Journey of Discovery - Chapter 2

Story by Sauceror on SoFurry

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Elle takes down her second gym leader, finds some new friends, and explores something a little bit different with her newly-evolved partner!

Journey of Discovery

Chapter 2

Author: Sauceror

Days passed seemingly without incident after my departure from Striaton. Wellspring Cave was explored, wherein I met and caught Shoal, a young Drilbur with a bit of a temperamental streak. Further south, I was fortunate to discover and catch Deluxe, my Blitzle. The pair didn't seem to get along very well at first, and the rest of the team was seen to exchange questioning glances among one another as the two appeared to bicker over everything from food to sleeping arrangements. More than one night was lost to the pair of them arguing amongst themselves, and more than one meal was ruined thanks to what I could only assume was impassioned arguments over something that must have seemed very important to them at the time.

It wasn't until shortly before entering Nacrene that Lilly finally lost her patience with the pair, barking and growling at them. I didn't understand what she was telling them, but I didn't really have to; the tone and body language sent a very clear message to both of the surprised new recruits, and the two of them seemed to get the message soon enough to switch their tactics to more of a smoldering rivalry. While this was an excellent way to get them to push themselves harder in combat, I did worry that they might overdo it, and their teamwork was virtually nonexistent. At the very least, I reflected, they had stopped the snarling and stomping that had kept all of us up for so many nights.

Investigating the town of Nacrene proved to be a very interesting experience indeed. The town had become a bit of a hipster locale, between the presence of the high-profile coffee shop and the warehouses where the supposedly underprivileged tended to set up group living situations. These things interested me very little, though; the most intriguing prospects to me were the museum and the library beyond. The presence of the stone in which the dragon of legend had once slumbered had gathered no small amount of revenue, and the edifice showed the evidence of recent renovation, but the exhibits remained open for viewing despite the continuing expansion of the building.

Finding my way past the exhibits after taking some time to look them over and consider their implications, I made my way into the library where I knew I would be spending the majority of my time in Nacrene. Certainly, I had studied pokemon before my journey began, but the Nacrene library was a storehouse of knowledge unrivaled elsewhere in all of Unova and I had every intention of taking full advantage. Marco was beside me as I wandered through the various areas, occasionally tugging at my leg when he wanted me to read him a passage from a book. As ever, he was a terribly curious pokemon, and I found myself reading to him until the wee hours for several nights in a row on a variety of topics. Knowledge was another form of power, I found myself musing, and this was only an unconventional form of training.

Where the evenings were spent burning the metaphorical midnight oil - oh, how I wished I'd had a Litwick handy for those days - the days were spent training in Pinwheel Forest. It was there that I met Balrog, a spunky little Gurdurr who wouldn't take any guff from anyone. She attempted to assert a leadership position in the group almost immediately, but when Marco demonstrated his role as team captain and Lilly as group caretaker, she quickly - if reluctantly - settled down and focused on her training. As a fighting type, I knew she would be invaluable in my fight against Lenora, whose powerful Normal pokemon were renowned for discouraging all but the most determined of trainers. While training, I would occasionally glance north toward Skyarrow Bridge, but I knew that it wouldn't do to simply bypass the Nacrene gym; not only would it be an insult to Lenora, but it would mean backtracking at some future date.

Trainer after trainer fell before us, and the first round of evolutions began. With a flash of light, Ricky became a Watchog and Lilly became a Herdier, both of them comparing their changes with an obvious sense of wonderment that made me giggle faintly. I idly found myself wondering what evolution must be like, to suddenly discover that your body is differently sized and shaped, but shook the thought off with little more than a shrug. After all, the pair had grown in the midst of Pinwheel Forest's more wooded area, and it wouldn't do to neglect my surroundings if I wanted all of my pokemon to emerge comparatively unscathed from the experience.

In due time, I decided that it was time that we issue our challenge to Lenora. As a team, my six pokemon and I entered the library and began to systematically deal with the gym trainers one by one. The feat was almost embarrassingly easy; we had trained until the diminishing returns were nearly unbearably slow, and it showed as each trainer fell before us. The puzzle was similarly easy, made more-so by the hours spent. In truth, I had long since discovered each trigger book, and it was simply a matter of approaching them in the correct order and pressing the switches. Once the bookcase had slid out of the way, I descended to meet Lenora properly as a challenger.

Our victory against the scholarly leader was decisive, and was one of the last scored against her. (A mere six months later, a new leader would take her place after she retired.) Balrog's victory against her Watchog was swift and without much fanfare, and Marco did a splendid job of absorbing the Retaliate from her Herdier and finishing the match with two brisk strikes. As it turned out, one of the prizes for defeating Lenora was a night's stay at the local hotel, and the entire team seemed very pleased at the idea of enjoying a bit of luxury rather than sleeping under the night sky. Wounds were treated, largely suffered by Shoal in the defeating of the trainers on the way in and Marco in absorbing more damage than he could easily recover, and everyone got a bit of time to relax and watch the news in the comfort of a suite. Only when the stars twinkled brightly and most of the team had fallen asleep did I return them to their pokeballs.

It came as no great surprise to me when Marco nuzzled at my cheek that night, and I smiled warmly at him as I held him in my arms. "You did a wonderful job back there," I told him. "You have a lot to be proud of." He grinned cheekily at me, snuggling into my bosom and getting settled, but it was something of a surprise when he began to squirm somewhat uncomfortably and glow of his own volition. Mercifully, I retained enough presence of mind to cover my eyes with one arm, having witnessed this event twice before...and when I lowered my arm again, what I saw before me was both a surprise and a delight to behold.

More than double his previous size and bearing a pronounced yellow crest over his chest, my precious starter now bore something of a 'hood' at the back of his head and a pair of leaf-shaped protrusions along his back. I also noted with a quirked brow that his arms and legs had become somewhat more vestigial, with the former barely limbs at all and the latter easily tucked in against his body; he would, in all likelihood, be traveling more by slithering than by walking from this point forward (although he was certainly still capable of doing either). "Marco...?" I asked in quiet wonderment, only to hear an equally surprised, "Viiiine!" in return. Gleefully, I squeezed him close to me with both arms. "You evolved! You're so big now! I'm so proud of you!" I gushed, showering him with enough praise to make him blush.

What followed afterward was a unique sensation. Marco's body - his tail - coiled around me somewhat, drawing me closer. I smiled, recognizing it as the best approximation of an embrace that he could give, and I brushed my hand along his side. "I knew you could do it." I offered in a somewhat more subdued tone, one less likely to disturb anyone in a neighboring room. "Serrrr..." he cooed to me in return, nuzzling me anew and giving my cheek a ticklish lick that made me squirm in his coil. "Hee...silly thing, that tickles!" I accused, giving him a playful nudge. What followed was anything but quiet as he continued to tickle me with that long, thin tongue, teasing me and making me squirm and writhe as he did likewise. The gesture was purely playful and taken as such, and I tried to tickle him in return with little success as I gasped for breath and tried to regain my wits!

Without warning, the squirming and tickles both ceased, and I cast Marco a questioning look before noticing him blushing heavily. "S-ser..." he murmured, and I glanced down for a moment to see what his predicament was. Only then did I notice that the heat of the moment had caused him to become aroused, stiff red flesh - quite a bit more of it than before - slipping from that slit to emerge into the open air. More relevant, perhaps, was the fact that the length of it was laying against my cheek, heating my skin with its warmth. At the epiphany, I also went still, and the two of us laid there like that for several long moments while contemplating this new development.

"V-vine..." stammered my newly-evolved partner, turning his gaze away and blushing darkly, clearly realizing the gravity of the situation into which he had inadvertently placed me. Slowly, very carefully, he began to disentangle himself from me, attempting to let me free. "Shhhh." I found myself whispering, moving a hand to caress his cheek. "It's all right. I'm not upset." My words brought a quick gasp from him, and a single pulse of wet, slippery heat decorated my cheek. For a moment, my blush equaled his own as the realization its cause reached me: speaking had brushed my skin over his shaft, summoning forth a well-conditioned reaction. The aroma was warm, fragrant, even a bit sweet-smelling, and made him just that much more slippery.

"Marco..." I breathed, turning my head just so. "Is you...?" Pensively, I contemplated for a long moment the implications of the idea that was swimming through my head. Previously, it was relatively simple to write off our occasional excursions as a way to relieve tension, a means to bond further with my pokemon and improve his combat prowess. This idea, this new thought, would have no such excuse; this would be purely an act of intimacy, unnecessary for the more practical applications for which my fingers had sufficed. And I watched him, noted his gaze fixated cautiously upon me, I could only smile. If this was intimacy, then I would enjoy it for all it was. Head canted thus, I leaned in and pressed my lips along the side of his shaft for a soft, slow kiss.

Instantly, a shiver went through his body the likes of which I had never felt before, and I was rewarded with another jet of clear, slick heat. A smile appeared unbidden, the thought of bringing him such instant pleasure proving curiously rewarding. "Marco..." I whispered in a tender tone, brushing his side with one soft caress. "Do you want this?" I could see him swallow once, his tail tightening subtly around me, coaxing me just slightly closer as he gave a brief nod of his head. Some hint of doubt in the back of my mind reminded me that I still had the opportunity to back out, that he would surely get over the disappointment, but I took the opportunity to utterly quash that voice as I slowly began to kiss up and down the rigid flesh, lips squeezing again and again as I explored. The flavor of that wetness was oddly pleasant, I found, potent and delicate at the same time, a light bouquet that tantalized my senses. His breath quickened, and I could feel his pulse racing throughout his entire body as he coiled snugly around me; it would require real effort to escape at this point, but I found that I had no desire to do so.

At last, I slowly kissed upward toward the tip of that rigid flesh, and I paused to look into his eyes. "I didn't know how this would go at first, but..." I began, and I could feel my cheeks warming once more. "I think...I like it." Without another word, I slowly eased that stiff red heat into my mouth, taking inch after inch along my tongue. I could feel his body tensing, arching, his eyes squinting shut as he struggled with the effort not to push. His struggles were rewarded as I brushed my fingers in long, careful strokes along his body, gathering him deeper into my mouth and letting that slickness pulse over my tastebuds again and again. Soon enough, my nose was laying against his belly, and I gazed up at him as he panted and whimpered in pleasure. My smile must have been apparent, as he smiled back, his tail-leaf caressing the back of my neck as he slowly began to undulate, stirring himself within my mouth.

I began to slowly draw up off of the slick red flesh, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Marco before I descended once more and surrounded his shaft in the softness of my mouth. His rhythm became steady with a few moments of correction, and I began to adapt my pace to his own, working to pleasure him with tongue and lips alike. I could feel my toes curling, and I shivered softly as I tried to control myself, to retain the position of the actor rather than the reactor...but it was difficult, and I could see from Marco's tongue tasting the air and his resulting grin that he noticed my state: I was getting terribly wet, my panties becoming soaked as my arousal fairly sang out. In that moment, I wanted this as much as he did, and I redoubled my efforts as I felt his shaft throb twice against my tongue.

With my voice so utterly occupied, I realized, there was no way that I could give or deny permission when the time came...and the time did slowly begin to come, Marco's body starting to tense, the coil of his body becoming somewhat more taut as the rolling of his frame against me became more active. Finally, I began to draw up and off of him, opening my mouth in an attempt to give permission, before I felt his gaze meet my own with a warm, affectionate smile as his tail-leaf laid against the back of my head and gently coaxed me back down. I felt a shiver slip through me, my arousal reaching new heights; he had my permission and he knew it, and he had every intent of taking advantage of that fact. With a whimper of ill-restrained desire, I focused on the slick shaft slipping along my tongue, on massaging with my lips, on the heat and texture and flavor.

Finally, his body went stiff like steel, and my eyes closed as a thicker, richer pulse landed upon my tongue, then another, and another. Focusing on my other senses for the moment, I could clearly smell the powerful arousal he had felt for the entire duration of our time together, I could feel the coolness of his belly against my nose...and oh, the taste. The flavor was powerful, sweet and spicy, not unlike mulled honey. As his tail-leaf stroked along the back of my head in slow, steady motions, I found myself rather appreciating the flavor, gently nursing at the thick length of flesh within my mouth as his climax dragged on in volumes easily approaching his production on that first night we had been together. In due time, even that began to ebb away, but not before I'd gotten a meal's worth of pokemon seed in my belly.

The next few moments seemed to draw out for an eternity, my head nestled in against him, his newly enlarged frame readily able to support the weight. Finally, I felt him nuzzling into my hair, gently drawing my head back up toward the pillow with his girth still within my lips. He smiled down at me, and I smiled up at him, and that was all that needed to be done; we had proceeded beyond that of trainer and pokemon, and while that was still one truth of our relationship, it was no longer the most important one. I felt him nestle in against me and close his eyes, and I did likewise, letting sleep envelop me within its comfortable confines.

The following morning involved breakfast in bed, along with something better than the usual fare for my entire team; the prize money had left more than enough room for a little bit of a treat, and I felt that everyone deserved it for all their hard work. All of the other seemed surprised to discover Marco's evolution, and he didn't seem the least bit shy about showing off enough to make me snicker a little bit. Deluxe seemed slightly jealous, but a quick pat to his muzzle and an assurance that he would evolve soon enough seemed to calm him. In truth, I explained, only Ricky was done evolving; there were still six badges to get, and we had only just started our journey. The following day, we would be heading for Skyarrow, and then for Castelia beyond it. The others seemed cheered by the prospect, but Marco seemed content to lean against me and relax, just enjoying the ambiance as the Pidoves cooed in the branches outside and the sun shone brightly.

Without a doubt, a new day was dawning.

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