Obscure Treasures Ch.2

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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#2 of Obscure Treasures

Chapter 2! So here is chapter of my transformation series. Megan searches for answers from the elusive Holly and she gets what she seeks... and more. This one has two cowgirl tfs in it. I'm a sucker for cowgirls... Enjoy!

Edit: 05/07/13 Changed formatting for easier reading.

Obscure Treasures Chapter 2

It was around 3:00 a.m. when Megan awoke in a dazed state. Unsure of where she was she quickly stood up and frantically observed her surroundings. As she looked around she immediately noticed the strong scent of animals and hay. As she looked around she found that there were some stalls lining the inside of what appeared to be a... "Barn?" Megan thought confusedly to herself. Suddenly a flood of memories from the dream she had last night poured into her head. It all seemed so vivid and real... She then felt an odd tugging sensation in her nether-regions only to be surprised when she realized the sensation was coming from somewhere behind her... front legs. Excitedly she looked behind her as best she could and caught a glimpse of a large horse shaft that was, thanks to her memory about her night of wild transformation and sex, hard and throbbing.

"It was real! This is real!" Megan tried to say, but, thanks to her inability to speak, it only came out as a loud whinny.

Her excitement then turned to fear once she looked through the open barn and discovered that the night sky was now brightening with the light from a rapidly approaching morning. This both worried and frightened Megan because she knew that the Donnelly's would be waking up soon to tend to their animals and she didn't want to know what might happen to her if they discovered that a random stallion had showed up at their farm; impregnating both their mares overnight.

"Speaking of which, I could go for another round..." thought Megan, as she brought her attention back to her demanding erection. "NO!" "I need to focus on how to get out of here before someone finds me!" Megan thought to herself.

She thought about how she had changed in the first place and it dawned on her that maybe just thinking about her human form hard enough might work, but, try as she might it just wasn't working. Her heart began to race with fear as she thought that she might be stuck like this.

"No, this has to work both ways! I just need to calm down first..." With that, Megan closed her eyes and tried to change one part back at a time. She started with her arms. How nice it would be to have hands again... suddenly she felt a prickling sensation in her hooves.

"Wait! I actually felt my hooves!" she thought gleefully.

Soon her hard, black hooves were cracking and separating in several places creating segments until they vaguely resembled fingers. She started to feel her hoof-like hands resting on the ground as the keratin slowly melted away and soon she was left with human hands once more. She then focused on changing the rest of her body back, now that she was confident she knew how. Her front legs slowly shortened and lost quite a bit of their muscle mass as they transformed into slender, feminine arms once more. She allowed the transformation to continue as her shoulders compressed and shrunk down; her neck slowly thinning making it difficult to hold her large horse head up but this problem was soon remedied when her head began to shrink in size as well. Her eyes started moving back to their original position as her muzzle was drawn back into her face; her nose and ears changing back into their petite shape in the process. Within a matter of minutes she had a completely human head, topped with her messy, auburn hair and a complete set of human arms. The fur covering her body began to fall away and her thick, protective hide thinned, her soft human skin returning in its place. Her changes continued as her ribcage collapsed, rearranging itself into a feminine structure. Two small nipples then appeared on her now human chest and the skin beneath them began to puff out and swell. As Megan cupped her still growing breasts she gasped with pleasure, rediscovering the immense pleasure that they gave her. As her breasts finally finished their growth, Megan felt an intense pain shoot through her spine as it compressed and shrunk; taking her tail with it. Now that Megan was human from the waist up she noticed that her smaller torso made her massive horse cock look and feel even bigger as it almost went completely past her head in its erect state. Megan's problems took a turn for the worst when she heard a sound in the distance that sounded vaguely like a front door being opened and closed. Megan crawled the best she could to the outside of the barn and looked toward the Donnelly's home, only to see that Mr. Donnelly had left his house and was beginning to walk down the winding dirt path leading to the barn!

"Oh shit." said Megan, having regained her ability to speak. Megan felt like running but was unable to walk on two legs due to her hips still being that of a horse. Just as Megan thought all hope was lost she felt and heard a loud snap emanating from her hips as they began to reshape, allowing her to stand on two feet once more and she wasted no time in breaking out into an all out run for her car.

As Megan ran, her worst fears came true... Her legs began to change back. She was beginning to feel the ground beneath her hooves as they transformed back into her dainty feet. As the change progressed her legs rapidly lost the shape and muscle mass of a stallion, making it increasingly difficult to run. Luckily she made it to her car just seconds after her horse legs shifted back into her human ones. As she got inside her car, she didn't know what to do with the freakishly disproportioned horse-shaft that she still had, it was so large on her that it nearly blocked her view of the road. She found it an incredible feat that she hadn't even touched it the whole time she had been changing which made her wonder why it wasn't gone yet.

"Why won't it go away?!" Megan said as she frantically tried to start her car before she was seen. Finally, her over-sized equipment started to shrink. Slowly but surely her final bestial attributes disappeared. Her massive testicles finished their changes when her scrotum pulled tight against her crotch and split down the middle, sucking her testicles back into her body leaving her with her familiar feminine sex organs. Naked and shivering, Megan drove home as quickly as possible.


After a lot of food and a very long shower Megan found herself sitting on her bed with a mind full of unanswered questions. Her mind was moving at a million miles per second and she decided that she needed to calm down before she could attempt to formulate any kind of logical conclusion of what had happened to her in the last 24 hours. Megan plopped down on her bed and closed her eyes letting her mind focus on her biggest question. What had caused this amazing and frightening experience that had only previously occurred in her wildest dreams? She thought back to what she had done in town earlier that day. What had she done differently? Suddenly Megan's eyes snapped open when she thought back to Holly and the new store... did she have something to do with this? She glanced at the clock and discovered it was noon. Holly's store would surely be open;

"Well I NEED answers and this seems like my best bet," Megan said to herself as she jumped off her bed and grabbed her car keys off the night stand.

****************************************************************************** Megan tried to calm herself before she entered the store as to not cause a scene. She was not angry by any means; all she simply wanted was answers. Megan strode inside the store and was once again greeted by Holly's friendly, smiling face.

"Why hello again!" Holly said cheerily. Instead of returning the greeting, Megan grabbed Holly by the arm only giving her enough time to let out a surprised "Hey...", before Megan practically dragged her into the storage room and locked the door.

After releasing Holly, Megan looked her straight in the eye, "It was you wasn't it?" she asked sternly.

Holly only smirked knowingly and said very sarcastically, "Whatever do you mean?"

"I think you know exactly what I mean..."

"...Well I might know...something," said Holly coyly. She could see the irritation in Megan's face after this comment and decided that she would stop messing with her and fess up. "Okay, yes I know exactly what you mean and yes I had everything to do with what happened to you last night."

Megan's expression changed from irritated to quizzical as she bombarded Holly with questions until Holly finally held her hand up so that she could actually get to answer.

"Wow you certainly are an eager one," said Holly as she prepared to explain herself. "Okay well I suppose I will start with the obvious by saying that, yes, I do possess magical abilities. As to your question about why I did what I did to you, I thought that you needed something special in your life and what better way than make your wildest fantasies come true. You see I am able to analyze the inner workings of a person and discover what they most desire and when you came in I found what you wanted most," She said with a glint in her eye. "Judging by your return, I'm assuming my enchantment on your gum worked?"

Megan blushed deeply as the memories of her intense night came to mind, "Oh yes, it most definitely worked and...I can't thank you enough!" Megan said as she crushed Holly with an enthusiastic hug.

"You're very welcome!" Holly said, returning the hug a bit surprised by her sudden show of affection. "Now before you ask me anymore questions I need to tell you a few things about the magic you ingested. To start with, I guess I should tell you that you now have the power to transform your body in anyway you desire, however, it is going to take some time to fully master this new ability. You will probably find yourself having many idle thoughts regarding transformation and if you can't control them then you better be ready for a change," She paused for a moment, then, "Which brings me to my next topic, once you have begun a transformation it is very difficult to stop it while it is occurring, however, you can alter what your form will look like as it is changing. Now keep in mind that you will not have complete control over a change for quite sometime so be patient. One more thing to keep in mind, once you have changed, you cannot change back for at least 8 hours so plan ahead. Okay I believe that about sums it up, what a mouth full!"

"So I can change into whatever I want whenever I want?! This is literally a dream come true! How can I ever repay you?"

"Oh there's no need for that. This is what I do after all... Well maybe there is one thing. You see since I just moved here I don't exactly have anyone to talk to and I get pretty lonely so maybe we can get together sometime?" said Holly hopefully.

"Well of course we can be friends! I mean it's the least I can do!" Then Megan thought to herself absentmindedly, "And she's pretty cute too..."

"I heard that," Holly said playfully "and I'm flattered," after an awkward moment of silence Holly slid out the room and returned with a sticky note that had some writing on it, "Here's my phone number and house address. Come and visit me any time you like."

Megan blushed deeply and shyly took the sticky note, barely looking at it before saying, "You already know where I live and how to contact me, don't you?"

"Why of course I do! I am a sorceress! I know a lot of things," said Holly before laughing heartily.

They talked a little while longer, then Megan glanced at her phone to see what the time was, it was 5 minutes after 4, and she was more than excited to try out this incredible, new ability so she eagerly said her good-byes. Once Megan was out of the store she examined the little, yellow sticky note Holly had given her and discovered that Holly didn't live very far from her, maybe about a 5 minute walk.

"I will definitely have to pay her a visit," Megan said to herself as she briskly walked to her car.


Once Megan stepped inside her house, she was shaking with un-contained excitement and nervousness. Her mind raced with the possibilities, but first thing's first, she needed some food. Megan walked into her kitchen and opened her refrigerator, taking out some leftovers from the other night, grabbing the milk in the fridge in the process, however, she discovered that it was completely empty.

"Well damn, guess I will need to pick some up at the store..." Megan trailed off as an idea formed in her mind. "Wait, maybe...I can make my own," Before long, Megan was bringing a large mixing bowl down from her cupboard, ready to put her plan into action.

She lifted her shirt up over her breasts and removed her bra, her soft, globes jiggling noticeably as she did. Megan felt the cool air in the kitchen hit her sensitive breasts; causing her nipples to stiffen and stand erect. She then focused on what it would be like if she could produce her own milk. Megan felt a tingling sensation inside her breasts as they noticeably swelled larger and she stared in awe as she saw the veins in her breasts pulse and become more pronounced. Megan's hand went up to feel a swelling breast and was surprised when she could actually feel the veins on her skin as they bulged and pulsed rhythmically; the skin was also even more sensitive than usual. She moaned at the feeling of the flesh growing beneath her palms and was soon kneading and caressing them, enjoying the insane amount pleasure that it was giving her. As she massaged her sensitive breasts, she felt a warm sensation build up inside of them, it felt like they were filling with something. Moving her hand to a puffy nipple she pinched it hoping for something to happen. Nothing happened at first but as the pressure inside her breasts built she was soon rewarded with a thin spray of milk that shot across the room onto the floor, making her moan in pleasure. Her breasts continued to fill with milk, more milk than they could hold making her feel like she was going to burst, so while aiming her nipples at the mixing bowl she began to milk herself.

The experience was unlike anything she had ever felt before. The milking only made her hornier leading her to pull down her pants; impatiently pushing her panties to the side to expose her sopping, wet sex. The pleasure she was receiving from the milking and her vigorous fingering was almost too much for her to handle and before long she felt her orgasm approaching. Megan finally had to let go of her lactating nipple so she could brace herself on the counter as she came with a pleasure-filled scream, leaking a profuse amount of juices onto the floor. Her milk production didn't subside however and soon found herself with both hands on her aching nipples as she squeezed stream after stream into the rapidly filling bowl.

"Ooooh I feel so much like a cow right now," Megan said without thinking which came with some consequences.

Seconds later she felt like someone was tugging on her ears as they stretched and grew until they resembled the floppy ears of a cow. Megan brought her hands to her ears and was a bit worried that they had changed without her telling them too; how far would the transformation go this time? Just then she felt a burning sensation in her already puffy nether-lips and watched as they swelled even more, leaking copious amounts of fluids as they grew. They engorged until she could barely get her fingers inside, her netherlips stretched vertically until they were at least three times her original size, her clit to growing substantially as well. As Megan pleasured her larger sex, it progressively started to take on a leathery texture and appearance that was surprisingly flexible. Megan let out a loud moan when she felt another stretching sensation in the seat of her panties as the thin shape of a cows tail pushed its way out of her spine nearly ripping the soaking lacey underwear before she quickly removed them and her pants completely.

"Don't *pant* want to ruin another pair of these," Megan said to herself as she watched her short tail grow until it was about 2 feet long and began sprouting black fur at the end of it.

Meanwhile Megan's breasts had been ignored for too long and had literally overfilled forcing drop after drop of milk out of her swollen nipples. The pain in her breasts was overwhelming, so Megan began milking herself once more; moaning as her nipples started to elongate making them look more like the teats of a cow. They increased in size until their weight caused them to dangle slightly off her breasts, all the pleasure was causing Megan to become weak in the knees, eventually forcing her to move into a sitting position.

As Megan sat down on the fluid soaked kitchen floor she saw that her bare legs were much thicker and more muscular than usual and were still growing before her eyes. Megan felt a familiar uncomfortable sensation in her feet as they bulged and elongated, her toes crunching painfully together as keratin seeped into every inch of them. When her feet had elongated to an inhuman length, the bones and muscles began to reconstruct, eventually snapping painfully in the opposite direction. Her thighs continued to put on more mass until the skin and muscle stopped thickening, leaving her with the hind legs of a cow. Megan felt an odd churning sensation in her gut as her stomach split into 4 chambers, making her empty stomach growl fiercely with ravenous hunger. Megan didn't even attempt to stand up as she crawled toward the fridge and opened it to find that she had several vegetables including a full head of lettuce in the bottom drawer. With no self control what-so-ever Megan began to eat, not even noticing that a small growth had started to appear on her abdomen. As she devoured the last bite, her hunger sated, she looked down at herself only to find the distended pink growth on her stomach which was now developing four nubs, which Megan quickly discovered were incredibly sensitive. She reached down to touch the expanding sac of flesh and experienced a powerful jolt of pleasure that rippled through her body. As the nubs became more pronounced she recognized them as teats, leading to the conclusion that she was, indeed, growing an udder.

"Ooooo, this thing is incredible!" Megan said, exasperated as she rubbed her expanding udder. Then, just as her breasts had, the udder began filling with warm milk, Megan instinctively reached down to squeeze a sensitive teat, causing a jet of milk to shoot out, splattering onto the refrigerator door.

"MOOOOOOOOOOOO!" bellowed Megan as the pleasure from her new udder caused her engorged pussy to gush an abundant amount of fluids as she came again.

"Did I just... MOOOOOOOOOOO!" Megan tried to question herself but was interrupted by a surge of growth in her new udder as it ballooned out stretching the sensitive skin until it rested heavily on the floor. Her teats elongated and thickened one last time as her udder completed its growth. The empty space in her now head sized udder was promptly filled with more milk, making it bloat painfully. There was simply too much milk for Megan to handle alone and to make matters worse, as she attempted to drain her aching udders, her hands became stiff and clumsy.

Fearing the worst Megan brought her hands to eyes and watched in horror as her fingers fused together, slowly transforming into useless hooves.

"No! please stop! I need those!" Megan whimpered as she squeezed the sides of her groaning udder with her changing hands, "I need to *pant* get *pant* help!" Megan said as she desperately tried to stand to move to the phone, when she suddenly remembered Holly, "Holly! She can help me!" Megan said as she moved toward the door but failed to stand when her hips unexpectedly expanded and snapped, locking her into a four legged stance.

As Megan walked on all fours toward the door, her hooves clicking loudly on the hard floor of the kitchen and hallway, her nose and lips starting to swell; taking on a leathery texture as her face stretched. Under the impression that her entire face and head were going to change into that of a cow, she was pleasantly surprised when her eyes didn't move to the sides of her head and she figured it had stopped somewhere between a cow's and her face. Megan walked past the large mirror in the foyer that was about the length of the wall it was leaning on and momentarily glanced at her reflection. She was a little surprised to find that she was somewhere between that of an animal and young woman. She still had her human breasts although they were now much larger than normal and were topped with 2-inch teats. Not to mention they were swollen with milk. Her body was now that of a dairy cow with the iconic black splotches surrounding soft, white fur. She resembled a cow but she was definitely smaller than one; her legs and body were slightly smaller than that of a normal cow and she had strangely ended up with more muscle than fat with thicker more protective skin. Her udder was most definitely that of a cow; it hung heavily between her legs and had 4, 3-inch teats that were nearly touching the ground as a result of its great size. Her other obvious bovine trait was the drippy, pulsing pussy of a cow that sat right below her anus, giving easy access to anyone or anything that wanted it, except for her, unfortunately. Her face was a combination of hers and that of a cow, it had the lips, nose and ears of a cow but she had retained her human eyes; her muzzle was something of a proto-muzzle that contained rows of blocky teeth and a thicker, longer tongue just like a cow yet she could still recognize herself.

Megan quite liked this form; it brought both the qualities of a cow and a human that she liked; except of course for her front hooves. The thought of being able to pleasure and milk herself brought Megan out of her admiring reverie once she felt the fullness of her breasts and udder increase 2-fold . With that Megan trotted to her door and reared up so that she could brace herself on the door with her front hooves and open it with her teeth; this actually worked quite well thanks to her slab shaped teeth and soon she had the door open, but had no easy way of closing it so she closed it part way with her hoof hoping no one would try to break in.

Luckily for Megan it was night outside and no one was usually out of their houses after dark and so she began her agonizing walk to Holly's house. With each step milk dripped out of Megan's painfully bloated breasts and udder leaving a trail of the white fluid on the sidewalk behind her. Her neglected cow sex was weeping profusely as it ached for attention and Megan didn't know how much longer she could hold out before she completely lost her mind. Fortunately Megan saw Holly's house getting closer and she sped up as much as possible, hoping and praying that Holly was home. Megan reached Holly's house and immediately began to knock on the door with a hoof, unable to summon the strength to get herself to the doorbell.

Holly was inside her kitchen cleaning some dishes when she heard a loud banging on her front door, "Just a minute!" she called as she dried her hands and made her way to the door.

Holly looked through the peep hole only to discover that there was no one standing there and thought someone was playing tricks on her but she heard the knocking again so she quickly opened up the door.

"Oh thank god!" she heard a familiar voice say and she looked down only to discover an odd human-animal hybrid at her feet, startling her, but as she looked into its eyes she quickly realized who it was.

"Megan?!" exclaimed Holly.

A flood of emotions suddenly washed through Megan as tears filled her eyes and she became an emotional wreck, "Please *sob* help me."

That was when Holly saw the poor girl's problem and quickly shuffled her inside.

"Oh, you poor thing." said Holly as she bent down to pick up Megan, using her magic to summon the strength to cradle Megan's larger body in her arms.

Megan sobbed into her chest as Holly carried her to a room that she assumed was Holly's bedroom. Holly reached her room and carefully laid Megan down on her back on the bed and tried to comfort her as she gently massaged Megan's swollen udder and breasts causing quite a bit of milk to leak out even from the lightest touch. Holly realized that she was going to need some help draining all of this milk, so using her nifty ability to summon objects out of thin air, she summoned a milking machine of her own design. It had 4 long suction tubes that were attached to a small, quiet machine that dispensed the milk into several large cylinders. Megan looked up to see why Holly had stopped her wonderful kneading when she saw Holly attach four tube like devices to each of the teats on her udder and flip a switch on a small machine. "MOOOOOOOOOOO!" Megan bellowed in pure bliss as the machine began to simultaneously pump each teat, coaxing large amounts of milk out of her overfull udder.

Megan blushed with deep embarrassment at having made that very animal sound in front of Holly; Holly apparently noticed her red face and soothingly said, "No need to be embarrassed, I bet it feels amazing doesn't it?"

Megan let her tongue loll out her mouth like a panting dog as she nodded at Holly.

"I know that isn't the only thing in need of relief," Holly said coyly as she sauntered over to the bed and climbed on top of Megan.

She could do nothing but lay there and watch as Holly dropped her face to one of Megan's engorged breasts. She looked up with a mischievous smile then began kissing the soft, sensitive skin of Megan's breast, fondling the teat on her other breast at the same time. Then Holly opened her mouth, took one of Megan's supersensitive teats into it and began to suckle. Holly was soon rewarded with a mouthful of the best milk she had ever tasted, it was rich, creamy, and sweet all at the same time and she drank mouthful after mouthful until she had completely emptied Megan's breast. She didn't stop there, however, as she began assaulting Megan's other breast ravenously, causing Megan to let out another loud pleasure-filled, "MOOOOOOOO!"

Finally Megan was beginning to feel relief as both her udder and breasts were nearly drained.Holly licked her lips after she had finished with Megan's other milk-filled mammary. She lifted her head and they both gave each other a satisfied smile. Before either of them knew what was happening, they embraced and locked lips in a passionate kiss, their tongues entwining and exploring. After what seemed like an eternity they pulled away from their steamy kiss.

"I didn't know...you... I mean..." Megan babbled, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment as she failed to form a logical sentence.

Holly only smiled, "You mean you didn't know that I liked women? Well you know now, don't you?"

Megan was nervous, but, she decided to be the one to take the initiative, so she sat up the best she could with her quadruped body and brought her hooves to the hem of Holly's shirt to remove it, completely forgetting that she didn't even have hands.

"Umm shit..." said Megan as she found her hooves resting uselessly and awkwardly on Holly's clothed breasts.

"Oh! Here," said Holly proudly as she snapped her fingers, Megan gained the feeling back in her hooves as 3 black finger-like appendages replaced her useless hooves. Megan fought every urge to touch her aching pussy for the first time in hours as she began removing Holly's shirt. She had to repay her somehow. Holly's shirt was on the floor in seconds and soon after so were her pants. Megan stopped momentarily to take in the sight of Holly's lithe yet supple body which was driving her crazy; in no time at all her hands were exploring every inch of Holly's beautiful, full breasts; kneading them, occasionally teasing her erect nipples making Holly moan breathily. Holly, then put her unspoken idea into action as Megan teased a nipple with her tongue.

Much to Megan's surprise, she felt Holly's nipple swell and elongate in her mouth as she sucked. Pulling her head away she looked down to see that not only were Holly's nipples growing but so were her breasts, the sight turned her on more than ever. Megan put Holly's new teat back inside her mouth and began to suck once more; Holly let out a loud whorish moan as a torrent of milk shot from both of her now lactating tits, filling Megan's mouth with a load of the creamy liquid. Holly embraced Megan tightly, her still expanding tits squishing delightfully against Megan's. She brought Megan's lips to hers as they swelled; becoming thicker and leathery; her nose swelling and changing textures and colors. As they pulled away, Megan saw that Holly had changed her face into a cute, half-muzzle just like hers and watched as her ears stretched and grew into the floppy ears of a cow. The sight of Holly's transforming body turned Megan on more than she ever thought possible. Megan let her 3-fingered hand creep down Holly's stomach until she reached her warm, plush lips. She slid her fingers inside of Holly's moist panties and traced her quivering lips sensually, coaxing a satisfied moan from Holly. As Megan rubbed, Holly's already engorged lips swelled even more, vertically lengthening as they did. The pleasure brought tears to Holly's eyes and she could feel her orgasm approaching rapidly as Megan slipped her fingers one by one into her enflamed sex. Abruptly, Megan stopped her ministrations as she got onto all fours, presenting her own pulsing cow sex to Holly, and turned her head back toward Holly, who got the hint surprisingly fast and was soon under Megan, positioning her crotch at Megan's face and her head underneath Megan's weeping sex. Before long they were both assaulting each other's steamy gashes with their, long bovine tongues; both of them mooing loudly in unrestrained passion. Holly's changes progressed as Megan invaded her; her toes fused as her feet stretched; the muscles in her legs surged with growth as they finished transforming. As Megan lapped at Holly, she felt something warm touch her face as Holly developed an udder of her own that was quickly filling with milk. Holly mooed loudly when, with a soft pop, 4 small nubs appeared on her udder, promptly growing into long teats that dripped warm milk onto her flesh.

Before long both women were panting and mooing loudly into each other as they felt their impending orgasms come closer. Then with a final bovine bellow from both cow women, they each released a torrent of milk and cum coating them and the bed thoroughly. After what seemed like hours, Megan and Holly finally drained their milk-filled mammaries and slowly came down from their massive orgasms. Megan collapsed onto Holly; exhausted and soaked in the mingling fluids from both her and Holly.

"That *pant* was *pant* amazing..." Megan said dreamily, somehow summoning the strength to speak and crawl off of Holly. Holly could only respond by turning her face to Megan's and after giving her a satisfied smile, she planted a wet kiss on Megan's lips. They cuddled lovingly against each other and before long they were both fast asleep.

*********************8 hours later**************************************

Megan was still laying in Holly's bed when she awoke and looked around sleepily. Megan quickly sat up in bed when she reached over and found that Holly was nowhere to be found. There were several other things that confused Megan as she looked around the room. Instead of seeing a bedroom covered in bodily fluid, the room looked absolutely spotless which must have been Holly's doing. When Megan looked down at her hands she discovered that she had her human hands back, curious, Megan threw off the covers only to find that she had completely changed back over night.

"Well almost all the way back." she said when she saw 2 wet spots on her shirt and proceeded to pinch a leaking nipple causing a thin spray of milk to dampen her moist shirt even further making her gasp.

"If it feels this good all the time I think I can live with it," Megan said happily as she swung her legs over the bed and stepped onto the cold, hardwood floor. "Holly?" Megan said as she walked down the short hall that led to the kitchen and living room.

"In here!" she heard from the kitchen, recognizing it as Holly's cheery voice. When she crossed the thresh hold of the kitchen, the smell of frying eggs filled her nose and she saw that Holly was at the stove dressed in only a pair of panties and a night-shirt. "Good morning! Hungry?" Holly sang as she turned from the stove and put a generous amount of eggs on two plates that were placed on the table.

"I'm starving!" Said Megan as she moved toward the table.

"Milk?" Holly asked Megan with a humorous tone once she had sat down.

"Hahaha! Yes, actually I would like some," Said Megan, laughing at the ridiculousness of the joke behind her question. Holly filled the two glasses on the table with milk and sat down.

Once they had commenced eating, Holly stated, "By the way, I was the one who changed you back when I got up this morning. I know it can be difficult to change either way at first."

"Oh, well thank you, I more than know how difficult and stressful it can be." Megan said, the memory of her experience at the Donnelly's farm coming to mind. "I also noticed the small addition you left me with," Megan said as she pointed to the wet spots on her shirt.

"Well what can I say? I mean it does feel amazing doesn't it?" Said Holly bringing attention to her own shirt just as Megan took a sip of the milk Holly had poured for her which tasted oddly familiar.

"Holly? Is this what I think it is?"

Holly shot Megan a coy look as she said, "Maybe..."

"Haha, well I'm not complaining." Said Megan as she drank the rest of it greedily. They talked for a while after breakfast until Holly finally told Megan that she needed to go up and open the store. They said their goodbyes, giving each other a hug and one last kiss, before Megan started her walk home with high spirits.

Once Megan was home, she remembered the mess she had made in the kitchen last night and went to work on cleaning it up. She was just finishing when she heard a knock on her door which was odd because she almost never had visitors. She walked to the door and without looking through the peep-hole to see who it was, she opened the door only to be shocked when saw a familiar face staring back at her. It was Eva.