The Pokemon Harem: Out of the frying pan and into the fire-type

Story by TheBlackMarten on SoFurry

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#1 of The Poke Harem

This is a story that I though up a while ago, and it's basically a lot of smut centered around male human/female pokemon action, but in all honesty I am working on putting some plot twists in later on in this mini series. I won't lie though, this is going to be quite a bit dirtier than some of my other work.

Art is copyright to Carmessi, so search that name on deviant art if you want to see how a professional artist works.

The Poke-Harem

Well, let's start at the beginning shall we, as that's what most stories tend to do right?

John was born and raised in the kanto region, relatively normal family of four with his mom, dad and a little sister, had jet black hair, green eyes, liked to run but loved to watch battles on the TV as a kid. He even got on very well with the family Delcatty, which was something his dad found hard at times. However, all the while as he was growing up the people around him noticed a startling characteristic appear. The older he got, the better and better he got at learning how Pokémon felt, how they acted, and most surprising of all, developed an unparalleled ability to train them how to speak human language. By the age of 9 he had already managed to train a torchic that was present in the local laboratory to say please and thank you whenever it was fed. Whereas anybody else had to take a guard Pokémon with them when they went outside of their town for fear of a Pokémon attack, John was never attacked. It was a common sight to see him walking perfectly normally down a trodden path a completely wild Pokémon tagged along with him, regardless of what type they were, and keeping an eye on anyone who got too close to him. His family even gave him the nickname 'The Poké whisperer'.

Needless to say, this strange talent put him at quite distance from all the other children around him as he grew up; he began spending less and less time around people, and more and more time around Pokémon instead as he seemed to either care more about them, or have a much greater rapport with them as a whole. His parents quickly received these traits as a sign that he was destined to be a Pokémon trainer, where he would likely be alone for long periods of time with only his Pokémon for company, and would be able to venture far and wide, learning things that no other profession would allow someone to learn. They also knew from personal experience that he was the least likely person out of anyone to be hurt by a wild Pokémon due to his talent for picking up on how they felt, be it agitated, happy, sad, lonely, amorous or simply bored.

And so, on the day he came of age, he was given the torchic that he had trained to speak as his first Pokémon, and his journey began. Not right away of course, he made the very wise decision of staying at home for a while so that he could build up his torchic's strength to make sure it, or should I say she, would be capable of fighting back before he just ran out into the wilderness. Most of the Pokémon nearby were low level Pokémon like caterpies and wheedles, but there were some more dangerous Pokémon around like beautiflys, and maybe the odd plusle, minus or dunsparce. Even though His torchic had a type advantage, it was yet to learn its first fire type move to take advantage of that.

He decided upon a name for her one day when his mother brought home a bright red rug that his torchic adored, rubbing itself right up in it as soon as she saw it and going to sleep curled up inside it within minutes. He looked at the little white tab on the rug and it said that the colour of the rug was crimson blend, and so from then on he called his little friend 'Crimson'.

They advanced in their battle capabilities very quickly, with Crimson quickly learning attacks like peck and her first fire-type move: ember, giving her a distinct type advantage over many of the grass or bug type Pokémon that choose to dwell in the area. Even though he demonstrated very battle prowess however, he made the promise to his mother that he would capture a second Pokémon to protect him before he left home. He really could have caught a new Pokémon within hours of promising that, but he never seemed to come across a Pokémon that he felt would be able to keep up with the intense life of a trainer. Most of them were good to observe but little more than that.

One day however, a very rare Pokémon for their area stumbled through while John and Crimson were out for their early morning walk. Without warning, an injured Riolu had leapt out of the long grass ahead of them before collapsing of exhaustion at his feet. Seconds later, an angry group of beedrill had come buzzing into view, only to be swiftly despatched by his ever eager and helpful little fire-type companion with a well aimed shot of her ember attack. Before he could bend down to pick the little injured Riolu up however, Crimson had suddenly started to glow a bright white colour. Before his eyes, her body shape shifted and changed, with some alarming sounding cracks and squeaks, but when the light dissipated, he was left standing there looking at Crimson, now a newly evolved Combusken, flexing her new elongated yellow furred arms.

He had used a separate super potion on both Crimson, to ease any leftover pain, and on the little Riolu to bring it back around. The little Pokémon had at first been very afraid of John and Crimson, until it noticed the fainted beedrill lying around and had put two and two together to work out who had saved it. Admiring its intelligence, John gave it some of the food he had been carrying along with him as well to make sure that it had the best chances of surviving possible. He had planned on not interfering anymore and allowing the little blue and black fighting Pokémon to go on its way, as there was no way he could force himself to try and capture it when it quite literally had the cutest little puppy-dog eyes to go with its canine-ish looking head and small size. However as he set off home, he was surprised to find the little fighting type Pokémon following him in plain sight, it's little blue tail wagging and a happy smile on its muzzle. After a quick glance to crimson, he lent down and held out a poke ball to the small creature as an offing for it to come along with them. The Riolu seemed to have understood his offer, most likely as other trainers would have tried to capture it in the past, and therefore knew precisely what a poke ball was used for.

With a cheerful little bark the small creature had slapped her hand down on the poke ball's activating button, and three seconds later John was picking up a poke ball which contained his first captured Pokémon, signifying him as a fully fledged Pokémon trainer.

Less than a week later, he set off to the Pewter city gym, and with Crimson's new found fighting attack double kick, along with the fighting type prowess of the energetic little female Riolu, which he had come to call Sash'hiara, he managed to beat the gym challenge on his first attempt, a feat almost never accomplished in Pokémon gym history. After this, the only way was forwards. His soon left home and set off to travel the world with his new companions, to take on new challenges and find new Pokémon, and to hopefully someday return to his parents with enough money and possessions to thank them for all their hard work and affection they'd shown him as he grew up despite him being an outsider.

And so, on the day after he turned 19, he left his small town and set off out into the world, with his parents, and indeed the rest of the town cheering him as he left.

All of that was years ago now. In the time he'd been away from his town, he'd become something of an unsigned legend amongst Pokémon trainers worldwide. It was only five years since he left home in total, but he had already sent them back enough money that his family could retire early. His unparalleled ability to communicate with Pokémon on such a level without psychic abilities amazed everyone that he had encountered so far, and gave him a virtually unbeatable edge in battles. Not only could he read his own Pokémon's movements and emotions like flicking through the pages of a book, but he could also read the motions and attitudes of his opponents' Pokémon as well, leaving them wide open to whatever strategy he chose to unleash upon his adversaries. Now his childhood nickname was spoken with reverence in languages he hadn't even heard of yet in nearly every corner of the globe.

Not that he was considered a ruthless renegade mind you, far from it; he was always courteous in victory, and offered advice to the many trainers who crossed his path. In fact, one trainer he defeated had actually gone on to take over a Pokémon gym soon after, but even then with a rematch the result was still the same.

What made him a 'dark horse' was the fact that even though he was incredibly gifted, he had turned down the offered position of joining the elite four. As far as anyone knew, nobody had ever been offered that position before attempting to beat the league challenge ever before, and despite the fact that John had already gone through all the gym leaders in every region that existed in this part of the world, he had never felt the urge to take the challenge for fear of being pushed too far into the spotlight, which could interfere with his ability to go out in public without being mobbed. He had met several famous trainers who had found it increasingly difficult to continue their work once word got out to the public of their location.

But in a typically unlucky twist of fate, this move of turning down the offer of a place amongst the greatest trainers of the region had made him a region-wide celebrity, with trainers coming from all over to attempt to beat him in battle and earn the title of legend killer throughout the world. None of them ever succeeded. The offer of the elite four still stood, as he found out when he received an e-mail by Lance the Dragon Master, Wallace the Water Master and the champion himself that he would always be welcome in the hall of fame.

It probably wasn't all that surprising considering the team he had assembled.

Crimson the Blaziken: now fully evolved and sporting tightly muscled arms and legs underneath a beautiful coat of red and yellow fur, there was not an ounce of fat to be seen or felt anywhere on her finely tuned body. Her long blond mane trailed down her back and stopped about a foot above a nicely rounded firm ass, with a short red tuft of tail feathers poking out from above her taught red furred cheeks. This fine pair provided an ideal base for her long and astonishingly well-toned legs; red furred down to just below the knee, and with a small white spike appearing on the back of both legs on her calves, they had made the signature move of a Blaziken, namely Blaze Kick, into nothing less than a fire driven comet under her practiced use.

Any question as to her gender had been removed upon her final evolution, as she now sported two firm large breasts that would be the envy of any human woman; the two sizeable red-furred orbs jostled merrily in front of her as she walked while still retaining their wonderful shape, but her black nipples were completely hidden beneath her thick red chest fur, preventing her from appearing indecent in public. What was slightly unusual about her for a Blaziken was that the usual vest-like growth of light yellow hair on her chest didn't cover her breasts like it did for most others of her kind, further enhancing her feminine appearance. Even her fur couldn't hide the rippling set of strong muscles on her stomach though, or her powerful shoulders and bulging biceps that led down to sharp clawed three digit hands on each arm. Apart from this, her two protruding red head spikes from her mask and red beak perfectly outline two fierce blue eyes; she truly was a tower of power, especially considering se was easily a good head taller than her nearly six foot tall trainer.

It wasn't uncommon in John's experience for a less experienced trainer to observe her and either flee in fear for their lives or stand there staring at her slack jawed (weirdly he found that many female trainers seemed to be quite annoyed when they saw her). She didn't appreciate the latter from anyone else apart from her trainer however, seeing him as the only one she trusted enough to look at her in such a way. Many trainers had also blushed quite profusely when she used rather strong human words to get them to stop, another benefit of his language training. If all else failed, she was more than capable of holding her own with brute force; he'd once seen her grab a fully grown Rhydon weighing at least 8 tonnes, and with one hand casually toss it over her shoulder like throwing a scrunched up piece of paper into a waste bin. True enough the Rhydon had been breaking the rules of legal combat by coating one of its hands in sleeping powder, but that sheer display of power was such a rare thing for Crimson, and had stayed with him since that day. Curiously however, whenever he caught himself unintentionally examining her more than perhaps he should have been, or to be more accurate whenever she caught him examining her, she never showed any of these signs of displeasure towards him. Occasionally she'd wink at him before going back to what she was doing, but made no further effort to get him to stop.

Zing and Zoom the Zangoose twin sisters: he had encountered these two while travelling through the Hoenn region after being asked to take care of some Pokémon causing major disruption near a town. They would appear together in front of travellers before attacking them and stealing food from defeated trainers and passersby alike before disappearing again. He had quickly discovered that this was due to most of the local low-level Pokémon that they normally fed on not coming out of hibernation just yet due to an unusually cold spring that year. He had searched them out and with his 'then' Pokémon party had defeated them, before offering them to join him on his journey where they would not have to steal for food again. It was a win-win-win situation as the locals would no longer be attacked, the Zangoose sisters got all the food they wanted, and he gained a pair of very strongly bonded Pokémon that were ideal for double-battles. They had gratefully accepted his offer, and he had quickly shaped them into perhaps one of the most effective tag teams going, despite the fact that they were both normal type Pokémon.

They were virtually identical physically apart from the fact that Zing had a red line of fur going over her left eye, while Zoom had it going over her right eye. As for size, both of them came up to John's shoulders when they stood at full height, and both bore the usual set of red zig-zig markings for a Zangoose, but their fur was much smoother and softer than would be normal with them both being the unwanted offspring of a former Beauty contest champion. In body shape they were both fairly sleek in terms of outright mass due to their constant training, with their fur trimmed relatively short, but still long enough to be considered fluffy if you ran your hands through it. Being the species that they were, they lactated from teats beneath their fur so had no human-like breasts, but did both sport a nice cute ass and long thick-white-furred tail each.

As their chosen names would suggest, their agility was, in a word, phenomenal. Their current record in battle was 87 successful hits on their opponents with no hits taken on either of them. Also in their favour was that thanks to John's ability to understand their body language and feelings much further than anybody else, coupled with him having taught them how to speak English some time ago, he had been able to teach the two of them how to perform some new Pokémon attacks that they wouldn't naturally learn, and would previously have been impossible for their species to perform. Zing for example, had learned how to perform comet punch, a powerful multi-strike technique normally reserved for the fighting type Pokémon Hitmonchan, and Zoom had managed to learn the move recover, usually reserved for psychic type Pokémon like Kadabra, which had caused more than a few trainers to lose their cool when she performed it at the last moment and healed her wounds instantly.

Personality-wise Zing was the more aggressive of the two, always being the first to attack in a double-battle and lead the two in their foraging, while Zoom was slightly more cautious, and was always the one looking out for an ambush while her sister to the lead. However, outside of battle it was very hard to tell the two apart by how they acted; they were always together, which made it had to tell by appearance anyway, and seemed to behave like excited teenagers most of the time, constantly finding interesting items lying around to play with and chattering to each other in their own natural language so as not to disturb their master, for which John was very grateful. If they spoke in human tongue all the time, he swore he would have gone deaf months ago, even more so considering the way their green eyes flashed when he caught them looking at him, he was certain that they gossiped about him when he wasn't around. He didn't really mind it, but he was silently glad it was in their language so he didn't catch all of it. Other than that, their general demeanour could be considered 'tomboy-ish', as they were always direct with their answers and(or) requests, and surprisingly never became to concerned with their physical appearance, happily throwing mud at each other when it rained.

Rosalie the Lopunny: rather strangely he had actually encountered her when she was already fully evolved. At first she was incredibly cautious of him, as was natural for a Lopunny to be, however, after bringing her food from the hotel he had been staying at for a week, she started to grow more and more trusting of him. By the time he was set to leave, she trusted him enough to agree to follow him for a while so long as he promised not to try and catch her unless she gave him permission. He had quickly managed to discern from her behaviour whenever a stranger passed by that she had never been a 'trained' Pokémon before, and decided to bring her along with him, seeing as she seemed very interested in watching him and his 'then' Pokémon party practice. Months later on when she had allowed him to capture her and he had taught her how to speak English as well, she had told him about how she had accidentally evolved herself when she managed to defeat a Mightyena with her ice beam attack as a buneary. Because she had evolved into a larger Pokémon, she could no longer fit into her burrow to reach her stored food, and so had searched high and low to try and find more when she bumped into him eating in an outdoors section to the hotel, whereupon he had instantly offered her some of the salad he was eating.

Meticulously clean and well groomed, she could be considered 'the proper one' of the group. She always carried herself with pride that she made sure never strayed into arrogance, but with her body she had everything to be proud about. Luscious light brown fur covered her entire feminine form save for light yellow fur that formed 'boots' on her feet, fluffy 'bracelets' around her wrists; large soft eyebrows and the second half of her ears were also covered in this sweetly coloured pillow-like fur, going very well with her deep red eyes. Her little bunny tail was actually brown like the rest of her coat not covered by the yellow fluff, but also being a Lopunny, she had naturally inherited the infamous hourglass figure that many women strive for their entire lives, with an attractive little bottom and small but perky breasts, but even though her beasts were hardly visible beneath her fur, she nearly always kept her arms covering them in public with the exception of a battle, not wanting to commit a social faux pas and 'be rude in polite company', as she put it.

Mostly John used her for type advantage battles, but Rosalie was still a formidable force in her own right, having taken down both an Onix and a Steelix in quick succession without a break before now. However, it was in Pokémon contests that she was truly above and beyond what others could accomplish. Her unbelievable grace, and passion for both human and Pokémon style dancing, had helped her to sail through countless performances, and even earned her a place on the cover of quite a few fashion magazines, even once appearing as a full page spread in the world's largest Pokémon modelling magazine, poke-lovers weekly. Perhaps more embarrassingly, she had also received countless offers from breeders wanting to try and breed more beautiful Pokémon from her, but she had always blushed and turned them down, replying that she would be the one to choose her male. Now John never kept his Pokémon in their poke balls for too long, only really putting them in them if there was a no 'walking' Pokémon rule in force, so naturally she like all the others slept either in a bed or in a tent if they were on a journey which made it easier for him to keep an eye on her. Although John couldn't account for all of her actions while he was asleep, as he never tried to track her especially, he suspected that she still hadn't found a mate that she deemed good enough for her to allow to mate her yet. She was nothing if not a perfectionist.

Citrus the Weavile: named for her sharp mind and even sharper claws, she was by far and away one of the most adaptive fighters of his party, being able to fight in all types of conditions without even a falter in her ability, be it a jungle environment or in an underground cave she was always fully aware of her surroundings. John usually used her as an opener to his battles, as it gave his other Pokémon time to observe how she moved and learn the environment that they would be fighting in through her, and her ferocity in combat was enough to unnerve almost any trainer he faced. He could remember one occasion where she had stood her ground against a machamp, using carefully placed strikes to temporarily paralyze each of its arms one by one until it was completely incapable of fighting back. She'd even frozen one of his fists solid in mid-punch with her blizzard attack.

She was small, only coming up to his hip with her ruby coloured head-crest of feathers included; she also had the usual red tail feathers and red 'collar' feathers that were usual for her species, and no matter how John looked at it, he still thought those feathers combines with her pitch black fur and sharp brown eyes that rested so well on her feline face coupled with her yellow head jewel gave her the regal look of Pokémon royalty. Being a Weavile she might have looked fairly plain to most people looking for feminine qualities, flat-chested and with a tight petite rump, but John thought it suited her masculine personality perfectly.

True enough she had high standards for her respect, but she was by no means the 'alpha female' stereotype; she was more the 'warrior princess' type who valued might and raw ability very highly. Inside the group, he actually found that she fit in quite well amongst them, mostly, he suspected, due to the fact that all the other Pokémon in his group were so strong.

His story of encountering her was actually far more normal than some of the others. He'd traded a Beautifly that another trainer had asked him to catch for him for her when she was a Sneasel, but with her being a traded Pokémon she had initially been very disobedient towards him. She'd refused to eat what she was given unless she felt like it, disobeyed orders in combat, the whole package. Finally John had gotten fed up and given her a challenge; if she could beat Rosalie in combat while John commanded the Lopunny, then she could go wherever she wanted, if she lost then she would have to obey him for a week. Infuriatingly for Citrus, the Weavile was almost instantly defeated due to John's ability to read Pokémon movements. During the week, he noticed less and less resistance to his commands from her, and when they had a rematch the next week, the Weavile lasted longer as she had actually been listening to his tips during training. This pattern of events had repeated until the seventh week which had ended in a draw in their battle. Holding up to his end of the bargain, he offered her the chance to be released, but she had instead opted to stay, honouring him by answering him in human language, which he'd been trying to teach her for the best part of half a year. Since then she'd been just as receptive to his instructions as any of his other Pokémon, and had become his favourite to use as an opener in battle.

And finally Sash'hiara the Lucario: fully evolved and far more well-trained than when she fought her way into the record books alongside Crimson back at the pewter gym, she was the unrivalled master of close quarters combat in the group, with technique and fluidity of movement that only martial arts masters could achieve, which combined with her inhuman agility and strength, made her out of reach for even the strongest of fighting type combatants. Her aura blast attack had a habit of stopping her opponents in a single shot, even a fully grown Salamence belonging to the legendary Lance the dragon trainer had been no match for her infamous signature attack. Not one to put all her strength in one technique, she also had an overwhelming bone rush attack, giving her a tremendous edge over electric-type opponents by being able to deflect almost any electricity based attack with this move and simultaneously deal huge amounts of damage with this multiple hit attack.

As was to be expected from a Lucario, she was a very reserved and quiet character most of the time, and also very calm minded in relation to all of his other Pokémon. Most of her days were either spent training with or without her master, or meditating. She was the unofficial 'mother' figure of the group alongside her old friend Crimson, and if any of the others had any kind of problem that they needed to talk about but didn't want to confront John with it just yet, they came to her. Tactical in her thought patterns, and methodical in her actions, control and self-discipline were her absolute morals.

Physically she was only slightly shorter than her trainer, with long powerful blue and black legs that led up to short black pants. He found out that this part of a Lucario's fur wasn't naturally there by a quite embarrassing coincidence, when she had started evolving while having a bath; he'd been washing a small puppy-like Riolu one moment, and the next his was having to avert his eyes to avoid looking a very embarrassed Lucario directly in her naked black furred crotch. Ever since then he'd never been able to forget that the black fur covered her crotch and her inner thighs while her butt cheeks were still a cool marine blue; fortunately Sash'hiara had quickly made herself a pair of pants to wear, borrowing one of John's sets of shorts and using her own hair that shook out of her fur to quickly bind them together using her steel-type powers. He learned later that in the wild, a Lucario would allow their hair to grow longer before cutting it and weaving a pair of pants out of the hairs they cut off using their ability to focus energy, in the same way that they were able to perform the attack "Aura Blast", to bind certain types of materials together. Since then he'd bought her a custom made set of Lucario pants that fit her very well and were much more comfortable than any she could make herself, for which she was very grateful.

A nice dog-like muzzle with the infamous 'black mask' and the thick black hair-like appendages that all Lucario bore adorned her head along with two large blue triangular pointed ears the same hue as the rest of the blue fur on their body. She had black fur round her shoulders and on her hands, which also bore a sharp spike on the back of both of them, whilst between her hands and shoulders, the fur was completely blue. The only exception to this was her torso which was covered in cool yellow fur, her chest bearing no visible sign of breasts while a large chest spike extended from where her cleavage might have been. This deadly look however was balanced out by her backside, which was in a word, erotic. Her butt cheeks were exquisitely curved in just the right places, the strong muscles beneath them causing them to alternately rise and fall with her footsteps. This wasn't clearly visible when she was wearing her pants, but he knew this for a fact from helping her get dressed when she mislaid them.

Together, the six of them formed John's infamous party, and from the youngest of beginners to the strongest of masters, this team was revered, worshipped and feared worldwide.

As you can probably tell from the details he paid attention to, John was attracted to his Pokémon partners more than most trainers were. He had always held himself back out of respect for their feelings and for the risk of them being forcibly taken from him if he was ever discovered having a sexual relationship with them in a region with harsh enough laws. It didn't do anything to stop his thoughts from turning towards them though, and he found that even when sharing his bed with a shapely human woman he still found himself wishing that it was one of his Pokémon there instead.

He himself was now six feet tall and quite well-built by human standards, having been working out for the last few years so that he trained as hard as they did and reaped the benefits. His hair now reached down to his shoulders, but was almost always tied back in a ponytail for practicality. He grew no beard or additional facial hair, and had quite liking for simple black clothing, unlike most other famous trainers who had custom-made outfits, only changing this habit if he specifically needed to wear something like protective clothing. In many ways he was the man of many a girl's dreams, so it was quite painful for him sometimes when he reminded himself that the women he really wanted were already around him, and all naked (except for one), pretty much all of the time, but for their own safety he would never be allowed to try anything with them. To attempt anything without taking everything into account and planning a secure future for his loyal friends would be nothing short of criminal.

Right now however, he and his entire party were relaxing at a private lodge that John and his Pokémon had built together as a secret project, ordering all the necessary materials and having them dropped off at various locations around a forest in the Hoenn region so they it would be very hard to tell what they were building and where. Carrying them back wasn't much of a problem either, between the two of them Crimson and Sash'hiara could probably have carried the trucks back as well. Now finished after several months' undetected work, it was hidden deep inside the forest with no recognisable roads or paths leading directly to it, ensuring their privacy by making it appear to be in the middle of nowhere. With it now being quite late in the day as well, the sun having long since disappeared over the horizon, it was exceedingly unlikely that anyone would find their way to their little retreat tonight.

The lodge in question was quite a large affair that on the outside was constructed of natural woods and had the overall look of a log cabin with logs making up the walls and roof along with regular tarring to make the roof and walls watertight. Inside however, it was a very up to date construction with real polished wooden floors, high tech climate control systems for each room so his companions were comfortable, reinforced chassis supports that held the roof firmly in place along with additional waterproofing to stop any leaks, bedding designed to withstand each Pokémon's needs from Sasheera's hand spikes to Crimson's high body temperature and even several strengthened television remotes for the large LCD television, each designed to withstand his Pokémon's claws. Also included in the complex was a fully equipped workout gym, which they all used regularly, John included, and a large shower room capable of holding them all in there at once so no one felt like they were getting left out when then cleaned themselves after practice. It also went without saying that there wasn't a single wire connecting this house to the outside world, with advances made in energy production and storage meaning that they got all of their power from solar panels installed in the roof which was stored during the day to fill up large batteries planted under the house; fortunately, from researching Voltorbs and Electrodes, scientists had discovered how to store countless watts of electricity with no unintentional loss, making a private dream a reality.

At that moment, John was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen while his companions all relaxed in the very spacious lounge, which had a beautifully crafted forest mural running along the walls and ceiling as well as real wooden walls and flooring that had been fitted on the inside of the house before you reached the bricks underneath them, creating a very convincing natural atmosphere while bathing the room in a gentle yellow/orange glow from the wood-burning fireplace. However, despite the clean and immaculate state of the room, with it being taken very good care of by his well trained party, the conversation between the all-female group of Pokémon was another matter..

"<So, any progress yet Crimson?>" Zing asked, the nearly all white furred Zangoose laying on her front on the floor with her head propped up on her hands in a similar manner to a teenage girl as she looked over at the surprisingly shy looking Blaziken sitting on a strengthened and fireproof sofa twiddling her thumbs nervously.

"<Um...not as such.....I...don't know how to approach him if I'm honest....>" the large fire Pokémon replied, glad that they were using their native languages so that their master wouldn't be able to overhear them; it was strain enough on her nerves that they were talking about him in such a way while he was still in the house, but if he knew what they were talking about, they'd probably be in deeper trouble than they could imagine.

"<Oh come on Crimson, you've been around him longer than any of us have.>" Zoom chipped in. In contrast to her twin, she was laid out on her back, observing the Blaziken by looking at her upside down as she leaned her head back, her expression the kind of one a hopeful child gives its parent when it's begging for a present. "<Surely you must have some idea of what floats his boat?>"

These direct questions were making the fire Pokémon blush profusely and turn her head to the side in a futile attempt to avoid their inquisitive stares. In truth, while John tried his best to keep himself in check from doing anything he shouldn't with his long time companions, all of them secretly wanted him as their alpha male in return. For quite a while now, this unintentional stalemate had dominated their thoughts, and they were determined to do something about it.

The first time this mutual attraction to him became apparent to each other was about 6 months ago, when Sash'hiara had accidentally caught Crimson masturbating by John's door. She had stepped up next to the Blaziken and was about to admonish her when the Lucario saw that through the slight crack in the door was her master stroking off his sizeable cock. Without another word she had dropped to her knees and joined her in pleasuring herself to the sight of her aroused master. After finishing up, they had decided to confront the others about their feelings towards their master, and to their amazement found that the entire group had the same desires. For over a month now they had been planning together on how to go about seducing master John, but as of yet, their schedule had kept them far too busy with battle training to make any headway whatsoever towards getting any information on their master's tastes. With the additional prospect of a two week break alone at their cabin, away from any prying eyes and ears, the opportunity was just too good to pass up.

They were six very willing female Pokémon in need of a strong virile male that they could trust, and it just so happened that they had one all to themselves for a while. It didn't take a genius to guess what they planned to do next.

"<Please Crimson, you've got to help us out on this one! I want him so badly I'm pawing off three times a day since we've got here!>" Zing begged her.

"<Same here, it's almost unbearable.>" Zoom added. The two Zangoose twins looked on hopefully at the larger fire-type, wanting more than anything to make the next step closer to John along with her.

Crimson dipped her beak slightly, crossing her legs to try and take her mind off the sexual frustration that was already building up again inside her despite having relieved herself of that particular itch very recently. This coupled with that un-ignorable sensation in her womanhood of just wanting to be touched by someone else, but knowing that the only one she'd let touch her was currently making their dinner and unaware of this, was driving her nuts.

"<I've wanted him for nearly two years now, and I've been tortured with seeing him bed other women while I was left unsatisfied. I know it's only natural for him to want to mate women of his own kind as he should, and he's never tried to stop us from mating with males that we want to as we should, but I still don't feel that we're ready to risk our relationship by trying something this desperate>".

"<But we are desperate! Zoom and I haven't had sex in nine months since we decided he was the male for us!>" Zing almost begged.

"<I know Zoom, it's been even longer for me. But if he wants those women, then why would he take a second look at us when we aren't even his species, especially when most of us don't even have breasts like human females do?>" Crimson replied, her eyes trailing down to look at her feet as she finished.

This last sentence stung the Zangoose twins visibly. It was very true that most of them didn't have human-like breasts to attract him, and they all knew that he would occasionally spend the night with one fairly good looking woman or another, although he never stayed with them for longer than that. Citrus, who was currently sitting with her arms folded behind her head as she leant against the same sofa that Crimson sat on while one of her legs lay lazily over the other, chose to spoke up next, her serious tone of voice a stark contrast to her relaxed body language.

"<It may be a bigger problem than we think. I have observed human females of different ages, and it seems to me that there is usually a pattern in breast size increasing as they age. Older females tend to have larger breasts than some of the younger ones, and the very young ones haven't had theirs develop yet, which might be what's stopping him. >"

"<You mean he could see us as being too child-like for his tastes?>" Zing said dejectedly, more of a statement of realization than a question, her eyes turning to look down at the floor while her white fluffy tail flicked in agitation, her sister incapable of doing the same as her tail was beneath her back as she lay down. The expression on Citrus' face said more than words needed to, which was most unusual for the normally sarcastic and aggressive little Pokémon; she was actually showing a look of wistful sadness on her face, all the trademark tenacious rebellion at the rest of the world pushed to the side right now for a simple look of hopelessness. She never showed her pain to anyone unless it was something she truly couldn't bare alone, something instantly picked up on by Crimson who felt even more wretched at not being able to help her.

"<Well actually, Sash'hiara and I managed to find some good news for us all......I think....>" came the small timid voice that could only belong to Rosalie, the ever refined Lopunny.

All eyes in the room turned to look at the Lapin-like Pokémon and the Lucario both sitting cross legged close to the fire; Sash'hiara had her eyes closed and her hands placed on her knees in her meditation stance, her face stoically neutral while Rosalie was looking in every direction other than the Pokémon looking at her, almost looking like she was considering hiding herself behind her large fluffy ears to avoid their gaze. The silence and obvious attention from the others however, soon became too much for her to bear, so she reluctantly continued to tell them what she had discovered.

"< mean we...Sash'hiara and I.....sneaked into John's room while he was out with Crimson getting our groceries.......we found some of, I think it's called....the stuff with pictures it..>"

Rosalie was idly playing with the furry bracelets around her wrists as she said this, trying her best to cope with both admitting to doing something so underhand, and as shown by the blush on her face, actually finding something so raunchy in her master's possession.

"<So you know what kind of girls he's into then?!>" Zoom exclaimed excitedly, flipping over so that she was now on her front facing the Lopunny with her ears perked straight up, her sister quickly turning around to do the same. Citrus was now also leaning forwards with her eyes trained on the rabbit Pokémon like a hawk, Crimson doing something similar although she was still seated on the sofa rather than the floor.

In response Rosalie bit her lip in nervousness, obviously finding it hard to say whatever was coming next. All four of the Pokémon watching her held their breath as they waited for her to continue. Sash'hiara, who of course already knew, showed no movement other than a slight twitch of her mouth, and allowing what could be called a subtle smile to grow as she waited for the pink and yellow furred female to confess.

"<Well...yes.....and.....I think he likes Pokémon already....>"

There was a collective gasp of amazement at this revelation, followed by yet another awkward silence before she continued.

"<When we found magazines........ and dirty DVDs....they had a lot of pictures...... and videos....... with humans.....doing stuff to Pokémon in them.....there was even quite a bit of it that had Pokémon the same as us being taken my male humans........and from the smell.......he looks that those ones quite a lot....>"

No one spoke for a while. They simply looked at one another in disbelief of what they had just heard; absolute silence reigned as they slowly came to grips with the reality that what they wanted was actually so close, when they had just seconds ago considered it impossible. After about half a minute, Crimson spoke up in a quiet and steady voice as she let her thoughts flow straight out of her mouth.

"<It would make sense. There have been many females who were willing to be his mate, many of whom he's spent the night with, and if they truly satisfied him then he would have stayed with them. He's also famous and rich enough to choose any human female on the planet, but he hasn't done so yet.>"

The Zangoose sisters nodded in unison without turning around to face her, both still looking at Rosalie to see if she was going to say something more. The brown furred Lopunny noticed their stares, but continued to try and avoid their eyes. Before she could try to formulate another sentence however, Sash'hiara surprised them all by slowly getting to her feet after sitting in a motionless trance for so long, and looked calmly across the room directly into Crimson's eyes. Everyone, Rosalie included, followed her gaze to the strong fire type as she in turn kept silent eye contact with the Lucario.

The two of them actually got on very well together, and while it might have looked like a showdown to some, a second look at their body language would have proven otherwise; Sash'hiara held a relaxed stance with her arms hanging by her sides, her smile from earlier now positively beaming off her face while Crimson sat still in her place, knowing that smile as a signal for 'I have a plan, and you're a part of it'.

"<We are done waiting. Tonight, Mark will become our male. And tomorrow, we will all experience the benefits of having him as our mate>" the Lucario said with an iron conviction, maintaining eye contact with her Blaziken companion as she spoke.

"<What do you plan to do Sash'hiara?>"

"<I have a plan, but it's not what I'm going to do Crimson->" the black blue and yellow Pokémon replied. "<-it's what you are going to do to John.>"

The canine-like Pokémon stepped even closer to Crimson until she was standing right next to the sofa, her shadow coming up to her large red-furred chest, before continuing.

"<We all want him just as much as you do, but if we want this to work properly so that he accepts us completely, then we need him to be as comfortable with this as possible. You have been around him for the longest out of all of us. He trusts you. We know he trusts us with his life, but as his first true Pokémon you are the one he can always rely on. Also, out of the six of us, you are the one who looks most like a human female, so it will be much easier for him to accept this proposal if it comes from you rather than one of us.>"

From the corner of her eye, Crimson noticed other Pokémon in the room nodding in agreement from their respective positions.

"<It's a sound idea; I hate to admit it but it gives us a much better chance than anyone else trying it first, you are the most human-looking.>" Citrus commented, scratching her chin thoughtfully with one of her razor sharp claws, but her pride not allowing her to meet the Blaziken's eyes as she spoke.

"<I'm onboard with it!>" Zing chirped merrily.

"<Me too!>" Zoom chimed.

"<I......think that he really has a liking for you actually.......we managed to get into his laptop computer by guessing his password......we deleted the record of us operating it before we closed it of course.....but there were files of male humans with female Blazikens on his hard drive........they had a lot of views.......>" Rosalie contributed just loud enough for Crimson to hear, causing the fire type to blush an even brighter red than her natural colour.

"<You see Crimson?>" Sash'hiara said, bringing the tall female's attention back to the Lucario in front of her.

"<I don't just think he wants you, I know he wants you. My plan to get him to accept all of us as his mates is simple: first, you go to his bedroom late tonight then seduce him and mate with him. If you do a good enough job at pleasing him then he'll come back to you to ask for more, and that's when we'll announce our intentions and offer ourselves to him. It may seem basic, but there's no way that we can try anything elaborate with John, he's simply too good at picking up on how we feel. It's also extremely important that he feels that we are already within his reach when we ask him to become our male or he may turn us away on the grounds that this relationship isn't natural or acceptable, and the best way to do that is to make sure that he already has one of us as his female, and I want that female to be you Crimson.>"

The muscular fire Pokémon was profusely embarrassed at what she was being asked to do. Politeness aside, she was being asked to not only break the law of some regions by stepping outside her bounds as a trained Pokémon, but to risk her long time friendship with John by going right up to him and offering her body on a silver platter. She knew that this was an extreme tactic that could either solve all their problems in one day, or earn her a one-way ticket to a re-education centre, which was basically the equivalent of prison for Pokémon. She'd heard from the Pokémon of other trainers previously sent to them just how harsh it could be in one of those establishments, and coupled with the thought of losing her master's affection, she had no doubt that she wouldn't be able to make it through the ordeal if she was sent to one.

"<However->" Sash'hiara spoke after a long pause, bringing Crimson out of her thoughts instantly.

"< -before you go to him, I need to know that you can please him as a female. I have a very strong hunch that human males expect their females to be able to please them as well as simply submitting to them, and from the images I've viewed on his computer I'd say that sex is a major part of their evaluation for a mate. There is no time for me to ask for a demonstration, so I'll just ask you some questions to see where you are up to in sexual knowledge>"

"<Demonstration!!?>" Crimson replied in surprise, "<You mean you would actually have me do that with you?>"

"<Yes I would. John would certainly appreciate it as well I think. One little fact you should know about sex amongst humans: each gender has an unusual attraction to same-sex-performances by the opposite gender. John would just love to see us making out, think about two hunky male Blaziken's getting dirty right in front of you and then try to tell me that it doesn't turn you on.>"

"<Point taken>" Crimson replied after gulping at the hot mental image.

"<Now then, John is obviously going to have sex with you by putting his penis into your vagina, but when he orgasms could either want to hold himself inside you as if her were trying to breed you, or he could choose to pull himself and come all over you to mark you as his own. Are you okay with him doing either of these?>"

Once again blushing as hard as she could with her already red face, the strong female fire-type nodded in reply. Her legs were now tightly crossed to hide the fact that she was once again getting wet at the lewd thoughts of what her master might do to her, but even she realised how futile it was with the Lucario's exceptional sense of smell.

"<Good. This isn't the only way for a human and/or Pokémon to have sex however. The most common alternative used is oral sex, which is split into two main categories: cunninglingus and fellatio. Cunninglingus is where the male uses his tongue and sometimes his lips and teeth to stimulate your vagina, and it's not uncommon for a male to also make use of his fingers to please the woman in this type of treatment; it's also commonly called 'eating out' by humans. Fellatio is where the woman uses her mouth parts on the male's penis and testes to stimulate him; it usually starts off with licking, but most of the time the female will put the male's penis inside her mouth while she licks or sucks on it to further stimulate him. As before he could either choose to come inside your mouth, where you will have to decide to spit it out or swallow it, or he could choose to pull out and come over your face. This is also commonly called a 'blowjob' by humans. Are you okay with letting him do either of these things to you?>"

All the other Pokémon in the room were now visibly getting turned on by the Lucario's vivid description as well. The Zangoose twins Zing and Zoom both licked their lips at the thought of their master doing just that to them, while Citrus started to purr quietly to herself and Rosalie, due to her reserved nature, opted to hold back such desires for the moment, but her breathing had become noticeably more heated and the deep rose coloured tint on her cheeks was clearly visible. Amazingly, Sash'hiara wasn't even slightly blushing, taking each question seriously, and gauging Crimson's reaction carefully; she took in the slightest of twitches on her face, the movements of her fingers as they rested on the couch either side of her legs, even the pattern of her breathing was taken into account by the sharp minded Lucario, who used each and every fact to evaluate whether she was ready for this or not. If it turned out that Crimson would not be able to handle it, she would mate with John herself.

The Blaziken was silent for a short period before she answered, but when she did it was with a new lustful smile spread across her muzzle.

"<Absolutely.>" she replied in a sultry tone.

Very pleased with her answer, Sash'hiara asked what would be her last question.

"<Finally, there is one more form of sex he may ask for, but it is also one of the most unusual for Pokémon to perform, anal sex. This is where he will insert his penis into your anus and proceed to mate with you while keeping himself inside you. This is often slightly painful to start off with, but as the sex progresses the pain fades away, and this is often one of the most fantasized about forms of sex by humans as your anal passage will always be slightly tighter than your vagina by default. However you must take great care to clean yourself thoroughly both beforehand and afterwards as a matter of hygiene. Just as before he can either come inside your ass, or he can pull out and come over your body. Would you still be willing to let him do this to you?>"

Crimson was clearly taken aback by this suggestion, as was Rosalie who uttered a startled gasp at Sash'hiara's question; curiously the Zangoose twins murred in approval at the notion while Citrus smiled and arched an eyebrow at Crimson, wanting to see if she would go so far as to do that with her master. It was true that it was dirty request, one that many human females would turn down even from their husbands, but Sash'hiara was nothing if not thorough in her judgment.

The muscular fire-type played with her fingers in her lap for a while, playing the possibility over in her mind. There was no reason that a breeding male would do such a thing, or ever request it of a female, which meant that it would only ever be done as an act of sexual desire between the two of them. If she had been asked to allow anyone else to do such a thing to her she would have refused and stormed out on the spot for them asking to use her body so flippantly, but John was a different story. In the years they'd been together he'd never once struck her or his other Pokémon even to correct them, and had always gone out of his way to see that they were comfortable. He'd bought them custom made clothing to keep them dry in heavy rain, had allowed them to use his bedding while he slept roughly, even gave them his food while he went hungry when they were stuck in a blizzard once, and not matter how hard it got during training, he never lost his temper at them. His ability to understand Pokémon moods could have lead to manipulation in the hands of someone else, be he had always respected them just as much as any person, and as a result the prospect of him asking for that kind of sex seemed a miniscule favour in comparison to what he'd already done for them.

"<I don't know what it would feel like, but if it's with him, then I know I'll enjoy it. He hasn't hurt us once in all the time we've known him.>" Crimson said truthfully.

Before anything more could be said, their ears pricked up at the sound of plates being placed on a table in the next room. Seconds later they heard their master call them into the dining room for their dinner. Zing, Zoom and Citrus shot from where they were previously sitting like bullets, only slowing when they got to the door which their master had yet to open for them; Rosalie, typically, moved in a far more refined manner by simply getting up and dusting herself off before walking slowly and methodically towards the door as well, her hips swaying slightly in the manner she had seen human females walk.

Taking the chance while everyone else was momentarily engaged, the Sash'hiara lent in close to Crimson and whispered in her ear.

"<Just remember this Crimson, he's been pent up for a while and will have a lot to give you. He's most likely not going to be satisfied with just one good romp tonight.>" she warned.

The red and yellow furred female looked the Lucario dead in the eyes and whispered back in good humour.

"<Neither will I.>"

Just as the door to the dining room opened for them to join their trainer for dinner, Sash'hiara straightened herself up and held a hand out to her friend, speaking to her long time friend in human language as the fire type gratefully accepted her gesture by placing her own hand in hers.

"Good luck."

*Later that night*

To say the corridor leading up to John's room was pitch black as Crimson crept out of her room would be an understatement. To a human's eyes it was so dark that if you brought your finger up to your eyeball, the first time you'd know about it would be when you poked yourself. The only visible light anywhere was the small sliver of silver-ish moonlight that spread out across a small section of carpet from underneath John's door.

To Crimson's eye's however, she might as well have been sunbathing for all the difference it made to her vision. She easily navigated her way down the landing until she was standing in front of her master's door. Once there, she felt her unwanted nerves suddenly strike back in full force. It was so still in the house that you could actually hear your own heartbeat with very little effort, and hers was a thundering away a quite a tempo.

Could she do this? Risk what she had already got for the sake of becoming his female? Would she be good enough for him? Even if she did succeed, would he only want it to be a one night affair rather than the loving relationship she wanted?

All she knew for certain was that she wanted him as a male, and if she didn't ask him to be, then she'd never find out.

Quietly as a gentle breeze, she extended her hand and slowly turned the handle on the door, making sure that no clicking sounds came from it as it turned. She'd spent a good half an hour practicing with Sash'hiara after dinner to make sure she at least got this part right. Peaking over at the bed from the doorway, she was pleased to see that there was a large shape pushing out from beneath the covers of her master's bed, indicating that he was indeed still sleeping peacefully. Tentatively she now stepped forwards into the room, taking great care to not allow her feet to bump into any furniture, or catch on his shoes which he'd left next to his travelling backpack as he always did. Her footfalls were completely muffled by the soft carpet that adorned the floor of her master's bedroom, and even more fortunate was that with her long legs she was next to his bed in 4 long strides.

Just as she reached the edge of his bed however, she felt her heart skip a beat as she heard the distinct click of the door being closed behind her. She had very good hearing, and she'd heard nobody following her, which meant that the door must have been closed by someone who was already in the room, and there was only one person who could possibly be in here besides her.

Almost to the point of shaking with fear, Crimson slowly turned around to back at the door, and sure enough, standing there with his arms folded and looking her dead in the eye while wearing nothing but his night boxers, was her trainer.

John had developed quite the toned body in his time training with his Pokémon, seeing it as his responsibility to train with them before he had any right to tell them to train harder. While he was no body builder, his form could easily be considered on par with that of a swimmer, with very little excess body weight but still remaining slender despite regular workouts. The fact that his hair was tied back right now rather than being left loose for while he slept was a blatant statement that she had been expected, his piercing green eyes burning clear into her mind through her own blue irises.

Even though the very idea of John, even in as good shape as he was, trying to attack her was ridiculous, those few silent moments that she spent frozen in place by his famously intimidating stare were more frightening than anything else in her living memory. She was so caught up by his gaze that it took her a while to realise that despite the look in his eyes, he was actually smiling, more than that, smiling in the same way that he had always smiled at her since she was a tiny little bundle of red and yellow fluff bouncing up and down in the hopes of getting another treat.

"It's okay Crimson. I've been expecting one of you to try something like this for a while now. Maybe I can't understand you Pokémon language, but I can read faces and body language just fine." John said after a short pause, making sure that he spoke calmly and soothingly to his closest companion.

"You knew?" the female blaziken gasped in surprise, "But, why didn't you say anything, or try anything if you knew how we felt about you? It's been torture for me having to go on like this"

Her trainer sighed, turning and looking out of the window which gave a fantastic view of the night-time forest outside through the one-way glass, ensuring their privacy but granting them this entrancing sight of natural moonlit peace.

"I wanted to Crimson, believe me. But when I worked out that you wanted 'that', we were already in the Jhoto region trying to look around for a Quilava, and relationships between humans and Pokémon is punishable by deportation for the trainer, and forced release for the Pokémon involved in that region. I know that we could have easily walked over whatever law enforcement came our way, but it wouldn't have been right, and we would never be left alone again. I don't want to be a conqueror or an outlaw; I just want to be happy with the rest of you and be allowed to travel where I wish."

John paused for a moment, seeming to be deep in thought, then turned to face Crimson again.

"Next year, when the league opens its doors to challenges, I plan to defeat the Pokémon league challenge, with any luck I'll then accept their offer of a place as a member of the elite four, and then we'll finally be able to live in peace. We'll have enough money from working there that we'll be able train and live in complete privacy if we choose to, or travel the world looking for even more challenges. The law states that a member of the elite four is granted permission to live anywhere in the world, and is funded enough to purchase the house of their choosing, so long as they both take part in all elite four public events and national emergencies. We could move to kanto, the home of the Pokémon league, where what we want to do is perfectly legal, and then we would never have to worry about how we feel towards each other again. What do you say to that Crimson?"

John observed his blaziken as he finished his small speech, noting the look of deep concentration on his Pokémon's face as she straightened up and turned to face him in the dim light of the bedroom.

Everything he had said was the truth, as the Blaziken remembered being told the story a while ago about the events that took place; it was public knowledge that a previous member of the elite four had been in a sexual relationship with one of his Pokémon, but after the death of this Pokémon due to an accident in an official challenge battle, the law of kanto, the region where the league challenge was officially based no matter where the battles were physically held, had been changed in regards to overwhelming pressure from the general public including his former opposers to allow consensual sexual relationships between humans and Pokémon. Because of this change, a small but well-funded organisation known as 'the purists' had set out to destroy the Pokémon league in retaliation to what they considered an affront to creation, and while they were still nowhere near as strong as the Elite four and the ex-members of them, they were still a force to be reckoned with. Crimson knew that this was one of the main reasons why John had declined the original invitation to join the elite four, but that was over a year ago.

Now his whole party was much stronger, in fact they had already encountered and defeated ex-champions of the league before now. Also with the strongest trainers in the world living close by, the chances of them ever being in serious danger were remote compared to how they would be if they weren't already in kanto by the time someone found out.

However, all of this was trivial to her at the moment.

Her master had said 'what _ we _ wanted', not what 'you' wanted. He was accepting her! Tomorrow they could pack up and head to the league, but right now she wanted her trainer. She'd waited for far too long already, and now he was nearly naked in front of her saying that he wanted to be her mate with a visible hard-on forming in his boxers. How could she even call herself a female if she didn't take this opportunity?

The curvaceous fire-type slowly stepped backwards until she felt the back of her legs touch the bed, sitting down with a seductive grin on her red beak at her master's gaze following her movements very intently. She then spread her powerful legs open wide for him, noting his sharp intake of breath as she revealed the damp red fur and bright pink lips of her womanhood to his eager eyes. She watched him staring at her most private spot in the same way a starving man would look at a five course feast, so to further tease her master, she slipped one of her hands down the front of her body to allow one of her long fingers to rub over her womanhood, spreading her leaking juices around the surface for him to see.

"I like that plan a lot master, as I am sure the rest of your party will. We will do our best to train hard and ensure your place amongst the strongest trainers on the planet. But right now, I don't need you as my trainer", Crimson said, slipping her finger just inside her wet vaginal folds as she spoke, showing the clear fluid dripping from the digit to him as she worked herself. Her own sharp eyes easily caught on to the fact that his right arm was now rubbing his own crotch through his only item of clothing, trying to relief some of the pressure building up in his clearly large male organ.

Unable to take any more of this visual teasing after having been denied sexual pleasure for so long, she leant back on the bed, pulling her legs up and to the sides in the famous missionary position, removing her finger from her womanhood and pulling her legs even further back with her arms to give him perfect access to her now completely exposed nether-regions. Her little red tuft of a tail flicked in excitement at the look of pure astonishment her trainer now wore.

"I need you as my male John, take my body for yourself like I want you to, like I need you to! Don't make me wait any longer!" she pleaded, almost whimpering in need after having to just make do with her own fantasies for so long. She hoped that her words hadn't been too direct in human language, as some of the longer words that humans on television used were difficult for her to pull off with her not having a human voice box. Fortunately for her, her trainer's ability to read Pokémon's emotions had only gotten stronger over the years, and he had no intention of making her wait any longer.

Wasting no time, her trainer closed the distance between him and the bed, kneeling down to bring his face close to his blaziken's hot pussy. Despite wanting this immensely, Crimson blushed and asked in a clearly nervous tone, "Why are you doing that? I can't do the same for you, my beak is too sharp."

Smiling at this, her trainer gave her womanhood a slow lick from bottom to top, causing her whole body to jerk at the wave of desperately needed pleasure that came with his tongue's passing.

"Because I want to", came the reply, before he leaned in and slipped his tongue inside her tight passage. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned in blissful relief as she felt him rotate, curl and flick his tongue this way and that inside her, leaving no inch of her vulnerable inner flesh untouched in his oral exploration of her virgin pussy. That flexible organ of his constantly changing direction inside her and rubbing against places she hadn't even touched yet was more than she'd dared to hope of receiving, and she made sure to let him know she approved of it.

Don't think she was just lying back during this though; she sneakily brought her hands away from her legs to rub at her large breasts, the previously hidden black nipples now hardening and making a appearance out of the red fur, much to her master's obvious delight.

Just as she thought that she was getting used to this however, her cunning trainer brought a hand up and gently rubbed her clitoris with his thumb. She nearly screamed at the sudden spike of pleasure in her mind at her trainer caressing her womanhood; a fully grown fire and fighting type Pokémon, and she had been brought nearly all the way to climax by her trainer, who wasn't even technically mating her yet, in less than a minute. She must have looked so pathetic in the eyes of experienced females, but she couldn't care less what they thought. They could get in line, because this was her male now, and he could do what he liked with her.

What amazed her more than anything else was how tolerant he was of her juices. She for one knew that despite what a lot of people thought, her own feminine essence wasn't all that sweet tasting at all, in fact it was a salty and very slightly bitter tasting fluid. But no matter how much she accidentally squirted his way, he just drove his tongue right back inside her for more. She wagered that not many human women could say the same for their own males.

She desperately tried to hold back her peak, to keep some resemblance of her image of being an unmoveable wall of a resiliance, trying to concentrate on anything else other than her trainer's talented appendage, gruelling battles, endless journeys they'd been on, how tough it had been getting this far; no matter how hard she tried though, she could only keep coming back to the same thought, that she wouldn't have any other male than him between her legs. Not even that eight-foot tall stud-blaziken she'd caught a glimpse of in a breeder's advertisement leaflet came close to how much John turned her on.

However, with a well timed flick of his tongue over her now expose clitoris, all her attempts at resistance ended, and the curvaceous Blaziken groaned out loud as she was flung straight into the most intense orgasm she could ever remember experiencing. Even though John pulled back slightly he still received a fairly decent drenching from her nether lips as they squirted her feminine fluids out over his face. Predictably for a fire type, her juices were much hotter than normal, but were thankfully nowhere near scolding temperature. John licked the excess from his lips as he stood up to watch his beautiful female Pokémon slowly come down from her high, but being the horny male he was, he couldn't resist an opportunity to tease her one last time.

Crimson was only semi conscious after her intense orgasm, but had enough of her wits about her to hear the sound of his boxers falling down to his ankles, even over her own heavy breathing. Due to the tingling sensations that were still running up and down her legs from her release, it took her brain a while to focus on exactly what the sound was; the moment her mind clicked however, her head shot forwards from lying back against the bed sheets to look between her legs.

Despite having seen it hard before now, many times if she was honest about how much she peeked on him, she still found the shape of his human cock fascinating to look at. Pokémon had many different shapes and sizes in that department, but compared to a Blaziken male's penis, his was incredibly familiar yet different at the same time. However, to say that she was disappointed would be an outright lie.

A Blaziken would have a pitch black penis that would on average be about 7 inches long, and that possessed both a pointed tip and row upon row of backward facing barbs that would extend when he ejaculated; these barbs would effectively lock the female in place until he was finished by digging into the flesh of the female's vagina, but it also caused the female a great deal of pain if she wasn't accustomed to it or if he tried to pull out while he was still erect. By comparison, her master's cock was 9 inches long, thick from the base to the tip, and carried the same colour as his skin with the exception of a purple coloured bulbous head, which almost seemed to throb as she looked at it.

"Do you want it?" he trainer asked suggestively. Before her eyes a drop of pre-cum fell from his tip to land just a mere centimetre from her womanhood.

"Yes master, give it to me!" she practically ordered; her patience had finally snapped, and if he didn't mate her now, then she'd force him to.

"As you wish Crimson."

John gripped his member in his right hand and lined himself up with pussy lips, momentarily gasping at the intense heat radiating from them before he reminded himself that she was a fire-type. True had just eaten her out, so he was more than aware of how hot it was inside her, but his member was more sensitive than his tongue with it having been confined to his underwear against its will this entire time. He made no complaints however; his own patience wasn't exactly endless right now either.

Without another word John spurred his hips forwards and drove his hard cock right up to the base inside his Pokémon's welcoming folds, grabbing her muscular thighs for leverage. He grit his teeth against the overwhelming moisture and warmth that he felt engulf his member, keeping himself firmly in check despite her being far tighter than any human woman he had ever bedded. Gods above she was hot; not to the point of burning but enough to firmly remind him exactly who he was wedged inside of. Those well trained muscles that had brought down countless strong opponents on his behalf now squeezed his member with a will beyond anything he'd ever experienced before, and despite being a 'well travelled' individual who had seen his share of fun with his own kind, he swore that the instant he sank inside her he was lost to the human women of the world and became addicted to Pokémon for good.

As for Crimson, she had uttered a most un-characteristic squeak of desperation as he lined himself up, but as she felt his manhood part her inner flesh she had lent her head back cried out in ecstasy at the huge rush of pleasure she experienced. Even though she was a virgin, Pokémon didn't possess a hymen, meaning that she experienced no pain, shed no blood, and did nothing else that might cause her master to stop; instead she wrapped her arms around John's neck and gently ran her fingers through his black hair as she watched him scrunch up his face momentarily after he entered before returning to normal after a few seconds.

His member felt so big inside her, larger than any of her own kind were ever likely to be, pushing her slick inner walls out of its way as it burrowed deep into her pussy, sliding to a stop only when their hips met with a soft wet squishing sound. It wasn't just his length and girth that appealed to her though, although they were hard to ignore; the smooth rounded shape provided such a unique sexual thrill as she felt it, so different to how she imagined the feel of the manhood of a male of her own kind to be; it was an intoxicating reminder that what they were doing was so deliciously outside was expected of them, such a frowned upon act by so many, and she was loving every sordid second of it already.

She found it very endearing that he hadn't just started humping at her straight away, instead choosing to stroke her tightly muscled stomach to help her relax, and mentally thanked him for it, but with all the build-up to what was coming next, she just wanted him to forget his inhibitions for this one time and be the man she'd seen make so many human women scream beneath him.

The large female brought her head close to the side of her trainer's head to whisper in his ear while he held himself still for a moment more, wanting to bring out all of his pent up lust. Romance could wait until they were finished; right now she wanted to be ravaged.

"You're the first male of any kind to take their pleasure from me like this," she spoke in a quiet seductive voice that snapped John out of his daze instantly, "but you already know that we feel no extra pain on our first time, and I am far from fragile. I love you John, my master, but please, just for our first time, don't be gentle."

The next instant she felt him quickly pull his cock nearly all the way out, earning a startled gasp from her which turned into an unmistakeable moan of pleasure as he rammed his manhood all the way back into her tight opening with a hard thrust. She'd never felt anything so right, so utterly satisfying and something so personally close to her trainer in her life; that is, until she felt him do it again. Then again, and again, and again.

She actually had to clutch at the bed sheets with her claws instead of rubbing his head for fear of accidentally piercing him, there was simply too much information being relayed to her brain about what her trainer was doing to her. With her on her back and her legs almost folded back on herself with her trainer holding then in place, he had the perfect angle to achieve the perfect depth with each thrust.

Those red-furred, steel-like butt muscles that propelled her legs forwards and into countless opponents now only served to entice her master with a breathtaking view of the large round cheeks beneath her tight womanhood, and as a soft cushion for his balls to slap against every time he drove himself inside her. Crimson had met many females who would've been severely insulted by a male doing this too them, seeing themselves as things to be worshipped by the opposite gender; she couldn't care less about them now, because she was getting exactly what they were missing out on, a hot, horny male that she trusted pinning her down and fucking the living daylights out of her.

"Ohhhh! .......... Ahhhnnn! ............. Don't stop! ............Please don't stop! ......." the powerful female fire-type begged the comparatively lean male human, who silenced her begging with a particularly hard thrust which actually lifted her gorgeous rear-end of the bed with the force behind it.

"I certainly don't plan on it my dear Crimson" he replied with a soft kiss to her right leg as a little flourish. The blaziken beneath him blushed profusely at this treatment, not so much that she wasn't ready for it as that she was embarrassed at how easy it was for her trainer to find out exactly how and where to touch her, and how to speak to her to push her arousal ever higher.

After less than two minutes of his trained thrusting, there was no doubt in her mind that he would be able to seduce many female Pokémon who'd never even considered sex with a human, but as long as he kept ramming his cock balls deep inside her soft and warm pussy like he was doing right now whenever she wanted, she couldn't care less who received the same. Pokémon of her species very rarely made lifetime bonds in the wild, and while she was sure she wanted a lifetime bond with John she was already aware that she would be sharing him with the rest of his immediate Pokémon party. As long as he stayed with them and was careful not to get into trouble (which he actually did naturally anyway) she couldn't see a problem with him having a little fun on the side.

Every now and then her trainer would playfully squeeze her toned calves with his fingers just to add a little spice to their love-making, but it was hardly necessary. His countless times with other females had given John a well trained rhythm as he thrust inside her, along with strong hip muscles, meaning that whereas some men would be thrusting without any sense of timing and just focusing on enjoying it, he gave Crimson a constant enjoyable drumbeat of pleasure that escalated with every re-entry. His member was now more than lubricated by her juices, and slipped back inside her pink nether lips with barely any resistance at all despite his generous size. Every fresh collision of their hips now shook small droplets of their combined juices from their hips, and much to crimson's delight, he even started to mix in different angles to penetrate her from just as she grew accustomed to his already very pleasurable regular pace, making her toes curl in rapture.

He knew damn well what he was doing to her as well, the wet sounds their union made and the trail of her feminine fluids now flowing down her butt crack were proof enough even without his abilities as a Pokémon master. It wouldn't be long now before she reached her limit, he could feel her tight vagina clenching more desperately around him as he pumped into her, he could see her hands now clutching the bed sheets every time his member disappeared inside her womanhood, and he could hear her moans slowly escalating in pitch. All it would take would be one more push, one more stimulation and she'd be done for. One little flick of the wrist.

Then it hit him.

While still retaining his moderate steady pace of pumping his length inside his well-built female lover's receptive vagina, he began to slowly trail his right hand back down her leg from her calf, letting his fingers gently rub against her furred flesh as they travelled. The way her head instantly tilted to a new angle so that he found it harder to see her expression told him he was on the right track, and the way her leg started trembling as his fingers drew nearer to her hips would make it loud and clear to anyone.

Her insides actually started to spasm around his girthy member as his fingers found their mischievous way onto her inner thighs, just barely skimming her taught red-furred butt-cheeks but drawing a small whine from Crimson as she desperately clung to the last part of her mind that had any hope of holding back her orgasm, all her physical strength utterly swept aside by her trainer's experienced attentions. The addictive stretching sensation she felt as he repeatedly thrust back inside her was making her lose all track of time and self restraint, already John could see her wrists starting to glow a bright yellow, a signal that they were about to burst into flames.

He was glad he listened to a tip from Lance about fire-proofing virtually everything in his house with a fire-type around.

Not slowing down his ministrations even slightly, he went straight for his prize, slowly slipping his hand up between her legs, getting her to moan as he stroked her distended labia in his passing. The Blaziken beneath him may have been a hair's breadth away from insanity at that moment, but she had enough sense to work out what he was going for. His hand was so close now, so close that his fingers were already covered in her fluids being forced out of her vagnial passage in his wake. Just one more inch and he'd be---

All coherent thought in her mind ceased as he hand closed the remaining gap in an instant, gently pinching the small fleshy nub at the top of her womanhood, the infamous pleasure receptor of a female known as the clitoris. He'd already used it once tonight, but it was a trick that he knew never failed. She flung her head back and screamed out in unbridled pleasure as the greatest orgasm of her life tore through her nervous system, he wrists igniting against the bed sheets in rapture of her desperately needed release; thanks to the special material they were woven from they didn't even tarnish, but John could clearly feel the heat emanating from them, being naked as he was. But right then, balls deep inside his beautiful Pokémon as she rode out her first orgasm of the night, he really wasn't thinking about the potential danger.

As he felt her womanhood contract around his member throughout her peak, he noticed that she was not only tighter and hotter than any human woman he'd bedded, but also the muscles inside her were laid out in a different pattern, providing a strikingly familiar yet strangely alien sensation as she enjoyed her peak. Indeed, he had to concentrate to make sure that he didn't get overexcited and join her despite his experience, clenching his abdominal muscles and trying to blank out the extraordinary sensations being provided to him by his more than happy lover.

Eventually, Crimson started to relax as her peak dissipated, leaving behind one of the most content looking females that John could ever remember seeing. Her right leg hung limply in his left hand, while her other leg now lay off to the side completely tensionless; her large round breasts rose and fell in tandem with her visibly toned chest as she gradually got her breath back, her hard black nipples providing an pleasant sight for the horny human. The long yellow mane-like hair that was usually so pristinely kept by the Blaziken was now ruffled and matted in countless places, one or two longer strands actually clinging to her seductive body after being soaked in her sweat. Her wrist's had stopped burning, but still hadn't fully cooled down yet, both still glowing a faint red colour while the air above them rippled from the heat being given off from them.

To get her attention again, John, drew himself out and gave her a particularly hard thrust, his member only having gotten harder while waiting for Crimson to come back round.

"OH!!....Still up for more?......You truly are a potent male.." Crimson replied in surprise, still quite dazed from her previous orgasm, but by no means displeased with John's attempt to revive her, squeezing him back playfully with her inner walls.

Her master gently lifted her splayed legs and pushed forwards so that the large muscled appendages now rested beside each of her shoulders. Although he didn't show it, he was quite surprised by the weight of them, the sheer density of the muscle beneath her furred skin making itself obvious. He was in better shapethan most people due to his lifestyle, but it was still a challenge to get her legs into this arousing position. Crimson, however, noticed the way he repositioned his shoulders as he pushed her legs forwards in his grip and made an accurate guess as to why he did so.

"A bit heavy, aren't they?" she said, slightly embarrassed.

"A bit." John replied honestly, "If as much of this is muscle as I think it is, I can't imagine what that Machoke in Celadon felt."

The Blaziken beneath him gave her version of chuckle at that. "He had it coming. It was his own fault for trying to come onto me by calling me 'a beautiful baby-maker' then posing with his legs apart."

"Remind me never to get on you bad side" John said, remembering the look of agony on the 600 pound fighting Pokémon's face after one swift kick right where hurts a man the most.

"I only do that to males who don't respect my wishes, and I don't think there's any chance of that happening with you anytime soon" Crimson cooed, reaching up to stroke his chest but stopping at the last minute as she realised that he hands were still extremely hot by human standards, the air around them swirling as it was instantly heated on contact with her digits even if they had stopped glowing now.


"It's okay" John replied, before drawing himself backwards, making her moan as she felt his cock shift inside her womanhood before yelping out in pleasure as he drove it back inside her. The next time he plunged inside he was rewarded with a cute whine and a soft squelching sound as her pussy clenched around his human girth in delight.

"Getting worked up?" he enquired, arching an eyebrow at feeling her very obvious arousal.

"I wanted this for longer than you might think" Crimson admitted, looking up at her trainer sheepishly as he started to build up a rhythm of entering her again, and a faster rhythm than before, which she found getting to her much more than she expected so soon after climaxing.

Her trainer didn't answer with words, instead leaning right over until his face was level with her heaving breasts, adding more depth to his thrusts and making her cry out in pleasure as his cock-head now beat against her cervix, like a welcome invader demanding entry to her innermost chamber.

"You're so deep inside me.......hhaaa.......aaahh.......please master........keep going..." Crimson pleaded him.

From their new position, each time their hips met, their butt cheeks now collided as well; the blazikens' leaking juices had by now completely coated her tailhole in a slick sheen of her own fluids, and she absolutely relished the feeling of his human ball-sack slapping against her ass as he rocked her body with his attentions. By comparison, a blaziken male had no ball-sack as a naturally evolved characteristic to help them survive; fire-Pokémon sperm was much hotter than other Pokémon's, and as such it required more body heat to be kept that way, but with her master's human testes impacting against her she felt almost teased by the promise of what they contained being fired inside her.

John loved the expressions she made as he mated her, particularly noting how she did her own version of gritting her teeth (despite the fact she didn't have any) every time he have her a particularly deep thrust, how her breasts recoiled against the movement of his hips, and his member's passing was always answered by a firm squeeze from her slick inner walls.

After a good few minutes of keeping up his faster pace and watching her writhe beneath him, John couldn't hold back his urges anymore, and leant down to lick over one of her exposed black nipples that had been bouncing so enticingly before him all the while they mated.

"Oh yes what you want with them......" his partner cooed to him upon feeling this.

The human licked all of the area around the nipple, flicking the fleshy nub with his tongue once which earned a delighted gasp from Crimson before sucking the attractive growth into his mouth and suckling on it which drove his partner nuts.

Beneath her master, Crimson was emphatic at how well things had turned out tonight. She was enjoying this more than she could remember enjoying anything else before, the moment he'd started sucking her breasts she had came, clutching powerfully at his member with her previously unused pussy walls. There was just one thing missing now, something she wanted desperately every time he rammed himself home inside her.

She wanted him to cum.

"Oh master........please......come inside me......I want you to pump it all in....."

In truth she hardly needed to ask for it. After just barely holding back through her second orgasm, John was desperate to reach his own peak as well. With his willpower hanging by a thread, he held himself back for as long as he felt he could, if only for a few seconds, wanting to hear his long time partner beg for him. Releasing her large back nipple from his mouth, he sped up his pace so that he was practically shoving her across the bed and asked her a quiet question in a teasing tone of voice.

"Won't ask for me by name after all we've been through Crimson?"

The horny Blaziken rolled her head from side to side, unable to escape the barrage of pleasure assaulting her senses as she felt him throb inside her; just the knowledge that he was close, so very close, was so addictive. Now she knew why females were so loud when they were mated, it was simply too good to be quiet about it. Barely able to focus on anything beyond his wonderful cock forcing its way inside her, she only just picked up on his request, and eager to feel his release she complied instantly.

"Cum inside me John! Give me every last drop of it my handsome human!"

The instant she finished he sentence she felt a strong jet of his warm fluid inside her, sending her over the edge one last time as his sticky sperm burst into her vaginal passage. His first volley was quickly followed by a second shot that managed to force a little of his cum into her womb, only to be followed by more as he fired a third jet deep inside her pussy to be joined by her own orgasmic fluid that flowed around his member. Crimson squirted a copious amount of her warm cum over his stomach out around his member as she came, her entire body shuddering as John unloaded himself within her, the blaziken not uttering the slightest complaint or feeling the slightest trace of regret for letting him commit such a lustful act upon her. To her delight John still thrust inside her gently as he came, making sure she felt every last spurt he gave her. It felt so smooth and thick inside her as he ejaculated, loving how it gathered inside his orgasm continued.

Soon enough, his cum stopped spurting inside her, and his hips came to a halt against hers, both of them catching their breath as they gradually came down from their respective highs. Looking down at their hips and noticing just how much of her juices had landed on him, John decided to see if he'd messed her up to the same extent. He slowly pulled his semi-hard member out of her used vagina, hearing his beautiful fire-type murmur at the feeling of his passing; as soon as he pulled him member out of her wet opening, a gorgeous white creampie followed in his wake, his still warm sperm trickling out of her pussy lips and down her butt crack in a steady gooey stream.

"Amazing. You were absolutely amazing Crimson" he panted, looking down at his work. Much to his Blaziken's approval, he softly massaged her legs while she lay there to help her muscles relax after such intense stimulation.

"Were? We aren't finished master. There is still one more thing you have to do to me." Crimson stated, pulling herself up into a sitting position before shuffling back so that she sat in the middle of the bed.

"Oh, and what might that be?"

The beautiful female arranged herself so that she was on her hands and knees with her rear end facing her master, giving him a wonderful view of her womanhood still leaking his fluids, and her puckered tailhole now glistening with human sperm.

"Fuck my ass master." She asked in a low sultry tone, just as a particularly large drop of his own cum flowed out of her womanhood.

Even after releasing only minutes ago, John was hard again in an instant from a request like that, quickly joining her on the bed and lining his hard cock up with her anus as she wiggled her bottom enticingly at him. Despite her playfulness, she stopped her motions instantly as she felt his hands grip her firm butt cheeks and spread them apart for his viewing pleasure.

"Do you want me to go slowly?" he queried, wary of the possible accidents of anal sex.

"No master, something from Sash'hiara.........and.......kind of.......practiced.......and it wasn't that long before I came'm ready for you. Mate my ass as fast as you like."

Momentarily shocked by this answer, John made a mental note to find out just how his Lucario had managed to get ahold of something like that in the first place, but then pushed forwards until his wide tip met her puckered ring, earning a grunt of anticipation from them both at what was to come. Crimson would have grit her teeth (if she had any) as she felt a drop of his pre escape his tip as it touched her anus.

Getting an even tighter grip of her butt-cheeks in his hands, he devled himself slowly inwards, the head of his member popping inside her tight anal passage with a moan of pleasure from his excited lover, which only grew as he sank his thick cock deeper inside her tailhole. The leftover cum from his previous orgasm did a very good job of lubricating her insides up to allow him smooth entry, but did nothing to distract him from how unbelievably tight she was back there; her pussy had been beyond human, but this was beyond comprehension! From every angle the muscles of her ass clenched powerfully around his human organ, putting his tried and tested willpower to the most extreme of tests.

"You're so tight in there Crimson, I don't know if I'll last long." He admitted, only being able to speak through gritted teeth for fear of accidentally losing it if he wasn't careful.

"You don't have to," Crimson said affectionately, giving him a gentle clench inside her clean tailhole as she looked over her shoulder at her good-looking trainer, "Just go for as long as you can, and when you feel like you need to cum, then cum inside me as much as you like. I like it this way a lot, and you've already given me a good time, so now it's your turn."

Nodding in understanding, John slowly drew himself back, feeling the strong rings of muscle clutch at his member trying to hold him inside as he exited, before relaxing and allowing him free passage as he plunged himself balls deep inside her tight Blaziken asshole on re-entry. Wasting no time, he quickly set to pumping himself in and out of her welcoming back door with enthusiasm, drinking up every second of this incredible experience with his longest serving companion, the soft squelching sounds of their union music to his ears.

Crimson was, if anything, enjoying it even more, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her eyes rolling back in her head as she felt him ravage her forbidden entrance. She'd discovered upon trying out a 'toy' that Sash'hiara had shown her that she actually liked anal sex, a lot more than she had expected to as well, considering how little Pokémon actually performed it. Right now she couldn't decide whether she liked the normal sex in the front better or this, but she would definitely be doing this with him again very soon. She wailed in euphoria as she felt him lean over her back and bring his hands up to caress her large, soft breasts that hung beneath her as he pistoned his cock into her tailhole repeatedly in the doggystyle position. This time she was able to stop he writs from glowing, wanting nothing to distract her trainer from his task.

Faster and faster he pounded his member into her between her large red ass-cheeks; he made it to 10 minutes of his fevered humping of her delicious bottom at full tilt before he felt himself at his breaking point, his member starting to pulse in anticipation of his peak. He knew the signs Crimson was giving off, she was close as well, just perhaps not as close as he was.

"AAAAHHHHH!!! Do it John! Shoot all that hot sticky cum in my ass!" His Pokémon begged him, actually sending a tingling sensation across his groin as he her her say it.

Desperate for her to get something out of it as well, he pinched her hard black nipples lightly, making sparks fly behind her eyes and pushing her over the edge before him with a loud cry of relief. As he felt her tight ass clutch his manhood like a velvet vice, he gave up all hope of restraint and drove himself right to the base inside her tight anal passage, unloading a heavy barrage of his viscous white cum straight into her rear-end, jet after hot jet. Amazingly, his second load was actually heavier than his first one that he'd shot inside her womanhood, prolonging his partner's high and causing a small amount of his fluid to leak out around his cock and dribble down over her pussy lips.

After they had both calmed down, he removed himself from her tailhole, watching as a lovely anal creampie flowed out of her small anus in a thick white waterfall, occasionally a thicker glob popping out of her well used ass (which she made no attempt to hide, as he caught her checking to see if she was looking). After this they helped to clean each other up, not without some fun being had while doing so, but making sure to not go too far lest they risk even more mess.

Basking in the afterglow of their intense love-making session, they simply lay together on the bed in the subtle moonlight and cuddled for the longest while, finding comfort in the other's embrace as they had done for many years now; this feeling of trust that they had built over countless experiences shared together now reinforced by perhaps of of the signifiacnt experiences of their lives. All of the tension that had built up in recent months with the unintentional standoff was now completely gone, and a whole new myriad of possibilities for the future now lay spread out before them.

Crimson idly ran her fingers through his hair as they embraced with her trainer laying limply on top of her, almost feather-like in weight to her. She felt over the moon at getting what she finally wanted, and looked forward to getting it again, still feeling some of his cum sliding around inside her two holes between her legs. She couldn't help but chuckle as a particularly dirty thought crossed her mind when she remembered the next part of Sash'hiara's plan for him to co-operate.

"What is it Crimson?" John asked, stroking her flank soothingly as their eyes met, his soothing green irises drawing the truth from her with no need for further convincing.

The muscular Blaziken grinned as she answered him.

"Well my master, I was just wondering, now that you know we all want you as our mate, which of your pretty female Pokémon are you going to pump full of your cum next?"

To be continued.............

Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you guys.

The bad news is that I have a comission to finish, so the next chapter won't be for a while.

The good news it that you guys get to decide which of his pokemon gets so human lovin' next ;)


Zing and Zoom the horny Zangoose Twins (come as a pair ;) )

Rosalie the refined Lopunny Dancer

Citrus the agressive Dominator Weavile

Sash'hiara the dirty minded Lucario

Comment below, and the next chapter will include the most popular choice. See ya then!

minor update on 20/11/2012, improved the anal sex scene a little bit because I wasn't happy with it. I think it sounds better now.

When is a murderer not a murderer?

-Sarah- I got up the same as I usually do I guess. My cartoon style alarm clock woke me up at 7:00 with its silly singing in the morning just like it does every day of the week, as I had to get up in time to get ready for school. I rubbed my eyes as...

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Kung Fu Panda: Building Tensions

This is my first upload to this site, I hope that you guys like it. You have to be of the legal age to view pornographic material to view this according to the law. It's your own desicion though, not mine. \*edit\* This is now fully spell-checked....

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