Surprises All Around

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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"Where is it?" asked a thin raccoon in a white lab coat.

"I don't know. I could swear I left it on the desk," said a short ram sporting a similar lab coat.

"You don't think anybody stole it do you? It's just a prototype, a screw up really. That thing was never meant for use and nobody really understands how it works," said the raccoon.

"I just hope that wherever it is nobody is stupid enough to use it. The effects are permanent and that stupid reverse switch is useless."

The raccoon smiled and said, "Yeah, anybody who gets past reading the first page of the manual that came with it would know that. Besides, nobody would be crazy enough to use a device that came out of this section of our facility. Everything here is untested and could kill you just as easily as performing its intended purpose."

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"So, did you get it Rob?" asked an athletic looking wolf.

"Sure Gabriel, my dad leaves his extra security pass just lying around and it was easy enough sneaking into the lab last night," said a ram, Rob, that bore a striking resemblance to his brilliant father. "They really should have better security in a place like that. Their night guard is like 100 years old and sleeps on the job all the time."

"I can't believe he even told you about this thing. You would think this is the type of thing they would make him keep secret," said a muscle bound lion.

"Vince, you know my dad has never been able to keep a secret. If he wasn't so smart they would have fired him by now," responded Rob.

"I see you got the instruction manual too. You could kill a fur with that thing," said a tall, thin deer.

"Have to agree with you there Tim," said an even a slightly thinner and shorter ferret.

"Tim and Mark are right, we don't actually have to read that thing do we," a bull with a large heavyset build muttered.

"Of course we don't Rick. That thing looks simple enough to operate. All we have to do is pick a setting and pull the trigger," responded an equally large bear.

"Aaron's right, this thing is pretty simple to use. I doubt we would be able to understand much of this thing without a few more years, or decades, worth of study," said Rob. "All we need to now is that my dad had been working on some sort of levitation device, or antigravity device, something like that. His team screwed up though. Somehow they managed to create a shrinking device. The higher off the ground it was meant to lift something the more it shrinks that same something instead. Now, must of the girls in the sorority house are headed home for the holidays, all except four of them."

The ferret then spoke up, "So, I'm supposed to shrink all of you guys, break into the sorority house while the girls are out, get us to the rooms of the girls of your choice, and then shrink myself so that we can all have a good break."

"So how small are we supposed to get, two, three inches tall?" asked a sleek looking Zebra.

"Too big Bart, we need to go unnoticed for an entire week. I know I would notice a two inch long spider in my room. We should probably shoot for an eighth on an inch in height. That's around the size of an ant and we should be able to avoid being seen at that height," Gabriel said.

"That should probably do it, I just hope everybody remembered to pack enough food for an entire week," Tim smiled.

Their plans set, the group of young college men put their plans into action. Rob was the first one to volunteer to let himself be shrunk. He noticed that it tingled a little, but that feeling was nothing compared to the sight of watching his friends begin to tower over him like a group of titans. By the time he had reached an eighth of an inch in height his friends looked like they were thousands of feet tall. And speaking of feet, even the toes on each of their paws was over four times his own height. For a second Rod thought this might actually be too dangerous, but then he remembered that he was going to be spending an entire week unnoticed in a sorority house with the fur of his choice. That was well worth the risk to a young man like him.

Rob's friends spent a few seconds staring at their friend in stunned disbelief. It was one thing to plan to shrink themselves, it was another thing to see it actually happen. The little ram was so small that they could barely make out individual limbs on his body and his horns added a distinctly bug like appearance to his body. Rob waved up at his friends to show them that he was alright and that seemed to shake them out of their shock. One by one they let themselves get shrunk by Mark. Then Mark lowered a small insect cage he had brought with him to the ground. He let each of them step in and lifted the cage back up with exaggerated caution. Mark was really nervous about causing his tiny friends injuries at their miniscule size and he did not want to be the one responsible for ruining anyone's vacation.

Mark really wished that he had not revealed he had been a real troublemaker a few years ago. He had come dangerously close to getting some serious jail time for breaking and entering. If his father had not been in law enforcement and pulled some strings he would have spent more than a simple month in jail. After that he had tried to straighten himself out, but he had a set of skills that his friends now found useful. Even after all this time it was easy enough to pick the lock on a sorority house, especially when the furs living here did not even bother to lock up properly. If they had it would have been impossible to conceal his break in. Now they would have no clue anyone had been here as long as Mark remembered to lock door again behind him, which he did.

Then it was just a matter of letting everybody out in the room that they wanted to stay in. Bart and Rick wanted to stay in the room of Kim, a horse fur that was on the cheerleading team. Rob and Aaron where left in Lilly's room. She was a tiger on the swim team and one of the top competitors in the state. Vince and Tim were going to be staying with Jane the gecko. She was the studious type that believed that a fit body was part of having a fit mind. Then Mark finally stopped in his own room of choice. He had to be the last simply because it would have been really difficult walking from room to room at an eighth of an inch in height. Mark let Gabriel out first and took one brief look around the room of Alexis the fox. She was the one of the most popular girls on campus and Mark doubted she even knew he existed. And if things went well she would not notice his existence this week either.

Mark turned the shrinking device on himself and his cage so that there would be no evidence that he had even been here. He did this just in time because he could hear the sound of a door being unlocked somewhere else in the house. It was doubtful one of his friends had unlocked any doors at their size so that meant that the girls had come back home. By the time Alexis made her way to her room Mark was already of inconsequential size and well out of sight.

The four sorority girls were clueless about the tiny invaders in their home. They spent a good deal of time talking with each other in the common area before retiring to their own rooms for the night. And things did go well for the shrunken men as they observed the girls from safe hiding places. They all played it safe for the first night and the next day as well. Technically, they were supposed to stay in safe places for the entire week. If anything happened to any of them they had no way of calling for help and they thought Mark was the one with the device that could unshrink them if anything went wrong. But, they were the type that used experimental shrinking devices on themselves which does not say a lot for their intelligence. It did not take long before they started taking unnecessary risks.

Bart and Rick were the first to succumb to temptation and they would not be the last. While Kim was taking a shower they decided to go in for a closer look on the second night of their stay in her room. They just could not resist getting a look at the chestnut mare while she bathed and they thought she would never notice them. In the end they would come to regret that she never did notice them. They had already started walking to the bathroom even before she started bathing. Bart and Rick knew it was going to take a while to walk to the bathroom at their size. By the time they did make it to the bathroom Kim had been showering for over ten minutes. That was fine by them since they could not see her behind the shower curtain. They did get to listen to her singing quietly to herself as she showered though and they found out she had a pleasant voice to go along with that body of hers.

When Kim did step out of her shower she was a sight to behold for the two tiny males. She was a towering pillar of horse flesh, her fur was matted down and dripping with water. Bart and Rick congratulated themselves for get such a nice view of Kim's perfectly toned nude body and Rick started taking pictures with the camera he had brought along with him. As he was doing that Kim gently flicked her hair over her shoulder sending a small shower of water raining down on the zebra and the bull. At their size some of those drops of water were even larger than they were. One drop hit Bart right in the chest, knocking him over and sending him sliding across the floor.

As Bart was still spluttering water he heard the clip clop of hooves on the tiled floor of the bathroom approaching him. That was the last noise he would ever hear. A single hoof many times his size hovered over him came down with startling speed. The sound of shattering bones and organs being turned into pulp did not even register to Kim as she hummed to herself. Rick had been taking pictures of the gruesome scene for the entire time without even realizing he was doing it. He just stood around in stunned disbelief as his mind struggled to comprehend what he was seeing. When Kim's hoof lifted up all there was left of Bart was a bloody stain on the floor that he doubted Kim would ever notice.

Rick was not the only one in danger though. Kim was a bit more distracted by her humming than he had thought. When she grabbed her towel she accidentally dropped it on the floor and Rick at the same time. The little bull was easily tangled up in the heavy fabric and he had no idea where to go to escape the pink fabric. Before he could make any progress Kim lifted up the towel. Rick was tangled up in a fold of the towel and lifted into the air as well. It was a frightening, but short ride for him. The rapid rise was extremely disconcerting and when the fold he was stuck in loosened he was not able to prevent himself from falling. Rick thought he was going to go splat against the floor, but he landed on something a little softer and much furrier than the bathroom floor.

Much to his surprise he had landed right on top of Kim's breast. It was not an entirely undesirable position to be in, but Rick still had to worry about falling off. He soon found out that was not the only thing he had to worry about either. The towel descended over him once more and its weight was enough to force him to lie down on Kim's breast. It was a little uncomfortable, but he thought he would be able to survive. Then Kim wrapped the towel tightly around her. The weight on Rick increased far more than he thought possible. At first he was just pressed firmly against the warm moist flesh of Kim's breast. Then his body was suddenly giving way to the pressure. The tiny bull's body exploded like a grape without so much as covering a fraction of Kim's breast. And with that Kim had handled the two tiny unknown intruders in her room. The only thing left to show they had ever been there was a grain sized camera that had been dropped on the bathroom floor.

The next pair that decided to get a little adventurous was Rob and Aaron. On the third day they had been watching as Lilly enjoyed a plate of fries on the floor while watching TV. Normally she was a very healthy eater, but it seemed that she felt like indulging herself on this day. When Lilly received a phone call she walked over to where she had left her cell phone and left her plate unattended. Aaron decided he wanted some warm food for once and tried to sneak a bit of food off Lilly's plate. They had both seen that Lilly could talk on a phone for quite some time and he thought he had the time to get on her plate and back into hiding before she returned.

He was wrong. Even though she was still on the phone, Lilly soon returned. It appeared that she was not willing to let her meal get cold on the one occasion she decided to spoil herself. Aaron had been able to make the trip to her plate and actually made it to a fry before Lilly had reappeared. When the tigress, who was obviously named for her beautiful coat of white fur, came padding back into the room Aaron had been forced to find some cover in a pile of fries. Rob just laughed at the scenario at first, the direness of the situation went completely over his head.

Aaron was forced to duck and dodge fries far larger than he was and he did do pretty well for a couple of minutes. Then he finally took an unlucky hit to the back and was knocked face first into a pile of ketchup. Once again Rob just laughed at the bear that was now covered from head to toe in the red substance. His laughing stopped when he saw Lilly dip a fry in the ketchup Aaron had been stuck in. When she lifted the fry to her mouth Aaron was nowhere to be seen.

Aaron was busy struggling to get out of the sauce as he found himself at the wrong end of meal. Lilly was still talking on the phone as she ate and Aaron was able to get a good look at her wicked looking fangs as she did so. Sweat was pouring out of Aaron as he struggled to escape, but in the end it did him no good. He was taken into Lilly's dark maw as she continued to talk. The sound of her voice battered at his tiny ears, leaving him disoriented and unable to tell up from down. In that condition Aaron could do nothing to keep himself from being chewed to death. But, Lilly was still busy talking to her friend on the phone and was not concerned with chewing her food properly. Aaron was not sure whether he was lucky or not as the undulating tongue he had been riding on for the past few seconds flexed and sent him sliding into the back of Lilly's throat. On one hand he had just avoided having needle sharp teeth pierce his body, but now he was about to find out if getting digested alive was an even more painful thing to happen than getting chewed up.

Rob was distraught as he witnessed the fate of his friend. He had no idea what he could do to help. Now that he thought back on it, he really wished he had kept his father's device for himself instead of letting Mark have it. Mark found his legs moving himself closer to the scene of the incident without even noticing it. It was as if he thought he could make things better just by getting closer to Lilly. Rob did not even notice that his brown fur stood out very easily against the white carpet he was walking on. His friends should have mentioned to him that he looked especially like a bug.

Lilly spotted Rob on the floor, but of course she did not assume that what she was looking at was a miniature ram. Instead she thought she was just looking at a funny looking bug. She raised one hand paw over the bug before saying, "Ew, get away bug." That was what shook Rob out of his state of shock. He had just enough time to raise his arms above his head to try and protect himself before Lilly's paw came crashing down on him. What was uncountable tons of weight to him was enough to reduce him to a bloody stain in the carpet and on Lilly's paw. Lilly was a little disgusted by the event and wondered why interruptions had to keep occurring on the one night she decided to indulge herself as she went off to wash what she thought was bug guts from her paw.

Next up in the parade of the foolish were Vince and Jim. They were actually a little surprised to find that Jane was a so studious even during her vacation. She walked around in the nude surprisingly little as well. They had yet to see her naked body yet and things were getting a little disappointing for the two. She only de-clothed in the bathroom with the door closed. They had thought about trying to walk to the bathroom, but they had already been able to get a good look in the bathroom when they first came into the gecko's room. There was no cover in there whatsoever. But, now that it was the fourth night of the trip they were both getting tired of this situation. Vince wanted to risk the trip to the bathroom and decided to head there whether Tim wanted to come or not. Jane had just left her room and she looked like she was headed out, so Vince thought he had some time.

They had been hiding under a chair and when Tim hesitated under the couch Vince turned to him and said, "What's the worse that could happen?" Then Vince started to head for the bathroom. Tim decided that he might as well follow Vince since he did not want to get left out on the fun. He was still a little hesitant though. The confident lion had managed to get very far ahead of him as Tim kept scanning the room for danger. He did not like being out in the open like this.

Tim was right to be nervous. Jane had forgotten something in her room and she was rushing back to it at that very moment. The door practically burst open as Jane rushed into the room. She took long, bounding steps in the direction of the bathroom Vince and Tim were heading toward. Tim was lucky, Jane's stride carried her mammoth scaly from right over the frightened little fur. Vince was not so lucky. No matter how fast he ran he could not match the speed of something that was so much larger than he was. The sad thing was that if he was just a few feet ahead of where he was he might have survived.

A single large toe hit Vince from behind, knocking him down and pinning his legs beneath it. He let out a yowl of pain as he felt his legs crushed beneath Jane's weight. The large black claw that filled his vision gleamed menacingly in front of him before Jane started to take another step. Her toe rolled up his body and felt like it was trying to squeeze his organs out of his body like toothpaste. That was more than he could take. Vince mercifully passed out as the toe crushed his body. By the time Jane lifter her foot the only part of the lion's body left intact was a head with an expression of pain frozen onto it.

Tim was too busy vomiting at the sight to even notice that Jane had grabbed what she wanted out of the bathroom and was returning. He should have remembered to get out of the way while he had the chance. Before he knew it he was the one with a scaly foot descending onto him. He was able to scream before the foot came down. The ground shook all around him and he was surprised that he was still screaming until he opened his eyes to see he was standing in the valley between two of the gecko's clawed toes. Then as she took another step her foot collided with the tiny deer and he grabbed onto a loose scale before he could get sent flying. It was a wild ride for him and he thought he was going to have to hold on for a long time before he was finally able to get off. The trip was much shorter than he had thought it would be.

Gabriel and Mark had noticed something odd about Alex's behavior all throughout the day. She seemed nervous and excited at the same time but they could not tell what was causing her to act that way. It they did not know any better then they would have to say that she was about to have a secret visitor. They had heard she had broken up with her boyfriend recently and no one knew why. Of course he was upset and he had been spreading some pretty nasty rumors of her around the campus. Nobody really believed him though since it was well known she had dumped him.

It came as a surprise when the gecko that they recognized as Jane came waltzing into the room. Alex closed the door behind her after looking up and down the hallway as if searching for anyone else that might be watching. Suddenly, Alex and Jane were sharing a passionate kiss with each other. That was an eye popping moment for both of them. It took awhile for them to notice that they could hear a faint scream coming from the direction of Jane's feet. If they strained themselves they could make out a tiny deer hanging on for his very life. They had some time to wonder how he had gotten there, but they could not think of a way to help him.

Mark finally remembered that he had the shrinking device and was about to try and use it to return Tim to his normal size. He hesitated when he thought about what might happen. The girls definitely would not be happy to find out what they were doing. Still, it would be better to be in a little trouble than to have one dead friend. Mark pointed the device like he had done when he shrunk his friends and remembered to set it so that it would reverse the effects. When he triggered the device and nothing happened he kept frantically trying to activate the device. No matter what he did nothing happened. He thought he must have somehow damaged the device or that he was doing something wrong. So, for the first time since using the device he actually bothered searching through the instruction manual. It did not take five minutes of reading to find out that the effects of this device were permanent.

When Mark dropped the manual and just stared blankly at the space in his hands that the book used to reside Gabriel knew something was wrong. But, before he could say anything to him he noticed that the girls were moving on to Alex's bed. That could be a good thing for Tim since it would have been easier for him to get off Jane's foot while she was lying down than walking around. At least that would have been good if somebody did not have a bit of a foot fetish.

Tim had still been recovering from the ordeal of his trip on Jane's foot and his mind did not register how big a threat the hot moist breath that washed over him really was. It was not until he felt a soft spongy object against his back that he knew he was in mortal danger. By then it was too late. Alex's tongue pulled him off of the scale he had been holding on to with ease. Tim was drawn back into the maw of the fox only to be swallowed in short order as Alex prepared to give Jane's feet another long savory lick.

If they had not just witnessed one of their friends getting swallowed Mark and Gabriel might have been able to enjoy what they were seeing. It was not everyday that they were able to sit in on some girl on girl action. That was what they thought until Alex was finished giving Jane's feet all of the attention and they moved on to undressing. The shirts were the first thing to go and even the death of a friend could not completely numb them to the sight of the monumental breasts that made their appearance. But when the pants were down they found that Jane was keeping a little secret. Neither Mark nor Gabriel had expected to see the pillar like cock on Jane that they were seeing. Jane had one serious package and they had figured out why Alex might have dumped her old boyfriend. It was doubtful he could have competed with Jane.

They were about to continue when Jane pulled out what looked like a dildo. As Alex moved to give Jane a passionate kiss her grip on the dildo loosened. It fell to the ground and rolled across the floor in the direction of the hidden wolf and ferret. Due to their small stature they thought they were in serious danger of being crushed. The thing was far larger than a boulder to them. Mark was the faster of the two and easily outpaced his friend. He was even fast enough to easily avoid Jane's little toy. Gabriel was not so lucky. The thing bowled him over before it started to come to a stop.

Mark expected to see one crushed wolf when it rotated around, but he was amazed to see that Gabriel was just stuck to the dildo. He was whimpering a bit and that was the only way that Mark could tell anything was wrong with him. After seeing the loss of one friend Mark was not about to stand around and watch the end of yet another of his friends. The decision to help Gabriel was an easy one to make. Mark probably should have thought of a plan and been on the lookout for danger. As he came within arms reach of Gabriel a large clawed paw reached down for the dildo. Mark did not even notice the padded fingertip behind him until it hit his back and pressed him firmly against the dildo. He wanted to yelp in pain, but his muzzle was held too tightly against the musky device to let him do much more than whimper. His vision was filled by a massive finger, but he could still tell that he was being lifted up. Mark and Gabriel feared what was about to happen. There was only one thing a dildo was used for in a situation like this and neither of them where looking forward to it. It was hard to believe that just a short time ago they had been dreaming about getting into one of these girls. Now they would be getting their wish, except they were far smaller than they wanted to be for this situation and they were confused about the gender of one girl.

Mark felt the pressure on him suddenly ease up. And then he found himself falling. He let out an impressive scream that could only be heard by Gabriel before falling on something much softer than he thought he would fall on. To his surprise he found himself resting on Alex's soft white belly fur. Gabriel, however, was in a much more precarious situation. He was still stuck to the dildo as Jane positioned herself above Alex and started to move the dildo that was now in her scaly hand behind her. There was little Mark could do for his friend as his view of the dildo was soon blocked off by Jane's huge body. Mark also had his own problems to deal with as Jane began to lower hirself onto Alex.

For Mark it was an awkward run. Alex's fur was extremely dense and difficult to move through while running over on a hill that moved as Alex breathed which was causing Mark to trip up quite often. Things were even worse for Gabriel though since he could not even run. He was sure he had a few broken ribs from the dildo rolling over him and he was not sure how to get himself unstuck from the sticky device. What was even worse was that he was being moved toward a tail hole that was pulsating with anticipation. When Gabriel was within a few feet of the pink hole surrounded by shimmering green scales he finally let out a little scream.

That scream was soon silenced as Gabriel was plunged into the darkness of Jane's waiting tail hole. He did not have time to be concerned about what it smelled like within Jane was the dildo started moving around almost instantly. Every movement of the sex toy sent little tendrils of pain shooting throughout Gabriel's body. He was battered and bruised as he was hammered against walls of flesh and fur was turn off his little body as he was rubbed roughly against the fleshy prison he now found himself in. It became even worse when Gabriel felt the flesh start to fight back against the dildo. As muscles within Jane clenched and unclenched Gabriel received double the beating.

There was a violent surge that echoed throughout Jane's body so violently that Gabriel was shaken to his bones. The dildo stopped moving, but that was only because it could no longer do so with muscles clamped down around him. He could feel pressure building up around him and he knew it had to be a fairly rapid process. Still, to him it felt like an eternity was spent before his pain finally ended. The last thing he was able to hear was the sound of his own body being turned into pulp before his own life ended a split second later.

Mark was having difficulties of his own. Jane's bulk was suspended just a few inches over his head and every time shi pumped into Alex it felt like an earthquake to Mark. Then something changed. Jane let out a silent roar of pleasure since neither shi nor Alex wanted to be heard by anyone else in the house. The fox and the gecko embraced one another, unwittingly sandwiching the miniscule ferret in between them. Jane was even stronger than people gave hir credit for and she showed it by easily lifting Alex off of the bed and carrying her against a wall.

Mark could feel the shift in his center of gravity, but he could not tell what was going on while surrounded by tons of fox and gecko flesh. Then they parted just as fast as they had come together. It was so sudden that Mark barely had enough time to grab a strand of fur before falling to his death. That was how Mark was able to see that Jane and Alex were still going at it. Alex had her legs wrapped around Jane's waist and they both looked like they were having a lot of fun. Mark was more concerned with preserving his own life as Alex was rocked by Jane's lustful attention.

It did not take much effort on Jane's part to cause Mark to loose his grip. Mark started waving frantically through the air in an attempt to find something to grab onto. By the time Mark was finally able to grab a new strand of fur he was falling so fast that he was not able to maintain his grip as he felt his shoulder try to pop out of place in protest to attempting to stop his momentum so suddenly. He was able to slow his fall slightly though. It was just in time to prevent his fall onto Jane's shaft from being a fatal experience. He was not able to enjoy his moment of safety for long. Jane was thrusting hir member into the lips of Alex's waiting pussy. Mark tried to get up and run but it was much harder to move on a cock while it was covered in slick femmejuices than he thought it would be. He slipped off the cock when he was just about to come within reach of the fox once more.

This time there was nothing for Mark to grab onto and he thought he was about to fall to his death. Jane happened to move one of her legs just in time to intercept his fall. Her hard scales were not much better than the floor, but it was enough to keep him from dieing. He bounced off one section of Jane's leg, then another, and finally he feel head first onto one particularly tough scale. Mark was knocked out cold by the time he hit floor.

When Mark came to he ached all over. He let out a pitiful groan of pain before opening his eyes. Jane was just finishing up Alex and a little bit of hir pleasure mixed in with Alex's rained down around him. Besides that, Mark was perfectly fine. He actually thought he was going to survive this little experience and his mind was already working on how to return himself to his normal size. Alex cut his plans short though. As she unlocked her legs from around Jane, Mark could see that he was directly beneath one of her paws.

As Mark tried to get up and move he found that his body was even more damaged than he thought it was. He could not move an inch and he wondered if he had been crippled by his fall. Then all of his attention was on the dark pads of the fox descending on him. He closed his eyes in anticipation of being crushed like a bug, but when the paw landed on him it was much lighter than he thought it would be. The touch of her paw on his body was as light as a feather and he realized that for some reason Alex was not putting her all her weight on the ground. Mark could notice that was gradually changing though.

Alex was cuddling with Jane at the moment and she only had one paw solidly on the ground. As Jane and Alex prepared to part she was putting all of her weight back down on the other paw as well. Mark was beginning to wish he had been killed by the fall. That would have been preferable to having the life slowly crushed out of him. His bones were cracking and breaking as his body gave way to the fox's paw. Mark was shrieking in pain as his body was depressed under paw. He knew his body was not meant to withstand this type of abuse and his internal organs felt like they were trying to get out of any opening that they could find. Then, in what seemed like an act of mercy to Mark, Alex finally put all her weight down of the little ferret. There was a sickening crunch that signaled the end of Mark and the shrinking device he still had on him, which went completely unnoticed by Alex and Jane as they prepared to go another round with one another.

* * *

"I'll bet whoever has it used it by now or sold it to someone else that did," said the raccoon in the lab coat.

"You're probably right. I'm glad my son is on vacation or I would actually be worried about him having stolen it. I know he would be stupid enough to use a device like that on himself," said the ram.

"If my kid were into shrinking I'd be worried about him too. I could not imagine him making himself smaller than anyone though," explained the raccoon. "He would be more interested in that growth device we came up with the other day."

"Where is that thing anyway?"

"What are you talking about? It's right over...there?" The raccoon said while pointing at an empty space that was supposed to be occupied.

"We seriously need to get better security at this place," the ram and raccoon said simultaneously.

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