Lion vs You

Story by Simba on SoFurry

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It's a lion against you in a vore battle, and there's only going to be one winner. :) Enjoy.

Contains: Heavy vore and micro/macro play. Also contains very mild and brief sexual/post-vore references - the focus is on good old, plain and simple big vs little vore and churning. <3

You look up to see your captor. That lion smirks down at you with that dominant glare. He knows what is going to happen, and deep inside so do you, even if you won't admit it to yourself yet. He's got you trapped under a layer of film to a plate, albeit with a couple of holes in it to make sure you can breathe. You know, the same film that keeps food fresh on plates. That is what you are to him, after all. Only a few inches tall, what else could you ever be to a lion standing at 6ft? That teasing lick he gives to his maw only confirms it a moment later, softly purring in anticipation.

"I'm going to eat you. And once I've got you inside me, I'm going to digest you, live 'n' squirmy." that lion purrs, with that forever-present smirk. You don't know his name, and he doesn't know yours, but that is not relevant. You're pretty much just a pound or so of meat. Lions like meat. Though you're pretty much just a snack for him - sure he'll enjoy a real meal tonight once your squirms have been tempered by his stomach squeezing and churning over you.

He seems to grow a little impatient as he just undoes the film and grabs you before you can escape. You squeak and comically try to bite at a paw finger, to which he brings you up to his maw and says "I can bite a lot harder than you can, little one. You'd better behave." And then that toothy smirk once more. He's not joking. His pearly whites would tear you in two. Or ten, not like that matters. It will dawn on you soon enough that nothing about you really matters in this entire scenario. But no. He is going to enjoy you whole and alive and squirmy. For as long as you last.

He opens that feline muzzle and teasingly holds you above it, lolling his tongue out, savouring the moment. You squirm in his paw, and it just makes him laugh. "Cute little morsel. You thought you were going to escape? You silly thing..." he teases patronisingly as you wiggle, teasingly flicking his tongue up at your footpaws, "Careful you don't wiggle too much or you might fall!" Like a slave responding to its master, you stop wiggling. So in response he simply drops you. "Foolish prey, you guys never seem to have any kind of intelligence..." he chuckles as he catches you on his tongue and slurps you back into his maw, pressing you against the roof of his maw and savouring your flavour.

"Oooh... Mrrrrrl..." he purrs in delight feeling your squirming even now, your soft fur almost melting on his tongue like cotton candy as he slathers you up for the slick slide downwards. He just enjoys this for a moment, slicking you up and pressing you around his maw like a piece of taffy, that little morsel he described you as just a moment ago. Then, without even considering giving you a warning (I mean, why would he, you're just meat), he presses you to the back of his maw and... *GULP!*

That wet, heavy gulp presses you into his gullet quite unceremoniously - he's not even sure what position you're in. Maybe your form will be squeezed into uncomfortable positions as his peristaltic motions force you deeper. Slickly squeezing and sliding down that slippery, warm, wet lion throat. You'll never see the light of day again - only the warm confines of his digestive tract. He'll see you again though no doubt, once he's processed you and squeezed you back out. He softly purrs in delight as your squirms let him know you've just about realised all this, a satisfied smile spreading across his feline muzzle.

"Good prey... Good lil' morsel..." he chuckles teasingly, softly stroking the (albeit small) bulge going down his throat and chest towards his belly. "I'm going to churn you right up. There's going to be nothing left of you!" he says with glee, not an ounce of regret in his voice. Why would there be regret? You're just meat, you're just food. That's why you're on your way down to that leonine gut, and that's why you're going to get literally smoothed, smooshed - the lion using you for nutrients, energy, maybe even c hurning some of you up for thick seed which he'd no doubt spill over his belly watching some porno or whatever. Not like you'd be on his mind.

You reach his belly and he pats it lewdly. It's just a normal day for the lion. He smiles, comfortably sitting back in his office chair and looking at the other two micros in similar film wrappings. He bought three of you guys today - the local place has a great lunch deal; buy three, get the cheapest free. Maybe you were the free one. He doesn't really recall or care as he simply lets his belly squeeze and churn over you.

It isn't going to be quick. You hear the sounds his belly makes, feel it squeezing, the slight tingling... You'll have company soon enough - he's a big lion who needs a decent meal after all. He needs enough energy to get through the afternoon of work. Already having forgotten about you, you can hear a sharp but muffled squeal from the outside as you figure he's onto the second micro. As a final insult to your true insignificance as you begin to be softened by his enzymes and juices, he sits back in his chair and teasingly presses the second micro up to his belly, squishing it against that round micro prison, smiling softly as he coos "Lunch deals are the best. Maybe they'll have a deal on for four sometime."

Predatory Indulgement - Chapter 2

Here is the second part of my new series. This story contains rape, vore, digestion and mild CBT. Enjoy :) ! ~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~ "Two things in life are certain: death and vore. But life only comes together when...

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Predatory Indulgement - Chapter 1

Here is the first part of my new story series. Although the series is a vore series, this chapter does not contain vore, instead containing paw/crush fetishes, featuring a sexy lion and tiger duo. The vore starts in the next chapter. I hope you enjoy...

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The Pizza

Simba always has had an insatiable appetite for bunnies. Not only an appetite for gulping them down, but also stroking them, cuddling them, and just being around them. Why? Perhaps it stems from his protective nature as a lion â€" after all, he is...

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