Bondage and Lingerie

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Story and mare (c) Amethyst Mare


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Bondage and Lingerie Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Planning a Christmas gift for a fussy zebra was never easy...

Or so Amethyst thought as she wandered around the shopping centre, multiple shopping bags cutting a painful groove into the palm of her gloved paw. The mare was bundled up in a black, padded coat trimmed with silver-grey imitation fur, skinny jeans and a pair of boots designed for equine hooves that reached her mid calves. The winter season was all about layers and the frosty shops, warm on the inside yet bitter on the stretches of pavement between, demanded clothing to suit. Busy furs, intent on acquiring last minute gifts, rudely shoved their way past, uncaring if their bags struck another. She sighed quietly, wishing that she could somehow obtain the Christmas experience with the grace of a manageable number of shoppers!

"There's a great deal to be said for internet shopping," she muttered under her breath as she readjusted her shoulder bag.

Glancing up at the bright, flashing decorations - the nearest depicted a series of yellow stars - Amethyst smiled. She loved the festive season, if not for the gift receiving. It was no secret that she loved to spend money and her wallet was considerably lighter than it had been upon leaving the house. Though, being December in Wales, the light was already fading at three in the afternoon and she found her steps quickening in anticipation of returning to the warmth of home.

She stopped in her tracks and cursed. There was still one more present to find for Vee! She reached into a white, plastic bag and turned the cover of a newly released game towards her, part of the small collection of gifts that she had planned for, but she really wanted to find something...a little more unique for her striped mate. Games could be played and forgotten over time. Amethyst stroked her mane thoughtfully and pondered how she could give a lasting memory as a gift instead. There had to be an event, a catalyst to the memory, she thought curiously, digging deeper. Something bade her to turn and she smirked at the shop that reared to her right, a scantily clad vixen posing in the window. The vixen winked cheekily and blew a kiss, tugging at the red thong around her hips, fringed with white faux fur, which appeared as if it could all too easily become acquainted with her ankles. Vixen's Secret was as good a place as any to begin!

Casting an appreciative glance at the vixen in the window, she entered the store with a tinkle of bells from above the door. A white furred chinchilla in a smart suit and blouse snapped her head up and smiled, readjusting the clipboard that was cradled against her chest.

"Good afternoon, miss," the middle-aged fur greeted her cheerily. "Cold day for some!"

"It is, isn't it? And busy too," Amethyst added as she narrowly avoided an elbow to the ribs from a plump black Labrador whose forehead was furrowed in distraction. The chinchilla pursed her lips.

"It is indeed very busy, holiday season," she murmured apologetically. "Would you like some assistance today? Are you looking for something in particular, or just browsing?"

"Yes, I do need some assistance," Amethyst purred, cocking her head. "Have you a free sales advisor?"

"Right over here, miss," the chinchilla replied pleasantly. "If you'd please follow me."

Amethyst followed the chinchilla to the back of the store where female furs of all shapes and sizes flounced in and out of the fitting rooms, frazzled assistants darting to and fro with new choices and rejected selections. Gesturing to a curvy okapi with a delicately shaped muzzle and whose breasts were almost popping out of her partially unbuttoned, striped shirt - the mare was not quite sure whether this was intentional or a result of chaos - the manager pleasantly introduced them.

"This is Tina," she said smoothly. "She will be able to assist you with whatever you need." The okapi, Tina, smiled and tucked a strand of fine, chocolate brown hair behind her ear.

"Not a problem, miss," she chirped, grey eyes taking in her next customer for the day. "What are you looking for today?"

"Something a bit special," Amethyst explained with a knowing grin. "I don't need something for everyday wear right now, just a set or two strictly for the bedroom over Christmas. Only I like to see how they look while on and the fitting rooms are kind of packed today," she added with a small frown.

Nodding, Tina scanned her eyes over the racks of lingerie, lips pursed as she searched for something in particular.

"How about something like this?" Tina held up a baby pink bra and thong set from a nearby rack, both with 'peephole' sections cut out over the intimate areas. Wrinkling her nose, Amethyst shook her head.

"No, definitely not," she said firmly. "Sorry, too pink for me!"

"Understandable," Tina smiled. "How do you feel about red? We had some new sets in this morning. A bit late but the shipment was held up. Would you like to come into the back and see what I can dig out for you? We've hardly had a chance to go through it yet ourselves so who knows what's in there!"

"Red could work," Amethyst agreed swiftly. "Lead the way!

Gesturing that she should follow, Tina took Amethyst through the door at the back of the store, marked 'Employees Only', and into the stock room, muttering to no one in particular as she searched for the aforementioned shipment. The stock room was dimly lit and stacked with multiple brown boxes of varying sizes; some stacks were taller than she was and few were stable, which Amethyst realised when she brushed against a dangerously swaying pile. Tina paused, ripping open a chunky, cardboard container and shook her head at what she found inside: that was not the one. As she walked, the relaxed mare's eyes dropped to her large rear and the thin tail that swished cutely with every step, her privacy kept by a pair of plain, black work trousers and special heeled shoes for ungulates. Despite wishing to see more of her, Amethyst had to admit with a wry smile that he okapi had quite the figure.

"Aha!" The okapi pounced on a box with half the tape torn off the top as if someone had opened it and then attempted to repackage when they had discovered that it was not what they were looking for. "Now this... This might be more to your fancy, if I take you correctly, miss."

She dipped her paw into the box, which was arranged by style and size, withdrawing a red silk bra with minute holly leaves and berries where the straps connected to the cups. The fabric gleamed faintly in the low light and the embroidered decoration was offset with tiny seed beads, so delicate that it seemed that the slightest breath of air may bid them to fall from the garment in a crimson waterfall. Amethyst let out a soft 'oh' of appreciation and reached for it, eyes lighting up.

"That really is lovely," she murmured, tracing her paw over the fine fabric. "I'd love to see it on."

"Of course, miss," the okapi said softly, flicking one ear back. "Would you like to go through the rest of this box first or visit the changing room straight away?"

"I'd like to see it on you."

Tina shot upright and gaped like a goldfish, casting her eyes this way and that way as if waiting for the punch line of an especially clever joke.

"I-I'm not sure that that is proper, miss," the okapi stuttered, blushing bright red. "The models are not currently in store and I am not trained to demonstrate lingerie..."

"But I want to see how it looks on someone else," Amethyst blinked innocently. "You can never tell in those cramped fitting rooms if it looks good on you or not."

"We're not similar shapes..." The okapi tried to say, as the mare was smaller boned with a soft layer of feminine fat accentuating her behind and thighs, as her fitted jeans showed.

"It doesn't matter," Amethyst put her paws together. "Please? I really don't want to make a mistake in purchasing this if it's not the right one."

The okapi sighed and took the bra back from the red equine, turning it over to check the tag on the back strap. Replacing it between its neighbours, Tina selected her size and, after a second glance at the waiting Amethyst, unbuttoned her shirt from top to bottom. Allowing her some modesty, Amethyst rifled through the other garments, searching for something matching, and came across a couple of other gems in the meantime. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Tina hanging her shirt and bra on the edge of a shelf, lifting the silk bra to chest height and fastening it around her back before slipping her arms through the straps, which were already adjusted to the perfect length.

"Well..." Tina said as if to regain lost attention. "Is it to your liking, miss?"

Turning back towards the okapi, Amethyst repressed the urge to whistle appreciatively. The bra had certainly been a good choice from the start and the mare knew that she would have to purchase it in due course, but the okapi... She fidgeted and tried to stand still as she was looked over, the mare reaching out just the once to stroke her forefinger over the fabric, brushing over a sensitive nipple: Tina gasped.

"It's gorgeous," Amethyst said simply. "Thank you so much for trying this on so that I could see - I will certainly add it to my purchases today. Could I possibly see the thong also?" She smiled charmingly and Tine swallowed, feeling unable and perhaps a little unwilling to refuse her request.

"Of course, but..." She glanced over her shoulder. "If you wish, I will just put it on behind that shelf there."

"Not a problem, take your time," the horse beamed.

The okapi disappeared behind the shelf and Amethyst pawed through the box, withdrawing a piece of lingerie that was not truly in keeping with the Christmas spirit: a silver latex bra and Brazilian style brief set with strategic 'peep hole' sections where the nipples would lie and between the thighs. Four fine, black chains hung from the bra and panties both to accentuate the bodily curves; Amethyst suspected upon holding them up to her slender frame that they would lay across the ribcage, hips and thighs respectively. In Tina's absence, Amethyst wickedly thought that she should try the second set that she was interested in, just checking once to ensure that nobody else was in the back room.

Removing her clothes in a flourish, the mare dumped them in a pile on top of her almost forgotten shopping bags, ensuring in a moment of thought that they would not become soiled. She slipped on the bra and fastened it at the back with a little difficulty -wincing once when she caught a fold of skin and hair in the clasp - then slipping on the 'mini' panties (as she liked to call them) that did not quite cover her buttocks. On the contrary, they begged the eye by cupping her curves in all the right places. Wriggling her hips, she gently readjusted her male parts between her thighs, making sure that the latex did not pinch her leathery balls and that the sheath pushed forward boldly through the slit in the material. Now all she needed was a new whip.

Smiling at her find, Amethyst readied to change back into her normal clothes when a small cough from somewhere to her back made her freeze, ears pinned to her skull.

"Um..." Tina gulped and slid her gaze away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

Ah...crap. Despite her chestnut coat, Amethyst's cheeks warmed and she rubbed her bare arm self-consciously, feeling the okapi's eyes on her although she could not quite bring herself to meet those grey eyes. She sighed, caught in the act, and brushed her mane back from her neck, which was mildly damp, as she stooped to retrieve her jeans.

"What...are you?" Tina asked, more curiosity in her tone than anxiety.

"A hermaphrodite," Amethyst said plainly, half-turning her body away. "I'm both."

She had to meet Tina's eyes then, even if it was difficult to wrench her eyes away from her body, shown off so perfectly by the delicious lingerie. The thong, which Tina had been kind enough to model, had thin straps around her striped hips and encouraged the eye to travel down her ladylike legs to the pert hooves, now devoid of heels. The brassiere was ideal for Tina's body and Amethyst hoped that the cups in her size would fit her also as she would be upset if she had to leave the bra behind after so much trouble. To her embarrassment, however, her male member slipped from its sleeping sheath, drooping and then rising, stiffening like a flag pole, as Amethyst turned her back abruptly on Tina. She clapped a paw to her forehead and groaned.

"I am...technically on a break right now," Tina said awkwardly, checking her wrist as if there was an invisible watch strapped there, an old habit.

"I'm sorry that I dragged you away from your break then," Amethyst bit her tongue. "Let me just change and I'll go pay for these. Thank you so very much for your help. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with the manager."

"That's not what I meant," Tina scuffed a cloven hoof across the cool floor.

"Then...what?" Amethyst paused, confused.

The okapi cleared her throat and looked Amethyst levelly in the eye, then dropping sinuously to her knees and giving the head of the mare's cock a bold lick, the sequence of motions quicker than the mind could follow. Shocked, Amethyst tried to take a step back but was reassured by a soft murmur from Tina, who folded her paws around the mare's thighs, staring up beseechingly. Wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue, the okapi leaned in and ran her tongue from the base of the equine shaft to the tip, flicking her tongue over the sensitive glands with a pleased groan.

"I...ah..." Amethyst did not know where to begin - she had to make sure of something. "What...why do this?"

"Shut up and don't question it, if you're game," Tina smirked and slid her lips over the 'mare's' cock-tip, hollowing her cheeks out as she slid her muzzle down slowly and suckled as if on a favourite boiled sweet.

Vee's going to love hearing about this later... Amethyst grinned and rested her paws on the okapi's head, moaning lewdly and rolling her hips.

Shaking her head, Amethyst wondered at the position she had wound up in that afternoon, bucking her hips patiently as Tina swallowed half of her jaw-wrenching cock before finding that she just could not fit any more. She convulsed and fought down her gag reflex, the flat head of the cock pressing against the back of her throat and drooling pre cum like a salivating predator. Though they were both prey animals, Tina shuddered submissively and dropped her ears to either side, listening to Amethyst's vocal and bodily cues so that she could be more pleasing.

The alpha mare (or stallion, depending on how one looked at the situation), clenched her teeth and hissed, latching on to the okapi's head with both paws and grinding her cock as deeply into that sweet, warm muzzle as was physically possible. Not many were able to fully take an equine cock but it was heavenly to be sucked off after a stressful day, a much needed release. With handfuls of chocolate coloured hair twined between her pianist fingers, Amethyst thrust and rolled her hips smoothly as if she was rutting a mare's most secret of depths... But she would have to wait until she returned home to her mate to do that. Biting her lip, she imagined her mate sitting in the shadows of the stock room, watching intently and waiting for her chance to join in the fun, most likely with a cocky glint in her eye.

The okapi squirmed and pressed closer, running a paw up the inside of Amethyst's thigh to stroke tenderly across the latex underwear. The chains clinked lightly as her paw passed and the mare jerked her hips eagerly. Pressing aside the slit in the undergarment, Tina murred and squeezed her fingers inside, bypassing the horse's cradled balls and focusing her attention on the damp, feminine folds. Moaning loudly, Amethyst hoped that no one would hear them and swallowed a squeal as Tina suddenly thrust two and then three fingers right up her dripping pussy, seeming to know exactly where to press to find the cluster of nerve endings that was her g-spot. She swore that her cock grew harder whenever her female sex was stimulated in tangent with her dick and grunted like a stallion as she pumped her hips with renewed vigour, feral need rising in her belly.

"Ah...Tina..." They were apparently on a first name basis now. "I'm going to...ah...cum..."

The okapi gave a muffled groan and dragged her lips from the base of the luscious, throbbing shaft to the tip, licking and sucking like a femfur possessed. Tilting her muzzle slightly, she dived down once more and took as much of the pole into her muzzle as possible, allowing Amethyst to thrust into her mouth without hindrance, though she gagged a couple of times when the cock hit the back of her throat or pre cum went down the wrong way. She thought that she was ready for the torrent, but nothing could have prepared her for the thick, creamy spurts that filled her muzzle to the brim and leaked from the corners of her lips. Amethyst neighed sharply and pressed forward, forcing the okapi to swallow and swallow and swallow every drop of the creamy but salty seed. And Tina relished every second.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, miss?" Tina panted lightly when the stream of cum tapered off at last. Withdrawing her fingers slowly from Amethyst's cunny, she licked away the sweet, tangy juices coating the digits with a coy smile.

Breathily more heavily, Amethyst felt a chuckle bubble up from her belly and she bobbed her red muzzle contentedly. Leaning over to the side, she tugged her clothes closer and flashed a white smile to the still kneeling Tina.

"Not today, Tina, but..." Amethyst winked and dug in the pocket of her discarded jeans for a small card, which she handed to the okapi. "My number's on that. Give my mate and I a ring sometime, you got it?"

"I won't keep the couple waiting," Tina purred, watching Amethyst intently.

Stroking the sweet but duly adventurous okapi's hair softly, though it was twisted into knots from Amethyst's ministrations, the mare moved towards her clothes, content to redress herself and make her purchases so that she may return home to her mate, who she was anticipating seeing more than ever after this liaison. She put the latex and the silk underwear sets, in her size, carefully to one side and dragged her jeans on over one long leg.

"I hope you come back again soon," Tina said, a light blush colouring her muzzle a sweet pink. Pausing in the middle of redressing herself, Amethyst winked and blew her a kiss.

Perhaps I'll return with Vee before she calls... Amethyst thought with a shiver of anticipation. But I have one more story to tell, at least for now.


"Hun, you didn't have to get me anything."

Vee blushed and ran her paws over the silver wrapping paper, which was dotted with holographic snowflakes. The chubby zebra femfur sat cross-legged on the floor beside the Christmas tree, lit up with multi-coloured lights and strangled with tinsel, clad in casual clothes: boyfriend fit jeans and a loose, purple t-shirt that did a good job of containing her extremely large, voluptuous breasts, often considered to be 'hyper', as the term went. She leaned back against the sofa and smiled at her hermaphrodite mate - Amethyst, of course. The mare knelt a pace away and scooped another parcel out from under the tree, this one with gold paper.

"You say that every year and we're still going to do the present thing no matter how many times you say it," Amethyst reminded her with a wink.

"I know, I know," Vee rolled her eyes. "Can I open it?"

"Well, it's your name on the tag!" Amethyst teased good-naturedly.

Digging her fingers under a flap of paper that had not been taped down, Vee ripped the paper away from the small parcel in a matter of seconds to reveal a video game for the computer that had only been released a couple of weeks prior. The zebra smiled happily and flipped over the case to check the back, already thinking of getting it into the computer so that she could test it out straight away.

"Wow, thanks, you shouldn't have," Vee leaned forward to give Amethyst a hug, but didn't release her afterwards. Instead, she scooped her mate closer so that they sat side by side, legs touching. "I've wanted to try this one for ages, thanks, love. You know I've got things for you too, right?"

The mare grinned and sat back, ignoring her words and drawing a 'heart' in midair; Vee laughed.

"Yes., I love you too," she assured her, resting her paw on the strip of chestnut coat showing between Amethyst's shirt and trousers.

"Open this one next," Amethyst said with a twinkle in her eye.

Passing the gold parcel to the zebra, which was rectangular, flat and slim - too large to contain a game or a DVD - Amethyst quenched a giggle and waited for her mate's reaction. Vee tore off the paper once again and lifted the lid from a plain, white box that gave nothing away. On a bed of pink tissue paper rested a like coloured lingerie set consisting of a bra and thong, very feminine and, as Amethyst would put it, 'girly'. There were little frills along the edges of both garments and, as Vee's grin grew and she peered closer, she saw that the bra was a demi-cup, meaning that her breasts would spill over the top of the cups, leaving them free for 'use'. Vee gaped and appeared lost for words, so Amethyst pressed herself close, nuzzling up the zebra's neck until her velvety lips brushed against a twitching, black ear.

"I bought something similar for myself, if you would like to see, sweety," Amethyst whispered in the zebra's ear, taking her paw and placing it gently on her breast. "I had something...special planned, as a gift."

"You're spoiling me," Vee murmured.

"That wasn't an answer."

"Yes!" Vee laughed and poked the mare's stomach; she squealed indignantly. "I want to see it. Please."

Smirking behind her paw, Amethyst leapt up and dashed from the room, intent on fulfilling that request. It had been, after all, the very reason that she had had such an interlude in the lingerie store. She took the stairs two at a time and wheeled around the corner into the bedroom, grabbing the mass of silver tissue paper containing the two purchases with a soft sigh of pleasure. It was always such a delight to unwrap new, unworn lingerie, whether it was for the bedroom or for everyday wear. Scooping the silver set with thin, black chains out of the wrapping, she exchanged her regular clothes for the more exquisite feel of latex against her bare, red coat. Admiring her form in the mirror for a brief moment, Amethyst rested her paws on her hips, her eyes tracing the curve of the decorative chains and her pink nipples peeking through the openings in the bra.

By the time she pranced back into the living room, Vee was 'dressed' appropriately; the zebra stood by the sofa with her back to the door. Spinning around upon hearing the door, her jaw dropped and she let out a low whistle, smile widening, if that was even possible. Amethyst winked and flipped her mane back over her shoulder, swishing her tail so that it flicked against her legs, drawing the eye lower. The zebra came up to her and slipped her arms around the mare's waist, pulling her close as their scarcely clad bodies pressed against one another.

"I see that it is something special, love," Vee murmured, her muzzle brushing over the upper curve of Amethyst's breasts, squeezed upwards by the latex. "But does it come off?"

"It doesn't need to," she said cheekily by way of reply.

Pivoting on one hoof, Amethyst leaned forward and flipped her tail show off her favourite function of the undergarments. She spread her legs a little and smirked, hearing Vee chuckle and something drop to the plush carpet. Pricking her ears, Amethyst half looked back over her shoulder but was pulled up short when a warm tongue swiped over her folds, stroking her cunny and teasing her balls out the gap in the material so that they hung freely. The mare gasped and nickered gently, leaning further forward and flagging her tail happily as her sheath bulged promisingly.

"Easy there, dearie," Amethyst snorted, looking back between her legs at Vee, mane falling down and out of her eyes for once. "I want to give you your present too."

Vee sat back with a grunt of disappointment, turning her eyes upwards expectantly as the mare straightened up fluidly. Putting a finger to her lips, Amethyst patted the arm of the sofa and winked, knowing that her mate would do as she wanted. True to form, Vee perked up and scrambled to her hind paws, then leaning so far over the arm of the sofa that her striped hips rested in an ideal position, poised and thrust high. She thought that she had an idea of what was happening, but Amethyst begged to differ.

She pounced and grabbed the zebra's wrists, dragging them forward as she fished a sizeable leather cuff from between the sofa cushions. This she buckled tightly around both of Vee's wrists, drawing them tightly together with no chance of escape and showing that the cuff itself was attached to the sofa through some means. Before the surprised fur had opportunity to react, Amethyst withdrew a ring gag from the same location and slotted it neatly into Vee's muzzle, ensuring that she would keep her lips parted for as long as Amethyst saw fit, with the buckle done up around the back of the zebra's head. Patting Vee's muzzle like she would to an animal, the mare narrowed her eyes in good humour.

"I made a few 'adjustments' last time you were away for a few days, pet," Amethyst informed her wickedly. "I'm sure you don't mind."

If Vee could have smiled, she would have, but, as it was, she merely shook her head and whined eagerly.

"Now..." Amethyst trailed her paw along the zebra's back, from shoulders to rump. "Where to begin?"

Vee grunted as that small paw was brought down sharply across her rump, leaving a faint pink imprint on her striped buttocks, perfectly shown off by the delicate thong. Groaning through the ring gag, the zebra pushed her tongue out plaintively, hair falling across her eyes to obscure her vision. She was not one for teasing and she wanted more. Too bad that the mare toyed with teasing upon a daily basis.

Leaning over the zebra's body, Amethyst spanked her rear steadily, never hitting the same patch of hide twice in a row and spreading the slaps out so that a warm glow radiated from beneath her paw. The mare smiled as her cock slipped from its warm sheath, as if eager for the coming pleasure, rubbing against Vee's side and leaving pearly droplets of pre cum in its wake. Digging her teeth gently into her lower lip, Amethyst bucked and pumped her dark skinned shaft against the smooth coat, fingers tugging the zebra's thong to the side and finding the silky wetness. Vee moaned and spread her legs wide, standing up on the tips of her toes in order to present herself. Her tail lifted and spilled in a dark waterfall over her back and hips, the fine strands of hair standing out in stark contrast to the white hide.

Fire seared through Amethyst's veins and she paced around the sofa to the zebra's behind, unable to help herself to a smirk at the delicious sight of a mare ready to be fucked. But there was another surprise in store. Taking a glass of water from the round, side table, she deftly withdrew a red pill from the table drawer and swallowed it whole with the help of a mouthful of cool water. The pill slid easily down her throat and she hummed a mindless tune to herself as she waited for it to take effect.


Vee craned her head around, eyes wide with curiosity. Amethyst held a finger to her lips and shook her head, wordlessly saying that all would be revealed in due course. And revealed it was. With a soft squelch, her leathery sheath bulge and another cock grew forth of equal size, the shafts hardening against one another and slickening the lengths with an overdose of pre cum. The balls between her legs also swelled under one of the side effects from the special pill, doubling in size and making it so that her two dicks constantly dripped pre cum until...well, until climax. After all, who needed a third partner for double penetration when a little magic did the trick?

It was amusing to see a gagged zebra trying to grin and Vee thrust her hips up pleadingly, grinding her crotch across the arm of the sofa and tugging futilely at the wrist restraints, which kept her body stretched out and helpless. There was no time for lube on Christmas Day and it was with a devilish grin that Amethyst took up position behind Vee's raised rump, grabbing her tail and yanking it high - not because it was in the way, but because she wanted to do it. The mare whinnied playfully and ground her cocks between the zebra's ample rear cheeks, grazing the thong and spurting globules of pre wherever they passed. Vee moaned and wriggled, begging to be fucked as she was mercilessly teased, although one would have thought that she would have been used to teasing by this point in the game.

Nostrils flaring, Amethyst drew herself slowly back and rubbed the flat heads of her dicks against the tight pucker and soft folds that she intended to plough, the clenching tightness and yielding warmth wonderful paired sensations. Groaning, she pushed inwards barely and sank the head of her lower shaft between the forgiving cunny lips, taking a little more effort to 'pop' the other cocker past the clenching anal bud. Vee bucked, pressing backwards as much as the restraints allowed her to, sinking a few inches of horse meat into her holes with one, demanding motion. Amethyst laughed at her eagerness and, only too willing to supply one with what was desired, she thrust deeply past the pink thong, burying three-quarters of her shafts in the zebra's behind before one came up short against the cervix, unable to quest further without a rougher buck of the hips. Leaning forward slowly so that she half lay across Vee's back, Amethyst caught her muzzle and nipped her ear deviously.

"I fucked a shop assistant yesterday."

Vee yelped, if the muffled sound she made was to be interpreted as a yelp, and whipped her head around, eyes wide as if to question the truth of Amethyst's words. Her cunny and tail hole squeezed and the zebra's eyes became lidded, imagining if her mate's words were true and what had happened. Grinding her hips so that her cock strained against the entrance to her mate's womb, Amethyst moaned lustfully and pulled back, only to drive forward with a grunt and spear through Vee's pliable cervix, which was simply pierced with a harder thrust after so much use. The zebra jerked and moaned, snapping her head up and trembling from the throbbing lengths buried in her. Even if the restraints had not been present, she would have not wanted to move.

"Yes," Amethyst panted, thrusting steadily and drawing a series of moans and gentle whines from her partner. "This sweet okapi blew me in the back of the store. Nothing on your skills of course, pet, but we could have been caught at any moment. She might be joining us in the New Year. Would you like that, darling?"

Vee nodded her head fervently 'yes' and shivered, arching her back to a near impossible angle, breasts squashed against the sofa cushions. Chuckling under her breath, Amethyst grabbed a handful of Vee's hair and pulled sharply, growling under her breath like a predator rather than an equine. The zebra panted and moaned, tongue lolling out through the ring gag as she willingly submitted, clenching her cunt and tail hole so that Amethyst hissed out in pleasure, driving her hips down with increased power.

Their moans and pants were startlingly loud in the quiet room and Amethyst was suddenly struck by gladness that they had no close neighbours, so their fucks may go uninterrupted. Neighing like a proud, rutting stallion, the chestnut mare thrust her hips with greater force, not bothering to hold on to her partner - bar the hair pulling - and spanked Vee's ass furiously between thrusts, each spank earning her a needy groan. The rough thrusting loosened her pet's tail hole by increments, making it both easier and more pleasurable for her to thrust, as she could be as rough as she liked without fear of hurting Vee. Amethyst shook her mane and growled wantonly, pounding into the stretched holes as if it was the last fuck she would ever give, driving Vee's hips down on to the arm of the sofa again and again.

The scent of sex, arousal and bodily exertion stained the air and Amethyst inhaled a much needed lungful, unable to draw enough into her body for her desperate pants to cease. She drove into Vee's needy holes with a passionate fervour, releasing the zebra's hair only to squeeze her paw very briefly around the prey animal's throat. An all consuming desire to spend her seed in this mount burned in her gut and she gasped open-mouthed, slamming her cock into the back of Vee's womb as the other member quested deeper than ever. But before she lost complete control of her body, she withdrew her cocks from the zebra's rear (not without a squeal of disappointment), leaving the twin orifices languidly drooling a pearly liquid, and paced to Vee's head with as much dignity as she could muster.

"Open wide," Amethyst giggled, saying it without true need as the gag did the job of opening her pet's muzzle for her.

Though she did not have to, Vee strained to further part her lips and stuck her tongue out eagerly, chest still heaving from the force of the fucking she had just, pleasurably, endured. The zebra moaned as she accepted the head of Amethyst's upper cock between her spread lips and pressed her fleshy tongue against the underside, looking to feel the throb of cum rushing down the 'vein' only to erupt into her maw. Amethyst lashed her tail and neighed out her pleasure as she hit her long-awaited climax, cum spurting from both cock heads in an unnatural, creamy torrent. Whereas all from the nicely engulfed shaft was swiftly swallowed by the murring zebra, the lower shaft shot its load all over Vee's neck and chest, covering her enormous breasts in a sticky, cream coating.

Groaning contentedly, Amethyst pulled back and patted her pet's head, murring at the sight of the very messy but seemingly spent zebra. She was no longer straining up for a cock in her rear and was instead relaxing across the arm of the sofa, eyes cast up expectantly as if she was expecting to be released so soon. Amethyst laughed and tweaked Vee's dark nipple teasingly.

"Oh, you don't think we're done yet, do you, pet?" Amethyst grinned and flicked her wrist dismissively. "I have much more planned for today. This is to be a Christmas to remember!"

Vee already thought that it was a Christmas to remember but she was unlikely to complain in such a situation, so she merely nodded happily and twitched her tail, cum viscously trickling down her breasts. Grabbing her head, Amethyst forced her into a passionate kiss and smiled inwardly.

Yes, it was going to be a very good Christmas indeed.

The Slave Mare and the Breeding Farm, Chapter Two: The Drunk and the Stallion

**The Drunk and the Stallion** _Written by Amethyst Mare_ Leaves rustled across the bare stable yard, scudding along the ground and stirring up the gravel, carried by a bitter wind. Work on the yard had been completed hours earlier and cheers from...

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The Shepsisters

**The Shepsisters** _Written by Amethyst Mare for Cigarsnscotch_ Daniel Yote - assassin D.C. Yote - flattened himself to the wall, muzzle tucked to the side and tail hair bristling. The lithe coyote bit back a snarl, all down to instinct, and...

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Jahaliya: Impotence

**Impotence** Written by Amethyst Mare for kchishol1970 Anyone watching the parade progress would have deemed it a success. Every Jahaliyan was on the streets or cheering from the windows, all craning their necks to see their Prince Ryoga and his...

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