Magic is as Magic Does

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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An okapi receives a mysterious gift in the mail with magical qualities... But what will happen when the gift leads to him going out and crossdressing in public? Only the experience will tell!

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Liedt (okapi) (c) Liedt on FA

Story and other characters (c) me, Amethyst Mare

Magic is as magic does

Written by Amethyst Mare for Liedt

The package was innocuous, a simple, square cube of brown paper, yielding to the touch. In the living room of the tidy, immaculate flat, it rested on a wooden coffee table, which was low to the ground with a half-full glass of water beside it, placed upon a circular, cork coaster. Studying the parcel carefully, the brown furred okapi, Liedt, shook his head, utterly perplexed. A package arriving in the post would not have been a strange occurrence normally, but he had just moved home and had not ordered anything to be delivered this new address. Moreover, only a couple of family members and friends even knew this address and the postal marks on the paper clearly showed that it had been sent from overseas.

So where had it come from? And who had sent it?

Liedt shook his head and sat down heavily on the sofa, the cushions moulding comfortably to the shape of his body. The package was addressed to him, so surely there was no point in delaying the opening of it? He shrugged and flipped open a small pen knife (he would normally take this knife to the stables where he kept his Oldenburg mare, but it had migrated into the pocket of his jeans for some reason, as small items were apt to do), slicing open the top side of the parcel in one clean stroke.

Whatever it was, it was well packed with two layers of bubble wrap and, unusually, a few plastic bags, which looked as if they had come from a supermarket. How peculiar. In one of the bags, there was a receipt and Liedt retrieved it before delving further into the wrapping, scanning over the foreign address with some confusion. The only detail that he could retrieve was that the receipt had come from the United Kingdom, but he already knew that from the post mark. Huffing in mild annoyance, he grasped the contents and yanked them smoothly out of the paper, a black and red piece of material falling on to his knees, black straps falling loose. It was a...brassiere?

He had to concede, with an admiring look, that it was very well made. The base fabric was crimson and accentuated with delicate, black lace layered over it and depicting an intricate pattern. It was also trimmed with a flirty, lace ruffle along the upper edge, the black straps unobtrusive from its main features, which suited it nicely. The okapi blushed faintly, imagining seeing another, lady okapi wearing it, her breasts filling the cradling cups and swelling gently above the lace. But he did not have a girlfriend or any kind of partner at the moment, so where had it come from? And, more curiously, why had someone sent it to him?

This just gets stranger and stranger, he thought, dropping the bra on the coffee table. Now what am I going to do with it?

Glancing at his watch, the okapi sighed deeply: time had run away from him. Late afternoon sunlight graced the wide windows of the fourth-storey flat, the armchair strategically placed so that one could look out across the city, at least until larger blocks of flats obstructed one's view. Pacing over, Liedt leaned on the windowsill to watch the world go by, his spot a circle of stillness in a hectic time of day. The lazy, late afternoon sunlight caught the windows and reflected off them, making the city look as if it was caught by an internal fire, the busy, bustling ants of the burning anthill racing about their daily lives. Maybe there was a lover running to meet his girlfriend for dinner. Or a harried employee dashing to make the last delivery of the day for a busy company, already late. There could be recently divorced femfur, just waiting to find the right person, window shopping as she plods wearily back to her ground floor flat, unaware that her soul mate is walking in the opposite direction. The beauty was, to him watching them from above, they would never know the stories created for them in the tangled lives they led.

I should try it on... The okapi thought dreamily, resting his chin on the palm of his paw as he looked out.

Wait...what? He jerked his muzzle up, wincing at the sharp pain this brought to his neck, objecting to the uncouth movement. What a ludicrous idea - where the hell had that come from? Why was he thinking that? Rubbing his forearm nervously, he stepped away from the window and paced over the wooden floor to busy himself in the kitchen, thinking that he would have to throw the bra away as soon as possible as it had no use to him and he was thinking such silly thoughts.

I mean, he thought with a mental giggle, his mood lifting quickly. I'd be asking for trouble if I brought a friendly lady back here for a chat. Even my friends... If I don't dispose of it, it will only cause suspicions, incorrect assumptions and teasing. It is much better to get rid of it quickly, even if its appearance will remain a mystery...

There was a plastic container of marinara sauce, saved from the day before, tucked in a recess of the fridge, and Liedt selected it after some consideration, deciding that it would be better not to waste it when it could be used and enjoyed. In the cupboard over the kitchen units, there was plenty of dried spaghetti and herbs, which would serve very nicely with the delicious sauce. Twitching his ears and contriving not to think, the okapi's motions were quick and methodical in preparing his dinner, actions better memorised by the flesh than the mind.

But the thoughts could not be deterred. Like a curling tendril of grey smoke, they drew his mind towards more dangerous waters, breath coming with difficulty as his chest tightened. Breathing in short, shallow breaths, the okapi leaned heavily on the smooth kitchen counter, his half-prepared meal forgotten. His eyes widened in concern and he licked anxiously at his lips, casting a fleeting look through the open door where a red flash of the bra caught his eye like a beacon: he had to try it on.

Without genuinely being aware of his actions, Liedt stumbled and dragged his loose shirt over his head; if he had been in his right mind, he would have not dropped it carelessly upon the floor, but his feet moved away as if controlled by invisible marionette cords. He walked back into the living room and touched a finger to the bra, which lay on the mess of torn wrapping paper like a crown upon a plinth.

Oh...what harm can it do? Liedt reassured himself, though a guilty rise coloured his cheeks red beneath the dark brown fur.

Raising the bra cautiously, he slipped his arms through the straps and pulled it up against his chest, imagining that the soft cups were closing about feminine breasts. Startling himself, he reached behind his back and deftly fastened the catch, rolling his shoulders to let the garment move snugly into place so that it did not pinch any fur or skin uncomfortably. The fit was perfect, as if it had been made especially for him.

Movement, of which he was in control of, seemed to have become easier and Liedt went to the bedroom, closing the door so that he could see exactly just how the garment looked in the full length mirror on the rear of the door. Flushing excitedly, he found that it looked just as good as it felt, although the neat cups were sadly bare, he had to concede, albeit sadly. He did not quite understand why a warm glow was spreading through his body, like from happiness and a deep sense that this was right, Liedt murred softly to himself, angling back and for in front of the mirror to admire the full effect of the delicate garment. Why had he not done this before? It was amazing!

What other clothes did he have? What if he tried on other feminine clothes? There was that outfit he had been holding on to for a friend, zipped up carefully within a clothes bag in the back of a wardrobe. His mare friend from overseas had sent him the money to order a custom, silk dress for her - white with black, corset style lacing up each side - which she was going to collect upon her next visit. In the same clothes bag, dangling from the hangar, he knew was an extra gift from the designer...undergarments that had been sent as a 'thank you' for the truly exquisite order. He had only had a peek at the dress before...but if he had tried the bra on already, it would not hurt to try on something a little more... His friend would not mind, he was sure.

It only took a second for him to dart to the wardrobe and snatch the dress out of the bag, a smaller rectangle of tissue paper dropping to the floor at his heels. Laying the dress almost with reverence upon the bed, he traced his fingertips over the silky fabric, admiring how the folds shimmered prettily beneath his light caress. It had a high neck and no sleeves, just slender slivers of silk that served to hold it over the shoulders, cut to be flattering and form-fitting. Turning back, Liedt collected the little package that had fallen to the side and opened it, smiling widely as a pair of black and red panties slipped out, lacy and designed in a style like the bra that he wore. They appeared as if they would match the bra perfectly: what a happy accident!

Huh? This cannot be right... Liedt smoothed the tissue paper flat, ear splaying slightly in confusion. There was not only the pair of panties encased in the fine wrapping, but two pads that he recognised as being something that would be slipped into a bra... They were a lot like breast enhancers, but these seemed to be more like replacements, or very full enhancers, if so. Looking down at his chest, Liedt slipped them into the bra without thinking, admiring how they filled out the brassiere without protruding over the top and creating a smooth curve which would not be obtrusive beneath clothing... Unconsciously, his eyes went to the dress and remaining undergarments.

I'm still not thinking straight. Liedt shook his head vigorously, half-stepping away from the bed. It was absurd - he would never do anything like this normally. He must be ill; he decided with a decisive nod, yes, that must be it. He would go back to his dinner and then rest for a while; perhaps then he would feel more like himself.

But his paws jerked to the dress and, before he even knew what was happening, he was stripped from the waist down, jeans in a crumpled pile on the floor. Although he had not thought that his blush could become any deeper, heat radiated from his muzzle as he stepped into the lacy undergarments, drawing them up smoothly to his hips and shivering at the sensation of the fabric brushing against his skin. He tried to stop himself from reaching for the dress, but it slipped over his head and his arms into the correct places with the greatest of ease, settling against his body and looking truly wonderful over the now padded bra.

The zip at the back of the garment foiled him briefly and he nearly caught hold of his actions once more, struggling to not follow the puppeteer's will, whoever that was. Besides, he told himself desperately as his fingers fumbled over the zip and tugged blindly at it. The dress did not even belong to him - he was keeping it safe for a friend! But, against his will, his fingertips snagged the zipper and slid it upwards, sealing the deal. Sighing deeply, he gave an uncertain swish of his tail and glanced towards the mirror, gaze sweeping over his far more feminine reflection. He did not think that he looked bad at all, although that was a very biased opinion.

What if I go out like this? He thought daringly, despite a part of him screaming that he should never have opened the package in the first place. He had come this far with it, had he not? May as well do the whole thing if he was going to dress as a female...a very lovely female, he added mentally, a little smugly. The dress certainly enhanced his lithe shape with what he might have considered an elegant edge with the white dress hugging his form, the corset lacings making him wonder fleetingly if that might be something to consider too, at a later date, to add that desirable, feminine curve...

Oh, to hell with it, he snorted boldly, grabbing a standard, black coat from the wardrobe and slipping into it. I'll only go out for a little while and nobody will recognise me like this, especially in a new city. It will all be great, so stop your worrying.

It was a rash, hasty decision, but he knew exactly the place to go, somewhere friendly to all furs from all walks of life, so he should not be called out on his mode of dress in a negative manner. It was called The Twin Tails, so named because of the owners were, as the name suggested, twin horses; the two stallions had owned the pub since they had been of age and Liedt had heard many good reviews. It was a place which he had planned to try out in due course anyway and a trickle of expectation made his ears prick eagerly as he remembered the excellent reviews of both food and drink in that particularly pub. As if to agree with this, his stomach rumbled loudly, reminding him of his forsaken dinner - he could eat once he arrived.

Who knew what could happen there or who he would meet?


The patrons of the bar were packed in more tightly than sardines in a tin, bodies rubbing against one another whether one liked it or not. With his slim figure and the lower light - he supposed that the owners kept it like that during the evenings for ambiance - Liedt hoped that he could pass for a lady okapi, to avoid awkwardness at this stage. It would be a cheeky delight to reveal his true identity after flirting with a friendly lady for a while, something that he fervently hoped would go down well. He slid on to a stool at the bar, which was miraculously vacant considering the heaving crowd, and considered what his next move would be, what he could do. As the hour was still early, some food was still being served and the sizzle of cooking meat made Liedt wrinkle his muzzle and sneeze conspicuously into a napkin.

"Allergies?" A dappled grey mare on his right giggled. "I get them all the time, sweetie, happens this time of year."

She was quite pretty with a short mane cropped so that it stood up vertically from her crest - a local fashion - wearing a fitted, pink top and skinny jeans, which accentuated her slim legs. Liedt nodded his head, thinking it the more polite response and smiled a little, gesturing towards her.

"I've not been here before - is it always this busy?" He asked casually.

She shook her head, drumming her fingers distractedly on the bar top, craning her neck as if looking for something or someone. She did not seem very interested in conversation; she did not even care to give Liedt her name, which he found rather rude. Just then, the waiter slipped behind the bar and skated a hot plate of food in front of the grey mare, who thanked him profusely, licking her lips.

"Is that a hamburger?" Liedt asked distastefully, tail flicking in protest beneath the chair.

"Yeah!" The mare laughed, taking a large bite with obvious relish, eyes rolling back slightly in their sockets. "I just can't get enough of them!" She continued with her mouth full.

"I can see. Excuse me," the okapi said as politely as possible, gagging as the stench of meat wafted in his direction. How vile.

"No, don't go!" She protested, grabbing his arm. "I need a gal to chat with here, just stay here!"

"A 'gal'?" He questioned, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he realised her mistake. "You know, thank you, but I really should be going. Have a good evening."

Chuckling to himself, the okapi jumped off the bar stool and made good his escape, disappearing into the crowd as quickly as he had appeared. The smile upon his muzzle spread and spread until it could only be described as cheesy, grinning from ear to ear. Far from being recognised or mocked, he had been entirely mistaken for the lady he dressed as! Admittedly, there had been a hint of whisky on her breath, so perhaps she had not been completely sober, but how could one not see the amusing side of that encounter?

"Something got you in a good mood then?"

Liedt turned too quickly and almost bumped into the questioner, his eyes widening slightly in surprise; he was almost nose to nose with a giraffe lady, a couple of inches taller than him due to her partially elongated, elegant neck. Dressed casually in a red beaded top, reminiscent of a mutated, African, style, and a floor-length black skirt, she gave the initial impression that she was in the pub for a relaxed evening out. She had a short mane of brunette hair running down her mottled brown neck and her tufted tail flicked back and forth, slipped through a convenient slot in the back of her skirt, which appeared to be designed for comfort. She smiled and rested her paw in the small of the okapi's back, gently guiding him away from the crowd and to a round table in a corner of the bar. Curious to see how this encounter would progress, Liedt allowed her to direct him as she would, sitting down carefully on one of the hidden seats in the cosy corner. The giraffe settled herself opposite him and rubbed her arm, as if suddenly embarrassed.

"I hope you don't think me presumptuous," she chuckled nervously, pushing her short mane back from her neck. "Thought you might like a place to sit and chat for a bit, as it is quite busy here tonight."

"No, of course not," Liedt answered lightly, relaxing back and gesturing at the bar. "Anything for a seat in here. You look lovely, by the way."

"Thanks! I was never one for the usual club-wear," she said brightly, tapping her fingers upon the tabletop. "I'm Hannah," she added, offering her paw for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Liedt," he shook her paw and smiled, meeting her sharp, blue eyes with genuine warmth. "What brings you here tonight?"

"Ah, there's a soccer game on, the girls and the lads wanted to go see it," Hannah shrugged. "I'm not much of a fan, so I opted out tonight. Would rather sit down for a quiet drink than cheer for some random team, though I didn't reckon it would be so busy here, as they don't show the games."

Liedt had indeed noticed the lack of a TV in the room, which was unusual for any bar or pub that liked to cash in on the sports trade. Thinking this over, he swallowed, realising how thirsty he was too.

"Would you like a drink," he offered, half-rising from the seat.

Nodding, she ducked her head a little shyly and asked him for a beer, which Liedt thought was unusual but refreshing, considering the assortment of cocktails that he was sure were available; after all, the bar was said to cater for everyone, so their selection was unlikely to be limited. Deciding to try the same as what she requested, Liedt ordered and paid for two of the bitter beverages, returning to the table with some difficult through the crowd, which was more difficult than he had anticipated with two full pint glasses. Still, he succeeded in making his way back to the table with minimal spillage and slid Hannah's drink over to her, grimacing in apology when some slopped out of the glass.

"Thanks," she murmured. "May I...I mean if you don't mind...can I ask..."

Liedt's heart sank and he looked down, unsure of how to respond. The question was going to come sooner or later in conversation like this, right? It was a shame, he thought, to lose a new friend as soon as to make one. Though maybe she would see it as a bizarre eccentricity? It was a one off incident, was it not? Gulping, the okapi flushed to realise that he was not "drawn" by anything to continue the night out; whatever force had taken hold of his mind earlier was no longer in play. He was in complete control of his own actions and...he was enjoying how he was dressed, exceptionally so.

"Damn, I've been found out already," Liedt tried to joke, though the hairs on the back of his neck prickled nervously. "Why am I dressed like this, right?"

"Well, yeah," Hannah said, giving an anxious little giggle. "I don't mean to be rude and there are sometimes other lads in here dressed in...other attire - there was this guy the other day with tight pants...well, excuse the observation but I don't know how he was able to walk in those, let alone go home with the leopard he ended up in the arms of. I'm sorry, that's not the point, I'm rambling!"

"It's okay, really," he shrugged, slouching back and acting as if he wished to disappear altogether. "I just...well I had this 'gift' in the mail today and I had the idea to dress like this. I don't really know what came over me, but it's my first time dressing in this way. Is that weird?"

"No, not really weird," Hannah said, taking a deep gulp of her pint, steadying herself. "I tried to say in my babbling that there are a few others that come here to crossdress - people are pretty chilled and relaxed about that sort of thing."

"And...what do you think about it?" Liedt asked cautiously, gripping his drink glass tightly between two paws, the drops of condensation dampening his palms. He wished he could lift his cooled paws to his forehead and neck to ward off the heated blush beneath the fur, but he did not think that would be appropriate. Hannah's gaze dropped from his and she traced a circle on the table top.

"Well, I clearly don't know how to ask about it, I was only kind of curious. That dozy mare earlier though, thinking you were a girl!" Hannah giggled, the atmosphere noticeably lightening with her tinkling laugh. "I mean, with the horns...I know ungulates - particularly African ungulates - are rare around here, but you would think more would recognise with your species."

Shocked, Liedt could only sit there stunned for several long seconds and the giraffe covered her muzzle with a slender paw, concealing a laugh though her eyes twinkled gleefully. He could not believe that she was both comfortable with cross dressing, now that he understood that it was something that he would certainly like to do in future, and was more knowledgeable about the various species of furry. He hated to admit it, but the majority were obscenely close-minded to more unusual furs and he found it encouraging to have met such a friendly lady who had originated from the same continent of the world as he.

"You know that only male okapis have horns?" Liedt stammered, astounded and latching on to the most surprising information. "And you were watching?"

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind," she added hastily. "I was getting a bit tired of mingling and was sitting on my own over here. I'm not a bad lip reader and I caught some of what she said to you."

"No, not at all," Liedt chuckled. "That's an interesting fact to know, that you can read lips, if I ever wish to say something private from a distance. That is, if you are interested in getting to know me better after all...this."

He gestured at himself and slid his gaze away, pretending to be suddenly interested in a cheer that had been raised in another corner of the bar, some celebration that he could not decipher from a distance. To his surprise and pleasure, however, Hannah reached across the table and took one of his paws, rubbing her thumb over the back of it and blushing faintly as she tried to meet his gaze with her gentle eyes. The okapi swallowed hard and squeezed her paw lightly, searching his suddenly blank mind for something, anything, to say. Why did he feel so warm? Was it the volume of people in the bar? Maybe the clothes?

"So, um..." Liedt started, though it was somehow difficult to speak coherently with the warmth of Hannah's paw in his. "What kind do you like?"

"Yes, I am very interested in getting to know you better," the giraffe murmured shyly in answer to his original statement, her palms damp with nervous moisture. "And to answer your question, hon, I might disappoint you. I am quite a music collector but I tend to stay away from those 'pop' tracks, though there is a good one from time to time. They don't exactly cut it, for me."

"Really? I'm not a fan of the chart stuff either," the okapi said, latching on to this information, although he could not keep a wide smile off his muzzle at her other words. "I'd love to hear some of your collection - I'm always looking for something new and a bit different from the norm."

"Well, you are more than welcome to come back to mine, if you like," Hannah suggested, not above adding a suggestive wink to the offer. "It would be quieter and easier to talk, at least. Besides listening to those CDs, I can think of a few other things to show you, while we're at it."

The okapi sat back and surveyed Hannah while he considered his answer. He hardly knew her but...what harm could it do? He smiled to himself as he realised that he had thought the same thing earlier, before trying on the brassiere and taking things from there. Hannah was a lovely, intelligent, friendly, charismatic lady and he would thoroughly enjoy getting to know her better. Perhaps he would get to know her better in more ways than one, he pondered with a warm glow at the notion. Smiling happily, he flashed a bright grin at her, which would have been answer enough, but he was swift to add:

"I'd love to."


The taxi ride to Hannah's flat had been swifter than expected. As they had ascended the stairs - she said that the lift was out of order and likely always would be - a nosy neighbour had poked an inquisitive nose out of their flat, looking Liedt up and down with surprise and a flicker of distaste. Hannah, on the other hand, was quick to react, glaring and snapping at the petite mouse lady, who retreated with much mumbling under her breath at the 'way furs were today'. Far from being offended - how could he be with such support? - Liedt stuttered out a shaky thank you to the giraffe for her defence of him.

"No need, hon, she's always like that," Hannah brushed off the remark. "If it doesn't bother or harm anyone else, what's the harm in doing it? Besides," she added with a small smirk, "it's a sexy look for you."

"Well, thank you," Liedt replied, not really knowing what else he could say in answer to that.

Hannah's flat was, admittedly, a disaster. It was not dirty, but was very messy with the bins filled to the brim with paper, books scattered about the room, blankets tossed on the back of the sofa and clothes dropped seemingly without a care at random, perhaps on the way to the washing machine, which had a dry load waiting to be serviced within. Paperwork covered the kitchen table, a circular coffee stain showing where she had placed her mug upon a newspaper, presumably earlier that day. The giraffe laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck.

"If I had expected company, I would have cleaned up earlier," she muttered, embarrassed and trying to gather up some papers, though they spilled out of her paws. "I've been working so much lately, I never seem to find the time. I could have done it this evening, but I really wanted to go out and forget about everything for a while. You know the feeling?"

"All too well," Liedt chuckled under his breath. "Where do you work?"

"I'm working full-time as a receptionist in Daily newspaper," she said absently, clearing space on the sofa for them to sit. "It will get me into the actual journalism sector once I finish my night classes, which are what have been occupying me mostly. Please, have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?"

"No, thanks," he said, taking the offered seat. "So you're studying English or Journalism then?"

"That's right," she smiled. "Joint Honours but on the night classes."

She had been standing until this point, a little awkwardness in the way she held her arm, her body angled slightly away from him. The okapi smiled and patted the space beside him a few times, encouraging her to sit.

"I don't bite, promise," he winked.

She giggled at that and some of the tension left her body, though she did not lower herself into the seat like Liedt had expected her to. Instead, she shifted her weight from hoof to hoof, her body arching forward and back as if she was psyching herself up to jump from a great height. Curious and a little worried, Liedt was about to ask if something was wrong, when she abruptly rushed into motion, sitting so close beside him that her thigh pressed against his. This was not the greatest surprise of the moment yet, however, as Hannah wasted no time, now that she had worked up the courage, in snuggling up to him, her muzzle resting at the crook of the okapi's neck. Liedt's eyes widened but his paws found their way to her back regardless, slipping them close around her waist and murring contentedly. It did not look like they would be listening to CDs that night after all, if matters continued to progress as they were. With such a sweet, caring fur in his arms, Liedt could not honestly say that he minded in the slightest.

"I have a confession," Hannah whispered, her lips against the okapi's neck.


"I didn't know you were a guy until you sat down at the table, but I wanted you, wanted to know you, before that," she murmured softly.

Letting this information sink in, she looked anxiously up at him, her eyes wide, and she bit down on her lower lip. Liedt shook his head, wondering what this meant for a few, long seconds before it clicked and he gave a surprised but not unpleasant shiver.

"You're bi, right? That's what you mean?" He asked tentatively, desperately hoping that he had got the right information; she nodded and ducked her muzzle, which encouraged him to continue. "I don't mind at all. did you know that I was a guy, if you mistook me for a lady at first?"

"The way you sat down at my table," she said, her voice muffled against his chest. "And you really don't mind? Most guys do a runner when I tell that," she admitted quietly.

"Hey, if you don't mind me dressing like this, I sure don't mind anything like that," the okapi reassured her quickly, his paws stroking up and down her back in gentle, soothing strokes.

They sat there quietly for a few minutes, both digesting the exchange of information. After a short while, Hannah pressed closer to Liedt, her arm resting across his stomach and she nosed up to his cheek, dropping a shy kiss there. The okapi's breath caught in his throat and he turned his head slowly so that their lips met, sharing a gentle, tentative kiss. She ran her paw up his body to stroke his cheek tenderly as they kissed, the embrace deepening more swiftly than either of them could have expected, both letting their paws roam as they pleased. But the hindrance of clothing soon irritated them both and the parted, breathing a little more heavily than normal.

"Come with me," Hannah breathed, rising fluidly and offering her paw, which Liedt gladly took.

Leading him to her bedroom, which was a great deal tidier than the living areas, Hannah smiled and lay back on the bed, pulling on the okapi's arm in a wordless wish for him to do the same. Lying beside Hannah, Liedt kissed her warmly again, his paw running down the curve of her back to her soft rump; she squeaked and laughed softly when he gave it a gentle squeeze, her tail flicking back and forth happily.

"Hey, Hannah," Liedt whispered, an wicked grin appearing on his muzzle as he nuzzled down her neck, tugging playfully at the top of her shirt with his teeth. "Bet this is the first time, with a male, that you've both had to remove skirts."

"Oh shush," she giggled, slapping his side teasingly and lightly with the back of her paw, all in jest. "How about we get out of them now, hm?"

Obligingly, Liedt sat up on the bed, tugging the dress up a fraction higher so that the hem rested over his hips, pushed up there by Hannah's enthusiastic paws. He turned and she quickly got the zipper for him, allowing Liedt to slip it off his arms and smoothly remove the dress down his body, lifting it carefully over his hooves and resting the garment over the end of the bed. When he looked back, he blushed deeply to see the giraffe's eyes filled with lust and Hannah reaching out for him.

"Oh my..." Hannah murmured, sitting up to nuzzle down Liedt's chest, her paws toying with the waistband of the lacy panties as he blushed. "These are lovely...but what do they look"

"You will soon see," Liedt replied with a wink, lifting his hips to let her slide them off and free the bulge, which had been so obvious before. Eager to help, or see him fully, Hannah unhooked the bra the okapi was wearing at the back, putting it to one side when he pulled the straps down over his arms, muzzle dipping a little self-consciously. Smiling, Hannah shifted closer and touched her lips to his, her paw trailing down his chest and stomach to stroke his rising shaft, hard against her small paw.

The okapi groaned and flicked his tail self-consciously, sliding his paws under Hannah's shirt to stroke her belly lightly, a wordless question visible in his eyes, even in the shadowed room. The giraffe smiled and put a finger to her lips in a 'shush' motion and he settled back as she wriggled to get comfortable, moving to remove her clothes also. As Hannah pulled her top up over her head, Liedt gently assisted her out of the skirt she was wearing, pulling the elastic waistband down over her thighs, knees, calves and then, finally, her dainty hooves. He looked up and gave an appreciative gasp as her curvaceous figure was revealed, breasts barely contained by the midnight blue bra she was wearing and a pleasantly obvious damp spot on the matching underwear covering her spotted crotch.

"Eager?" Liedt murmured quietly, laying her back on the bed and lowering his muzzle boldly to lap over the patch of moisture seeping through her panties. Shivering, the only answer Hannah could give him was a soft moan, her muzzle turning to one side, flushed with arousal. As excited as she was to continue, the okapi wasted no time in removing her undergarments and tossing them to the side, his light coloured shaft rubbing conspicuously against her delicious body.

The giraffe blinked and gave a small chuckle at how quickly Liedt managed to remove her underwear, leaving her nude on the bed with his muzzle between her thighs. Moaning, she rested her paws on his head, gently encouraging him as his flexible tongue swept over her clit and delved inside her, her sweet juices dripping on to his lips and chin. The okapi's cheek pressed against her thigh as he licked up the side of her mound, teasing the fleshy lips with the tip of his tongue to a chorus of pleasurable whimpers.

"Please," Hannah begged, semi-incoherent with pleasure. "Lay back, please - I want to make you feel good too."

He would be a fool to not oblige that offer and smiled to Hannah as he laid back, his head resting upon the pillows as he waited to see what she had in mind. She winked flirtatiously, though her breathing was more rapid than normal, and straddled his midriff, her rump facing towards Liedt's muzzle. Carefully, she shifted back so that her nose hovered above his stiff length and she lowered her muzzle to lick up the length, curling her long, agile tongue around the base.

Though her actions were somewhat distracting to say the least, Liedt groaned and lifted his head to press his lips to the wetness between her legs again, placing one paw on her rear and slipping two fingers from the other into her passage. Inhaling sharply, Hannah arched back against him and dove down hungrily upon his member, licking and sucking with greater and greater enthusiasm as he fingered her and her juices started to trickle down her thighs. Bucking his hips lightly so that he pushed deeper into her muzzle, Liedt gave a shuddering moan as she cradling his balls in the paw that she was not using to support herself, giving them a very gentle, sensuous massage with her fingertips. Closing his eyes, the okapi pressed his nose against her folds, pumping his fingers more quickly within her as Hannah's excitement swelled, adding a third to her warm depths. Thrusting her hips back against his paw, the giraffe showed her appreciation openly, bobbing her muzzle along his shaft and taking care to circle her tongue around the tip every time she drew back, eager to feel it inside her.

She surprised him by pulling away from his muzzle and paw, moving down his body with one paw stroking his hard shaft still. When her hips resided above his crotch, Liedt realised what she was planning and raised the paw that he had been fingering her with, resting it on her hip to stop her movements, the dampness of her juices cooling upon her short coat.

"Turn around?" Liedt requested hopefully, his eyes meeting hers as she glanced back over her shoulder. "I'd love to see your beautiful muzzle."

Smiling, she did as he asked and turned around so that she straddled her hips but faced him instead, legs spread wide in invitation. Liedt rested his paws on her hips and stroked there gently, allowing her to move at her own pace. He did not have to be patient for long, however, as the giraffe was as eager, if not more, to let his shaft sink inside her, which she did by lowering her hips and letting it spread open her folds with a low gasp, her eyes tightly closed. Sinking down upon his shaft slowly, Hannah bit her lip and let her head fall back as she took the whole length, her passage tight and warm around him.

"Ah..." She moaned softly, leaning forward slightly to rest her paws upon his chest. "It's been a while know..."

"Take your time, darling," Liedt whispered, his voice as quiet as hers. "I don't want to force you."

"Take my time?" She flashed him a grin. "There are times for that and there are times for outright passion." She leaned in close so that her breath tickled his ear. "I'll leave you to guess which one this time is, hon."

Giving him no time to press her for further information, Hannah raised her hips and moved them rhythmically, sensuously, riding his shaft with little murrs of pleasure. Her lips parted and she reached down to rub her clit as she rode the okapi, taking his shaft in deep with every stroke and crying out. Liedt's fingers dug into her hips and he expelled all the air in his lungs in a drawn out hiss between clenched teeth, electric shocks of pleasure bursting through his lower body. He could not help but arch up off the bed with her movements, bending his legs and planting his hooves firmly upon the bed so that he may have better leverage. Snorting happily, he lifted his paws to her waist and bucked up sharply, earning a small gasp from the giraffe who panted open-mouthed at him.

They moved together as if they had been lovers for years and not one night - less than one night. With her paw between her thighs, the giraffe moaned and kept up a steady pace, squeezing her legs about his hips as the delightful tension within her body was drawn tighter and tighter, like an arrow strung to a bow. Thrusting hard but steadily in turn, Liedt took in the shape of her body through the faint street light, which illuminated the room through the window, her lovely curves and the way she felt, wrapped around him and so close in his arms. Hannah tossed her muzzle and cried out loudly, her whole body trembling as her movements slowed, an orgasm taking her. Prolonging her pleasure as her paw quivered and fell away from her crotch, Liedt pushed her paw away gently and rubbed her clit in slow, lazy circles; she shuddered and bit her lower lip, hard enough to draw a bead of blood, as her climax was drawn out and she panted heavily for breath.

The okapi kept his motions slow and steady until she brushed his paw away, grabbing it demandingly and placing it upon one of her breasts, contracting her fingers over his until he gave it a gentle squeeze. Following her direction, Liedt willing lifted his other paw to her breasts, caressing them both until her nipples were hard, begging for attention. Smiling warmly to his partner, Liedt took her nipples between his fingers and stroked them to harder peaks, flicking them lightly before returning to stroking her large breasts adoringly. Hannah kneeled up higher, letting the okapi take over and thrust up more powerfully, licking his lips in anticipation of his own release, which was rapidly approaching.

"Ah," Liedt groaned, fingers squeezing her breasts unconsciously. "I'm...close. Do you...?"

"Cum in me, hon," she whispered to him. "I want to feel you cum inside me."

Nodding wordlessly, Liedt clenched his teeth and bucked his hips hard and Hannah reached down to fondle his balls, encouraging him with soft little murrs and huffs, her eyes rolling back in delight at his harder thrusting. Pushing in deeply, Liedt moaned loudly and grabbed on to Hannah's waist as if to prevent her from moving away, his whole body faintly trembling as he poured his seed into her. He breathed in deeply, nostrils flaring at the sweet scent of Hannah's perfume, her body, the aroma of their sexual liaison in the air, and wrapped his arms around her waist as he became spent, muscles relaxing.

Sighing happily, the giraffe lay down on top of Liedt, her breasts pressing against his chest, and nuzzled into his neck; if she had been a feline, Liedt was sure that she would have begun purring.

"We never did listen to any CDs," Liedt murmured in her ear, making the giraffe giggle and roll off him to his side, her paw finding his and linking her fine fingers with his.

"Another day," she answered coyly, blinking innocently to him from where her muzzle rested on the pillow. "I'm pretty thirsty now though."

"I can get you something to drink," Liedt offered. He was just as thirsty, he supposed, but he was somewhat loathe to leave her side and the comforting warmth that she offered.

"Thanks, hon," Hannah said contentedly, burying her muzzle beneath the pillows so that her short horns were left poking out cutely. "There's cans in the fridge; they'll be nice and cool. Help yourself - please."

Kissing her cheek, Liedt rolled off the bed and sprang lithely to his feet, blindly feeling his way out of the bedroom and to the kitchen, where he thankfully found and flipped on a light switch. He swung the door to the fridge open, the light buzzing above his head, and selected two cans of Pepsi from the interior, though his stomach growled, reminding him that he had forsaken his dinner that night. He smiled to himself; missing dinner was a fair deal for having the pleasure of meeting Hannah, he told himself happily.

It had been an amazing night and he could only hope that the morning would bring greater pleasures. An expression of worry crossed his face as he realised that he had not factored one important detail into the equation of staying overnight with Hannah: how was he going to get home with his feminine clothes from this night?


In the United Kingdom, a chestnut mare lay lengthways along the sofa, her petite hooves propped up on the arm of the cream upholstery. She restlessly checked the time and glanced at the phone, as if she was expecting a call, counting a time difference out in her head before sighing loudly. Then she suddenly said aloud to herself:

"I wonder if he got the package yet?"

Bound for Pleasure

**Bound for Pleasure** Written by Amethyst Mare for Naesala (mini scene offer) The room was in darkness, the lack of light concealing the majority of implements from view but, if one looked very closely, they might have been able trace the outlines...

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Jahaliya: Heart of the Lioness

**Heart of the Lioness** Written by Amethyst Mare for kchishol1970 "Hold still," the seamstress mutters under her breath, Robin sighing theatrically. Tutting at her, the nimble-fingered mouse tugged at the hem of Robin's cloak, pinning the hem into...

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A Mistress' afternoon

**A Mistress' afternoon** _Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe_ The chestnut mare, Amethyst, sighed deeply and relaxed, paws at her sides as silk encased pillows and bed sheets caressed hir muzzle and hermaphrodite body with an exquisite touch....

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