Orange Crush

Story by Exilo on SoFurry

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Direct sequel to "Poison Joke."

"Jack?" Dew Drop called out, peeking his little head into the colt's home. The front door was... well, technically it was open, but a proper term might have been broken off the hinges. It was Red Velvet's habit to crash into the door at such a high speed that the hinges yielded and the entire door crashed into the living room. Black Jack, with his assorted tools and infinite patience, always repaired the door within a few minutes, so, by process of deduction, Dew Drop concluded that Black Jack should be somewhere around, probably with Red Velvet. "Jack?" he called again, and took his first hesitant steps into the house's interior. He had been to Black Jack's home any number of times, but he was a naturally shy pony, and felt awkward stepping inside without technically being invited.

His shyness stemmed from, among other things, his comically miniscule height. Dew Drop was the size of most fillies, even though he was fully grown and wasn't getting any bigger. A Pegasus could get away with being... vertically challenged. They could flap their wings and reach eye level with even the largest earth ponies. A unicorn like he, though, didn't have such a luxury. Even if Celestia had smiled upon him and made him a girl, that would give him some excuse for being so small. But no! He was a male unicorn, perhaps the smallest that one would ever met. His coat seemingly embraced his quiet nature and shyness. He was mostly grey, with a blue mane and tail, and a water drop cutie mark on his flanks. His colors were calm and passive and, if one were to see him, they would perhaps feel at ease in his presence, which was a nice way of saying he was boring.

Dew Drop was here for his weekly lunch with Black Jack. He liked Black Jack, truth be told. Sure, Black Jack was big enough he could probably step on poor Dew Drop if he wasn't careful, but there was something about the black horse's solid personality, calm nature, and occasional furious outbursts that put Dew Drop at ease. They had met a few months ago, when Dew Drop had first arrived in Ponyville, having come from Canterlot. It didn't take long for a couple of local bullies to corner Dew Drop, and what would have happened to him had Black Jack not come by, he would never know. But Black Jack did and, a few minutes later, two of the bullies had run off screaming, the third had been put through a nearby wall. To this day, the wall bore a pony shaped outline. It was never fixed because everyone just found it that hilarious.

Dew Drop liked Red Velvet too, and was happy when she decided to come along on their lunch dates. If Black Jack was earth: solid and strong and dependable, Velvet was the lightning she could so expertly summon: sharp and full of life, zipping here to there with enthusiasm and joy. Such love in her heart, she had been the first pony in Ponyville to really extend her hoof to Dew Drop in a show of friendship. Sure, Black Jack had saved him from a very painful beating, but when that was done the black horse had continued on his way, not even offering his name to the dazed unicorn. It was actually through Red Velvet that Dew Drop had met Jack the second time. And, also, Red Velvet was perhaps the only pony out of foalhood that was smaller than he.

Dew Drop didn't make a sound as he moved through the earth pony's home. He crept towards every door, peeked his little head inside, and upon not finding Jack or Velvet, he went on his way to the next. Down the halls, until at last he eased one door open and spotted a blob of red resting in a massive arm chair. Dew Drop allowed a rare smile to cross his lips, and quietly crept inside, until his front half was past the door's threshold. There was Red Velvet, sleeping in Black Jack's chair. Squinting carefully, Dew Drop noticed that Red Velvet was holding what looked like a tiny Black Jack doll under one arm. It was utterly adorable, and Dew Drop was tempted to creep over and inspect it further, but he didn't want to rouse Velvet from her nap. Black Jack would do that as soon as he came home, and found out not only was his door broken, but she was sitting in his arm chair. As quiet as he had come, Dew Drop turned and crept out of the house, making not a noise until his eyes noticed a blue vine that was lying on the ground.

Dew Drop's belly rumbled, and quietly he approached the vine. Lowering his head, he sniffed it thoughtfully, and licked his lips. He hadn't eaten breakfast, and since Black Jack wasn't here, he doubted he would be having lunch. And, Black Jack wouldn't mind, would he? If it was something important, it wouldn't be left on the floor, right? Velvet had probably knocked over a table or something during her speedy zips through the halls, and knocked over the vine, and Black Jack wouldn't want it anyway now that it was on the ground... right?

Dew Drop dipped his head and took the vine into his mouth. He nibbled gently, and finding the taste exotic, but not bad, he pulled the rest of the vine into his mouth with a slurp. It actually tasted rather interesting, not good, but not bad either. Just, interesting, and good enough that he tilted his head back and gulped it down.

A small pony, he didn't need to eat much, and the vine hit just the right spot in his stomach. Before he left, he scribbled a quick note for Black Jack and then clipped-clopped out the door and headed for his own home on the other side of the village.

It was about halfway back that he started to feel a little bit odd, a little tired. Yawn after yawn worked its way through him, and his eyes started to grow a little heavy. He looked around, trying to figure out where he was, and yawned again, before recognizing that he had somehow gotten turned around and was presently in the southern part of the village. While frustrated, he didn't lose hope. Not far away was his best friend, Orange Crush. He could just relax with her for a while, and then make the long trek back to his own house when he was feeling better.

Orange Crush had only been living in Ponyville for about three weeks, and yet in that time she had made a name for herself as an eccentric, some might say insane, pony. She was boisterous and flamboyant, in personality and coat color. She loved music of every kind and insisted the louder the music was played, the better it sounded. She spoke of epic adventures she had undertaken, one of which had cost her most of her left ear, another of which had almost cost her her wings, but at the last moment she managed to fly through a narrow passage of cliff and the dragon that was chasing her got stuck. Perhaps she was a bit of a bully, frequently pushing and throwing little Dew Drop around, but she made sure never to hurt him, and Dew Drop never really minded. She was also absolutely massive: taller than Black Jack, who was the tallest pony Dew Drop had ever met with the exception of the Princess of course.

Orange Crush lived in a house that suited her tastes. It was the largest house she could find, and once it was officially hers, she had hired a couple earth ponies to knock down all the walls inside. "I don't like walls," she explained. "They smother you. They confine you. I want to be free." For the frame of the house, she had that soundproofed. That was because, morning to night, every day of every week, she would "work." She would bring every instrument she could find back to her house and play on them all until she found the noise she was looking for. She bought huge canvases and threw paint at them until she had made the art she saw in her dreams. And then of course, having no further interest in such things, she gave them away. She never charged for "art," but survived on donations that were given to her by generous ponies. Some of them saw something in her; some spark of life that deep down they knew should be nurtured. Others just wanted to fit in with the crowd, and act like they understood her art. Genius or crazy, visionary or leech, no one was quite sure about her.

Her door was never locked. There wasn't even a doorknob on it, which was good since Dew Drop was feeling so dazed and sleepy he probably wouldn't have managed to turn a knob. He pushed the door open with his head and then closed it with a kick from his rear leg. He managed exactly five steps into the massive room before he collapsed to the floor, and fell asleep.


He woke to the sound of a tremor, a tremor so intense the shockwave threw him into the air. For a moment he floated, limbs flailing, until gravity took over and he was pulled back down, hitting the ground hard. He groaned as he got to four shaky hooves, only for another tremor to send him into the air yet again. This time he was (barely) prepared, and managed to land somewhat deftly, which was good, because looking over his shoulder, he saw an absolutely massive orange wall coming down upon him. Only a mighty leap to his side spared him being crushed, though he landed on his side rather painfully, and after the next tremor, he was airborne once more.

He finally got his bearings enough that he could look around, and saw that the massive orange wall that had almost crushed him was actually a rounded hoof. It planted itself on the ground as its three sisters all made their movements, and when the three other hooves were planted, the first moved again. Dew Drop followed the four massive hooves, along the legs that were now taller than mountain the royal palace was perched on and finally to a slender body that was supported by the four legs. A pair of wings were outstretched, occasionally flapping when the giant pony decided to skip. When she did, and landed, a tremor rocked through ground.

Dew Drop stared a long time, as the giant pony continued to walk, none the wiser. He rolled to his side when the pony's tail, whacking the air side to side, almost batted him away. At last the unicorn's eyes fell upon one of the giant pony's flanks, which were jiggling with her each step, and he noticed the distinct star within a circle that belonged to Orange Crush. Looking about the room he was in, he occasionally spied something familiar: the giant (even compared to normal ponies) ocarina that Orange Crush had bought three days ago and insisted would lead to her next great break through. Off in the distance was a painter's canvas that took up an entire wall. Orange Crush had recruited all the young foals in Ponyville, covered them in paint of various colors, and told them to run up against the canvas to "make their mark."

Well, that seemed to confirm one thing. Orange Crush hadn't somehow grown giant. Dew Drop had shrunk...

The how or the why didn't concern Dew Drop at the moment. What did concern him was that he was locked in an absolutely massive dungeon, with one very large, very careless pony prancing about; completely oblivious to what was going on around her. Now that his ears were focused, he could even hear Orange Crush humming a tune, as she always did, which meant calling out to her would be next to impossible. He still tried: he braced his legs and took a deep breath, but all that came out was a miniscule squeak. And Crush simply went about her work, prancing from one work station to another, dipping her hooves in paint and then going to play the drums.

All the while, Dew Drop was racing after her. If anyone were there to see, they would have to be impressed that despite giving up about six feet to the lady pony, Dew Drop was keeping up with her hoof steps. He just had to keep up. He just had to wait for her to finally settle at one of her stations, and then he could somehow get her attention, even if the only way was to jam his horn into her ass. For now though, he just had to keep pace.

When she finally came to her turntable, he hoped she was done. In fact, her humming stopped, though at that moment Dew Drop was far too out of breath to even try shouting for her. He sat down on the ground, behind her, panting and catching his breath. He even thought of summoning a rain cloud so he could get a drink, but wasn't sure if the rain cloud would be small like him, which meant there was a chance he would get washed away. With a long, deep sigh, he lifted his head, trying to think how he might get Crush's attention, when he noticed that her rear legs were starting to fold. The muscles that lined her thick, powerful thighs all went as tense as the cords of a suspension bridge. All the ligaments and nerves pressed up against the skin as she began to lower her titanic rump down to sit. Dew Drop knew he should run, but he was so exhausted, still panting, tongue out, throat parched. He did try getting to his four hooves, but his wobbly legs gave out and he ended up on the ground. He looked up again. Crush's bottom was even bigger now. The closer it got, the bigger it grew until it had eclipsed all light and other sights. Those two massive mounds of flesh were large enough to render him a stain against the ground, and she would never know. Her tail lifted and wagged as it moved out of the way, and all her weight was suddenly down upon him.

It took a moment for Dew Drop to realize he wasn't dead. It was dark and quiet now, and so Dew Drop could be forgiven for assuming he had been squished beneath one of the colossal cheeks. After a moment, though, he realized that he wasn't dead, because at last he noticed the sounds. There was a sound of running water, which, he suddenly realized was the flowing of the blood in Crush's veins. He reached to his side, and felt that he was surrounded, on both sides, by something squishy and warm and thick. When he tried to stand, his horn poked something above him, and the titanic body above him suddenly wiggled and ground side to side. He felt the weight above him come down harder and almost crush him against the floor. He immediately went stock still, not moving, barely breathing, and eventually the crushing weight lifted off as Orange Crush got comfortable once more.

Dew Drop's eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave he was inside slowly. When Orange Crush's tail wiggled or swayed, a sliver of light bled inside, and although Dew Drop didn't want to admit it, he knew that he was between her two cheeks. Just above him was her quivering pucker, flexing every few moments, making a squelching noise. He had tapped her with his horn, probably tickled her, and she had reacted without even realizing. Great! he mused. If he got her attention now, he'd end up a stain under her ass!

He had to move though. One twitch, one clench, even if he didn't cause it, could be the end of him. At that, Orange Crush usually sat at her turntable for hours, playing a dozen records at once, and the last thing Dew Drop wanted was to be under here for any length of time. Keeping his head low to the ground, his horn point out of in front him, and moving slow and careful, he began to crawl towards the sliver of light out in front of him.

His journey was painstakingly slow. Sometimes, without warning, Crush decided to wiggle her hips side to side and apply a crushing amount of pressure onto Dew Drop's back. Maybe a strand of his fur tickled her just right, maybe she just liked to groove to whatever music she was playing, maybe she had an itch her arms weren't flexible enough to scratch. When it happened, Dew Drop went still and flatted against the ground, holding his breath, terrified that this would be the end.

It seemed like he spent an eternity underneath Orange Crush's massive butt, between her two house sized buttocks. Sometimes the trickle of light faded away to nothing, but Dew Drop continued forward, sure that this was the right direction, until finally he could push his head out from the smothering flesh and into (relatively) fresh air. His right arm followed, and then his left, but he found he couldn't squeeze his lower half out of the crushing embrace of Crush's ass. For some reason, she had decided to lean forward even more, though at least the weight didn't seem as smothering here. It was oddly warm though. And the air was thick and heavy and...

Dew Drop tilted his head up carefully, looking up the massive front side of the orange horse, at the inflating and deflating tummy, and it suddenly occurred to him where he was. He gasped at the musky air, and tried to wiggle his lower half out from under Crush's warm, wet, lower lips. There must have been something just out of reach on the turn table in front of her, because suddenly Crush leaned forward even further, and Dew Drop found himself completely smothered in the warm folds of Crush's crotch.

Crush shivered as she reached for the disk that was just out of reach. Most DJs used two or three turntables, Crush had no less than twelve before her, at various heights, various frequencies and various levels. She wore headphones that amplified all the noise even though the volume was at its max. Tunes and noises all exploded in her ears, thumped through her chest and pounded at her heart. She bobbed her head and wiggled her hips each beat that punched its way through her soul. She tilted her head back, feeling the power of the bass pounding through her chest, matching the thrill that she felt in her heart and between her legs. And, one lone hoof drifted down her long body, as it so often did when she was alone and the thump thump thump of the bass was pounding her very soul and she was already feeling hot and horny just from the noise in her ears.

When the slick, warm sex lifted off him, Dew Drop thought he might have a chance to escape. His fur was wet from the moist cavern that he had been pressed into; his hooves were slick, as was the ground, and so he couldn't find a stance enough to run. Besides, there were other things that were occupying some of his attention, such as the little penis that had poked cutely out from between his tired legs, not that he noticed at first. It was only when he tried to take a step and felt his penis slap against his moist thighs that he realized he had grown hard, and he shivered and groaned and giggled all at once. He took another step, but slipped, which caused his front to flatten against the ground and his penis to press between the warmth of his belly and the slick floor.

The floor smelled delightful. The thick odor of Crush's love made him shiver, and despite the raw fear he was feeling, he found his body wasn't listening as he set his head down and breathed gently, nose tickled by the scents. Within the warm cavern, he had been too terrified, but now it was almost pleasant, swimming in the heady goo.

Distracted, Dew Drop didn't notice the massive orange hoof that was coming down until it had scooped him up in its path towards the quivering cavern that was behind him, and he suddenly found himself pressed mercilessly into the warm, flesh lips of the massive vagina. The flesh lips were absolutely massive, enough that his whole body and most of the hoof that held him were inside with only the slightest of pushes. He began to fight and kick furiously, wiggling like mad but to no avail. He even twisted and slashed his horn into the massive walls or against the orange hoof that held him, but the thickness of the flesh cave and the hoof that held him, it seemed doubtful she had even felt him.

Crush did feel something, but with the music in her ears and the pleasure that was hammering through her groin; she passed the tingling off as pleasure from her rough hoof. She leaned forward once more, bracing herself on the turntable and cranking the volume on all twelve machines, as she ground her flesh lips against the floor. Even when she tilted back and wiggled her hips so she could brush her anus into the rough floor, Dew Drop was buried so deep inside he couldn't escape, and yet some part of him didn't want to. Her walls gripped and squeezed him so tenderly, so sweetly. His virgin shaft was pressed between her walls and his belly. He kicked, unsure if she realized there was something alive inside her, but he couldn't deny it felt sort of good. Still, he wanted to get out of here before he was crushed into juice, and continued to fight and squirm, even as the light began to disappear from his vision. Crush screamed several times, thankful that the walls were soundproof, and bending over the turntable now, she imagined a massive stud was behind her, ramming himself into her stretched anus. She bucked her hips forward, feeling the mate behind her, ramming himself again and again.

But what she passed off as her imagination was in fact a tiny unicorn, who was slowly traveling farther and farther into her nethers. The merciless gripping and grinding and squeezing of the walls did nothing to deter Dew Drop, who wiggled and fought and stabbed her with his horn, trying to signal her, perhaps even trying to hurt her in a bit of vengeance that he was being used as a sex toy by the massive pony. Bracing himself and his hooves in her walls, he used all his strength to push her apart. The body around him shivered and shook, he could hear the pounding of her heart grow faster, and suddenly he heard the sounds of a flood cascading towards him. It was dark inside the moist innards of the pony, but he knew exactly what it was, and was suddenly slammed by the thick tide of cream that was rushing through Crush's body.

Crush gave one final scream as her body clenched, and the mate she imagined behind her suddenly came with a great release. Along with that, her own orgasm rushed from between her legs and onto the ground in front of her, the sticky, creamy fluid spilling onto the floor. She braced herself on the turntable, and eased the volume lower as she reveled in the sweet afterglow of such an amazing rush. She shut off all the noise except the bass, and just enjoyed the thump thump thump in her ears.

Dew Drop rose on shaky legs. Coat saturated with musky cream, he blinked several times, trying to clear the thick cream from his eyes. His tiny penis was still spurting, adding his own seed to the ocean that he was standing in. He looked forward, at the massive orange lips that were still quivering behind him, still dripping cream, and without really thinking, he started to approach those same lips he had tried so hard to escape from.

Suddenly, there was furious knocking, and Crush looked over her shoulder at the distant front door. She rolled onto her feet, wiggling her hips several times to free her fleshy nethers of the clinging globs of cream, and hoofed it over to the front door.

"Who are you?" she asked the two ponies who were standing in the doorway.

"I'm Black Jack," said the large, black pony, whose tongue was out as he panted. Perhaps he had come running from somewhere. "This is Red Velvet. We're looking for Dew Drop. Short pony, grey coat, blue hair and cutie mark?"

Crush nodded. "Yeah, I know Dewey. He's not here though. Sorry BJ." She moved to close the door, but one of Black Jack's hooves were suddenly in the frame, preventing it from closing.

"The thing is... he might look a little different..." Red Velvet said. "See... he might... well Dew Drop is really shy, so he might be invisible. Or he might be colored orange and glowing... Have you seen anyone like that? If he's in there, and he's just embarrassed, we can fix him! See I've got the bath all ready to go. Whatever is ailing him, I can fix it, I promise. We think he might have touched some Poison Joke. When we finally found the note, we raced to his home, but he wasn't home. And he's not in the library. And the next place we thought he might go is here if something is ailing him. He talks about you a lot, we figured he might trust you enough to come here if polka dots had popped up over his body."

Orange Crush stared a while at the two ponies, mouth agape. At last she stepped to her side and allowed the two ponies to come in. "Have you guys been out in the sun too long? Why don't you come in for a while? I'll get you a drink. Just... uhm... don't go near the turntable, alright?

Red Velvet looked around the room, while Black Jack sat down and continued panting, out of breath. Red Velvet could easily fly place to place, but having raced full speed from his house to Dew Drop's, from Dew Drop's house to the library he frequented, and from the library to here, he was simply tuckered out.

Dew Drop was tuckered out too, but he didn't have the luxury of relaxing. But he recognized the absolutely massive black pony that was sitting, and he took off running in that direction, globs of musky cream still clinging to his coat. He had to reach Black Jack, he had to get his attention before he decided to leave and he would be trapped with Orange Crush once more. Even as his body ached, even as he drew closer and Black Jack grew larger and larger, he continued running full tilt. Even as he realized the cutie mark on Black Jack's flank was bigger than his whole body, he tilted his head down and closed his eyes, utterly terrified of the black brute but continuing on, until he ran horn fist into something warm and squishy.

Black Jack growled suddenly, feeling a flea biting him on rump. He stood slowly and looked to his left buttock, trying to see if the annoying bug was still there so he could enjoy crushing it, but then he heard a little squeak. Looking down, he noticed a slight grey spot against the ground. More squeaks followed, and the little speck jumped up and down as Black Jack lowered slowly, his muzzle mere inches from the spec before he muttered, "Dew Drop?" His nostrils opened and he took a confirming sniff, only to practically gag at the heady odor that doused the unicorn. "Jeez, what are you covered in?"

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