shadow VS darkness

Story by the dark lord silva on SoFurry

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okay this right here is my first post of silva. however its not linear an dim not sure if its canon or not i must ask endium

EVERYTHING EXCEPT the rouge latex AI belongs to me. the AI and all pertaining technology belongs to the furafinity artist endium and he was kind enough to allow me to use shadow (the AI is shadow) SO YEAH THANKS ALOT ENDIUM ^^

he is a great artist and a fantastic comic maker. if any are interested in his slave suits please look here that is his main page

It was a very, very stressful day for the great Archlord Silva, the ruler of the dark dragons; the lord of the small but POWERFUL tribe of the most vicious and primal of all dragons. The ones with the power to level armies with only a handful of their number, the ones that go into primal furies at the drop of a hat. At the same time, they are the most loyal, courageous, and fearless in battle. They are loyal to the alpha and only him, for he is the strongest. The dark dragons know their places in society, and Silva's was at the top; which is why he currently had to deal with the utter bullshit of a small territorial issue.

The dark dragon was on a throne made to look like skulls, except each was solid black, the eye sockets glittering with a red ruby. The true spectacle, however, was the dragon himself. If he stood up, he would be 12 feet tall, dwarfing most others. His body was covered in shiny, oily-black scales. His eyes were deep and red, almost seeming to be smoldering with barely controlled rage and power; and right now. He had to deal with a lowly damn DWARF.

The little thing had the audacity to claim that a section of mineral rich land was his clan's property because the previous Archlord had annexed it. At this point, Silva had come to the last of his patience and stood up, glaring down at the small creature that he dwarfed 4 times over.


Ah, a castle; most would find it odd, living in this advanced era and having a castle, but he found it better to stick with old ways. Besides, dragons in armor have twice the intimidating power. Take Shalves, the commander of his personal honor guard, for example. He was right now walking toward the scared-shitless dwarf. He stood at eleven feet. Then add blood red and gold armor to it and what do you get? Something scary as hell, that's what. That's not even taking into account the knowledge that said dragon was a dark dragon, the mightiest of them all (arguably, of course). No other dragon breed kills with the same ruthlessness as the dark dragons; and no dark dragon army has ever been crushed, save by ridiculously overwhelming forces. These dwarfs lacked power and numbers. Lucky for them, Silva found more use in buying minerals from them than in tearing them apart. Willing labor was better labor.

Silva stood up once more, looking down the narrow, gothic construction of the grand hall. Gothic meaning that basically there was lots of space on the inside of it save for 12 pillars that ran forward and back from the door to his throne. This allowed more gathering space, because supports were mostly on the outside. It was very efficient and very intimidating, really; just how Silva liked it. It was late now, and he was done with all of this diplomatic bullshit for the evening, the dwarves' complaint being the last bit. Hopefully, they wouldn't come back. He'd hate to have to ration guards to their small nation. Every dark dragon was valuable after all.

Shalves was quickly back at Silva's side as the lord walked. He rarely ever heard Shalves speak. He never understood why the drake didn't like speaking. Maybe he was shy? Maybe he was introverted? He didn't know nor did he really care. The few times he did talk was when it made a difference, and he was a hell of a fighter. They eventually arrived at the massive doors to his personal chambers. Each one was made of solid black onyx that roiled with Silva's dark energy. There were two more red and gold clad dark dragons at the door who snapped to attention with spears in their hands. He waved them away. "It is alright you three. Leave and go about your business. The kingdom is safe. My life is safe, and you are all hard workers. Enjoy yourselves." He made his way past the two guards, who nodded and began walking away. Shalves grabbed Silva's shoulders softly then let go, walking away to do whatever the man wanted to do; probably double-check the perimeter if Silva knew him as well as he thought, which he did.

He moved to his massive, black silk-topped bed. He rubbed his aching neck and sat down on the delightful silk. It felt odd. He just attributed it to exhaustion. He looked around his room: the mirror on the wall next to the massive door, the golden drawer underneath it, and the closet to his right which housed two things. One was a set of golden armor. The other was a massive sword that he called Wrath. He swung himself onto the bed. Then he noticed something: the silk, it looked...

He looked very, very closely then suddenly he jumped up, finding the silk stuck to his body. He was about to roar out when a string slid out and rammed into his muzzle, forming a skin-tight layer and forcing what felt like a rod into his mouth. Wait, no. It wasn't a rod; it had too many angles. Wait, A PENIS? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT. He would be crazy not to know what the hell it was; and he made an annoyed growl, trying to claw at the substance on his mouth, only to get the latex stuck on his hands and claws (which the latex blunted and dulled) helping it to spread. Most of his was body covered in it.

He stopped struggling. He had nothing to really fear. It couldn't kill him. No, literally it couldn't. If it chocked him, he didn't need air. If it broke his neck, he didn't need a spine. He simply had to wait and see. Besides, it might be just a bit interesting. Holes were made for his eyes and nose, and he felt a bit odd. Then, realized his energy was being drained and he made a warning growl, sending an influx of dark energy to no effect. So it harvested energy. Well, that was a stupid mistake. Every watt of his dark energy was his. Whatever this thing was, it was just flooding itself with that energy. Yes, he didn't need to struggle. He'd see what it wanted, THEN destroy it.

He felt something probing along his head like small wisps of energy. He recognized that. It was trying to attempt a mental link. HAHAHA, this little thing had no idea who or what it was dealing with. He was a pure elemental. He didn't need neurons or organs. He simply ordered his dark energy into that because it made things easier and it felt more natural. He shivered slightly at the thought of not having the feeling of his heart beating, his throat swallowing. It just was WRONG to him.

Now what to do about this thing? Should he allow it to connect or stop it? Hmm, let's have some fun. He formed a few neurons, enough to allow her basic knowledge of him, and if he was correct, the ability to speak. What greeted him he didn't like.

"Ooh yes. The big, strong Archlord is under my control, and look at this. You're not trying to escape or get away. Mmmm my, you must want to serve."

Silva gave an annoyed rumble, speaking through his mind back to the clearly feminine voice. "Oh please, if I wanted I would have destroyed you the second I saw you draining my energy, which I'm telling you is a bad idea. I'll die if you take it. Furthermore, you're not a threat to me. Why would I run fro..."

That's when he felt it: a pressure at his groin, specifically, over his genital slit. He made a low moan into the penis gag as a sweet tasting fluid was pumped in. His tongue lapped at it, and he made a small growl of enjoyment. In seconds, his taste buds analyzed it, and he knew what it was. Being pure energy allowed you to feel what certain things were. He could feel the chemical bonds and individual ingredients in the chemical. This one was a specially tailored aphrodisiac made for dragons.

WELL FUCK. That's what the bitch wanted: A, sex toy of a dragon, or B, to fuck him into submission. Or C, both A and B. He thought C was more than likely to be what would happen. He didn't like that at all.

"Yes, that's right my stressed Archlord," he heard the voice sing in his head. "I'm going to enjoy our time together."

That wasn't a good sign, not a good sign at all. He felt the latex surging into his sheath, coating his maleness and slowly stimulating it and things rarely ever touched before. His eyes screwed shut tight and he moaned softly into the gag.

"That's right. Come on, let's see it."

He groaned softly as his member slowly jutted out and into the air, not covered by latex; but that soon changed as the black substance crawled over it, coating the thick purple meat slowly. The cock was definitely odd to say the least. It twitched at Silva's will; moving, curling, and twisting. Prehensile was the word for it, but more strange was the texture. Not that it matters, but along the underside was a ridge of barbs that could grind a cunt to delightful orgasms. Too bad this latex didn't have one, otherwise he would enjoy wrecking it. That would come later though.

He could feel energy coursing through it: electrical, fast. It was a computer of some sort. Remotely controlled? No, too complex. Maybe an artificial... GAHHHH!

"Uh uh uh, no thinking too hard. You need to relax; I know you're stressed."

What had stopped him was a sudden powerful vibration to his maleness. He was obviously on the right track, but now was the problem of... FUCKKK NOT AGAIN!

"I said to relax. Maybe you need an orgasm to cool off."

He panted hard into the gag; his maleness being stimulated all at once, the base of it all the way between the barbs and to the tip. It was too much, and soon his hips bucked up as he came. The latex almost seemed to absorb the cum. He fell back, panting softly. Damn, this bitch was good.

"See, isn't it better to just relax."

He angrily thought back to her. "You have no idea what or who you are dealing with. I hold the power to crush entire nations. You think you by yourself can huuuUUUURRRTTT..." He growled into the gag as he felt his maleness squeezed almost painfully tight.

That voice in his head spoke again. "You talk too much."

He was tempted to sever the mental connection. Her being able to read his thoughts and inhibit them was becoming VERY annoying.

"Who do you work for?" he thought as his cock was massaged strongly, the latex rippling and hugging him; not as powerful as before but still there. All the time, she fed off of his dark energy. Yes, she was going to regret that.

"Me myself and I," she answered in a singsong voice. "I serve no one but myself, unlike you who are MINE."

He hissed softly as he felt the stimulation ease off. He was right at the edge. Oh shit. He was barely there. Almost enough to orgasm, almost FUCKING enough; but she left off after a bit, being careful and teasing. He growled out. His hands tried to grip his dick, but the latex of his arms hardened, stopping him from doing so

"No, but I think you will want to orgasm at some point."

He could just feel her smiling. Well then. "I think it's time I showed you who is boss."

Now that's where she felt something odd. Suddenly, the latex stopped following her orders, starting around the groin area and working its way back up to his head; and he began to peel it off, starting with the gag in his mouth.

"Remember when I told you you had no idea who or WHAT you're dealing with? I'm not organic. I'm pure energy housed inside a crystal, and you have just absorbed large amounts of ME basically. I'm inside you. I'm controlling you. Now, I can't hurt you. However, I can indeed make it so I CAN," he growled out.

He made a low growl as the latex was slowly peeled off his body, his throbbing erection exposed to the atmosphere. He shuddered in delight; feeling it suddenly unrestrained, the sensitive skin being tickled by the air. He then looked down at the pile of latex on the ground and began tearing through it.

"You're a computer, an artificial intelligence. You have to have some sort of centralized processor... Oh, forgive me if I'm being... invasive."

He showed off his sharp fangs as he grabbed something solid and pulled a bit. There came out a chunk of latex, and he peeled it away, revealing a small chip. He looked closely at it, and he saw a symbol and a name: Enduring Technology. He had no idea who the fuck that was, but he was going to find out and make them pay. NO ONE does this to the dark lord, but it was time for more immediate concerns.

He held the chip firmly, giving it a slow supply of energy with a cruel smile on his face. He could just FEEL her anger right now. He doubted anyone else has done this to her because of the fact no one else COULD have done it. Maybe another energy user like him could, but that was just rare. Picture his energy connected to his soul by little strings. That's how he controlled his dark essence. Unless you cut those strings, he still controlled it. So when she took that energy. She allowed herself to be controlled. Yes, limitedly, but he still could. Furthermore, he couldn't do a damn thing to her right now besides crush her chip. However, he can change that.

Brain waves are basically electrical signals. Now one would ask why the flipping hell that matters? Well, Silva has his own body that was made from darkness. The same principle can be done with another. What better to do than to make a body that was rare, beautiful, and something he could REALLY use.

For instance, there was a rare breed of dragons: the gold dragons. Each and every one was hard to come by, and the ones you did find were even harder to seduce. However, in this case Silva didn't need to. Normally he would NEVER dream of enslaving a dragon. However, this bitch was not a dragon; not originally anyways. He gripped the chip in his hand, a cruel smile on his face.

"Welcome to my harem slave."

The dark energy flowed out of him; coiling around the chip, increasing in size, and forming a skull around the chip. Silva let go, the clearly draconic-shaped skull slowly forming muscle and additional bone of the neck and spine. Slowly, the cerebrum, brain stem, and spinal cord formed. It took roughly ten minutes for the bone structure and muscles to be fully made. Then came the supple area of fat, particularly around the ass and chest region. He loved large breasts, one of his favorite kinks. He killed the last man that tried to insult him on it, too. Currently, said human was in the dungeon with a hot iron pressed to his nuts. You don't insult Silva. Not unless you're prepared to accept the consequences. That man obviously wasn't.

By now, the scales where beginning to form; delightful gold patterns that were rich, healthy, and unmarred. Soft and supple, they covered her now voluptuous body. Her wide hips were capable of bearing eggs with ease. She had a slim waist to make it easy for him to easily mount her, and then her large delightful breasts. Oh yes, he was going to have fun with her.

The first thing that the dragoness did was fall onto the ground panting, her eyes panicked and looking around. A fang filled smile formed on Silva's face. "Welcome to the world of flesh and blood... Life's a bitch, ain't it?"

She simply looked up to him, an almost scared look on her face; understandable really. She was used to the latex: unharmable, safe, strong. Now she was stuck in flesh and blood, and she was ALL his now.

"Such a sexy body, I can't wait to show you just how stressed I am," he growled out, dark chains sliding out of his body, being formed by the energy, and making their way slowly towards her.

She tried to scramble away, but she was as yet not used to the new body. Her moves were sluggish and slow, so he was easily able to grab her. Holding her suspended above the ground, he wrapped the ends of the chains against the ceiling so she was held, struggling spread-eagled in the air.

"Now then, you had your fun with ME; now I'm going to have my fun with you."

He walked between her legs, his thick manhood still thick in the air. The aphrodisiacs were still working on his body. They were hard to resist, but given the fact that his body chemistry dulled the effects of them, it was made possible. He rubbed a bit at the pre-covered head of his cock, gathering the sticky substance and rubbing it under the dragoness's nose, forcing her to inhale his thick musky scent; the strong pheromones, all of the pheromone markers that identified him as a strong, powerful, and virile male.

Her body naturally reacted to that, her passage becoming slick and wet slowly. Yes, it was easy to manipulate dragons if you know what you're doing, but if you didn't you where in for some deep shit.

Then he smelled her pheromones: her desire, her want. Well, rather her body felt that way. He was pretty sure she herself wanted as far away from him as possible. TOO FUCKING BAD FOR HER, SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED TO RAPE HIM.

He made a predatory and dominate growl, tearing the chains off her body and letting her fall to the ground. His hands quickly grabbed her, rolling her around onto all fours and mounting her easily. His chest pressed against her back, his mouth brushing against her neck inhaling the sweet virginal pheromones. She was in for a hell of a ride.

The spaded tip pressed against the tight, never-before-used passage of her body and slowly began to work its way in, spreading out the lips with slow precision. Contrary to popular belief, it's best to take a woman's virginity FAST AND HARD. Otherwise, it's slow and more painful. Again however, he was going to hurt her, so he was going to take this first stroke nice and slow, spearing through the tight bands of muscle. Her body writhed underneath his, whimpering in pain as he took her left ear in his mouth.

"This is what naughty girls get. They get a thick log up their cunts because they messed with the wrong person," he purred out softly.

His hands reached around her chest, gripping her breasts roughly. The claws of his hand dug into the flesh with ease, not breaking skin just yet. He didn't want to mar her too bad on her first go at it, but he would be sure to cut completely loose after this. In the meantime, he had to thoroughly take her virginity.

Right then, he felt the spear head pressing against her hymen. When he slowly pushed through it, the dragoness underneath him shook then let out a roar of pain as it tore open from the strong pressing of his glorious draconic cock.

"That's right, your body is mine. Your existence is mine. You will tell me everything about your creators, and you will service me like the little slave bitch you are," he growled in absolute delight.

He just COULDN'T take it anymore. The aphrodisiacs where taking their toll and he just NEEDED to fuck. So there he went, beating himself into her like a wild animal. His claws gripped deep into her breasts, the scaled palms grinding into the tender nipples, cutting and pinching them. His dick beat against her womb, trying to force its way into her deepest sanctum. When he said he would take her virginity, HE GODDAMN MEANT IT. Every part of her body was his, every inch of it.

His mouth came down, biting into the nape of her scaly neck. His fangs sunk easily into the tender flesh. Her body arched underneath him from the motion. Naturally, a dragon was made to enjoy the rough handling, but just because she was starting to get used to the roughness didn't mean she wanted it. Her struggles underneath him were delicious to his instincts; the instincts that screamed for him to dominate, to take, to impregnate. NO, not that last one. Not yet. He was going to draw out the total domination. First this step, then later... Oh yes, later it would take awhile but it WILL happen.

By now he was feeling himself close. The thick member speared into her womb and beat against her cervix, hitting the ring of muscle with incredible force. It would have beat into it had he not pulled out of her. His internal testicles tightened for a moment, then released as he sprayed her rump and semi-used womanhood with a steaming hot load of his fertile cum. A low growl came from him as his leathery tongue played along the back of her neck where he had bitten. She passed out, falling limp on the ground.

"SHALLLLLLVES," he cried out, and in 5 seconds the guards had burst through the door, sword in hand; impressive reaction time. He stood up, walking to the guard, and pointed to the pile of latex.

"I found that on my bed. It tried to rape me into submission." He pointed to the dragoness. "I turned it into that. She is to be locked up and guarded at all times." He held up the small, lifeless chip in his hand. "This is what I found inside it. It's the processor. It came from some place known as Enduring Technology. Find out about it, and see what you can learn. I have plans for this."

He looked to the dragoness as a couple guards walked in to take her away. It had been a very...very...VERY stressful day. With that, he walked back to his bed, retrieving the black silk sheets from underneath it that the bitch had hidden and curled up to sleep. He was already tried, and rough sex didn't help.

is it really worth fighting? or enjoying? (part 3)

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is it really worth fighting? or enjoying? (part 2)

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Is it really worth fighting? Or is it better enjoying? part one

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