Too Young to Play That Game

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#1 of Too Young

"Hey Cody," the adult red panda said with a smile, "Thank you for agreeing to babysit Cerise for me. I know it's kind of short notice."

"No problem Miss Carothers," Cody responded as he stepped inside. Before he could say anything more, the teenage corgi was struck by a ten year old missile, knocking him off his feet. He let out a grunt as he was knocked onto his bottom, a pair of arms wrapping around his neck.

"And hello to you too." He smiled and returned the hug, giving the young red panda girl a gentle pat on the back. Shifting slightly, he got as comfortable as he could while waiting to be released by the exuberant young female.

"Okay," Miss Carothers said, "Why don't you let Cody up now?"

"No!" Cerise tightened her grip on Cody. "My doggy!" Her long striped tail shifted to grip at the canine's side. To the young red panda, the corgi was the coolest kid in the world. Not only was the canine older than her by four years, but he was actually willing to talk and play with her. There were not many other kids around, much less those close to her age.

"Don't worry Miss Carothers." The corgi gave a wide grin as he spoke. "I know exactly how to deal with something like this." He gently stroked his paw along the young back from neck to the base of the tail, rubbing gently along her spine. Grinning, he gripped her hip with the other paw and stroked gently up along her side.

Cerise closed her eyes, relaxing slightly. She leaned into the touch, shifting as her tail was stroked and unaware that it was being unraveled from the canine's pant leg.

Cody grabbed the young red panda on the side, tickling at the edge of her ribs. He chuckled to himself as he heard her squeal out in surprise, keeping a firm grip. The small female no longer tried to hold onto the canine, trying to get away instead. The corgi kept a grip on her however, continue to tease her sides.

Rolling over, he pinned her to the ground. Taking a deep breath, he pressed his muzzle against her stomach and blew as hard as he could. The sound of his raspberries mixed with the shrieks of laughter from the helpless Cerise. He blew several more times before finally letting go. Cody sat up, panting as heavily as the giggling red panda that was lying on the floor.

"Well it looks like you have things under control," Miss Carothers said, looking down at the pair with a grin. "There's some money in the kitchen for dinner. And my cell number in case of an emergency. Now you two have fun, but do not get in any trouble. Understood?" Placing her paws on her hips as she spoke, she narrowed her eyes at the two.

"Yes Mom."

"Yes Miss Carothers."

"Good." The older red panda smiled again. "Well I will get going then. I'll see you later." Reaching down, she helped her daughter up. The two hug before the older one gave the younger a kiss on the forehead. Smiling, she gave one last wave and headed out the door.

Left to their own, the two started by playing pirates. The brave and ferocious Captain Blood Wah sailed the seven seas, seeking treasure and battling the evil Snarl Fang. Great distanced were traveled by couch, and many times did there foam swords cross. It was only when both were hungry did the epic battle come to an end.

Cerise went to pick out a movie to watch while Cody went to the kitchen to order them some dinner. Once the call had been placed, he returned to see what Cerise picked out. The canine could not help but grin as she presented him with an animated movie where a red panda girl saved all of China.

The two sat down and watched the movie until the food arrived and while they ate. Cody enjoyed his spaghetti and cheese stuffed meatballs, loving the mix of the spiciness from the sausage mixing with the warm gooey mozzarella. Cerise pressed against him, tail flopped across his lap, munching away on her salad. One of the large canine ears twitched as he caught the red panda turning to look at his food.

"Can I have a taste of your meatball?" she asked, turning to look at him and make her amber eyes as large as possible.

"Sorry, but no. Your body can't handle it. It will make you sick. And don't think that look is going to work on me. Corgis invented that look." He continued to eat, ignoring Cerise while she pouted, even if she did make sure to "humph" loudly and repeatedly. The two eventually finished their food and the film.

"So what do you want to do now?" Cody asked.

"Let's play 'master and pet!'" Cerise shouted, jumping off the couch and running toward her room. Her small feet thumped loudly as she went down the hallway.

"Master and pet?" The young canine blinked in confusion before getting up and following after her. He stopped at the doorway, seeing the young red panda wearing nothing but her panties. She was bent over, her small bottom waving back and forth, making the fairies printed on the small garment dance as she looked through her toy box. Pulling out a choker, she put it around her neck.

"I don't have a leash," she said as she looked around her room, "but you can use this." Pulling out some string, she wrapped one end around the front of her choker. Walking over to Corey, Cerise hand him the other end.

"Where did you learn this game?" He tilted his head, looking at her in confusion. His gaze slipped down, checking out the flat chest and the black nipples he could make out through her fur.

"At Jenny's," she responded, "We saw her mommy and uncle when we were supposed to be sleeping. Now you go sit on the bed and tell me 'come here.'"

The corgi knew that this was a very bad idea. He was standing here with a ten year old girl in nothing but her panties wanting to play a game he was sure she was far too young to understand. His face heated up and ears pulled back as he felt his pants getting uncomfortable, the shaft inside having swelled and started to emerge from the sheath.

Giving a shake of his head, he walked over toward the bed. After all, it was just a young panda playing a game. He figured that she would probably get bored and stop, or else take it in a silly or fun direction, but certainly not anything sexual.

"Come here," he said.

"Nooooo!" Cerise whined out, stamping her foot, "Not like that. You have to say it like you're being bossy." The reaction caused the canine to roll his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he tried again.

"Come here!" he ordered. Cody watched as the young red panda dropped down onto all fours. She started crawling forward, her tail swaying back and forth gently in time with her hips. The canine licked his lips as he watched her approach. The shaft swelled and twitched more, emerging further from the sheath.

Cerise kept her eyes on him the whole way across the room. Reaching the edge of the bed, she reached up and placed her paws on Cody's knees. She pushed against the inside of his legs, stroking down along the length toward his crotch.

His mind told him to resist, to stop, to tell her to stop. This had already gone further than he already expected. Instead he spread his legs open, shifting as he felt the small paws stroking up his thighs and toward the bulge of his fly. His breath caught in his chest, heart pounding as she undid the snap and started pulling the zipper down. Once open, she gripped the top of his underwear and pulled down. The shaft stood up firm and proud as it was released.

"So this is your cock?" she asked, "Aren't you going to tell me to suck it?" She looked up at him a moment, seeing his big brown eyes as wide as they could get, but not getting an answer. Moving forward more she opened her mouth and bent down, taking as much as she could into her mouth.

Cody let out a yelp of surprise as he felt the warm wetness start engulfing his shaft. The length gave a twitch, releasing a spurt of pre. He gripped at her comforter, feeling conflicted. This seemed wrong, but it felt good in a way. He slowly let go, reaching up with one paw to grip the top of her head. He ran his finger through her long black hair, stroking at the base of her ears.

Taking this as a sign of encouragement, Cerise shifted. Holding the base of the length in her hands, she started sucking it like a straw she was trying to get a milkshake through. Nothing seemed to happen though. Taking a breath she tried again, but still nothing.

Letting out a sigh, she tried to figure out what she was doing wrong. After a bit it finally came to her. Cerise remembered that Jenny's mom had moved her head up and down. Closing her eyes, the young red panda took the shaft in her mouth. Sucking on it again, she pulled her head up, running her lips and teeth along the length.

The feeling of the movement caused Cody to groan out loud in pleasure. He shifted to pump his hips, trying to move them in time to the bobbing of her head. One of his legs gave a kick as pleasure sparked through his body. His grip on her hair tightened.

"Cerise," he moaned out, "Stop. Stop. I'm gonna..." He could not concentrate enough to finish his warning. Instead the canine pulled her up off his shaft, pushing her away slightly. The knot at the base swelled up as the length twitched. Thick spurt of teenage doggy cum shot from the tip, hitting Cody's shirt and pants.

"Aw," the red panda girl said from her spot on the floor, "Cody, you were supposed to tell me to swallow it." Moving back up she looked at his shaft and the goo that was coming out of it. The color and gooeyness reminded her of the watery glue they used in school for paper mache. Moving forward, she gave a small lick to taste it.

"Blech. It tastes nasty. I don't see how Mrs. Winters could like it so much." Moving to one side, she climbed onto the bed. Rolling onto her back, Cerise started pulling her panties off her hips and down her legs.

"What are you doing?" Cody asked, tilting his head to one side as he looked at her. One of the large ears twitched with curiosity.

"Please master," she said, "Please lick my pussy until I cum." Her words were spoken as she had been told to say them, not really having the passion put in the statement. The corgi let out a sigh and gave a shake of his head.

"Do you even know what you're asking Cerise?"

"Yes," she huffed, "You are supposed to return the favor, but make me beg for it. I ask you to 'lick my pussy' then you put your head between my legs."


"Awww. Please Cody? It's supposed to feel really good. And it's supposed be fair since I sucked you." She shifted, looking at him with her amber eyes as big as she could make them once again.

The corgi let out a faint growl of frustration. Like most males of his age, sex was something he thought about quite a bit, but he had never imagined it quite like this. Now here he was, pants down, being emotionally blackmailed by a young red panda girl who was completely naked into licking her sex after receiving his first ever blowjob. What made it worse was that between his hormones and her puppy dog eyes, he could feel himself weakening. Finally he sighed.

"Alright, I'll do it."


Standing up for a moment, he slipped off his pants and boxers, letting them fall to the floor and stepping out of them. Turning around, he climbed back onto bed, moving above Cerise. Placing his paws on her hips, he lowered his face down between her legs and toward the young female sex.

The canine nose twitched as it got close to the nether lips, taking in the girl's scent. He shifted slightly as he tried to wag his non-existent tail in excitement for a moment. This was the first time he had smelled someone else's arousal. Cody was not aware what the smell meant; only that he liked it for some reason.

Slipping his tongue out, he pressed it against Cerise's body and licked up along her nether lips. His actions were rewarded with a gasp followed by a moan. Pressing more firmly, he ran his broad flat canine tongue along the young sex again.

Closing her eyes, she let out a whimper of pleasure. Her toes curled tight as her legs shifted, spreading wider. The long tail moved to wrap around the canine, the end give a small twitch. Reaching down, she tried to grab at him, her small fingers squeezing his shoulder. Slowly her hips started to rock, shifting to follow the licking tongue.

Feeling encouraged, the young corgi male thought he should do more. He had been told that he was supposed to stick his penis inside a girl, so he concluded that maybe a finger would work as well. Lifting his head up, he moved a paw between her legs. Lining up with her sex, he started to push the digit into her tight wet folds. He watched as the finger stuck in, feeling the wetness and the squeezing of her depths.

Cerise cried out in pain. The penetration had felt good at first, but now it hurt. She had no sexual education and Cody only had the basic explaining sexual reproduction. As such, neither of them were knew what a hymen was. So when he pushed his finger into her body, the canine's nail pierced the thin membrane.

"Are you okay?" the corgi asked, looking up at her. The large ears pulled back against his head.

"It hurts," she whimpered. "I don't want to play anymore." Squirming, she pulled away from the canine, the finger slipping from between her legs. Cody's nose gave a twitch

"Okay, we'll stop. Hold still a second though. I want to check to see if you're okay."

Whimpering and wiping the tears from her eyes, Cerise gave a small nod. She chewed on her lip as she laid there with her legs open, letting the canine look at her vagina.

When Cerise pulled away, Cody noticed that there was a bit of blood on his finger from being inside her. Getting her agreement to let him check, he shifted and reached out with the other paw. Putting his fingers on the outside of her lips, he tried to gently pull them open. Leaning closer, he looked at the bit of her pink inner flesh that he could see past the dark skin. The sensitive nose twitched rapidly as he sniffed, catching the mix of blood, arousal, and her natural scent.

"Looks like you'll be okay," he said, "why don't you go take a bath and get ready for bed?"

Nodding, she slipped off the bed and started toward the door. The young red panda stopped and turned around, hugging her tail to bare chest and stomach as she looked at the corgi.

"Will you sit outside the tub?"

"Yeah," he gave a nod, "no problem."

Grinning she turned and continued to the bathroom. Cerise tried to run for a moment, but the discomfort between her legs made her stop and walk instead.

Cody caught himself watching her little bottom until she was out of sight. Giving a shake of his head, he finally moved off the bed as well. The canine pulled his pants back on, buttoning and zipping them up. He followed after the young female, hearing the bath water running already.

After sitting in the tub and soaking in the water for a while, Cerise started feeling better. She started washing herself and playing in the tub. She even tried to splash water at Cody as he sat on the toilet lid. Most of it ended up on the floor and soaking into the bathmat though, leaving the corgi dry. This caused her to make an indignant "hmph" before moving on to "Rubber Ducky, The Shark Hunter."

It was while draining the tub that Cody noticed and removed the choker from around Cerise's neck. Once the tub was drained, the corgi started to help the red panda dry off. She struggled against him, laughing and squirming as they got the thick fur as dry as they could. As soon as he let go, she ran off to her room.

Tugging her dresser open, she quickly pulled out and put on her pajamas. Grabbing a stuffed pink pony, Cerise hopped into bed and looked at the canine as she cuddle the toy to her chest. She smiled as he walked over and climbed into bed next to her, grabbing the book on the nightstand. Cuddling up against him, she listened as he started reading. Listening to him, it did not take long for Cerise to fall asleep, nestled against Cody.

The corgi let out a sigh as he looked at the sleeping red panda pressed against him. Putting the bookmark in place, he put the book back on the nightstand. Unfortunately, he was stuck. There was no way that he could see to get free without moving her and possibly waking her up. Choosing the path of least resistance for now, Cody chose to lay there and wait. The calmness of the room and steadiness of Cerise's breathing slowly were very relaxing. Soon he found himself drifting off to sleep as well.