One Single Day: Domina
The first continuation of my main story series. This is a direct sequel to "The Village Boards". In this section of stories it takes place over one day after they arrive in the village from the perspective of the different characters. What this is going to do is give the readers some perspective on the individual personalities of the different characters in this story. This one provides the perspective from Domina. I'm not sure if I want to do Lilly or Flora's story next. If you decide to reply please make sure to pick one.
The hands gripped tighter around her waist while she allowed her sister to hug her. Domina didn't have a problem with the feeling of her sister holding her, it had been some time since she'd seen her after leaving for that tournament. Even family hugs could get uncomfortable. With an easy prying of her sister from her torso, the equine turned her head slowly to look at the rest of her party. She'd be blushing from the sudden affection if color could be seen through her black fur. What the nightmare did notice was that Wolf was already missing. A sigh touched the lips, while she had no idea what was going on, she didn't have a reason to believe that he wouldn't run off in the first second he could possibly get the chance. It didn't mean he was gone though, there was no sign of him having left the group and no sign that he'd walked back the way they'd come either.
It brought up a great question that she had no real information about him or where his pack actually was. She almost remembered hearing that there was a wolf pack close by the village, but that didn't mean much as far as directions went. Even as a colt she was taught not to venture too far into the woods, something about demons, or other opposing groups that also lived out there, but as an adult she didn't really consider much truth in those old ghost stories. The crimson gazed equine would simply need to ask the canine about himself. He didn't seem to be overly educated enough to get offended about being asked personal questions. Maybe that was somewhat of a mean opinion to have though. Maybe that lack of kindness was why he'd suddenly vanished.
It was only a few seconds that the large canine would approach them again. What feeling was that she was just feeling about him being gone. She didn't "like" him, or want him as anything more than a partner to fight beside, but still she felt somewhat lost without him. It was most likely because he'd been acting as a make shift leader for them up until now. Domina was more of a damager, but every group needed someone that could act as a shield and that was what Wolf provided. The equine looked down into the canine's hand to see that he was holding a bag of something.
"What's that Wolf?" She'd ask curious as to where he got it from. The last thing they needed was for some shop keep to come around claiming that Wolf took something.
"I was over there near that amazon and told her that we'd finished the quest. She gave me this bag of shinny yellow circles." Wolf stated honestly leaving Domina to giggle a bit at him. He was so borderline feral that he really had no idea what gold and money was. The equine had to wonder how his pack ever managed to trade with cities for things, but then again they probably didn't even have tools.
"I'll take those." Flora spoke out, but quickly was stopped when Wolf was already presenting the bad to Lilly. Domina didn't mind Lilly dividing up the reward, but didn't trust the feline to divide it up evenly at all. It wasn't that she had a problem with Flora at all, but she didn't see where the tigress had really earned the right to be trusted by this group. She had a darkness in her, something that just made her seem evil in a way.
From what Lilly was able to count there seemed to be about eighty gold in this bag and she split it up in twenties for the party giving the bag back to their canine friend with his share still in it. The look on Wolf's face showed that he didn't understand at all what to do with these "small yellow circles". It was better if Wolf didn't lose his share by leaving it somewhere thanks to his lack of pockets, or clothing. Domina looked at the gold she now held in her hands and wondered what it would turn into before the day was done. She'd never been big on gold in itself, but knew it's uses and usefulness.
The strong equine took the bag from the heavily muscular white wolf and placed it in her pack with his winnings from the tournament. Even the trophy was taking up some space in her pack, and she knew that he'd need to take it off her hands soon or risk having it traded in. Not that he'd care given his non-existent knowledge about the worth of things. If nothing else she could keep his belongings safe, at least from people that would take advantage of his lack of education.
"Well, I'm going to do some shopping." Flora proclaimed to the group before heading towards the shops. A wave of her hand dismissed them, but still Domina felt like she shouldn't let this feline walk around unwatched. In a way the equine felt bad that she trusted her own team mate so little, but this was an honest feeling about what she'd seen of Flora already. The tigress used people, had sex with Wolf just to try and hurt Lilly. These were things that didn't go unnoticed, and it brought down Domina's opinion of the poor feline.
"Wait, I'll come to." Domina said quickly and followed. It was more instinct that forced her to keep close to this feline. Maybe, some kind of fear that she was going to try and bully the shop keepers or something. It wasn't a real fear, but a justification for why she felt she needed to watch her own companion that had helped her fight off over a dozen koballs, and a dragon, already.
Flora didn't mind at all, though, it was hard to tell what thoughts hid behind that feline, but if she did have a problem with it then she was keeping it to herself. With the two heading off they almost missed Lilly calling to them to meet at the inn once the day was done. It seemed like a simple request and Domina waved back that she heard her. Even in her home town the equine figured it would be best to stay with her party rather than stay with her sister. Domina had to figure that Cariana was still practically living at the medical clinic, and that alone didn't provide very comfortable living conditions.
It wasn't until the two arrived in the market that Domina finally realized just how expensive things had gotten in this village. The price on everything seemed to be up, and that twenty gold they had been given seemed to be quite a bit less than it was a few seconds ago. They wouldn't even be able to afford gear on top of rations if they chose to purchase anything. If nothing else these prices seemed a bit ridiculous to the equine, but she didn't want to say anything and run the chance of making her home town look bad. She wasn't about to stand up for this kind of selection though and simply chose to say nothing. The feeling of disappointment in the people Domina had grown up with seemed to take on a stronger hold the further into the marketing area she went.
The light sigh passed the equines lips as she slowly turned to head back the way she'd come. Those crimson eyes quickly noticed Flora already heading back that way. It seemed to Domina that the feline didn't care much for these prices either. It made sense that the prices would go up thanks to the tournament drawing in a larger crowd, but it looked to this female as though most of the people had already moved on. Even if there were still some stragglers staying behind, but prices should be dropping soon enough. The real question was going to be if the group was going to wait it out in the village until the prices dropped, or simply head for their next quest.
"Where are you going?" Domina asked as hooved feet quickly brought the black furred horse up to be beside Flora once again. From the looks of her face, the feline didn't seem upset at all about the prices, maybe she was used to those kinds of costs were she was from.
"Prices are inflated so I'm going to check the quest board for some local jobs." Was the response that came.
The plan was simple really, "if you didn't have the money you wanted, then just do some fast jobs to pile up the coin". Even with the boards coming into view there didn't look like much that could be claimed that most adventurers hadn't already stamped. Domina could go on some of the quests that were already claimed, but she didn't feel like stepping on other's toes. The equine had to be curious as to what job Flora would likely do, but decided not to ask as some of the job requests called for sexual favors and in with all truth, Domina didn't want to know.
Crimson eyes scanned the list slowly, looking for the best job for her. She wasn't about to sell her body just for some cheap coin, but there were other jobs she could do then maybe she'd consider that instead. Her gaze finally came to rest on the wording that she could accept. The queen of the village was looking for someone to teach her a little sexual combat. Domina knew the queen personally, but couldn't possibly imagine her actually using the sexual combat styles in real combat. Maybe this was just for recreation, but the nightmare wasn't about to pass up easy gold.
Domina left Flora behind, allowing her to select her own quests while the equine made her way towards the housing for Missor and the village queen. The title of "Queen" didn't indicate any real form of marriage, or unity between the two. Instead this title just meant the ranking order of who was in charge. Missor being the village leader was the first in charge, while in his absence Adriana would take his seat. Otherwise both lived completely separate lives, and while they do have meetings, these always just tend to be regarding issues of the village itself.
Her fingers easily rapped on the door lightly to indicate her presence. With the voice calling from within as a cheerful tone, the equine would take this as a greeting to enter with. Her movement easily passed the doorway and allowed the door to close behind her. What the nightmare saw was the feline sitting on Missor's throne with a dim light shining through another doorway to the side. It showed that the gold dragon who lead this village was sleeping at this time, and that left the small cat in charge.
The chair was many times too large for Adriana to sit in, but still she sat back and let her legs dangle off the front of the throne. Domina could already see this small, house cat sized fur trying to take on creatures ten times her own size. The very thought drew a smirk from the equine who quickly tried to hide it. A light nod would bring herself to greet the village queen.
"Hello. You left a request on the village board. I'm here to answer it." Domina said softly before turning her eyes to look up at the temporary leader.
"Domina?" she said, the voice alone proving that she was an adult and not just a child despite her runt size, "I didn't know you were back in the village. How did things go at the tournament?"
The nightmare only gritted her teeth a bit at the memory of her early loss in the second round, but said nothing to the queen that had asked. There was no answer needed from that, Adriana feeling a bit bad to have asked now. She would need to say something else now, say something that would make up for her sudden question.
"It's ok. You'll get them next time." The queen said with a bright smile, hoping to lighten the mood, "But what took so long? I thought you'd be back days ago."
"We had to save an amazon queen from a dragon. You know, usual adventure stuff." This equine would reply with a light smirk. At least she could say that she played a major role in handling that quest, even if she didn't win the tournament.
This was to be a story for another time though, for now Domina was here to partake in a quest. To teach the queen about combat. There was no telling why this small feline wanted to learn about fighting, but she wasn't about to judge a creature for being small in stature and wanting to protect herself. Domina had been taught about combat long before she ever settled in this village with her sister. It was always an advantage that she had, but it proved that the nightmare's easy life style here had made her soft, had robbed her of years of training that other people went to the tournament with. Still getting through the first round was enough to prove that she was more than enough to handle the ways of combat.
"Why do you want to learnt to fight anyway? The village has always been peaceful from what I can remember." Domina asked easily knowing that wanting to learn to fight wasn't enough, there had to be a reason, a drive, for wanting to learn.
The queen blushed a bit, "I just.. you know..." She turned her eyes towards the entryway that lead into the bedding area of the household, "I want try and impress someone important to me."
As terrible a reason that was, the nightmare understood the reasoning all too well. This equine wasn't going to be able to turn the house cat into the ultimate warrior with that type of reasoning, but it didn't stop her from teaching her a few basics. If nothing else, at least she didn't want to bully people with the lessons, but that was never really a worry to begin with.
"Ok, I can teach you some things. Let's start with a stance." Domina gripped the queen's wrists and moved her own hooved feet to kick at the ankles of the queen to push one of her feet back and leave the left one where it was at. This turned the entire body and almost caused the queen to fall over if not to the equine holding onto her. "This is a basic stance. The hand you usually use is stronger so you keep that one back and close to your chest as a striking hand. The left hand is less used because you're right handed and you would use that for blocking."
"I thought Erotic Fighting was about sexual combat." The queen said a bit confused about this attack and defense talk.
Domina blinked a bit at this. The queen had always been very kind hearted and even though she would likely never use any kind of fighting style practically, she still wanted to learn.
"It is, but you still need to be able to block their sexual attacks as well. What I'm going to teach you is better used by smaller furs. Keep your heels up." The nightmare explained, moving her hooves to the back of the felines feet to prop her up on the balls only, "In this stance you can bounce a bit. When someone like me that's bigger than you comes in to attack, you just need to push against the arm or leg to deflect."
Adriana lifted a brow to this. The advice made no since to her, but she was trying and remained balanced on the balls of her feet. This much was easy considering the superior balancing that most smaller felines had to begin with. Domina could see that the queen wasn't getting it and decided that it would be best to reach by example. Easily she made a false strike to the feline's center, one that looked very real even though the equine would stop long before she got her fist close enough to land a blow against the village queen.
This feline moved elegantly, pushing her hands against the wrist and forearm of the equine. The bounding motion helped to defend her just as she had been instructed. The movement was surprising. She couldn't contest with the strength of the nightmare at all, but she wasn't trying to in this way. Her feet came clear off the ground with her block and instead of pushing the attack to the side, Adriana instead moved herself to the side of her attacker to land on her feet just as all cats do.
"Oh I get it." Adriana said to herself figuring in this tactic and how it would affect real battle. It all made sense now, "So then I would attack after I land. Right?"
Domina smiled that her queen got what she was saying. It was a single and very basic tactic for lighter furs, but not one that was widely used because of how basic it was. Sure, plenty of techniques had been developed to counter this kind of fighting style, but most weren't learned anymore because no one used this tactic, and those that did know how to counter it wouldn't be attacking the village anyway.
"Hey, I'm here for the queen quest..." The voice that called out behind the equine sounded familiar. It should, because she had just left her to the village only possibly an hour ago, if not longer.
Domina turned to look at the Tigress standing there. She locked eyes quickly with Flora, but this only drew a defeated sigh from the party spell caster. With the equine having already accepted this quest there was nothing that Flora was going to be able to do in order to butt into it. Flora might have a point of mind to simply take what she wants, but she never takes over other people's jobs. That would just be flat out disrespectful. Instead the nightmare watched her travel past the two and into the back room. Domina had an idea of what she was aiming for, but there was no way Flora could possibly be that blind to just flat out... it's better not to think about it.
"She's going to talk with Missor about other quests, I guess." It was a blatant lie from the equine, but still better than the truth she knew was there. The queen only nodded, but the event caused Domina to have a completely new drive in wanting to help train Adriana even if to drown out the sounds that would be coming from the back room.
The equine hands reached out or the smaller creature, gripping the queen and quickly turning her around to bring the other arm up around her waist. The queen quickly noticed that this hold was actually difficult to get out of where she couldn't move her hips. In theory she should be able to spin out the same way that she was put into this situation just by spinning in reverse. But the arm was wrapped around her hip to grip it at the other side and that was the side that was being pinned against the nightmare's hips.
The other arm that had been gripping Adriana's arm now had moved its way up her body. Fingers pressed into the center of her chest right between the queen's relatively large breasts. This hand could have just as easily fondled one of these tits, or even just the nipple, with nothing she could do to stop it. As much as she was observing these things happening, there wasn't much she was really being taught this way.
Domina spoke up to explain her actions, hoping to bring some light to the queen's attentions about this. "You see, this is a hold that larger creatures can use on smaller ones. It's pretty solid, but you can get out of it. To get out of it place your hand against the wrist of my hand holding your chest and push it outward." The queen did so finding that the even with the strength of the equine pushing back against her, the feline had leverage on her side. "Good now move your other arm down between my elbow and your body. You'll want to grip it and then push up. Just let your knees collapse and you can slip out quickly." Again Adriana did as she was told and with a grip of the equine's elbow she quickly slipped free. She didn't release the elbow though, instead using it to pull herself back up to her feet and using her superior agility to turn all at once. This queen again smiled at she was being taught things and enjoyed that Domina was taking the time to show her important points in the little time they had together.
"One last thing, my queen. Rubbing and licking on breasts, kissing on the neck, even scratching, is all used just to bring down the opponent's defenses. Tire them out. But you're never going to win unless you can get your target to cum. That meant the lower regions. Clit or dick, you have to eventually get to that. A lot of new people think of just taking it in vaginally, but that is really one of the worst things you can do. If you take him into you then you're weakening yourself as well. Use your fingers and mouth to secure a victory." Domina explained this to her
"Yes. Most people keep themselves guarded, but if you attack in the middle of their attack, then they're more likely to get hit." Domina explained this. There was something important missing from the training here. Something she would need to cover with her queen, "Also, you need to keep up your endurance. All the fancy moves do nothing if you can't hold back when they land a good sexual strike."
"So is this the part where you... you know... help me with endurance?" The queen blushed a bit at the question. She honestly had no idea how she felt about the idea of being sexed by Domina, but if it was part of the training then she would follow in with it.
Domina shook her head some. In all honesty, she respected the queen too much as the second in command of the village. Even in training she couldn't help her with that. "It's not something I'm able to do. You would learn more from handling it on your own than having the awkward situation where I train you in that way."
The queen smiled. She was happy that the nightmare had said no, to that request. As long as she'd known Domina, Adriana had never seen her as someone to partner up with. If anything she was happy to pleasure herself and keep her own endurance up, and it was something she'd make sure to do with the help of the one person in this entire village that she had her eyes on. It was going to be fun to be able to hold that kind of excuse against him to do what she wanted. Even thinking about it she fought to hold back her own giggle.
Finally the feline spoke up and nodded to her. "Ok, thank you for your time Domina. I'm going to work on that endurance training now. Let me get your payment."
With ease Adriana moved for one of the cabinets in this room and opened it to pull out a small woven bag. The coins inside chimed through the bag when she lifted it to prove that they existed. With an easy few steps she apologized that there wasn't a great deal in there, but handed what she had to Domina anyway. This equine responded by opening the bag and looking in. Because of how small the bag was, there was no way for her to tell how much it was, but smiled and thanked the queen for her reward.
"I hope that Missor likes your training." Domina said with a light smirk before turning to walk away.
It only took a few steps to leave the house, but a lift of the equine's hand stopped this feline dead in her tracks. The view of Domina's red gaze staring down at the tigress shown her own opinions regarding the actions that Flora had made. Words floated around in her mind, but nothing seemed to best express the combination of flat out anger, or disappointment that she wanted to provide. It wasn't rage, but slowly building up towards it. Even now all she could do was stare at the face of this feline while she cleaned her fur. Acting as though she'd done nothing wrong at all. To spend five seconds into the corrupt mind of this tiger would be worth an entire week of her life, just to understand what kind of thought process would make this kind of action justified.
"You're impossible, you know that?" this equine started blatantly while waiting up for her teammate.
"What? Like you wouldn't have if you had the chance. Listen here, I don't do things without reason. What I did here is no different. I'm not going to and explain it to you, and I don't have to explain it to you."
The tigress's movements were different than usual. Most of the time she was reserved and pulled back, but in this way she seemed far more close and front with her action. Even as far as getting up in Domina's face the best she could with the equine towering over her. It spoke to tales about just what kind of person this tigress truly was. Just from this display the equine wanted to learn more about this tiger, she wanted to see who she really was. But just as fast as the mask had fallen, it lifted back up again and Flora returned to her proud personality.
"We don't have time to go shopping now." This tigress would say with a sigh. The sun was fading out over the trees and it would be dark soon. The shop keepers would have already packed up for the day and that left these two without the goods they wanted. It wasn't as though they weren't staying the night here, so maybe they could pick up what they needed in the morning.
Domina sighed from the fact that she too wasn't going to be able to update her armor, but it was something that quest takers had to deal with. Instead it was time to meet up with Wolf and Lilly. With any luck those two were already at the inn and the they wouldn't have to out looking for them. The idea that Wolf could get lost simply opening a door rang true in her mind and lead to an easy sigh that brought her hand up to her forehead to try and chase the thoughts away. This party worked because everyone was able to get along to some degree. Even Lilly and Flora were able to get along when they had enemies to fight. Regardless the inn of this town was rather easy to locate, given that it was the only inn in the entire area.
The door opened nicely with a slight creek that displayed Wolf sitting at a table with Lilly. Domina quickly noticed that the squirrel didn't seem happy at all and could only guess at what could have possibly happened. It became obvious quickly when she realized that the only time Lilly was upset like this was when Wolf had done something.