Missing You

Story by drakoman on SoFurry

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This story is not for people 18 and under or for people who don't like this kind of thing. Duh.

This story has a little sex and a lotta romance (weird, I know). If you begin to feel queasy, try not to barf on your keyboard.

Any similarities between anyone, real or not, are strictly accidental.

And as a warning to those who liked my previous works, this one doesn't have as much yiffing as they did.


Journal of James Pedly

October 25, 2007, 6:30 P.M

My parents yelled at me for getting bad grades in school. I tried to tell them that the reason I'm not doing well in school is because of the strain they're putting on me to do well. They told me I was simply making excuses again and sent me up to my room without dinner as punishment for my grades and backtalk.

When I got up to my room, I was crying and needed comfort. I reached my hand out to my snake, Alex, in its cage. I loved Alex and it seemed he/she loved me. I never got around to figuring out whether it was a male or female. I did know a few things about it, though. One was that it was a beauty snake, with a green head, blue body, and yellow stripes down its back. Another was that it was my best friend, counting my human ones.

Alex curled its way up my arm and took its usual place around my neck. Had I chosen to lie down, it would have curled up on my chest, staring at me. I stroked its head and told it all my troubles. As usual, when I start crying, Alex came up and licked the tears from my face. I stroked Alex's head and it squeezed lightly around my throat, the usual show of pleasure.

A second later, a hole seemingly opened up in the middle of my room. It looked like those time/space portals in movies. In any case, it reached out with tendrils of electricity and grabbed Alex! There was nothing either of us could do as it pulled Alex into itself. It closed immediately as Alex's tail whipped through. Alex, my only comfort, was gone. I just barely managed to write this without tears wetting the paper. James, signing out.

*note* At the bottom of the page, there are some large water marks.

November 8, 2007, 8:00 P.M

I was getting ready for bed when that weird portal opened again. I stayed seated where I was. I didn't want to get pulled in like Al... I mean my pet snake. As I huddled in the corner, a head began pushing its way through the portal. The head looked like that of a snake, but it was the size of an adult's head! The rest of the body that followed was also snake-like, except for the arms and legs that were attached. Standing, the creature was a head higher than me. For the strangest reason, it looked like my pet snake.

November 9, 2007, 5 o'clock A.M

Sorry. I left my last entry unfinished.

As the creature exited the portal, I got as far away from it as possible and huddled there. I had no idea what this creature would do if it saw me, but I didn't really want to know. The creature looked around the room as the portal closed. It nodded, and then looked around again. Its forked tongue tasted the air and it turned towards me. I curled into a fetal position and pretended to be dead. I could still hear the creature moving in my direction, its scales making the same sound as Alex's did when it was here. Please don't let it eat me.

I heard the creature stop in front of me and felt a hand on my head. I heard a feminine voice from somewhere above me. "Its ok, James." I opened my eyes and looked up at the creature. The creature looked down at James with kindness.

"How do you know my name?" I asked the creature. Before it even answered, I somehow already knew the answer.

The creature, no, Alex, somehow smiled. "I think you've already figured it out." I jumped up and gave it, who I now realized is a 'her', a hug. I felt her new, strong arms hugging me back. I also felt something wrapping around my back. I looked around and saw her tail wrapping around my body, lifting me up from the floor. She carried and hugged me back to my bed and lay down, placing me next to her cool body. We fell asleep with me in her arms.

When I woke up this morning, I would have thought it had all been a dream except for the fact that I still had snake-human lying next to me. I whispered her name and she opened her slightly transparent eyelids and smiled. She hugged me again before she stiffened up and let go of me, disappearing into midair. I looked around for her, but couldn't find her.

My mother came in the room, yelling, as usual. "James, are you up yet?! I've been yelling for you for the last five minutes! You've got studying to do!"

I did what I usually did at this point. I nodded and she left the room. I looked around, looking for Alex and not finding her. I sighed and began to get dressed for my chores. During that time, I wrote what was just written.

11:10 A.M

After I was dressed, I went to my door and opened it. Before I could step out, my door closed. I stepped back and Alex appeared. I hugged her. She returned the hug. "Where'd you go?" I asked. She pulled me to my bed and sat down, moving her tail to the side.

"Well, if you're talking about a few minutes ago, I just turned invisible. If you're talking about the two weeks, I was in a different world. You might not believe me, but it's true." I told her that on no uncertain terms that I believed her with all my heart. She stroked my hair, calming my mood. She told me that if I was interested, she would tell me what happened tonight.

I eagerly await tonight. ?

8 o'clock P.M

I entered my room to find the window open. I called out for Alex, but she didn't appear. A minute later, she climbed in through the window. "Sorry if I worried you, James. I had to eat sometime." She sat down on my bed as I pulled on my pajama pants. I climbed into bed next to her and lay my head on her lap. She stroked my head as she began to tell me her story.

I fell asleep quickly after she finished her narrative.

9:30 P.M

This is Alex. I saw James off to sleep. He was so tired tonight! I'm recording my story here for him. I could tell he wouldn't remember.

I had tried to hold on to his neck, but was pulled too hard. I flew down a tunnel that was sending what felt like electric shock to my body. As I flew, my body extended as I grew arms and legs. As I changed, I gained knowledge of many different things. Most of it was about how to use my new body and what happens with it. Other parts of it were languages and how to use them. Pretty much everything needed to be a human or at least human-like

I saw a darkening at the end of the tunnel. I knew that the tunnel was coming to an end. I came out the other end of the tunnel and landed on my new feet.

I stood up shakily, getting a feel for my new limbs. I looked around this new world, seeing that it was nothing like the one I had come from.

After I wandered around for a while, I saw a shape ahead that was moving. I moved closer and saw that it was another snake-person. It turned around and looked directly at me. I was worried for my life until it smiled and jumped at me. "Yay! I actually found someone!" The other person, whom I realized looked somewhat like me with the limbs and tail, held my hand. "Hi,mynamesBobbyWhatsyourname?" I blinked a few times, then cocked one scaly eyebrow. "Um, hello, Bobby, you said? My name's Alex. I'm not from around here. Are you?" Bobby nodded rapidly. "Yeah, I live here. Sorry about talking all fast. I've just haven't seen anyone besides myself for a few days."

He led Me to where he had been. I saw that he had set up a camp; he had been here for a while. He offered me some food from a pot. I took a look inside and saw that it was a stew made of something that looked like the rats that James had always fed me. I sat down and accepted the bowl of stew that was given to me.

After we sat and talked for a while, we both lay down to sleep. Bobby lent me a spare bedroll he was carrying.

I smelt something odd about Bobby. I didn't know what I smelled, but it was something weird and different, like I'd never smelt before. I looked over to Bobby's bedroll and found him missing. I was worried, so I looked around for him and found that the scent I had picked up earlier was getting stronger when I went a certain direction. I found him just outside hearing distance, doing something. It was hard to see in the darkness, so I snuck closer, hiding behind a nearby rock. I found him playing with something that was sticking up from a slit between his legs.

I listened closer and found that Bobby was groaning. He was moving his hand up and down the thing between his legs, which I realized was his cock. I had seen James' when he was getting ready to take a shower. My newly implanted knowledge told me that the scent I smelled, which was having an effect on me, was the smell of arousal, which meant that Bobby was in need of a female. I felt my... 'vaginal' lips swell. They felt too large for my body and began pressing into each other, making me uncomfortably horny.

I tried to ignore what the smell was doing to me, but I found it too difficult. I unconsciously reached a hand down and began to push them into myself. I began to work myself, first with just one finger, then two, then three. I finally ended up with my whole hand inside myself, trying to relieve the pressure. I looked at Bobby to find that he was having similar difficulties relieving the pressure.

I then took matters into my own hands. I came out of my hiding place and walked over to Bobby, femsex drooling liberally. Bobby was surprised to see me, but not as surprised as when I moved his hand away and pressed his cock into my sex.

I instantly felt better. It felt so good to have something inside of me! I began to work myself up and down on his cock, both of us moaning and groaning in pleasure. Bobby reached up and grabbed my breasts, causing my nipples to stick out. He fondled them for a little bit before he came up and pushed my nipple into his mouth.

He sucked on my nipple and I gave. Milk poured from my breast into his mouth. "Yeah, that's good..." His only answer was to suck harder, causing me to give more milk. Once one breast was done, he moved on to the other. He began to buck quicker and quicker into my folds. It seemed as if I could feel every vein and lump on his cock.

After a few minutes, the stimulation caused me to cum. I hissed as I came, my cum covering his waist. A few minutes later, he returned the favor, hilting himself into me and cumming. Some of it leaked around my wet lips.

Once we both came down from afterglow, which lasted a few minutes, he pulled out of me and we walked back to our campsite. "What was that?!" I asked, walking with him. "It was amazing!" Bobby looked over at me and cocked an eyebrow.

"What? The sex or what caused it?" I gestured wildly, trying to find the right words.

"What we were doing! I've never done that before!" Bobby lay down and chuckled.

"That was something called sex. It happens during the reptile mating season. You really aren't from around here, are you? If you were, you would have at least known what that was." He continued on to explain how it happened every year at the same time and that he'd been dealing with it by himself for the last few days. How, I do not know.

Over the next two weeks, he and I had sex every night. I know this might make you uncomfortable, James, but it's a part of my story. Bobby explained that he was searching for a machine his grandfather had built. It caused tears in space he called portals to appear. "Maybe you could help me find it." I readily agreed. I pretty sure I would be able to get back to you, James.

We searched for two weeks. During the two weeks, we had sex often. Apparently, reptile mating season was still going strong.

Finally, a day before I returned, we found the portal generator. By way of celebration, we did sex a little differently that night.

Bobby had me lay on my side. His cock was already out and ready to go. He lay down next to me, but with his feet near my head. "Just do as I do." He said. And before I knew it, he had shoved his head towards my lips. He began to lick me, drawing a moan from me. I didn't want to let his offer go to waste, so I wrapped his cock in my mouth and pulled it inside. I could feel his pleasure by way of his cock jumping in my mouth, his thrum of pleasure through his whole body, and his forced pressing into my folds.

How long we lay like that, I don't know. I just knew that I enjoyed having my folds being pressed into and sucking a male off. After a while, I felt his cock jump in my mouth again and his cock sprayed his warmth into my mouth. This pushed me over the fragile edge and I came, covering his face with my cum.

I sat up, coming down off afterglow. That was as good as when he had filled me.

We fell asleep early that night and the next morning, I asked Bobby to send me to Earth. He opened a portal and I stepped through.

I'm done with my story. This was for you, James.

November 10, 8 P.M

I woke up today with Alex's arms around me, holding me. I snuggled back into her arms. My moving woke her up; I could tell because I felt her arms squeeze tighter.

"I love you, James." came her voice. The simplicity of those words combined with the feeling behind them choked me. It just sounded so right. I felt my heart in my throat, trying to burst out.

"Th-thank you... Alex." I could only lay there and think about what this meant. I turned and hugged her back.

Before I go any farther, I must say 'TGIS'! Thank Goodness It's Saturday. This way, I don't have to worry about my mother coming in to my room unannounced. I decided that I wanted to go outside and visit my favorite field today.

I decided to tell Alex. Maybe she could meet me there. "Hey, Alex?" She sat up on my bed. "I'm going out. You coming?" She nodded. "Ok. I'll be at the field we used to visit often. See you there later."

I left the house and walked to the field. The field was full of tall grass, so I laid down; it was uncommonly comfortable. I pulled out a book I had brought with me and began to read. I only got a chapter into it before I felt something wrap around my waist and pull me up on a solid but invisible object. "Hey, Alex." I hugged her invisible form; she came back to visibility. I had never asked how she did that, but I didn't care either. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?"

Alex smiled, nodded, and lay her head on mine. It was very nice. "Yes. Yes I did. That's why I worked so hard to return to you. May I show my appreciation?" I slowly nodded, wondering what she meant. She flipped me over and stripped my clothes off.

I wondered what she was doing and found out a second later. She moved down my body, stroking and massaging as she went. It felt so good, and the few places she stayed the longest caused me to get hard. She moved down and took my cock into her mouth and began to suck.

I moaned. This was the first time anything like this had happened to me, so there was nothing to compare it to that would be adequate.

Later, I would re-read the story Alex left. This felt like what I imagined it felt like for Bobby. I came quickly into her mouth, loosing my virginity to a snake; a beautiful snake woman, but a snake nonetheless. "Thank you... Alex." I fell asleep, so comfortable in her embrace.

I woke a few minutes later, still in Alex's arms with her tail around me. She had fallen asleep as well, but woke when I moved. She let me up and I got dressed.

We walked around for the rest of the day, thoroughly enjoying each other's company. I tried my best to stay where she could be visible, but when someone came around, she would quickly phase into invisibility until they passed.

When we came back home, I was getting ready for bed. My parents had yelled at me for staying out all day instead of studying like they thought I should. I just walked up to my room and told all my troubles to Alex, who sat me on her lap and played with my hair as I talked.

After I was finished, she sat me next to her and looked into my eyes. "James, do you like it here?" I shook my head; of course I didn't like it! My parents always yelling at me for some reason or other and my friends leaving me for other groups of people. It was horrible. She smiled. "Well, would you like to go somewhere else?" I looked at her quizzically. "James, Bobby's going to open the portal at 9 o'clock. I wanted to know if you'd be willing to go with me; escape this world and live in another."

Tears started forming in my eyes. That sounded wonderful. "Yes, please." In answer, she stripped me of my clothes and locked my door. She also told me to write this entry so my parents could know where I'd gone. I knew I wouldn't be coming back.

9 P.M

The portal opened, just like Alex said, but it didn't reach out this time. Alex stood in front of it, waiting for me. I'm writing this last entry to describe what happened.

I'm going in. Bye, Janet and Larry. Don't bother looking for me.

James, signing out.