked around as she approached a small town, sparkling curiously, almost pleadingly as she approached. Maybe someone in the town could help her, maybe someone had seen her parents... A pair of adult dragons, after all, were hard to miss.

She wandered into the town's dusty streets, looking this way and that at the myriad of individuals all around. There were tall, skinny elves, a few humans in their own messy clothes, she even spotted a gryphon nearby one of the buildings she had passed. Her eyes were so amazed by what she saw, she never noticed the large dark figure in front of her until she bumped into it.

She gave a squeak and stumbled back, looking up at what she had run into. It was a large black furry biped, a tall creature that more resembled a wolf than a person, but alas the figure turned to face her, leveling a smiling muzzle and sparkling golden eyes down on her.

The wolf was a little taller than an average human and very much female. Her hips were rather wide, her bust an impressive display, but what was more impressive still was the globe of her belly protruding outward. Bellatrix had to step back to peer around her big tummy and see her face.

"Well what is this," the shewolf asked, cocking a black brow down at the lost little dragonling. "You should watch where you are walking, sweet." She said, then suddenly grinned, holding a hand beckoningly to the awestruck little girl. "You look absolutely dirty! Come along, why don't you let me clean you up?"

Bellatrix was hesitant to accept the strange creature's outstretched paw, but... what did she have to fear? This wolf was obviously a mother, or was going to be, and was probably feeling very motherly at the moment and just wanted to take care of her. Maybe after she got cleaned up, the lady-thing would help her find her parents. Slowly, she lifted her hand into the offer of assistance.

As she was led along, her eyes again began to wander, taking in the small town until at last she found herself led into a smoky commons area of what was a large two story building. The commons was filled with tables, many of them empty this midday. From behind a counter along the far wall, another wolf, this one male and covered in brown fur, called out "Found another one, did you?"

Bellatrix blinked, looking at the male before her ears twitched, hearing her guide answer "Yes, another one alright. Poor thing was wandering around and bumped into me." The male behind the bar responded with a laugh before he looked down to the glass he had been cleaning.

The she-wolf led her up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor to a door with the number '24' on it, emblazoned in gold. The wolf pushed open the door and led Bellatrix inside, closing and locking the door behind them. Bellatrix was to occupied to notice, however. Her eyes had locked instantly onto the large, lavish bed covered in her favorite colored blankets and canopy. The entire room, in fact, seemed decorated with a predominantly purple theme. Everything was padded and painted and polished in purples, from the bed to the vanity to the wardrobes to the dressers, it was all purple.

The wolf led her to the bed and reached down to pick her up and set her upon the soft purple blankets. Smiling, she stood before Bellatrix and looked her over before clicking her tongue. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up. Why don't we start with that rag you're wearing?"

"M-my gown?" Bellatrix asked, looking down to her dirty garment before looking once again to her wolf rescuer.

The she-wolf smiled and nodded, reaching down to pull the gown up over her smooth, pale skin towards her underarms. "Alright, lift 'em." She paused at Bellatrix arms, waiting for the girl to lift her limbs up and out of the way. She pulled the gown over her head and with a little maneuvering, away from her wings. Smiling, she folded it up and took it to a hamper near the door. Depositing the rag inside, she turned and made her way back to the bed to stand in front of Bellatrix.

"Are you going to have a baby?" Bellatrix asked, her eyes looking at the large globe of fur in front of her in amazement.

Laughing, the wolf responded with a nod. "I am. This will be my first litter." She carefully sat at the young girl's side and smiled, taking both little hands in her own and guiding them along her taut tummy, letting the girl curl her fingers in her soft fur. She couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the dragonling's soft sounds of wonder.

"Oh! I felt it move!" the girl exclaimed, holding her hands over one spot where she had felt the kick, but it didn't return. She smiled a big toothy grin as the she-wolf guided her hands along her tummy, all over it's great expanse. She liked the feeling of the soft fur beneath her fingertips and palm, it felt very good. She watched her hands gliding up over the swell of the babybelly, then down along it's surface, over the woman's bellybutton and lower.

She blinked in curious confusion as she felt her hands guided away from the belly and over something she hadn't seen yet, something hidden beneath the globe of babybump. She felt the wolf guiding her hands over something stiff and warm she almost thought felt a little cylindrical. One hand was kept on this stiff place while the other went slightly lower to something else odd. There was a sort of sphere, in fact there were two. What was going on?

She opened her mouth to inquire but both hands were guided back up, this time both left the softness of fur and touched something very hot and fleshy. The instant they did, she pulled her hands away and stared up at the wolf's face in utter bewilderment. "What is that?" she asked, letting her eyes drop to try and see, but the belly was in the way.

The wolf laughed and began to carefully stand. "I'll show you. Lay down on the bed, sweety." She directed.

The young dragonling giggled and smiled up at the nice wolf woman. "My name is Bellatrix!" she clarified, scooting a little farther away from the edge of the bed so she could lay out on her back comfortably, for the moment not minding her nakedness. After all, she had only worn the gown to keep her pale skin from burning in the daylight. Clothes weren't a normal attire for her, nor her parents in their bodies like this one.

The forefront of her mind was not on her nakedness, but the woman's body as she turned to face her once again. She blinked in surprise as she saw something protruding from the future-mommy's groin, something bright red and long. The fleshy appendage was probably eight inches long, and pressed uncomfortably against the tummy above it.

"What is that?" she asked curiously as the wolf woman gingerly crawled onto the bed and carefully positioned herself by Bellatrix feet.

"I'm going to show you, little Bellatrix. Spread your legs as wide as you can for me." The wolf's tail was swaying behind her, moving to and fro in an excited manner, though not quite wagging as a feral beast's might.

Bellatrix smiled and did as told, her eyes never leaving that strange fleshy appendage, not even when the wolf grabbed her legs. She giggled playfully when the wolf pulled her down towards her and carefully leaned forward. As the big round tummy brushed and nestled against her belly and chest, she giggled even more at the feeling of little kicks and pushes against her. She had opened her mouth to comment that she had felt the baby move when she felt the hot, stiff flesh touch her girlhood. All thoughts of babies left her mind. A feeling of dread washed over her suddenly as she felt the hot thing press against her. The pressure only grew and grew, making the sense of dread grow with it.

Finally her body gave way and a little bit of the heat pressed into her. She gasped and whimpered lightly. "What are you doing? I don't like this, miss..." she said, staring up at the black wolf looming over her.

A pair of golden eyes looked down at her and a wicked smirk curled the muzzle above. "I'm showing you what this is, just as I said I would." A large furry hand was suddenly on her bare chest, gliding over her flat body not covered in tummyfur. In only a moment the hand's fingers were paying special attentions to her pert nipples, each standing slightly erect in the exposed air.

She whimpered again and began to ask the wolf to stop when suddenly the fleshy appendage pressing into her lurched and speared forward. Her open mouth gave a shrill squeal, one of pain as she felt a fire burning in her own tummy. She felt like she was going to die, like this woman was pushing a hot rod straight into her gut.

She screamed and yelped as the mommy-to-be pulled the appendage out of her almost completely then forced it all in again, and again, and a third time, and then kept going. Bellatrix was in so much pain and felt it renewed each time something deep inside of her was pushed aside upon every downward thrust. She grabbed handfuls of the purple fabric on either side of her head and gripped it tight, calling out.

It seemed like forever had past, hours or days even, until the wolf pushed every bit of the thing into her, and then it only got worse. It got bigger and bigger and BIGGER at the base, stretching her body painfully. The hot burn inside of her violated body was soothed only lightly by something hot and wet being pumped into her over the course of another eternity.

She never noticed her wrists extended up and away from her and bound with ropes. She did know when sweet relief filled her young mind at the release of the appendage from her body. It popped out and the gravid wolf carefully moved away. She tried to curl into a fetal position to cry and week, but the wolf extended each of her legs, binding her ankles with rope as well before tying the girl out spread-eagle to each bed post. Standing beside the bed, the breathless she-wolf smiled down at her, one hand cradling her belly while the other gripped and caressed a furry breast. "Ooh... You'll do quite nicely. I havnt had a fuck that good in a very long time," the herm said, grinning down at the girl before she reached down and pat her tummy, which seemed to slosh lightly at the pat.

Looking down, Bellatrix gave another horrifying scream. Her tummy looked as big and round as the wolf's! She cried in horror and pain at her violation as her rapist left her there with only her tears for company.


It was some time later when a soft, furry hand against her cheek roused her. Bellatrix blinked herself awake, then gave a start as she beheld the round wolf sitting beside her bound form, a cup in her hand.

"Shush shush, child. I have something for you. You must be thirsty after our little excitement." She said, holding the cup forward, near Bellatrix lips.

The little girl shook her head, trying to deny her thirst, but... "What is it?" she asked, a look of distrust clear on her face, but her thirst won out over her poor feelings on the situation.

"Only water. Here, drink." The wolf said, tipping the cup for the girl.

Bellatrix sipped at the water trickling into her mouth, but as the cup tipped more and more, she found she had to chug it down as fast as she could. It was water, but it tasted so sweet, almost like some of the fruits in the forest where she lived... but different.

"There, all gone." The wolf smiled down at her and stood up, going so far as to untie the girl's bonds. She snapped her fingers and set the cup down upon the bedside table, but though it was empty a moment before, water sloshed about within as she turned and made her way to the door.

As thirsty as she was, Bellatrix rolled towards the table and took the cup, chugging its contents down rapidly. She gasped as she set the empty cup down and wiped her lips, feeling rather refreshed. But something stirred in her, starting in her swollen belly and radiating outward...

She looked towards the door to see if the wolf was still there, but she could only blink in surprise. The door was closed and what stood in front of it was none other than the four legged creature she had spied in the streets earlier, the large gryphon. His beak was opened slightly in what looked like a grin to her, and between his hind legs, throbbing beneath his belly, was a large red rod that dwarfed the wolf's own.

"Well look what we have here. The Madam was right..." he said, his voice a deep purr as he approached, his golden feathers and fur rippling with each movement of his muscles. His golden eyes looked her up and down, like an animal sizing up a piece of meat. "Get on your hands and knees," he demanded.

Bellatrix felt fear as the large creature approached, but what caused her to roll over and perch herself in the middle of the bed on her hands and knees was not fear. She didn't know what had come over her, didn't know what was going on in her mind, but the sight of his impressive tool... She wanted it. The wolf had hurt her so much, had caused so much pain in her lower body, but... she wanted this gryphon's thing inside of her. She wanted his hips slapping against her rump. It scared her, this new desire. It sired a fear in her, that she was losing her mind, but it was all soon forgotten as the gryphon climbed onto the bed and carefully stood over her.

She felt him lower himself against her back, felt his warm fur and feathers pressing against her and one of his birdlike talons curling up against her bare chest and swollen belly, but what caused her to gasp was the hot point of his length pressing against her rump and thighs only for a short time before it parted her abused girlhood and slowly started to sink into her.

Opening her mouth to scream, she was surprised to hear herself moan in the same way the wolf had before, a needy, pleasure filled sound. Indeed, there was an immense amount of pain filling her lower regions again as the critter forced it's foot-length fully into her body, pressing his fuzzy, hot testicles against her thighs. But there was something else on top of the pain, a desire for more of it; a need to be used, a need to be filled. Indeed she never noticed her swollen belly beginning to shrink, retaking it's flat form slowly as the gryphon started to piston his hips, slowly and gently for the time being.

The only thing she noticed was her body, held against the warm, fuzzy body of the grphon atop her, starting to rock in time with his thrusting. She noticed the moans passing her lips were growing more frequent and louder. She noticed the desire, the burning in her belly was growing.

The hybrid atop her grunted and squawked before chuckling audibly down at her. "You're a tight little bitch, aren't you?" he asked with a laugh. "You are the best fuck the Madam has ever sold me, I will give you that... And you are very well trained. The last child I had did nothing but scream and scream. It was rather annoying."

Bellatrix opened her mouth to comment, to inquire, to say something, but all that past her lips was another loud moan. She felt the animal's speed increase, felt her body racked and recoiling with each near-brutal thrust into her body, but she did not complain. Instead, she rocked herself back to meet his every thrust, squealing and gasping with each touch the gryphon's tip made against her deepest barrier, the deepest wall of her undeveloped womb.

Purring loudly and squawking with each withdrawl and thrust into her, the gryphon didn't last very long at all. Soon enough he forced his hips tightly against the young dragonling's rump. She felt his furry testicles tightening against his body as his length throbbed powerfully inside of her. A joy unlike any other filled her at what she knew would happen next. Unlike the wolf, there was no large knot swelling, but the immense amount of seed that rushed into her body made her gasp and throw her head back, screaming loudly in passion as her body contracted around the invader, milking it ravenously for every drop.

Finally she collapsed onto the bed, her head and shoulders resting in exhaustion against the purple blankets, her knees refusing to give way. It was odd, she mused, that her knees remained bent, her butt remained in the air, and yet she felt the faintest tickle of the warm blankets against her belly. She gasped and shivered as she felt the gryphon withdraw himself. She never heard him leave her alone in the room.

Collapsing onto her side, she blinked in surprise at her once-again swollen belly. She reached up to caress it's hot expanse, smiling after a time as she comforted herself with the thought that everything she had wanted was there, nestled inside...

When she awoke, her belly was flat and the cup was again full of water. She found herself quite thirsty and drank it down three times before the door opened. When it did, she found her desire and need to be fucked renewed, overpowering the fear and want to go home.

It was this way for weeks, and then months, until the cup no longer filled itself with the drug, but instead real water. The rhythm continued until she no longer needed to be drugged to want the males who came into her prison, but freely gave herself to them.

Indeed, one such day, she lay on her back upon the bed that still matched her purple hair. As naked as ever, she smiled at her pale body, her fingers idly caressing the swell of her tummy. It was not cum that filled her, however. Her belly, its gentle swell ever-present these days, was filled with a child, one she could feel growing inside of her if she was at peace, left to her thoughts as she was at that time.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted, however, as the door swung open. Madam, the wolf who had introduced her to this new lifestyle, strode forward, her belly taut after the birth of her litter, and her breast laden with milk. She smiled at the naked dragonling on the bed and strode forward slowly until she was crawling upon the amethyst blankets and onto the dragonling laying upon them.

"I have a surprise for you, sweet... but you have to do something for me first..." she cooed gently, leaning down to gently nip at each of Bellatrix's perking nipples, not yet swollen with milk. "My mate has been away for a fortnight... and I need release." She smiled at her captive, her golden eyes twinkling wickedly.

Bellatrix smiled. She knew what to do. Her hands lifted to the wolf's body, one gently caressing and groping her laden breast, the other touching along her thick sheathe, coaxing it's contents to full arousal. Once satisfied her Madam was as hard as could be, she carefully rolled the wolf onto her back and climbed onto her.

She straddled the wolf's black hips, gently exploring the red length between them before she guided it gingerly into her young body that was somehow still as tight as the first time. Both females gasped and moaned deeply as the young girl impaled her pregnant body on the hermaphrodite's long rod and began to gently rock her hips.

Smiling, Bellatrix closed her eyes, slowly riding her owner to their shared end, as it always was. The two rarely met their climax separately. She gasped lightly, feeling warm furry hands on her belly, gently caressing the swell. The young girl lifted her hips, lifting her body nearly completely off of the throbbing doggy cock before she lowered herself back down, still soft, still gentle. She would not take a rough pace, nor would she allow one from her visitors, not since her tummy began to grow.

Both females began to moan loudly as they kept this gentle pace, Bellatrix carefully impaling herself again and again on the hot rod, Madam beneath her softly lifting her hips to meat the young girl's every down-thrust. For a good hour the two females enjoyed themselves, changing positions, rolling over, twisting about, but always they were gentle with one another, even as the wolf forced all but her knot into her young slave and threw her head back to howl.

Bellatrix, on her back, wrapped her legs around the wolf's waist and gripped the blankets on either side of her head, squealing loudly as she felt the doggy dick filling her young body with it's hot contents, flooding her with canine seed until it gushed out of her and onto the bedding.

She gasped breathlessly, accepting the kiss Madam gave her before quivering at the feeling of the hot red cock leaving her body. She watched Madam stand up and slowly offer her hands.

"Come, your surprise is in the stables, waiting for you."

Bellatrix blinked at that, then looked to the door. She could not help but notice the lock had not been latched. Excitement filled her at the prospect of being given something. She bolted up and dashed past the spent wolf, taking the stairs two at a time as she ran down into the commons, then past towards the main entrance. She danced into the stables and skittered to a halt.

"Ah, so you're the one... You will have to do." Before her stood a large brown-furred equine, his coat well kept and recently cleaned. His black tail swished absently as his body rippled upon it's four powerful legs, but where a head should have been was the muscled torso of a human, or what appeared human. The centaur's brown eyes stared down at her with hungry eyes beneath a head of long black hair. "Come along, then," he said, starting to walk past her. "We have a long way to go before we get to my village."

* * * * *

Valor moaned as he stroked himself, watching his divine seed fly from the tip of his eleven inch dragoncock to spatter against the stars he stood upon. Grinning at the mess that faded into nothingness, he fell back onto a bed that hadn't been there before. Now wasn't that a wonderful escape from his godly duties, watching his beloved mother raped and turned into a whore, and now she carried a child no less, as she followed her new owner to his home! Grinning, he licked his lips, still idly stroking his thick length. Well he couldn't get anything done with this in the way... Maybe he would have to watch his mother more, watch what happened in that timeline if only to see how she would cope with a centaur's horsecock... or whose baby she carried, for that matter.

He nodded to himself and gave a soft sigh. Yes, he would have to do just that, but later. Now, he needed to cool down a little bit before he began again...