Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Neophyte

Story by Atheos on SoFurry

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#8 of Eddie's Pokemon Adventure

The eighth story in my Eddie's Pokemon Adventure, and the halfway mark.

Six months after the proceedings of 'The Betrayal'...

I sat upon the lounge of the wonderful home cinema, eagerly awaiting my dinner. "Dinner is served!" Announced Matt, as he pushed the door open with his jean-wrapped ass. The delightful smell of Chicken Parmigiana engulfed my senses, and I murred. He sat the plate on my lap, and sat down with his. "Burn yourself?" I teased, he giggled, and shook his head. "That's five months since my last burn!" I laughed with him, slicing my parma with the side of my fork.

Upon clearing my plate, I stood up to head downstairs with him, "Hey, Matt, do you want to have dinner with me tommorrow?" He gave me a confused look. "Uh, we have dinner together every night." I sighed, "No, I mean do you, there's a dinner thing on the S.S. Anne tommorrow night, and I thought we could maybe go together." I looked down at the ground and then back up at him, "Like a date?" He asked with little expression on his face. I nodded timidly. "Why didn't you just say so to begin with! Sure, I'll go on a date with you!" I pulled him straight into a tight hug, "Awesome man, around sixish?" I nodded, releasing him, and walking down the long hallway.

I awoke the next morning, not covered by any sheets, my bare ass exposed to the wind of the slightly ajar window. I lifted off the bed and made my way to the door, pushing it open and sliding my feet down the hallway. I walked into the bathroom, passing Matt's open door, he was tangled up in a mess of sheets, fully asleep.

I used the sink to hold myself up as I rinsed my face, I sighed in relief at the soothing water on my face. I heard a stifled grunt, "Eddie? Is that you?" I spat some of the water in my mouth into the sink, "Yeah, just me. Stay there, I'll be up with your breakfast in a couple of minutes." "Thanks man, you're a true friend." I dried my face with the think towel, hanging on the rack, beside the sink module, and walked straight out of the cold, tiled room. Turning left and down the stairs.

I found myself in the kitchen, frying some bacon on the pan, still buck naked. I heard a knock, and, forgetting I was naked, headed for the door. I creaked it open, to make sure that it wasn't anyone trying to sell me anything. It was just the neighbour, a mid-30 year old man, single as far as we could tell. "Oh, hey Jake." He nodded, and I threw the door open, feeling a slight breeze on my exposed crotch. His eyes skimmed between my crotch, light pube coverage above it, but then his eyes went straight back to my eyes. "And hello there." He said promiscuously, though I didn't notice. "I just want to tell you that there's an Espeon on the route up to Cerulean." I thought about that Espeon, and the stuff that me and Night could do to it. I started to stiffen, That's odd, no constriction on my boner? I thought to myself. Jake moved in closer to me, and whispered, "Stay sexy..." He grabbed my exposed cock, and slid his hand down it, before pulling away and walking back down the walk. I slammed the door as soon as he turned around, looking down, and giggling like a girl.

I walked through the door to Matt's bedroom, tray in hand. Matt was already perked up on the bed. I laid it on his lap, and bowed. "Thank you for ordering naked room service, food with a view." I said in a posh english accent. He laughed, "Now get out of my room you naked cheeky bugger!" We laughed together. I turned around and felt a sharp slap on my right ass cheek. I yelped and jumped, but I wasn't the only thing that jumped... "Hey, Matt, could I take out one of your pokemon to go catch this Espeon?" He swallowed hard on a bit of bacon. "Yeah, sure. But not Absol, he's a bit tired, and sore." He snickered, continuing to devour his bacon. And I turned towards my room, and strutted down the hall, my half-mast cock swaying in the air.

I grabbed a pokeball off the kitchen counter, and popped it on my belt. "Alright, I'm going, be back soon!" I bellowed up the stairs. "Alright, catch that Espeon!" Matt's response echoed, as I closed the front door behind me and set off towards Cerulean.

I walked past Jake's house, he was sitting on his front porch, and I winked at him as I walked by. I had only made it two houses past Jake's when I noticed, Espeon, doing a crap by the side of the road. I snuck up near the opposite side of the road, and watched it, it finished up and sniffed the air, looking straight over to me. It padded across the road and sniffed at the ground before me. I went out on a limb, and threw a pokeball at it. It was immediately sucked in by a torrent of white light. The PokeBall came to rest on the ground, it wobbled a couple of times, before going completely still. I grabbed it and giddily hopped back towards our house. I walked past Jake's house again, he was still sitting there, makes sense I had only been gone a minute, and I thought, "hey, might as well, Matt will think that I'll be gone for at least ten minutes. I walked up to Jake's gate and pushed it open, his face turned from the book he was reading, to me, with an exited grin, he slid off his glasses and brushed his long, blonde hair away from his face. He reached forward and slid down the blinds, blocking his view of everyone, and in doing so, blocking everyone's view of him. I stepped up onto the wooden veranda. "Hello there again, Eddie." He massaged a slight bulge in his pants. I kicked my shoes off and walked over to him. I slid my jeans to my ankles, and my shirt off my head, tossing them into a pile a foot away.

My tight, plain white underwear tented by my hard cock. He raised one finger, telling me to pause, and he got up and ran into his house at a near-blinding speed, and emerged with a small, pink-plane-patterned pull up diaper, gesturing me to wear it. I sighed, and dropped my underwear, snatching the diaper, and sliding it up my legs, the main thing that came to my attention, was the conveniently placed hole, at the back. He sat back down on his little wicker lounge, unzipping his pants and massaging lube into his large cock. I spread my legs, and put either one on each of his sides, the diaperfront rubbing against his pre-soaked, uncut cocktip.

He slid down, so that his cock hovered above the cutout hole in the diaper. He slid it up to my pucker, parting the tight ring. I winced as he slipped half of himself into me. I started riding his long, hard shaft, and he began rubbing at my diaperfront. It didn't take long, I presume he had 'prepped' himself beforehand. He tried to push deep into me, bursting his load into my young, adolescent rectum. His breaths slowed down and deepened, still lightly playing with the diaper front. I drew a sharp breath inwards, and jerked forward, spewing loads of cum into the diaper, feeling it run across my sack.

I slid off his cock, and slid off the diaper, which he willingly accepted, lapping at the mix of our seed dripping from the hole. I wiped slid my underwear and jeans back on, and found my shirt, hanging it over my shoulder, and heading off the veranda.

I walked back in through the front door, Matt was sitting in the living room, typing something on a computer. "Hey Eddie. D'you get the Espeon?" He said, having not even turned away from the computer. "Yeah, and you're next door neighbour, Jake, he's a bit of a Paedophile." I expected him to turn around and interrogate me, but he just sat there, fixated on the computer screen, "Yeah, I know, he likes diapers too." I chuckled, "What, did you do him too?" He actually turned this time, not all the way, but part way. "Yeah, about a week before I met you." "Alright, I'm going to have a shower, then I'm going to break in Espeon." He laughed, somewhat interested. "Alright, keep it's energy up though, you know, if this date goes the right way..." I picked up my discarded shirt and headed for the stairs. "As nice as that sounds Matt, not on the first date."

I stepped out of the shower, completely rejuvinated, and dried myself off. The towel brushed over my flaccid cock, causing it to stand up a bit. I laughed sexually and headed out of the bathroom, that I have spent a good amount of time in, and towards my room. I threw the pokeBall up, and It burst into the Espeon, still as curious as before. My cock stood up, just thinking what kind of tabooed shit I would do to that sexy pokemon. It caught the scent of my dripping pre, and padded over, sniffing at it, having a lap the tip. I laid down on my back and presented my hole for the pokemon, it moved forward, I was expecting the hot tip of a penis to jab at my hole, but the soft, warm lips of a labia dripped on my balls. I was shocked, and reached my hand down for her crotch. It was definately a girl, but I wasn't going to say no to a good... threesome. I released Night from his pokeball, who immediately smelled the musk of our mixed juices, and I felt his cock tip grace my shaft as he mounted Espeon. She slipped forward, positioning my cockhead at her dripping entrance, Night's cock joined mine, resting gently against it. She plunged down on the combined cocks, spreading her lips wide, and pushing deep into her, down about halfway for me, a third for Night.

She stopped completely, and Night started humping into her, his long, textured cock massaging up my shaft inside her tight lips. I felt Night's tip spread her cervix with one of his hard thrusts. He let out a squeal as her walls gripped tighter around our meat, squirting her juices in a flood over our cock bases. Night pushed himself in to the semi-inflated knot, and pulled back out of her, building into a steady rhythm, pleasuring the both of us with a single thrust. As Espeon's orgasm faded, Night threw her into another one, by forcing his half-full knot into her hot, wet labia. He pulsing hole, gushing fluids, and Night's rapid humping, caused my hips to shake a little, before I spasmed upwards and shot my cum onto her sealed cervix, jabbing hard and sharp into her, Night still thrusting ferociously.

About a minute after cumming in her, I felt Night's knot full form at the base of his cock, He pushed forward hard, pushing it all into her, throwing her into yet another orgasm, and spreading her crevix open. He pushed forward a little, once more, forcing me to blow another load onto his large, cock, and her spread cervix. He quivered as I felt his scrotum rest against mine, and then pull up sharply, firing load after load after load of his feral cum into her womb.

After a couple of minutes, Night's knot deflated and he slipped out of her, allowing my sore cock to slip out also. Espeon made it over to a quilt that had fallen off the bed, and curled up to sleep on it. Night smiled up at me, and his cock had slipped half into his sheath, and started fattening again. I raised my rump, allowing him access to my aching hole. He mount my stomach, and humped a couple of times, to get himself unsheathed. His fattening cock pushed past my ring and he started thrusting. He hilted it in me, and waited for his knot to form, and it did, inside me. He jabbed upwards, fully submerged with in my hole, practically attacking my prostate with his hot cocktip. I lifted him of me, still inside me though, and climbed onto of him, and rid him like a true cock jockey. I reached my hand back and cupped his balls, and moved down to his tailhole. I circled it a couple of times, before purging inwards, pushing my index finger, down to the knuckle in his warmth. I rested my hand on his nuts, while I inserted a second finger. His nuts pulled up into his body as he let loose his remaining reserves of cum into my hole, some of it seeping out of me, despite the massive knot clogging me up.

Matt threw my door open, without notice, about a minute after being tied by Night, he gasped at the sight of me on top of Night. "Nice Espeon, looks a little black doesn't he?" He teased, before noticing the sleeping Espeon, her tail swaying away from her legs, her still swollen clit pouring the smell into the air. "A girl? Watch out, Night might inpregnate her." My eyes went wide, and my gaze went between Night and Matt. Matt smiled, "Awww, we're going to have a litter of Eevee's around here! Come on, we got an hour till the dinner, I give you a wash, you reek of sex."

We walked along the boardwalk, onto the S.S.Anne, flashing our ticket as we passed the man standing in front of the entrance. We found our way to the bow, where a table was set up. "Oh, Eddie, this is so romantic!" I giggled, pulling back a seat for him to sit on, he bowed his head before sitting down. I sat adjacent to him and ordered two hearty steaks from the waiter standing beside the table.

Two hours past and we were done our dinner, walking along the promenade in the twilight, hand in hand. He turned to me, and I looked back. "Yes, Matt?" His warm smile extended and he leant over and locked his lips around mine. We stood there in the final moments of daylight, wrapped around eachother, kissing to our lung's extent.

After a short while we ran back to his house, giddy and horny. We burst through the front door and I took my place infront of the fire, and Matt stood over me. I unzipped my jeans and lowered them slightly. "Thought that you said 'Not on the first date'?" I smiled up at him, "Fuck the 3-dates-equals-sex paradigm." He grinned in agreement, and jumped down onto me. We pulled eachother's pants down and stared at eachother for a few brief moments.

To Be Continued...

Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Betrayal

My eyes peeled open and the stunning light forced them shut again, I massaged my forehead as the realisation of what went on last night struck me like a truck. I slowly awoke as I laid in a dried pool of various Pokemon's cum. I noticed Rio and Night,...

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Pokephiliac

Tom and I emerged victorious from the Cerulean gym, stepping from the cold poolside gym to the warm, dazzling sun took a little adjustment, but Tom didn't seem phased. In fact all of the morning he had been a little cold, and distant. "Tom? I something...

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Expert

We sat atop the plateau, staring on to the rising sun. "Beautiful isn't it?" I rested my head on Tom's shoulder, "It sure is Eddie." We sat and stared while Night and Rio were going at it. "Tom, don't you reckon it's time we headed to mount moon?" He...

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