Evolution Ch2: Cruel Intentions

Story by Ein Scorpio on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 of Evolution.

Hope you all like the series so far ^^


"Ugh...where am I?"

Kyros slowly opened his eyes but immediately shut them again due to the blinding light. He groaned at the aches in his body as he slowly shifted himself around. He began to try and figure out his surroundings through sound, mentally talking himself through it.

'What's going on...I hear voices everywhere, but they don't sound familiar.'

He continued to listen to his surroundings, waiting for his senses to clear up. He focused himself on each one as it slowly came back; first his hearing. He could make out the voices but barely so he focused on another sense, his smell. He didn't recognize any of the scents in the room, they were barely there but he could detect faint traces of previous animals. Just then a loud crashing noise was heard and Kyros turned his head towards the commotion.

"Damn it, grab her!"

"I'm trying sir but I don't want to be bit by that thing."

"I don't give the slightest bit of a crap whether or not you get bit, just grab her!"

Kyros continued to lie there, trying to figure out the source of the noise. He decided again to open his eyes but slowly to let them adjust. Hesitantly he opened one and squinted to block the light, then opened his other. After a few moments he began to make out two figures standing by a large table but they looked like they were trying to hold something down.

"Let me go you callous monsters!"

'That voice!' Kyros' eyes shot open despite the overpowering light in the room.

"Keep her held down while I get the sedative, we can't afford her running off again, not after all the effort it took to get her here let alone capture her."

"Right away sir."

One of the figures stepped away from the table and immediately Kyros could recognize his mate Nara pinned down on the table across from him. He attempted to speak but noticed a strange contraption over his face he had not seen before.

'What is this thing, I can't open my mouth to speak or do anything else.'

"Here you are sir, I put in the compound too so that we can send her into the chamber when she's ready as well."

"Good work, now administer the sedative then take her there; I will meet you in the control room when you have everything set up."

The other nodded and lowered his arm towards Nara. Kyros watched it as if it were slow motion; he could feel the sorrow felt by his mate as she was struck with the needle before lying motionless on the table. As they were taking her away he could see a small glimmer of a tear on her face when she passed him.

'No...Nara what have they done to you...?'

Kyros tilted his head around to examine his surroundings. The room was white like the previous one he had been in but this one had other odd things in it. Tables lined the room with smaller ones next to them holding various sinister looking things that could harm at the slightest touch. He diverted his attention up and noticed a wall that had a see through piece on it with a figure standing there, staring into the room he was in.

'I wonder who that is, he seems different from the others...more distant yet it's like he is staring at me for a reason...'

"Ah I see you are awake now; how you feeling big guy?"

Kyros turned his head towards the source of the voice and noticed the figure standing before him. He recognized it as one of the two he saw talking before. He tilted his head up at the person and lowered his ears.

"Don't worry big guy, I'm not going to hurt you, but I did have to put that muzzle on you and strap you down on the table; standard safety protocols. If it weren't the case, I'd be sitting here in a chair with you drinking a nice cup of coffee, talking about the weather."

The person chuckled slightly at his own sarcasm. Kyros continued to stare at this person in bewilderment. What was he planning to do with him and why did he seem so carefree and calm when the others he saw seemed so different? The person spoke once more but his voice seemed a bit more saddened in tone this time.

"I wish I could take you out of this place and set you free...I hate being trapped away in this facility and being forced to run these experiments on animals..." He turned his head away and looked down the hall where Nara was taken.

"She was your mate wasn't she?"

Kyros' ears perked up and he looked at the person in the eyes as he turned back around. He began to think about Nara and what she had said; she called them callous...could they really be like that? If so, what made this person different from the rest, he seemed the opposite.

"I hope she's going to be alright..." The person's voice trailed off as he lowered his head.

Just then a tall figure wearing a black coat entered the room and walked over to the table where the two were. He gave them a piercing look and leaned against a table adjacent to the one Kyros was on.

"Eric, why are you in here with this animal, aren't you supposed to be in the North wing with your partner?"

Eric stood up and nodded slowly, "Yes, but I..."

The other man cleared his throat, "But you what?"

"I wanted to see if he was alright sir..."

"Eric, your compassion for these animals is a sign of a weak heart and it will only interfere with our research, so I will give you one final warning to cease these petty emotions and get your head in the right place or I will see to it that you end up in their place; got it?"

Eric nodded once more and turned away from the man, slowly exiting the room. Kyros turned his attention to the person who now stood before him.

'So this is what Nara meant by what she said...this man, he must be the one that person named Eric called The Chief.'

"You, my furry animal, are going to witness a great success in science here today because right now as I speak to you, my scientists are taking your companion down to the testing chamber to be put with your offspring."

Kyros looked up at him, 'They have our son too...'

The man noticed the look in Kyros' eyes and grinned. "Oh yes, we have both the animals you care for and I plan on making you watch them as they go through our test just because I want you to hear and see the fear they distill."

Immediately Kyros folded his ears back and began to growl at the person, violently fighting against the restraints. The man only laughed at him as a taunt, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small device and pressing a button. Suddenly a loud crackling noise was heard and Kyros ceased movement.

"Well hopefully that will teach you that defiance is not tolerated in this facility."

'Ack...my body, I can't feel anything by searing pain; it even hurts to breathe...'

A voice sounded from the radio on the man's belt, "Sir, the preparations are complete, we are ready for you in the control room."

The man grabbed his radio and lifted it to his mouth, "Alright, I will down in a few moments. Also, I want you to get someone to bring the male wolf down to the room as well."

The voice sounded again, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"I mean, call up two crew members and tell them to bring the male wolf into the control room; I want him to watch what happens to his precious family."

"...As you wish sir, I will call up Jacob to transport him."

The man turned back to Kyros and grinned once more as he placed his radio back onto his belt. He leaned close and grabbed a tuft of the wolf's head fur and pulled his head up towards him.

"Now you will see why no one defies me, not even you worthless animals. So sit back and enjoy the show when it starts because you won't want to even blink."

He released Kyros' fur and turned to walk away from him, cackling to himself. Kyros could only lie there in pain and imagine the horror that was to happen to his mate and only son. He fought against the pain he felt to try and break free of his restraints but to no avail.

'Why...why is this happening to us...first our pack goes rogue on us and now this...will this torment ever end...?'

"Hey there big fella."

Kyros snapped out of his thoughts and jerked his head towards the voice and was greeted by another person whom he didn't recognize.

"Name's Jacob and I will be your personal escort to the 'show' our chief has in store for you."

He reached out and mockingly took Kyros' paw and shook it as if he were greeting another person casually. Kyros extended his claws slowly around Jacob's hand and squeezed with what little strength he had. Jacob smiles and brushed the wolf's mane with his free hand.

"A firm shake, I like that about you. I can definitely tell you are a fighter especially when it comes to protecting the ones you love."

Kyros' ears lowered and he whimpered slightly as the thoughts of his mate and son in danger filled his mind. Jacob saw the look in his eyes and knew right then that it was all a mistake.

"I'm sorry big guy, I wish I could help you and your family, I really do, but if I don't get you down there soon, the chief will have my head."

Jacob patted Kyros' side and walked away for a few moments before returning with an object similar to the ones the people used on his mate to make her sleep.

"Just to be safe, I'm gonna have to make you rest for a bit, so hold still." He lowered his arm towards Kyros only to be stopped by his tail wrapping around his wrist. He turns to him and smiles, scratching behind his ear to calm him.

Kyros looked at him then felt a small pinch of pain in his leg before gently drifting into a deep sleep. Just before he lost consciousness, he could make out a few words said to him.

"Everything will be alright, I promise..."


Another set of puzzling questions for you all to ponder about.

Gotta wait for chapter 3 before you find the answers hehe.

Until next time; take care.

Evolution Ch 1: A New Arrival

Well hello all of the watchers I have accumulated over the past years o3o. I have returned once more but I bring with me a brand new story, one with an all new cast of chracters and oddly twisted plot. Hope you all like it because it's to die...

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Chapter 2 - Daddy's Little Girl

Are you ready to get it on...? Chapter 2, time to screw with some people's heads. \*WARNING\* This chapter contains scenes of explicit nature that may not be suitable for those under the age of eighteen, those of you who are ignorant on the subject...

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Chapter 1 - Recovery of a Broken Heart

Welcome all...to the beginning of the "Gemstone Family Fun" short series. I hope you all enjoy the series and have a lot of fun with it. I have never written actual yiff before, just the suggestive moments you all have read in the Celesteon series....

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