The Village Board (part 7)
With the team now rested from their hard fought battle, the only thing left to do was to take fight the dragon and save the queen. Will they be able to save the queen? Will the dragon take them down? Read and find out!
This is the last part to this chapter in the story. When I next post, it will be under a new chapter name. Make sure to keep an eye out for it.
I wanted to take this time to thank everyone for being a fan, it's your support that keeps me going.
Blue eyes opened with a snap as the white squirrel lifted herself into a sitting possition. Her breathing was a bit heavy, but easily calmed down when she realized she was awake. The last thing Lilly remembered was being dominated by three different Koballs and passing out after they forced her to climax. She could has passed it off as being a dream, but she had to notice that they were still in that same room and her pussy ached from the hard thrusting. Her eyes turned to the rest of the group. Wolf had been sitting directly beside her and was looking straight at her now that she had sat up. The other two looked like they had been waiting for a while and already rested up before she was even able to get up.
In an odd turn of events a hand moved down towards Lilly, the hooved finger tips, and black fur proved that the hand belonged to the group's nightmare who was offering to help her up. Domina didn't smile at all though and despite her offer she still looked a bit threatening. Lilly took the hand and let her help the squirrel up. The floor was cold against her feet, but she didn't regularly wear shoes for any reasons. The equine didn't let go after Lilly was standing, though, and moved to take a step closer. The size difference between the two was vastly obvious leaving the squirrels ears to fall back on her head while she shrunk back a bit.
"We need to change our plan of attack." Domina said before turning to look at the now standing canine.
"You mean like sending the useless Squirrel home before she gets hurt?" was Flora's response. Everyone looked at her, in the back of there minds it was an option, but they'd all seen what Flora could do in a fight, this time didn't seem to match that.
"No, Lilly is a breast style fighter, a healer. I should have protected her better." Wolf spoke out easily.
"There were fifteen of them Wolf. There is no way you could hold back that many, you tried and most got past you. Don't blame yourself." Domina said towards him. Her words weren't comforting, but were simply stating facts.
"I can speak for myself," the squirrel finally spoke out again, "I'm not a child. They caught me off guard, that's all. I'm not going to let that happen again. We're not in a tournament and they aren't going to attack us one at a time. We shouldn't think that we have to take them one on one either. We need to work as a team."
"Yes, that means putting aside grudges." Domina said and looked at Flora. The tigress just rolled her eyes and made her way towards the door.
"Don't we have a forced dragon to stop?" She said with a smirk before moving to wave her hand. The beds blocking doorway slid across the floor to get out of her way.
The party exits the room leaving behind the evidence of their struggles and once again looked at the "t" of the cave, this time from the right side. They all wondered which way they would go, given that the left path from their possition would lead them back out of the cave. Instead they chose to head straight into the left of the cross. Again that large white hand pressed to a thick wooden door to open it slowly. Pitch black eyes peered in to see who was there and only found that it was two females. They didn't look like the soldiers from before, these wore old torn dresses and looked like they were sewing something. They both looked at the party that entered the room and cringed back. Flora moved closer and took hold of what they were working on.
"It looks like a wedding dress..." She said observantly.
The two slowly made their way back to the dress keeping an eye on the party who they were expecting to attack them. With a quick grab the two Koball would take the dress and keep working on it. It became quickly obvious that they feared not finishing the dress in time more than they did the party that could attack them at any second. This only left the Wolf with a puzzled look on his face. He said nothing to avoid looking like an idiot in front of his team, but the question was clear. Domina only touched his shoulder with a soft chuckle at the look on his face, but the group would leave these harmless two alone.
"It's a complicated ritual Wolf. Maybe I'll explain it to you later." She said finding it cute that the wild born knew so little about civilized customs to the point that he didn't know what a wedding was, or why someone would want to wear a dress to it.
Back at the "t" once again the only path left was straight ahead, this path alone seemed like something that would be the first choice for new adventurers, but this team had decided to go in a different directly when they first approached this cross instead. With a hand pressed to the door they'd all open it and take a look inside. What could easily be seen here was the massive hole in the roof of this cave pooring light down into this great room. It was likely how the dragon came and went from this place. The other thing was the massive dragon that stood on all fours here. It was actually a surprise that he was an actual dragon and not a biped. A cage caught the eye of the canine where he saw a female doe standing inside looking less than impressed by the beast she saw in front of her.
"I've already told you that I will not marry someone like you. You should release me before my warriors burst in here and put you in your place." The queen spoke out roughly at the dragon.
"You don't understand. By combining our two camps we can have a larger stake in these territories. It would be benifitial to both of us. Food and resources will only become more rare if we stay separate." The dragon spoke in a much unexpected sophisticated manner. His words rang off with an air of gentlemanship that others wouldn't predict at first.
"My warriors are doing fine without your camp. If you are having trouble finding food then maybe you should leave the forest entirely." Her words were harshly spoken and filled with her unbridled distain for this male creature.
The queen's eyes turned to those that came in through the door and smiled knowingly at them. This drew the dragon's attention towards the party as well. Easily he would turn his body, being careful of the cage so not to harm his future queen. The dragon said nothing to them, but just watched to see how these events would come to be. It wasn't in his nature to have to fight, but if it meant saving his camp, and not losing the queen, he would do whatever it took.
"The lady said 'no'." Flora spoke out easily and prepped herself for battle.
The rest of the team followed this, ready to put this dragon down. Wolf had heard some of the conversation, but he was loyal to his team and would join in with them if they decided the best option was to fight him to release the amazon queen. Wings spread wide where the dragon roared out at them. His hand reaching out quickly to try and grab at the team, but they all managed to dodge out fo the way. Lilly was up first with her boosters. She'd press her large breasts together through her dress and lick her lips a bit. With an easy effort she'd pull down her top and let the jugs bounce free. This ability alone was one to boost attack spirit of the team, but was only a basic tactic for breast styled fighters.
Wolf also used this opportunity to make his own non-attack. With a deep breath he'd flex his muscles to draw the beasts attention. The bulging arm and chest muscles easily shown through the thick white fur of the canine as he focused those pitch black eyes on this dragon. The dragon's attention was locked on the wolf now. Drawn to a point that the beast had already forgotten about the rest of the party. His attention would be on the wolf, to attack him and take him out before he even started on anyone else.
Domina was the first to make a real attack. She had no reason to change her gender for this, but decided to stay as a female due to the team facing off against a male dragon. The fast speed of the horse drew her in close very quickly before she'd jump up to impact her body against his chest. With her arms doing their best to cling onto him the nightmare managed to wrap one arm around the back of his neck where her lips could easily play kisses over his shoulders. Soft moans lightly floated from her lips while that tail of her swished from side to side. The kissing was to warm him up so that her following attacks could be used.
This dragon wasn't so easily taken down. He'd grip the equine easily while she was holding onto him and leaned back until he was standing his two hind legs. The slit that covered the dragon's hips would easily spread to as the cock started to grow out of it. It's size would be enough to tear even a horse like Domina in two with no effort at all. Her eyes grew wide while struggling to get free. This wasn't the worst part. Wings would flap against the ground easily impacting the stone floor twice in order to lift the beast and his attacker into the air. Being given the gift of flight was enough to keep those land based creatures on the ground while he would pick them off one at a time. A very solid plan.
Domina watched him lift upward and covered her face with her elbow to block some of the wind those massive wings were putting off. A fast chant would meet a few hand motions before she reached up at the dragon. With her hand quickly pressing to the ground the dragon would be forced down from his lift and quickly found that his leg wasn't going to move from this spot.
A few harsh tugs would prove fruitless for the dragon that was pinned to the ground by his foot. Lilly saw this as an opportunity to prove herself to the group and raced towards the massive dragon. She was stopped by a white hand appearing in front of her. Eyes turned to see who and found that Wolf had stopped her before charging in himself. Despite the size of this creature he'd rush at it and wrap his arms easily around the amazingly huge shaft that Domina was being held just over. The equine was only inches from being penetrated by this monster. This canine moved his strong chest up the oversized length to rub it against his entire body. It was the only way he was going to be able to masturbate something this size.
Domina was out of the fight until she could break free, and with the dragon still lowering her down towards Wolf she was still stuck. Flora also couldn't move if she wanted this dragon to stay on the ground. The last thing that she was going to need was to lose her party to falling because the dragon decided to use them and drop them so they couldn't interfere again. This left everything in Wolf's hands. That hot equine pussy even dripped down onto his snout when the head of the massive dragon cock started to spread her body. She'd cry out loudly at the stretching, but couldn't deny the immense pleasure that came with finding something that could treat her the way she did smaller furs. The dragon was being slow about it mostly to make sure that the equine didn't jerk at the last second and do real harm to him.
Lilly did what most squirrels were widely known for and easily climbed this dragon in a much faster manner than one would expect given the size of her chest. It took her no time at all to wrap that bushy tail around his cheek while she placed herself directly in his face. That solf fluffy tail almost hypnotizing the dragon into following her motions. She'd lean back and he'd follow forward onto all fours until Lilly's feet were planted easily against the floor. With the soft tail being removed he'd find his face directly between her massive jugs. They only barely placed on either side of his nostrils, but holding him there as if hugging his snout was enough to place her eyes close to his own. The squirrel smiled at the massive dragon just before giving him a firm kiss on his fore head between his horns. Lips planted on the scaled skin of the beast.
Wolf felt a sudden jerk from the member that tossed him to the floor. The hand would release Domina that fell as well giving Wolf just enough time to scoot under her to catch his team mate. Seeing the dragon member jerking they would both roll in opposite directions to get out from under it before the beast roared out loudly to coat the bottom of this cave in his potent and heavily scented seed.
Lilly dropped the dragon's head leaving him to pass out from exhaustion. A light sigh and a smile on her lips would bring her to regroup with the rest of the party. She could brag right now, inform them that they were all wrong about her, even boost herself up a bit. Such things were beneith someone like Lilly though and she said nothing that her actions didn't already show on her way towards the cage. Looking over it she would try and release the lock, but found that she wouldn't be able to.
Wolf stepped in front of the squirrel to take a look. He didn't have any skills at all in lock picking, but was willing to give it a try. With an easy grip of the steel lock in his hand the overly muscular canine gave a fast jerk at it to break the device off all together. With the lock gone the cage opened itself. This female deer would stand there and look over her saviors. The smile that touched her lips was one of gratitude.
"Thank you for rescuing me. Let us get out of this vile place while we still remain untainted by it." She said easily.
It was surprising to find that with the dragon gone the Koball had seemed to almost disappear entirely. Perhaps it was some kind of six since on the lizard-people's part to know when their "god" was defeated, but they had dropped everything to move on. There was no resistance from the Koball either all the way back to the amazon camp.
All bowed as the queen walked by. Guards were sent out to retreive the troops that were still out in the forest looking for battle. With a fast turn the queen would take her place on the stone throne and look out over her people while she summoned the heros closer to her. She smiled to them all and then looked closely at Wolf while the smile slowly faded.
"Amazon's, today these four have returned your queen to you. With careful actions they have saved me from the vile dragon that wished to have it's way with me, to violate your queen. These four have stopped an on going war, and rid our territory of the Koball threat. For this they deserve only the highest praise. We will reclaim the territory that was lost to us by the dragon, and reclaim our squandered resources that was the cost of this war. The party will also be compensated what was agreed on at the Village Board just West of here. Just head there and speak with the Amazon stationed by the board to claim the gold. You will always have a home here in your travels," Her eyes again turned to Wolf, but he could see the compassion fade from them anytime she looked at him. It was obvious that this queen had the same amazon opinion about his gender, but was keeping herself polite so not to lose face to the rest of his party, "Also for these heroes, we send them on their way with a gift. The most precious possession in our village, so that they will never forget us, and that we will never forget them." The queen spoke out. The words seemed odd, but with the resentation of something wrapped in cloth by the cheif warrior of the group that had sent them on this quest it was reveiled that their reward was to be a dagger made entirely of crystal.
This gift was presented more to Flora than the rest of them, as it was a scry weapon. A weapon that wasn't designed to be used in battle, but was designed to be focused into when casting spells to intensify them. Flora took the dagger easily and looked over it. A grin slowly appeared on her lips after viewing it's details, but faded out slowly.
With the party having left the amazon camp behind Flora continued to occassionally grin at the dagger she was given. It was nice to have a weapon of this caliber and knew that she could deal a great bit more damage with it. Being a spell caster meant self control so she wasn't about to go testing it out on the trees or anything. Lilly and Domina were ok with this and knew that their reward was still ahead. Wolf, being wild borne, still had no idea what money was used for, and the dagger didn't look very useful in the fight. In honesty he was happy just to be away from the amazons. He hated the fact that they glared at him everytime they saw him, but knew it was just their culture. If they didn't need as many hands as possible to rebuild after the war then he'd have offered to let some of them come along. Then again the party had four members and you don't need much more than that.
The village was less than a few hours in walking distance. Being the imports hub for all of the territories of the forest, it was important that it was never too far away from where people decided to set up their incampments. Wolf looked at the stone buildings and cobble stones here. He'd never seen so many buildings in one place before. Even the tournament hall was just one building with nothing around it, but this, this was huge in his opinion. The canines eyes widened at the size of it all, his ears poked up as if to say "Wow".
Of course Flora noticed this and only giggled a bit at him. "Oh Wolf, you're so cute. This is nothing compared to the city I came from. Nicely developed though. What was this village called again?"
"To the forest territories it's just called 'The Village', but to people like you from outside the forest it's called 'The Village of Missor'," Domina explained to the tigress before looking around, "to someone like me it's called home."
Just then the party would hear a scream before a unicorn came racing towards them. Her eyes half closed before she would spread her arms wide and jump into Domina. The long dress tried to keep going, but was stopped by the same equine at the unicorn was. "I'm so happy you're back, big sister! How did the tournament go?"